Fifth Sunday of Easter
May 3, 2015
Serving our Parish:
Fr. John F. Murray, C.Ss.R.
Fr. Edward Gray, C.Ss.R.
Fr. Francis Nelson, C.Ss.R.
Fr. George Rosario, C.Ss.R.
Deacon Darrell Cevasco, C.Ss.R.
Redemptorist Permanent
Missionary Residing S.H. Rectory
Fr. Kevin MacDonald, C.Ss.R.
Permanent Deacons
Serving Sacred Heart Parish:
Deacon Steve Cooley, Sacred Heart
Deacon Tom Murray, St. Gerard’
Sacred Heart Masses:
Saturday Vigil:
7, 9 & 11:30am
7 & 11am
Holy Day Vigil:
Holy Day:
7:00 & 11:00am
Rosary: Mon.-Fri. at 10:30am
Mon.-Sat after 7 am Mass
3:00—3:45 pm
Thursday before 1st Fri. 4—5 pm
Adoration of
Blessed Sacrament
Friday 7:30am -4:00 pm
Divine Mercy
Friday 4:00 pm
St. Gerard Mission Masses:
Saturday Vigil: 4:30pm
Wednesdays: 9:00am
Holy Days:
Rosary, Divine Mercy Chaplet
and Marian Prayer
Priest Prayers: Mondays -9:30am
Reconciliation half hr. before Mass
Sacred Heart School:
Principal:Mrs. Leigh Svajko
Sacred Heart Catholic Church: Phone, 386-428-6426 / Location, 998 Fr. Donlan Dr., New Smyrna Beach, FL 32168
Please visit our website: for Information on Redemptorists & Our Parish History Email:
St. Gerard Mission: Phone: 386-426-0930 / website: / Location, 3171 S. Ridgewood Ave. Edgewater, FL 32141
May 3, 2015
Dear Friends,
Any of us who have ever gardened realize the significance of Jesus’ allegory about the vine in
this week’s Gospel reading. Nothing can be more disheartening than to labor for weeks and months
in anticipation of reaping the fruit of your labors, only to find that the seemingly healthy plant is
failing to produce any fruit. We will go to great lengths inquiring about a remedy for the problem of
a plant that doesn’t produce. Why? Because the whole purpose of cultivating the plant is to enjoy its
fruit. On the other hand when we have a plant that is highly productive we go out of our way to
show off its fruit to others. We enjoy some degree of glory from the healthy fruit our plant produces. So in the
allegory, Jesus is communicating that bearing fruit is included in his purpose for us and critical to our purpose
of glorifying the Father.
The questions immediately come to mind, “About what kind of
God’s Plan for Giving
fruit is Jesus speaking? Is it the fruit of godly character or the fruit
Week of April 26, 2015
of new believers?” We know from Galatians 5 that character, love,
joy, peace, long suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and Stewardship Income Last Week .............. $12,651.00
Online Giving this Week ............................... $360.00
self control, is the fruit of the Spirit. Could this be what Jesus is
referring to since it is the result of his life dwelling in us? Fruit by its Income (2015)Total Offertory ................. $13,011.00
nature is the reproductive element of the plant. The nature of fruit is Offertory Income Same Week last yr. ....... $8,690.52
Online Giving Same Week last yr. ............... $251.00
that it contains the seeds that produce new plants. So, it is quite
Total Offertory Same Week (2014) ............ $8,941.52
possible that Jesus is also talking about the ability to see Christ’s life
Total Stewardship Income Increase/Decrease ..... $4,069.48
in us reproduced in others, i.e.: the spread of the Gospel from person Total Offertory Same Week (2013) ............ $9,106.00
to person. And in reality, it is as non-believers see Christ’s life
Prior to Offertory Enhancement Initiative)
reproduced in our words, attitudes, and actions, that they are
Attendance This Week: ..................................... 1020
attracted to the faith.
Attendance Same Week Last Year: .................. 1071
Jesus in his wisdom did not lay on us the responsibility to
Next Special Collection: May10, 2015
produce fruit, but rather to remain in a relationship with him in
Catholic Communication Campaign
which the Spirit could produce fruit in our lives. Fruit is the excessive
life of the plant, its overabundance and vitality. If a plant only
May 10, 2015
receives enough nourishment to survive it will not produce fruit. On
the color ORANGE
the other hand if a plant is robust with health this extra nourishment
to Mass
is channeled into the production of fruit. Jesus knows that this kind
of life comes through him, and so he does not put the stress on being
fruitful but rather on the need to remain intimately attached to him,
living our life in union with him, and allowing his life to permeate us.
