23914 S. Alma School Road Chandler, AZ 85248 Church: 480.895.6782 Early Learning Center: 480.802.1505 Rev. Ronald Burcham Senior Pastor burchamr@rslcs.org April 2015 Newsletter Rev. Mark Hoffmann Associate Pastor of Congregational Care hoffmannm@rslcs.org Joel Endicott Director of Worship endicottj@rslcs.org Susan Mello Business Manager mellos@rslcs.org Linda Pauley Director of Early Childhood Education pauley@rslcs.org Laurel Miller Director of Family Life Ministry millerl@rslcs.org Holy Week Services p.3 New Members p.12 Pathway Update p.14 Financials p.14-15 Worshiping I once knew a man who had a pet caterpillar. Now, I would agree that having a pet caterpillar is odd, but this man was quite fond of the little guy. He had a little box where the caterpillar would hang out all day, and at night he would come out and snuggle on the guy’s lap. Now my friend, as you might guess, was a very faithful church goer and we really wanted his pet to go along with him. One day he stood next to the box and called out, “Little caterpillar, I am going to church this morning, would you like to come with me?” No response. Disappointed, but not beaten he waited about five minutes and tried again; “Little caterpillar, the music will be great and the preacher is really good!” No response. Another 10 minutes goes by and he tries one last time; “Come on little guy, go to church with me.” Out of the box he heard; “Give me a minute will ya, I am putting my shoes on!” Caterpillars are not much to look at and they inch along in life with their legs working feverishly just to go a couple of inches. Last September, you may recall, we had hoards of the little guys crawling around the streets of Chandler. USA Today even did a story on the plethora of the sixteen-legged creatures. Children were creeped out or fascinated, and adults just tried to avoid them. Of course we know that caterpillars do not stay caterpillars. They hide out in a cocoon to emerge 4 weeks later as a beautiful butterfly! No more crawling around the ground, now they flit and fly through the air. Scientists tell us that in the 4 weeks in the cocoon the caterpillar completely breaks down into nothing more than mush and then it is reorganized as a butterfly. It doesn’t die in the cocoon, in fact they say it retains its memory. It enters as a caterpillar and emerges as a butterfly. This month Christians will celebrate Easter; the day that Jesus, the Son of God, rose from the dead. After being in a tomb for three days, He emerges alive and well. The bible then teaches us; “We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life.” (Romans 6:4) What we celebrate at Easter is that we went into the tomb with Jesus, just as a caterpillar enters a cocoon. We emerge from that tomb a new person, a changed person, much like a caterpillar becomes a butterfly. We enter as sinners and emerge as saints. We enter without hope for the future, and emerge with the certainty of an eternity in heaven. So why don’t you get your shoes on and go to church this Sunday….caterpillars are welcomed there. In Christ, 2 Risen Savior Lutheran Church Holy Week Services Maundy Thursday Good Friday April 2, 2015 April 3, 2015 Easter Sunday April 5, 2015 *12:30 pm / * 6:30 pm 12:30 pm 5:30 pm / 7:00 pm *6:00 am *7:30 am *8:50 am *10:10 am *11:30 am Traditional Service Traditional Service Blended Service Sunrise Service Traditional Service Contemporary Service Contemporary Service Traditional Service * Holy Communion served Thank You We would like to take this time to give a huge thank-you to the following committees and individuals for giving of their time and cooking such fabulous meals for the congregation during our Lenten Season: LWML Men’s Group Piecemaker Quilters Governing Board The Dude’s Family Life Ministry Nursery During Worship Our Nursery is available at all services for children aged 0-3; turn to your left when coming through the main front doors and follow the signs. For the safety of all our kids, please sign your children in and out. Connections: New Member Orientation If you're interested in getting connected and finding out more about who we are at Risen Savior and joining our church, call Kathleen in the church office at 480-895-6782 ext. 218. Our