Os '~A COUNCIL REPORT ABBOTSFORD Report No.: PDS055-2015 Executive Committee May 25, 2015 File No: 3360-20/R15-003 To: From: Subject: Mayor and Council Leah Irvine, Planner Rezoning application for the property located at 34631 3rd Avenue (Owners: C. Johnston, A. Walsh and K. Worley) RECOMMENDATIONS 1. THAT Bylaw No. 2424-2015, cited as "Abbotsford Zoning Bylaw, 2014, Amendment Bylaw No. 44", which rezones the property covered under application 3360-20/R15-003 from Urban Residential Zone (RS3) to Compact Lot Coach House Residential Zone (RS6-C), be given first and second reading at the next Regular Meeting of Council, and advance to an upcoming Public Hearing; 2. THAT prior to adoption of Bylaw No. 2424-2015, cited as "Abbotsford Zoning Bylaw, 2014, Amendment Bylaw No. 44", the following conditions be satisfied: (a) (b) (c) 3. a development agreement being entered into with the City to secure required road and utility upgrades and extensions in accordance with Development Bylaw No. 2070-2011; registration of a floodplain indemnification covenant over the lands in accordance with the floodproofing provisions of the Zoning Bylaw No. 24002014; and issues of funding for items not budgeted by the City being resolved; and THAT the Mayor and Corporate Officer be authorized to execute all documents relating to this matter. SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE The applicant proposes to rezone the subject property from Urban Residential Zone (RS3) to Compact Lot Coach House Residential Zone (RS6-C) in order to allow for the development of a three (3) lot residential subdivision. The proposal includes the future construction of a house and a coach house on each of the proposed lots, as permitted by the RS6-C zone. BACKGROUND Applicant: Ellwood Homes (E. Lowen) Owners: C. Johnston, A. Walsh and K. Worley Legal Description: Parcel "A" (U4150E) of Block 28 Section 2 Township 16 NWD Plan 1232 Report No. PDS 55-2015 Page 2 of 6 Existing Zoning: Urban Residential Zone (RS3) Proposed Zoning: Compact Lot Coach House Residential Zone (RS6-C) Existing Site Area: 1392.6m 2 (0.11 acre) Site Description: The property is an interior urban residential lot. The property is flat with an existing house and shop, refer to Figure 1. Surrounding Uses: N: S: E: W: Lane with single-family residential beyond (zoned RS3); 3rd Avenue with single-family residential beyond (zoned RS3); Existing single-family residential (zoned RS3) with B Street beyond; and Single-family residential (zoned RS3) with Sumas Way beyond. DISCUSSION Context 1. The proposed development is located in the Huntingdon neighbourhood of the urban area. The residential neighbourhood is surrounded by the Sumas prairie to the east, the Sumas border crossing to the south and industrial lands and the Canadian Pacific and Southern Railways to the west (beyond Sumas Way). 2. The surrounding residential area is a mature single-family neighbourhood. The existing residential neighbourhood is quite diverse, with a variety of lot sizes, lot widths and a variety of house widths and house heights. The lots in this area are typically serviced by a lane (refer to Figures 1 through 3). Official Community Plan 3. The Official Community Plan (OCP) designates the property as Urban Residential that is characterized by neighbourhoods of "ground-oriented" housing at relatively low densities. This type of housing can include detached houses, semi-detached houses, and attached housing (such as cluster housing or townhouses) at relatively low densities. The proposed development is consistent with the intent of the Urban Residential land use designation. Furthermore, the proposed development meets the intent of broader OCP objectives as follows: a) b) Objective 1.1 - Employ Sustainable Growth and Development Practices • Concentrate urban residential development within the Urban Development Boundary. The integrity of agricultural and rural lands will be maintained by making efficient and orderly use of all lands within the urban area. Objective 1.4 - Support a Full Range of Housing Options • Increase housing choice and provide more avenues for affordable housing by supporting multi-family developments, the creation of small residential lot, street oriented townhouses and other innovative housing forms. L:\R15\R15-003\Council\Council Report\PDS055-2015.docx Report No. PDS 55-2015 c) d) e) Page 3 of 6 Objective 1.5 - Facilitate Affordable and Special Needs Housing • By providing a choice of density