This is from where spiritual vitality and fruit come.
Abiding in Christ need not be a complicated thing. Jesus was in
fact talking to simple, ordinary, people just like us. The word “abide”
means to continue dwelling in a relationship. When we become
believers we are indwelled by Christ, we enter into a new relationship
of dependence and grace, wherein all that is needed for life and
godliness (1 Peter 1:3) comes through him. Jesus is reminding us to
continue to dwell in union with him, and as we do his life will
Be in solidarity with our
increasingly permeate our lives. The need is to simply deal with those
persecuted Christian brothers and
things in life that distract us from him as they arise, through
confession and rededication. As we do we are constantly restored to
that dwelling place in him.
"I hope that the international
“…for the Church, the first means of evangelization is the witness
community does not wait mute and
of an authentically Christian life, given over to God in a communion
inert in front of such unacceptable
that nothing should destroy and at the same time given to one’s
crime, which constitutes a worrying
neighbor with limitless zeal.” (Evangelii Nuntiandi, Pope Paul VI,).
deviation from the most elementary
May God bless you always,
Father John Francis Murray, C.Ss.R.
Congratulations to our First Communicants!
(see names on top of page 4)
human rights.” - Pope Francis
Show a sign of solidarity
Wear the color orange to Mass
Pray for our persecuted brethren in the faith
Come to the Holy Hour at 3:00 at S.H. church
Learn more…
ORANGE - the color of
today’s martyrdom
Sacred Heart Catholic Church and School and St. Gerard Mission __________________________________________________________ 2
Saint of the Week
Sts. Marian and James,
Scripture Reflection
Jesus offers true life - the abundant life which comes from God and
which results in great fruitfulness. How does the vine become
fruitful? The vine dresser must carefully prune the vine before it can
bear good fruit. Vines characteristically have two kinds of branches those which bear fruit and those which don't. The non-bearing
branches must be carefully pruned back in order for the vine to
conserve its strength for bearing good fruit. Jesus used this image to
describe the kind of life he produces in those who are united with
him - the fruit of "righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy
Spirit" (Romans 14:17). Jesus says there can be no fruit in our lives
apart from him. The fruit he speaks of here is the fruit of the Holy
Spirit (see Galatians 5:22-23).
There is a simple truth here: We are either fruit-bearing or non-fruitbearing. There is no in-between. But the bearing of healthy fruit
requires drastic pruning. The Lord promises that we will bear much
fruit if we abide in him and allow him to purify us. Let us trust in the
Lord's abiding presence with us.
We cannot live Easter without entering into
the mystery. It is not something intellectual,
something we only know or read about. It is
more, much more!
To enter into the mystery means the ability to
wonder, to contemplate; the ability to listen to the silence and to
hear the tiny whisper amid great silence by which God speaks to
us (cf 1 Kgs 19:12).
Homily, Easter Vigil, Vatican Basilica, 4th April 2015
The Year of
Consecrated Life
What is Religious Life?
Religious life is a sign.
It is not a labor force.
Nor is religious life simply a
reminder that I am supposed to
be good and go to church and give my life in service of others.
Religious life is a sign is a sign that we are all going to die, or (to
put it more positively) that we are all going to live forever, and
that most of the things that seem important here and now (and
some of which are important here and now) are not the heart of
the matter.
Religious life is a sign that nothing in this life or the next life is
more important than what Jesus lived and taught in the Gospels.
Religious life is a sign that helps me live my life, wherever it is.
It’s not as though I am supposed to live religious life. No, their
dramatic witness (a vowed religious) helps me live my life well,
whether I am single, married, divorced, young, old, educated, or
uneducated. Religious life is a sign that in the circumstances of
anyone’s life, nothing is more important than what Jesus lived
and taught in the Gospels.
When I see religious life truly lived and see it up close, lived by
real people, it has an affect not on the whole world all at once,
but on me.
And to affect the life of one person, truly affect it, is quite a thing.
May 6, (d. 259)
Often, it’s hard to find much detail from the lives of saints of the
early Church. What we know about the third-century martyrs we
honor today is likewise minimal. But we do know that they lived
and died for the faith. Almost 2,000 years later, that is enough
reason to honor them.
Born in North Africa, Marian was a lector or reader; James was a
deacon. For their devotion to the faith they suffered during the
persecution of Valerian.
