Personal Franchise Business Plan

for Natureline Independent Distributors
Congratulations on your decision to become a part of
our growing global family of Independent
Distributors. You’ve made the right decision and
joined a fantastic business. Only you will determine
your success by the decisions you make and the goals
you set.
(C) Copyright 2010 All Rights Reserved
Personal Franchise Business Plan
INTRODUCTION ............................................................... 3
The Rules ......................................................................... 5
The Five Things You DON’T Need to be Successful ......... 5
The Five Things You DO Need to be Successful .............. 7
Create a Game Plan......................................................... 9
Build the Foundation..................................................... 11
Get Connected .............................................................. 14
Go Professional ............................................................. 17
Ten Professional Commitments .................................... 18
GETTING STARTED......................................................... 19
Your “Why?” ................................................................. 20
Setting Your Goals ......................................................... 20
Your Prospect List of at Least 100 Names ..................... 23
Prospect Memory Jogger .............................................. 23
Massive Action .............................................................. 27
□ Step 1: Home Private Business Reception ............. 27
□ Step 2: Pass the DVD.............................................. 28
□ Step 3: The Phone Call ........................................... 29
□ Step 4: Email Blast ................................................. 30
□ Step 5: Drop Off ..................................................... 30
General tips for maximum recruiting results ................ 30
Three-Way Calling ......................................................... 30
Further Resources ......................................................... 31
Objections & Responses ............................................... 33
Responsibility ................................................................ 36
The 80/20 Rule .............................................................. 36
Escaping the Rat Race Forever ...................................... 36
E-Mail Message Examples ............................................. 38
One Hundred “No's” ..................................................... 39
10 Skills That’ll Take You From Zero to Hero ................ 40
Personal Franchise Business Plan
The Rules
The 5 Things You Don’t Need to Be
The 5 Things You Do Need to Be Successful
Create a Game Plan
Personal Franchise Business Plan
Congratulations on your decision to become a part of
our growing family of Independent Distributors. You’ve
made the right decision and joined a fantastic business.
Only you will determine your success by the decisions
you make and the goals you set. You are choosing your
future level of income, the kind of lifestyle you desire,
and the people with whom you will be working. This is
an exciting ‘people business’ where you will build
lifelong relationships. And best of all, you are in
business for yourself, but not by yourself.
There are three basic and simple steps to building a
strong Natureline Personal Franchise Business. The
more effective you become in these areas, the more
successful you will be:
Develop your product story
(Try the products!)
Share the products & opportunity
Teach your team to do the same
The foundation of the Natureline business is the retail
sale of products. While it is vital that you consistently
promote Natureline products yourself, the ability to
duplicate your efforts through others will provide you
with the financial success you desire. This section
provides you with an effective, proven, step-by-step
plan to build a strong organization. Learning, believing
and consistently applying the formula outlined in this
section will enable you to realize the full potential of
the Natureline business.
You’ve chosen one of the fastest growing business
opportunities in the world today, ideal to help you
develop a significant supplemental income, or even
complete financial freedom. Either way, you have
shown yourself to be a leader. Someone who isn’t
happy with mediocrity and the herd mentality,
someone who knows there is a better way to live.
You’ve just discovered it!
Natureline is a new breed of company, and we’re
already re-writing history in the industry. Natureline has
proven that a fresh product idea, an innovative
approach to compensation, and a strong support
structure offers you the chance to accomplish great
The Personal Franchise profession has grown
dramatically in the fifty-plus years of its existence.
Today the business is conducted in more than 100
countries around the world, with more than 60 million
people participating in it. Sales have now exceeded
$100 billion annually. (Source: Direct Selling Association)
Along the way the industry has attracted the attention
and praise of the business community and financial
press, truly emerging as the last bastion left in the free
enterprise system where someone can build real
financial freedom without a large investment. And
Natureline has emerged as one of the leading edge
companies, helping to create this reality for those who
dream of a better life.
This Business Plan will help you launch your business in
a quick, focused, and profitable manner, utilizing the
same methods that our top earners have tested and
proven. You’ll avoid some of the common mistakes
many new people make and will learn how to
accelerate your journey to success in your Natureline
Personal Franchise Business Plan
During your initial phase it is critical that
you take action as outlined in this guide.
Success always comes to those who are coachable and
willing to take action on what they have learned. You
can question things later. Right now you’re brand new
and we want you to have the most success. What you
read here are proven and time-tested “best practices”
that work. So we ask you to complete the steps in this
plan exactly as described, and then you will have the
best opportunity for success.
The Rules
This truly is a simple business and yes, you too can be
successful. One of the keys to your success is to be
coachable and to follow this simple duplicatable process
and help others do the same thing. Though we know
how excited you must be starting up in business for
yourself do NOT try to reinvent the wheel.
Natureline business doesn’t mean that you can’t earn
an income greater than that of many of the top
entrepreneurs in the world.
If you run your business like a hobby
- you’ll get a hobby income.
But if you run it like a serious business and you can earn
a serious income. Don’t talk to anyone about your new
business until your finish this training. Let your upline
or the tools do the talking. It’s better if you don’t try to
explain Natureline until after you know what to say,
where the pitfalls are and what tools to use in the
process. For now, just write the name and contact
information of anyone you think of as you explore this
There are several things necessary for success. But
probably of greater interest are some of the things
many people think
they need—but
actually don’t.
Next are five
categories you may
believe are necessary
for your success—but
actually prevent you
from reaching it.
Our products are exciting and the business opportunity
is fantastic but you do not need to know a great deal
about either. If you learn nothing else learn this:
Keep it simple – follow the process!
The process in this plan is the same process used by
every leader who has experienced any level of success
in this industry. This is not a Business Plan as
determined by Natureline; it is a summary of lessons
learned by leaders in network marketing. It is simple
and it works! Every time! Do it, follow the process and
do it on a big scale and help others to do the same and
you can achieve anything.
Rule 1: Follow the Process
Rule 2: Follow Rule 1
Please take your business seriously. Just because you
haven’t invested tens of thousands of dollars into your
The Five
Things You
DON’T Need to
be Successful
1. Education or Credentials
Thousands of people have been successful in Natureline
without the benefit of college degrees.
Personal Franchise Business Plan
Some of our top leaders didn’t even finish
high school! Since Personal Franchising is so unlike
other businesses, the rules are different here. It’s quite
possible, actually quite common, to build a large
successful organization without having any credentials
or degrees. If you have a degree, or even a few, great!
Just know that this is not a requirement for success with
2. Experience
You do not have to have any experience to reach
success with Natureline. In fact you could argue that
those who come in with no pre-conceived ideas or bad
habits, and just follow the system to learn quicker. Your
sponsorship line has already “hacked through the jungle”
and created a path for you to follow. They have learned
the best practices for business building, and discovered
the mistakes to avoid. By using the experience of those
who come before you, you are able to reach success
much faster. We have put a step-by step system in place,
developed the infrastructure to support the system, and
created a training program on how to get the best
results from both of these. We already have people who
have reached the prestigious ranks, even though they
came into Natureline with no experience. If you are
teachable, not afraid of work and willing to follow the
system, you can reach success with Natureline.
you just can’t be a prophet in your own hometown;
which is why you will learn how to use third party tools
later. Other times you will find close friends or families
with three generations in the business and it provides a
wonderful opportunity to work together toward success.
You don’t need the approval of anyone, except yourself.
Sometimes even your spouse or significant other may
not approve of your network marketing business. This is
actually a frequent initial response, but we’ve seen
thousands of people who have built huge businesses
without the help of their spouse. However, don’t be
surprised once you qualify for a free trip, cruise, or earn
your first “big” check, if they don’t come on board
enthusiastically and things really take off!
You don’t need the approval of anyone, except
3. Approval of Others
One of the sad truths of life is that not everyone is
ready for success. Of course most everyone will tell you
that they want to be successful. But unfortunately some
people are content to be “professional victims” and
make excuses why success won’t work for them. Don’t
be surprised to find that some of your friends and
family members will not join the business, and may
even disparage you for doing so. It’s unfortunate, but
some people feel the need to attack those who are
striving for more out of life. After all, if you reach
success, it takes away their excuses for why it won’t
work for them.
They will regale you with horror stories of people who
tried other businesses and failed, and give you all kinds
of reasons why Natureline won’t work for you. It’s best
to give these “well-meaning” souls a wry smile, thank
them for their input, be strong in your own self resolve,
and stay focused on what is right for you.
Sometimes, the hardest presentation you ever give
might be to a family member or best friend. Sometimes
One may possess amazing skills and talents but
without “perseverance” he or she cannot
make use of any one of those.
