Volume 9, Issue 12 May 2015 Iyar/Sivan 5775 The Shofar You don’t have to be religious ... I came across an op-ed in the Los Angeles Times on March 14 by Michael Douglas, the subject being anti-Semitism, a topic I covered a couple of months ago. You can read the article at length at http://www.latimes.com/opinion/op-ed/la-oe-0315-douglas-anti-semitism-20150315-story.html but thought it interesting enough that I wanted to share the highlights with you. In the op-ed, he discusses an event with his son, Dylan, while their family was vacationing in Southern Europe. Dylan had gone to the pool, but came back to the room early and upset. Mr. Douglas quickly identified the issue of his son being verbally attacked at the pool because he was wearing a Star of David (Mogen David). Mr. Douglas acknowledged that he was not brought up in a religious home, one parent being Jewish and one not; he is raising his two children under the same circumstances. On the other hand, he states, “While some Jews believe that not having a Jewish mother makes me not Jewish, I have learned the hard way that those who hate do not make such fine distinctions .” I never saw Michael Douglas as being a Jewish leader (not sure I have changed my mind even though he received the 2015 Genesis Prize, which honors "exceptional people whose values and achievements will inspire the next generation of Jews.") Nonetheless, his story resonated with me. You don’t have to be religious to be thought of as being part of a religion; we all get lumped into the category of being Jewish, religious or not. I am sure that many of the Jews killed during the Holocaust were not religious, but they were Jewish. He cites three reasons he believes that anti-Semitism is re-appearing more prominently than in recent years: the economy; a hatred of Israel; and Moslem demographics and its extremism combined with the internet. The focus of the op-ed is that speaking up against anti-Semitism is the responsibility of our political and religious leaders and cites several examples of such leadership. But he also states that it is the responsibility of regular citizens to speak out against this hatred. “So that is our challenge in 2015, and all of us must take it up. Because if we confront antiSemitism whenever we see it, if we combat it individually and as a society, and use whatever platform we have to denounce it, we can stop the spread of this madness.” Bill Altman Visit us online at www.templeosehshalom.org Page 2 President’s Message As the saying goes, “April showers bring May flowers” - the beginning of a new year of growth in nature. We see nature turning green and sprouting flowers of every hue and shape. This is also true at Temple Oseh Shalom. May is the start of a new year of growth of the Temple (and each one of us). As I start my third term as President of TOS, I pledge that I will devote myself to being available to anyone with a problem, a question, or a new idea for the Temple. I will dedicate my efforts to the expansion and development of Temple activities and outreach, and I commit myself to embracing the words and directives written in the precious gift of the Torah. This month we celebrate the greatest gift of all, the holiday of Shavuot. On that day we celebrate G-D’s gift of the Torah and his pledge of devotion to the Jewish people. I ask you to remember the essence of Shavuot and celebrate being a Jew, appreciate the gift of the Torah, and be grateful for all of the many blessings in your life. LET’S ALL CELEBRATE! Barry Zweiban Men’s Club The Men’s Club is holding its annual Induction Brunch on Sunday, May 17, at The Haven at 11:00 am. It will be a catered affair for “guys and gals” with plenty of tasty edibles. Entertainment and door prizes are included in the event. It should be an enjoyable brunch. We are trying to put together “A Night with the Sand Gnats” for July. Watch your e-mails for more information. Lew Medoff President Visit us online at www.templeosehshalom.org Page 3 Ritual Events in May Our visiting rabbi on May 15 and 16 is Rabbi Ken Kanter, about whom there is not much left unsaid. Attendance at Rabbi Ken’s Friday night services testify to the satisfaction and sense of fulfillment that we all derive from hearing him. Based on past experience, on Saturday morning he will be informative and entertaining, whatever his topic. Please plan to attend both; 7:30 PM on Friday and 10:00 AM on Saturday. On May 17, we will hold the Temple Oseh Shalom General Meeting at the Lowcountry Presbyterian Church at 3 pm. Topics to be covered include the election and installation of the 2015 – 2016 Officers and Directors, the annual budget, and the results of the recent survey of your