Connections Class begins at 10:10a.m., Sunday, April 12, 2015, in The Church Conference Room. You are welcome to join us. Parking Did you know that there are usually open parking spaces in the back of the church or at The Pathway Center? The back door of the church will be open for those parking in the back. For those parking at The Pathway Center, it is but a short walk to come over to the sanctuary. Growing Risen Savior Sunday School News TIME FOR SUNDAY SCHOOL Risen Savior Lutheran Church 3 Sunday School is held each week during the 10:10 a.m. Worship service. All children 3 years old – fifth grade are welcome to come learn about God and grow in love for Him! Please sign in at the school office near the playground. Our volunteer needs: 1. Adult volunteers to welcome families from 9:50-10:10 am. 2. 10:10 Adult Team or Lead Teachers 3. 10:10 Adult Substitute Teachers for all ages 4. 10:10 Youth and Adult Assistants for all ages If you are interested in volunteering please send a message to sundayschool@rslcs.org or contact Shelley Nelson directly at nelsons@rslcs.org. No Sunday School on Easter, April 5th. Operation Christmas Child – during Sunday School at 10:10a.m., May 24th. Task Force Begins - A Ministry Task Force has been formed with the goal of designing a new program for Sunday School. Members of the Task Force include Shelley Nelson, Laurel Miller, Alicia Endicott, Joan Scott and Jenny Balbarin. Please pray that members of the Task Force will hear clearly from the Lord and follow His lead in this important ministry “Connecting Children to Jesus”. Early Learning Center Registration Registration for 2015-16 is in progress, there is still time to register. More information is available at http://elc.rslcs.org/about-us/blog/. Adult Bible Study Sunday Adult Bible Study class meets on Sunday Mornings, at 10:10a.m. in The Perfect Place. We are continuing our study on the Book of Acts. Contact Alene Roth for more detailed information at 480-883-7712. Adult Forum Join us Sunday Morning’s at 8:50 in The Fellowship Hall. No Forum on April 5th, Easter Sunday. April 12th we will complete our study on the Book of Hebrews. April 19th, Bill Bade will lead and speak on the new hymnal. April 26th, will bring a new study. Men’s Early Bird Saturday Gathering The Men’s Early Bird Saturday Gatherings continue Saturday, April 11th and 25th, in the Pathway Center. Come early for coffee and donuts at 7:15am with discussion and Bible study 7:30a.m. to 8:30a.m. We will be meeting the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of the month. If you have questions, please feel free to contact Chuck Deuth at 480-766-3626. Sunday Night Youth Ministry Youth Ministry will continue to meet at 6:00p.m. every Sunday evening. For questions, email Tim at walswort@rslcs.org. No meeting on April 5th, Easter Sunday. 4 Risen Savior Lutheran Church Core Junior High School CORE (confirmation) students schedule for April: 5 12 19 No Core – Easter Break Chapter 31 – End of Time Eighth Grade Confirmation Project Showcase and last CORE class for Grades 6 & 7 26 Eighth Grade Confirmand and Parent Meeting rd May 3 is Eighth Grade Confirmation Sunday If you’d like to become a part of this ministry contact Laurel Miller at millerl@rslcs.org. Women’s Ministries Grace Girls is a women's ministry for ladies of all ages studying biblical principles to support your role as a beautiful and wonderfully made daughter of our Lord Jesus Christ. All hearts are welcome! There are no fees associated with participating. Join us for our bible studies, retreats, service projects and special challenges. AM Bible Study: New Testament bible boot camp. We meet every other Thursday morning April 9th and 23rd from 8:45a.m. – 11:00a.m. in The Pathway Center large conference room. Spring Retreat: Compassion Fatigue Retreat: Tuesday, April 28th, 6:30p.m. to 9:30p.m. at The Pathway Center. Join us for this unique retreat with other sisters in Christ at Risen Savior including your leadership team and ministry volunteers. This is a wonderful opportunity for fellowship and growing together. All women, members, guests and friends are invited! In this very important and interactive workshop, you will learn that self care is not self