4. Cheap Advice
Oftentimes a new team member will get involved with
Natureline and receive well-meaning advice from
friends who have
never built a network
in their lives. If you
want to know how to
fly airplanes, you must
get advice from an
expert pilot.
If you want to climb
Mt. Everest, talk to
someone who has
already done it.
Personal Franchise Business Plan
Likewise, if you want to build a Natureline
business, look at your sponsorship line and find
someone who has already accomplished this. Those are
the people to seek out for advice. Never take financial
advice from broke people! The best coaches are
successful people.
5. Perfection
We don’t recommend you quit your job or business to
start Natureline. Rather we suggest you keep doing
what you’re doing, but carve out ten to 15 hours a week
and begin working part-time. It means making a shortterm sacrifice (like skipping some TV, movies or other
things for a while), so you can reap the benefits for
many more years later. This is the easiest way that your
people will be able to succeed as well and duplicate
within their team.
Don’t make the mistake many beginners make, which is
to think that they can’t do anything until they have tried
every single product, read every scrap of literature, and
memorized every aspect of the compensation plan. Our
system is set up so that you can study, act, and teach
simultaneously. You earn as you learn, and you learn as
you teach. It’s a powerful way to build a strong team
Now notice we used the term “work.” For you to have
success with Natureline, you
must be willing to work. And
we’ve found that working at
least ten hours a week is
necessary to get enough
traction to launch your
The most important thing is to get into action, because
how fast you start is going to determine the speed of
your team.
Of course this time
investment does not apply to
those who are simply
interested in using the Natureline products and
marketing them to their friends, neighbors and relatives.
If your primary focus is the small business or retailing
model, you can do that in only a few hours a month.
Just a small amount of time can produce the results you
The Five
Things You DO
Need to be
Now that we’ve talked about what you don’t need to be
successful with Natureline, let’s explore what is
required to reach the higher levels of accomplishment
and rewards in the business:
1. Ten to 15 Hours a Week
To effectively build your business, you will need at least
ten hours a week to work the business. With Natureline
just launching internationally, you may want to consider
stretching closer to 15.
This is the one chance you will ever have in this
early stage, so you want to make the most of it.
If you are reading this business plan, we’re
assuming you’re interested in the big business
model of building a large network and creating
For you to have success with Natureline, you must be
willing to work and persevere. And we’ve found that
working at least ten hours a week is necessary to get
enough traction to launch your business.
2. A Burning Desire
The truth is, we’re all busy. Everyone is using all 24
hours of each day already. To reach success with
Natureline, you must substitute business building for
something you are currently doing in those ten or 15
hours a week. And to do that long-term, you must have
a reason for doing so. You need a burning desire that
you are passionate about, that will excite you, and keep
you focused on reaching it. This desire will keep you
working, even when things don’t go as perfect as you
would like. That desire could be a bigger home, a new
Personal Franchise Business Plan
Lamborghini, firing your boss, or giving a million dollars
to a worthwhile charity. Or all of the above!
3. A Positive Attitude
Getting your head right is the most important
thing you will do early on in your career with Natureline.
Daily self-development time will keep you on the right
track. Enthusiasm and a positive attitude are more
powerful than any knowledge you learn or any skills you
develop. There is a lot of skepticism and negativity in
the world today. You’ll find no shortage of people who
will tell you why this business won’t work. Don’t let the
expectations of someone who has given up on their
dreams cloud your chance to achieve your own. These
people are the “dream stealers” and they live lives of
quiet desperation.
Often brand new team members with no training or
experience build a group of 20 or 30 people their first
month. They don’t do this with skill, knowledge, or
technique—they just muscle it through with sheer,
unadulterated enthusiasm. They show excitement for
Natureline and that excitement duplicates with their
prospects and team members. Approach this adventure
with the positive attitude it deserves. Don’t “try” it.
Make your mind up, jump in, and do it!
4. A Willingness to Be Coached
Natureline provides a new and
unique approach to business. You will
discover that the rules are different
here. Things that work in the sales or
corporate arenas don’t necessarily
work in Natureline. Keep an open
mind and listen to your sponsorship
line. They have discovered what
works and the best practices to
follow. What you will learn is a step-by-step system on
how to create the largest business in the fastest amount
of time. The most important criteria in all this is
duplication. It is important that you resist the urge to
create new tools and try other methods. Otherwise
success becomes about your skills and it is harder for
your people to duplicate. Here we all follow the same
system, which makes it work better for everyone.
Keep an open mind and listen to your
sponsorship line.
The most important criteria in all this is
Resist the urge to create new tools and try
other methods. Use the system and tools
5. To Take Action
The biggest downfall new people make is wasting time
“getting ready to get ready.” There are only two things
you get paid for in Natureline: retailing product and
creating new distributors. Your 10 to 15 hours per week
must be filled with only these two activities. If not, you
will quickly find yourself sitting around imagining
possible reasons why your Natureline business won’t
work. And if you convince yourself of that, that’s exactly
what will happen. The most successful people in
Natureline got into immediate action, and began to
create immediate results. This begins a powerful cycle
of duplication, and continues through many levels in
your organization.
It has often been said that knowledge is power.
Unfortunately, knowledge is only the potential for
power. Knowledge plus action is where the real power
comes from. If you’re waiting for the perfect plan — the
perfect plan is to take action. Your sponsorship line, the
tools and the system will prevent you from making any
serious mistakes. Follow their lead and get into action.
Now let’s get started!
Remember, you only get paid for retailing
product and creating new distributors!
You shouldn’t and don’t have to
memorize all the product
applications, be able to present,
or understand all the intricacies
of the compensation plan to get
started. We have business
building tools to help you with all
that. You just have to follow the
simple steps in this business plan
and learn as you go along.
Personal Franchise Business Plan
Create a Game Plan
As you start your Natureline business, here are some questions to help you create a game plan that works for you:
What kind of monthly income are you looking for?
How many hours per week are you willing to commit to the development of that income?
How many months would you be willing to work those hours in the development of that
Why is that level of income important to you?
Pay down debt?
Manage your current monthly obligations?
Pay for your children’s education?
Drive a better car?
Live in a better house?
Travel and see the world?
To prove something to yourself or others?
Give more to the people or causes that are important to you?
Quit your current job and work for yourself?
Create a better retirement plan?
Have more fun?
What would you do if you had that kind of monthly income from your Natureline business?
Now that you’ve given some thought to what you’d like to accomplish with your Natureline Personal Franchise
business, let’s begin your training to make it happen!
Personal Franchise Business Plan
Business Ready
Be Prepared
Personal Franchise Business Plan
Build the
The three things below should have already been done
when you enrolled with your sponsor. Please double
check to make sure they are done already and check off
the box to the left of each completed item. If an item is
not completed STOP and complete it before moving on.
Contact Natureline Support or your sponsor for help or
to answer any questions.
□ Step 1: Enrollment Completed
This could have been done online, or you might have
entered your information on a paper application and
given it to your sponsor. As long as you have a User ID
and password, then this is done. This means you have a
spot locked in the structure, and your positioning is
assured. Check it off; you’re on your way!
□ Step 2: Activation Order Placed
This is your first order of the Natureline products. As a
big business builder, this should always be the
Natureline Gold Activation Pack or Star Pack. This gives
you a good cross section of the Natureline products and
qualifies you to earn in all aspects of the compensation
Starting with the Gold Pack as a minimum means
you have enough products for your own use,
samples to provide prospects, and extra inventory
you can loan to your new team members while
they are waiting for their own Gold Packs.
It is essential that as a business builder you start or
upgrade to this level. If you are not at the Gold level
contact your sponsor and discuss upgrading
□ Step 3: Autoship Set Up
One of the most important aspects of your business is
the Autoship program. This is a program that ensures
you never run out of product, and are always qualified
for any commissions and advancements you earn. It is
the engine that keeps your business operating smoothly.
It also allows the company to forecast demand to better
ensure that products are in stock and available.
We recommend strongly that you have
a monthly Autoship of at least 100 PV.
It is critical that you use the products yourself and can
testify to how amazing they really are. We often refer to
this as your “Natureline story.” This is your personal
testimonial of what the Natureline products have done
for you personally.
Many people think of it as their “rent” for their new
business. This is not the case. It is an investment in your
business and it makes sure that you have something to
share with prospects, family and friends, as well as to
sell to retail customers. Don’t think of this as an
additional expense, because that is really not the case.
