WestNews April 2015_email

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Vol. 24 No. 2
April 2015
Royal School of Church Music, WA Branch
Diary Dates
April 22nd - 24th
Andrew Reid Director of RSCM
UK Visits Perth
April 22nd Wed. 7.30pm
Andrew Reid talks about
St George’s Cathedral
April 23rd Thursday 7pm
Andrew Reid Choir Practice
St Patrick’s Bascilica
May 3rd Sunday 2.30pm
Rehearsal for Hymnfest
St Michael’s and All Angels
Anglican Church
North Beach
May 16th Saturday 3pm
Rehearsal for Hymnfest
Willetton Uniting Church
May 24th Sunday 5pm
St George’s Cathedral
June 14th Sunday 2pm
Variety Fund Raising Concert
For Choristers’ Camp
St Michael’s Anglican Church
Mt Pleasant
July 7th - 12th
Choristers’ Camp, Morawa WA
July 18th and 26th
Rehearsals for Choral Festival,
Times and Venues TBA
August 2nd Sunday 5pm
Annual Choral Festival
St George’s Cathedral
Gordon Appleton will direct
Summer School 2016
Director: Katherine DienesWilliams
11th - 17th January, Canberra,
Australian Capital Territory
From the Chairman
I trust that all are recovered from the Easter season. It is a rewarding
time for all of us and usually involves a number of extra services to
mark the most important time of the Christian year.
The movement from dark to light is a constant theme of our Christian
faith. I hope that all our membership has been able to experience
resurrection in some form over this time.
Our Branch is presently occupied with the forthcoming visit of
Andrew Reid, the Director of RSCM UK. Andrew was the Director of
the January RSCM Australia Summer School in Brisbane and he
managed things superbly. I look forward to seeing a good number of
you at Burt Hall, St George’s Cathedral on the evening of Wednesday
22nd April and/or Clancy’s restaurant and St Patrick’s Basilica on
Thursday 23rd April. A number of invitations have been sent to nonmembers of RSCM to meet Andrew on the Wednesday evening. We
will also gain much from hearing him talk about the vision of RSCM
and the resources which are available to support those involved in
church music.
Andrew will also visit John Septimus Roe Anglican Community School
and St Mary’s Cathedral on Thursday to work with their choirs. He
will certainly have a full programme.
Not long after that is the Hymn Festival at St George’s Cathedral to
celebrate Isaac Watts and as the Wesley brothers. Again, details are in
this WestNews.
We thank Hugo Lindsay, who responded to the plea for someone to
take on the duties of Branch Secretary. As I remarked at the Annual
General Meeting, it is a matter of concern that we could not vote on a
nomination at that occasion. This is an opportunity to reach out
beyond our existing membership. That idea of reaching out is a vital
one to keep at the front of our attention; it is clear that the future
continuation of our Branch depends on renewal.
I can also report that the committee overseeing preparations for this
year’s Choir Camp in Morawa in July is working well. It does remain a
concern that for most of the participants, RSCM is something with
which they are in contact with during July, but not at any other time of
the year. We continue to look for ways of helping those people,
especially the older tutors, understand that RSCM has much more to
offer them.
It is certainly an active year. A second
visitor from the UK, Gordon Appleton,
will direct both the Choir Camp in
July and our Annual Festival at the
start of August.
John Beaverstock
SS16 11th - 18th January 2016 Canberra, Australian Capital Territory
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RSCM WA State Branch Officers
for Year 2013 / 2014
WestNews Editors
Mr John Beaverstock
Mr Hugo Lindsay
Mrs Sheila Byfield
Ms Carol Crass &
Mr Brad Wake
Mr Lucas Phillips
0437 022746
9447 0824
ph 0419906184
fax 9364 4362
Choristers’ Camp
Committee Members Mrs Moya Sherlock, Mrs Gill Burbidge, Ms Jacinta Jakovcevic, Mrs Deirdre Russell and
Mrs Ruth Styles
WestNews Information
Please send material for publication direct to the Editors:
Email westnews@amnet.net.au Fax 9364 4362
Post Unit 3, 8 Belmont Avenue, Belmont WA 6104
DISCLAIMER Opinions expressed in WESTNEWS do not necessarily reflect those of the Editors.