indulgent, it is Biblical and it is necessary. Discover practical tools for self care so that you can serve from a place of abundance, health, and wellness in 2015. Compassion Fatigue is a very real phenomenon that often occurs to caregivers as well as those in ministry. Serving, caring for, and giving to others day in and day out is very taxing and can take its toll on the mind, heart, body and spirit. It can result in secondary trauma, fatigue, and burnout where we no longer experience joy in service and can tax all of the systems of the body. The reality is that we cannot pour out from an empty cup…nor were we meant to. Jennifer Louden said, “Self-care is not selfish or self-indulgent. We cannot nurture others from a dry well. We need to take care of our own needs first, then we can give from our surplus, our abundance.” Scripture commands us to “love our neighbor as ourself.” In order to truly love and care for others, we have to fill our own well through self care activities so that we can pour out from our abundance and truly love others AS we love ourself. To rsvp or to receive weekly devotions and encouragement, please reach out to Annie Wolf at anniewolf@q.com or 480-203-1880 or Kathleen Ramirez at ramirezk@rslcs.org or 480-8956782 ext. 218. Risen Savior Lutheran Church 5 Serving Fellowship Join us for coffee and donuts in-between services on the patio. It’s a great opportunity to meet new people and to sign up and serve. Any questions, contact Jane Zehnder at 480-8025334. Prayer Warriors Prayer Warriors meet weekly at The Pathway Center where they pray for everyone on our prayer list. They would also like to send cards to those in the military and on missions, so if you have an address for them, please include it when completing your prayer request. Grief Share Class Are you or someone you know feeling the effects of losing a loved one? If so you will want to attend Grief Share, a Christian based class. We will meet every Wednesday through the end of April, from 10:00a.m. to 11:30a.m. in the conference room of the ELC building. All people are invited, you do not have to be a member of the church, so bring all your friends, family members or other people you know who are dealing with a loss. Caring Ministries Team A great big thank you to all of our members and friends who took the CPR, AED, and First Aid Class. The Caring Ministries Team purchased a new AED unit for TPC, with some help from the Fellowship Committee. It will be installed soon in its permanent location. A Caregiver Retreat - Caregivers, join us for a time of rejuvenation and relaxation. This retreat will offer a fun interactive day of discovering ways to keep joy and renewal in your life. Saturday, April 11th, 9:30 am - 3:00 pm at the UCC Conference Center, 917 E. Sheridan St., Phoenix. Cost of $10.00 includes lunch, must reserve your spot by March 30th. Call 602-2745022 x 32. Look for us on the patio the second Sunday in April for the Blood Pressure Screening. If you are interested in serving on the Caring Ministries Committee contact: JoAnne McCay at 480-802-4374 or Mike Bonsaver at 480-286-3743. Area Agency on Aging – Benefits Assistance Program The Benefits Assistance Program is supported through the Arizona State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP), and is one of our most popular and valuable programs. At the healing center, volunteer counselors assist low income residents apply for federal, state, and local programs. This service includes prescription drugs, Medicare help, Social Security assistance, and more. We assist over 250 people each year. They are available for appointments on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays from 9:00a.m. – noon in the Healing Center. Call the Area Agency Office to make an appointment at 602-264-4357. 