A Note from Father Tom - Sacred Heart St. Francis de Sales Roman

A Note from Father Tom
Happy Birthday to Us!! Today we celebrate the
Feast of Pentecost: the 50th day of the Great Fifty Days
of Easter. In our Christian Tradition, the enormity of
the event of Jesus Christ Rising from the dead on Easter
is so great that we celebrate a “week of weeks” (after
celebrating Easter “day” for a week of days, or an
Octave), and so now that the Easter celebration is
ending, we celebrate the Descent of the Holy Spirit on
the Apostles (and the world) which marks the
beginning of the life of our Church.
We actually kind of borrowed the idea of a
Pentecost celebration from the Jewish Tradition. One of
the three Biblical pilgrimage festivals, the Feast of
Weeks (called Shavuot), is the period of 50 days
between the Passover of the Lord, and the giving of the
Law at Mt Sinai. So, the parallel here is that as the
Shavuot celebrates the decent of the Law of God to the
People of Israel on Mt Sinai, so does our Pentecost
celebrate the descent of the New Law of the Holy Spirit
upon the world. And with this pouring out of His Spirit,
God blesses us with many Gifts. It is up to us to put
these Gifts to good use!
And Liturgical Celebrations for May 23 – 31, 2015
(Numbers next to a name indicate Anniversary of death)
Sat./Sun., May 23/24
4:00 p.m.
Robert McKeon – Marie Ray
Alfred & Kay Allen – Bob & Anita Vachon
Julien LaFlamme – Glen & Leona Smith
Herman LeRay (20th) – His Wife, Edith
8:00 a.m.
Charles Gould – Fred & Shirley Kennedy
10:00 a.m.
Our Parish Family
Monday, May 25
Saint Bede the Venerable/Memorial Day
8:00 a.m.
Michael J. Hogan – The Family
5:30 p.m.
No Mass
Tuesday, May 26
Saint Philip Neri
8:00 a.m.
Bernard Kuhn – The Family
Wednesday, May 27
Saint of Augustine of Canterbury
8:00 a.m.
Bob Johnson (5th) – Doris & Ron Alderman
Pauline White – The Pilato & Lamb Families
Thursday, May 28
8:00 a.m.
Charles Hogan – Barbara & Family
Friday, May 29
Easter Weekday
8:00 a.m.
Marion E. Segalla – Judy Matz & Bill Morgan
Sat./Sun., May 30/31
The Most Holy Trinity
4:00 p.m.
Anthony Marine – Robert & Mary Lou Marine
7:30 a.m.
Santina Segala – Her Daughter
Leroy Cyphers – The Fred Kennedy Family
9:30 a.m.
Our Parish Family
Question of the Week
What is” Discernment of Spirits?”
There are different kinds of spiritual gifts but the
same Spirit,” says Saint Paul, and he should know. He
addresses “discernment of spirits” in letters to four different
For Paul, discernment is a gift of the Holy Spirit,
clearly identified by the fruits it produces, just as Jesus once
said: “Each tree is known by its own fruit”; Paul spells out
which fruits come from which baskets in Galatians 5. If what
you’re pursuing fills you with “love, joy, peace, patience,
kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and selfcontrol,” Paul would call that a validated course of action. If
on the other hand you wind up with a rotten bunch of fruit—
immorality, idolatry, rivalry, jealousy, acts of selfishness,
factions, and so on—chances are the proposal is in error.
Paul’s also clear in 1 Corinthians 12 that discernment
of spirits is a gift some enjoy as a specialty. It’s the “many
parts, one body” idea: Not all are great at everything, which is
why we must be church together. Discernment of spirits is as
old as the church and as fresh as you and me, because anyone
on the God-quest needs to know how to detect the divine
fingerprint along the way.
