ca '~A COUNCIL REPORT ABBOTSFORD Report No.: PDS 058-2015 Executive Committee May 4, 2015 File No: 3360-20/R15-004 To: From: Subject: Mayor and Council Christine Batchelar, Planner Rezoning application for the property, located at 2376 Beaver Street Owners: B. Basra, S. Basra and G. Basra RECOMMENDATIONS 1. THAT Bylaw No. 2425-2015, cited as "Abbotsford Zoning Bylaw, 2014, Amendment Bylaw No. 46", which rezones the property covered under application 3360-20/R15-004 from Urban Residential Zone (RS3) to Compact Lot Residential Zone (RS6), be given first and second reading at the next Regular Meeting of Council, and advance to an upcoming Public Hearing; 2. THAT prior to adoption of Bylaw No. 2425-2015, cited as "Abbotsford Zoning Bylaw, 2014, Amendment Bylaw No. 46", the following rezoning conditions be satisfied: (a) (b) (c) 3. Provision of a 1.0m road dedication along the full frontage of Seal Way complete with standard corner truncation in accordance with the Development Bylaw No. 2070-2011; entering into a Development Agreement with the City to secure all required services to the lands in accordance with the Development Bylaw No. 2070-2011; and resolving all issues of funding for items not budgeted by the City; and THAT the Mayor and Corporate Officer be authorized to execute all documents relating to this matter. SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE The applicant proposes to rezone the subject property from Urban Residential Zone (RS3) to Compact Lot Residential Zone (RS6) to facilitate a two (2) lot subdivision as shown in Figure 4. BACKGROUND Applicant: G. Basra Owners: B. Basra, S. Basra and G. Basra Legal Description: Lot 128 Section 17 Township 16 New Westminster District Plan 32820 OCP Designation Urban Residential Existing Zoning: Urban Residential Zone (RS3) Report No. PDS 058-2015 Page 2 of 5 Proposed Zoning: Compact Lot Residential Zone (RS6) Site Area: 835m 2 (0.21 acres) Site Description: The subject property is located at the corner of Beaver Street and Seal Way within an established single-family neighbourhood (refer to Figure 1 and 2). The existing house will be demolished in conjunction with a future subdivision application if the rezoning is adopted. Surrounding Uses: N: S: E: W: Single-family residential (zoned RS3), with Peardonville Road beyond; Seal Way and single-family residential (zoned RS3) beyond; Single-family residential (zoned RS3); and Beaver Street with single-family residential (zoned RS3) beyond. DISCUSSION Context 1. The proposed development is located within the central urban area just south of Peardonville Road. The surrounding area consists of a mature single-family residential neighbourhood. Peardonville Road located approximately 30m north of the subject property, is identified as a frequent transit network corridor within the Transit Future Plan . Mill Lake Park is located approximately 800m east of the subject property and Dormick Park Elementary School is located approximately 240m west of the subject property. A property in the same neighbourhood block proposed a rezoning (R12-021) to a Comprehensive Development Zone (CD) to permit a proposed three lot subdivision (see Figure 2) with minimum lot sizes of approximately 285m 2 (3,068ft2). The proposed rezoning was granted third reading on October 7, 2013 however, the applicant chose not to pursue the rezoning, and the file has since been closed. Official Community Plan 2. The Official Community Plan (OCP) designates the property as Urban Residential that is characterized by neighbourhoods of "ground-oriented" housing at relatively low densities. This type of housing can include detached houses, semi-detached houses, and attached housing (such as cluster housing or townhouses) at relatively low densities. The proposed development is consistent with the intent of the Urban Residential land use designation. Furthermore, the proposed development meets the intent of broader OCP objectives as follows: a) b) c) Objective 1.4- Support a Full Range of Housing Options • Increase housing choice and provide more avenues for affordable housing by supporting multi-family developments, the creation of small residential lot, street oriented townhouses and other innovative housing forms. Objective 1.5 - Facilitate Affordable and Special Needs Housing • By providing a choice of density and built form, from secondary suites and apartments to single-family homes, many segments of the population can access housing. Objective 5.2 - Encourage Innovative, Sensitive Infill and Redevelopment • In order to accommodate the City's anticipated population growth in the coming years, infill and densification of the existing urban area is