6 Risen Savior Lutheran Church Volunteers Needed – Sign up Online A step by step, how to Instruction sheet that has pictures with each step of how to sign up online is available at the information booth in the hallway, at the front greeter’s podium, and the News & Notes baskets as you enter the sanctuary. This should make it easier for you to volunteer for ushers, readers, greeters, altar guild, and Sunday morning nursery helpers at Risen Savior. Thank you for all you do at Risen Savior. Volunteers IF NOT ME THEN YOU, IF NOT YOU THEN WHO? Have you ever thought about what it takes for a worship service to happen? Besides those that are hired to bring us God’s word, each service needs at least 25 volunteers and that does not count the Choir, Musicians or Sunday School. These positions are done while you are attending church service and take little to no extra time from you. Please search your hearts and if you are physically able, consider helping with Altar Guild, Greeter, Usher, Reader or Communion Server. You can contact the church office at 480-895-6782 or sign up through Sign Up Genius at www.signupgenius.com. The Perfect Place The Perfect Place is an Adult Day Care and a nonprofit organization located on the west side of the campus of the Risen Savior Lutheran Church in Sun Lakes. Here, a loved one may spend a morning or an afternoon with the staff and volunteers who provide a loving and caring social program. The program opens with a short devotion after which everyone shares something about themselves: where they grew up, what they did for a living, family life or favorite activities. Then the fun continues through the day with laughter playing cards, bingo, a bean bag toss, entertainment, snacks and a short session of chair exercises. Volunteers are welcome. If you believe your family or a caregiver would benefit from this service contact The Perfect Place. Call Judy Waltersdorf at 480-895-2892, or send an email to ThePerfectPlace85248@gmail.com. The Perfect Place is located at 23914 S. Alma School Road, Sun Lakes, AZ 85248. We are open 4 days a week: Monday 9-12 and 1-4, Tuesday 1-4, Wednesday 9-12 and Friday 9-12 and 1-4. Contributions from service organizations or personal donations to our scholarship fund and small stuffed animals are greatly appreciated and enable us to better serve our community. Risen Savior Food Drive for Chandler Food Bank April 12th through the 26th, Pastor Burcham and Risen Savior invite all Sun Lakes residents to join our congregation in this year’s Spring Food Drive which will benefit the Chandler Food Bank. Throughout the drive, the food will be displayed at the front of the sanctuary to enable everyone to see the results of working together to help others in the Chandler community. In Risen Savior Lutheran Church 7 2014, Risen Savior’s Spring Drive collected 3.6 tons of food which was enough to feed over 5,000 people. Also, we received $1,000 in checks from the church, our members and many friends in Sun Lakes. All of the proceeds were forwarded to Chandler Christian Community Center, the parent of the Chandler Food Bank. The food bank’s greatest needs are for cereal, oatmeal, peanut butter, canned fruit/vegetables/meat, canned and dry beans, rice, pasta, tomato sauce, macaroni and cheese, juice, boxed meals, cooking oil, salt, flour, sugar, canned soup and canned milk. To donate food, enter the Risen Savior parking lot from Alma School and drive straight ahead until you see the food collection boxes on the patio directly ahead (west). The collection boxes will be emptied daily. 8 Risen Savior Lutheran Church Missions Salvation Army Support The food drop-off for the Chandler Salvation Army is the first Sunday of each month. Please bring only non-perishables. Winter visitors especially might want to donate their extra pantry items before they leave for home. The donation box for clothing and small household goods for the Salvation Army is located in the northwest corner of the church parking lot. Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML) Please put April 9th on your calendar for the next general LWML meeting at 1:00p.m. at The Pathway Center. A speaker from the “Comfort Dogs” ministry, Trinity Lutheran Church at Prescott Valley, will share information about that wonderful ministry! Dogs are, indeed, man’s best friend. It will be very interesting. LWML 2015 Spring Celebration Zone Rally is scheduled for Saturday, April 11th, 2015, at Fountain of Life Lutheran Church, 710 S. Kolb, Tucson, AZ. The ingathering for the rally will benefit Christ-centered community outreach ministries, Haven Totes and Fountain Thrift Center. For a complete list of items to