St. Agnes of Assisi Catholic School MARCH 2015 120 LA ROCCA AVE. WOODBRIDGE, ONTARIO, L4H 2A9 FAX: 905 653 2276 PHONE: 905 303 4646 Catholic Communities of Faith Quality Learning for All Safe and Caring Schools Trustee: Maria Marchese Director: Patricia Preston Superintendent: Donna Hackett School Council Chair: Brenda Alexis School Council Vice Chair: John Lombardi Pastor: Fr. John Borean, Fr. Peter Turrone Principal Ms. A. Filippelli Vice Principal Mr. F. Di Marco Secretaries Mrs. M. D’Orazio Ms. A. D’ Angelo A Look Ahead… March 4—Confirmation 7pm March 8—Daylight Savings March 9—Int. Boys Basketball @ SAA; JK/SKs @ City Playhouse March 10—Int. Girls Basketball @ SVA March 13— PA Day March 16 - 20— March Break March 20—First Day of Spring March 24—First Reconciliation 9:30am March 25—Int. Trip to Toronto Marlies Game March 27—V.I.P. Gr. 3 1:00pm March 29—Palm Sunday March 31—Harbourfront Trip (Primary) Dear Parents/Guardians: During this month of March, we celebrate a number of special days in our liturgical calendar: Lent, St. Patrick’s Day and St. Joseph’s Day. Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of our Lenten journey, a journey that lasts for forty days. During Lent, we are asked to be more aware of the presence of God in our lives and to focus on three areas to help strengthen our faith: prayer, sacrifice and helping others. Lent is a journey we make together, in solidarity with each other. May these prayers enrich your faith and strengthen your family ties. Have a wonderful mid-winter break with family and friends. Be safe, take care and God bless! Full-Time Kindergarten registration is now underway. If you have a child that was born in 2011 (JK) or 2010 (SK), please visit the school office to pick up a registration package. In order to register for school, you will require the following original documents: Birth Certificate, Roman Catholic Baptismal Certificate (child), parent if child is not Roman Catholic, Proof of Address, proof of school support, and proof of legal status in Canada (if not a Canadian Citizen). As well, planning and preparation for the next school year (2015-2016) is already underway. For this reason, it is imperative that we have an idea of the number of students that will be attending St. Agnes of Assisi CES in 2015-2016. IF YOU ARE MOVING AWAY FROM THE SCHOOL OR WILL BE LEAVING THE SCHOOL FOR SOME OTHER REASON, (i.e. P.A.C.E., I.S.A., French Immersion, etc.), PLEASE INFORM THE OFFICE IN WRITING AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. By the same token, if you are aware of families that will be moving into the area, please ask them to register at the school as soon as possible. This will help us to have a better understanding of the numbers for next year, thus allowing us to plan appropriately. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Sincerely, A. Filippelli Principal OUR SHARED VISION We are a Catholic Learning Community of collaborative partners, called to serve one another by being committed to and accountable for quality learning by all, with Jesus as our inspiration. F. Di Marco Vice Principal VIRTUE OF THE MONTH In the month of March we celebrate the virtue of Perseverance.. With God’s grace, I will continue to be the best I can be; lead by example and be a role model for others. MARCH BREAK LIBRARY NEWS Not sure what to do while our library is closed over the March Break? There is an upcoming program on creative writing for grades 4-6 that will take place at Pierre Berton Resource Library on Saturday, March 14th between 2 - 3 pm. Joel A. Sutherland, author of Haunted Canada series and Be a Writing Superstar, will run this fun and interactive workshop at the library. The focus will be on games and activities that engage children to write and write well. The tickets are only $5 each. Students are encouraged to sign-up as soon as possible. The program has a seat limitation of 25 children. To register students/parents will have to go to Pierre Berton The ninth edition of Earth Hour will take place on Satur- Resource Library in person. For any questions, please call 905-6537323 and ask to be transferred to the Pierre Berton Resource Library, day, March 28th between 8:30 – 9:30pm. “The glogal ta- Youth Desk, or reply directly to this email. gline for Earth is Use #YourPower to Change Climate Change at” SAA will be conducting our Other great Vaughan Library Programs that are offered during the own Earth Hour on Friday, March 27th between 2:30 – March Break can be found in What’s On Magazine. 