xPression 3 Getting Started with xPression Enterprise Edition © 2001-2008 by EMC Document Sciences Corporation. All rights reserved. The copyright protection claimed includes all formats of copyrightable material and information governed by current or future statutory or judicial law. This includes, without limitations, any material generated by the software programs that display icons or other screen interfaces. You may not copy or transmit any part of this document in electronic or printed format without the express written permission of Document Sciences Corporation. xPression, CompuSet, and all other Document Sciences Corporation products mentioned in this publication are trademarks of Document Sciences Corporation. For complete copyright information, please see the file xPression Licensing Document.pdf located on your eBook Library CD. EMC Document Sciences Corporation, 5958 Priestly Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 www.docscience.com Document Sciences Corporation Table of Contents Table of Contents Introduction .................................................................................................... 5 Boxes and Revision Bars ................................................................................................................................... 5 Solution Support ................................................................................................................................................ 6 Getting Started ............................................................................................... 7 Verifying Supported Platforms and Software ..................................................................................................... 7 Retrieving Your Software ................................................................................................................................... 7 Getting Your Licenses in Order ......................................................................................................................... 7 xPresso Client Serial Numbers ............................................................................................................. 8 xPRS Server License Numbers ............................................................................................................ 8 Supply an Enterprise Edition xPRS License ......................................................................................... 8 Installing xPression ..................................................................................... 10 Review Special Requirements ......................................................................................................................... 10 Create the xPression Database ....................................................................................................................... 10 Begin Deploying xPression on Your Application Server .................................................................................. 11 WebSphere Application Servers ......................................................................................................... 11 Weblogic Application Servers ............................................................................................................. 12 JBoss Application Servers .................................................................................................................. 13 Installing the xPression Enterprise Edition Server ........................................................................................... 14 Completing Your Installation ............................................................................................................................ 14 WebSphere Application Servers ......................................................................................................... 15 Weblogic Application Servers ............................................................................................................. 15 JBoss Application Servers .................................................................................................................. 15 xDesign Installation .......................................................................................................................................... 15 xRevise Client Installation ................................................................................................................................ 15 Validate Your Installation .................................................................................................................................. 16 Configuring ECM ............................................................................................................................................. 16 Document Sciences Corporation 4 Table of Contents Setup xAdmin ............................................................................................... 17 Log On to xAdmin ............................................................................................................................................ 17 Supply xPression License ................................................................................................................................ 17 First Configuration Step: Set up Locales ......................................................................................................... 18 Second Configuration Step: Set up Attribute Sets ........................................................................................... 18 Third Configuration Step: Setup Data Sources ................................................................................................ 