donate, see the poster in the hallway leading to the Fellowship Hall. The date of the rally happens to be the same as RSLC Spring Luncheon. However, someone may choose to attend the rally instead of the luncheon. Zone 29 president, Sharon Kolanowski, will be going and will take the ingathering items to Tucson. The 2015 LWML convention will be held in Des Moines, Iowa, on June 25th – 28th. No refunds on registration after the June 10th deadline. For more information contact Verla Matuschka at 480-883-2762. Lutheran Braille Workers On Tuesday, February 24th, The President of Lutheran Braille Workers, Rev. Dennis Steuve, visited the work center at Risen Savior Lutheran Church. We were honored by this visit and especially pleased that he presented our volunteer, Norman Loeber, a watch for his 70 years of service in this ministry. Norman was very influential in the progress of this organization that prints Braille and large print Christian material for Presentation to Norman Loeber the Blind and physically impaired throughout the world. This organization has more than 3,700 volunteers in 130 work centers in 37 states. The Risen Savior Center volunteers have met weekly over the past six years. Braille meets every Tuesday morning at 8:30a.m. in the Fellowship Hall. If you would like more information, please call Pat Bibler at 480-895-8788. Risen Savior Lutheran Church 9 Piece Maker Quilters One of our members goes to Savers every week to collect sheets and materials donated by them. One of their employees plans to visit us soon. We are so grateful for their contributions. They enable us to help others – the new Pregnancy Center in Gilbert, Phoenix Rescue Mission, Shepherds Canyon Retreat, Dakota Boys & Girls, Salvation Army, and Orphan Grain Train to name just a few. We meet all year every Wednesday at 1:00p.m. in the Fellowship Hall and our attendance runs from 18-20 faithful workers in the winter and from 8-12 in the summer. Thanks to all of you who support our ministry. For more information contact Marie Kiehl at 480-883-0842. Next time you are in the Fellowship Hall take note of the lovely new blinds and thank our quilters! ALSO’s 2106 Challenge If you pay Arizona state income tax, you can redirect your tax dollars and create scholarships. You can help a child in need receive a Christian education at no cost to you. We have a dream to award full-tuition scholarships to children attending Lutheran schools, and we need your help! Tax credit gifts of all sizes make a difference. From $21.06, to $210.60 and on up to $2,106.00, every gift helps a child in need. You have until April 15th or before you file your state taxes to redirect your state tax dollars. Go to ALSOsto.org for details. Brought to you by Providing scholarships made possible by tax credit donations. 10 Risen Savior Lutheran Church LCEF The True Value of Your Investment A Lutheran Church Extension Fund (LCEF) investment represents more than a monetary “net worth”. It represents a desire to empower ministries to build God’s kingdom. The value of the investment to your family is not in the balance, but in the fact that you support ministries, schools and church workers. As you periodically review your beneficiary designations, tell those you name why LCEF is special to you. If you need to designate a beneficiary, go to lcef.org. Your family will know exactly what you wished for your investments after your passing and avoid possible probate proceedings. Find out more at lcef.org or call 1-800-843-5233. Active Duty Military Personnel We would like to acknowledge and pray for all active duty military personnel associated with RSLCS. Please contact us on the prayer request line prayers@rslcs.org, on a pew card or by phone with their names. Cards will be sent if you include an address. First names are now posted in the display case outside to the left of the narthex. The Service flag is an official banner authorized by the Department of Defense for display by families who have members serving in the Armed Forces during any period of war or hostilities the United States may be engaged in for the duration of such hostilities. Miscellaneous LCMS Foundation Summer Internship Opportunities The LCMS Foundation is pleased to announce