required. L:\R15\R15-004\PDS 058-2015.docx Report No. PDS 058-2015 • Page 3 of 5 The land base on which urban development can occur is limited, due to topographical constraints and the reality of the Agricultural Land Reserve. Encourage a mix of housing types in areas of infill, including strata and feesimple duplexes, quads, row-houses, and narrow-lot detached housing. Affordable Housing Strategy 3. The Affordable Housing Strategy (endorsed by Council November 7, 2011 ), similar to the OCP objectives and policies, encourages the development of complete, connected and livable neighbourhoods with diverse housing types (Objective 4). With policies that support affordable housing development close to transit, jobs and services and the creation of a variety of housing types to suit different needs related to household type, tenure and income. The applicant's proposal is consistent with this strategy. Zoning, Scale and Density 4. A rezoning application is proposed to allow for a future two (2) lot subdivision with a minimum lot size of 402m 2 (4,327ft2 ) (see Figure 3). Under the RS3 zone the minimum lot size for an interior lot is 540m 2 (5,812ft2 ) and 610m 2 (6,566ft2 ) for a corner lot. The subject property is too small to accommodate a two lot subdivision under the current RS3 zoning and therefore the applicant has proposed rezoning the subject property to RS6 which has a minimum lot size for both interior lots and corner lots of 300m 2 (3,229ft2 ). 5. A proposed staff initiated text amendment to the RS6 and RS6-C Zones received 3rd reading by Council on April 27, 2015 (Report No. PDS 047-2015). The Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure has given approval to the proposed staff initiated text amendment bylaw and therefore the proposed text amendment will be brought forward to Council for adoption. If the bylaw is adopted the maximum density of lots greater than 420m 2 will be amended from a maximum floor space ratio (FSR) of 0.5 to a maximum gross floor area of 273m 2 . As this rezoning application proposes an RS6 lot that is greater than 420m 2 , any new houses would be required to comply with the amended RS6 zoning regulations. 6. The proposed rezoning to RS6 is reasonable given its location within the City Centre, complies with policies within the OCP and its close proximity to major amenities and a frequent transit network corridor. 7. The OCP restricts the number of secondary suites in new subdivisions to a maximum of 50%, however, secondary suites are not permitted within the RS6 Zone. Trees 8. There are two trees located on the subject property, one is located in the north west corner and the other is located in the south west corner. Any tree removal from the property will require a Tree Cutting Permit, in accordance with the Tree Protection Bylaw. It is the applicant's responsibility to obtain all required permits from the City's Parks, Recreation and Culture department, prior to the removal of any trees from the property. Under a future subdivision application the applicant will be required to provide an arborist report to verify the health and safety of the on-site trees. 9. In accordance with the Development Bylaw, 2011, staff recommends the applicant provide cash-in-lieu for up to six (6) street trees in conjunction with the future subdivision when L:\R 15\R 15-004\PDS 058-2015.docx Report No. PDS 058-2015 Page 4 of 5 additional serving details will be known. In addition one yard tree per proposed lot is required in accordance with the Development Bylaw No. 2070-2011. These yard trees will be secured through the future subdivision approval process. Subdivision 10. The proposed preliminary subdivision layout (refer to Figure 4) to create a two (2) lot subdivision will be reviewed for acceptability by the Approving Officer if the rezoning application receives third reading from Council and the applicant makes the necessary subdivision application. At that time, staff will conduct a formal subdivision review and exact dimensions of the proposed lots will be finalized. Site Development Considerations 11. A staff review of the works and services (dated March 3, 2015) necessary to support this application has been completed and is outlined within Attachment B, the details of which will be incorporated into the Development Agreement, which is a prerequisite for adoption of the Zoning Bylaw amendment. 