3:30pm. We will do our part by turning off the lights and any other electronic devices such as computers, printers and CD players. If we all work together to “Power Down GRADE 8 CONFIRMATION for the Planet” everyone benefits. On Wednesday March 4th, our Grade 8 students celebrated the Sacrament of Confirmation at St. Clare of Assisi Parish. It was a beautiful ceremony presided over by Bishop Kirkpatrick. Father Peter and Father John have been guiding our students on their path towards Confirmation and discussing with them important issues that they will face as they continue on their journey with God. Thank you to Father Peter for visiting the students on a weekly basis to prepare them for this important sacrament. A big Thank-you also to Mrs. Burbello, Mr. Carano, Mrs. Carafa and Ms. Perna for their efforts in preparing students to receive this sacrament. The Earth Hour Vaughan committee has provided the school with supplies to create lanterns for Earth Hour in hopes that the students and their parents will join the Earth Hour Vaughan Lantern Walk Event on Saturday, March 28. Free battery-operated t-lights will be given to students who bring their lanterns to the event. The EcoReps from each classroom will be making one lantern per class and one student per class is invited to bring this lantern to the Earth Hour Vaughan Lantern Walk on March 28. E NEWS IN EDUCATION Earth Hour Vaughan Lantern Walk & Energy Exhibit Event Home Energy Conservation Promotions by companies and NGOs, and Renewable Energy Products Homework Help is a site that is provided free-of-charge by the Ministry of Education and TV Ontario. This site provides free, real-time Math help to Grade 7,8,9 and 10 students. It allows them to get help after school hours and it can help them to understand and answer homework questions, review material from previous grades and study for tests, exams or an EQAP test. But remember – it is “homework help” and the tutors (all of whom are certified Ontario teachers) are there to support the students and concepts. The site is available to students Sunday through Thursday from 5:30 pm to 9:30 pm. Go to: and create a “GUEST” account. Students can register by selecting “STUDENT” and using their Ontario Education Number (OEN) and date of birth. Location: Vaughan City Hall, The Ontario Educational Resource Bank (OERB) is an 6:30 PM on-line resource for Ontario’s teachers, students and parents. It con6:30 PM: Professional Energy Conserva on Exhibit; Lan- tains over 29,000 resources from K to 12 – all have been developed Most of the resources take the form of lessons tied to expectations and tern-making; Secondary School Environmental are searchable by Ontario Teachers. course and expecta on. Our Jeopardy Game teachers, students and parents are invited to explore and use these 8 PM: Formal Opening of Event resources. 8:30 PM: Lantern Walk Outdoors 9:00 PM: Refreshments; Entertainment Go to: h ps:// 9:30 PM: Green Hero Awards & Prizes Username: student Password: ycdsb Student Threat Management Notice The York Catholic District School Board is committed to creating and maintaining school environments in which students, staff, parents and others feel safe. Schools cannot ignore any threat of violence. All threat making behaviours made by student(s) will be taken seriously. Incident(s) will be reported to the administrator who will conduct an investigation which may lead to the activation of the Student Threat Management Protocol. Please refer to the Student Threat Management Fair Notice and Process on the Board website. York Catholic Communities of Faith Character Trait: Perseverance Catholic Virtue: Perseverance I Will: * Stick to the goals I have set for my-self * Always believe in myself and have faith in what I can accomplish. CELL PHONES / ELECTRONICS / TOYS The use of cell phones is strictly prohibited in the school. Students will be allowed to use the school phone in emergency cases. All electronics—MP3, IPOD, video-players, tablets, etc., must be safely left at home. If a cell phone is brought to school, it must be OUT OF SIGHT AND TURNED OFF. If it is seen, it will be taken away. As well, all expensive jewelry, clothing items, or toys should also be left at home. The school is not responsible for lost / stolen items. BELL TIMES 9:00 a.m.— Morning Entry 10:20 a.m. —10:35 a.m.— Morning Recess 12:00 p.m.—12:20 p.m.— Lunch 12:20 p.m.—1:00 p.m.—Lunch Recess 2:20 p.m.—2:35 p.m.—Afternoon Recess 3:30 p.m.