April 7, 2015 - Gordon Russell Middle School - Gresham

Tuesday Take Home – April 7, 2015
Gordon Russell Middle School Weekly Newsletter
3625 E. Powell Valley Rd, Gresham, Oregon 97080
Phone: 503-667-6900 Web Address: http://russell.gresham.k12.or.us
April 9, 2015
April 10, 2015
April 14, 2015
April 16, 2015
April 17, 2015
April 17, 2015
April 17, 2015
Track Meet at McCarty MS
Principal’s Recognition
PAC Meeting
Track Meet at Floyd Light MS
Spirit Day – Twin Day
7 Grade Vision Screening
Track Pictures
Gordon Russell will be practicing a Lock-In drill on
Tuesday, April 14th in the morning. This is a procedure
that is implemented when there is a danger OUTSIDE
of the school building. This is a way for us to control
movement within our building and help prevent anyone
from entering the school. In most cases, this situation
will be triggered when we receive a call from the police
or fire department in order to avoid students getting
into harms way. If you have questions about the drill or
situation please contact Mr. Hayden at 503.667.6900.
Please plan to attend our Parent Advisory Committee
meeting on Wednesday, April 14th at 6:00 PM. This
parent group is involved in a variety of activities
designed to support students and staff at Gordon
Russell. Please attend if you would like to get involved
or just listen to all of the “goings-on” at Gordon Russell.
8th Grade Parents
On Thursday April 9th, Sam Barlow High School
counselors will come to Gordon Russell to forecast
students for next year’s classes. Please note that this
is an earlier timeline than in years past.
School districts in Oregon are required to submit to the
Oregon Department of Education a Comprehensive
Improvement Plan (CIP) every three years. The District
Improvement Team began work on the GBSD CIP last
spring, and has been meeting twice per month during
the 2014-15 school year to conduct a comprehensive
needs assessment and then identify the key indicators
around which the CIP will be built. We have finished
creating a draft of the CIP, and the next step is to share
the draft plan with the District CIP Review Team, a
larger group of district constituents, including teachers,
community members, principals, and board members.
4:00 PM
11:00 AM
6:00 PM
4:00 PM
9:05 AM
3:35 PM
The District CIP Review Team will meet twice, on
April 23 and May 12, both meetings from 4-6 p.m.
We are seeking a parent to be a part of this
(hayden5@gresham.k12.or.us) or call (503-6676900) Mr. Hayden if you would like to be apart of
Parent Requests For IN-DISTRICT Transfers
Accepted April 1-30, 2015 *Deadline is April 30th
The Gresham-Barlow School District will accept indistrict transfer requests for the 2015-2016 school
year during the month of April only. This request is
if you live within the district and want your child to
attend a Gresham-Barlow school outside of your
attendance area AND you currently don’t have an
approved in-district transfer. If your student
currently has an in-district transfer and is moving
from elementary to middle or middle to high you
must submit a new request. Transfer request forms
will be available Wednesday, April 1, 2015 from (1)
the main office at any GBSD school, (2) the district
http://gresham.k12.or.us see Parent Resources.
Your completed form can be dropped off at any
GBSD school, faxed to (503) 661-1589, or mailed to
the district office at 1331 NW Eastman Parkway,
Gresham 97030 to arrive by April 30, 2015.
ou will be notified in writing after review of all
requests. Please note: kindergarten and first grade
requests will not be decided upon until late summer
after elementary registration. For further information,
contact the Gresham-Barlow School District Office
at 503-261-4550, attention Stephanie for elementary
and Pat for secondary grades.
Solicitud de los padres para Transferencias
Se aceptan del 1º al 30 de abril del 2015 * Hay plazo
hasta el 30 de abril del 2015 El Distrito Escolar
transferencias dentro del distrito para el año escolar
2015-2016 durante el mes de abril solamente. Esta
solicitud es solamente si ustedes viven adentro del
distrito y quieren que su hijo(a) asista a una de las
escuelas de Gresham-Barlow afuera del área de su
vecindario Y no tienen una transferencia corriente ya
aprobada dentro del distrito. Si su estudiante tiene
una transferencia dentro del distrito corrientemente y
pasará de primaria a secundaria o de secundaria a
preparatoria ustedes deben entregar una nueva
solicitud. Formularios de solicitud para transferencias
estarán disponibles el 1º de abril del 2015 (1) en la
oficina principal de cualquier escuela de GBSD, (2) en
la oficina del distrito o (3) el sitio web del distrito:
http://gresham.k12.or.us vean “Recursos para padres”.
Su formulario completado puede ser dejado en
cualquier escuela de GBSD, enviado por FAX al (503)
661-1589, o mandado por correo a la oficina del distrito
1331 NW Eastman Parkway, Gresham 97030 para que
llegue en la fecha del 30 de abril del 2015.
Ustedes serán notificados por escrito después de
haber revisado todas las solicitudes. Por favor noten:
Solicitudes para kindergarten y primer grado no serán
decididos sino hasta finales del verano después de las
inscripciones para primaria. Para mas información por
favor contacten a la oficina del Distrito Escolar
Gresham-Barlow al 503-261-4550, a la atención de
Stephanie para primaria y a Pat para los grados de
GRMS track meets need adult helpers to run
effectively. Our home meets are April 23, April 30,
and May 7. We need many helpers and there's no
experience required! Please contact Jay Schearer at:
schearer5@gresham.k12.or.us or call the main office
to leave a message 503-667-6900.
Did you know you could earn money to use toward
school fees? Buy scrip (gift cards) and the merchant
donates to the school. Spend that gift card, and it
didn't cost you any extra money. A portion of the
amount donated can be banked for your family (at
either Gordon Russell or Barlow), and you can then
use that money to pay school fees. You can even get
friends or neighbors to buy scrip and direct the
proceeds to your family (and they would get a tax
deduction letter for the amount donated to the
Cindy Dewey is the coordinator and would be happy
gbefscrip@gmail.com phone or text: 503-475-2782.
There are also order forms in the office--orders go
in on Mondays.
If you have any questions, please contact our food
service program (Sodexo) at: 503-261-4590
The GRMS T-Bird Marching Units are gearing up for
their spring events. For the 2015 parade season, the
award-winning Gordon Russell Marching Units will
perform in the Tom Meinig Special Olympics here at
Gordon Russell, the Hazel Dell Parade in
Washington, and the Junior Rose Parade. The
Marching Units include Marching Band, Drill Team,
and Flag Team. Mr. Regan will communicate
Marching Band practice times through his Band
classes. Official practices for Flag and Drill Teams
will begin at 7:40 AM on Thursday, April 9th, 2015. A
calendar of practices and events will be handed out
at the first practice. A small fee is charged covering
transportation to events and uniforms. See Mrs.
Eby if you have any questions. All students are
encouraged to get involved in the Marching Units
activities. Participation forms are available through
Mr. Regan and in the Counseling Office. We look
forward to a great 2015 Parade season! Go
Gordon Russell Middle School is committed to
providing quality customer service. This survey will
help us determine if we are meeting your needs and
help us to better serve you. Please take a moment
and tell us how we are doing. The survey takes
only a few moments to complete and all
responses are anonymous. Please click on the