and built form, from secondary suites and apartments to single-family homes, many segments of the population can access housing. Objective 5.1 - Maintain Clearly Defensible Urban Development Boundaries • Direct urban development to those areas within the City's Urban Development Boundary (UDB) where full urban services are available. The Regional Growth Boundary (RGB), as identified in the FVRD's Regional Growth Strategy, represents the long-term regional limits to growth. Objective 5.2 - Encourage Innovative, Sensitive Infill and Redevelopment • In order to accommodate the City's anticipated population growth in the coming years, infill and densification of the existing urban area is required. The land base on which urban development can occur is limited, due to topographical constraints and the reality of the Agricultural Land Reserve. • Encourage a mix of housing types in areas of infill, including strata and feesimple duplexes, quads, row-houses, and narrow-lot detached housing. Affordable Housing Strategy 4. The Affordable Housing Strategy, (endorsed by Council November 7, 2011) similar to the OCP objectives and policies, encourages the development of coach houses (Objective 2), to increase the available housing rental stock within the city core. The strategy further identifies the need to support for mortgage helper units within the City (Objective 3.1) as a means to supplement the household income. The applicant's proposal is consistent with this policy. Zoning, Scale and Density 5. A rezoning application is proposed to allow for a three (3) lot subdivision with a proposed minimum lot size of 464m 2 (5000ft2) (see Figures 4 through 6). Under the RS3 zone the minimum lot size for an interior lot is 540m 2 (5,812ft2). The subject property is too small to accommodate a three lot subdivision under the current RS3 zoning and therefore the applicant has proposed rezoning the subject property to RS6-C which has a minimum lot size of 300m 2 (3,229ft2). 6. The proposed rezoning to RS6-C is reasonable given its location within the Urban Development Boundary, complies with policies within the OCP and its close proximity to major amenities. RS6 and RS6-C Zone Text Amendment 7. A proposed staff initiated text amendment to the RS6 and RS6-C Zones received 3rd reading by Council on April 27, 2015 (Report No. PDS 047-2015). The Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure has given approval and therefore the proposed text amendment will be brought forward to Council for adoption. 8. If the bylaw is adopted the maximum density of lots greater than 420m 2 will be amended from a maximum floor space ratio (FSR) of 0.5 to a maximum gross floor area of 273m 2 . L:\R15\R15-003\Council\Council Report\PDS055-2015.docx Report No. PDS 55-2015 Page 4 of 6 As this rezoning application proposes RS6-C lots that are greater than 420m 2 , the new houses would be developed under the amended FSR proposed under the staff initiated text amendment. Floodplain 9. The subject property is located within Floodproofing Area "D" (Huntingdon AreaNorth of Second Avenue), which requires a minimum building elevation of 11.1 m GSC for full floodproofing. The proposed new construction will be required to meet the full floodproofing requirements as there is no reduced standard of floodproofing permitted in the Floodproofing Area "D". Furthermore, in accordance with Council Resolution E102006, staff recommend that the developer register a floodplain indemnification covenant on the title of the lands as a condition of rezoning approval. 10. As the subject property is located within the flood proofing area, habitable spaces in basements are not permitted (such as a basement suite). Therefore, the coach houses provide an avenue to incorporate additional habitable floor area that is safe for residential purposes. Trees 11. There are trees along the front (south) and east property lines. The applicant has stated that no trees will be removed from the site. If it is determined at a later date that trees that will be removed from the property, a Tree Cutting Permit, in accordance with the Tree Protection Bylaw, will be required. It is the applicant's responsibility to obtain all required permits from the City's Parks, Recreation and Culture Department, prior to the removal of any trees from the property. 