12. In addition to the above comments, the developer is responsible to adhere to all other legislation, which may apply to the land, including: (a) complying with all applicable City bylaws, such as Official Community Plan, 2005, Development Bylaw, 2011, Tree Protection Bylaw, 2010, Building Bylaw, 2003, Sign Bylaw, 2001, Erosion and Sediment Control Bylaw, 2010, and Development Cost Charges Imposition Bylaw administered by the City; and (b) obtaining all other necessary approvals and permits on such terms as they may be issued, including but not limited to a development permit, tree removal permit, subdivision approval, building permit, soil removal/deposit permit, Ministry of Health permit, Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure approval and Ministry of Environment approval. Communication Plan If the zoning amendment bylaw is supported by Council, Bylaw No. 2425-2015, cited as "Abbotsford Zoning Bylaw, 2014, Amendment Bylaw No. 46" will proceed to a Regular Meeting of Council, where it will be considered for first and second readings. If supported by Council, the Rezoning Bylaw will proceed to a Public Hearing. The City will notify in writing the owners and occupiers of land within a 100 meter radius of the property and provide Council with copies of any feedback that is received. FINANCIAL PLAN IMPLICATION No financial plan implications are anticipated. Any capital works implications arising from this application have been addressed through the rezoning process. IMPACTS ON COUNCIL POLICIES, STRATEGIC PLAN AND/OR COUNCIL DIRECTION The proposal furthers the goals and objectives of the City's Official Community Plan and Affordable Housing Strategy to create a complete community where residents have access to a full range of housing opportunities for people at all income levels and life stages. Densification in select areas will help meet future housing needs. L:\R15\R15-004\PDS 058-2015.docx Report No. PDS 058-2015 Page 5 of 5 SUBSTANTIATION OF RECOMMENDATION Staff supports the rezoning of the subject property from Urban Residential Zone (RS3) to Compact Lot Residential Zone (RS6) to permit the development of a two (2) lot residential subdivision given that the proposed development is in keeping with the broad objectives of the OCP that encourages densification and the establishment of a variety of housing types within the urban area. 63:t2Christine Batchelar Planner Re~ Department Head Approval: Siri Bertelsen General Manager of Planning & Development Services Darren Braun, MCIP, RPP Director of Development Planning Attachments: Figure 1: Location Map Figure 2: Context Plan Figure 3: Existing Zoning Figure 4: Proposed Subdivision Attachment A: Abbotsford Zoning Bylaw, 2014, Amendment Bylaw No. 2425-2015 Attachment B: Works & Services Comments (dated March 3, 2015) L:\R15\R15-004\PDS 058-2015.docx FIGURE 1 LOCATION ADDRESS: APPLICANT: o 2376 Beaver Street Gurmeet Singh Basra ....... A ABBOTSFORD Planning and Development Services FILE NO. 3360-20 I R15-004 April 20, 2015 FIGURE 2 CONTEXT PLAN ADDRESS: APPLICANT: o 2376 Beaver Street Gurmeet Singh Basra ~A ABBOTSFORD Planning and Development Services FILE NO. 3360-20 I R 15-004 April 20, 2015 S3 SEAL 1------1 IC/) WAY RS3 ~~......----i... r------1----l 0::: ~-1---~ w z 0 ~ w ~ w co FIGURE 3 EXISTING ZONING ADDRESS: APPLICANT: on 2376 Beaver Street Gurmeet Singh Basra ~A ABBOTSFORD Planning and Development Services FILE NO. 3360-20 I R15-004 April 20, 2015 27.41 m 13.20m 14.21m J~ :::-.i _____ ,I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ( ______ , w OCl. zo ~~ :oz <DW I I I I I I- w w 0::: I(/) 0::: w ~ E "°-: (f) 0 J3 ·'"' ;"'<!- r<) ~N ~N w rn 3'- 1ll" 9'-10' -132'-10" 13-:0omT - -----11o:o1mf ______ _ ______ _ 1.20m _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _J 13.20m 14.21m 27.41m SEAL WAY SITE PLAN FIGURE 4 PROPOSED LOT LAYOUT PLAN ADDRESS: APPLICANT: • 2376 Beaver Street Gurmeet Singh Basra .,...._.A ABBOTSFORD Planning and Development Services FILE NO. 3360-20 I R15-004 April 20, 2015 ATTACHMENT A CITY OF ABBOTSFORD ABBOTSFORD ZONING BYLAW, 2014, AMENDMENT BYLAW NO. 46 Bylaw No. 2425-2015 R15-004 The Council of the City of Abbotsford, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. CITATION Bylaw No. 2425-2015 may be cited as "Abbotsford Zoning Bylaw, 2014, Amendment Bylaw No. 46". 2. AMENDS ZONING MAPS Abbotsford Zoning Bylaw, 2014, Schedule "D" - Urban Area Zoning, as amended, is further amended by changing the zoning of: P.l.D.: 001-815-911 Lot 128 Section 17 Township 16 New Westminster District Plan 32820 Located at 2376 Beaver Street From: Urban Residential Zone (RS3) To: Compact Lot Residential Zone (RS6) per the attached Appendix "A". READ A FIRST TIME this day of I 2015 PUBLIC HEARING HELD this day of I 2015 READ A SECOND TIME this day of I 2015 READ A THIRD TIME this day of I 2015 ADOPTED this day of I 2015 I hereby certify this to be a true copy of the original bylaw Henry Braun Mayor Katie Karn Deputy City Clerk William Flitton Corporate Officer Final Draft - May 4, 2015 CITY OF ABBOTSFORD ABBOTSFORD ZONING BYLAW, 2014, AMENDMENT BYLAW NO. 46 Bylaw No. 2425-2015 R15-004 APPENDIX "A" SCHEDULE BYLAW NO. 2425-2015 BEING ABBOTSFORD ZONING BY-LAW, 2014, AMENDMENT BY-LAW NO. 46 FROM: Urban Residential Zone (RSJ) Compact Lot Residential Zone (RS6) TO: I~ I I ~ I 162 :Ii 107 116 108 ~ co It) It) It) It) ti 109 tO "'..tO w c co t tO ,.._ ,.._ It) It) 0 3w ~ N co ~~ N tO N ....