19 Fourth Configuration Step: Creating Your Categories ..................................................................................... 20 Fifth Configuration Step: Set Up Output Management .................................................................................... 21 Setup Jobs ................................................................................................... 23 Access xDashboard ......................................................................................................................................... 23 Create Job Definitions ..................................................................................................................................... 24 Create Job Steps ............................................................................................................................................. 25 Create Content ............................................................................................. 26 xDesign ............................................................................................................................................................ 26 xPresso for InDesign ....................................................................................................................................... 26 xPresso for Microsoft Word 2007 .................................................................................................................... 27 xPresso for Dreamweaver ............................................................................................................................... 27 Publishing Content ...................................................................................... 28 Test Publish Through xDesign ......................................................................................................................... 28 Publish Batch Job Through xDashboard ......................................................................................................... 28 Publish Batch Job Through the Command Line .............................................................................................. 28 Publish Transactional Document Through xResponse .................................................................................... 29 Publish Transactional Document Through xRevise ......................................................................................... 29 Document Sciences Corporation Chapter 1 Introduction 1 Now that you have purchased and received xPression, what are the next steps? The Getting Started with xPression Enterprise Edition guide answers this question. This guide takes you through each step at a high-level and links to the documentation in the eBook library for details. Boxes and Revision Bars The following colored boxes alert you to special information in the documentation. Caution: The caution box warns you that a fatal error, unsatisfactory output, or loss of data may occur if you do not follow the directions carefully. Tip: A tip offers suggestions to simplify a task or describes a useful shortcut. They may also describe an alternate way to use the techniques described in the text. Note: A note offers information that emphasizes or supplements important points of the main text. Revision bars help you locate new or changed information. Look for these revision bars in the right margin of each affected page. Document Sciences Corporation 6 Chapter 1 - Introduction Solution Support For more information or to solve a problem, contact Document Sciences Solution Support: Telephone: (760) 602-1500 Fax: (760) 602-1515 World Wide Web: http://support.docscience.com E-mail: support@docscience.com Document Sciences Corporation Chapter 2 Getting Started 2 Welcome to the Getting Started with xPression Enterprise Edition guide. This guide provides you with a high-level roadmap for configuring, installing, and using xPression. Verifying Supported Platforms and Software Before you begin, ensure that the components of your environment are supported. See the xPression Operating Requirements document located at the root directory of the eBook CD. Retrieving Your Software In most cases, Document Sciences will ship your software on a CD. If you wait a few weeks before installing the software, check with Document Sciences customer care to determine if an updated version of your software was released. Most software updates are distributed through FTP. Getting Your Licenses in Order After your software package is delivered, a follow-up email containing your license information will be sent. This email will contain two types of license data: • xPresso client serial numbers • xPRS Server license numbers The xPresso client serial numbers are delivered in the body of the email message. The xPRS Server license numbers are delivered through attachments to the email message. Document Sciences Corporation 8 Chapter 2 - Getting Started xPresso Client Serial Numbers if you have purchased one or more xPresso client applications, you will receive xPresso client serial numbers. If you have not purchased an xPresso client application, then this information will not be present and you can skip ahead to xPRS Server License Numbers. The xPresso client serial numbers are not license numbers, but they enable to you register for and retrieve a customized license number from the Document Sciences On-line xPresso Register application. You will be prompted for the serial number when you install your xPresso application. The installation process generates a license request code. From a web-enabled computer, access the xPresso Register URL and supply your request code. The xPresso Register URL is http://www.docscience.com/xpressoregister3/ The xPresso Register application will then generate your customized license. For complete