12. In accordance with the Development Bylaw No. 2070-201, staff recommends the applicant provide cash-in-lieu for street trees and one yard tree per proposed lot, in conjunction with the subdivision application once additional servicing details are known. Subdivision 13. The proposed preliminary lot layout plan to create three (3) new lots will be reviewed for acceptability by the Approving Officer, if the rezoning application receives third reading from Council (see Figure 4). At that time, staff will conduct a formal subdivision review and the number and exact dimensions of the proposed lots will be finalized. Site Development Considerations 14. A staff review of the works and services necessary to support this application has been completed and is outlined within Attachment C (dated March 3, 2015), the details of which will be incorporated into the Development Agreement, a prerequisite for adoption of the rezoning bylaw. 15. In addition to the above comments, the developer is responsible to adhere to all other legislation, which may apply to the land, including: a) complying with all applicable City bylaws, such as Official Community Plan, 2005, Development Bylaw, 2011 , Tree Protection Bylaw, 2010, Building Bylaw, 2003, L:\R15\R15-003\Council\Council Report\PDS055-2015.docx Report No. PDS 55-20 15_ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ ____ Pa_g.,._e_5_ of_6 Erosion and Sediment Control Bylaw, 2010, and Development Cost Charges Imposition Bylaw, 2010 administered by the City; and b) obtaining all other necessary approvals and permits on such terms as they may be issued, including but not limited to a development permit, tree removal permit, subdivision approval, building permit, soil removal/deposit permit, Ministry of Health permit, Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure approval and Ministry of Environment approval. Communication Plan If the zoning amendment bylaw is supported by Council, Bylaw No. 2424-2015, cited as "Abbotsford Zoning Bylaw, 2014, Amendment Bylaw No. 44" will proceed to a Regular Meeting of Council, where it will be considered for first reading and second reading . If supported by Council the Bylaw will then proceed to a Public Hearing. The City will notify in writing the owners and occupiers of land within a 100 meter radius of the property. Two advertisements for the Public Hearing will be published in the City Page of the local newspaper. FINANCIAL PLAN IMPLICATION No financial plan implications are anticipated. Any capital works implications arising from this application have been addressed through the rezoning process. IMPACTS ON COUNCIL POLICIES, STRATEGIC PLAN AND/OR COUNCIL DIRECTION The proposal furthers the goals and objectives of the City's Official Community Plan and Affordable Housing Strategy to create a complete community where residents have access to a full range of housing opportunities for people at all income levels and life stages. Densification in select areas will help meet future housing needs. L:\R 15\R15-003\Council\Council Report\PDS055-2015 .docx Page 6 of 6 Report No. PDS 55-2015 SUBSTANTIATION OF RECOMMENDATION Staff supports the rezoning of the subject property from Urban Residential Zone (RS3) to Compact Lot Coach House Residential Zone (RS6-C) to permit the development of a three (3) lot residential subdivision given that the proposed development is in keeping with the broad objectives of the OCP that encourage densification and the establishment of a variety of housing types within the urban area. c)eai1___1~ Prepared by: Leah Irvine, MCIP, RPP Planner Department Head Approval : ~ Siri Bertelsen General Manager of Planning & Development Services Reviewed by: Darren Braun, MCIP, RPP Director of Development Planning Attachments: Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure 1: Location Map 2: Context Plan 3: Existing Zoning 4: Preliminary Subdivision Plan 5: Preliminary Site Plan 6: Preliminary Floor Plan Attachment A: Applicants Letter of Intent Attachment B: Rezoning Bylaw No. 2424-2015, Amendment No. 44 Attachment C: Works and Services Requirements (Dated : March 3, 2015) L:\R15\R15-003\Council\Council Report\PDS055-2015.docx FIGURE 1 LOCATION ADDRESS: APPLICANT: 0 34631 3rd Avenue Eddy Lowen FILE NO. 3360-20 I R15-003 .A - =V"A ABBOTSFORD Planning and Development Services April 10, 2015 FIGURE 2 CONTEXT PLAN ADDRESS: APPLICANT: • 34631 3rd Avenue Eddy Lowen .i - =~ ABBOTSFORD Planning and Development Services FILE NO. 3360-20 I R15-003 April 10, 2015 =i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! ~ R~~S-t == i , ~ 111 I I I I I 11 - J .