PDF file - Sacema Quarterly

Downloaded from www.sacemaquarterly.com | The quarterly update on epidemiology from the South African Centre for
Epidemiological Modelling and Analysis (SACEMA).
Published: March 2015
The Cape Town sexual behaviour study: Results showcase
Roxanne Beauclair - Researcher/Study Coordinator, SACEMA.
We would like to invite you to the
Results Showcase for our Sexual
Behavior Survey on Friday, 27 March,
2015 from 11am - 3pm at the Blue Hall
in Khayelitsha.
Our survey took place in three urban,
disadvantaged communities in Cape
Town with a high prevalence of HIV.
The survey aimed to:
 Characterize age-disparity in
 Estimate partner concurrency in the
 Describe other relationship
characteristics, which have been
noted as risk factors for the
transmission and acquisition of HIV.
An address to the audience from the
principle investigator and director of
commence at 11:30am with a Q&A
session to follow. We encourage an open
dialogue with ongoing efforts to improve
sexual relationship health and reduce
HIV infections.
Roxanne Beauclair - Researcher/Study
Coordinator, SACEMA. Areas of
interest: applied biostatistics,
reproductive health, infectious diseases,
HIV, social epidemiology, sexual
R.S.V.P by no later than Friday, 20
March to maphiri.thabisa05@gmail.com