Marketing and Business Internships for 2015. Be a part of the team that assists donors and ministry organizations to provide and grow resources to further the work of Christ. Both positions are full-time for nine weeks (June through August), and paid. Applicants must apply online. Contact the Foundation if you have any questions about the positions. Apply online today at www.lcmsfoundation.org/jobs/. A Biblical Tour of Israel and Jordan (October 20-30, 2015) An experience of a lifetime! We will walk where Jesus walked – Jerusalem, Jericho, Bethlehem, Caesarea, Sea of Galilee, etc., as well as see where Moses and Israel lived for 40 years in the desert. Arrangements can be made for departure from any airport. Rev. Darold Reiner (retired LCMS Pastor), (former LWML International Counselor), has led many such tours. Contact him for a brochure at 406-890-1149 or imhis38@gmail.com. Risen Savior Lutheran Church 11 Please Welcome our February New Members Bill & Judy Bell Denise Brown Americus & Sharon Crawford Mark & Janet Creger Kevin & Jan DeNomie Arlan & Judi Fuhr Bob & Sharon Frossard Vern & Sally Heslep Diane Newman Roger & Gail Osten Len & Corrine Paulson Patrick & Brenda Ranney Jim & Paula Roush Hilary Samples Brian & Billie Schricker Herm & Nancy Swanson Lutheran Social Services of the Southwest Please consider helping Lutheran Social Services of the Southwest shine light and compassion on those in our community who feel most alone and vulnerable, including individuals of all ages who are homebound. This Easter, join us in remembering the brightness and joy of the resurrection as we continue our mission of showing kindness, doing justice, and serving those in need. Together we create community and bring renewed light to those in need. For more information on making donations to Lutheran Social Services of the Southwest, please call Rev. Deborah Hutterer at 480-396-3795 ext. 102 or visit lss-sw.org. 12 Risen Savior Lutheran Church St. Peter Lutheran Church St. Peter Lutheran Church is looking for an experienced musical professional to serve as choir director. The position runs from October through Easter each year. Choir rehearsal hours are 8:00a.m. – 9:00a.m. each Sunday and service from 9:30a.m. – 10:45a.m. The director must also be available for Lenten and Advent services from 5:00p.m. – 6:00p.m. each Wednesday. Selection of music is at the discretion of the director, but must correspond with the service material. Please send your resume to St. Peter Lutheran Church, Attn: Worship Committee, 1844 E. Dana Ave., Mesa, AZ 85204. Helping Children’s First Academy RSLC member, Megan Proulx, is a student at Basha High School and has been working on a project for the past 3 years. Megan is helping Children’s First Academy, a non-profit organization that provides education and more, to children ages 5 – 14 years old, many of whom are homeless. Over the next few weeks, Megan will be collecting children’s clothing which can be dropped off in the hallway by the Information Center. If you would prefer to help with a monetary donation, you can give cash using a pew envelope or write a check to Risen Savior and indicate Children’s First Academy on the envelope or check memo line. Lutheran Service Books Help us fill our Sanctuary with new Lutheran Service B0oks. We would like to get 300 copies which can be purchased for $25.00 each. You can have the book dedicated to or in Memory of someone. To donate you can make a check payable to Risen Savior and write “hymnal” in the memo line or donate online at www.rslcs.org. Lost and Found Our lost and found is located in the hallway outside the Conference Room in the church. Monthly Newsletter Articles Please have your newsletter articles into the church office by the 10th of each month. Send your articles to: news@rslcs.org. The newsletter will go out by the first of the month. Update Contact Information For those who have a change of contact information, please remember to advise the church office of your updated contact information so you can receive the news at Risen Savior. Call Kathleen Ramirez at 480-895-6782 ext. 218 or email ramirezk@rslcs.org. Risen Savior Lutheran Church 13 Financial Pathway Update Giving to Date Debt Reduction as of 