Many of the products you use are actually “transfer
buying” for items you would have paid retail for from
stores. Our products can actually save you money on
your grocery bill. Always buy from your own store, and
never have a “Brand X” product in your home that
Natureline provides.
The products you use will actually save you money
and benefit your health; not to mention the
benefits to the environment.
□ Step 4: Business Ready
New customers are interested in purchasing their
product now so they can begin enjoying the benefits,
not later when your items arrive. A person’s excitement
about what you have to offer (product or business)
wears off quickly if you’re not prepared. Do not be
caught empty handed. Do you have sufficient product
and sales aids on hand to allow you to conduct your
business effectively? This is why it is important to start
with the Gold Pack as it includes enough products for
personal use as well as to share with customers, family
and friends. It also includes DVDs as well as websites
which create your online presence instantly. On a
monthly basis you should be on Autoship to maintain
your inventory and ability to do business instantly as
well as qualify for commissions.
Business cards, DVDs and brochures can be ordered in
your Natureline Back Office. Contact your upline or if you have any
Personal Franchise Business Plan
□ Step 5: Be Prepared
The key to developing an effective, incomeproducing Natureline Organization is being professional.
That includes being prepared at all times to answer
questions and provide information to any interested
Below is a checklist of items you should have with you
at all times in a simple three ring binder or similar
organizational tool.
Printed Business Plan (this document)
Daily Planner
Expense Tracker
Daily checklist
Prospecting Scripts
Bi-Tron Product Guide +Test Data
Brochures (10+ copies)
Intro DVDs (5+ copies)
Registration Form (5+ copies)
Retail Order Form & Receipt (5+ copies)
Wholesale Order Form (5+ copies)
Price List (Retail/Wholesale)
Recommended Business Cards
How to Master the Art of Selling, Tom Hopkins
The Magic of Thinking Big, David Schwartz
How to Get Control of Your Time and Your Life,
Allen Lakein
The Power of Positive Thinking, Norman
Vincent Peale
The Winner’s Edge, Dr. Denis Waitley
Seeds of Greatness, Dr. Denis Waitley
Reading or listening to books for a minimum of 15
minutes per day should be one of your top priorities as
you develop yourself and your business. You’ll be
surprised at how quickly and drastically the ideas in
these books will influence, not just your business, but
your daily life for the better. You can find most of these
books in your Natureline Back Office or at most large
online book retailers ( etc.).
The Books I Will Read in My First 90 Days:
□ Step 6: Self-Improvement
There is no habit you can develop that will provide you
with more benefits, better performance, and a broader
understanding, than maintaining an ongoing selfimprovement program through books and audio CD’s.
The following is a list of recommended books for
anyone who is serious about the business and their
future. Many of these are also available on audio CD.
How to Build a Multi-Level Money Machine,
Randy Gage
Beach Money, Jordan Adler
Being the Best You Can Be in MLM, John
The Slight Edge, Jeff Olson
Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill
How to Win Friends and Influence People, Dale
The Greatest Miracle in the World, Og
Success University, Og Mandino
See You at the Top, Zig Ziglar
Success through a Positive Mental Attitude, W.
Clement Stone & Napoleon Hill
Dress for business! T-shirts, shorts or baseball caps are
definitely not recommended. Dressing professionally
creates a powerful first impression that this is a serious
opportunity. If you need guidelines for appropriate
business dress, read John Molloy’s “Dress for Success”.
Personal Franchise Business Plan
Back Office
Contact Information
Get Plugged In
Team up With Your Sponsor
Personal Franchise Business Plan
Get Connected
□ Step 1: Login to your Natureline Back Office
The Natureline Back Office is a powerful tool that keeps
track, among other things, of your commissions, sales,
and team members. It is also packed with useful video
files, audio files and documents to help you grow your
Explore the Back
Office until you are
familiar with it and
login frequently to
find new information
and exciting
After that, just browse around and get comfortable
navigating your Back Office through the navigation
buttons on the left and the menu buttons at the top.
Click on “Home” to return to the main back office page
at any time.
This is where you will go to manage your
Natureline business, including enrolling new team
members, placing additional product orders, and
managing your Autoship orders.
□ Step 2: Contact Information
Be sure to have your sponsor’s information written
down and entered in your phone. Also, have Natureline
Head Office information easily accessible as well.
□ Step 3: Get Plugged In!
Go to your Natureline
website to enter the
Back Office. You
selected your
password and username at the time of registration and
should have it written down. Enter that information
into the login fields and then click “Log In”.
Make sure you add the Natureline e-mail address to
your email client “Safe Senders List” after the first
Welcome e-mail that arrives (this will be the first e-mail
you receive from Natureline’s corporate office after
registration). In the following days you will receive
helpful training e-mails filled with product and business
information. Keep an eye on your e-mail as it will
include conference call announcements, newsletters
and event announcements.
If you misplaced or forgot your information click on
“Forgot password or username?” and enter your e-mail
address in the window that comes up followed by
clicking on “Submit”. Your information will be e-mailed
to you.
Because of the importance of Natureline emails to
your business development make sure you receive
the initial welcome e-mail and then add
Natureline to your “Safe Senders List”.
After logging in you can edit personal information
displayed on your website by clicking on “Replicated
Site” in the top menu. Be sure to do this as your
contact information will not show on your websites
until this is completed.
Once you’re registered, explore your sites and get
familiar with the various sections. You have a number
of websites all preceded by your username. Make sure
you always send your contacts to your website by
including your username in the address.
Click on “Edit Personal Info” and make sure all
information is accurate and complete including your
physical shipping address.
My websites are: (enter your username in space
preceding the website below)
By clicking on “E-Wallet” you can adjust your
commission payment settings and even select e-Wallet
as the Autoship payment method. Click on the “what’s
this?” links if you have questions about the various
Make sure you always send your contacts to your
personal Natureline website by including your
username in the address.
Be sure to go to “Payment Methods” and enter two
backup payment methods for your Autoship and orders.
Personal Franchise Business Plan
□ Step 4: Team Up With Your Upline
This is an extremely critical step because it gives
you the opportunity to experience the enrollment
process first-hand by watching and learning from your
sponsor. Establish a time when both of you can meet to
review this process and begin working your contact list.
Schedule a minimum of 2 hours for your first session.
Ideally, this should be within the first 48 hours of
becoming an Independent Distributor. This will be the
first in a series of sessions where you will be helped to
set your goals, prioritize your business activities, and
master the competencies necessary to create a business
that has a solid foundation for earning income.
Leverage your
sponsor’s experience
in order to assist you
in the initial phase of
building your business.
If your sponsor is new
in the business, work
with your upline (your
sponsor’s sponsor) as
is necessary.
□ Your New Members
As soon as your prospect has decided to join the
business, make a firm appointment for your next
meeting within 48 hours. Allow a minimum of 2 hours
for this orientation session. This should be done face-toface whenever possible, however in cases of long
distance sponsoring, it can also be done effectively over
the phone. If you are new yourself contact your upline
and have them participate in the process.
This is the most significant contribution you can make
to your new Distributor’s future with Natureline.
Schedule this immediately! If your new Distributor is
reluctant to schedule the time necessary for this
coaching session, question their intentions. Let them
know that this is essential for them to get started on the
right foot. Make sure that they have reviewed as much
of the company information as possible, on their own
time, have a copy of this Business Plan and they have
written down all of their questions. Have them bring
their initial prospect list with at least 20 names to the
meeting, as well as their agenda (calendar/daily
be committing to the business. Ask them the following
1. What would you like the business to provide for
2. How much would you like to earn per year?
3. How soon would you like to be earning that
amount? (6 months or 6 years?)
4. How many hours per week are you prepared to
put into your business to get these results?
5. Are you serious about your goals?
Make sure that your new Distributor commits to writing
down all of their short-range and long-range goals on
their own time right away after your meeting. It is very
important after they’ve written down their goals, that
they share their goals with you so that you can support
their efforts and hold them accountable. This will create
a very powerful bond and commitment for both of you.
Team up with your new Distributor and schedule some
time to start working together with 3-way calls or 2-on1 meetings with their prospects. Initially, you should
schedule blocks of time over the next 30 days to help
get off to a good start. This will give them the guidance
they need and the
confidence that you
are there to support
their efforts.
For most people,
their first 90 days in
the business will
have a dramatic
impact on their
future success. Your
objective should be
focused on helping your new Distributors achieve a
minimum income of $500 a month within that period.
This amount represents the psychological threshold
they need to break through, for them to see the value
of their efforts and their true potential over the next 24
to 36 months.