Occasionally there might be deliberate errors in the text desired by those submitting.
The sources of any imported material contained in WestNews are acknowledged wherever
this is possible. Apologies are offered to sources of material that for one reason or another
may not have been properly acknowledged.
The RSCM Library is currently in storage. While it is in storage it will be fully catalogued so
that it will be more useful to our members. If anyone becomes aware of a more permanent
home for the library, please be in contact with any of the Officers listed above. Urgent requests
for items from the library should be directed to Hugo Lindsay on 0437 022 746 or email
admlindsay@primus.com.au. Because the items are in multiple boxes, it may be very difficult
to locate items quickly, so please give us as much advance notice as you can and be patient.
The website of RSCM Australia is www.rscmaustralia.org.au This website includes WA
branch events, as well as details of the interstate branches. Please send details of items for
inclusion on the website to the WestNews editors at rscm_wa@bigpond.com
FACEBOOK The RSCM Australia Facebook page is www.facebook.com/RSCMAustralia
Deadline for the next issue is Friday 12th June 2015
Hi Everyone,
You will find the new committee structure and contact details at the top of this page. Please update your address books to reflect the new WestNews Editors email, rscm_wa@bigpond.com
the old one will only be working for a few more months so please start using the new address
now. We look forward to receiving mail and photos related to Andrew’s visit from our members
for the next issue. Normally, we publish the key AGM reports in this issue, however none have been received
as of the publication date.
We look forward to seeing many of you this week at the various events Andrew Reid will be attending.
Gloria Lynge celebrates her 90th birthday in style. (Pictures will appear in the next issue)
Your editors were delighted to attend the 90th birthday celebrations of Gloria Lygne, held during morning
tea at St Edmund’s Church, Wembley on the 19th of April. Gloria is a long time supporter and past committee
member of the WA Branch. Her daughter Julie and grandson had organised the hall to be decked out in a pink,
purple and white colour scheme. “Princess Gloria” was seated in a special chair on stage for the formal proceedings . The cake was a marvel representing important aspects of her life including a life-sized replica of
“Cocky” the pink and grey gallah who first lived with Gloria in her childhood in Kalgoorlie. Sometime we
must have Gloria relate that tale for WestNews. A singalong started things off which included some of her favorite requests, Oh, what a beautiful morning; All things bright and beautiful; A Bicycle built for two and
Amazing Grace. Gloria delighted in the whole hall joining in the singing. Speeches followed and included a
special email message from the new Dean of Perth, The Very Reverend Richard Pengelley, who commented
on Gloria’s amazing zest for life and her musical enthusiasm, which allowed her to continue to to ascend to
organ galleries and choir lofts and play for all manner of services almost every day of the week. In the last
week she has been acknowledged with life membership in the Mother’s Union for a lifetime of service to that
community. We can all only dream, I am afraid, of being so musically active at 90! Congratulations Gloria
from the WA RSCM Branch Committee.
Carol and Brad
SS16 11th - 18th January 2016 Canberra, Australian Capital Territory
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Andrew Reid Director of RSCM
Visits Perth
Variety Fund Raising
Concert for Choristers’ Camp
The branch is delighted to confirm that we will have
Andrew Reid, our current RSCM UK Director visiting
the branch this week.
The committee encourages as many of you as possible to come and meet Andrew. You might want to
review the press release sent out by the RSCM at the
time of his appointment in July 2012. http://
Members have received invitations either by mail or
email to Andrew’s presentation in Burt Hall at St
George’s Cathedral on Wednesday 22nd April and
his Fremantle visit at an optional pre-practice meal
and Choir Practice on Thursday 23rd April. If you
have not already done so please RSVP to John Beaverstock wa.chair@rscmaustralia.org.au ASAP. If you
did not receive an
invitation please contact John immediately for the full details.