opinions about the conduct of services and other Temple activities. Events in June On June 5 and 6, the rabbi conducting Friday services and the Saturday education program will be Rabbi Jo David. Rabbi David is a candidate for our “full-time” rabbi, and it is important that you get to know her as much as possible based on the service she will lead and also from the Saturday morning session when she will respond to your questions about her rabbinic style and preferences. On June 19 and 20, our rabbi will be Rabbi Ben Romer, who also is a candidate for our “full-time” rabbi position. Again, it is important that you get to know Rabbi Romer as much as possible in the same ways as Rabbi David, so please plan on attending on both dates. On Saturday, you can ask the same questions that were asked of Rabbi David. The Rabbi Search Committee will again ask your opinion of each rabbi after each of these weekends, and also will ask if you have a preference about the next step. It is therefore very important that you see Rabbi David and Rabbi Romer, even if you saw them before, and that you complete the surveys about them. That’s how you get a voice in what happens! Ray Mintz Visit us online at www.templeosehshalom.org Page 4 Sisterhood Our Sisterhood Installation and Fashion Show will be held on Tuesday, June 2 at Berkeley Hall at 11:30 AM. I hope to see many of you there. Upcoming Sisterhood Events It’s hard to believe that my two years as Sisterhood President are over. It’s been an honor to hold that position and I want to thank all of you for the trust you placed in me. It certainly has been a very fulfilling and gratifying experience. The Sisterhood Board is filled with women who are extremely focused and dedicated to providing you with interesting and fun programs while raising funds for the Temple and local charities. I want to thank the entire Board for their hard work, dedication, and support. We should all be proud of their efforts and thankful for their involvement. I would thank each of them individually, but I’m afraid to miss someone! With your amazing support we were able to be very generous this year. We donated $4500 to the Temple, some of which will be used to repair our Torahs. We also made donations to the following local charities: Bluffton Self Help, CODA, Back Pack Buddies, Heroes on Horseback, and Family Promise. In addition, we’re donating a chapter book to each 2nd grader moving up to 3rd grade in four Bluffton elementary schools. We also made a donation to the Anti-Defamation League to help combat Anti-Semitism both here and abroad. We’re very excited about our newest Outreach project this year: a scholarship of $1000 to a graduating senior who not only excelled scholastically, but also was involved in community service. As we end this Sisterhood year, and begin another, I want to congratulate Marcia Meyers and her new Board on their willingness to serve. I know they’ll do a great job to continue our legacy. I encourage all of you to get involved and help so that we may continue to have a vibrant Sisterhood. B'shalom, Terrie Weintraub, Sisterhood President Visit us online at www.templeosehshalom.org Page 5 TEMPLE OSEH SHALOM SISTERHOOD SLATE OF OFFICERS 2015-2016 It is with great pleasure that I announce the Temple Oseh Shalom Sisterhood Slate of Officers for 2015-2016. President Executive Vice President Treasurer Vice Presidents Program Vice President Membership Vice Presidents Fundraising Vice Presidents Outreach Recording Secretary Corresponding Secretary Marcia Meyers Judy Goldberg Carole Lurie Laura Marks Lynn Levy Barbara Winters Marlene Fried Ellen Dutka Barbara Gartenlaub Fran Silberman Joan Schwartz Eileen Goldberg The Installation/Fashion Show will take place on Tuesday, June 2, 2015, when it will be my honor and pleasure to install these wonderful women. The Luncheon flyer will be going out shortly. I would like to thank the Nominating Committee and all of you who have accepted positions for the coming year. Marsha Heisler Chairperson, Nominating Committee Back Pack Buddies A 24-hour online giving challenge is being sponsored by the Coastal Community Foundation of South Carolina. Back Pack Buddies of Bluffton has been invited to participate in the Giving Day and has received a $10,000 anonymous match! Please help us meet the “dollar for dollar” match by making a gift on line. It is easy to donate: Log on to www.lowcountrygivingday.org Under Search by Categories, click on Human Services. Search for Crossroads Community Support Services-Back Pack Buddies of Bluffton and select it to make a donation. This page will open on Tuesday, May 5 at 12:00 am and remain open until 11:59 pm. Thank you so much for your support