Start the meeting by helping your new Distributor
establish realistic goals based on the time that they will
Personal Franchise Business Plan
Your Product Story
Ten Professional Commitments of a
Natureline Leader
Personal Franchise Business Plan
The people who reach success with Natureline are the
ones who make commitments and stick to them. Please
read and sign the “The Ten Professional Commitments
of a Natureline Leader” form on the next page. It sums
up the ten key commitments that create a successful
business. Pint the page, sign, post a copy on the fridge
or somewhere where you can review it daily and
provide a copy for your enroller.
These qualities are what separate Natureline leaders
from the people who drop by the wayside and never
reach long-term success in the business. Practicing all
the professional qualities isn’t easy—it’s not supposed
to be. But you must practice them all if you’re truly
interested in building a network where others have the
same opportunity for success as you. “Going
Professional” means doing all ten actions, not just the
ones you like. It also takes a substantial investment in
yourself. But you will discover that the people who
invest in “Going Professional” reach dramatically higher
levels of success than those who don’t. As a leader
committed to empowering others—you have a
responsibility to “Go Professional” yourself, and create
that culture in your organization.
□ Your Product Story
having tried the products (the complete line) and found
something you like that you can share with others.
Most prospects, family and friends will want to hear
what the products did for you and what the reason you
are excited about this business is.
Now, if you just registered you may not have received
your products yet or you are still “testing” them out.
While you work on your product story use the story of
your enroller or his or her enroller. Once you have your
story ready be sure to develop it with your enroller so
you can share it quickly with everyone you meet. The
story should be no longer than 30 seconds.
My Product Story: (send a copy of this story to and your upline)
As a professional networker you must be a “Product of
the Products”. You cannot build a business without
Personal Franchise Business Plan
The Ten
of a Natureline
Give them your daily/weekly goals and talk at least once
a week.
5. Expose the Natureline business to at least
____ people a day, ____ days a week.
You can’t control enrollments, but you can control how
many people you offer the chance to evaluate
6. Host or Support a Regular Natureline
If there is not one in your area, start one.
7. Work diligently on the “My Natureline
Business Plan” with all my Personal Enrollees.
8. Attend and Participate in all the
appropriate Corporate and Team Events.
I ________________ am making a commitment to
my sponsor, Natureline, and most importantly myself,
to “Go Professional” and pursue the Natureline
opportunity with the fullest intention of success. I am
approaching my business with a professional business
mindset. I recognize that my first six months are a
learning experience and that the Natureline opportunity
is a two- to five-year plan. So I will work at least ten
hours a week on my business for one year and then
evaluate it and my own performance and growth
Bring prospects, help out, be on time, sit up front, and
dress professionally.
9. Practice Daily Self Development.
Start each day with at least 30 minutes of positive
personal growth time.
10. Do the Right Thing at all Times.
Tell the truth, edify others, honor other team members’
prospects, do what you promise.
I commit to “Go Professional,” live by these
principles, and be here one year from now!
I hereby commit that I will:
1. Be a Product of the Products
Signature ___________________________________
Use all the products yourself, be on Autoship, develop
at least ten retail customers, and carry product samples
and my Natureline business cards everywhere.
2. Stay Connected with the Team System
Be on the Leadership Training calls, transfer information
to your front line people, and keep the system sacred
for maximum duplication.
3. Launch my Business with “Massive Action”
Get at least 80 to 100 candidates in your prospecting
funnel so you can find some “runners” and create
excitement and momentum.
4. Get a Business Plan Partner to hold each
other accountable.
Personal Franchise Business Plan
Your “Why?”
Setting Your Goals
Long Range Goals
Short Range Goals
Personal Franchise Business Plan
Your “Why?”
Before getting started in your new business it is
important to stop and think about why you are
embarking upon this new venture. It has been stated
that if you do not know the reason WHY, it doesn’t
matter HOW. When you determine why, any setbacks
or disappointments will be shrugged off as mere speed
bumps or minor inconveniences along the road to
success. If you don’t know why you are involved in this
business, those setbacks will loom as insurmountable
Ask yourself, “If money were no object, what
would I be doing with my life?”
Some examples of “Why?”:
To spend more time with family and friends
To travel more
To donate to charity
To buy a mansion
To be a “jet setter”
To pay for my home faster
To supplement my income
Remember, this can be anything and everything!
Success is the progressive realization of predetermined
worthwhile goals. Few people have achieved happiness
and success without goals. Free time for personal or
family interests, independence in business, and financial
freedom may be some of them.
Everything that you now have in your life you first
created in the form of thought. Now is the time to think
about and decide on your personal goals with
Natureline, so you can begin to progressively realize
hundred dollars to cover your car payment? Or do you
want to develop complete financial freedom? To reach
your goals, you must first determine what they are—
then set a timetable to reach them.
Now that you have your “Why?” create a more specific
“wish list,” a list of your needs and desires, no matter
how unattainable or unrealistic they may seem right
now. Next, turn “wishing” into “doing” by converting
these wishes into goals. When setting your goals, they
must be:
Specific. This will provide you with a clear idea of what
actions need to be taken.
Measurable. Your goals must be measurable so you
will know when they are achieved.
Challenging. They must make you stretch in order to
achieve them; inspire you enough to get out of your
‘comfort zone’ and grow. And, they must be realistic to
avoid discouragement.
Time-Sensitive. The goals must have an achievable
completion time or date.
Meaningful. They are your goals, so the achievement
of them should be personally rewarding to you.
In Writing. The difference between goals and mere
‘wishes or hopes’ is writing your goals down on paper.
Break your goals down into Long-Range Goals (2 to 5
years); Short-Range Goals (6 months to 1 year); and
Immediate Goals (30-90 days).
Sharing your goals with your sponsor as well as
your family or a supportive friend often makes
achieving them even more rewarding.
Setting Your
You must decide what you want to do with your
Natureline business. Are you just interested in getting
your products for free? Are you looking to make a few
Personal Franchise Business Plan
□ Long Range Goals
Think about where you intend to be financially, 3
to 5 years from now. Determine your Personal Net
Worth, what it will consist of (cash, real estate, stocks,
gold, etc.), and establish the specific month and year
you will achieve it.
Now using the goal writing guidelines on the previous
page (Specific, Measurable, Challenging, Time-Sensitive,
Meaningful, and In Writing) create a few (3-5) Long
Range Goals.
Annual Income
Monthly Income
Yr 1 _________
Yr 2 _________
Yr 3 _________
Yr 4 _________
Yr 5 _________
Month reached
I use the Natureline products to (reduce emissions,
conserver water, save money, improve well being etc.)
The reason I started my Natureline business is
At the end of my six-month training period, I would like
to be earning $_________ per month.
□ Short Range Goals
Determine the minimum income you will need to earn
each year from your Natureline business in order to
achieve your long-range goals and write it down.
Determine the minimum monthly income you will need
to earn in order to achieve your annual income goals.
Set the first month you expect to reach it and write it
Personal Franchise Business Plan
Prospect List of at Least 100 Names
Prospect Memory Jogger
Prospect List
Personal Franchise Business Plan
Your Prospect
List of at Least
100 Names
This is one of the most important steps. Do not
skip it and don’t do it halfway – this will make
your business in the first few days if done right.
Just start writing down the names of everyone you
know. Don’t try to prejudge: “Well, he makes a lot of
money; he won’t be interested,” “She’s not a sales type;
she wouldn’t look at this,” etc. A mistake like that can
cost you tens of thousands of dollars down the road. So
do not prejudge, just write down the names.
On your list of 100 there will likely be one or two 8 Stars,
three or four 4 Stars and numerous Stars and above.
There are also likely to be 20 or 30 people who are not
looking for a business opportunity at the moment, but
will want to use the products as a retail customer. We
don’t know who’s who—and it’s almost never who you
think it is.
Begin with the memory joggers list. Then look through
the business cards you’ve collected. Go through your
address book and your holiday card list. Finally, skim
through the business telephone directory and scan the
occupations as a reminder. Start with accountants,
barbers and contractors, and go to x-ray technicians and
Don’t make the classic mistake of thinking of five or six
people who you think will be interested and stopping
there. You will certainly be disappointed. Make sure you
get down at least 100 names so we can let people sort
themselves into the right categories. To reach the
heights reached by some of the best in this industry you
will have to sort through hundreds of people to find a
handful of true leaders and entrepreneurs.
Memory Jogger
Use the Memory Jogger on the next few pages to create
your prospect list off 100 names. You will need their
phone number and/or e-mail address to start.
□ People you pay regularly:
Make a list of the people you pay on a regular basis,
such as every week or every month. For starters, list
your grocer, service station owner, dry cleaner, hair
stylist, personal trainer, etc.