Don’t miss this wonderful opportunity to
personally meet Andrew!
We have it on good
authority that Andrew is a joy to listen
to and work with. Ed.
Come join us for a relaxed afternoon of music and
fellowship and help us raise much needed funds for
the 2015 Choristers’ Camp. The funds raised go towards the costs of hosting camp and providing
much needed bursary help for those kids in need
who come to camp. St Michael’s is a wonderful venue and the afternoon tea is always exceptional. Mark
your diaries, plan to come and bring your friends!
Venue St Michael’s Anglican Church, Mt Pleasant
25 Gunbower Road
Date Sunday 14th June
Time 2pm
Cost $10 Adults, $5 Children/Concession
Afternoon Tea is included in the admission price
and will be served in the church hall at the conclusion of the concert.
The 2015 Choristers’ Camp will be held during the
July school holidays at the Morawa Agricultural College run by Curtin University (7– 12th July).
Where is Morawa you ask?
Morawa is: South of Geraldton
East of Dongara (On coast, has crayfish)
West of Kalgoorlie
North of Perth
Guess who was born there? The WA coordinator for
“Voice for Life”—Ruth Styles.
Andrew Reid.
Photo curtesy of
the RSCM
Sunday 24th May
Following the same format as 2014, St George’s Cathedral will once again be hosting a Hymnfest in
2015. This year we will be celebrating Charles Wesley and Isaac Watts. We are sure to have some of
your favourite hymns included so be sure to come
and sing heartily!
Rev Don Dowling will be the preacher.
Sunday 24th May
St George’s Anglican Cathedral
4.15pm Hymn Singing
5.00pm Evensong
There will be 2 practices before the event.
Sunday 3rd May 2.30pm
St Michael & All Angels Anglican Church
Corner of George & James Street , North Beach
Saturday 16th May 3pm
Willetton Uniting Church
Herald Avenue, Willetton
Music will be available at the rehearsals. A $2 donation towards the copying would be appreciated.
RSVP to rscm_wa@bigpond.com to reserve music.
Choristers’ Camp 2015
Choristers’ Camp will be held during the July school
holidays at the Morawa Agricultural College run by
Curtin University (7– 12th July). This is the first time
Camp has been held in Morawa and everyone is looking forward to a new venue.
The branch is very excited that Gordon Appleton has
accepted our invitation to be the Music Director this
year. Lucas Phillips is our new Camp Administrator.
The camp kids are in for a real treat! It should be an
exceptional year for camp so please start encouraging kids who you have contact with, and who enjoy
singing, to consider joining us at camp this year.
2015 Camp Fees
Residential fees include all meals, activities, accommodation and music. Family Residential fees apply
when two or more children from the same family
attend the camp. Bus Surcharge fee of $50 per person will apply.
Payment received before 31st May qualifies for a discount. Applications close on 30th June .
Before 31st May
June 1st – June 30th
$400 + bus
$440 + bus
$350 + bus
$400 + bus
Contact Lucas Phillips laphillips@iinet.net.au for
Registration Forms and Day Participant Fees.
Limited bursaries are available. Contact Lucas for the
details, forms and deadlines.
SS16 11th - 18th January 2016 Canberra, Australian Capital Territory
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Annual Choral Festival
Sunday 2nd August
Our Annual Choral Festival will be held at St
George’s Cathedral, in the city, and will be directed
by Gordon Appleton. We will sing Evensong at 5pm
on Sunday 2nd August. For many of you it will seem
like old times to have Gordon back in the cathedral.
There will be the usual 2 rehearsals before and an
earlier arrival time for singers on the day.
Anticipated rehearsal dates are Saturday 18th
July and Sunday 26th July.
