Co Sacred Heart Church 3900 Arthur Drive, P. O. Box 10 Delta, B.C. V4K 3N5 Telephone 946-4522 Fax: 946-4533 E Parish Website: Youth Ministry Website: Priests Serving the Parish: Fr. Edgar Polotan, OSA - Fr. Francis Galvan, OSA Fr. Ronnie B-Sy Custorio,OSA - In Residence: Fr. Leo D. Cameron, OSA Parish Office Hours: Tuesday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (Mondays Closed) Baptism……….………...Sunday @ 12:15pm (Call office for appointment) Baptismal Class…………Third Wednesday of the Month 7:00pm Monastery Confirmation……………Call PREP Office Holy Eucharist: The Lord’s Day……........Saturday 5pm / Sunday, 9am, 11am & 5pm (Church) Weekday Mass……….…Monday to Saturday, 9am (Chapel) Spanish Mass……………First Saturday of the Month 7pm (Church) Except May/June Filipino Mass…………….Last Sunday of the Month 7pm (Church) Except July/August Eucharistic Adoration…...First Friday of the month 10am to 5pm (Chapel) Confessions…….............Saturday: 10am to 11am (Chapel) or by appointment Marriage………................Call Office at least six months prior to the date desired Holy Order……………….Becoming a priest /deacon: see Pastor Anointing of the Sick..…Call Office / Pastor Funeral…………………..Call Office Counseling……..……......Call Office Mass Intentions: See office Blessings: (House, Car etc.) Call office PARISH COMMITTEE AND GROUP MEETINGS (SEPT to JUNE) Feb, April, June St. Monica Meeting TBA Augustine nd 7:00 pm 2 Monday Knights of Columbus House 7:30 pm 12:15 pm Tuesday Bible Study Group 6:15pm Tuesday nd 2 Tues(Feb, April, Jun, Oct, Dec) PREP Augustine House School Parish Council Meeting Monastery Parish Education Committee Monastery Community Concerns Monastery Parish Faith Formation Monastery Monastery Youth Hall Youth Hall 7:30pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:00 pm 7:30 pm 6-7 pm 8-9 pm rd 3 Tuesday Last Tuesday every 2 months nd 2 Wednesday T.B.A. Wednesday Wednesday R.C.I.A. Edge (Junior) Jet (Senior) If a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it bears much fruit. John 12.20-33 March 22, 2015 - Year B. 5th Sunday of Lent A WARM WELCOME to all visitors and Parishioners to our Faith Community! New parishioners please fill out a Registration form which are available on - line or at the back of the Church. Thank you. Sunday Stewardship Reflection “I will be their God and they shall be my people.” – Jeremiah 31:33 What does it mean to be God’s people? It means we recognize that everything we have and everything we are belongs to God. We aren’t “owners” of anything; we are merely “stewards” of the gifts God has given us. It means we are willing to use our gifts and our lives to care for our neighbors and the world, just as God cares for us. Baptisms Sunday March 22nd Maiya Tina, daughter of Eric and Tina CONTE WEEKLY PRAYER GROUPS- ALL YEAR 9:30am Mon to Sat Holy Rosary Chapel 7:30 pm Monday Taize Prayer Chapel 9:30am & 7:30pm Tuesday Meditation Group Monastery Library 7 p.m. Tuesday Spanish Holy Rosary Chapel 7:30pm Wednesday 7:00pm Thursday Sacred Heart Group Legion of Mary Prayer Clubhouse Church PARISH CONTACTS Barry Marshall John Barker Maintenance/Rentals Choir Director/Music Ministry 319-4740 943-7558 Erin Seddon Religious Education 946-2618 Dionne Peralta Youth Ministry 946-2618 Kelly Kozack School Principal 946-2611 Mia Joy, daughter of Paul CUEVAS and Megan FREIBERG. Nick Cornelius Peter, son of Peter KRAAN and Jackie NICKEL. Haylee Jade, daughter of Randy LOVELL and Jackie NICKEL. Lucienne Marjorie-Rose, daughter of Andre and Megan REID. Congratulations and Gods Blessings Tuesday, March 24th: Reflection on the 7 Last Words of Jesus spoke Jesus spoke brief and poignant words from the cross. Was Jesus speaking to the Jews, or to Pilate or to His disciples or is He speaking to each one of us. During this Lenten season, the Sacred Heart Prayer Group invites you to join us for an evening of song and prayerful reflection at 7:00 PM tonight in the church. Refreshments will be served. Parish Education Meeting tonight at 6:30 in the Monastery Council Room. PREP Classes resume next Tuesday, March 31, following Spring Break. Contact Erin Seddon @ 604.946.2618 or Wednesday March 25th: The Wedgewood Room is open today from 10am to 4pm in the Parish Center. Looking for that fabulous new Easter Outfit? Stop by and check out our latest arrivals of spring fashions, footwear and accessories. Contact Willie Cote at 943-1528 or Leona De Caire 946-2098. No SH Prayer Meeting tonight. th Thursday March 26 : All-School Mass will be held today at 9:15am in the Church. All are welcome. Friday March 27th: Stations of the Cross 7:00 pm in the Church. Friday and Saturday March 27/28 Sacrament of Reconciliation (Chapel) Friday from 4-5pm Saturday from 10-11 am - This will be the last remaining Lenten Confessions in our Parish. Saturday March 28th: Lenten Spiritual Reflection – What are you looking for? Today from 10am -12pm in the Church. With guest speaker, Rev James Hughes We all struggle with restless hearts. We all desire happiness, peace and balance in our lives. Jesus beckons us “Come and see.” He came that we might have life and have it abundantly! Doors open at 9:30 with light refreshments. Group child-care is available by donation. Children must be registered in advance for this service (forms are at the display in the lobby). For more information, contact Erin Seddon 946-2618 or Saturday, March 28th @ 5pm Sunday, March 29th 9am, 11am & 5pm Filipino Mass at 7pm Wednesday April 1 All are welcome to join Archbishop Miller at Holy Rosary Cathedral (downtown Vancouver) for the Chrism Mass, one of the most solemn and significant liturgies of our church where the blessing of the oil of catechumens, the oil of the sick, and the oil of chrism takes place. - Mass begins at 5:00pm. HOLY WEEK AT SACRED HEART Holy Thursday Last Supper - April 2 Mass at 7pm Good Friday - April 3 Solemn Liturgy at 3pm Easter Vigil April 4 - Saturday Mass at 9pm Easter Sunday - April 5 7:30 am 9:00 am 11:00 am 1:00 pm No 5pm Mass Fast and abstain on upcoming Holy days The Church prescribes fasting (only one full meal and two smaller meals which together are not greater than a full meal) and abstinence from meat on Good Friday. Catholics aged 18-59 are bound to fast; those 14-59 to abstinence. Those who are ill are freed from these obligations. Everyone, even those above the age of 59, are encouraged to fast and abstain. All Fridays during Lent are days of abstinence but Catholics may substitute special acts of charity or piety in place of abstinence. Parents and educators are reminded of their duty to introduce children gradually to the understanding and practice of penance. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Death: Alexander Nemeth of our parish died on March 11th at the age of 83 and his funeral was celebrated Thursday March 19th at Sacred Heart. We offer our deepest sympathy to his wife Agnes and entire family and pray for Alexander’s eternal rest in heaven with our Lord and Saviour. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Spring cleaning is coming. If you have bicycles in good working condition and would like to donate them, we will gladly accept them for our migrant workers. Contact Lorraine @ 604-946-8397 Mini Retreat Parish Courses - Tuesdays, March 31-April 28th (12:15 - 2:30pm) in the meeting room at Augustine House, Media Room. There is no cost, no homework, and courses are independent of each other. All are welcome to come to 1 or all 5 of these mini-retreats hosted by the daytime parish bible study group & facilitated by Dennis Cherenko. Here are the courses: 1. March 31 -Trouble with Trust: A Retreat Guide for Lent 2. April 7 - The Taste of Victory: A Retreat Guide for Easter 3. April 14 - Welcoming the Word: A Retreat Guide on the Annunciation 4. April 21 - When I am Weak, Then I am Strong: A Retreat Guide on the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick 5. April 28 - Food for the Journey: A Retreat Guide on the Sacrament of the Eucharist - For more information, please contact Sue or Erin Seddon Youth Ministry at Sacred Heart Please remember all the sick of our parish community in your daily prayers WEDNESDAY EVENINGS EDGE (Grades 6-8) from 6-7PM. JET (Grades 9-12) from 8-9PM. SCAVENGER HUNT On this week's youth night, both groups (JET & EDGE) will be having a scavenger hunt! Join our social night and have a blast as you complete each task on our scavenger hunt. We will start right at 6PM, so try not to be late! Bring your running shoes, enthusiasm, and team spirit. Also, don't forget to bring a friend - We'll have snacks at the end of the night! Email: Web: Facebook: Sacred Heart Youth Sacred Heart’s Lenten Project This year we are supporting Covenant House in Downtown Vancouver – Covenant House is a safe house for youth in crisis in the lower mainland. Covenant House's Crisis Program takes in homeless, runaway and at-risk youth between the ages of 16 and 24. During the season of Lent we will have boxes at the back of our Church gratefully accepting your donations of the following items which will be taken to Covenant House at Easter time. Women’s or men’s underwear and socks (new please) Or Hygiene Supplies i.e. deodorant, (men’s and women’s) shavers, toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo etc. Sister Nancy Brown of Covenant House thanks you in advance for your generosity in assisting these young people who need help getting back on their feet. THANK YOU TO ALL WHO GIVEN ALREADY SO GENEROUSLY!! Any questions about this project/collection please call the parish office at 604-946-4522. ARCHDIOCESAN NEWS AND EVENTS Lenten Confession Times at Canadian Martyrs (5771 Granville Rd) and St. Monica (12011 Woodhead Rd) in Richmond – Friday March 27th, Monday March 30th and Tuesday March 31st at 7:30 pm. Open House of the New John Paul II Pastoral Centre After nearly 60 years in the downtown core, the Archdiocese of Vancouver has moved its administrative offices to the 33rd and Willow area. All are invited to an open house of the new John Paul II Pastoral Centre on Saturday, March 28, from 2-4pm located at 4885 Saint John Paul II Way, Vancouver. Please feel free to drop in at any time. For more information and parking directions, visit Public Way of the Cross in Downtown Vancouver Join in praying the Solidarity Way of the Cross at Cathedral Square in downtown Vancouver on Saturday, March 28, at 3:30pm. As part of the events for the 30th World Youth Day in the Archdiocese of Vancouver, join other young adults and those involved with Development and Peace in prayer and witness. For more details, visit Come away with me ' Women's Retreat You are warmly invited to ' Come Away' for a while, for an opportunity to deepen your prayer life and discern where God is leading you. Are you seeking for a way to Trust in God more? Come and join us and discover how your relationship with God can be deepened by learning ways to Trust in God's word, through reflection, prayer, music and friendship, and reflect on ways to nourish trust in the Holy Spirit. May 15th - 17th 2015, Rosemary Heights Retreat Center, South Surrey. Celebrant: Fr Augustine Obiwumma, Speaker: Anne Wicks - Cost 185.00 for room and meals. Please check out the poster and forms in the lobby and chapel. Call Joanne 604 946 2932 or Gloria 604 946 9241 40 Days for Life Spring 2015 Campaign From Feb. 18 to March 29, our community will take part in 40 Days for Life, a ground-breaking, coordinated international mobilization. We pray that, with God’s help, this will mark the beginning of the end of abortion in our city. Sign up by visiting and clicking on "Sign up for vigil hours." Saints and Mystics Through the Ages: A Lens into our own Lives Join Dr. Sam Rocha, St. Mark's Continuing Education and St. Joseph the Worker Adult Faith Formation to focus on the lives and thoughts of three pairs of saints and mystics from the Early Church (Sts. Augustine and Monica), the Middle Ages (Sts. Bonaventure and Francis of Assisi), and Modernity (Sts. Theresa of Avila and Therese of Lisieux). In each pairing we find illuminating contrasts and convergences that that will serve as a lens to examine our own lives and thoughts. Each session will begin with a basic overview by Dr. Sam Rocha, and will be open for discussion and questions thereafter. April 13-27 $50 for all three Mondays (April 13, 20, 27) from 7-9 pm, St. Joseph the Worker Parish, Richmond. To register, or call 604-8224463. “Lent is a time for drawing near to Christ by listening to the word of God and celebrating the sacraments.” Pope Francis Catholic Families: The Model for Love & Life Inspirational Catholic evangelist and speaker Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers – known around the world as the “Dynamic Deacon” – is one of the most sought-after speakers in the Church today. He is a powerful and passionate evangelist and preacher whose nononsense approach to living and proclaiming the Catholic faith is sure to challenge and inspire. Saturday, May 2, from 9:30am to 3:30pm, Rosemary Heights Retreat Centre, Surrey. He will be doing two presentations: (1) The Model for a Culture of Love & Life - This presentation will discuss the relationship between the sacredness of family life and the brokenness of the culture at 10am; (2) Nurturing Life in a Culture of Death - This presentation will examine how family life is a path to sanctity at 1:30pm. Cost: $50, includes lunch. For group registrations per 10 people, one person is free. or contact 604576-8802. Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend Make your good marriage better by attending an intimate weekend with your spouse. Hear testimonies from three couples and a priest in a series of talks that will get you communicating in a new way! There is no group sharing. Friday, April 17, to Sunday, April 19, Holiday Inn, 700 Old Lillooet Rd, North Vancouver. Please call Steve and Mary Bohnen to register 604-876-7298, or e-mail or Did God Become Man Only in Order to Save Us from Sin? ONE DAY RETREAT for Lawyers, Physicians, & their Spouses with Fr. John Horgan Saturday April 18, 2015 9 am – 5 pm Rosemary Heights Retreat Centre 3690 152nd Street, Surrey Cost $50.00 including lunch - For registration form see INQUIRIES: Judy Talas Tel: 604-430-2712 Mass Cards are available in the Parish Office for the following intentions: Healing, safe travel, operation, thanksgiving (birthday, anniversary) and soul remembrance. The stipend is $10. Per name per Mass.
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