□ People you pay occasionally:
This list might include your pharmacist, plumber,
decorator, clothing store clerk, furniture dealer, carpet
cleaner, etc. Include anyone you buy from now and
□ Professional people:
Think of the professional people you deal with
frequently, such as doctors, attorneys, dentists, clergy,
teachers, etc.
□ Organizations you belong to:
What about the church, temple, or synagogue you go to,
the clubs you belong to, and the association meetings
you attend?
□ Friends, neighbors & relatives:
This is a huge list, probably numbering at least 100 or
200 by itself.
□ School classmates:
What about the people you went to school with? Don’t
forget any continuing education, trade schools, or
professional schools that you may have attended. With
the Internet, all these contacts are now just a click away.
□ Previous Jobs:
In your last job you have a circle of friends and
acquaintances with whom you used to work. Also, you
must know people whom you used to think of as
competitors, or who were in a competing business at
the time.
Personal Franchise Business Plan
Whom do you know…
named Joe / Named Moe / Named Curly
who looks like Tom Cruise
who just quit smoking
who just moved away
in politics
that you met on a plane
who flies planes
in radio / TV
who looks like Julia Roberts
who needs extra money
at the gym
Who is your…
mail carrier
newspaper carrier
insurance agent
favorite waiter/waitress
butcher/baker/candlestick maker
bank officer
travel agent
hair stylist
dry cleaner
carpet cleaner
Who is related to your…
Who sold you your…
wedding rings
glasses/contact lenses
air conditioner
lives next door
lives down the block
lives across the street
lives upstairs /downstairs
teaches your children
was your best man/ushers
was your maid of honor or bridesmaids
are your babysitter’s parents
was a service buddy
did you go to school with
used to be your teachers or
is your old boss
went with you to the beach
owns a restaurant
installed your appliances
is the President of the PTA
is in the local Chamber
of Commerce
goes to church with you.
watched the Super Bowl
with you
is a policeman
is in the military
works at the video club
is an actor
Personal Franchise Business Plan
The List
Personal Franchise Business Plan
Home Private Business Reception (PBR)
The Private Business Reception
Pass the DVD, Follow Up
The Phone Call, E-mail Blast, Drop Off
Three Way Calling
Personal Franchise Business Plan
The most important thing you should do now is get
Massive Action going!
You will want to expose as many people as you can to
the Natureline opportunity using the prospecting tools
we have available. Understand that you do not need to
be “selling” the products or opportunity.
Let the tools do the talking. If your lips are moving, they
should be directing someone to a tool. With each tool
exposure, you should have a scheduled follow-up within
12 – 24 hours. The way to get started fast is to conduct
what we call “Massive Action”. This is when you get into
serious action and offer the opportunity to look at
Natureline to a large group of people quickly.
The goal of is to get at least 80-100 candidates for the
business into your prospecting funnel. Please
understand that this doesn’t mean you have to sponsor
80 or 100 people, or even make that many
presentations. Just that you have to give them an
opportunity to look at Natureline to see if they are
interested. It’s important that you get a large number of
people looking at the business, to ensure you get
enough business builders to get into traction right away.
It sounds ironic, but it is actually easier to build the
business fast, than it is to build slowly. When you start
fast, you create excitement and momentum that
spreads down your group. And by getting into a positive
cash flow quickly, you set the tone for your team and
create an exciting demonstration of success for
Natureline is perfect for everybody – but everybody is
not perfect for Natureline. Some people are not looking
for a business opportunity right now. Others want an
opportunity, but aren’t willing to do the work. Yet
others will become product customers, but not do the
business. It’s all good. We just need to sort them out.
The best approach is a multi pronged one, creating lots
of traction. Here’s how to have successful Massive
□ Step 1: Home Private Business Reception
The foundation of recruiting is Private Business
Receptions (PBR’s). These are informal get-togethers at
your home, where you can invite the key people you
would like on your team to preview the opportunity.
They are very simple to do, because basically you just
welcome people and make the presentation. It is a very
friendly, non-threatening way for candidates to be
introduced to Natureline.
For step one of your Massive Action, you should
schedule your “Grand Opening” PBR’s. Get the first one
scheduled within the next three to four days, and then
two or three more several days apart. Having a series of
a few like this will allow all of your prospects the
flexibility to find a date that works for them. It also
ensures that you enroll enough team members to
uncover a few serious people who will run with the
business in a big way. Check with your sponsor to see if
he or she wants to attend in person, or call in to your
first event or two. Your goal is to complete at least
three PBR’s in your first seven to 10 days. This is the
fastest way to create momentum.
Here are some guidelines to conducting the most
effective PBR’s and getting started fast:
Prior to PBR
Look over your prospect list to determine your best
prospects and invite them to your home. Let them
know you are having the “Grand Opening” of your
new business and want them to see what it is all
Don’t get drawn into a lot of questions. If they ask,
let them know the name of the company is
Natureline, and that you have a presentation that
you want them to see. Explain that you are brand
new yourself, but the presentation will provide the
answers they are seeking.
Remove all distractions before presentation (phone,
pets, children, etc.)
Do not set up the furniture in the home for a
meeting. Keep everything normal, and only move
chairs in or around as necessary when people arrive.
Confirm with your sponsor if he or she will be
attending or calling in.
Provide only beverages (no alcohol) or light snacks.
Have packets/samples prepared for each guest, but
keep them out of sight.
Do not set up a product display.
Personal Franchise Business Plan
The Private Business Reception
Welcome people as they arrive and seat them
comfortably. Introduce guests to each other and start
some friendly social conversation.
a. Start within five or six minutes of the scheduled
time. Do not talk about people who are late or did
not show. Concentrate on those who are there.
b. To begin, welcome everyone officially and thank
them for attending. Do your 30-second Natureline
testimonial and let them know they will be
watching a show that was on television about an
international company seeking leaders. If your
sponsor is in attendance, or will be calling in later,
introduce him or her and let guests know they will
be available to answer their questions later.
c. Play Natureline Introduction DVD or show business
d. Don’t be running around the house during the
presentation. Stay seated and watch the
presentation with your guests.
e. If others arrive late, don’t start over. Let them know
that you will catch them up later privately.
f. When the video finishes, hand out one packet for
each guest.
g. Now is the time to answer questions. If your
sponsor is there or calling in, direct the questions to
them. If s/he are not there, use the tools for
answers. Example: If there are questions about the
compensation plan, hand prospects the
compensation plan summary and go over some key
points. If they are product questions, use the
Product Guide or the website.
h. When you see someone is quite interested, ask
them about what are interest them most and why.
If they respond positively, ask them if they are
ready to get started.
i. Sign up those who are ready to get started online or
by using a printed form. Provide them with product
and enter your address as the “Ship To” for the
product they select at registration. Send them
home with their own copy of this business plan and
Natureline information.
j. For those who do not sign up, invite them to check
out your website. Remind them that we are
building fast and we want them to do their
Homework fast. Schedule a follow up call, or if there
is another meeting coming up within a few days,
invite them to that.
□ Step 2: Pass the DVD
You will want to get at least 50 of the Natureline
Introduction DVDs into the hands of prospects in your
first 10 days (average five per day). Emphasize that they
should watch the complete DVD and then visit your
website and check out some of the fantastic
information there. Not everyone will watch it
immediately of course, but you want to get at least 2530 quality exposures from this; meaning people who
have actually take the time to view the DVD.
This step is best for people you don’t think will come to
your home for a PBR, but still need to see the business.
It is also very effective for casual acquaintances that you
don’t know that well. It also works well for people who
impress you as you go about your day-to-day life,
whether it is a helpful retail clerk, courteous taxi driver,
or extra friendly waitress.
Here are some possibilities for people you know:
“Peter, the information contained on this DVD is
extremely important. When do you think you’ll have a
chance to watch it?”
“Peter, I know that you are considered among the best
at what you do. I believe that you could be very
successful in a new venture I’m involved in. I would like
to hear your comments after you review this DVD. When
do you think you’ll have a chance to watch it?”
“Peter I’m launching a new business, looking for leaders,
and I immediately thought of you. Please review this
DVD and let me know what you think.”
“I’m putting together a group of the brightest people I
know to launch a new business initiative. Your skill set is
perfect for it. Would you take 15 minutes and review
this DVD for me?
“Peter, I have recently decided that I wanted to diversify
my income and I have launched a new business to
accomplish that. My guess is that you will be more than
intrigued with the info on this DVD. When do you think
you’ll have a chance to watch it?”