Pinjarra Trip
There were choices of a stroll by the river, visiting
the Quilters in the old School House, enjoying a cuppa in the Tea Rooms or simply chilling out in the
church hall. It was a great day of fellowship, catching
up with old, and meeting, new friends.
Our friendly bus driver, Greg, dropped us back at
Mandurah station. On this trip rain started to fall for
which all of the gardeners amongst us were very
grateful. Its timing also meant we were grateful it
held off until we were on the bus!
Thank you to the organisers for a lovely day out.
Bruce and Robin Robinson, St Michael’s Mt Pleasant.
Sheila will once again be coordinating our yearly
Hymnfest in October. The date and venue will be
confirmed later in the year.
Gil Burbidge and Ruth Styles will be selecting the
music and theme for our November Venite. The date
and venue will be confirmed later in the year.
Pinjarra Trip
RSCM WA Branch had an enjoyable day out on 14th
March. About twenty Perth participants caught the
train to Mandurah where we joined a bus to take us
to the historic town of Pinjarra.
Rev Julie Baker of St John’s Anglican parish welcomed us and gave us a short history lesson of the
town. First settled in 1836, there was tension between the new settlers and the local indigenous people, which actually ended in a massacre. However, the town developed to
become the centre of administration
for the shire and people protected the
early buildings which gives Pinjarra its
historic feel today.
Lunch was provided with country hospitality and thoroughly enjoyed by all.
A big thank you to the members of St
John’s for their warm hospitality. This
was followed by a service of Praise and
Thanksgiving with plenty of joyous
singing accompanied by John Beaverstock on the organ. The beautiful
stained glass windows offered reflections of lives past and the natural environment in which these people lived/
live. Julie asked us to consider the link
between gifts and God’s grace.
Deirdre Russell
enjoys some relaxation by the river
with Margaret and
John Broad
View of the historic church from the riverside walk.
Group photo outside the historic church.
SS16 11th - 18th January 2016 Canberra, Australian Capital Territory
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St George’s Cathedral
Concerts at One and Concert Series 2015
The Cathedral's Concerts at One are an increasingly
The Lord of the Rings: The Return
popular series on the Perth events calendar – ideally
of the King
timed to suit shoppers, city workers, seniors, school
groups and tourists on a day trip to Perth, and provide an opportunity for talented students to perform
in a unique environment to an appreciative audience.
Featuring music students from Western Australian
high schools, the WA Academy of Performing Arts,
and the University of WA, along with guest artists
from the Yoon Sen Lee Music School, and the Choir of
Trinity College (Melbourne).
All concerts are at 1.00pm, concluding at around
1.45pm. There is no need to book ahead.
Entry is free, with a retiring collection taken.
Wednesday 6 May - Penrhos College
Wednesday 20 May - Pianists from Yoon Sen Lee Music School
Wednesday 17 June - Christ Church Grammar School
Wednesday 1 July - John XXIII College
Wednesday 15 July - Choir of Trinity College
Wednesday 29 July - Perth Modern School
Wednesday 5 August - Pianists from Yoon Sen Lee
Music School
Sir Francis Burt Memorial Concert
Tuesday, May 12, 2015 7:30 pm - 9:15 pm
Andrew Nicholson, Principal Flute, WASO
Joseph Nolan, Organist, St George’s Cathedral, Perth
Cathedral Organist Joseph Nolan will be joined by
Andrew Nicholson, WASO Principal Flute, for the second instalment of the 2015 Concert Series. The programme showcases some of the finest and best-loved
compositions for these instruments, ranging in style
from Baroque to Modern. Joseph and Andrew will be
presenting works by C.P.E. Bach, Chaminade, Part,
Faure, and Widor. In addition, Joseph will perform
majestic, solo-organ repertoire of Widor and J.S.
Bach, which will show off the West Organ to great
St George’s Cathedral
38 St George’s Tce, Perth
Further information: info@perthcathedral.org or
9325 5766
Tickets available from Ticketmaster in person from
Ticketmaster outlets, or by phone on 136 100.
