VILLAGE OF RUSSIA VILLAGE COUNCIL MINUTES April 8, 2015 The regular monthly meeting of the Village of Russia council was held Wednesday, April 8, 2015 at the village office at 232 W. Main St. Mayor, Terence Daugherty, called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Cindy Goubeaux Mary Jo High Greg Borchers John Grogean Ron Simon Larry Platfoot Non-members present: Mark Shappie, Mary Jo Voisard, Justin Spillers, Dan Bensman,Wes Goubeaux of Choice One Engineering, Sheriff John Lenhart, and Joe Pitchin of Constellation Energy. The minutes of the March 11, 2015 meeting were read, and a motion was made by High, and seconded by Grogean to approve the meeting minutes. All yea, motion passed. The minutes of the special meeting held March 19 were read, and a motion was made by Simon and seconded by Borchers to approve the meeting minutes. All yea, motion passed. A motion was made by Simon and seconded by Goubeaux to approve the bills as presented. All yea, motion passed. A motion was made by Platfoot and seconded by Grogean to approve the March financial reports. All yea, motion passed. Police Sheriff Lenhart went over the Sheriff’s activity report for the month of March. He said the activity was routine for the month. He mentioned that the new law governing the use of golf carts will be going into effect January 1, 2017. Shappie informed him that the community garage sale will take place on May 1 st, and 2nd, and deputies may have to monitor parking issues. He also asked that they monitor the parking issues that occur during home baseball games at the park. High asked that they monitor the new stop sign at Highland and First Street, until residents become accustomed to the new signs. Sheriff Lenhart said they will monitor it. Main Street Stabilization Project Jutte has moved equipment in to begin the project. They are waiting until the ground is dry enough to begin the project. The completion date is May 17, 2015. Water and Sewer Rates Council decided not to adjust water and sewer rates at this time. Aggregation The City of Sidney will be holding a meeting on April 15 at 9 a.m. to meet with brokers to discuss what they can offer before selection of a broker. Mayor Daugherty said he plans to attend the meeting. Water Plant Shappie reported that Bowser Morning, has taken soil samples, and the findings will be released at the end of this week. Street Repaving Wes Goubeaux reported that the plans are finished, and are ready to advertise. Council decided to advertise for bids on April 15th, with bid opening set for May 6th. Award will be made at the May Council meeting. The start date will be May 25, with a completion date set for July 3, 2015. Annexation of Francis Manufacturing A motion to suspend the rules was made by Goubeaux, and seconded by Simon. All yea, motion passed. Platfoot moved and Borchers seconded the motion to approve Ordinance 15-4 Authorizing the Village of Russia, Ohio to enter into an Annexation agreement with Loramie Township and Francis Manufacturing Company annexing certain territory containing 17.296 acres, more or less, located in Loramie Township to the Village of Russia, Ohio and declaring the same to be an emergency. All yea, motion passed. A motion to suspend the rules was made by Grogean and seconded by Goubeaux. All yea, motion passed. Borchers moved, and Platfoot seconded the motion to approve Resolution 15-4-8 Indicating the services which the Village of Russia, Ohio will provide to certain territory proposed for annexation and declaring the same to be an emergency. All yea, motion passed. Justin Spillers reviewed the necessity of the Village making reparation payments to Loramie Township to cover real estate taxes that the township would lose due to the annexation of the Francis property. Law requires reparation for 12 years, but this could be done in fewer years if agreed by both parties. The total amount due is $22,952.58. The township will decide the preferred payment schedule. Miscellaneous Shappie reported that the LEPC Exercise will be held on April 25, 2015, and Council members are welcome to attend. Joe Pitchin of Constellation Energy gave a brief presentation about their company as a possible provider of electricity when the Village selects a provider through the aggregation process. Mayor Daugherty told him that the City of Sidney will be holding a meeting on April 15, 2015 to review electricity providers. He said he would contact them. Shappie reported that the Community Garage Sales will be held May 1 st and 2nd. Large Item Pick up will be held on May 9th from 9 a.m. to noon. Compost pick up will be held on Saturday, April 18. Shappie reported that the extension of the park walk path has been dug out, and he is currently waiting until the asphalt grindings are available from the street project. Shappie reported that the ash trees that were treated two years ago are due to be retreated. He asked if council thought the price to treat trees for village residents should be adjusted. Council advised him to check the price of the materials, and to set the rate based on the cost of materials and labor involved. Two years ago the price ranged from $38 to $105 depending on the size of the tree, but costs will probably be higher this year. The trees that were treated previously are doing well, and will be trimmed this year to remove any dead branches. Shappie reported that he has sent a letter to two property owners regarding the requirement to install sidewalks on their properties on Elizabeth St. The letter states that if the installation of the sidewalks is not completed by July 1, 2015, the village will install the sidewalks and assess costs to the property owners. Shappie reported that he has again talked to Ed Bohman about the removal of the damaged grain bin. The Health Department is coming out to make recommendations to the Building Department regarding the structure. Goubeaux said that she had reviewed the Drone Ordinance passed by the Village of Saint Henry, and she felt that it had merit. Council decided that since it would probably be necessary to address the issue in the future, a sample ordinance should be prepared for review at the next meeting. Grogean moved and Platfoot seconded the motion to enter executive session to discuss personnel. All yea, motion passed. Borchers moved and Simon seconded the motion to leave executive session. All yea, motion passed. No action was taken. Goubeaux moved and High seconded the motion that the meeting be adjourned at 8:45 p.m. All yea, motion passed. Council President, Ron Simon________________________________________________ Clerk, Mary Jo Voisard ______________________________________________________
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