Follow Up…
You will have much more compliance with people
reviewing the materials and a better response if you
distribute them with a sense of urgency. Let your
prospects know that you are moving very rapidly and
Personal Franchise Business Plan
ask for their commitment to review the materials
Use an energetic and busy approach, but don’t go
overboard trying to pressure the prospect. If they really
don’t seem interested to look at the information, thank
them for their time and move on. Your best results will
come when you qualify your candidate and organize a
time to get back with them. Here’s what that will look
After your prospect agrees to watch the DVD say,
“Great! When do you think you can see it for sure?”
Wait for their response. What time they give you is
unimportant. Then say, “So, if I call you (right after they
said they’d see it for sure), you’ll have seen it for sure
right?” After they confirm this, ask for the best number
to call them.
This way, the prospect has had several opportunities to
say they’ll watch it and by using this commitment
approach (and if you have the proper posture), you will
have an 80% view rate or better duplicated throughout
your organization. Without it, you will have a 10% view
rate or worse duplicated throughout your organization.
When you follow up when you agreed you would, you
simply ask, “Did you have a chance to view the DVD?”
If they tell you they have not reviewed the presentation
yet, say something like, “It’s really important. When do
you think you could see it for sure for sure?” Wait for
their answer and say, “Great, so if I call you on
_________ you’ll have seen it for sure?” Just keep
repeating this process until the actually review the
presentation or tell you they are not interested.
If they did watch it, ask them, “Did you get it? Did it
make sense to you?” If they say yes, ask them, “Would
you be interested in working with this company,
becoming a part of my team and getting started today?”
If they say they aren’t interested, thank them for their
time and move on.
If they are intrigued, but aren’t ready to go, escalate the
process. This can be done by inviting them to a meeting
(PBR), getting them on a three-way call, or listening in
to a weekly Leadership Training call or getting more
information from one of your Natureline websites.
Here are some examples of how to approach people
you just met that impressed you:
“You know you are too good doing what you do – to be
doing what you do. I bet you would be amazing in my
business. Can I leave you with some information for you
to review? If it looks good to you, my number is on the
“You know I am very impressed at the job you do here. I
believe you would be very successful in the business I am
in. Can I leave you with some information for you to
review? If it looks good to you, my number is on the
“You know I am very impressed at the job you do here.
Are you familiar with network marketing? I’m in an
emerging new company that is looking for leaders. Can I
leave you with some information for you to review? If it
looks good to you, my number is on the back.”
Some of your best leaders may come from people that
you don’t know right now. So be on the lookout as you
go through your day for sharp people. People who are
successful in others areas usually are successful with
Natureline too. So always have some information in
your car, purse, or briefcase for when you meet them.
Remember to always use these third party
resources and don’t try to make
a presentation yourself.
Be sure to schedule specific follow-up times within 24
hours from the time you give someone a tool. If there is
any interest (even if they have questions), then
immediately escalate them to another level.
□ Step 3: The Phone Call
This step works best for people you have influence with,
who don’t live close enough to get a DVD to quickly or
can’t attend your PBR. Call them personally with a sense
of urgency. You can say something like:
“Hey (name), grab a pen. (Wait.) Please write down this
website: www.(yourusername)
It’s about a new business I’m launching and I’d love your
take on it. Please take a look and I’ll call you back at
_________ to talk about it.”
“Hi (name). I’m opening an exciting new business and
you’re one of the first people I thought of. I believe you
could do well with this. Have you got a pen? Please go
to www.(yourusername) and
check this out. There’s a way to earn a strong residual
Personal Franchise Business Plan
income. Check it out and I’ll call you back at ________
to talk to you about it.”
Get a large group of people, to take a few simple
actions, over a consistent period of time.
Be sure to schedule a follow-up call for a specific time
later that day or the next.
Launching your business with Massive Action as above
meets this formula perfectly. Anyone with any
experience or education level can follow these simple
steps. And you will notice that all of these involve using
third party resources. This makes sure that the business
is not about you, and that anyone can duplicate your
□ Step 4: Email Blast
This step is perfect for the people you have emails for,
but not a physical address or phone number. Cut and
paste the Two-Step email campaign from the Appendix
of this business plan. Do not send bulk, “one size fits”,
all e-mails to your whole contact list. The goal is not to
send SPAM to people but to send thought out
personalized e-mails to individuals who have a previous
relationship with you.
Send out part one. If you customize each message with
a few personal comments, your response rate will be
higher. Then, for the people who reply with interest,
send them part two. Follow up 24 hours later for best
results. If your prospect is interested, but not ready to
join, escalate the process. This can be done by sending
them doing a three-way call with your sponsor, sending
them to a meeting in their area, getting them on a
weekly Leadership Training Call, or sending them to
your website.
□ Step 5: Drop Off
Drop five to ten brochures off at 20 different locations
in your local market. Examples include the car wash,
mechanic shops, tire shops, hairstyling salons, doctors’
waiting rooms, hotel lobbies, coffee shops, nail salons
etc. This is lower yield than the above methods, but can
bring you people you don’t know yet, and works for you
around the clock.
Also, the product is your best sales tool. Don’t hesitate
to speak with people and give them a sample of the
products. Be sure to follow up!
General tips for
recruiting results
The formula for creating wealth in this business is to
follow the formula:
The most successful people in Natureline have learned
how to put their sponsorship line to work for them.
Three-Way Calls are one of the simplest, yet most
duplicable ways to do this. They allow you to rapidly
and efficiently convert prospects into team members
and expand your business. Anyone can do Three-Way
Calls. You don’t need any special skills other than the
ability to make a phone call.
Most people are able to do Three-Way Calls with their
existing phone set up. If not you will need to order the
service from your phone provider, which is simple and
Try it out with your sponsor or a friend before trying it
with a prospect.
Look through the possible approaches below and
find one that feels good for you:
Personal Franchise Business Plan
“Let me show you how this works. I am going to quickly
introduce you to my business partner who is very
successful and can share his/her perspective on the
“You have some excellent questions. Let me call up my
business partner who is an expert in this area and we’ll
get the information you need.”
“You know my sponsor is one of the more successful
people in the business. He/she has a lot of insights that
can help you. Let me get him/her on the phone with
The key to all of this is launching your Massive Action
and getting a large group of people evaluating your
business. Get at least 80-100 people into your
prospecting funnel quickly and you’re sure to get some
satisfied preferred customers, some casual builders,
and some serious people who will run with this in a big
way. Then immediately give them their own copy of this
Business Plan and start duplicating like crazy!
As you go about this Massive Action, maintain a strong
posture. Be in a hurry. YOU have the gift! Don’t ever
beg. Don’t be emotionally attached to the outcome
with your prospect. If they don’t like it, they’re rejecting
a third party tool, not you.
You can find more prospecting ideas and tools in your
Natureline Back Office. One excellent resource is Mark
Yarnell’s Holy Grail of Network Marketing Series.
Volume Two of this series includes more than 20 ways
to approach and create prospects. The methods used
are virtually identical to those used by six figure
monthly income earners in the industry. In your Back
Office there are also free training videos and guides that
will give you lots of ideas about how to build your
Natureline business.
Personal Franchise Business Plan
Responding to Objection
Personal Franchise Business Plan
Objections &
It is important to understand that in the majority of
cases where a qualified prospective Distributor raises an
objection to becoming involved in the Natureline
business, it is usually a result of one of three underlying
1. The Natureline program was not explained
clearly enough for them to arrive at a decision.
They have more questions that you must
answer in a professional manner.
2. They have preconceived ideas or
misinformation about the network distribution
industry that needs clarification.
3. Their self-esteem may not be high enough to
permit them to comfortably engage in a new
venture that involves an element of uncertainty.
Introducing them to several Distributors who
have become successful with little or no
previous experience, education, professional
background, etc., will help establish the reality
that anybody who is willing to work can usually
succeed with Natureline.
what I hear you saying ________, is that
________. Is that right?”. This will do two
things for you. It will make sure that you’ve
clearly heard their real objection, and it will give
you a few seconds to think about your response.
o USE: Feel, Felt, Found. Example: “I understand
why you feel that way, ______ “ OR: “I can truly
appreciate what you’re saying, ______ OR: “If I
understand you correctly, the reason that you
feel that way, ______ , is...” CONTINUE with: “I
felt the same way myself, however what I found
was that...”
o Responding to your prospect’s objection in this
manner will put your prospect at ease, allowing
him to be less defensive of his/her objection
and more open to you and your response.
o Your response should always be brief and to the
o Once you have responded, confirm that your
prospect understands and agrees with it before
you proceed any further. ASK: “Does that
answer your question?” OR “Does that make
sense to you?” OR “Would you agree?”
o After answering your prospect’s question or
objection always return to a closing question
and ask for a decision. Example: “Based on what
you’ve seen and heard, how do you see yourself
getting started with Natureline - as a customer,
or building your own home-based business?”