Friday and Saturday 12th
and 13th June 2015
St George's Cathedral Choristers perform with the WA
Symphony Orchestra.
Don’t miss the final movie of
the trilogy! Experience the
complete score performed
live by over 200 musicians.
Over 4,000 people were
spellbound by each of the
first two parts of the trilogy.
In 2015, the West Australian Symphony Orchestra presents the third and final
instalment of The Lord of the Rings trilogy - by popular demand!
Winner of 11 Academy Awards, including Best Picture and Best Score, The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King is one of the great films of this century. Howard Shore’s Academy Award®-winning score
will be performed live to the epic motion picture by
WASO, WASO Chorus and soloists.
“A thrilling, emotionally satisfying treat …one WASO’s
sold-out audiences will long remember.” The West
Australian, June 2013. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
Time: 7.30pm. The duration of this performance is 3
hours and 45 minutes, including a 25 minute interval.
Venue: Perth Convention & Exhibition Centre.
Tickets through Ticketek. Call 1300 795 012 or visit ticketek.com.au
Brahms' Requiem
Friday 14th August 2015 at 7.30 pm
Brahms' sublime Requiem, and the beautiful Alto
Rhapsody for Mezzo and Male Chorus, performed by
the St George's Cathedral Consort and
Choir, together with
an array of talented
soloists, and directed
by Joseph Nolan. Featuring Sara Macliver,
Fiona Campbell, and
Andrew Foote, with
pianists Mark Coughlan and Caroline Badnall.
St George’s Cathedral is proud to be a partner of
the City of Perth Winter Arts Season.
St George’s Cathedral
38 St George’s Tce, Perth
Further information: info@perthcathedral.org or
9325 5766
SS16 11th - 18th January 2016 Canberra, Australian Capital Territory
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St Mary’s Cathedral
2015 Concert Series
The dates for the 2015 Concert series have been set
however the details for each concert are not available for this issue. Mark your diaries and watch for
details of the concerts in future issues of WestNews.
Sunday 24th May
Concert 1 Mater Ecclesiae Candlelight Concert
Start time:
$25/$20 concession
Sun 9th August
Concert 2 A Pageant of Hymns
Start time:
$35/$28 concession
Tues 27th Oct
Concert 3 Music for Winds, Brass and Voice
A concert for the serious music lover, see the combined voices of the UWA Symphonic Chorus, UWA
Vocal Consort and St Mary’s Cathedral Choir alongside the UWA Wind Orchestra exploring music from
the Renaissance to the present day.
Start time:
$25/$20 concession
Further information:
St Mary’s Cathedral
Victoria Square, Perth
St George’s Cathedral
Concert Series 2015
Handel’s Judas Maccabæus
Friday, 11th December 2015 7.30pm
Judas Maccabæus is an oratorio in three acts composed in 1746 by George Frideric Handel, based on a
libretto written by Thomas Morell. The oratorio was
devised as a compliment to the victorious Prince William Augustus, Duke of Cumberland upon his return
from the Battle of Culloden (16 April 1746). The first
performance took place on 1 April 1747 at Covent
Garden, and Judas Maccabæus became one of Handel's most popular oratorios.
Conductor Joseph Nolan and the St George's Cathedral Consort will be joined by The Musicians' Table
led by Paul Wright, and highly-acclaimed soloists
Sara Macliver, Fiona Campbell, Richard Butler, and
Andrew Foote to present this masterpiece of the Baroque choral repertoire.
A pre-concert talk will be given at 6.45pm by Dr Bill
Leadbetter, Cathedral Scholar (free to ticket holders).
St George’s Cathedral
38 St George’s Tce, Perth
Further information: info@perthcathedral.org or
9325 5766
St Mary’s Cathedral
Special Events
Thursday 13th August 7.30pm
WAAPA Concert — Gloria
Music Director: Kristin Bowtell
Performed by: Classical Vocal and Instrumental
students with Stewart Smith
Join us as we continue our hugely successful tradition
of presenting great works from the choral repertoire
in the beautiful surroundings of St Mary’s Cathedral.