—Dismissal MEDICATION If your child requires medication during the school day, please call the office to get a medication form. The form and the medication must be brought to the office. Medication cannot be stored in the classroom or with the student. MORNING ROUTINES & SAFETY Please remember that only students and staff members on supervision duty are allowed to be on the playground. Parents or Caregivers who bring children to school in the morning must walk their children to the yard and then leave them in the care of the teachers on duty. For the safety of all, the only adults in the yard should be the teachers and staff members wearing their safety vests. If you are dropping off your kindergarten child, please bring them into their gate and then return to waiting behind the lot fence. On behalf of your children’s safety, we thank you for respecting this. OUTDOOR CLOTHING Now that we are into the winter months the weather is holding steady with the arctic temperatures. We continue to remind parents that the children must come appropriately dressed for outdoor recess periods. Only during inclement weather (i.e. rain or extreme cold temps) will children remain indoors. Fresh air is a necessary ingredient for a responsive child, as is exercise between periods of class work. If your child is too sick to go out for recess, then they are too sick to come to school. All students who come to school are expected to go out for recess. Allergy Alert Anaphylaxis (anna - fill -axis) is a serious allergic reaction. It can be life-threatening. Food is the most common cause of anaphylaxis, but insect stings, medicine, latex, or exercise can also cause a reaction. The most common food allergens are peanuts, tree nuts, seafood, eggs and milk products. The Ontario Allergy Society tells us that “it is impractical to achieve complete avoidance of all allergenic foods as there can be hidden or accidentally introduced sources.” However, “it is definitely possible to reduce children’s exposure to allergenic foods within the school setting.” Please be vigilant and do your part to reduce the risk. Help keep our school safe for all! Community Noticeboard SAFEARRIVAL PROGRAM ABSENCES—WE NEED YOUR ASSISTANCE. It is the responsibility of the parent/ guardian to inform the school if their child will not be in school. Please call the SAFE ARRIVAL prior to 9:00 a.m. to inform us of your child’s absence, 1-855-856-7862. There is also a website Both methods will be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Therefore future absences may be reported ahead of time, i.e.; appointment, etc. If your child is absent and we have not received a call from you, we will try to reach someone listed on the emergency form. If we cannot reach anyone, it is our duty, under the Safe Arrival Program, to consult with the York Region Police. Let’s work together to make sure that our children are safe. ARRIVAL/SUPERVISION Supervision in the school yard begins at 8:45 a.m. Students may be safely dropped off at that time. Those children entering the school through the front door and not with their class are late and must get a late slip from the office. STUDENTS PICKED UP AFTER SCHOOL At times, parents/guardians may be late to pick up their children after school. It is encouraged that parents pickup their children at 3:30 pm. In case of an emergency, please call the office to notify that you will be running late. If students do not see their parents/guardians or the person who regularly picks them up at dismissal time, these students are required to report to the office. We will keep them at the office until their parent/guardian arrives. LABELLING BELONGINGS Each year, many articles of clothing and shoes make their way to the lost and found box. As a result, you are encouraged to label your children’s clothing to ensure that lost articles can be returned to the owners. Periodically, we will call down the classes so that students may examine the box to determine if any pieces of clothing belong to them. We invite you to come in and have a look through the box. LUNCH TIME ROUTINES Most students stay for lunch at school on a regular basis; however, some students do go home. It is imperative that your children’s teachers are informed of this routine. Any changes in the routine need to be clearly communicated to the teacher. Parents wishing to treat their children to a “special” lunch are asked to come to the office to pick-up their children and sign them out. This applies to all grades, including intermediate. Students are NOT allowed to leave school property for lunch, unless: 1) they are accompanied by an adult who picks the student up at the school office; 2) they go home for lunch everyday. INCLEMENT WEATHER When it is raining in the morning before school begins, or if the temperature is between –15 & –20 or below (with the wind chill), then inclement weather procedures will be in place. In this situation, at 8:45 a.m.