instructions on the licensing process for xPresso applications, see your xPresso client installation documentation. xPRS Server License Numbers Your xPRS Server Workgroup Edition or Enterprise Edition license codes will be delivered in an attachment to the email message. If you are receiving license numbers for more than one server (for example, a development and a production server), then you will receive more than one attachment. Ensure that you use the correct license number for your server. The attachments are named according to server type to eliminate confusion. The attachments following this naming convention: XP-<xPression server type>_<customer name>_<customer server type>.txt where <xPression server type> is either EE (for the enterprise edition) or WE (for the workgroup edition). <customer name> is the name of your company. <customer server type> is the type of server license you requested. Development servers are represented by DEV, production servers are represented by PROD, test servers are represented by UAT or TEST. For example: XP-EE_DocumentSciences_PROD.txt Supply an Enterprise Edition xPRS License You supply the license number in the xAdmin application on your server. Your xPression license agreement grants you a certain number of “seats” for the server, xPression Batch, and client applications such as xDesign and xResponse. An xPression license key is linked to the unique IP address of the computer on which the xPression application is installed. This relationship is established during installation. Document Sciences Corporation 9 Chapter 2 - Getting Started You can enter new license files through License Management. Figure 1. The License Management page. When your license expires, or if you upgrade your license to include additional seats, you’ll be directed to supply a new license file in the Enter New License box. New users will receive their license file (license.xml) through an email from Document Sciences customer care department. To update your license with a new license key file: 1. Click Browse. Locate and select the license key file (license.xml) provided to you by Document Sciences Customer Care. 2. Click Open. The file path appears in the Select License File field. 3. Click Save. Document Sciences Corporation Chapter 3 Installing xPression 3 Now that you have your software and your license information in hand, you can begin your installation processes. The first step is to review the server configuration chapter in the xPression Enterprise Edition System Overview book. This chapter takes a look at server configurations and includes some configuration recommendations that are based on your processing requirements. When you have reviewed the server configuration information, open the xPression Enterprise Edition Installation Guide and proceed to the next step. Review Special Requirements The Before You Begin chapter identifies special requirements and configuration steps needed to support different aspects of your installation. For example, if you are planning to use xRevise or xResponse, you must configure security settings in Internet Explorer. There is also a lot of information about installations on AIX, Linux, Solaris, and UNIX platforms in general. This chapter also contains information about integrating with Siteminder and Documentum. Create the xPression Database The xPression database is the center of the xPression system and must be installed first. It is the centralized location for all your content, images, and xPression data. The xPression database can reside in a DB2, Oracle, or SQL Server database located on a network server. Before you begin installing the xPression database, ensure that connectivity exists between the server that will host the xPression database and the server that will host the xPression Enterprise Edition Server. If you are installing your xPression database on DB2, ensure that you install the DB2 database client application on the server that will host your xPression Enterprise Edition Server. xPression requires this client application to facilitate connectivity between the DB2 xPression database and the xPression Enterprise Edition Server. Document Sciences Corporation 11 Chapter 3 - Installing xPression If you are using Oracle or SQL Server and not using a database client application, it is advisable to download the database drivers at this time. The drivers will reside on your xPression Enterprise Edition Server. To install your xPression database on a DB2, Oracle, or SQL Server database, follow the link for your database type: • “Step One: Setup for DB2 Databases • “Step One: Installing Your Oracle xPression database • “Step One: Installing Your SQL Server xPression database After successfully installing the xPression database, proceed to step two in the installation process. Begin Deploying xPression on Your Application Server The xPression Enterprise Edition Server resides on a WebSphere, WebLogic, or JBoss application server. Each application server platform is different and requires a separate set of configuration steps. WebSphere Application Servers xPression supports the following WebSphere application server designations: • WebSphere • WebSphere 6.0.1 • WebSphere 6.1 The instructions for this step describe: • Configuring the application server for the xAdapter (if needed) • Configuring the application server for xPRS Server (if needed) • Creating a new application server instance from your WebSphere administrative console • Configuring the new server for xPression • Setting up your data sources • Setting up custom services • Configuring xAdmin Security • Deploy the xPression enterprise archive file(s). Document Sciences Corporation 12 Chapter 3 - Installing xPression The xPression enterprise archive files reside