- 0 86 32320 ..- ..- "' ..- ~ co 0 0 ,.._ ,.._ It) It) "'"' "' PEARDONVILLE RD. 74 30935 8 ,.._ 5 20801 75 REM.6 20801 43 26906 545 63265 11 16 co..- tOO 99 129 :i32~(]:;. :;::::::::::: 101 14 20 21 45 en z w c 37 26305 29 34 46 26906 30 33 22 z ~ 29 30 20801 31 32 tO tO N tO N "' tO N 0 ,.._ r::: N N SEAL NWS 00259 It) tO N ,.._ It) It) co It) ll) ,.._ N N WAY 102 280 "',.._ N co ,.._ N 103 ,....: NWS 00239 "' ·.. ·.·.·.. :;::;~£!:::: 100 32820 127 19 20801 ,.._ Nil) 104 105 106 ,....: 126 281 ~ 125 282 ~ 124 292 123 293 i-: en 122 294 w en w w m "'co N Ci) N .... co N 0 "' N ~ 107 108 121 295 f: 0 297 296 Final Draft - May 4, 2015 A 37058 3()'1 <>.f.()'11 ATTACHMENT B . •• ·j,--,A ABBOTSFORD DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING DIVISION REZONING WORKS AND SERVICES REQUIREMENTS File No: i Prepared By: Approved By: Robert Cooke, Manager of Development Engineering Date: I March 3, 2015 . . .·-···:-·- ··-·····-··-·· -· ·-· - ---····---r------····--·--···-···---·-·-·-· · · -· · · · - · · . . . · ·-· · · · -· " .· -·- - · ·-· -·-· -· · ·- . ·-Applicant: I Gurmeet Singh Basra 12376 Beaver Stre_e_t _______. Development Property: I Lot 128 Section 17 Township 16 New Westminster District Plan 32820 The Local Government Act authorizes local governments to require development to meet current works and services standards as set out in the City's Development Bylaw and Policies. This report includes the Existing Conditions of the site, the Works & Services Requirements to meet the applicable bylaws and policies and Future Considerations that may apply to the next phase of development. Please have your consulting engineer call Kim Fleming, Development Technologist 2 at 604864-5689 in regard to this report and any other servicing matters relating to this application. Page 1of8 R15-004 .. ~~ ABBOTSFORD DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING DIVISION REQUIREMENTS Additional dedications, SRWs, works, features or limits of construction may be needed as identified through the design and construction phases. Highways - Dedications and Rights-of-Ways The OCP designates this road as a Single Family Local which is required to be a minimum 17 m wide highway right-of-way. On Seal Way a dedication of 1.0 m is required along the full frontage of the Lands from the east property line to the west property line complete with standard corner truncation. Urban Roadways - Construction On Beaver Street along the full frontage of the Lands from the north property line to the south property line a Single Family Local standard road with Urban Highway design features as per Standard Drawing ES-R-7, including ; • Concrete rollover curb and gutter on the east side; • % of a 9 m wide asphalt roadway; • 1.5 m wide concrete sidewalk on the east side; • boulevard and pavement tapers at north end to meet existing; • Traffic signage; • soil(s) to support street trees; • boulevard improvements on the east side; and • associated drainage. On Seal Way along the full frontage of the Lands from the east property line to the west property line an Single Family Local standard road with Urban Highway design features as per Standard Drawing ES-R-7, including; • concrete rollover curb and gutter on the north side; • % of a 9 m wide asphalt roadway; • 1.5 m wide concrete sidewalk on the north side; • boulevard and pavement tapers at east end to meet existing; • ornamental street lighting; • Traffic signage; • Traffic lane markings; • soil(s) to support street trees; • boulevard improvements on the north side; and • associated drainage. The above noted works are not eligible for Latecomer Charges. (900-9-01) Page 2 of 9 R15-004 Os~~ ABBOTSFORD DEVELOPMENT Drainage Collection and Disposal ENGINEERING DIVISION A storm water management plan showing how onsite drainage will be accommodated offsite. All offsite storm water works and services including new installations and upgrades to existing offsite systems required by the storm water management plan shall be designed and constructed in accordance with said storm water management plan. Prior to any further development on the Lands, to provide an updated storm water management plan showing how drainage on the Lands will be accommodated including detention. All storm water works and