APRIL 12, 12, 2015 Most Sacred Heart Catholic Church DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY Eureka, Missouri April 12, 2015 DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY ♦ Sunday, April 12: 2:00 - 4:00pm Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament 3:00 pm Divine Mercy Chaplet Benediction ♦ ♦ “I desire to grant unimaginable graces to those souls who trust in My mercy.” Come and experience the ocean of God’s mercy DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY APRIL 12, 12, 2015 350 East Fourth Street Eureka, MO 63025 636-938-5048 Webpage www.sacredhearteureka.org Facebook MSHEureka Twitter @MSHEureka ________________________________________________________________ Parish Clergy Fr. Richard Schilli - Pastor E-mail: pastor@sacredhearteureka.org Fr. Leo Spezia - Interim Administrator E-mail: asstpastor@sacredhearteureka.org Fr. Philip Bené - P-T Associate Pastor E-mail: associate@sacredhearteureka.org Deacon Tom Eultgen - 636.9398.6966 Deacon Leo Fehner - 636.861.1456 E-mail: Leo49er@aol.com Parish Business Office Office - 636.938.5048 Fax - 636.938.5002 Jim Boeger - Parish Bookkeeper E-mail: bookkeeper@sacredhearteureka.org Kristy Stockell - Parish Secretary E-mail:parishsecretary@sacredhearteureka.org Parish Lay Staff Jeremy Boyer - Music Director E-mail: musicdirector@sacredhearteureka.org Carole Griffaw - Maintenance E-mail: cegriffaw1468@hotmail.com Phill Wamser - Youth Minister Claffey House 636.938.5118 E-mail: youthminister@sacredhearteureka.org Parish School Office - 636.938.4602 Fax - 636.938.5802 Monica Wilson - Principal, School E-mail: principal@sacredhearteureka.org Gail Tinsley - School Secretary E-mail:schoolsecretary@sacredhearteureka.org Parish School of Religion Office - 636.938.9507 Fax - 636.938.5802 Andrea Bonsanti - Principal, PSR E-mail: psrprincipal@sacredhearteureka.org Kristy Stockell - PSR Secretary E-mail: psrassistant@sacredhearteureka.org ________________________________________________________________ 03/29/15 Collection Sunday Collection Total Collection from 07/01/14 to 03/29/2015 $ 12,339 $ 609,839 ________________________________________________________________________________________________ April 2015 ACH DONATION WITHDRAWAL Weekly - 6, 13, 20, 27 Monthly Donation - 20 Special Collection: Holy Land - 3 Easter – 5 Regina Cleri – 5 Repair & Maintenance - 25 Debt Reduction- 25 Scripture Readings for Third Sunday of Easter Sunday - April 19,2015 First Reading: Acts 3: 13-15,17-19 Second Reading: 1 John 2: 1-5 Gospel: Luke 24: 35-48 __________________________________________________________________________________________ Weekday Masses April 13 - 7:30 am - Maureen Hunkins (healing) April 14 - 7:30 am - Mike Lenzen April 15 - 7:30 am - Celeste Pate April 16 - 7:30 am - Devine & Dulz families April 17 - 7:30 am - Special Intention 8:10 am - Jan Pind _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Weekend Masses Saturday - April 18 5:00 pm - Gloria Rademacher Third Sunday of Easter Sunday - April 19 7:00 am - Mary Payne 9:00 am - Kenny & Rose Winschel / Ron & Debi Quaethem 11:00 am - Parishioners of Most Sacred Heart _____________________________________ BAPTISMS and Preparation Class Next Baptism Preparation Class this Thursday, April 9, 2015 7 pm - Father Dowling Hall. To arrange a Baptism, for information, questions, or to register for class please call: Deacon Tom 636.938.6966 +++++++++++++++++++++++++ InvitaƟon to Serve from St. Vincent de Paul “God has given each of you a gift from His great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them to serve one another.” 