3-25-15: Capital Improvement: Area of greatest need: Total amount received: $1,284,242.99 $181,177.87 $240,056.00 $1,705,476.86 If you have not yet joined us on the path, please contact the Church Office for more information and materials to be a part of this great venture to expand our ministry! Risen Savior Foundation Consider supporting RSLCS through its 501c3 Foundation. Gift planning through your wills and trusts will support the ministries of the church for years to come. All gifts are tax deductible as allowed by law. Please contact Foundation President Chuck Deuth at 480-305-0503. Contribution Statements If you would like your contribution statement electronically sent to you, please provide your current email address to the church office email address news@rslcs.org. 2015 Contribution Envelopes If you have not picked up your 2015 contribution envelopes they are available in the church office (8:00-4:00 p.m.) at The Pathway Center. If you have any questions or need to make other arrangements to obtain your envelopes, contact the church office at 480-895-6782. Risen Savior Monthly Financial Review You may notice that the following looks a little different than what is typically published in the newsletter. There are a few reasons for the change. 1. We have had requests from congregants to publish summary level information with more narrative about the operations. The information below is our first pass at developing that format. 2. The Risen Savior newsletter is available on the rslcs.org website and we would like to limit the quantity and type of information made available to the general public. The following detailed reports are available to members and attendees of Risen Savior Lutheran Church. Please contact Susan Mello, our Business Manager, to receive this information. Susan’s email is: mellos@rslcs.org 14 Statement of Financial Income and Expense Statement of Financial Position Statement of Cash Flow Risen Savior Lutheran Church Financial Summary for February 2015: For the months of January and February 2015 giving for the Church is up 20% over budget and the same time period in the previous year. This will help to decrease the previously forecasted year end deficit. A sincere thank you to the congregation for their diligence and generosity in supporting the ministries of Risen Savior Lutheran Church. Early Learning Center (ELC) income is up 6% over the past few months. This is primarily due to an increase in Full Day tuition and additional enrollment. Spending continues to be controlled at 91% of the budget. High Level Statement of Financial Income and Expense Feb 15 Actual Feb 15 Budget Difference FYTD Actual FYTD Budget Difference Church Giving All other income Total Church Income 119,012 4,800 123,812 95,400 4,360 99,760 23,612 440 24,052 774,406 34,543 808,949 758,989 34,880 793,869 15,417 (337) 15,080 Early Learning Center (ELC) Part Day Tuition Full Day Tuition Total ELC 16,982 80,985 97,967 21,050 92,170 113,220 (4,068) (11,185) (15,253) 120,137 622,754 742,891 136,970 698,735 835,705 (16,833) (75,981) (92,814) Total Operational Income 221,779 212,980 8,799 1,551,840 1,629,574 (77,734) Operational Expenses 208,631 222,960 (14,329) 1,558,875 1,635,160 (76,285) 13,148 (9,980) 23,128 (7,035) (5,586) (1,449) Net Income/(Loss) High Level Statement of Cash Flow Cash at the beginning of period 536,269 Net cash increase/(decrease) 40,206 Cash at the end of the period 576,475 Donor Restricted Funds 449,186 Board Designated Funds 256,993 Net Operational Cash (129,704) * * If giving, ELC income and spending continue to hold until FYE, the projected Net Operational Cash will be (10,000) Risen Savior Lutheran Church 15 Happy Birthday Diane Bergelin 04/01 Gene Nelson 04/07 Alicia Endicott 04/01 Lauren Birkelo 04/08 Georgia Klimack 04/01 Steven Morris 04/08 Joseph Pelegrin 04/01 Denise Norris 04/08 Jessica Suriano 04/01 Rob Olson 04/08 Robert Becker 04/02 Heather Zirpel 04/08 Kimberly Buchanan 04/02 Jared Stermer 04/09 Barbara Dambeck 04/02 David Adams Jr. 04/10 Daren Frank 04/02 Laura Smith 04/10 Becky Magee 04/02 Matt Gooding 04/11 Kenneth Meloy 04/02 Teresa Herb 04/11 Alex Salazar 04/02 Lyman Ponder 04/11 Jim Junkermeier 04/03 Elyse Wolf 04/11 Lisa McCain 04/03 Tenni