~ 5TH AVE. Fl 1111 I I I 1~1111111 I J 11111111 I I 4 TH AVE. I ___. ,~ 1111 I I I I - RS3 M~ r 8 RS3 D ( ) -· C4 ~ - \ r c4 ...____.. I Ill 1111111111111 I I 1111111111 1111111 I 1111 ' I I I I I ' 34631 3rd Avenue Eddy Lowen v I I I I 11 I I 11111 ~ ~ FIGURE 3 EXISTING ZONING o· I 2 ND AVE. I ADDRESS: APPLICANT: - 3 RD AVE. V\- lm1I 1 RS.p-/J I ,..... v L.. . I 11 RS5-A I I.--.----.----.-~ I I I I I FILE NO. 3360-20 I R15-003 ._.....A ABBOTSFORD Planning and Development Services J April 10, 2015 'l "' I ii ~ A 1~ -''""'!/.- ~II ......... '-..., (./) , ~I "'- ~ ~ - -'%-- )> (./) ,.,,.._....... , ___ -ii---.._ :rE ~ _sEc'i'IdN " G, ' F - AC133632 ---- ---- AC203267 -........._ -, 8 5 ' E era•1s·35· I I I"'"o(;;I ·~oo I ·~~ I 3~ p 311 1232 c AD079553 <t "'t:; 3 3 "' 89615'~~ .~ H 12.179 !9"11'47'' "' 12 I BG351672 1232 LANE CD 3 ~ "'3 1 2 20 19 PLAN BCP23B93 PLAN 1232 D AB273530 (./) -I ;o A AB208867 1"11 "' ~ (U4!:.· OE) 12.179 89°11 '47'' l_ H BG351671 12.150 -!>- t:; 10 11 9 PLAN AC093002 69"1''~" N 2 12.m1 '------ Si' \1'47" 3RD AVENUE I '<>'-00~ 'l. TO~SHIP FIGURE 4 PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION PLAN ADDRESS: APPLICANT: o 34631 3rd Avenue Eddiy Lowen 1 16 ~ '*-" ~~ 1232 FILE NO. 3360-20 I R15-003 ..,...._.A ABBOTSFORD Planning and Development Services April 10, 2015 LANE 3RD AYENUE !=PCEL.IMINAl"2"r' Sl'T'E FL.AN FIGURE 5 PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN ADDRESS: APPLICANT: 34631 3rd Avenue Eddy Lowen • . ~.A ABBOTSFORD Planning and Development Services FILE NO. 3360-20 I R15-003 April 10, 2015 PATIO 1!>'8' x 120' I~ .,....,""°" 1"'8' x '~:::- ~7' D"'6 !3'.l'X1"'10" _ , i1f ~ F'l::o!E!J..IMINAl::o!'T' COACl-I 1-!0Ue& eEOONC !"J..OOl=o! FL.AN r_ ·.. I l DOlJeLE :~ GARAGE ' 18'0"X2"'0" Anu:: II A.EX ROOM 14'2 ' x 1\'4" DeteLE~ 1<3·0· x22·0• I L""-~-~ --------------1 'I' :: ~~~ ' ;~::~:::::~ '' II Ll-- - - - - - - -..µ J .:o;.:::.., I ~ \ --; I l~ ·~ f I· ; :; i I I -- , -=~ l N:" F!::o!EL.IMINAR'T' CWEiL.L.ING 1=1Rt;'1' l=L.OOR FL.AN F'l"!EiL.IMINAR'T' CWEiJ..L.ING eEOONC flL.OOR F'L.AN FIGURE 6 PRELIMINARY FLOOR PLAN ADDRESS: APPLICANT: 34631 3rd Avenue Eddiy Lowen :;;;;~tr.A ABBOTSFORD Planning and Development Services I i '' ~"""'°"'--: l l I I l. ~-·· __J_l F!::o!EiL.IMINAR'T' COACl-I 1-!0UeE 1=1Rt;'1' l=L.OOR FL.AN FILE NO. 3360-20 I R 15-003 April 10, 2015 Attachment A LETTER OF INTENT 34631 3RD AVENUE, ABBOTSFORD BC REZONING AND SUBDIVISION APPLICATIONS The Community neighborhood of Huntingdon is located in the southern portion of the City of Abbotsford with the main residential neighborhood located between Sumas Way (on the West) , Farmer Road (on the North) and the Canada/USA border (on the South). Within this neighborhood B Street runs north to south and divides the neighborhood into 2 areas that house residential homes with 2 different sets of characteristics.On the east of B Street the lots are typical in size found in urban residential neighborhoods and house traditional single family homes mostly less than 30 years in age.On the west of B Street the neighborhood has been experiencing a significant change with many of the larger lots housing older homes (over 30 years in age )being subdivided into small lots (typically 30 feet wide by 125 feet long)and property owners building a new modern home.At present there would be approximately 75 - 100 lots falling into this category. This increase in density is resulting in smaller lots with modern homes that are priced to allow the first time buyer, in the family formation cycle of their life, the opportunity to own their own home. The subject site is located on 3rd Avenue , west of B Street, and is surrounded by lots that either have been subdivided or are candidates for subdivision into the 30 x 125 foot category.The subject site is 120 feet X 125 feet (15,000 square feet) a_nd the applicant proposes to subdivide into 3 lots each of 5,000 square feet and measuring 40 feet x 125 feet in size. Since the proposed new lot size is 33% larger than the traditional 3750 square foot lots being created in the neighborhood the applicant is proposing to add a Coach House to the rear of each lot which will require a rezoning to the RS6C category. The subject site has rear lane access which lends itself to Coach House development. It is the opinion of the applicant that the proposed subdivision into 3 lots, each 5,000 square feet in size, and the rezoning to RS6C is consistent with the infill density the neighborhood is and will continue to experience.It