1 Peter 4:10 Are you interested in serving Christ’s poor of Most Sacred Heart Parish and surrounding area? If you would like more information, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul invites you to join us for dinner, Monday, April 20 at 6 pm in the School Dining Room. Come join us and learn how you can use your Spiritual Gifts and Talents to serve those in need. Please RSVP to Carol Vescovo 636.938.3096 SCRIP ORDER FORM: LAST PAGE ORDER TODAY! Order will be placed Mon, April 13th. Great gifts for Confirmation, Graduation, First Communion and Year End Teacher Gifts, and the daily trip to Walmart. It all adds up! DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY APRIL 12, 12, 2015 PARISH EVENTS: APRIL 2015 12 - REHEARSAL FOR CONFIRMATION - CHURCH - 12:15 pm 12 - DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY - CHURCH - 2 - 4 pm 16 - WOMEN’S CLUB COOK-OFF - FDH - 7:00 pm 20 - ST. VINCENT de PAUL DINNER & MTG - Dining Room - 6:00 pm 22 - CONFIRMATION - BISHOP EDWARD RICE - CHURCH - 7:00 pm 25 - REHEARSAL FOR FIRST HOLY COMMUNION - Meet in Classrooms - 9:00am 26 - EDGE presented by (m)SHYG: all parish 8th grade students invited! - Gym 2:00 - 4:00 27 - PARISH COUNCIL MTG - Rectory - 7:00 pm 28 - EDUCATION GROUP: STRATEGIC PLANNING MTG - Library - 7:00 pm 28 - LITURGY GROUP: STRATEGIC PLANNING MTG - Parish Conference Room - 7:00 pm MAY 2015 3 - FIRST HOLY COMMUNION - CHURCH - 1:00 pm 5 - SOCIAL SERVICES & OUTREACH GROUP: STRATEGIC PLANNING MTG - Library - 7:00 pm 6 - ST. VINCENT de PAUL DISTRICT MTG. - FDH - 6:30 pm 6 - FINANCE GROUP: STRATEGIC PLANNING MTG - Library - 7:00 pm 7 - VOCATION & EVANGELIZATION GROUP: STRATEGIC PLANNING MTG - Library - 7:00 pm 15&16 - K of C BBQ - The Wedge - 11:00 am til sunset To send cards and/or visit Fr. Schilli: Fr. Schilli’s address at Regina Cleri: Regina Cleri 10 Archbishop May Drive, Apt. 302 St. Louis, MO 63119 or call 314-918-3281 or email pastor@sacredhearteureka.org Saturday April 18 Lectors Eucharistic Minister Ushers 5:00 pm Jo Ann Jones Jack & Betty Lindenschmidt Tim Jones Jim Bornholdt Tim Warren Margaret Baker Channing Baker Sonny Finnegan Drew Stevens Art Wallach Sunday April 19 Lectors Eucharistic Minister Ushers Connie Bachmann John Bachmann Denise Haller Claire Vogt Gerry Bachmann Beatrice & Bob Kee Marc Rathouz Randy Waddell Ellen McCaffrey Ed Rankin Tom Merriman Pam Nutt Darlene Hensley Pat Gaugh Diane & Mike Carbrey Lisa Dieckhaus Bill Hensley Rob Dieckhaus Marti & Ron Susa J.D. Corrigan Gavin Corrigan Joey Rice Carol Vescovo Kevin Vescovo Dan Kruessel Nancy Liston Alec Kruessel Jere & Patricia Palazzolo Stevie Hoog John Falcone Tony Liston Steve & Teri Detter Tim Dougherty James Whalen Joey Hahn Kyle Riffel 7 am 9 am 11 am Servers Christopher Cleary Jack Borror Brandon Kirn Servers Bryan Howard Ryan Weis Jack Myers DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY APRIL 12, 12, 2015 Most Sacred Heart Parish extends heartfelt prayers and sympathy to Christopher and Monica Wahle Byrne on the recent loss of Monica’s father, Donald J. Wahle. May Monica and her family find comfort in the prayers of friends. Are you already missing the Fish Fry’s? Get ready for… ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Most Sacred Heart Parish extends heartfelt prayers and sympathy to Joe Capstick and to Daniel & Mary Capstick on the recent loss of their wife and mother, Penny Capstick. May Joe and his family find comfort in the ___________prayers of friends.___________ Most Sacred Heart Sacred Hear Women’s Club Upcoming Events April 16th, 7:00 pm in FDH: COOK-OFF! Everyone bring a dish to share along with copies of the recipe and make your presentation unique!! We will judge each dish and give awards for the top three!! We have done this before and it was SO MUCH FUN!!!! May 21st (Time to be announced) We plan to have our May meeting at the Lavender House in the Legends. More details to follow… June 13th *****RUMMAGE SALE!!!!***** START SAVING YOUR UNWANTED TREASURES ! ********************************************** - - - - - - - -LOVING STITCHES- - - - - - Please join Loving Stitches as we get together for fellowship, and to knit and sew items for charity. All skill levels are welcome! We need donations of elastic, fabric & sewing notions. We meet in the Claffey House from 9:00 - 11:30 on Wednesday, April 15. Questions? Call Bea@636.432.2030 or Lisa@636.399.6286 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ EUREKA FOOD PANTRY Request for April Canned Potatoes or Canned Carrots ————————————— Knights of Columbus BBQ’s Every Friday and Saturday