Romeo Peach Festival Parade 2015 Romeo-Washington-Bruce Parks & Recreation, 361Morton St, Romeo 48065 Phone:586-752-6543 ext. 1402 Fax:586-752-1118 Email: Website: DEAR FRIENDS: The Romeo Peach Festival Committee extends this invitation to you. Please take a minute to complete and submit the attached application for this year’s Romeo Peach Festival Parade which takes place on the afternoon of Labor Day, Monday, September 7, 2015. Trophies will be offered in the following 5 categories: Commercial Entry, Non-Commercial Entry, Musical Performance (Bands, Dance), Vehicle Entry & Novelty Entry. Politicians and political candidates may participate in our parade, and there is a $300 charge. In line with our previous parade policy of being non-political, the committee has ruled that there will be no political stickers or signs of any kind permitted on entries unless political payment has been made. All Single Commercial entries advertising a company and/or product must pay an entrance fee of $200. Please limit advertising to one business per entry. Multiple Commercial entries may have more than one business displayed and must pay an entrance fee of $250. Note: Only one trophy will be awarded to the “contact” business, if your entry wins. Community Groups (ex. scouts, non-profits, churches, clubs) do not have to pay a fee. In considering these fees, please understand that the parade costs over $20,000 to produce. Also, up to 40,000 people attend the parade, and it will be broadcast many times on WBRW, community cable television, throughout the year. This makes it a great advertising opportunity! STAGING PREFERENCE is based on date of application submitted, type of entry and prior position in the parade. We make a tremendous effort to rotate entries each year in the parade. Therefore, please don’t be discouraged if you are located in the second half of the parade. PLEASE RETURN YOUR APPLICATION AS SOON AS POSSIBLE AND NO LATER THAN AUGUST 14. All entries received after this date may be at the end of the scheduled applicants in the parade route, and may not be eligible for judging or trophies. You will receive a confirmation notice once your application has been accepted. In August, you will receive a map to parade check in. On Parade Day at check in, you will receive your parade number and staging area info. PLEASE FOLLOW THESE INSTRUCTIONS. WE HAVE OVER 100 ENTRIES IN THE PARADE WITH THREE DIFFERENT STAGING AREAS. Please fill out the application completely. This information will determine the category you will be judged in and also your staging area. Please remember to attach a TYPED brief description of your entry to your application. Our parade announcers and WBRW use this information to announce you as you pass. Thank you in advance for your participation in the Romeo Peach Festival Parade. We look forward to seeing you! Sincerely, Clara Russell & Grace Venet Romeo-Washington-Bruce Parks & Recreation Romeo Peach Festival Parade Co-Chairs Romeo Peach Festival Parade Application 2015 Name of Organization: ___________________________________________________________________ Street Address: _______________________________________________________ City: _______________ State: _____ Zip Code: ___________ Primary Contact: First Name: ___________ Last Name: __________________ Phone Number: ( __)_________ Phone Number: ( __)_________ (cell) Email: This saves us postage costs, thanks! **Please print clearly** Organization Type: Political ($300.00) Single Commercial ($200.00) Multiple Commercial (More than one business included on one entry) ($250.00) Non-Commercial/Non-Profit/Community Group (No Charge) Please complete the following sections that apply to your entry. The most important info to include is the correct length of your entry & to note if there is music/noise so that we can stage you correctly!! Bands: 1. 2. 3. How many people are in your band? Do you have an equipment trailer that will need parking space? Will the trailer be in the parade? 4. 5. How many buses are bringing your group? Do the buses need to park at the end of the parade, to wait for you? a. Please note: Please note: YES: YES: NO: NO: YES: NO: Total length of trailer/pull vehicle All other Entries: Check all that apply for parade: Vehicles in Parade: 1. Type: Car/Van/SUV /Pickup How many? Farm Tractor How many? Semi-Truck How many? Motorcycles How many? Delivery Truck How many? Bikes/Trikes How many? MiniCars/MiniBikes How many? Firetruck/EMS How many? Float: How many? Classic Car/ Antique: Model: Other: Type: __________________________ _ How many? ___________________________ How many? ________________________ How many? Equipment trailer in parade: Do you have an equipment trailer that will need parking space, not in parade? 2. Approximate length of all vehicles combined: (**TURN OVER & COMPLETE APPLICATION.) FT. YES: NO: Walkers in Parade: 1. 2. Type of group: groups: Cheerleaders Dancers Military Walkers Clowns Other (specify): ___________________________ Approximately how many people are in your group? Novelty/Animals: 1. Type of animal: Horses How many? Dogs/goats How many? Other (specify): _________________________ How many? Music/Noise: 1. Do you have music/ loud noises? a. If yes, what type? Band Recorded music YES: Singing NO: Cheering/Chanting Other (specify): ___________________________ REMINDERS: Commercial & Political Entries: Check: $300.00 (Political) $200.00 (Single Commercial) $250.00 (Multiple Commercial) Payable to: RWB Parks & Recreation Call: 586.752.6543 ex. 1402 to pay by credit card (Visa, Discover, MasterCard) Attach a brief description to be announced by parade announcers. This is your opportunity to spread the word about your organization or group! Options for sending back completed application: 1. Email: 2. Fax: 586-752-1118 3. Mail: Romeo Peach Festival Parade Romeo-Washington-Bruce Parks & Recreation 361 Morton St. Romeo, MI 48065 IF YOU NEED MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE Contact Grace Venet or Clara Russell @ R-W-B Parks & Recreation, 586-752-6543 ex. 1402 Thank You for Your Participation!
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