SIGGRAPH 2015 ePosters Guidelines ePOSTER CONSTRUCTION GUIDELINES What is an ePoster? An ePoster is a new multi-media approach to presenting scientific research – an electronic poster displayed on monitor screens instead of printed on paper (i.e. a traditional poster) in a designated area at the SIGGRAPH conference. Why ePoster vs traditional poster? These digital versions of presentations offer several advantages over their physical counterparts including: conference cost savings, multimedia additions to the traditional format, archival research capabilities, and time savings for the presenters. What ePoster formats can I use? The accepted formats for the ePoster are Microsoft™ PowerPoint™ files, PDF documents, or image/graphic files (e.g., .jpeg, .jpg, .png, etc.). Within the ePoster file, it is possible to embed photos and graphic files (e.g. .jpeg, .gif, and .png). The ePoster may not include dynamic content such as video, animations or transitions. Are there any limitations to the size of my ePoster? Because ePosters are unlike a traditional paper poster, it is acceptable to create ePosters with more than one page. Please limit your ePoster to five slides/pages or fewer. All slides/pages must be in landscape format (4:3). What if I have video? Dynamic content such as video, animations, or transitions are not compatible within the ePoster platform. However, SIGGRAPH does allow (and encourage) you to bring and display video and other dynamic content on your own laptop or tablet. Please ensure that your device is fully charged. How can I upload a new version of my poster? If you need to upload a revised version of the ePoster after the deadline (17 June, 22:00 UTC/GMT) please contact the 2015 posters coordinator for assistance. How do I format my ePoster? SIGGRAPH 2015 has provided a template for contributors to use. Please take advantage of this as it will be highly beneficial to the success of your ePoster. Download the SIGGRAPH 2015 ePosters PowerPoint Template: Note: ePosters are NOT compatible with dynamic content such as animations, video, or transitions. To ensure optimal viewing experience, do not include dynamic content. If you include animations, video, or transitions, your content will NOT be viewable. SIGGRAPH is not responsible for errors in display due to submissions with dynamic content. Thank you in advance! ePosters should include four key elements: (1) title, including name and affiliation of presenter(however a title slide is not necessary, consider placing your title, name, and affiliation in a small but clear section of your master slide); (2) purpose; (3) methods; and (4) conclusion and clinical implications; (5) references (if you need additional space for references, you may upload them in the supplemental images/docs section in SIS as a PDF) How do I format my ePoster? (cont’d) • • • • • • • Keep text and legends brief. Avoid any commercial logos on the ePoster. Use a clear type, at least 1/4-inch high (16 pt or greater type minimum to ensure legibility. Make all print dark in block style on a light background (preferably white). Ensure the ePoster content is as concise as possible keeping the number of pieces to a minimum. Charts, drawings, and illustrations should be as simple as possible, and avoid overly ornate presentations. Block lettering adds emphasis and clarity. The ePoster should be self-explanatory. However, with ePosters you are free to supplement your “poster” with supplemental data. When naming your file, please keep the length under 90 alphanumeric characters. Please do not include symbols, for example: [ ] () , / ~ ’ as this will prevent your poster from uploading or being transferred to the onsite Kiosk. Only one ePoster file can be your designated presentation. Please follow the update instructions for revised versions. How is my ePoster being displayed? ePosters are displayed during the week on monitors in designated areas at SIGGRAPH 2015 with multiple ePosters available on each screen. In 2015, ePosters will be displayed in the concourse foyer near the entrance to west hall. Search Criteria ePosters can be located at the kiosk via poster number, title, category, key words, or presenting author name. GUIDELINES FOR OPTIONAL SUPPLEMENTAL VIDEOS If you choose to participate in the Posters online “fast forward” you will need to submit one supplemental video up to 30 seconds in length in the style of a fast forward describing the work and its significance. Videos of accepted posters will be added to a playlist for SIGGRAPH 2015 marketing as well as onsite on special monitors. These videos may be remixes, re-edits, or condensations of your previously submitted supplemental video. Contributors are encouraged to display these videos during the Poster Sessions. This file may not exceed 100 mb. What are the recommended video settings? (settings taken from YouTube Support) ( Container/file format: MP4 No Edit Lists (or the video might not get processed correctly) moov atom at the front of the file (Fast Start) Audio codec: AAC-LC Channels: Stereo or Stereo + 5.1 Sample rate 96khz or 48khz Video codec: H.264 Progressive scan (no interlacing) High Profile 2 consecutive B frames Closed GOP. GOP of half the frame rate. What are the recommended video settings? (cont’d) CABAC Variable bitrate. No bitrate limit required, though we offer recommended bit rates below for reference Chroma subsampling: 4:2:0 Frame rate Content should be