How to submit your application to sign up the Register of Credit Intermediaries Special Section: “Payment Service Agents” Guidance to Legal Persons 1) Following successful attendance of the Training Course and attaining the relevant Certificate (See OAM Circular n. 12/13), applicants shall be enrolled in the Register of Credit Intermediaries – Special Section, dedicated to Payment Service Agents, held by OAM – Organismo per la gestione degli elenchi degli Agenti in attività finanziaria e dei Mediatori creditizi. Payment Service Agents are not required to successfully pass the exam established for Credit Intermediaries and Credit Mediators 2) To be enrolled in the Register, applicants are required to: ‐ be equipped with: o an Italian certified e-mail box (Posta Elettronica Certificata – PEC) o a digital signature ‐ 3) have already paid for the registration fee as per Circular n. 11/13 Applicants shall enter OAM website ( - (Image 1) Image 1 OAM‐OrganismoperlagestionedeglielenchidegliAgentiinattivitàfinanziariaedeiMediatoricreditizi PiazzaBorghese,3–00186‐Roma–tel.06.68308299‐fax06.68212709 web:www.organismo‐–email:info@organismo‐ C.F.97678190584 4) OAM Home Page illustrates (right side) the procedure to apply for signing up the Register (Iter da seguire per presentare l’istanza di iscrizione negli elenchi) - (Image 2) Image 2 Payment Service Agents shall first sign in the Portal: 1) Enter the “Sign in” section (Registrazione) - (Image 3) in the Home Page menu Image 3 2) Enter the information required - (Image 4), the CAPTCHA code (a set of digits and/or figures to be read and typed in the ad-hoc field on the page) and click on “Sign in” (Registrati) Image 4 3) Wait for the system to send, to the PEC e-address indicated in your application form, a message containing a confirmation link, on which applicants shall click to confirm their registration by h 24:00 of the day following the receipt of the message. After such date, please repeat your application for registration 4) Enter your own “User Area” (Area Privata) section (in OAM Home Page) - (Image 5) Image 5 5) Enter your own “User area” section (Area Privata), by typing, in the User Name (Nome Utente) section, your own tax number (Codice Fiscale) and the password selected at the time you signed in, and the Services Section (Sezione Servizi), clicking on “Services” (Servizi), where you can find sign up forms for enrolling the Register of Credit Intermediaries – Special Section, dedicated to registration of Payment Service Agents (Elenco degli Agenti in attività finanziaria - Sezione speciale, prevista per l’iscrizione degli Agenti nei servizi di pagamento)(Image 6) Image 6 6) Select “Sign up the List of Payment Service Agents” (Iscrizione Elenco Agenti Servizi di Pagamento) – (Image 7) Image 7 Such option is required for those subjects not previously in the Lists/Registers held by Banca d’Italia or which have been registered for less than six months over the last three years. 7) The application form is a web form - (Images 8, 9, 10) partially compiled with the information/details related to users already in the system. Applicants shall therefore compile the remaining empty fields Image 8 Image 9 Image 10 8) The “good repute requirement” (Onorabilità) field - (Image 11) is pre-established, hence no intervention is required. With regard to the statements made: ‐ Subjects performing administrative, management and control functions shall have attended and successfully passed the intermediary course; ‐ agents shall perform the agency activity exclusively in the field of payment services. Image 11 9) In the Direction, Administration and Control (Direzione, Amministrazione e Controllo) field - (Image 12), please enter the information related to the subjects that within your organisational structure have performed direction, management and control functions (“control” is to be intended as internal control/auditing) Image 12 10) In the “majority shareholders” (Soci di Controllo) field - (Image 13), indicate the shareholder(s) that control your company – i.e. in the case of grandparent legal persons, please indicate the subjects therein performing direction, management and control functions, or the settlor whereby control is held by a trust company. Such subjects shall be of good repute as per Article 15 of Italy’s Legislative Decree n. 141/2010 Image 13 11) In the “Employees and staffs” (Dipendenti e Colalboratori) field, applicants shall enter the names of employees and staff units that attended the ad-hoc training course and who are authorised by the Agent to distribute payment services to the public – (Image 14) Image 14 For each staff unit, the following information shall be entered: ‐ Tax number (Codice Fiscale) ‐ Surname (Cognome) ‐ Name (Nome) ‐ Province of birth (Provincia di nascita) ‐ Italian Municipality or foreign State of birth (Comune italiano o Stato estero di nascita) ‐ Date of birth (Data di nascita) ‐ Sex (Sesso) ‐ Collaboration start date (Data di inizio della collaborazione) 12) In the Principal Intermediaries (Intermediari preponenti) field - (Image 15), please indicate the mandating payment institution. Though not obligatory, it is recommended to enter such information so as to enable correct analysis and speed up the operational registration procedure Image 15 In particular, the following data shall be provided: ‐ Name (Nome) ‐ Tax number (Codice Fiscale) ‐ ABI Code (Codice ABI) ‐ Collaboration start date (Data di inizio della collaborazione) as communicated by the mandating payment institution ‐ The product to be distributed (Il prodotto da distribuire) – (Money Transfer – Credit Cards, Debit Cards and Fidelity Cards - Fund collection and transfer and other payment services); 13) Indicate the details of the wire transfer made to pay the registration fee – i.e. Final CRO/TRN, payer’s IBAN, and amount of the wire transfer made or sum of the wire transfers made in the case of multiple wire transfers. Please upload a copy of the wire transfer(s) by clicking on “Browse” (Sfoglia), to select the file, and then on “Upload file” (Carica file) in the field related to attachments - (Image 16) Image 16 14) Once the compilation has been terminated, please click on “Preview Signature” (Anteprima firma) - (Image 17) Image 17 15) After correcting possible irregularities identified in the system, the Sign Up Form (Modulo di Iscrizione) will be displayed (PDF format) 16) Please save the PDF form in your PC and sign it via your digital signature software 17) Please upload, on the OAM system, the signed web form saved in your PC by clicking on “Browse” (Sfoglia), to select on the file saved, and then on “Upload file” (Carica file) 18) To complete your signing up, click on “Send application” (Invia richiesta)
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