Prior to their persecution, Marian and James were visited by two
bishops who encouraged them in the faith not long before they
themselves were martyred. A short time later, Marian and James
were arrested and interrogated. The two readily confessed their
faith and, for that, were tortured. While in prison they are said to
have experienced visions, including one of the two bishops who
had visited them earlier.
On the last day of their lives, Marian and James joined other
Christians facing martyrdom. They were blindfolded and then put
to death. Their bodies were thrown into the water. The year was 259.
Words from Pope Francis
Catholic Relief Services Mobilizes Response to Nepal Earthquake
Catholic Relief Services is launching a major relief effort in
response to the devastating earthquake that struck Nepal on
Saturday, April 24. A CRS teamis on the ground in
Kathmandu, the capital city and one of the most affected
areas, and our local partner Caritas Nepal has started
distributing food and shelter.
The initial targets of CRS aid will be the thousands in need of
shelter. Many buildings were destroyed or damaged in the 7.8
magnitude quake, and continuing aftershocks are causing
widespread fear of sleeping inside of even intact buildings.
Working with Caritas Nepal, CRS’ initial goal is to help 10,000
families with emergency shelter, blankets, water treatment kits,
and hygiene kits.
Catholic Relief Services has made an initial commitment of
$825,000 to relief efforts in Nepal, a figure that is expected to
rise as the needs become clearer.
Donate Online:
Donate by Mail: Mail checks to
P.O. Box 17090
Baltimore, MD 21297-0303
Please write “Nepal Earthquake” on the memo line
Donate by Phone:
Call 877-HelpCRS to make a credit card donation
to CRS over the phone.
Catholic Relief Services is the official international humanitarian
agency of the Catholic community in the United States. The agency
alleviates suffering and provides assistance to people in need in
more than 100 countries, without regard to race, religion or
nationality. CRS’ relief and development work is accomplished
through programs of emergency response, HIV, health, agriculture,
education, microfinance and peacebuilding. For more information,
visit or and follow Catholic Relief
Services on social media: Facebook, Twitter at @CatholicRelief and
@CRSnews, Google+, Pinterest and YouTube.
Sacred Heart Catholic Church and School and St. Gerard Mission ______________________________________________________
Sunday Morning Children’s Liturgy
During the 9:00am Family Mass
Hail Mary,
Full of Grace!
Tristan Jack Barker
Domenic Michael Bellissimo
Erin Rose Cassidy
Joseph Dwight Fetcho
Nelanee Dawn Fulton
Shyhra Ryan Gayton
Eva Lucia Guidubaldi
Ryan Thomas Herdel
Shane Patrick Lynn
Daniel Anh Nghia Mai
Joseph Spencer McCartha
Abbey Ruth McCartha
Rocco Andres Radosta
Bryson Jack Stepp
John Paul Svajko Jr.
Gianna Grace Tringali
Ryanna Varni
Sadie Alice Wagner
Paige Ann Waldo
Ava Sloane Werner
Gavin Kenneth Wiese
Mariah Lynn Wischmeier
Johnathan Kyle Chivers
Lukas Alexander Rager
Kathryn Rose Bohr
Jaclyn Mary Betti
Aleesa Lyn Moller
Leonardo Floyd Repyneck
Maximilian Thomas Hansen
Morgan Charles Besse
Jasmine Elizabeth Chitwood
Jaythren Noah Shuta
The Religious Article Store
is open after weekend Masses.
They have lovely First Communion gifts,
as well as Rosaries, statues and medals.
Please come by after Mass today or
call the parish office 428-6426 during the week.
Evening Bible Study
has recessed for summer.
Class resumes on Sept. 9th.
Have a blessed
and safe summer
St. Gerard’s Gathering Place
6:30p.m., Thursday, May 14, 2015
We Welcome most recent
Christian Cody Bates
Natalie Marie Klobucar
Josephine Violet Gitzke
Daniel L. Hoppe
Lily Kirlin
Nolan Giovanni Lilly
New Parishioners
At Sacred Heart In August
Liam & Karla Mackin
Michael & Susan Dancsecs
Evelyn J. Padula
Colin & Emily McGee
Joseph Zarbo
Michael & Kimberly Brooks
And At St. Gerard
Roy Garrison
Sacred Heart Catholic Church and School and St. Gerard Mission ______________________________________________________
Congratulations to Sacred Heart Catholic School
Principal, Mrs. Leigh Svajko!
