Ra ncho S anta Fe S chool Di stri ct P.O. Box 809, Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067 (858) 756-1141 Fax (858) 759-0912 http://rsfschool.net Board of Trustees President Todd Frank Vice-President Tyler Seltzer Clerk Marti Ritto Member Todd Buchner Member Superintendent Richard Burdge Lindy Delaney NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING Monday, June 15, 2015 Rancho Santa Fe School District District Conference Room (113) 5927 La Granada Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067 Open Session: 3:00 p.m. Written notice is hereby given in accordance with Education Code Section 35144, Government Code 54956, and other applicable law that the following Special Meeting of the Board of Trustees, Rancho Santa Fe School District, will be held on Monday, June 15, 2014 beginning with Open Session at 3:00 p.m. in the District Conference Room (113) at the Rancho Santa Fe School District, 5927 La Granada, Rancho Santa Fe, California. NOTE: All Board members and guests are requested to TURN OFF their cellular phone ringers during the meeting. I. Call To Order II. Pledge of Allegiance III. Public Comment Opportunity for Members of the Public to address the Board on any item described in this Notice (Government Code section (54954.3). In the interest of time and order, presentations from the public are limited to three (3) minutes per person. An individual speaker's allotted time may not be increased by a donation of time from members of the public in attendance. If you wish to speak under Public Comment, complete a comment card and follow the directions for speaking to agenda items. Members of the public who require disability accommodation in order to participate in the meeting should contact the Superintendent at (858) 756-1141, or in writing, at least 24 hours prior to the meeting. (Government Code section 54954.2) In accordance with the Brown Act, unless an item has been placed on the published agenda, there shall be no action taken. The Board may 1) acknowledge receipt of the information, 2) refer to staff for further study, or 3) refer the matter to the next agenda. IV. Discussion/Action Items a. Public Hearing on Disclosure of Costs and Major Provisions in Proposed New Agreement For 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 between the District and the Rancho Santa Fe Faculty Association in accordance with Government Code section 3547.5 (Copies of Disclosure Document are available in the Superintendent’s Office.) b. Ratification of proposed new Agreement For 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 between the District and the Rancho Santa Fe Faculty Association (Copies of proposed new Agreement are available in the Superintendent’s Office.) OFFICIAL AGENDA, Special Meeting, June 15, 2015 1 c. Approve one-time, off-salary schedule payment equal to 3% of each classified employee’s 20142015 placement on the Salary Schedule paid in a lump sum payment on the last pay period of 2014-2015, if reasonably possible. d. Approve one-time, on-salary schedule payment equal to 3% of each classified employee’s 20152016 placement on the Salary Schedule effective July 1, 2015. e. Approve one-time, off-salary schedule payment equal to 3% of each administrator-level employee’s 2014-2015 placement on the Salary Schedule paid in a lump sum payment on the last pay period of 2014-2015, if reasonably possible. f. Approve one-time, on-salary schedule payment equal to 3% of each administrator-level employee’s 2015-2016 placement on the Salary Schedule effective July 1, 2015. g. Approve one-time, off-salary schedule payment equal to 3% of each director-level employee’s 2014-2015 placement on the Salary Schedule paid in a lump sum payment on the last pay period of 2014-2015, if reasonably possible. h. Approve one-time, on-salary schedule payment equal to 3% of each director-level employee’s 2015-2016 placement on the Salary Schedule effective July 1, 2015. i. Approve delegation of authority to the Superintendent to approve the “Agreement To Provide Underwriting Services” 2015 General Obligation Refunding Bonds with Morgan Stanley and “Agreement To Provide Underwriting Services” 2015 General Obligation Refunding Bonds with Piper Jaffray & Co., with concurrency from General Counsel, Richard Currier. V. Personnel 1. Recommended Personnel Actions: Employment, Resignations, Retirement, Dismissals, Leaves of Absence, Change of Status: i. Information Only 1. Superintendent has accepted a letter of resignation from Alison Murphy, certificated teacher, effective June 12, 2015. OFFICIAL AGENDA, Special Meeting, June 15, 2015 2
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