Understand that after you have been in Natureline for
some time you will begin to recognize common
objections. Here are several objections and appropriate
responses that you can be prepared for:
1) I don’t have enough time.
□ Responding to Objections
When responding to a prospect’s objections:
Listen carefully - NEVER interrupt or anticipate
what they will say.
Understand that underlying your prospect’s
objection is always a question.
NEVER ARGUE with your prospect! Either agree
with their objection, appreciate their reasons
for thinking that, or repeat their objection so
that you clearly understand what they are
saying. Repeat their objection by saying, “So
(a) “How much time do you think it takes?” OR
(b) “I can understand why you feel that way. Frankly, I
felt the same way. But I found it was really a question of
priorities. When I considered all the things I was doing
and realized that some of them were not taking me
where I wanted to be 5 or 10 years from now, I decided
it would be wise to spend 5 to 10 hours per week doing
something to accomplish my goals and dreams. Does
that make sense to you? By joining Natureline,
promoting the products and building your organization,
______ , you are effectively multiplying the results of
your available time - so let’s get you started as a
Distributor right now, and begin building your business.”
Personal Franchise Business Plan
2) I’m not a sales person.
“Good, because you don’t have to be! This business is
more about teaching and training than selling. I’m sure
you can see that Natureline provides you with the
necessary tools to be successful without having to have
been a sales person. In fact, many of our top people
have never had any involvement in retail sales and
marketing. I’m sure if they can do it - you can too right? Let’s get you started right away!”
3) I don’t know many people.
“That’s the beauty of Natureline - it’s not important that
you know a lot of people personally. In fact, financial
success can be achieved in our compensation plan by
introducing as few as three Distributors! Can you see
what an exciting opportunity this is? Our training and
support will show you how to promote the products and
business opportunity and build a successful
Organization. So let’s get started.”
4) I don’t think this type of business is really for us.
“You know, that surprises me - since you work well with
people and I know you’d really enjoy helping other
people. What aspect of our business concerns you - is it
the compensation plan or the products?”
5) I don’t have any money.
“You’ll be pleased to know, ______ , that you can start
your own business as a Natureline Distributor for as
little as (cost). We’ll provide the training and support for
you to be successful. You provide the commitment and a
willingness to learn, and we’ll have you on the road to
achieving your personal goals right away. Then you’ll
never have to feel like you don’t have any money ever
6) I want to think about it.
“I can appreciate that, ______. It’s not the speed of a
decision that counts, but the accuracy of it - right? Just
for my own information, what is it exactly that you want
to think about - is it the product, the compensation plan,
or the company?”
Personal Franchise Business Plan
80/20 Rule
Personal Franchise Business Plan
Great rewards demand commitment to the business of
building a successful organization and assisting your
Distributors to build their retail base and businesses.
Encourage and help your new Distributors overcome
their fears, cope with frustrations, sponsor that first
new Distributor, and go further with their Natureline
career than they ever imagined. Remember that just a
few successful distributors in your organization can
make you a fortune. When you make an investment in
the success of others, it will come back to you ten-fold.
However, do not ever try to push, pull
or drag people through this business.
Also, do not ever build someone’s business for them.
Your role is to support and help in their business activity.
If a person is not taking action, making progress or not
treating the business as their own you must move on
and focus on people who are. Those are the people
that will help you grow a successful organization.
Attend all the training meetings you can, listen to
conference calls, and be in regular contact with your
Distributors, even if you live far away from each other.
An important way of fulfilling your training
responsibilities is by personal example. In fact, setting a
positive example in all that you do is vital to becoming a
successful Natureline leader. And you can learn to lead.
Your Distributors can be motivated to greater effort
through individual attention. Take the time to explain
what works well in a given situation and what does not.
Share the techniques that you have found the most
successful. Set the standard of excellence in your
organization by committing to personally retail more
products and sponsor more new Distributors each
month. Always remember - the speed of the leader
determines the speed of the team.
As a Leader of Leaders, You Must:
Be goal-directed and self-motivated
Lead by example
Exercise and inspire initiative
Possess a genuine self-confidence
Use creativity and imagination
Know how to move others to action
Support, encourage and recognize the success
of others
The 80/20
Generally speaking, eighty percent of your business
productivity is produced by twenty percent of the things
that you and your team do. With this in mind, it’s
critical to continuously strive to improve the quality of
your leadership as it will have a significant impact on
the overall success of your organization.
Escaping the
Rat Race
To really reach success with Natureline, you must
decide to be a success. Nothing can stop you if you
truly decide to make your Natureline business a success.
You’re about to change your life for the better. Even
more, you’re about to empower many others to live a
better life as well. You’re embarking on a career of
challenge, adventure and growth. There is no final
destination, but rather, a continuous journey of
contribution. You have a one-way ticket out of the rat
race and toward the lifestyle of your dreams.
Your future path will not be easy—it’s not supposed to
be. But it is simple. Follow the system, counsel with
your sponsor and do the work, ten to 15 hours a
week—and you will get to where you want to go.
Success is attainable if you know what to do—then
consistently approach it step by- step.
This Business Plan is your road map for productive
action. Your sponsorship line and Natureline have a
vested interest in your success. We are here for you and
we look forward to helping you live your dreams with
Natureline. Welcome to the team!
Personal Franchise Business Plan
Personal Franchise Business Plan
(refer to Step 4 on Page 22)
Remember to insert their name and yours!
[SUBJECT LINE:] Personal Franchise for you
Are you interested in looking at a side business that can
generate a very serious residual income? I'm launching
something huge, and I'd love to have you on my team.
This company is developing into a phenomenon and
we’re looking for leaders in your area. I got involved
because it's a chance to be a part of a company as they
enter the exponential growth curve. We’re looking for
people with good teaching and training skills who want
to capitalize on a chance to get in early.
This is company that meets ALL of the criteria to be the
next billion-dollar company in the industry. I plan to lock
up a legacy position and I’m looking for leaders who
want to work with me and lock in their own spots. You
could be one of these people. Here are the factors that
make this such a powerful opportunity right now:
#1) You can be in at the beginning!
The company has launched in the United States, Canada
and a few months ago in Australia with an eye to
Europe and Asia Pacific. So we have a real window of
opportunity to get ahead in the race, before most
people even know there is one. I want my people to
own their own areas, before the mass market even
hears of the company. We’re looking for leaders we can
train in our team system to own their local market and
springboard from there.
#2) Big Dollar Residual Income Available.
I’m sure you’re aware of how important it is to have
residual income to create true wealth. With this
business the compensation plan offers numerous ways
to earn, with most of them residual. More importantly
they have created a compensation plan mix never
before seen in the industry. If you know anything about
how these plans work, you’re going to hallucinate when
you understand this one!
#3) The products are sexy and fill a huge market
The products are based on amazing scientific research
and technology so the market potential is beyond
enormous. Yet it is a simple concept that makes so
much sense people "get” it right away. Everyone in the
world would benefit from the products and there are
numerous trends that have aligned that make these
products a “gold mine”. This ensures you a stable
business and income for many years to come.
#4) You can make money while you sleep!
Because the company is operating in multiple countries,
with more on the horizon, you have a chance to build
an international business that the sun never sets on!
You can make money across time zones. Because of the
nature of the compensation plan, positioning and
timing are important. Right now I am looking for leaders
who understand the power of being in at launch. You
have a chance to position yourself in a prime spot to
create a legacy income for life.
I believe you have what it takes to do something big
with this. We have about a two year window when
legacy positions will be created. So do you want to hear
about this? Or are you too busy with your other stuff to
Please get back with me right away. Thanks,
[Your name]
Message Two
This is a follow-up if a person expresses interest
following E-mail Message One. Remember to insert
their name, yours and to insert your username before
the website.
Glad we had a chance to connect and that you're
interested. I believe you can do great with this
Personal Franchise Business Plan
because of who you are. We have set up a very
simple system that anyone can duplicate.
understand this, doing this business becomes a lot more
Please go to www.[YOUR
USERNAME] and review
the information. Then let’s talk just as soon as
you're done. We're in the window now to create
LEGACY positions, and I'd love to have you on
my team.
So, why not look for a way to make the word “NO” fun?