May 15 & 16 through June 12 & 13 starting at 11:00 am until sunset, the Sacred Heart Knights of Columbus will be providing delicious BBQ lunches and dinners at “The Wedge”. Pork Steaks ~ Chicken Hamburgers ~ Brats available as part of a full lunch or dinner with or without sides. Drinks are also available. Carry out or eat there at picnic tables. The food is delicious and the prices are very reasonable. We hope to see you again this year. The Knights of Columbus invite you to find out what we are about. Feel free to attend one of our monthly free dinners on the 2nd Tuesday of every month at 6:30, or see a Knight in the back of Church today or contact Kevin Vescovo @314.496.0230 ************************************* (m)SHYGYouth Ministry News The Edge Program! Attention all 8th grade students and Parents What’s the Edge Program you ask? A new group just for 8th grade students. It is a chance to come together, have fun, and grow in our faith. We will meet on the 4th Sunday of every month from 2-4 PM. DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY APRIL 12, 12, 2015 Most Sacred Heart PSR News ~SAVE THE DATE~ ♦ (You don’t want to miss this!) PSR Registration for the 2015-2016 school year. MOST SACRED HEART AUCTION An attempt to make most of the signing pages “Celebrate the Spirit of the Season” available online is taking time, but hopefully will save the printing of thousands of pages. November 7, 2015. Keep the great ideas coming! If you want to join in the fun and excitement of the best Auction ever, please contact Lauren Fogarty at lauren@fogartyservices.com ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Parish Social Media – Get Connected! Join us online! Add some inspiration to your news feeds! We post tweets and Facebook posts from Pope Francis, interesting and inspirational posts about our faith and liturgical seasons, Mass times for Holy Days, as well as up-to-date parish and school news. Find news and updates about annual parish events such as the fish fry, parish auction, fall festival, school fundraisers and more! You'll find plenty of pictures on our Facebook page as well. Parish Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/MSHEureka Parish Twitter Feed: https://twitter.com/MSHEureka -or- @MSHEureka For more information, or to share information for your parish organization’s upcoming event e-mail Jeremy Boyer at musicdirector@sacredhearteureka.org ====================================== FISH FRY DESSERT DISHES Thank you for donating so many wonderful homemade desserts for our parish Fish Fry’s. You may pick up your dishes in the Courtyard Foyer of the Church. All dishes are cleaned and placed on the countertop for pick up. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Our friends at the Marianist Retreat Center who baked and delivered so many wonderful pies and desserts for us are looking for a part timer ($9/hr.) student or retired. Call Diane at 636.938.5390 Stay tuned for information regarding Thank you for your patience. ♦ Please pray for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on our 2015 Confirmation Class. We welcome Bishop Rice who will confirm the 8th Graders of our Parish on Wednesday, April 22 at 7:00 pm ♦ Reminder: Confirmation rehearsal April 12, 12:15 ♦ Reminder: First Communion rehearsal, April 25, 9:00am ************************************** FISH FRY REPORT: Week 6 7 # served in Dining Room: 916 961 # served in Carry – Out: 938 929 # served in Fr. Dowling Hall: 270 240 TOTAL # SERVED in WEEK : 2124 2130 TOTAL COUNT FOR 2015: 14,893 THANK YOU! A HUGE Thank You to our Knights of Columbus who provided the funds for new ovens for our kitchen. Thank you to the Women’s Club and others who provided funds toward ovens and other kitchen necessities. Thank you to all of our wonderful volunteers, dessert bakers, and fish eaters! Also, a special Thank You to all those who stepped up to be a Chair or Co-Chair for the 2015 Fish Fry. This was a huge success for our parish, both financially and as a community of faith and fellowship. Many of the Chairs brought or bought items needed in their