of Back Pack Buddies — a program that is so important to hungry children in our community. Fondly, Lynn and Steve Levy Visit us online at www.templeosehshalom.org Page 6 THE CARE COMMITTEE of TEMPLE OSEH SHALOM WHO ARE WE? We are Temple members who provide services to members in need. We provide a meal or two as needed: * After surgery * After Injuries * During illnesses Visits at home or in a rehabilitation facility: *Respite for the caregiver or a shoulder to lean on. How will we provide these services? That is up to you! We have to know who needs us! A member, member’s spouse or friend needs to call us to tell us!!! Even though a person might have a good social network, they still might need our services but don’t want to ask, so please let us know. Liela Weltman and Ellen Altman are the co-chairs of the committee. You can always call Liela at 705-3482 or e-mail her at lielaw4@gmail.com. Ellen can be reached at 705-9930 or via e-mail at ellebell@sc.rr.com. The following are members on the committee whom you may call or e-mail: Jan Mintz 705-3479 janandray@aol.com Donna Shaw 705-9818 bdshaw@hargray.com Goldie Weiss 705-6376 goweiss@sc.rr.com Eileen Goldberg 705-5279 eileen13143@gmail.com Terri Weintraub 705-7368 tweintraub1@gmail.com Flo Etkin 705-5828 fstuten4@sc.rr.com Carole Lurie 705-7935 CaroleL415@aol.com Phyllis Cooper Steinberg 705-2844 phyllisophical@sc.rr.com Susan Safranek 705-7150 suzznate@aol.com Barbara Winters 705-9266 wnt124@hargray.com Judy Emmett 707-7456 judybubee@buckeyeexpress.com Ruth Moroknek 705-2380 ruthstan@hargray.com Linda Zipes 705-7823 mpzipes@yahoo.com Marilyn Simon 705-9895 adrmpm6@gmail.com Visit us online at www.templeosehshalom.org Page 7 Adult Education Temple Education Program On Saturday, May 16, we will again enjoy and learn from Rabbi Ken Kanter, whatever his topic, at the Church, at 10:00 AM. (Ray Mintz) Rabbi Ken Kanter Adult Education Temple Oseh Shalom Temple Book Club I would like to thank Sue Gassner for the wonderful job she did in leading our discussion of THOSE WHO SAVE US by Jenna Blum, and for opening her home to the group. The book was terrific and so was the conversation that ensued. Elaine Roth, 14 Rain Lily Lane, will be our facilitator for AND SO IT WAS WRITTEN by Ellen Brazer on June 11. Meet two sets of brothers, one Roman and one Jewish. Travel back in time to the year 132 CE, as the Romans prepare to reclaim Israel. Please join us for this journey. Ellen Brazer, the Author The Book Please contact me if you have any questions or suggestions. (Janet Cargotch) Temple Film Club The Temple Oseh Shalom Film Club will show its final movie of the season on Sunday, May 10, at the Fellowship Hall. Yes—we know it’s Mother’s day, but since we meet at 3PM, we feel this will make a lovely day for all Temple mothers. Just think, brunch followed by the movie, or the movie followed by dinner. Our movie this month is ZAYTOUN (meaning OLIVE in Arabic). Zaytoun takes place in a war torn Palestinian refugee camp in Lebanon during the 1982 conflict. A downed Israeli fighter pilot (Yoni—played by Stephen Dorff) and a toughened teen-age Palestinian boy (Fahed— played by Abdallah El Akal) form a tenuous “deal” to help each other. Come see how they overcome mutual antagonism and suspicion. The Film Committee wants to thank our Congregants for being strong supporters of our film showings. We will take a summer hiatus and resume after the High Holidays. We promise to continue showing entertaining and thought provoking films with Jewish themes. (Jackie Katz) Ray and Jan Mintz Visit us online at www.templeosehshalom.org Page 8 Oneg Shabbat HAVE YOU SPONSORED AN ONEG SHABBAT THIS YEAR? Do you have a birthday/anniversary coming up? Have you recently celebrated a “simcha” in your family? Is there a relative/friend whose memory you would like to honor in a special way? A perfect way to honor/memorialize someone special is by sponsoring an Oneg Shabbat. And it is so easy to do. “Keep our CONTACT Melissa McIntire (64 Cypress Run) 705-1276 or e-mail to: mcwecker@hotmail.com NO LATER THAN THE 20th OF THE MONTH Oneg Shabbat a part of our Friday Night service” We request a minimum donation of $18, but there is no maximum! All checks should be made payable to “Oseh Shalom Sisterhood.” Talk to Melissa to arrange the details of your donation and sponsorship. Thanks to the following for contributing to our Oneg Shabbat. Goldie Weiss in memory of her husband, Murray Weiss Al & Heddie Richter in honor of their granddaughter Lily’s Bat Mitzvah Marion & Arthur Abramowitz in honor of Arthur’s 85th birthday Laura Marks in honor of her son David’s 35th birthday Marcia & George Meyers in honor of their 25th Wedding Anniversary