May, 2015 - Calvary Presbyterian Church

The Connection - May, 2015
70 Years of Serving the Community
Calvary Presbyterian Church
701 South Maryland Ave.
Wilmington, DE. 19804
(302) 994-4044
Fax - 444-2711
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Calvary will host a Choral Workshop for
the Presbytery churches and CAP, all are
welcome. It will be led by Gordon Appleton.
$10.00 registration.
Connect with us on Facebook !
Not on Facebook yet? Stop by the office and John will gladly help you get set up.
May, 2015
June, 2015
Holy Communion
Sunday, May 3, 10:30 am
Holy Communion
Sunday, June 7, 10:30 am
Andrew’s Place
Saturday, May 9, 4:45 pm
Tuesday, June 12, 7pm
Tuesday, May 12, 7pm
Andrew’s Place
Saturday, June 13, 4:45 pm
Connection Deadline
Friday, May 15
Connection Deadline
Friday, June 15
Annual Congregational Meeting
Sunday, May 24
Presbyterian Women Picnic
Pastor Neta’s house
Monday , June 29 , 10:30 am
Tuesday, May 26, 7 pm
May 16 Music Workshop with
Gordon Appleton
10am - 12pm - Workshop Session 1
12pm - 1pm - Lunch
1pm - 3pm - Workshop Session 2
3pm - 3:30pm - Tea Break
3:30pm - 4:15pm - Choral Service
Tuesday, June 30, 7 pm
Gordon Appleton retired in 2012 after nineteen
years as a staff member of the Royal School of
Church Music in the UK.
A native of County Durham in the north of
England; after graduating from Christ Church
College. Canterbury (where he was organ
scholar) took his first school teaching post in
Hertfordshire. He then spent five years teaching in Jamaica (West Indies) first at Vere Technical High School, Clarendon and then at Kingston College where he was Organist and Choirmaster of the chapel choir. He left Jamaica in
1976 to live in Perth, Australia, as Organist and
Choirmaster at Guildford Grammar School.
From 1987 to 1993 he was Master of the Music
at St. George’s Cathedral, Perth. In 1993 he
returned to the UK as RSCM Regional Director
for the North of England, Scotland, North
Wales and Ireland. After a period of restructuring in the RSCM he was appointed Director
of RSCM Voluntary Networks in 2001. In this
role he coordinated the work of the many
RSCM Volunteer committees in the UK and
throughout the world. Throughout his career
he has tried to provide encouragement, support
and education for children and adults involved
in music in worship, particularly in parishes.
For all these 19 years, he was Director of the
RSCM Northern Cathedral Singers which sings
cathedral evensongs regularly throughout the
north of England. He has directed annual residential courses for children and residential
RSCM Cathedral Courses for boys, girls and
adults throughout the UK. He has directed
choral festivals in France, Switzerland, Germany and the Netherlands. He has also been the
Director of annual RSCM National Summer
Schools in Australia, New Zealand and South
Africa. Since retirement” he has continued to
lead choir workshops and direct choral festivals
in the UK, Continental Europe, South Africa,
Canada and the USA. He has invitations to
direct choir festivals, workshops and courses
later this year in Nigeria and Australia. He is
Honorary Fellow of the Guild of Church Musicians, and holds diplomas from the Royal
Schools of Music and Trinity College, London.
In 2013 he was appointed a Fellow of the Royal School of Church Music.
From Neta
“For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven. . .”
writes Qoheleth, the author of Ecclesiastes. “There is a time to keep
silent. . .” There are things better not said, things that wound and hurt and need not
be spread around. “And a time to speak” when injustice must be named and right
must be defended. “A time to be born and a time to die.”
Yet some are born too soon and some die too soon. How do we understand those things that happen
out of time? How do we deal with the injustice of it? One option is to become cynical or angry. We
can rail against the darkness and cry out against the loss. Later in his reflections, Qoheleth, the writer
of Ecclesiastes, points out: the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, nor bread to the
wise, nor riches to the intelligent, nor favor to the skillful; but time and chance happen to them all.
(9:11) Or as Scottish poet Robert Burns puts it in his “Ode to a Mouse”:
But, Mousie, thou art no thy lane,
In proving foresight may be vain;
The best-laid schemes o’ mice an’ men
gang aft a-gley.
An'lea'e us nought but grief an' pain,
For promis'd joy!
That’s the human predicament, isn’t it? We plan, but there is no guarantee that what we plan will
happen. What then do we do? Give up? Drift along on whatever comes? Or is there another choice?
Live well, says Qoheleth. Live well. Be happy. Enjoy life and whatever it brings. Work hard, and
take satisfaction in the work you do. Love well. Laugh and dance and cry and enjoy all the rich texture of life. Live well. As you live, remember that all of life, the good, the hard, the joyous, the painful, is held within the hand of God.
Christopher Pepper (Jo Q grandson)
Meurice Southam
1919 - 2015
Cindy Dwyer
Angel Polka
Peggy Kernehan
A SPRING SALE is in the works so we’ll need
your “FINE QUALITY” attic treasures. Please be
sure our items are clean and in working order.
You can leave your donations in the church
garage. Any questions, call LINDA GREEN
side. We're meeting neighbors while walking
our dog, cutting the grass, and just by having a
meal in the yard. My hope is that we can use the
When it came time for Amy and I to consider
Manse as another installment of Calvary's new
moving the biggest draw to living in the Manse
handshake to the community. So far the people
was the sheer amount of face time I would get
that I have met have been shocked and surprised
with people who lived in our community. I was
that I'm a pastor! If we want to truly be the
excited to do some fall BBQs and have a few
church of 2015 we are going to have to help rebackyard parties. Well, when you make an unmind, and help insure, that we don't look, feel,
expected trip to the hospital before you even finsmell, and sound like the church did a couple of
ish unpacking, a lot of those ideas get put on
decades ago. If we reimagine ourselves it will
have an impact on those around us. I know it
But now that spring is FINALLY here we can
happened once in this community in 1944, and
start to make use of having a backyard! So far
I'm sure it can happen again!
we have meet a fair amount of the people who
live in the community just by being out-
Jeff Gropp
Laura Ferguson
George Gioffre
Jessie Jones
SECOND SUNDAY SHARING Pentecost and Friendship House will be
upcoming missions for Second Sunday
Sharing. Watch for more information in
the narthex and in bulletins as the time
THANK YOU - “Dear Calvary Family, thank you to everyone who prayed
for John. Thank you to Neta and John
for all their visits. Thank you to Gail
Graham and her team for their help
with the luncheon after the funeral.
Your support has meant so much to me
and my family. Love, Sharon Lynch”
The fruits of the Manse.
Meet Elizabeth Arthur !
I was raised in an Episcopal Church in Richmond, Virginia. I married and moved
to Mobile, Alabama where we had one car, so I had to walk to church, which was
a Baptist Church. When I lost my husband I decided to come to Delaware. I sat in
the house and watched it snow for 2 months, then I got out and found a church.
The one thing I wanted was organ music and I found it at Calvary. It was the right
choice, I feel so comfortable here and a big plus is how friendly everyone is.