2015 MINER’S JUBILEE PARADE ENTRY FORM THEME: SILVER SPURS AND GOLDEN DREAMS Name of Entry Sponsor(s) Address City State Zip Contact Person E-Mail Phone Fax No. of People Length of Entry Description of Entry (as you would like it announced during the parade. Key points to consider: Name of organization, purpose, what’s special about your organization, detail about individuals or vehicles in the entry.). Complete below or provide separate attachment. Category of Entry (Mark Only One) Shaded Section – Non-Judged Categories Float Emergency Vehicle Band Jubilee Dignitary Classic Vehicle Dignitary Marching/Walking Unit Military Dance/Drill Politician Do Not Judge Equestrian: Junior Senior Court Hitches Description of Vehicles: Maximum of five (5) vehicles. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. I, the undersigned, as an Individual, or Group Representative, intends to enter the 2015 Miner’s Jubilee Parade. I/we have read the rules and regulation and agree to abide by them. I/We do hereby release the Baker City Herald, Historic Baker City, Inc., the City of Baker City, and the County of Baker and/or any and all sponsors of this event, their successors, representatives and assignees of any injury or damages while participating in the MINERS JUBILEE PARADE. Participant Signature Date □ Yes, I give my permission for my minor child / children to participate in the Miner’s Jubilee parade. I will not hold the Baker City Herald, or Historic Baker City, Inc. responsible for any injuries or liabilities. Parent/Guardian Signature Date Parade registration, with $10 entry fee (cash, check, or money order payable to “Baker City Events – Miners Jubilee Parade,” except marching bands), must be postmarked to the Baker City Herald office, or Historic Baker City, Inc. office by Friday, July 3, 2015, or dropped off at either location by Monday, July 6, 2015. Entry fee must be paid by Friday, July 10, 2015. Any entry received after these dates are subject to rejection. Check In Location: Baker Middle School, 4th Street & Washington Avenue Check In Time: 7:00 a.m. Float Judging Time: 8:00 a.m. Equestrian Judging Time: 9:00 a.m. Contacts: Baker City Herald 1915 First St. / P.O. Box 807 Baker City, OR 97814 541-523-3673 / 888-318-7508 Fax: 541-523-6426 Historic Baker City, Inc. (HBC) 2055 Washington Avenue Baker City, OR 978141 541-523-5442 Parade Start Time: 10:00 a.m. Matthew Koppenhaver, Parade Director 541-519-5523
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