Arlene Melamed’s husband, Harvey, and mother, Anna, for Arlene’s better health and recovery Barbara & Al Gartenlaub in honor of their daughter Cheryl’s 50th birthday and their grandson Logan’s 11th birthday WHAT A WONDERFUL WAY TO HONOR SOMEONE OR SOMETHING — SPONSOR AN ONEG. Visit us online at www.templeosehshalom.org Page 9 Temple Oseh Shalom Scrapbook Those of you having pictures that you have taken of Temple events, please share them with us. We keep a scrap book of photos and media coverage. The books are available to view by our members. The books are our history and a record of how we have evolved. If you have questions or items to share, please contact me. Elaine Roth 705-1983 ERNDR202@HARGRAY.COM Librarian - Historian Ten Again A man asks his wife, "What would you most like for your birthday?" She answers, "I'd love to be ten again." So on the morning of her birthday, he gets her up bright and early and off they go to the local Theme Park. What a day! He puts her on every ride in the park, the Death Slide, The Screaming Loop, the Wall of Fear...everything there is! Wow! She staggers out of the Theme Park five hours later, her head reeling and her stomach upside down. Right into McDonald's they go, and her husband orders a Double Big Mac for her along with extra fries and a refreshing strawberry shake. Then off to a movie with hot dogs, popcorn, Pepsi Cola, and m & m’s. What a fabulous adventure! Finally, she wobbles home with her husband and collapses into bed. He leans over lovingly and asks, "Well, dear, what was it like being ten again?" One eye opens and she groans, "Idiot - I meant dress size." ETERNAL TREE OF LIFE These last few months have brought sadness to many of our congregants as loved ones have passed away. All our sympathy and prayers have been with them during funerals and shivas. As an aging community, it is unfortunate, but true, that the future will hold sad times for many of our congregants. Temple Oseh Shalom continues to add leaves to its Tree of Eternal Life. The Tree of Eternal Life is mounted on the side of the Temple Ark. This is a wonderful way to memorialize loved ones. The form is in the back of the Shofar or you can contact Larry Katz at 7055765. Each leaf costs $100. Larry Katz Visit us online at www.templeosehshalom.org Page 10 An Easier Link to the TOS Amazon Site I have mentioned in the past how easy it is to support the Temple when you buy from Amazon. Temple Oseh Shalom receives a percentage of the sale price for all items purchased by our members through one of our links located on our website – www.templeosehshalom.org But Jeff Glazer has made it even easier. He has created a link that will take people directly to our access page at Amazon.com and should be easier to use. Simply go to amazon.templeosehshalom.org – bookmark this link or write it down somewhere. It is really a no-brainer to use this link when you buy from Amazon. Just remember: amazon.templeosehshalom.org Donations As always, we welcome donations to Temple Oseh Shalom to commemorate any occasion - joyous or sad - or even "just because..." When appropriate, an acknowledgement card will be sent to your stated recipients, letting them know of your generosity. We will try to keep diligent records and print a list of donors for the month preceding the publication of each Shofar newsletter. If donations are received too late for publication, they will appear in the following issue. We will attempt to include all donations for the full month prior to sending the newsletter. Make your check payable to Temple Oseh Shalom with appropriate notations on the memo line or note enclosed with the check. Mail to: Temple Oseh Shalom, PO Box 3935, Bluffton, SC 29910 Donations will be acknowledged in writing to the honoree and by e-mail to the donor. Yahrzeits will be listed in the monthly Shofar. Annual Membership Renewals are not acknowledged. Book of Remembrance donations will be acknowledged by entries in the Book. Visit us online at www.templeosehshalom.org Page 11 DONATIONS APRIL DONOR IN HONOR OF Sue & Bob Wiener Tina & Chuck Laboe Tina & Chuck Laboe Dolores Mangi Linda & Larry Kornreich Joan Flynn & Len Rosenberg Jackie & Larry Katz Luba & Mark Balshem Eileen & Milt Brenner Rhoda & Sherwin Rubin The Miracle of Temple Oseh Shalom Dan Geller’s “Bas” Birthday Ralph Goldberg’s 80th Birthday Gabrielle Testa’s Big Birthday Ralph Goldberg’s Special Birthday Speedy Recovery to Phil Zarny Donation Donation Our Aliyahs The Marriage of Roberta Baker & Lexi Picoff DONOR IN MEMORY OF Trudy & William Meyers Carol & Michael Cohen Myra & Art Krulik Barry Beitman Stephen Morris Tobye & Sam Watkins Hinda & Martin Klinghoffer Jerilyn Fleisher Maxine & Nat Goldberg Gail & Allen Paul Roberta Baker & Lexi Picoff Sue Gassner Bailey Olim Bernice & Sherman Weinstein Eleanor & Stanley Katz Anita & Hal Rappoport Anita & Hal Rappoport Iris Chester Joan & Dick Star Marjorie & Steven Brandon Phyllis & Marvin Jacobson Audrey Robinson Celia Fergang Edward Krulik Fred J. Beitman Gladys Morris Louis Bindes Louis Roth Miriam Caro Mollye Goldberg Ron Paul Simeon Baker William Patrick Grace Murray Weiss Julius Weinstein Abe Gevatoff Abe Rappoport Julie Pecker Abraham Chester Beatrice Star Betty Miller Cecilia Jacobson Visit us online at www.templeosehshalom.org Page 12 DONATIONS APRIL (CONT’D) DONOR IN MEMORY OF Phyllis & Marvin Jacobson Gail & Stephen Brazil Gail & Stephen Brazil Ruth & Michael Kanefsky Ruth & Michael Kanefsky Jeffrey Wolfson Lee Gradman Karen & David Ehrlich Louise & Arthur Haaker Sue & Dan Geller Barbara & Dr. Marvin Frogel Doris Plaplan Sharon & William America Karen & Jim Ferree Karen & Jim Ferree Faye Rabins Maxine Karr Cheryl & Stan Lituchy Goldie Weiss Lynne & Robert Tesler Carolyn & David Salkin Bobi Sherson Janet & Paul Cargotch Janet & Paul Cargotch Gail & Len Carr Murray Turka Phyllis & Stanley Wilner Irene Lebow Carol & Michael Cohen Barbara Reuben Barbara Reuben Ilene & Michael Schwartz Phyllis Steinberg Phyllis & Mike Ivers Norman Lustig Charles Brazil Julie Sobel David Silverman Harry Kanefsky David Wolfson Diane Gradman Dorothy Ehrlich Erik Paul Landsman Frank Geller Harold Sussman Harry Ponyman Henry A. Osterlitz Ilse Blanck Sayde R. Shapiro Malcom Rabins Manny Karr Moe Lituchy Murray Weiss Otallie B. Tesler Philip Benowitz Sidney Bohm Ray Cargotch Alfred Lipkin Ray Cargotch Regina Band Richard Wilner Myer Lebow Abbott Cohen Alvin Reubin Miriam Harrison Andrew Miklos Elias Haller Ethel Cohen Visit us online at www.templeosehshalom.org Page 13 DONATIONS APRIL (CONT’D) DONOR IN MEMORY OF Elaine Berlind Eleanor & Stanley Katz Gingi & Saul Cohen Bobi Sherson Raphael Haller Judy & Sam Emmett Judy & Sam Emmett Deena & Joel Chontow Deena & Joel Chontow Anna Cohen Anna Cohen Mimi & Marty Levinson Mimi & Marty Levinson Diane & Kenneth Degenhardt Elizabeth & Steven Degenhardt Marsha Cochin Heddie & Alan Richter Heddie & Alan Richter Eileen & Milt Brenner Eileen & Milt Brenner Sheila & Jack Davidson Rhoda & Les Turk Marlene & Kurt Fried Len Rosenberg Judith & Robert Goldberg Arleen & Harvey Melamed Carolyn & Ray Levine Marsha Weiss Marion & Art Abramowitz Ethel Mark Jayne & David Shachat Elaine & Dan Roth Myra & Art Krulik Eugene David Berlind Eva Gevatoff Evelyn Gordon Gert Rosenberg Goldie Haller Hilda Chesler Isadore Emmett Hilda Chesler Ida Chontow Hyman Bacon Rebecca Bacon Irving Muller Sarah Levinson Joseph Degenhardt Joseph Degenhardt Judith Wendy Cochin Milton Newman Ruth V. Richter Molly Lazarus Sabina Brenner Nat Frankel Our Parents Ray Goodman Ray Rosenberg Rosalind Goldberg Rowena Melamed Ruby Levine Sam Garber Sarah Scheman Stolzenberg Saul Mark Stan Love Susan Roth William Cohen Visit us online at www.templeosehshalom.org Page 14 DONATIONS APRIL (CONT’D) IN MEMORY OF RUTH ORETSKIN, Mother of Gail Bober Sue Gassner Marsha Weiss Joan Flynn & Len Rosenberg Ellen & Aaron Altman Arnold Rosen & Marylyn Staines Harriet & Larry Cole IN MEMORY OF HAROLD FREED, Brother of Renee Fordyce Goldie Weiss IN MEMORYOF SHELDON COOK, Husband of Pat Cook Ruth Fenster Rhoda & Sherwin Rubin Joan Flynn & Len Rosenberg IN MEMORY OF ALAN CRYSTAL, Husband of Ellie Crystal Rhoda & Sherwin Rubin ETERNAL TREE OF LIFE In Memory of my Beloved Husband, Michael Marks From Laura Marks In Memory of Ruth Oretskin, Mother of Gail Bober From the Shabbat Mishpuca In Memory of Fred J. and Joan Beitman, Beloved Parents of Barry Beitman & Belinda Kaufman From Barry Beitman, Belinda, Jonathan, Daniel and Andrew Kaufman Visit us online at www.templeosehshalom.org Page 15 Sunshine From Your Sisterhood Want a friend to know they are being thought of? Maybe they have a mitzvah, maybe they need a word of encouragement, maybe someone you know needs a kind thought to come their way today. There is no obligation to you and no details are needed. Recipient will receive a caring card by mail (snail mail) from Temple Oseh Shalom Sisterhood. Send information to: Elaine Roth 705-1983 OR erndr202@gmail.com Send a Shalom-O-Gram FOR ONLY 50¢ YOUR FRIEND OR ACQUAINTANCE WILL RECEIVE OUR SHALOM-0GRAM SHOWING YOUR NAME ALONG WITH ALL THOSE SENDING BIRTHDAY AND ANNIVERSARY GREETINGS. Thinking of someone else makes them (and you) feel great! And it is simple to do! Here’s how —> On the next page there is a list of names of people celebrating a birthday or anniversary next month. You can send your friends and acquaintances greetings on their birthday or anniversary. HERE IS HOW TO DO THIS: 1. Print the next page and circle the names of the people you would like to wish a happy birthday or anniversary. MAKE SURE YOU INCLUDE YOUR NAME THE WAY YOU WANT IT LISTED. 