Annen 04/12 Deborah McGinnis 04/03 Alexis Buchanan 04/12 Amelia Nimmer 04/03 William Kabele 04/12 Len Paulson 04/03 Katharine Rasmussen 04/12 Marilee Smith 04/03 Jo Timmons 04/12 Lindsey Underwood 04/03 Grace Stadel 04/13 Liesel Beck 04/04 Lily Wirth 04/13 Katerina Brandt 04/04 Lorraine Brammer 04/14 Douglas Braun 04/04 Nathaniel Erickson 04/14 Lainey Grainger 04/04 Donna James 04/14 Kenneth Kreuter 04/04 Patty Van Houten 04/14 Jeff Milne 04/04 Barbara Weber 04/14 Rachel Beauregard 04/05 Rich Brettfeld 04/15 Michael Towne 04/05 Charleen Henderson 04/15 Dave Bolio 04/06 Herman Swanson 04/15 Andrew Kerr 04/06 Don Holthusen 04/16 Beverly Mueller 04/06 Willa Kohl 04/16 Reg Jokisch 04/07 Dottie Roberts 04/16 16 Risen Savior Lutheran Church Gwen Vining 04/16 Robert Adamovic 04/24 Sydney Stevens 04/17 Trygve Fekjan 04/24 Michelle Burcham 04/18 William Russell 04/24 Delores Rysdahl 04/18 Kenneth Meyer 04/25 Meghan Updike 04/18 Erica Peters 04/25 Betty Zisch-de la Rosa 04/18 Theven Raufmann 04/25 Teresa DeVito 04/19 Joel Endicott 04/26 Ron Jaso 04/19 Jay Gallipo 04/26 Stephanie Stechnij 04/19 Jon Jones 04/26 Ray Welker 04/19 Susan Neal 04/26 Karen Coleman 04/20 Brayden Sweetman 04/26 Gina Myers 04/20 Shirley Baker 04/27 Richard Graham 04/21 Lydia Kolanowski 04/27 Jennifer Miller 04/21 Dick Koskovick 04/27 Julie Stewart 04/21 Adrain Little 04/27 Ruthe Campbell 04/22 Madison Myers 04/27 Olivia Camping 04/22 Larry Portschi 04/27 Steven Graham 04/22 Shari Beadle 04/28 Jordan Heimann 04/22 Joel Konicke 04/28 Anthony Weis 04/22 Christopher Reuter 04/28 Daphne Baker 04/23 Luke Ritchie 04/28 Alene Brown 04/23 Everett Shirk 04/28 Monica McLean 04/23 Randy Buns 04/29 Jennifer Mettenbrink 04/23 Payton Heese 04/29 Harold Teuscher 04/23 Debra Kreuter 04/29 Risen Savior Lutheran Church 17 Happy Anniversary Bill & Jo Wilson 04/07/1951 John & Beverly Burkhart 04/10/1999 Thomas & Carolyn Tagatz 04/23/1955 Scott & Maria Buck 04/05/2002 Frank & Nelda Hartwig 04/07/1963 Michael & Jenny Balbarin 04/27/2002 Michael & Edie Towne 04/27/1963 Eldred & MaryAnn Wolf 04/05/2003 Gary & Marilyn Bixler 04/03/1971 Michael & Kristin Myers 04/29/2006 Rich & Lynn Turner 04/07/1973 Joseph & Tamula Pelegrin 04/24/2007 Lee & Patti Kroeger 04/06/1980 Todd & Shannon Zemlock 04/19/2008 Tom & JoAnne McCay 04/17/1982 Greg & Micah Snodgrass 04/09/2010 Robert & Alice Kurz 04/24/1982 David & Sarah Young 04/30/2010 Harold & Julia Teuscher 04/20/1985 Mark & Petrita Naumann 04/07/2012 Brian & Ruthann Reed 04/05/1986 Steven & Laura Gomez 04/14/2012 James & Donna Walgren 04/20/1989 David & Dina Adams Jr. 04/21/2012 Jeff & Kathy Birkelo 04/24/1993 Michael & Linda Widdows 04/28/2012 Don & Barbara Maeder 04/26/1996 Joel & Brenda Konicke 04/20/2013 Steven/Marianne Perkins 04/12/1997 John & Kelly Della Chiesa 04/05/2014 Mike/Sandra Swoverland 04/12/1997 18 Risen Savior Lutheran Church Advertising Information Risen Savior Lutheran Church 19 Advertising Rates and Requirements Space permitting, each advertiser will be allowed one ad per month. 1. Each ad 2” x 3.5” in size (business card size) will cost $20 per issue, or $200 yearly. Non-member prices are $25 per issue or $250 yearly. 2. One-third page ad will cost $30 per issue, or $350 yearly. Non-member prices are $35 per issue or $400 yearly. 3. Two-thirds page ad will cost $40 per issue, or $400 yearly. Non-member prices are $50 per issue or $450 yearly. 4. Please provide one business card for ad copy to RSLCS office along with payment. 5. Please make checks payable to Risen Savior, attention RSLCS Newsletter. Terms & Conditions: All rates are subject to change without notice. In the event of a rate change, all advertisers with standing orders will be given 30-days notice of the new rates. All advertising is subject to acceptance by Risen Savior. Questionable, confusing, misleading, controversial, or fraudulent statements will be declined. RSLCS reserves the right to reject any and all advertising, which they feel is not in keeping with the publications’ standards and principles. Church: www.facebook.com/rslcs Student Ministry: www.facebook.com/rslcyg Early Learning Center: www.facebook.com/rslcschool 20 Risen Savior Lutheran Church
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