on your installation CD. They contain everything necessary to deploy the xPression enterprise applications on your application server. You will deploy one or more of the following files depending on which applications you are licensed to use. Application Enterprise Archive File xPression xPRS_EE3.0_WebSphere.ear xResponse xPRS_EE3.0_Response_WebSphere.ear xRevise xPRS_EE3.0_Revise_WebSphere.ear xPRS xPRS_EE3.0__WebSphere.ear JMS Adapter xPRS_EE3.0_Adapter_JMS_WebSphere.ear Non JMS Adapter xPRS_EE3.0_Adapter_WebSphere.ear Follow the link to the instruction set for your application server type: • Step Two: Application Server Setup for WebSphere • Step Two: Application Server Setup for WebSphere 6.0.1 • Step Two: Application Server Setup for WebSphere 6.1 After successfully setting up your application server, proceed to Installing the xPression Enterprise Edition Server. Weblogic Application Servers xPression supports WebSphere 8.1 and 9.2. The instructions for this step describe how to create a new domain and application server instance using the Weblogic Domain Wizard. These instructions also describe how set up Weblogic to automatically deploy the xPression enterprise archive file(s). Document Sciences Corporation 13 Chapter 3 - Installing xPression The xPression enterprise archive files reside on your installation CD. They contain everything necessary to deploy the xPression enterprise applications on your application server. You will deploy one or more of the following files depending on which applications you are licensed to use. Application Enterprise Archive File xPression xPRS_EE3.0_Weblogic.ear xResponse xPRS_EE3.0_Response_Weblogic.ear xRevise xPRS_EE3.0_Revise_Weblogic.ear xPRS xPRS_EE3.0__Weblogic.ear JMS Adapter xPRS_EE3.0_Adapter_JMS_Weblogic.ear Non JMS Adapter xPRS_EE3.0_Adapter_Weblogic.ear Follow the link to the instruction set for your application server type: • Step Two: Setup for WebLogic 8.1 • Step Two: Setup for Weblogic 9.2 After successfully setting up your application server, proceed to Installing the xPression Enterprise Edition Server. JBoss Application Servers xPression supports the JBoss 4.0.5 application server. The instructions for this step describe how to deploy your xPression enterprise archive file(s), and how to configure JBoss for xPression. The xPression enterprise archive files reside on your installation CD. They contain everything necessary to deploy the xPression enterprise applications on your application server. You will deploy one or more of the following files depending on which applications you are licensed to use. Application Enterprise Archive File xPression xPRS_EE3.0_JBoss.ear xResponse xPRS_EE3.0_Response_JBoss.ear xRevise xPRS_EE3.0_Revise_JBoss.ear xPRS xPRS_EE3.0__JBoss.ear Document Sciences Corporation 14 Chapter 3 - Installing xPression Application Enterprise Archive File JMS Adapter xPRS_EE3.0_Adapter_JMS_JBoss.ear Non JMS Adapter xPRS_EE3.0_Adapter_JBoss.ear Instructions for the JBoss application server configuration appear in Step Two: Setup for JBoss. After successfully setting up your application server, proceed to Installing the xPression Enterprise Edition Server. Installing the xPression Enterprise Edition Server The xPression Enterprise Edition Server installation program places the xPression Enterprise Edition Server on your system. This installation program enables you to deploy the EAR files for xPression, xResponse, xRevise, the xPression Adapter, and the xPRS server. The installation program comes in AIX, Linux, Solaris, and Windows versions. For AIX, Solaris, and Linux you have the option of running a GUI-enabled installer using xWindows or using a command line installer. The installation program contains pages and options that are distinct for Weblogic, WebSphere, and JBoss. Ensure you are using the correct instruction set for your application server type: • Step Three: Installing on WebSphere • Step Three: Installing on Weblogic • Step Three: Installing on JBoss After successfully installing the xPression Enterprise Edition Server, proceed to Completing Your Installation. The xPRS server enables you to use xPresso for Adobe InDesign. For instructions on how to install xPresso for Adobe InDesign, see the xPresso for Adobe InDesign Installation Guide. Completing Your Installation This step contains final installation and configuration tasks. The final tasks vary greatly depending on your application server type. Document Sciences Corporation 15 Chapter 3 - Installing xPression WebSphere Application Servers This chapter shows you how to start your server, verify your installation, and provides some options for fine-tuning your application server settings. This chapter contains information for all supported varieties of the WebSphere application server. Instructions for completing a WebSphere installation appear in Step Four: Final Steps for WebSphere. Weblogic Application Servers For WebLogic, this chapter shows you how to start the new xPression Enterprise Edition Server, configure the new xPression application server for xPression, configure the application server for the xAdapter (if needed), configure the application server for the xPRS Server (if needed), and verify your installation. This chapter also contains instructions for manually deploying your xPression enterprise archive file. For WebLogic 8.1, see Step Four: Final Steps for WebLogic 8.x. For WebLogic 9.2, see Step Four: Final Steps for Weblogic 9.2. JBoss Application Servers For JBoss, this chapter shows you how to configure your data sources, configure JBoss, and start your server. Instructions for completing your xPression installation on JBoss appear in Step Four: Final Steps for JBoss. xDesign Installation With your xPression database, application