Each time someone tells you “NO”, cross out one of the
NO’s below. Set a goal of getting all 100 NO’s. You’ll
find that a “YES” will creep in there every once in a
while. Don’t let the occasional “YES” distract you from
your primary goal of 100 NO’s. Don’t take this exercise
lightly… it works! Get these NO’s now, while it is still
easy for you to do so. Don’t wait until it becomes
difficult for people to tell you “NO”. That time will come
soon enough! GOOD LUCK!
Thanks, [YOUR NAME]
One Hundred
Some people have a tough time accepting the fact that
they are going to hear the word NO fairly often. They
get discouraged and feel rejected because they look at
the word NO as a negative. Nothing could be further
from the truth! The word NO simply means that nothing
Think about it… You approach your neighbor and ask
him if he would like to learn about Natureline. He says
“No”. What changed? Is he still your neighbor? Yes. Did
your income go up or down? No. Nothing changed. It
can’t be a negative. To be a negative, things would have
had to get worse. They didn’t. Everything remained
exactly the same.
Why are some people more successful than others? It’s
a one-word answer: the word is NO!
On the other hand, suppose he had said “Yes”. Now
there are some positive changes. He will improve the
performance of his vehicles and save money on fuel
costs (a positive). You will earn retail profit and a bonus
cheque (two positives). He may even be interested in
starting his own business offering Natureline products
to his friends (a positive for both of you).
You can see by this example that there are no negatives
in our business! There are only positives...and times
when nothing changes. When someone tells you “No”,
they are not rejecting you or your products. They are
simply telling you that they are unable or unwilling to
make any changes at the moment. Once you
Personal Franchise Business Plan
10 Skills
That’ll Take
You From Zero
to Hero
Are you at a loss as to what to say to prospective
customers? Are you overwhelmed with the whole
process of building relationships with strangers?
You are not alone. The intent of the following
three step guide is to help you overcome those
initial fears or apprehensions.
Step One:
Breaking the Ice
How do I approach people about the various
opportunities offered by Natureline?
Insight #1: Give presentations to only those individuals
who ASK for it.
Insight #2: Only use icebreakers that:
are rejection free
have a good success rate
never pressure or embarrass
Insight #3: Top five reasons why people will buy into
what you are saying:
make money
save money
save time
avoid effort
get out of pain, discomfort or excessive
Insight #4: People spend money either to:
obtain desires or wants
solve problems
□ Skill 1: “I just found out…”
Say: “I just found out [select an appropriate comment
below]. If you would like to know how, I would be glad
to tell you.”
Possible comments:
1. how to get an extra pay check every month.
2. how we can fire the boss and start our own
3. how we can stay at home with our children and still
get a full-time pay check.
4. how we can retire five years earlier at full pay.
5. how we can take a one-week holiday every month.
6. how we can get a $100 tax refund every month.
7. how college students can earn more money parttime than their professors do full-time.
8. how housewives can earn more money part-time
than their husbands do full-time.
9. how secretaries can earn more money part-time
than their bosses do full-time.
10. how we can help the environment and it won’t cost
us any money.
Make some of your own:
Personal Franchise Business Plan
□ Skill 2: “What do you do for a living?”
Say:” What do you do for a living?”
Listen intently
Show interest
Ask open-ended questions that draw out more
And if you are asked: What do you do for a living?
a. “What I do is show how students can earn
more money part-time than their
professors do full-time.”
9. “You know how there never seems to be enough
time for vacationing.”
a. “What I do is show people how to take a
one-week vacation every month.”
10. “You know how difficult it is to stay at home with
the kids & bring in a pay check at the same time.”
a. “What I do is help people do just that.”
Option one, say: “I show people [select an appropriate
comment from the Skill #1 list].”
□ Skill 3: Dealing with a negative attitude
Option two, say: “Well, [select a problem below]. What I
do is [solution].”
“Would you like to do something about it?”
#. Problems
a. Solutions
1. “You know how gas prices are on the rise.”
a. “What I do is help people save money on
2. “You know how costly car repairs have become.”
a. “What I do is help people save money on
3. “You know how we waste so much water washing
our vehicles.”
a. “What I do is show people how to do it
without water.”
4. “You know how we harm ourselves with toxic
cleaning products.”
a. “What I do is show people how to be
5. “You know how we seem to pay more and more in
a. “What I do is show people how to get a tax
refund every month.”
6. “You know how people end up in dead-end jobs.”
a. “What I do is help them fire the boss & start
their own business.”
7. “You know how many people are concerned about
having enough to retire.”
a. “What I do is show them how to retire in
five years at full pay.”
8. “You know how costly college/ university is for most
Possible questions to ask:
“Have you ever considered doing something about it?”
“Would you like to have more time, more freedom or
more control over what you do?”
□ Skill 4: Induce negativity
Say: “What are your two biggest [name a problem]?”
career problems?
car problems?
health concerns?
environmental concerns?
expenses in running your vehicle?
problems with your job?
□ Skill 5: Create disagreement
When talking about one’s job or career, say:
“That’s wonderful! I hear that it is a terrific way to make
a lot of money?” or
“That’s great! I hear that it is a super way to have a lot
of free time?”
Step Two:
Insight #5: Try to leave each individual feeling better for
having talked to you. Make them feel important.
Personal Franchise Business Plan
Ask yourself: How can I add value to the people I come
in contact with each day? Help people make a decision
that is good for them.
Insight #7: People make the following five decisions in
□ Skill 6: Be a sympathetic listener
1. About you –Do they trust, respect and like you?
2. About your company –What is its reputation? What
values does it portray?
3. About your product or service –Does it solve a
problem or address a want?
4. About your price –Do they see the value in it? Why
should I buy your product/ service?
5. About the time to buy –Is this the appropriate time
to buy?
Listen with your eyes. Are you maintaining eye contact
with that person?
Listen with your body. Observe your body language:
a) Are you engaged in other distracting activities?
b) Are you square to the person?
c) Are you using facial expressions to express
interest and comprehension?
Listen without your mouth. Avoid the temptation to
Express your understanding with positive affirmations
and by paraphrasing (restating) for clarification.
Insight #6: Sell the sizzle, not the steak. The power in
selling is not in the telling.
□ Skill 7: Get all the facts first
Ask open-ended rapport-building questions to
determine an individual’s wants or concerns, such as:
this precise order before you are able to convince or
persuade them:
□ Skill 8: Deflecting the Telling
Should an individual ask for all of the facts right away
say: “I would like to tell you everything about who we
are and what we do, but first I need to see if there is a
fit between what we do and what you might be looking
for. Do you mind if I ask you a few questions first?
Would that be all right?”
Insight #8: Seek to clarify and understand first, before
suggesting a course of action.
□ Skill 9: Ask for Clarification
“How have you changed your lifestyle to be healthier?”
Say: “So, if I understand correctly, you are looking for
[paraphrase the want or solution]?”
“What is your opinion about…?”
“Is that correct?” or
“What is the one thing you would make better, if you
could change…?”
“Do I have an accurate picture?” or
“Have I missed anything?”
“What do you think about becoming your own boss or
having your own business?”
“What do you like least about….?”
“What do you like most about….?”
“What kind of marketing have you used in the past for
your business?”
“How has it worked for you?”
“How would your spouse feel about having a homebased business?”
“How much free time does your present job give you?”
“If time and money were not the issue, where would
you like to travel?”
Personal Franchise Business Plan
Step Three:
Calling in the
Insight #9: Enlist the support of your upline or enroller.
In the beginning, focus on selling just the excitement,
not the product or opportunity through facts. You do
not need to know everything, let more knowledgeable
team members help you.
Possible team strategies are:
3-way calls
3-way meetings
an invitation to a business networking event
an invitation to a conference call event
an invitation to a training event
Insight #10: Get into the habit of using proper phone
etiquette. Some points to keep in mind are to:
say hello
use the person’s name
identify yourself
ask a polite “How are you?”
ask if this is a good time to call
Skill #10: Touching Base on the Phone
Possible openers:
“I was just going through my phone list and we
haven’t talked for awhile. Do you have a minute
to chat?”
“I was thinking about your situation and…”
“I came across an idea that I believe will interest
you! Could we get together in the next day or
so to discuss it?”
“The other day you shared with me that you
had a challenge with [their problem]. I think I
may have a solution that will work for you. Can
we get together?”
“I’m just running out the door and I don’t have
much time. However, I want to share an idea
with you that I believe will interest you! I would
like to get together so that we can talk about it.
Are you available today or tomorrow?”
Apply these skills to your daily
prospecting and you’ll see a dramatic
change in your business and income!
Natureline Distributor Business Plan
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