2. Mail OR deliver your list, along with $.50 for each name, to Bobbie Wolff at 324 Landing Lane in Sun City In order for the birthdays and anniversaries to be acknowledged in a timely manner, everyone needs to turn in the Shalom-O-Gram sheets by the 20th of the month. Thanks to everyone for making this fun to do. WE WOULD APPRECIATE PAYMENT BY CHECK MADE OUT TO SISTERHOOD OF TEMPLE OSEH SHALOM. Visit us online at www.templeosehshalom.org Page 16 2 3 4 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 10 10 11 11 13 13 14 14 15 15 17 17 Ros Sohmer Jeff Glazer Margery Linden Eugene Rabins Arlene Wizwer Shirley Zarny Marianne Robbins Elaine Berlind Connie Steinhouse Mike Burnce Jim Ferree Richard Fordyce Sharon Listwa Sydell Frost Arlene Schwartz Melvina Nozick Harriet Schatz Mike Cohen Art Rosen Richard Heimlich Jason Schloss Ruth Brenner Kenneth Degenhardt 17 17 18 18 18 19 20 21 21 23 23 23 24 24 25 26 26 26 26 27 30 30 Steven Degenhardt Laura Marks Eleanor Kearns Ellen Kimmel Arline Rosen Joel Biterman Marvin Stoogenke Stanley Katz Ruth Schloss Steven Dutka Joan Flynn Marvin Jacobson Adolfo Taboada Gail Taboada Ilene Schwartz Ethel Mark Arnold Seidman Marilyn Weinstein Barry Zuckerman Jeff Kaffee Len Carr Susan Safranek June Anniversaries 1 2 2 3 4 6 8 9 9 9 10 12 12 12 12 13 14 14 14 14 Carolyn and Ray Levine Ilene and Michael Schwartz Julie and Ted Sommers Wilma and Allen Mazo Sheila and Michael Weinberg Carol and Al Smith Jackie and Larry Katz Cindy and Kevin Curley Paula and Stephen Ross Terrie and David Weintraub Susan and Larry Kowitt Thelma and Stanley Friedman Grace and Jim Lenk Lani and Peter Novick Annette and Jerry Weber Sharon and N.J. Mannino Roz and Bill Altman Gingi and Saul Cohen Judith and Arnold Forman Phyllis and Eugene Rabins 14 14 15 17 17 18 18 19 20 20 20 21 24 24 26 26 27 28 30 Carolyn and David Salkin Arlene and Barry Zuckerman Phyllis and Marvin Jacobson Phyllis and Richard Bloch Sue and Dan Geller Barbara and Ronald Reed Marianne and David Robbins Diane and Kenneth Degenhardt Teddy and Richard Kaufman Cheryl and Stan Lituchy Barbara and Mel Winters Dell and Phil Kagan Jacquelyn and Raphael Friedl Sherri and Chuck Zedd Ellen and Barry Cohen Harriet and Martin Schatz Bobbie and Jack Wolff Arleen and Harvey Melamed Ellie and Larry Bergman Visit us online at www.templeosehshalom.org For Shalom-O-Gram Submissions: Submitted by _____________________________ June Birthdays Page 17 June Yahrzeits 1 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 9 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 12 13 15 15 15 Albert Ponyman, Brother of Doris Plaplan Abraham Marcus, Remembered by Jeff & Floss Kaffee Frances Zallen, Sister-in-Law of Stanley & Phyllis Wilner Arthur Saul Levine, Husband of Esther Zager Levine Lillian Reuben, Mother–in-Law of Barbara Reuben Rhea Ann Safranek, Mother of Nathan Safranek Jack Kravitz, Remembered by Howard Kravitz Sylvia Donenfeld, Mother of Kay Krebs Ruth Beckler, Mother of Stuart Beckler Hugh Reed, Father of Ron Reed Michael Goldberg, Brother of Ed Goldberg Bessie Wolner, Remembered by Charlotte Fisher Bernard Cappelson, Father of Barbara Gartenlaub Joseph Grossman, Father of Stanley Grossman Anne Kravitz, Wife of Howard Kravitz Bobby Singer, Remembered by Howard Kravitz Max Spiegel. Remembered by Arthur and Linda Schwartz Irving Weiss, Remembered by Goldie Weiss Irving Rock, Remembered by Aaron & Ellen Altman Elizabeth Burnce, Mother of Michael Burnce Abraham Dexler, Remembered by Steve & Hope Dexler William Labovitch, Father of Charles Laboe Louis Linden, Remembered by Robert & Margery Linden Max Schwartz, Remembered by Arthur and Linda Schwartz Sara Weinstein, Mother of Diane Sigel Mel Reich, Husband of Gail Reich Eva Rubin, Mother of Sherwin Rubin Isidore Hecht, Remembered by Jeffrey Wolfson Sidney Hollander, Father of Barbara Abrams Dora Miller, Mother of Eleanor Katz Sam Rosenthal, Remembered by Charles & Roberta Wurms Betty Lockhart, Remembered by Earle Lockhart Ronni Cohen, Daughter of Charlotte Cohen Marjorie Greenberg, Mother of Suzan Crane Ruth Weinberger, Mother of Susan Kowitt Jetty Jonas, Mother of Paula Ross Rhea Nadelson, Remembered by Nancy Sherman Victor Levine, Remembered by Ray & Carolyn Levine Charles Kesselman, Father of Roz Altman Emanuel Reff, Father of Sheila Borland Brucha Rabinovich, Mother of Luba Balshem Arlene Paul, Sister of Doris Plaplan 15 15 16 19 17 18 18 18 18 19 20 20 21 21 21 21 21 22 22 23 23 