server and xPression Enterprise Edition Server fully deployed and configured, you can install the xPression client application (xDesign) on your individual workstations. xDesign enables you to design, develop, and test your xPression documents. xDesign only works on Windows machines. To install the xPression client application, see Step 5: Install xDesign. xRevise Client Installation If you purchased xRevise, you should install the xRevise client at this time. If you have not purchased xRevise, then you should skip this step. To install the xRevise client, see Step 5: Install xRevise. Document Sciences Corporation 16 Chapter 3 - Installing xPression Validate Your Installation xPression comes with a set of sample applications that demonstrate some of the xPression document design features. You can use these sample applications to test your xPression environment. This chapter contains more information on the sample applications, as well as instructions for deploying them on your new xPression environment. To install your sample applications, see Validate Your Installation. Configuring ECM If you are integrating with a Documentum or Filenet system, you need to perform special installation and configuration steps. For Documentum instructions, see Integrating with Documentum. For Documentum instructions, see Integrating with Filenet. Document Sciences Corporation Chapter 4 Setup xAdmin 4 Now that xPression is installed, you can begin using the xPression applications. xPression comes with a set of sample applications that you can use to verify your installation or to see how documents are created and implemented in xPression. To start creating new content, you must first configure your xPression environment through the xPression administrative console, xAdmin. xAdmin enables you to configure most aspects of the xPression system and is accessible from any Web-enabled client on your network. To learn more about xAdmin, see the Introduction to xAdmin chapter in the xAdmin Enterprise Edition User Guide. Log On to xAdmin You can access xAdmin from any web-enabled browser connected to your network. The URL that you use to access xAdmin is set up as follows: Servername:PortNumber/xAdmin/html/index.jsp For example: http://MyServer:9081/xAdmin/html/index.jsp This URL will access the xAdmin start page. If your system administrator has enabled security on xAdmin, you will be forced to log on before the start page appears. Supply xPression License If you have not performed the installation validation steps described in Validate Your Installation, you will be prompted to supply your xPression license before you can begin using xAdmin. Supply your license and click Save. For more information, see Supply xPression License. Document Sciences Corporation 18 Chapter 4 - Setup xAdmin First Configuration Step: Set up Locales Locales are optional settings that help make your documents understandable across international, regional, and cultural borders. Locale settings can be defined through the xAdmin System Management menu. Figure 2. To access locales, click System Management, then click Locales. When you set up locales on your system, ensure that you set up at least one locale for each geographic area that requires region specific formatting. Also, ensure you set up at least one locale for each language you publish your documents in. To learn more about locales, view definitions for the locale options, and learn how to configure locales, see Locales in the xAdmin Enterprise Edition User Guide. Second Configuration Step: Set up Attribute Sets Attributes enable you to use fields from your customer data for evaluating business rules and logic. xPression attributes define how your customer data should, and will, be used by document designers to produce personalized documents. Attributes are created and organized through attribute sets. There can only be one defined attribute set for each category, but many categories may use the same attribute set. Because a category must define an attribute set, you must create an attribute set before you can begin creating categories. Document Sciences Corporation 19 Chapter 4 - Setup xAdmin Attribute Sets are created through the Category Management submenu. Figure 3. To access Attribute Sets, click the Category Management menu, then click Attribute Sets. To learn more about creating attribute sets, see Category Management: Attributes in the xAdmin Enterprise Edition User Guide. Third Configuration Step: Setup Data Sources You must create a data source group and a data source before you can begin creating your categories. A data source group defines the schema, or structure, of one or more xPression data sources. All data sources within a given data source group must share the same schema. A data source is the customer data used to create Document Sciences Corporation 20 Chapter 4 - Setup xAdmin documents in xPression. xPression accepts XML, relational database, and Stylus Studio transformation data sources. Data source settings are defined through the xAdmin Category Management menu. Figure 4. To access Data Sources, click the Category Management menu, then click Customer Data Sources. For more information, see Category Management: Data Sources in the xAdmin Enterprise Edition User Guide. Fourth Configuration Step: Creating Your Categories Now that you have created your locales, attribute sets, and data sources, you can begin creating categories. Categories are collections of documents with similar needs and similar uses. Placing documents into categories enables you to define attributes, data sources, access rights, and workflows for all documents in the category at once. Document Sciences Corporation 21 Chapter 4 - Setup xAdmin You create and maintain categories through the xAdmin