Diocese of Orlando Light of Faith Award
The award was presented by Bishop John Noonan, Diocese of Orlando with
School Superintendent Mr. Henry Fortier, and Ms.Carol Brinati,
Chancellor for Administration. Also present at the celebration were Fr.
Murray, C.Ss.R., pastor, Fr. Karl Aschmann, C.Ss.R., and Deacon Darrell Cervasco,
The award was presented at a special school Mass on Monday, April 27, 2015. Also in
attendance was Ms. Teresa Peterson, Director of Communications from the diocese ,
and all the Sacred Heart students and many parishioners. Congratulations to our
principal and to our school!
Sacred Heart Catholic Church and School and St. Gerard Mission _________________________________________________________ 5
Youth Group
Sacred Heart
Vacation Bible School
Every Wednesday Evening at 6:30pm
in the Knights Hall.
Monday thru Friday,
June 29th to July 3rd
All youth invited to join us for food,
fun and fellowship
$20 per child 9am -Noon, includes snack
$50 all day 9am—4pm , snack, bring lunch
Pre-K thru 5th
Council of Catholic Women
6, 7 & 8 Graders are welcome to be Jr. Leaders
$3.00 On Sale every Sunday
until Mother’s Day
are making Silk Flower
Mother’s Day Corsages
Register at the Parish Office
To volunteer, email -
Please help with donations for VBS:
Food coloring + Mason jars all sizes
Craft form Foam glue + Craft glue + Wood clothes pins
+ Variety nature stickers - bugs, flowers. etc
Variety stickers + Clear plastic wrap
+ Lots of colored electrical tape
Transparent tape + Old CDs + Pipe cleaners
Paper towel tubs + Potting soil
Easy -to-grow seeds (flowers) + Variety Plastic confetti
Magazines with nature pictures
Plastic flowers and leaves + Colored index cards
Our Catholic Appeal - 2015
Thank you for your generosity.
Sacred Heart Community
Total Registered Households 937
Pledged Amount
Paid to Date
from 9:30 am to 11:30 am in the Social Hall
Sacred Heart
Food Drive
“Whatever you do for them…you do for Him.”
Mother Theresa
Your donations of non-perishable food help feed the poor in
southeast Volusia. Food is collected the first weekend of the Month
& placed in the Ladies Sitting Room. Donations are distributed to
our church food
pantry, Gifts of Love & Society of St. Vincent de Paul.
Please continue your generous support
T O H E L P C A L L E L L A 428–6426
Doors open 5:00pm
Early Bird Game -6:30 REGULAR G AME - 7pm
Call the Parish Office - 428-6426 for information
LAST FRIDAY BINGO was April 24th
We’ll break for the summer & resume in the fall
Thank you to all our devoted volunteers
& especially our faithful Bingo players
Thank you - See you in the fall!
Monday Night Games run till June 24
Sacred Heart Catholic Church and School and St. Gerard Mission ________________________________________________________ 6
Mass Intentions
Intentions of the Council
of Catholic Women
7:00am † Irene Kujawa / Daughter, Terri
9:00am † Ryan McCaffery Boynes
/ Mom & Dad
11:30am † Francisco & Ursula Angeles
/ Granddaughter, Esper Radosta
7:00am † Jim & Freda Vincent
/ Kathleen & Gerald Eaton
11:00am † Phyllis Preston
/ Roger & Shirley Kalter
7:00am † Most Abandoned Souls
in Purgatory / Dave & Jan Nixon
Intentions of the Sick & Dying
/ Carlos & Maria Costa
7:00am † Gladys Cox / Tina & Tony Danato
11:00am † Dorothy Haldane
/ Council of Catholic Women
National Day of Prayer
7:00am † Santana & Restrepo
/ Their Children
11:00am † Agnes McGrath
/ Ronald McGrath