services including new installations and upgrades to existing offsite systems required by the updated storm water management plan shall be designed and constructed in accordance with said updated storm water management plan. Water Distribution Domestic and Fire Fighting The existing 150mm diameter AC water main fronting the property on Seal Way does not meet the minimum pipe size requirement of the By-law and is nearing end of life. It is likely that the watermain will be damaged during construction of the roadworks required on Seal Way. The following recommendations apply to this rezoning application: o Replace the existing 150mm diameter AC water main on Seal Way from beaver Street to Otter Street with a 200mm diameter water main. Abandon and transfer all connections from the 150mm diameter AC water main to the new 200mm diameter water main. Provision is to be made for future extension of this new 200mm diameter watermain, north and south along Beaver Street, south on Otter Street from Seal Way and east along Seal Way east from Otter Street. The City agrees to pay for 75% of the cost of installing the main to an upset limit of $21,420. This would not include asphalt restoration since road works would be required of the development. o Though the existing 200mm diameter watermain on Beaver Street is adequately sized and in good condition, it is AC and susceptible to failure if roadworks are performed in its vicinity. If frontage roadworks are required for this application, it is recommended all excavation and compaction performed over or near the watermain be performed using low impact and non-vibratory equipment. If the watermain is broken during, or as a result of construction of the roadworks, the developer will be required to replace the existing 200mm AC watermain on Beaver Street from Seal Way north to the existing 200mm diameter stub at the intersection of Peardonville Road. Provide securities for possible watermain damage and replacement. The existing 18mm water service to this property from Beaver Street will need to be replaced as part of this application. A new servicing strategy for each building on the site is required. Portions of the above noted works may be eligible for Latecomer Charges. (900-9-0I) Page 3 of 9 R15-004 •. ~ ~ DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING DIVISION ABBOTSFORD City of Abbotsford Engineering Department H20MAP Standard Fire Flow Repo rt Development Services Applicant: Location• Date: 2376 Beaver Street R15-004 S15-??? C7 2~Feb-15 Existin g Infrastructure - Peak Day + FF Demands Static St.fie ~flSS Fire flow Ree.Press• • Available Flow Hode ID# Demand Lpm (lgpm) B0-36707 Demand lkPa (psij I II 3 (0.7) Lprn (lpn) Residul Pr. 9 Lpm (lgpmt Fireffow Demand AvailabJe Flo• kPa (pslt llPa CP•il 511 (74) 4500 (990) 490 (7 1) 5660 (1240) 482 (70} JCT-24688 2 {0.5) 498 (72) 4500 (990} 43 1 {62) 491 0 (1060) 420 (61} JCT-24694 5 {1-2) 512 (74) 4500 (990) 482 (70) 11450 (2520) 376 (55) D 0 (0 } 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0} 0 (0) 0 (D} The City cannot guarantee pressures wm be as h'gh as ir.ose shO'M\ in this report. Pressures and flows are subject o change and the City sha!: in no case be liab-!e for damages ar.sing out of the provis io!"I or use of mis infonnaton including any consequential, incidental or direcl damages . i so - ' ..{ 8l'i I 150 PEAROONVILLE RD JOO l Jt;D - JOO - 60-Js101 I II I I I ,._ (I) fij - e ~Cl' ! 1 r ~N I I ri:i SITE Required 200mml 153 JCT-24694 ~ -- - JCT-24688 ······················ ' ········· ... SEAL WAY I ........... (I) ' ~ 0 " I I Page 4of9 R15-004 Os ~_A ABBOTSFORD DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING DIVISION Power/Telecommunications Service Connection: Provide underground power and telecommunications services from the distribution system to the property line. Power/Telecommunications Distribution System: Pay the Streetscape Contribution Levy, as per the City of Abbotsford Development Bylaw 2011, Bylaw No. 2070-2011 Schedule "D". Relocation of telecommunications poles and lines due to road improvements is required to be converted to underground. Lot Grading A Lot Grading Plan is required. Final lot grading shall conform to City's Lot Grading Policy and Guidelines. Any retaining walls that are necessary to effectively grade the Lands to prevent negative impacts on finished neighbouring Lands, either existing or proposed, shall be constructed by the Developer. The standard "Lot Grading Covenant shall be registered against title to all proposed lots. Lot grading shall also provide for the collection of surface runoff and other drainage that will discharge to the City Drainage system. Lot grading may be designed