is expected that the current OCP designation (Urban Residential) can be used for the proposed new zoning category.Lastly there should be little if no impact on the environment since the site is flat (no geotechnical report required), it has 3 smaller trees along the east property line and 3 cedar hedges along the front property line. All trees are situated in a location where they will be able to stay for constructing of the homes and coach houses (no arborist report required) and is not within 50 metres of a watercourse. Sincerely yours - Mr. Eddy Lowen Ellwood Homes Inc. Pexell Holdings Ltd. Attachment B CITY OF ABBOTSFORD ABBOTSFORD ZONING BYLAW, 2014, AMENDMENT BYLAW NO. 44 Bylaw No. 2424-2015 R15-003 The Council of the City of Abbotsford, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. CITATION Bylaw No. 2424-2015 may be cited as "Abbotsford Zoning Bylaw, 2014, Amendment Bylaw No. 44". 2. AMENDS ZONING MAPS Abbotsford Zoning Bylaw, 2014, Schedule "D" - Urban Area Zoning, as amended, is further amended by changing the zoning of: P.l.D.: 002-332-841 Parcel "A" (U4150E) of Block 28 Section 2 Township 16 New Westminster District Plan 1232 Located at 34631 3rd Avenue From: Urban Residential Zone (RS3) To: Compact Lot Coach House Residential Zone (RS6-C) per the attached Appendix "A". READ A FIRST TIME this day of '2015 PUBLIC HEARING HELD this day of '2015 READ A SECOND TIME this day of '2015 READ A THIRD TIME this day of '2015 APPROVED by the Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure this day of '2015 ADOPTED this day of '2015 Henry Braun Mayor William Flitton Corporate Officer Final Draft~ April 20, 2015 CITY OF ABBOTSFORD ABBOTSFORD ZONING BYLAW, 2014, AMENDMENT BYLAW NO. 44 Bylaw No. 2424-2015 R15-003 APPENDIX "A" SCHEDULE BYLAW NO. 2424-2015 BEING ABBOTSFORD ZONING BY-LAW, 2014, AMENDMENT BY-LAW NO. 44 FROM: Urban Residential Zone (RS3) TO: Compact Lot Coach House Residential Zone (RS6-C) IIIII I BLK 29 r.o r.o I.() ... ~ I 0 (.) 12 .'.::j ('>') ...J A ('>') ... 0i oS'j ..... ('>') r.o Q) 0 ('>') 0 N I.() co N Ol N N r.o I'N N c;i; c;i; ,.... 81 I.() N N ('>') N N ...J <( 81 ....J " 4 TH AVE. N REM. 1 831616 0 <( N 0 0 I'- r.o ('>') r.o LL~ ,.... N ('>') (.!) 0 N (.) <( <') UJ Ol I.() 0 (.) <( BLK. 2 1 L06472 ('>') co Q) ,.... N <') C') 0 I.() I.() Q) I'0 0 <( \ ,.... N ,.... ..... ..... N 0 r.o u:; - <') :r: (.!) ..... I'r.o ..... I.() C') (.!) en ro . 28 "'' .. ('>') REM. A N I'- N 0 /:;:; :;p{:; :; :; :; :. ::::·u41s0Ei::::: ('>') ('>') Ol N Q) C') N jfjjfj}ff} 0 N Q) 0 I.() <') I'N en <( ro 3 RD AVE. REM. 13 32668 ~ o~ ('>') <( '<t I'- > co Ol N N ..... ..... en8 <(gs N N REM. 14 ,.... co $: N 0 0 0 (.) <( ~ Q <( r.o N ,.... N I.() (") '<t I.() r.o ..... ,.... ..... ,.... BLK 27 N ('>') ,.... <') 0 <') NN I.() Q) 0) N N co ,__,__ c.o N I~ ~ ~~ s:w r.o N Q) 0) o~ I.() N N N N ..... N 0 N Q) ,.... ,.... I'..... co 0 <( 2 ND AVE. /\ I I Final Draft - April 20, 2015 ffiI Attachment C Os ~.h ABBOTSFORD DEVELOPl\/IENT ENGll\JEERING DIVISIOI\! REZONING WORKS AND SERVICES REQUIREMENTS File No: R15-003 Planner: Leah Irvine, Planner Prepared By: Stephen Stemler, Development Technologist 2 - - Approved By: . ~- eoolu- I Robert Cooke, Manager of Development Engineering ' March 3, 2015 Date: - Applicant: 1 Ellwood Holdings Ltd. ' Development Property: 34631 3RD AVE Abbotsford V2S 8B9 Lot: A Block: 28 Sec : 2 Twn: 16 Plan: 1232 The Local Government Act authorizes local governments to require development to meet current works and services standards as set out in the City's Development Bylaw and Policies. This report includes the Existing Conditions of the site, the Works & Services Requirements to meet the applicable bylaws and policies and Future Considerations that may apply to the next phase of development. Please have your consulting engineer call Stephen Stemler, Development Technologist 2 at 604-851-4176 or email Sstemler@abbotsford.ca in regard to this report and any other servicing matters relating to this application. Page 1of9 R15-003 On ~~ ABBOTSFORD DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING DIVISION REQUIREMENTS The portion of proposed surface works that front neighbouring properties require detailed design to ensure their integration with the existing infrastructure. Additional dedications, SRWs, works, features or limits of construction may be needed as identified through the design and construction phases. Highways - Dedications and Rights-of-Ways The OCP designates