7:00am † Agnes Walter / Husband, Tom
11:00am † George Janek / Jim & Anita Shoda
7:00am † Josephine Umile &
Rose Misuriello / Family
4:00pm † Yolanda Linscott-Browning
/ Bob Svboda
Mothers Day
7:00am † George “Sparky” Miller
/ His Children
9:00am † Emily Poole
/ Daughter, Joyce Pazman
11:30am † Alfred & Jesuina Castenheira
/ Daughter, Dina
Readings of the Week
Acts 14:5-18; Ps 115:1-4, 15-16;
Jn 14:21-26
Acts 14:19-28;
Ps 145:10-13ab, 21;
Jn 14:27-31a
Acts 15:1-6; Ps 122:1-5;
Jn 15:1-8
Acts 15:7-21; Ps 96:1-3, 10;
Jn 15:9-11
Acts 15:22-31;
Ps 57:8-10, 12; Jn 15:12-17
Acts 16:1-10;
Ps 100:1b-3, 5; Jn 15:18-21
Acts 10:25-36, 34-35,44-48;
Ps 98:1-4;
1 Jn 4:7-10 or 1 Jn 4:11-16;
Jn 15:9-17 or Jn 17:11b-19
The Sanctuary Light
In Honor of Our Lady
Requested by Joanne Finnick
Altar Bread & Wine
In Memory of Kathryn Segalla
Requested by husband, Phil
Events Calendar
First Saturday, May 2
9:00am First Communion Session 3 / Church
Sunday, May 3
Fifth Sunday of Easter
9:00am First Communion
10:00am May Crowning / Prayer Garden
10:00am First Communion Reception Breakfast
/ Social Hall
10:00am Religious Education Classes
Monday, May 4
6:30pm Bingo / Social Hall
Tuesday, May 5
9:00am Senior Exercise / Social Hall
9:00am Legion of Mary / Knights Hall
6:30pm Centering Prayer / Knights Hall
Wednesday, May 6
11:45am Sacred Heart School May Crowning
/ Prayer Garden
12:00pm CCW General Meeting / Social Hall
(continued above next column)
Jr. Legion of Mary / Social Hall
Youth Group Meeting / Knights Hall
9 AM Choir Practice / Church
Thursday, May 7
Senior Exercise / Social Hall
Friday, May 8
7:30—5pm Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
4:45pm Benediction
Divine Mercy Chaplet / Chapel
Saturday, May 9
Sunday, May 10
Sixth Sunday of Easter
Mothers Day
10:00am Breakfast / Social Hall
10:00am Religious Education Classes
If you would like to request a
Prayer Shawl for someone sick
or to participate in making
shawls please contact Helen
Prentiss at 427-5432.
Please Pray For Our Deceased
Joseph Murray + Tess Lee + Gregory Sahakian + Warren Kaye
Paul Monaco + Linda Delfino + John Fitzsimmons
Roland Gendron
And Our Sick Luisa Eugenia Gallegos-Riquelme, Mary Keane, Henry Wheeler & family, Joan
Clerkin, Carol Carmello, Marleene Limen, Joanne Sullivan, Mandy Owens, Rose & Matty Locascio, Riley
Burch, Judy Ribeiro, Stephen Sall, Mary Hall, Ray Lambert, Connie Fanning, Teresa Wilchester, Dr.
Theodore Grabiak, Phyllis Foote, Don Mann, Tracey DiNicola, Tim Meade, Corrine Koehler, Joann Holderby,
Abigail Means, Marylee Hall-Clennan, Chol Iorio,Rebecca Jackson, Delina Dubose, Kenneth Dougherty, Christine
Feit, Jane Woods, Amanda Mower, Fr. Karl Aschmann, C.Ss.R., Fr. William Gieger, C.Ss.R., Theresa Kunda,
Richard Dougherty, Stuart Emerson, Wayne Cormier, David Wright, Rose Marie Nazarak, Gail & Samuel Flowers,
Nilene & John Tromley, Lisa Ponichtera, Corlett-Bocher Family, Bala, Tony Petrocci, Robert A. Vendrasco, Lois
Kelly, Marie Renner, Joe Hochdoerfe, Alfred Cretella, Lian Maschke, Elizabeth Wolfe, Charlotte Busse, Irene
Wasilawski, Ed & Bianca Love, John & Kevin McGann, Bernadette Plourde, Thomas Sellers, Jr., Angie Gentry,
Angela Camara, Marvel Richards, Greg and Frances Rolander, Patrick Finnick, Rebecca Jackson, Delina Dubose,
Darla Ward, Lou Head, Jane Sherry, Paul Michael Hyboreck, Ed Safford, Roger Hegewald, Roland Robidoux,