to allow for surface sheet flows or collected in swales and directed to lawn basins as necessary to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Engineering. Any collection of surface flows to a concentrated point discharge location shall include provision for easements or rights-of-way across impacted Lands as necessary. All lot grading shall be designed to take care of surface flows emanating from onsite grading. Detention/Infiltration/Retention facilities to be shown on the Lot Grading Plan and the building envelope to be adjusted to accommodate. Erosion and Sediment Control All works shall be performed in substantial conformance with the City's Development By-law, the Provincial 'Land Development Guidelines' and the City's Erosion and Sediment Control Bylaw, in the control and prevention of erosion and sediment during all phases of construction. No release of silt, sediment laden waters or deleterious substances is permitted into any existing City storm or drainage system during any phase of development of the Lands. Required Covenants, Easements and Rights-of-way • Infiltration and/or Detention rights-of-way (PL-201 developer maintains) .::; q Page4"of 8 R15-004 Os ~.A ABBOTSFORD DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING DIVISION Rezoning Development Agreement Preparation Fee Pay $500 Development Agreement preparation fee. Works & Services Security & Warranty Deposit Provide as Security Deposit, the estimated construction cost plus 10% for engineering (min $25,000) and 5% for as-constructed drawings (minimum $15,000) in cash or letter of credit. Administration & Inspection Fee Pay 5% of the first $300,000 + 3% of the remainder of the estimated construction cost for administration and inspections. City Services Fees Street and traffic signs are supplied and installed by the City at the developer's expense and payable upon invoice. Pay to energize street lights at $50 per street light. Miscellaneous Requirements All works shall be performed in substantial conformance with the City's Development By-law, the Provincial 'Land Development Guidelines' and the City's Erosion and Sediment Control Bylaw, in the control and prevention of erosion and sediment during all phases of construction. No release of silt, sediment laden waters or deleterious substances is permitted into any existing City storm or drainage system during any phase of development of the Lands. 6 i/ Page--5 of-8" R15-004 Os~~ ABBOTSFORD DEVELOPMENT FUTURE CONSIDERATIONS ENGINEERING DIVISION Upon further development an additional works and services review will apply related to that application. Listed below are some items to consider. Bylaws • the applicant is to be familiar with the Development Bylaw to ensure an understanding of possible future Works and services that may impact the development • the applicant is to review the Works and Services identified in the Development Agreement and how they may impact the building . Stormwater Management • on-site infiltration for the 1 in 100 year rainfall event will be required. Ensure that adequate room and proper placement has been reviewed. Onsite infiltration system requirements: • • • on-site percolation or infiltration test on the site; footing depth to be 200 mm above infiltration system and minimum footing elevation to be specified; and infiltration system to be below elevations of footing of adjacent buildings. • If a geotechnical engineer recommends that on-site infiltration not be used than Cash in lieu for detention will be paid for detention. • As the Lands are situated above the Abbotsford-Sumas Aquifer, ground water protection is vital; therefore, provide a storm water management plan showing how drainage on the Lands will be accommodated onsite. All works and services required by the storm water management plan shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the Storm Water Source Control Bylaw 2045-2011 and amendments thereto. This plan shall include the following: • • • • • infiltration facilities constructed below the seasonal frost level capable of retaining the 100 year, 24 hour rainfall event including sediment and erosion control devices which shall be maintained throughout the entire construction phase; pre-treatment source controls, such as rain-gardens, bio-filtration swales, or an approved alternative designed to accommodate the runoff for the 6 month, 24 hour event from all paved areas in order to protect the underlying aquifer. An approved alternative such as Filterra Bioretention Systems is acceptable; 300mm of absorbent soils placed on all landscaped and lawn areas; defined major flow paths; and an Operation and Maintenance protocol. All storm water works and services