this road as an Urban Local which is required to be a minimum 17.0 m wide highway right-of-way. Urban Roadways - Construction On 3rd Avenue along the full frontage of the Lands a 12 road Single-family Local standard road with Urban Highway design features as per Standard Drawing ES-R-7, including; • Roll over curb and gutter on the north side; • Pavement from centerline to curb for a 9.0 m wide asphalt roadway; • 1.5 m wide concrete sidewalk on the north side; • pavement tapers at the west end to meet existing; • lease street lighting; • Traffic signage; • soil(s) to support street trees; • boulevard improvements on the north side; and • associated drainage. Pave the Lane to the City standard. The above noted works are not eligible for Latecomer Charges. (900-9-01) Drainage Collection and Disposal On 3rd Avenue along the full frontage of the Lands, a storm drainage system to drain the Lands. A storm water management plan showing how onsite drainage will be accommodated offsite. All offsite storm water works and services including new installations and upgrades to existing offsite systems required by the storm water management plan shall be designed and constructed in accordance with said storm water management plan. Sewage Collection and Disposal There is adequate capacity in the downstream sanitary sewer system to service the proposed three lot subdivision. The developer shall connect to the 150mm sanitary main in the lane between 3rct and 4th Avenue. Water Distribution Domestic and Fire Fighting The existing City infrastructure in this area is capable of providing adequate domestic and fire flow to the development site however; fire hydrant coverage for this parcel is marginal. It is recommended that each building on the development site be required to have an approved fire Page 2of9 R15-003 •• ·~.h DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING DIVISION ABBOTSFORD suppression system installed. Alternatively, the developer may install a new hydrant and approximately 75m of water main on 3rd Avenue connecting to the 200mm diameter watermain on B Street. There is an existing 18mm service is located in the lane at the north property line that must be replaced as part of this application. City of Abbotsford Engineering Department H20MAP Standard Fire Flow Report Development Services Applicant: Location : 34631 3rd Avenue Mode lDfl Statil: Demand E>tii stl lil1~ Date: R1 5-003 A10 11-Feb-15 S15-007 Infrastructure - Peal< Day + FF Demands Stitil: Pl'l!sis. rne Flew Res. Press..@ kPa(psll Demilfldl Lpm (IQPS!) F'- Fhr• Deimind Lpm 41epmJ Re!iiiifui31 ..... @ Awaitillllll!Flcw lcPa(1isi} Avallatile Fl11111r Lpa(llgpm) ikP.a (psij jCT-Zl776 6 (1.3} se.1 (128 ) 45QD (QlfD) 731 (106) 9TI!O 1:2130) 3tl'2 (53) JCT-27796 5 ( 1.1} ae2 (1 25) 72DD ( 1580) 225 (33) 3180 (700 } 7D4 (102''I. JCT-27838 1 (0 . 1} 81>1 ( 128} 7WD ( 1580} 5fl0 (81 ) kl410 (2070} 38·1 (55) 0 D (Di D (0} n {DI a (O} 01:01 [l {ll) The Cfo:y oannot QLJ3rantee pressures wil' be as high a!> tho1* shOlllln in this report. Pressures an d ilows are s~1bject t::> change and 1he City sh311 in no ca.se be liable for dama11es arising out of tl1e pr.ovision cruse !11th is inforrr'3t on includin;:i any conseauential. indder.tal er diract; dam a~s . - .., ):!) 8 -' .§ - I "' I ~ I $ I Ch ~ - .. ~ I I LANEN CF 3RD A VE JCT-Z177G JCT-27796 .... ~ ):.. 150 1$0 ~ I ~ -<. SITE i s .... .............•·o. ----~---- ·- b> (I) -t ~ I !:;~~;.;;~_: ~ i I , I LANEN oF 2ND AVE 1$ JCT-27831l I i I 200 Page 3of9 R15-003 ·~.h ABBOTSFORD •. DEVELOPf\/lENT ENGINEERING DIVISION Power/Telecommunications Service Connection: Provide underground power and telecommunications services from the distribution system to the property line. Provide underground power and telecommunications services from the distribution system to the proposed building(s). Existing buildings that are not being renovated may utilize existing overhead power and telecommunications services. Power/Telecommunications Distribution System: Pay the Streetscape Contribution Levy, as per the City of Abbotsford Development Bylaw 2011, Bylaw No. 2070-2011 Schedule "D". Relocation of telecommunications poles and lines due to road improvements is required to be converted to underground. Lot Grading A Lot Grading Plan is required. Final lot grading shall conform to City's Lot Grading Policy and Guidelines. Any retaining walls that are necessary to effectively grade the Lands to prevent negative impacts on finished neighbouring