Barbara Newschafer, Karen Uyttewaal, Ricky Glant, Christine Popolizio, Henry Dreher, Andrew Chonko, Christa
Morgan, Anthony Costanza Jr., James Adkins, Mary Mandell, Gloria Dougherty, Mary & Ed Wilson, Linda Garrito,
Cheryl Hoppe, Abby Flanigan, Jim & Peg Willison, Michael Swortwood, Peter Burhard, James Speyers, C. J. Allen,
Amanda Tomazin, Annabella Story, George Goodwin, Paula Rice Nemchek, Sandy Szuka, Buddy Norton, Michelle E., Dee
Morton, Dorothy Rickman, John Selzer, Andrew Brophy, James Leby, June Urbanski, Lindsay Carr, Shelsey Polito,
Tammy and Pam, Jeanne Meehan, Bobby Norton, Gene Slayton, Bert Lindley, Steve Lamb, Angela Espy, Jean
Chavaree, Doris & Jim Fabyan, Lisa Ponichtera, Chris Hodgkins, Ronin Assiante, Zachary Troxell, Tom Lorenzen, Al
Amalfitano, Bennie Ligeri, Bob Douglas, Irene Connell, Tom Schneider, James Elliott, Rose Marie Ross, Christine Beck,
Mary McKey, Frank Berube, Marie Berger, Trish Kinshella, Rita Westberry, Mary Seney, Patricia Goodwin, Mary Ellen
Banks, Estella Harelik, Rita McSweeney, Denise Tranfaglia, Dorothy Russ, Monica Valentino, Bobbi Montesano, Lil Lustig,
Tony Talovchik, John Kilsheimer, Darlene Moncheno, Doris Magrich, Linda Gett, Rosemarie Brandriff, Jeffrey Melasseca,
Sr. Michaelyn, Curtis Dunlap, Kristie Bishop-Longacre, Kenny Tomaszewski, Laura Santos & Joclynn, Linda Barringer,
Linda Muessig, John Waters, Bob Morton, Joe Morton, Ulo Uibopuu, Ed Forte. Please call the parish office to place or to
keep someone's name on the prayer list- after several weeks the names will be placed on the Redemptorist Chapel Prayer List.
And Our Military
Father, We could never thank our military men and women enough for their
courageous service and sacrifice to our country and its people. Show us ways in our
communities, churches, and families to thank and love them better. Keep and protect
these heroes and their families, in the powerful name of Jesus we pray.
Col. John Connif, Army, M/Sgt. Austen Conniff, Air Force, SP4 Addison Conniff, Army, SN Collin Maneen,
1st Class, SFC Daniel M. Carr, Army, A1C Ashley T. Cooke, Air Force, A1C Corey Harrell, Air Force, PFC Patrick H.
Smith, Marines, MSgt. James D. Eaton, USMC, Matthew Stallings, Air Force, 1st Lt. Sean Knight, Army, Chris McFall,
Military, Lt. Gen. Robert L. Caslen, Jr., Capt. Jeffry Caslen, Lt. Col. Michael Arnold, Army, Corey Harrell, Air Force, Bryan
Hollederer, Air Force, Josh Obertanze, Army, Maj. John J. Goodwin, Army-retired, Patrick H. Smith, Marine, Sgt. Nathan
Benischek, Marines, Joseph Keegan, Air Force, Sgt. Timothy Dean, Marines, SGT John O'Brien, Army , Lt. Catherine
O’Brien, Army, SPC Christopher O'Brien, Army, Capt. James Prial, Marines, Lt. Terence Prial, Army, Lt. Daniel Prial,
Army, LC Damian A. Pardy, Marine, SSG Justin Nixon, Army, Major Peter Stambersky, SFC Marlene Harshman, Army,
M.Sgt. Michelle Young, Air Force, Capt. Chris Loschiavo, Army, AFC Warren Lanier, Sgt. Timothy Ingoldsby, Major
Shannon Stambersky, Lt. Conor O’Donnell, Navy, Lt. Marguerite DeHaven, Navy Pilot , Lt.JG. Rory O’Donnell, Navy, Lt.
Brian O’Donnell, Navy, Sgt. FC Dominic Rymarczyk, Army, Capt. Chris Loschiavo, Army, Nick Staats, Marine, Jake
Cash, Army, Sgt. Al Miller, Marine, Sgt Benjamin Ligeri, Army, Tec. Sgt. Tanya S. Wolf, Army, Tec. Sgt. Tammy L. Joseph,
Army, Tec. Sgt. Kathy N. Zelaya, Army, Tec. Sgt. Edwin Joseph, Army, Capt. Anthony Wolf, Army, Master Sgt. Jase L.