In this program of French masterpieces we feature
WAAPA’s youthful and vibrant voices supported by
the cathedral’s magnificent organ and WAAPA’s wind,
brass and percussion students.
The Messe Solenelle of Jean Langlais, one of the masterpieces of the French liturgical repertoire, has its
roots in plainsong while its demanding dramatic requirements are met by bold and powerful organ writing.
Francis Poulenc’s Gloria is one of his most celebrated
works, grand in scope, reaching back to the past while
at the same time offering the listener a joyous kaleidoscope of styles that raise us to awesome and thrilling heights.
$25 - Full
$20 - Concession/Friends
Bookings open
21st Jul - Friends
28th Jul - Public
Box Office phone (08) 9370
6636 Box Office hours
9.30am to 3.30pm Monday
to Friday. Closed between
12.30 and 1pm.
Sunday 13th September
Ave Maria recital
Start time:
St Mary’s Cathedral
Community Singing
A relaxing fun-filled afternoon of singing and socialising – something for everyone (experienced singers and non-singers alike). The afternoon will include music for Advent and Christmas.
Usually includes Miss Maud afternoon tea.
Tickets $15 Adult, $10 concession
Registration: music.cathedral@perthcatholic.org.au
or the Cathedral Piety Stall.
Sunday 29th November 2pm
St Mary's Cathedral, Victoria Square, Perth
SS16 11th - 18th January 2016 Canberra, Australian Capital Territory
Page 7
Pipe Organ Plus
Concert Season 2015
The Winthrop Singers
2015 Pipe Organ Plus Series, now in its 15th year. The Winthrop Singers perform a service of Evensong
every Thursday at 6.00pm in St George’s College
Chapel, as well as concerts at UWA and further afield.
Sunday 17 May 2.30pm - 4.30pm
ANZAC Commemoration Service
Basilica of St Patrick Cnr Parry and Adelaide Streets Herbert Howells Requiem
Readings of war poetry by members of Well-Versed
Perth Undergraduate Choral Society
Thursday 24 April 2015 - 6.00pm
Sarah Mills Menogue - conductor
St George’s College Hall
Eva-Marie Middleton - soprano
Accompanied by Graeme Gilling enjoy the World
Dominic Perissinotto - pipe organ
Premiere of Pro Patria Mori, a new cantata written
Franz Joseph Haydn – Missa Brevis Sancti Joannis de Deo “Little
by Queensland composer Philip Gearing.
Organ Mass” Hob XXII:7 for choir and organ
Peter Philips - Ascendit Deus for choir
Tomas Luis de Victoria – Ascendens Christus in altum for choir
Gerald Finzi - God is Gone Up Op 27 No 2 for choir and organ
Olivier Messiaen -L’Ascension (4 Méditations) for organ
Johann Sebastian Bach - Prelude & Fugue in C BWV 547 for organ
Matthias Weckmann - Nun freut euch, lieben Christen g'emein for
Tickets: http://www.trybooking.com/110353
Dawn Chorus
The Winthrop Singers are joined by instrumentalists
from the School of Music in serenading the sunrise
from the Winthrop Hall Tower.
Tuesday 1 September 2015 - 6.00am
Winthrop Hall Tower
Entry is free, no bookings required.
UWA School of Music
Voice 2015
Under the leadership of Helpman award winner Andrew Foote, the UWA Voice program aims to celebrate our emerging young artists and their mentors
in a series of vocal performances, workshops and
masterclasses throughout 2015.
Free UWA Voice Lunchtime Concerts
Wesley Uniting Church
Concert Season 2015
Be transported from the everyday every Thursday in
our free lunchtime concert series.