Lands, either existing or proposed, shall be constructed by the Developer. The standard "Lot Grading Covenant shall be registered against title to all proposed lots. Lot grading shall also provide for the collection of surface runoff and other drainage that will discharge to the City Drainage system. Lot grading may be designed to allow for surface sheet flows or collected in swales and directed to lawn basins as necessary to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Engineering. Any collection of surface flows to a concentrated point discharge location shall include provision for easements or rights-of-way across impacted Lands as necessary. All lot grading shall be designed to take care of surface flows emanating from onsite grading. Detention/Infiltration/Retention facilities to be shown on the Lot Grading Plan and the building envelope to be adjusted to accommodate. Page 4 of 9 R15-003 Os ~ .h ABBOTSFORD DE\/ELOPf\~ENT ENGINEERING DIVISION Geotechnical Requirements Geotechnical reports are required; • Prior to construction - outlining parameters and details of all cuts and fills in excess of 1.5 m in depth, stabilization practices and in-place testing requirements to be implemented during all stages of earthwork, retaining wall design, suitability of existing soil conditions and remedial measures to be employed by contractors and builders . • Following construction and prior to release of building permits - certifying that construction practices, methods, procedures noted in the original reports were followed, identifying fills or cuts within proposed building envelope areas, confirming and certifying suitability and stability for building construction and providing guidelines for post-construction slope maintenance. • Following construction and prior to release of building permits - certifying that construction practices, methods, procedures required for infrastructure servicing were followed. Erosion and Sediment Control All works shall be performed in substantial conformance with the City's Development By-law, the Provincial 'Land Development Guidelines' and the City's Erosion and Sediment Control Bylaw, in the control and prevention of erosion and sediment during all phases of construction. No release of silt, sediment laden waters or deleterious substances is permitted into any existing City storm or drainage system during any phase of development of the Lands. The ESC Plan requires 4 drawings, each indicating the ESC methods for that stage of construction; • site preparation • site servicing • building construction • warranty period Required Covenants, Easements and Rights-of-way • Lot Grading Control Covenant (PL-109a) Rezoning Development Agreement Preparation Fee Pay $500 Development Agreement preparation fee. Works & Services Security & Warranty Deposit Provide as Security Deposit, the estimated construction cost plus 10% for engineering (min $25,000) and 5% for as-constructed drawings (minimum $15,000) in cash or letter of credit. Page 5 of 9 R15-003 •• a,,....h ABBOTSFORD DEVELOPl\/1ENT ENGINEERING DIVISION Administration & Inspection Fee Pay 5% of the first $300,000 + 3% of the remainder of the estimated construction cost for administration and inspections. City Services Fees Tie-in inspection fee ($50 per inspection) for water, sanitary, and storm sewer services. Water meters supplied , delivered, and installed by the City's Water Operations Department (per Waterworks Rates and Regulations Bylaw, 20 11) Regular Service Meters: - Up to and including 1Bmm (314'? meter - 25 mm (1'? meter $280.00 $350.00 Water and sewer main connections and wet taps are supervised and/or performed by City crews at the developer's expense and payable upon invoice. Street and traffic signs are supplied and installed by the City at the developer's expense and payable upon invoice. Pay to energize street lights at $50 per street light. Development Cost Charges Development Cost Charges (DCCs) shall be paid in accordance with the DCC Bylaws applicable at final subdivision approval. Miscellaneous Requirements All works shall be performed in substantial conformance with the City's Development By-law, the Provincial 'Land Development Guidelines' and the City's Erosion and Sediment Control Bylaw, in the control and prevention of erosion and sediment during all phases of construction . No release of silt, sediment laden waters or deleterious substances is permitted into any existing City storm or drainage system during any