Zelaya, Army, Sgt. 1st Class August B. Alombro. To add active-duty family members to the prayer list, please call 428-6426.
Sacred Heart Catholic Church and School and St. Gerard Mission
Mail: ....... P.O. Box 729, New Smyrna Beach, FL 32170
Phone: ....................................................... 386-428-6426
Fax: ............................................................ 386-423-4088
Emergency Sick: ............................................... 428-9899
Altar Servers, Sylvia McCormick ..................... 424-9922
Eucharistic Ministers & Readers, Tom Meyer .. 427-3859
Music/Choirs, Parish Director, Don Roy ........... 428-6426
Ushers, Fran McGrath ...................................... 314-6480
Baptismal Instruction, Augustina Conroy.......... 423-1939
First Communion & Confirmation .................... 428-6426
RCIA-Inquiry ..................................................... 428-6426
Cursillo, Cathy Losch ........................................ 423-3604
Elijah Cup-Vocation Prayers............................. 428-6426
Legion of Mary, Melanie Barnickle ................... 402-4434
Junior Legion of Mary, Geeta Hyjek ................. 427-7855
Prayer Line, Eileen Neri .................................... 427-5780
Respect Life, Carol Hummel ............................ 427-8456
Traveling Mother of Divine Mercy Prayer Group
STUDY GROUPS: Esper Radosta 386-848-1787
Small Church Community
Sacred Heart, Gita-Hyjek ................................. 427-7855
Bible Study Evening, Dina Giordano .............. 428-6426
Bible Study Morning, Martha Grimes............... 427-1259
First Reconciliation, First Communion &
Confirmation, Maria Bilodeau ........................... 428-6426
Religious Education, Agustina Conroy ............. 428-6426
Young Adult Ministry, Fr. Murray ...................... 428-6426
Vocations Ministry, Fr. Murray ......................... 428-6426
Bereavement Ministry, Marna Ward ................. 428-0951
Coffee & Donuts, Gisela & Art Klobucar ........... 322-0882
Habitat for Humanity, Bob Perry ....................... 426-0393
Community Lunch Program, Jeanne Gayson .. 428-2584
Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Jim Bourne ...... 426-0882
Ministers to the Sick, Loretta Wells .................. 402-4816
Parish Nurse, Dianne Barr ................................ 428-7005
Prayer Shawl Ministry, Helen Prentiss ............. 427-5432
Stewardship Committee, Lou Bartos ................ 423-5323
Welcoming Ministry, Fran McGrath ................. 314-6480
Social & Events Ministry, Luz Rodriquez ......... 689-0573
Council of Catholic Women, Barbara Grimm .. 402-8665
Knights of Columbus, Fr. Downey Council,
Sacred Heart, Grand Knight Fran McGrath ...... 314-6480
Gardening Angels & Dream Team Catherine Krzeminski ....................................... 428-6426
MUSIC: Parish Director, Don Roy .............. 428-6426
St. Gerard’s, Darryl Greeley ............................. 428-6426
and Ellen Graf ................................................... 345-0097
Call the Parish Office for Inquiries .................... 428-6426
Andrew Murphy........... email:
Parents & Godparents are required to attend a
Sacramental Preparation Class.
Please call the Parish Office at 428-6426 to register.
Couples wanting to be married at Sacred Heart
Parish must be registered and practicing members of
this parish. An appointment must be made with one
of the parish priests at least 6 months in advance of
the wedding. The Diocese of Orlando requires a
marriage preparation program for all couples.
At Sacred Heart Church the Sacrament of Reconciliation is available every
Saturday afternoon from 3:00 to 3:45pm and on the Thursday before First Friday
from 4:00 to 5:00pm or by appointment at 428-6426.
At Saint Gerard Mission confessions are heard a half-hour before Mass
If you have a loved one who would like to receive the Anointing of the Sick please
call the parish office, 428-6426.
Or for an Emergency Sick Call, please call 428-9899.
COMMUNION for Shut-Ins:
Call the Parish Office- 428-6426 to arrange a Friday visit.
MINISTRY to the SICK/Homebound:
If there is anyone at home who cannot get to Mass to celebrate the Sacraments
because of illness or age, please call the parish office, 428-6426
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Every Friday—7:30 am to 5 pm
Sacred Heart Chapel
“Spend an Hour with Jesus’
Divine Mercy Chaplet
Accompanied by Music & Song
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Sign up to spend an hour
with Jesus.