—9:00 a.m., students will begin their day indoors. All outer doors will be locked, except for the front doors. All students, except for Kindergarten students, are asked to enter from the front doors during inclement weather in the morning. Kindergarten students are asked to enter through their play area to their exterior classroom doors. Staff members will be there to greet your child and direct them to their classrooms. PARENTS IN THE SCHOOL BUILDING All parents/guardians, volunteers and visitors are welcome to our school. In the interest of safety, and to prevent interruptions to classes, all parents/guardians and visitors MUST first report to the school office when entering the school. Please sign in and wear the visitor identification provided. For the safety of all occupants in the building, it is important that the students and staff know that you are an approved visitor (Policy 611). On behalf of your children’s safety, we thank you for adhering to this procedure. STANDARDIZED DRESS CODE It is wonderful to see the students of St. Agnes of Assisi dressed in their standardized dress code. Remember, navy blue bottoms and white, grey, or navy blue tops are permitted. No jeans are permitted according to the new policy. Thank you for supporting this initiative and encouraging your children to wear the school colors. STUDENT SIGN IN / OUT BOOK A reminder to parents/guardians, if you pick-up your child early from school for an appointment or your child arrives at school after 9:00 a.m. or 1:00 p.m., it is requested that you sign your child in / out at the office. It is imperative to know the whereabouts of all students. In the event that another family member / friend must pick-up your child, you must inform your child’s teacher via a letter and they must follow the procedures. It is best that arrangements are made in the morning so a letter can be sent rather than calling the school as this cuts down on class disruptions. January 5, 2015 Kindergarten Registration for the 2015-16 School Year Opens Today at York Catholic Schools The York Catholic District School Board will begin accepting registrations today for children who will begin kindergarten in September. Children must be four years old by December 31, 2015 and born in 2011 to register in junior kindergarten, or five years old by December 31, 2015 and born in 2010 to register in senior kindergarten. Kindergarten helps children develop a solid foundation for their future learning by enhancing their social, emotion-al, cognitive, language, and academic skills in a safe, caring, nurturing and fun environment. The York Catholic District School Board looks forward to welcoming its new families in September 2015. All York Catholic schools that offer kindergarten, do so in its full-day format. The Full-Day Kindergarten program teaches children through inquiry and play-based learning methods. Teachers and Early Childhood Educators work together in kindergarten classes to support the unique needs of each child. Parents and guardians who wish to register their children in a York Catholic kindergarten program should bring the below-listed original documents to their local Catholic school during regular school hours, and are encouraged to call the school before visiting. To determine which York Catholic elementary school is your local area school, parents and guardians should either visit, or call the Board’s Admissions Department at 905-713-2711 or 416-221-5050. Please bring the following original documents to the school you wish to register your child at: • Roman Catholic Baptismal Certificate (child or parent). • Proof of child’s age. • Proof of legal status in Canada. Proof of residency. • Proof of Separate School Support (i.e. MPAC Assessment Notice), or you can complete a school support form that is included in the registration package at the school. The York Catholic District School Board is one of the top-performing school boards in Ontario. It delivers educa-tional programming to over 55,000 students in 104 schools throughout the Regional Municipality of York. For more information, visit or follow us on Twitter @YCDSB. Media Contact: Julia Seeratan, Communications Office
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