phase of development of the Lands. Page 6 of 9 R15-003 •• "'~.h ABBOTSFORD DE\/ELOPfVIEf\JT Ef\IGINEERING DIVISIOf\I FUTURE CONSIDERATIONS Upon further development an additional works and services review will apply related to that application. Listed below are some items to consider. Bylaws • the applicant is to be familiar with the Development Bylaw to ensure an understanding of possible future Works and services that may impact the development • the applicant is to review the Works and Services identified in the Development Agreement and how they may impact the building. Stormwater Management • detention and infiltration will be required as suggested by a geotechnical engineer. Ensure that adequate room and proper placement has been reviewed. Traffic Management • the increase in vehicle traffic will be reviewed for its impact on the access and nearest intersections. Access may be restricted. • road dedications, statutory rights-of-way and easements to accommodate the works and lot grading may require adjustments to the placement or size of the building. Service Connections • water, sanitary and storm connections may have specific tie in locations. Review and confirm locations prior to design. • calculations related to the required domestic and fire water demand will be reviewed. There may be a service, meter or flow restrictions. • Fire Department review indicates the need to sprinkler Coach Houses off the back lane. • Provide underground power and telecommunications services from the distribution system to the proposed building(s). Development Cost Charges. • Development Cost Charges are applicable at Subdivision. Lot Grading • A Lot Grading Plan is required. Final lot grading shall conform to City's Lot Grading Policy and Guidelines. Any retaining walls that the Developer or Consulting Engineer consider are necessary to effectively grade the Lands to prevent negative impacts on finished neighbouring Lands, either existing or proposed, shall be constructed by the Developer. The standard "Lot Grading Covenant shall be registered against title to all proposed lots. • Lot grading shall also provide for the collection of surface runoff and other drainage that will discharge to the City Drainage system. Lot grading may be designed to allow for surface sheet flows or collected in swales and directed to lawn basins as necessary to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Engineering. Any collection of surface flows to a concentrated point discharge location shall include provision for easements or rightsPage 7 of 9 R15-003 •• l v.h ABBOTSFORD DE:\/ELOPIVIENT Ef\IGll\JEERING DIVISION of-way across impacted Lands as necessary. All lot grading shall be designed to take care of surface flows emanating from onsite grading. Building Permit Submissions • In order to avoid delays in receipt of building permits, the builder shall be responsible for ensuring that building permit applications on the Lands conform to the intent of the accepted Lot Grading plan(s) prior to submission to the City. • The developer or his designate shall review and approve building permit applications prior to submission to the City. When submitted, the building permit plans shall provide lot grading information that shall, at time of final inspection for building occupancy or approval, comply with the accepted lot grading plan or the intent of the lot grading design accepted by the General Manager, Engineering prior to construction. Page 8 of 9 R15-003 -a,..,h Os ABBOTSFORD DEVELOPl\/1 ENT ENGINEERING Dl\/15101\1 EXISTING CONDITIONS Highways (Rights-of-Way) 3rd Avenue is an existing 18.0 m wide right-of-way. Roadways 3rd Avenue is constructed with approximately 7.5 m wide paved surface, storm sewer drainage, lease street lighting and overhead power/telecommunications wiring. Drainage System A 375 mm diameter PVC storm sewer exists on 3rd Avenue fronting the Lands. Sanitary Sewer System A 150 mm diameter PVC sanitary sewer main exists on the Lane fronting the Lands. Water Distribution System A 150 mm diameter PVC water main exists on the Lane fronting the Lands. Street Lighting Pole mounted lease street lighting exists on 3'd Avenue fronting the Lands. Power/Telecommunications Wiring The existing power/telecommunications wiring on 3rd Avenue fronting the Lands is overhead. Access Access to the Lands is currently from 3rd Avenue, and the Lane on the north side of the Lands. Page 9 of 9 R15-003
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