encoded and uploaded in the same frame rate it was recorded. Common frame rates include: 24, 25, 30, 48, 50, 60 frames per second (other frame rates are also acceptable). Interlaced content should be deinterlaced before uploading. For example, 1080i60 content should be deinterlaced to 1080p30, going from 60 interlaced fields per second to 30 progressive frames per second. Bitrate Note that the bitrates below are recommendations for uploads. Audio playback bitrate is not related to video resolution. Video Bitrate 5-8 Mbps Audio Bitrate 384 kbps Resolution and aspect ratio 16:9 aspect ratio preferred (note that ePosters PPT/PDF preferred aspect ratio is 4:3; 16:9 is recommended only for video) 1080p: 1920x1080 720p: 1280x720 FILE NAMING What is the naming convention? All posters and poster related documents should be named following these examples: Note: Submitters may need to truncate their poster title to 3-5 words (ex. doeJohn_aNovelApproachToPosters.ppt), please do not exceed ninety characters as this will cause issues with the display software. The first and last names listed should be the primary author. ePoster: lastnameFirstname_posterTitle.ppt Representative image: lastnameFirstname_posterTitle_repimg.jpeg Supplemental image(s): lastnameFirstname_posterTitle_suppimg1(2,3,4,etc).jpeg Supplemental document(s): lastnameFirstname_posterTitle_suppdoc1(2,3,4,etc).pdf Supplemental “Fast Forward” Video: lastnameFirstname_posterTitle_ffvideo.mp4 Supplemental Audio: lastnameFirstname_posterTitle_audio.mp3 GENERAL INFORMATION FOR SIGGRAPH 2015 ONSITE Posters Sessions Much like other aspects of the posters program this year, posters sessions will be handled differently. Due to new formatting concerns, posters sessions will be scheduled with each contributor assigned an ePoster kiosk and a time slot. Posters sessions are tentatively scheduled for Sunday through Thursday (exception, Monday will not have a poster session) from 12:15 pm to 1:30 pm. There will be a schedule of slots in which contributors are asked to be available to stand by a kiosk with your work displayed and be available for discussion and feedback. You will need to be available for up to 30 minutes. You will not be asked to be available every day. A schedule will be provided in advance of the conference. Coat and Equipment check There will be a “coat check” for contributors to place their belongings during their posters sessions. The coat check will be open from 11:45 am to 1:45 pm Sunday through Thursday (skipping Monday). Please drop off your bags and cases during your session so you are able to interact and present freely. The checkroom is slated to be located at Room 105 near the West Lobby, Concourse Foyer, and Posters area. Video (and other) playback If you have video or other specialized playback needs, please bring a device such as a laptop or tablet to display your work. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee power, so please plan accordingly and charge your device(s). Uploading your work Hopefully by now you are relatively familiar with SIS, SIGGRAPH Information System. You will upload your work to SIS from which it will be transferred to the ePosters presentation software. If you have issues with SIS, click on the Technical Support link in the upper-right corner of every SIS page, and complete the Support request form, including your submission ID, and a detailed description of the problem you are encountering. A member of the SIS Support Team will reply to your message promptly. Information Subject to Change As you have seen in our cover letter, due to the novel nature of the 2015 Posters program, all details are subject to change. Please keep an eye on the SIGGRAPH 2015 website for updates and revisions. SIGGRAPH is not responsible for errors due to updates and/or new information. SIGGRAPH 2015 ePosters Guidelines Addendum This addendum was generated to provide you additional information for construction of your ePoster. There have been a number of inquiries from contributors regarding the specifications and resolution of ePosters displays. The following addition to the ePoster guidelines should assist you in making an excellent ePoster. Please contact the Posters Chair at if you have any additional questions. ePoster Resolution Information The primary displays are 22-inch monitors with a 16:9 aspect ratio. The screen resolution is 1366x768. But you also need to know: The ePosters interface displays a list of the ePosters. When you select a poster for viewing, it is displayed in a pop-up window that includes various controls, such as next and previous slides, zoom, etc. If you submit an image that is larger than the screen resolution, the interface will allow you to zoom in and out to view the image more clearly. However, it's best to avoid overly highresolution images because the viewing experience will not be optimal. You may include up to five pages or slides in your ePoster document, so you will not need to fit all of the information typically found in a poster into one (smaller) page. Although the display resolution is 16:9, we recommend that your ePoster be 4:3 for the best viewing experience. If you need to include high-resolution image(s), consider including then in the supplemental images/documents section of your SIS submission. These images/documents will be easily accessed by users of the ePosters software.
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