Thursdays 1.10pm
23 April - UWA Voice Students
14 May - Vocal Consort
6 August - Arias and Duets (Sarah Brittenden and
Toni Johnson)
3 September - Andrew Foote (baritone)
17 September - UWA Voice Students
Venue Callaway Music Auditorium
Entry is free, no bookings required.
I am excited to let you all know that our Wesley
lunchtime recitals have begun and will continue
throughout the year on the 1st & 3rd Fridays of each
month. We have a wonderful line up of young musicians sharing their talent on the Wesley platform. On
Friday 1st of May we have flautist Jennifer Currenti
with Caroline Badnall at the piano.
Angela Currie Director of Music
Fridays@Five showcases the UWA voice students.
From the Vocal Consort, solo song in recitals, public
workshops, mixed instrumental and voice ensembles, or public Masterclasses with Q&A, Fridays@Five are an ideal way to start your weekend.
Selected Fridays 5.00pm - 6.15pm
8 May
29 May
31 July
21 August — Held at St George’s College Chapel
4 September
18 September
9 October
Venue Callaway Music Auditorium
Entry is free, no bookings required.
SS16 11th - 18th January 2016 Canberra, Australian Capital Territory
Page 8
2015 Fremantle Eisteddfod
The Fremantle Eisteddfod will be held from
Wednesday 13th May to Saturday 23rd May, 2015.
Venues, Fremantle Town Hall, and St. John’s,
Winners’ Concert: Saturday 23rd May - time TBC
John Septimus Roe Anglican
Community School
St Paul’s Chapel Choir
The St Paul's Chapel Choir comprises students from
the Chorister Scholarship Programme, students who
have graduated from the programme and any students from years 6 to 12 who audition for a position.
The choir sings Evensong at 5pm every Tuesday in
term time in the Chapel of St Paul on the Mirrabooka
campus. It is a public service and all are warmly welcome.
St Paul’s Chapel, cnr Mirrabooka & Boyare Ave,
Mirrabooka - Parking available on school grounds.
The Choir also regularly visits churches to contribute
to the worship. Upcoming Parish visits are:
St Patrick’s Basilica, Fremantle
Sunday 24th May 11am
St Nicolas Anglican Church
Sunday 28th June 9.30am
Church of Resurrection
Swanbourne/Mt Claremont
Sunday 26th July 5pm
ANZAC Commemorative Concert
Thursday 23rd April 7.30pm
Perth Concert Hall
WASO honours the
100th anniversary of the Gallipoli
landings with this special commemorative concert.
To mark the 100th anniversary
of the Gallipoli landings, WASO in
partnership with the Army Museum of Western Australian and
The Returned & Services League
presents a moving and reflective concert honouring
those who served their country and paid the ultimate
Join WASO, the WASO Chorus and special guest artists for an evening filled with beautiful and poignant
music including Vaughan Williams' The Lark Ascending and Albinoni’s Adagio.
Learn more about the ANZAC story with historical
displays in the foyers of the Perth Concert Hall and
help commemorate the most momentous event in
our nation's history.
Holst The Planets: Mars
Eric Bogle arr. Steve Newcombe And The Band
Played Waltzing Matilda
John Williams Hymn to the Fallen from Saving Private
Vaughan Williams The Lark Ascending
Arr. Sean O’Boyle Amazing Grace
The Australian Army Band Perth, Big Band Featuring
sounds of the Big Band swing era, including Glenn
Miller favourites.
Albinoni Adagio
Elgar Enigma Variations: Nimrod
Purcell Dido and Aeneas: When I am laid in Earth
arr. Sean O’Boyle Abide With Me
Sibelius arr. Stephen Button Evening Hymn
(Finlandia) & Last Post
Christopher Dragon conductor
Sara Macliver soprano
Shaun Lee-Chen violin
Donna Simpson (The
Waifs) vocalist
The Australian
Army Band
Perth, Big Band
WASO Chorus
Tickets are $25 — $75
SS16 11th - 18th January 2016 Canberra, Australian Capital Territory