Category Management menu. Figure 5. To access Categories, click the Category Management menu, then click Categories. To learn more about creating categories, see Category Management: Categories in the xAdmin Enterprise Edition User Guide. Fifth Configuration Step: Set Up Output Management The output management settings control the publishing side of xPression. Centered around the concept of an Output Profile, these settings enable you to determine the output format and distribution method of your documents, and enables you to perform output processing functions (such as sorting and grouping). xPression uses two distinct publishing engines, xPublish and CompuSet. The two publishing engines have different feature sets and support a variety of options. When choosing a publishing engine, consider which features and options are most important in each case. The two publishing engines use different output management functions, and therefore have different menus. Please see The xPression Publishers in the xPression Enterprise Edition System Overview book. CompuSet output management also enables you to define font information, divide your output into streams and apply recipient processing on the documents in the stream. To learn more about CompuSet output management, see Introduction to CompuSet Output Management in the CompuSet Output Management chapter. Document Sciences Corporation 22 Chapter 4 - Setup xAdmin xPublish output management enables you to define markers, content stamps, separator sheets, imposition, and crop marks. Additionally, you can divide your output into streams and apply recipient processing on the documents in the stream. To learn more about xPublish output management, see About Output Management in the xPublish Output Management chapter. Document Sciences Corporation Chapter 5 Setup Jobs 5 After you have set up your categories and defined your output management settings, you can begin setting up your batch jobs. Producing documents in batch mode enables you to produce large volumes of personalized xPression documents in a single batch run. xPression uses Job Definitions to specify the details of a batch job. Job Definitions are created through xDashboard. Access xDashboard xDashboard is a thin-client application that enables you to run and administer the batch capabilities of xPression and manage the xPression Server. Figure 6. This figure shows xPression Dashboard. Document Sciences Corporation 24 Chapter 5 - Setup Jobs You can access xDashboard by opening the following URL from a networked computer: http://<xPression_Server_name_or_IP>:<port_number>/xDashboard where <xPression_Server_name_or_IP> is the name or IP address of the xPression Server. and <port_number> is the http port for your xPression Server. This port number is configured during installation. To determine the value for this port number, contact your xPression Server Administrator or see thexPression Enterprise Edition Installation Guide. For example: http://xPressionServer:9081/xDashboard The default xDashboard page displays four tabs that enable you to access different areas of functionality. For more information about xDashboard functionality, see Introduction to xDashboard in the xDashboard Enterprise Edition User Guide. To learn more about batch processing in xPression, see the Enterprise Edition Batch Processing Guide. Create Job Definitions The job definition is the key component of a batch job in xPression. It controls everything about your batch job except when and where it executes. You can manually create batch job definitions or create job definitions through the Job Definition page. A basic job definition contains the following pieces of information: • Your choice of publisher. • The input data source to use (trigger file or customer data). • The output profile to use. • How to produce the personalized documents. You create job steps to specify which documents you want to publish. You can identify documents by name or from a customer data source, publish all documents waiting in the batch queue, or use queries to publish documents that satisfy certain criteria. To learn how to create job definitions, see The Job Definition Page in the xDashboard Enterprise Edition User Guide. Document Sciences Corporation 25 Chapter 5 - Setup Jobs Create Job Steps A job definition must contain one or more job steps. A job step selects documents and defines customer data for your job definition. You can use multiple job steps to select different types of documents and publish them in the same job definition. To learn more about job steps, see About Job Steps in the xDashboard Enterprise Edition User Guide. Document Sciences Corporation Chapter 6 Create Content 6 Now that your xPression environment is fully configured, you can begin creating content in your design application. xPression supports four different design applications. You can use them individually or in conjunction with one another. Some design applications are licensed applications and will not be available to you unless you have purchased the application. xDesign The xDesign client application is a part of the base enterprise edition software and does not require a individual license. All enterprise edition users can install and use xDesign. xDesign is a Microsoft Word-based authoring tool and content assembly application. It enables you to design, create, and test your document. You use xDesign to define business logic, or business rules, that include or exclude portions of content based on the information contained in your customer data. You can use content created in xDesign and content created in the xPresso applications. xPression stores the content, images, and other document information you create in a single xPression database. To learn about