23 23 23 24 24 24 25 25 26 26 26 26 27 27 27 28 30 Rona Glassman, Remembered by Marty & Isabel Glassman Frank Cote, Father of Janice Kraimer Lois Lazarus Varon, Sister of Eileen Brenner Robert Richardson, Remembered by Joan Marino Sheila Kantor, Mother of Sherry Kuschel Louis Cargotch, Father of Paul Cargotch and Len Carr Tillie Friedlander, Remembered by Herb & Bernice Marshall Rose Browning, Mother of Jan Mintz Alfred Weiss, Husband of Marsha Weiss Helen Solomon, Mother of Alice Rivkin Morris Jack Goldberg, Father of Robert Goldberg Anna Romoff, Mother of Gail Reich B. Wm. Rock, Remembered by Aaron & Ellen Altman Leo Berman, Father of Robert Berman Rose Finkel, Remembered by Andie Levine Paul Robinson, Brother of Stuart Robinson David Zager, Brother of Esther Zager Levine Ella Schwimmer, Remembered by Emma Avital Bertha Polstein, Remembered by Dolores Mangi Hyman Karp, Father of Ellen Dutka Baby Boy Ruggieri, Grandson of Saul & Alice Rivkin Reba Ross, Mother of Stephen Ross Elaine Valenstein, Mother of Fred Valenstein Sylvia Wagner, Mother of Barry Wagner Aaron Schattner, Step-Father of Ellen Dutka Mary Rich, Grandmother of Helene Stoller Isidore Hecht, Remembered by Sydell Frost and Wilma Mazo Pearl Schwartz, Remembered by Arthur and Linda Schwartz Albert J. Zionts, Brother-in-Law of Grace Lenk Mona Turka, Wife of Murray Turka Evelyn Greenberg, Mother of Leslie Barenberg Albert C Arnold, Husband of Marilyn Rakitin Inkles Minnie Seidman, Mother of Arnold Seidman William Moroknek, Father of Stanley Moroknek Minnie Levine, Mother of Laura Marks Frances Brand, Remembered by Philip and Marilyn Simon Ruth Preisler, Remembered by Marty & Isabel Glassman Joshua Goldberg, Father of Nat Goldberg Nathan Novick, Remembered by Peter & Lani Novick Visit us online at www.templeosehshalom.org Page 18 Back Pack Buddies Donation Day Board Mtg Film Club Fellowship Hall 3:00 pm Services 7:30 pm Adult Education Church Sanctuary 10:00 am Men’s Club The Haven 11:00 am Annual Meeting Church 3:00 pm Visit us online at www.templeosehshalom.org Page 19 How To Reach Us All Area Code 843 Rabbi TBD Cantor Kenneth Rosenberg President Vice President Recording Secretary Corresponding Secretary Treasurer Director/Administrator Director Director/Membership Director BOARD OF DIRECTORS Barry Zweiban barryz2010@hotmail.com Deena Chontow Deena711@optonline.net Marlene Fried mbf845@gmail.com Blanche Frank batshevafrank9@gmailcom Marcia Meyers mmeyers1016@yahoo.com Rhoda Rubin rrubin13@sc.rr.com Art Krulik artkofos@sc.rr.com Marsha Cochin coacham@hargray.com Al Gartenlaub memagirlsboys4@yahoo.com 705-9666 379-8787 705.3930 705-5685 707-1077 705-6000 705-6561 705-3422 705-2442 Director/Cemetery Sisterhood Men’s Club Immediate Past Pres. Jerry Steinberg Terrie Weintraub Lew Medoff Jackie Katz 705-2844 705-7368 705-2391 705-5765 House COMMITTEE CHAIRS Al Gartenlaub memagirlsboys4@yahoo.com 705-2442 Choir Director Music Director Family Promise Back Pack Buddies Education Ray Mintz Liela Weltman Ellen Altman Terrie Weintraub Arleen Melamed Kathy Burnce Lynn & Steve Levy Jan & Ray Mintz raymintz@aol.com lielaw4@gmailcom ellebell@sc.rr.com tweintraub1@gmail.com pimlico@hargray.com kmburnce@yahoo.com llevy55@sc.rr.com mommamintz@gmail.com raymintz@aol.com 705-3479 705-3482 705-9930 705-7368 705-6542 757-0869 707-7536 705-3479 Librarian/Historian Newsletter Parris Island Strategic Planning Tree of Eternal Life Elaine Roth Bill Altman Al Richter Art Krulik Larry Katz erndr202@hargray.com wolfaltman@gmail.com 705-1983 705-5792 705-9450 705-6561 705-5765 Ritual Care/Bereavement kmrose@sc.rr.com jerrys@sc.rr.com terriwtos@gmail.com lewis.medoff@gmail.com larjac@aol.com alrichter3@gmail.com artkofos@sc.rr.com 1jaclar@gmail.com 705-7045 TEMPLE OSEH SHALOM PO Box 3935 Bluffton, SC 29910 Phone: 843-705-2532 E-mail: info@templeosehshalom.org Visit us online at www.templeosehshalom.org Page 20 OSEH SHALOM SISTERHOOD MEMBERSHIP DATA FORM Anyone wishing to become a member of the Sisterhood should complete this form and forward with your dues YOU MUST BE A MEMBER IN GOOD STANDING OF TEMPLE OSEH SHALOM TO JOIN THE SISTERHOOD NAME__________________________________________SPOUSE ___________________________________ ADDRESS _________________________________________________________________________________ TELEPHONE (HOME) ______________________________ (CELL)___________________________________ E-MAIL_____________________________________________________________________________________ BIRTHDAY (month/day)_____________________ANNIVERSARY (month/day)_________________________ MOVED FROM: _____________________________________________________________________________ WOULD YOU BE WILLING TO WORK ON ONE