identified on the storm water management plan shall be designed and constructed prior to any occupancy of any building or structure erected or placed on the Lands. The slab elevation of all buildings shall be 150mm above the 100-year storm hydraulic grade line for storm sewers, roadways or failsafe conveyance routes, whichever is higher. • Provide Statutory Rights of Way for all detention and infiltration facilities. '1 '{ Page -6 of 8' R15-004 Os ·~.h DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING DIVISION ABBOTSFORD Traffic Management • the increase in vehicle traffic will be reviewed for its impact on the access and nearest intersections. Access may be restricted. • road dedications, statutory rights-of-way and easements to accommodate the works and lot grading may require adjustments to the placement or size of the building. Service Connections • On-Site Servicing Requirements The developer shall enter into the City's standard form of Servicing Agreement and provide the associated payments, securities, fees, dedications and rights-of-way and administration and inspection fee payments to provide for the design, construction and installation of works and services to each proposed lot as required in the Development Bylaw 2011, Bylaw No. 2070-2011, including; Each Urban existing parcel or proposed lot shall be provided with separate City services including; • • • water connection and appropriate meter and chamber sanitary sewer connection and inspection manhole driveway • water, sanitary and storm connections may have specific tie in locations. Review and confirm locations prior to design. • calculations related to the required domestic and fire water demand will be reviewed. There may be a service, meter or flow restrictions. • Fire Department review may result in geometric changes to onsite roadways, additional fire hydrants, emergency access and building placement. • Provide underground power and telecommunications services from the distribution system to the proposed building(s). Development Cost Charges. • Development Cost Charges are applicable at Building Permit or Subdivision Lot Grading • A Lot Grading Plan is required. Final lot grading shall conform to City's Lot Grading Policy and Guidelines. Any retaining walls that the Developer or Consulting Engineer consider are necessary to effectively grade the Lands to prevent negative impacts on finished neighbouring Lands, either existing or proposed, shall be constructed by the Developer. The standard "Lot Grading Covenant shall be registered against title to all proposed lots. • Lot grading shall also provide for the collection of surface runoff and other drainage that will discharge to the City Drainage system. Lot grading may be designed to allow for surface sheet flows or collected in swales and directed to lawn basins as necessary to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Engineering. Any collection of surface flows to a concentrated point discharge location shall include provision for easements or rightsof-way across impacted Lands as necessary. All lot grading shall be designed to take care of surface flows emanating from onsite grading. ;;,( ~··r Page~7-ot8' R15-004 •• ! - ---Y'"~ ABBOTSFORD DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING DIVISION EXISTING CONDITIONS Highways (Rights-of-Way) Beaver Street is an existing 17 m wide right-of-way. Seal Way is an existing 15 m wide right-of-way. Roadways Beaver Street is constructed with a 5.6 m wide paved surface, no curb and gutter, no sidewalk, storm sewer drainage, lease street lighting and overhead power/telecommunications wiring. Seal Way is constructed with a 6 m wide paved surface, no curb and gutter, no sidewalk, storm sewer drainage, lease street lighting and overhead power/telecommunications wiring. Drainage System A 675 mm diameter Concrete storm sewer exists on Beaver Street fronting the Lands. A 375 mm diameter PVC storm sewer exists on Seal Way fronting the Lands. Sanitary Sewer System A 200 mm diameter VC sanitary sewer main exists on Beaver Street fronting the Lands. A 200 mm diameter VC sanitary sewer main exists on Seal Way fronting the Lands. W~ter Distribution System A 200 mm diameter AC water main exists on Beaver Street fronting the Lands. A 150 mm diameter AC water main exists on Seal Way fronting the Lands. Street Lighting Pole mounted lease street lighting exists on Beaver Street fronting the Lands. Power/T'elecommunications Wiring The existing power/telecommunications wiring on Beaver Street fronting the Lands is overhead. Access Access to the Lands is currently from Beaver Street. c1 "I Page a-- of aR15-004
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