configuring and using xDesign, see the xDesign User Guide. To learn about creating content through the Microsoft Word editor, see the xDesign Style and Formatting Guide. xPresso for InDesign xPresso for InDesign is a licensed application. It will not be available to your system unless you have purchased this application from Document Sciences. xPresso for Adobe InDesign uses your existing digital assets to help you quickly design, compose and publish personalized communications for print or electronic channels. Because it is easy to use, you can craft rich, effective marketing collateral and campaigns, without sacrificing other marketing priorities. With xPresso for Adobe InDesign you can transform your existing static documents into highly-creative, dynamic customer communications right at your desktop. Our dynamic content publishing solutions use variable data and assembly logic to generate templates for producing personalized collateral, offers, catalogs, and other customer Document Sciences Corporation 27 Chapter 6 - Create Content communications, ready for delivery. To learn more about xPresso for Adobe InDesign, see the xPresso for Adobe InDesign User Guide. xPresso for Microsoft Word 2007 xPresso for Microsoft Word 2007 is a licensed application. It will not be available to your system unless you have purchased this application from Document Sciences. xPresso enables you to use your variable data and Microsoft Word 2007 to create professional, highly customized and personalized proposals, contracts, invoices and correspondence. To learn more about the xPresso for Microsoft Word 2007 application, see the xPresso for Microsoft Word 2007 User Guide. xPresso for Dreamweaver xPresso for Dreamweaver is a licensed application. It will not be available to your system unless you have purchased this application from Document Sciences. xPresso for Dreamweaver is part of the xPression product suite, and is designed to help you create graphical, customized, and personalized HTML Web pages or e-mail messages that contain a variety of content. Content can range from correspondence that contains graphical marketing content and brand images, to account alerts or statements that drive the recipient to a personalized Web site also created in xPresso for Dreamweaver. To learn more about the xPresso for Dreamweaver application, see the xPresso for Dreamweaver User Guide. Document Sciences Corporation Chapter 7 Publishing Content 7 After your environment is set up and your content is created, you can publish output through xPression. You can use a number of methods and applications to produce content with xPression. Test Publish Through xDesign One of xDesign’s most useful features is its ability to test publish a document. xDesign utilizes the batch environment you configured in your job definition to test publish a document. To learn more about test publishing documents through xDesign, see Previewing a Document in the xDesign User Guide. Publish Batch Job Through xDashboard The xDashboard Job Definition page enables you to process the current job definition directory from the xDashboard interface. To run a batch job through xDashboard, see Running a Batch Job in the xDashboard Enterprise Edition User Guide. Publish Batch Job Through the Command Line You can also execute a batch job through command line commands and parameters. To learn how to execute a batch job through the command line, see Command Line Batch Processing in the Enterprise Edition Batch Processing Guide. Document Sciences Corporation 29 Chapter 7 - Publishing Content Publish Transactional Document Through xResponse xResponse is a Java applet correspondence application that provides secure online transactional services for xPression documents on Java-enabled Web browsers. xResponse enables you to respond quickly to customer inquiries with personalized, fully-compliant communications. It easily integrates with your CRM system and enables you to assemble and distribute approved documents. When your document is created and versioned in xDesign, it will be available through the xResponse application. Your customer service representatives can log into to xResponse, select a document, select a customer, make editing changes to the document if needed, and publish the document. The document can be published instantly or placed into a batch queue. To learn more about xResponse, see the xResponse User Guide. Publish Transactional Document Through xRevise xRevise is a browser-based application that enables swift production of custom documents through a searchable library of customized text and attributes. It enables you to modify the text of standard documents to reflect your negotiations with specific customers. It also provides secure access to preview and edit the content of an assembled xPression document with your choice of two editors. To learn more about xRevise, see the xRevise User Guide. Document Sciences Corporation © 2011 - 2013 EMC Corporation. All Rights Reserved. EMC believes the information in this publication is accurate as of its publication date. The information is subject to change without notice. THE INFORMATION IN THIS PUBLICATION IS PROVIDED “AS IS.” EMC CORPORATION MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND WITH RESPECT TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PUBLICATION, AND SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Use, copying, and distribution of any EMC software described in this publication requires an applicable software license. EMC2, EMC, and the EMC logo are registered trademarks or trademarks of EMC Corporation in the United State and other countries. All other trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners.
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