Sign-up sheets are in the Main
foyer of the Church
Followed by Benediction of the
Blessed Sacrament at 4:45pm
Parishioners Please Read
= Winter residents who want their
envelopes stopped for the summer.
= Donation records for Tax Purposes.
= Change of Address or phone numbers.
Please reply by using the green forms at Sacred Heart and yellow
forms at St. Gerard, located in the church entrances. Place in collection basket or call the parish office. Thank you
(Please notify ahead for upcoming events needing photographer)
Friday - 10 days before Bulletin Date
Please contact Bulletin Editor, Susan Hall at or fill out a form at the parish office
Sacred Heart Catholic Church and School and St. Gerard Mission ________________________________________________________ 8
Members of the
Society of
St. Vincent de Paul
Knights of Columbus Enjoy Picnic
Riverbreeze Park in Oak Hill was the scene of the
3rd Annual St. Vincent de Paul/Knights of Columbus
Picnic on Sunday, April 19. After all the hard work
during the previous year it was time to sit and have
a good time. Approximately 100 volunteers and
guests enjoyed great fellowship, delicious
hamburgers and hotdogs with all the fixins’, cold
drinks and desserts. Special thanks to Lorraine
Cassidy, Roberta Lambert, Jim and Cathy Bourne,
Terry Cassidy for all their hard work, and to all those
who helped put on this great event.
A “Save the Date” notice appeared
in the bulletin dated April 25 & 26
inviting all to a special celebration
the Gathering Place at St.
Gerard after Mass on Sunday, May
17 to celebrate the many years of
faithful service deacon Tom Murray and his wife
Phyllis have given to the Catholic Community of
St. Gerard on the occasion of Deacon Tom’s retirement from the Deaconate.
Our Catholic Appeal & CATHOLIC SCHOOLS
Did you know...? Your gifts to Our Catholic Appeal help
Catholic schools to remain centers of evangelization.
Here in the Diocese of Orlando, our 37 Catholic
schools prepare young people to live in a global world by
sharing Gospel values and living Christ’s message of salvation.
The Diocesan Office of Catholic Schools, which receives funding through Our Catholic Appeal, plays a key
role in advancing the mission of our schools. Curriculum
development, technology support, and teacher certification are just a few of the services that are offered to our
schools as a result of your gifts.
Please visit
OCA/give to make a gift online.
Please note that there has been a change in plan
because of other commitments and personal time
constraints. The celebration for Tom and Phyllis
Murray will not be held on Sunday, May 17. It is
now being planned for the latter part of the summer. You will be notified of the specific date when
it is determined.
A special Mass and reception
honoring all the graduates in the
Community of St. Gerard (including
Middle School/Eighth Grade, High School and
College graduates attending private or public
schools) is being planned for 10:00 a.m., Sunday,
May 24. The Mass will be celebrated to recognize
this significant milestone and to pray that God will
continue to bless our graduates and their abilities
in the future. A reception in the Gathering Place
will follow the Mass.
Graduates need not be present to receive the
blessing. During the weeks leading up to the actual
Mass a book will be placed in the foyer of the
church. If you have a graduate that is unable to
attend the Mass in person but you would like to
pray for, write his/her name in the book. The book
will be placed on the altar during our special Mass
and all entries will be included in our prayers.
All graduates and their families who would like
to participate in the Mass are asked to call Linda
Martin at 386-882-0603.
Our Catholic Appeal - 2015
Thank you for your generosity.
St. Gerard Mission Church
Total Registered Households 382
Pledged Amount
Paid to Date
Sacred Heart Catholic Church and School and St. Gerard Mission _________________________________________________________ 9
If this is something you might consider, we are looking for volunteers with compassion,
a non-judgmental attitude, confidentiality, commitment, prayerfulness and,
commitment to continuous training and spiritual development.
The Basilica of St. Paul is the coordinating parish for the ministry to the incarcerated at the Volusia County Correctional Facility.
If this sounds like the Lord is calling you to this ministry, please consider sharing your gifts and
contact the Basilica of St. Paul church office, 386-252-5422.
We serve at the Volusia Co. Dept. of Corrections, Correctional Facility on
Monday evenings from 6:30 PM to 7:30 PM and Friday evenings from 6:30 PM to 7:30 PM.
Your commitment is not every week.
This ministry is open to all parishioners from parishes in Volusia County.
Have you ever thought of becoming a Minister to the incarcerated?
Has God given you the gifts to help people at a vulnerable
and painful time in their lives?