area in order to spare our parish the added expense. Special thanks to Mike & Karen Griese for having all the aprons cleaned, to Mike & Carie Jennings for purchasing new fish tubs for the Fry Hut, to Gabe & Kay Kiethley who purchased parts for the fryer, and to Bill & JoAnn Jones for purchasing new drain trays for the Fry Hut. There are so many more to thank that we haven’t listed yet, but we will let you know when we find out! DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY APRIL 12, 12, 2015 Most Sacred Heart School News Announcing Full Day Preschool Option At the March School Board MeeƟng Fr. Leo and the Board approved an addiƟonal opƟon for our Preschool Program. Beginning with the 2015-2016 school year we have added a Five Day, Full Day Combined 3 and 4 Year Old Class dependent on an enrollment of at least 10 students. The present Monday/Wednesday/Friday Pre-4 Program and the Tuesday/Thursday Pre-3 Program will remain opƟons as well. On March 30, 2015 the applicaƟon will be made available online and will be first come first served. We are commiƩed to educaƟng the Most in Each Child. We promise to Nourish the Soul, Inspire the Mind, Embrace the Spirit, and Open the Heart of Each Child who comes through our doors at Most Sacred Heart Catholic School! We hope you select Most Sacred Heart School where your child will begin their academic career in a welcoming, rigorous environment enriched by the Catholic faith! Visit mostsacredheartschool.org for tuiƟon rates and the preschool applicaƟon beginning on March 30th! Thank you for your continued support of Catholic Education here at Most Sacred Heart! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Calling ALL Men of Most Sacred Heart Parish WHAT is a Retreat? Most if not all of you have asked yourself this same question at some point in your life. How are we to know what God wishes us to do? One of the best ways to find out what God has in mind for us is to make a retreat. A retreat is not meant to be just an emotional experience, its purpose is to transform your daily life, the one you will return to when the retreat is over. WHY attend a retreat? There are many reasons: perhaps you sense this need in yourself already. Or perhaps someone who’s close to you – a spouse, a friend – has suggested you really ought to make a retreat. There are all sorts of personal reasons for making a retreat. Perhaps you are looking for a much-appreciated rest from the rush and clamor of everyday life. You might wish to take time to set your thoughts and affairs in order or rearrange your priorities. Some come to deepen their faith or to resolve some personal problem. Whatever the case, most people do not have a clear-cut reason for attending a retreat and that’s good. You might ask, WHY? Because God has His reasons for having you come at this point in your life. He wants you to set aside your “reasons,” whatever they may be, to open your mind and heart to Him alone: to learn what plans He has for you in your life. If you are interested or have any questions please call one of your fellow parishioners listed below. White House Retreat Retreat Dates: 04/23/2014 to 04/26/2015 Contact: Jim Biglin @ 636-271-8052 or Pat Bergin @ 636-938-6421 ACTS Retreat Retreat Dates: 06/25/15 to 06/28/2015 Contact: Tom Merriman @ 314-393-5544 DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY APRIL 12, 12, 2015 DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY APRIL 12, 12, 2015 DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY APRIL 12, 12, 2015 CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS Sacred Heart Church #963153 DELIVERY TO: RECTORY OFFICE - Behind Church & School 350 East Fourth Street Eureka, MO 63025 TELEPHONE 636 938-5048 ext. 100 CONTACT PERSON Kristy Stockell SOFTWARE MSPublisher 2010 Adobe Acrobat X Windows 7 TRANSMISSION TIME Tuesday– April 7- Noon SUNDAY DATE OF PUBLICATION April 12, 2015 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT 1 through 9 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS ♦ PLEASE 800 copies!
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