OF OUR MANY COMMITTEES? PROGRAM ___________ FUND RAISING _______ ____________MEMBERSHIP ______________ COMMUNITY OUTREACH _________________ ONEG SHABBAT ____________________________ WOULD YOU LIKE TO TELL US ABOUT ANY SPECIAL TALENTS OR INTERESTS? _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ FULL TIME RESIDENT_______________ PART- TIME RESIDENT___________________________ SISTERHOOD DUES $10 Contact: Marsha Cochin 301 Col. Thomas Heyward Rd Bluffton, SC 29909 705-3422 coacham@hargray.com Visit us online at www.templeosehshalom.org Page 21 TEMPLE OSEH SHALOM 2013/2014 MEN’S CLUB MEMBERSHIP FORM YOU MUST BE A MEMBER, IN GOOD STANDING, OF TEMPLE OSEH SHALOM TO BE A MEMBER OF THE T.O.S. MEN’S CLUB THE DUES ARE $10 PER YEAR (THAT’S LESS THAN $1 PER MONTH) PLEASE FILL IN THE INFORMATION BELOW. IF ANY OF YOUR DATA HAS CHANGED, PLEASE UPDATE THE FORM. NAME_______________________________________________________ ADDRESS_____________________________________________________ PHONE CONTACT_______________________________________________ E-MAIL ADDRESS _______________________________________________ SPOUSE/SIGNIFICANT OTHER’S NAME______________________________ WE NEED YOUR HELP TO ASSIST ON ONE OF THESE COMMITTEES PLEASE CHECK ONE BOX PROGRAM_______ MEMBERSHIP________ PUBLICITY________ FUND RAISING______ COMMUNITY OUTREACH_________ GOOD AND WELFARE_______ OTHER________ ARE YOU A FULL TIME RESIDENT______________ PART-TIMER_____________ MAKE CHECK OUT TO T.O.S. MEN’S CLUB FOR $10 MAIL FORM & CHECK TO: LARRY COLE (TREASURER) 89 DONCASTER LANE BLUFFTON, SC 29909 GENTLEMEN: WE ARE LOOKING TO EACH OF YOU FOR SUPPORT AND PARTICIPATION THIS COMING YEAR, AND GOING FORWARD … Visit us online at www.templeosehshalom.org Page 22 EMERGENCY CONTACT INFORMATION YOUR: Name: __________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________ _________________________________________ Phone: ________________________________ Cell: _________________________________ Please list your EMERGENCY CONTACT INFORMATION: Name: __________________________________________ Relationship: ___________________ Address: _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Phone: ________________________________ Cell: _________________________________ ***************************************** Name: __________________________________________ Relationship: ___________________ Address: _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Phone: ________________________________ Cell: _________________________________ ***************************************** Name: __________________________________________ Relationship: ___________________ Address: _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Phone: ________________________________ Cell: _________________________________ RETURN INFORMATION TO: Larry Kowitt 3 Schooner Lane (Use Lower Mailbox) KowittL@aol.com (Subject: Emergency Contact List ) (TEMPLE OSEH SHALOM Emergency Form 6/1/11) Visit us online at www.templeosehshalom.org Page 23 TREE OF ETERNAL LIFE Temple Oseh Shalom now has a permanent memorial for family members. This is in the form of a TREE OF ETERNAL LIFE mounted on each side of the Ark. Memorial leaves for the TREE OF ETERNAL LIFE are now available for purchase. Leaves may be obtained for $100.00 per leaf. The leaves are meant to be memorials for parents, siblings, spouses/ significant others, children and grandchildren. Each leaf will be engraved with a choice of the following inscriptions. 1. In Memory of _________ Beloved Parents of ________ 4. In Memory of _____________ Beloved Grandchild of ________ 2. In Memory of ___________ Beloved Wife/Husband /Partner of ___________ 5. In Memory of ____________ Beloved Brother/Sister of __________ 3. In Memory of ____________ Beloved Child of ___________ A check must accompany the order for each leaf. Make check payable to Temple Oseh Shalom and memo your check “Tree of Eternal Life.” Please fill out a separate form for each inscription. Please fill out the tear off below with the pertinent information and mail along with your check to: Larry Katz 41 Pineapple Drive Bluffton SC 29909 Any questions? Call Larry Katz 705-5765 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TREE OF ETERNAL LIFE INSCRIPTIONS In Memory of ________________________________________________________ Beloved (parents, wife, husband, partner, child, sister, brother. grandchild) of Circle one of the above ________________________________________________________________ Total enclosed @ 100.00 per leaf _________ Your Name: ___________________ Phone #: ______________ E-mail Address ______________ Visit us online at www.templeosehshalom.org
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