–Alice L. Camille
"I have much more to tell you, but you cannot bear it
now. But when he comes, the Spirit of truth, he will
guide you to all truth. He will not speak on his own,
but he will speak what he hears, and will declare to
you the things that are coming. He will glorify me." Jn 16:12-14a
Readings for the Week of May 24, 2015
Next Sunday:
Acts 2:1-11/Gal 5:16-25 or 1 Cor 12:3b-7, 12-13/
Jn 15:26-27; 16:12-15 or Jn 20:19-23
Sir 17:20-24/Mk 10:17-27
Sir 35:1-12/Mk 10:28-31
Sir 36:1, 4-5a, 10-17/Mk 10:32-45
Sir 42:15-25/Mk 10:46-52
Sir 44:1, 9-13/Mk 11:11-26
Sir 51:12cd-20/Mk 11:27-33
Dt 4:32-34, 39-40/Rom 8:14-17/Mt 28:16-20
©Liturgical Publications Inc
Life Long Faith Formation Program
The School of
Sacred Heart St. Francis de Sales
“Growing In Faith Together”
Faith Formation Office Hours:
307 School Street ~ Bennington, VT 05201
Monday – 8:30 am – 1:30 pm and 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday – 8:30 am – 1:30 pm
Friday – Closed
For more information contact Janet Lucy at 447-0223 or
faithform@comcast.net or www.shsffaithformaton.org
Mr. David Estes, Principal
442-2446, Ext. 3
Providing excellence in academics and a deepening faith in
God and Gospel Values in an environment that is caring,
challenging, and respectful, striving to develop in every
student the habits of thinking critically and acting
responsibly in daily life.
You are invited to join us on Facebook –
SHSF Faith Formation
Religious Education Classes
Thank you to all of the families that participated in the
religious education classes. We had a great year.
Have a safe and blessed summer,
See you in September.
Scholastic Book Fair
Our annual Scholastic Book Fair is a reading event that
brings to school the books kids want to read. It’s a
wonderful selection of engaging and affordable books
for every reading level. Please make plans to visit our
Book Fair ~
May 28th – May 30th
Shopping hours: Thursday ~ 8:00 am – 7:00 pm
Friday ~ 8:00 am – 4:00 pm
Saturday ~ 9:00 am – 2:00 pm
Saturday, May 30th is Community Day:
Special Activities, Food, Fun
If you are unable to attend the Fair in person, we invite
you to visit our online Book Fair at scholastic.com/fair.
Our online Fair is available from May 7 to May 31. We
look forward to seeing you and your family at our Book
Fair! Remember, all purchases benefit our school.
Thank you also to the Religious Education teachers:
Dawn Campbell, Sandy Latif, Susan McKenna,
and Phyllis Molloy who was the teacher for the
First Eucharist sacramental classes.
A special thank you to everyone from Sacred Heart St.
Francis de Sales and St. John the Baptist who worked
together to decorate the parish hall, create and serve the
food, and assist in other ways to make our
Confirmation Celebration so special.
Sacramental News
First Eucharist
First Eucharist Community Celebration
A Community Celebration in honor of all those who
will receive their First Holy Communion this spring
will take place at the 10:00 am Mass on Sunday, June
8th. Following Mass, there will be a reception in the
Parish Hall to honor those who received the Sacrament
of First Eucharist.
Thirteenth Annual
Sacred Heart Scramble Golf
Mount Anthony Country Club
Wednesday, June 24th Shotgun Start at 1:00 pm
Join us for a fun afternoon of golf and friendship for the
18-hole Scramble to benefit the School. Beginners are
welcome! Or simply join us for the festivities and a
delicious dinner. For more information contact: Jason
Morrissey at 442-0377 jasonmorrissey@comcast.net or
Matt Maroney at 447-8610/ammaroney@msn.com.
Class of 2015 ~ Baccalaureate Mass!
Sacred Heart St. Francis de Sales will host a Baccalaureate
Mass for the Class of 2015 this Sunday, May 24th at the
10:00 am Liturgy. A reception will follow at the Parish
Thank You!
Thank you to all who participated and volunteered to
help with our Race for Education. We raised
approximately $13,000 for our school!
Please Note:
All Parish Offices will be closed on
Monday, May 25th in honor of Memorial Day
FUND 2015
Prayer Events this Week
Last weekend was the start of the 2015 Bishop’s Fund.
The Bishop’s Fund helps the Diocese of Burlington and
all its parish communities provide for all those in need
through the many ministries operated by the Diocese
throughout the state. Our parish goal this year is $66,300.
It is our hope that when you are called upon to assist the
parish and Diocese in this unity of faith, you will lend
your support. Please take a few minutes this week to think
and pray about your sacrificial pledge to this year’s
Bishop’s Fund and complete and return the pledge card.
Thank you.
Mon., May 25
Tues., May 26
Tues., May 26
Wed., May 27
Wed., May 27
Fri., May 29
11:00 am
9:30 am
6:30 pm
10:30 am
3:00 pm
10:00 am
BPI Mass
Fillmore Pond Mass
Prayer Group (Chapel)
CLR Rosary
Vets’ Home Mass
School Mass at Church
Meetings/Events this Week
Mon., May 25
Wed., May 27
Thur., May 28
Thur., May 28
Fri., May 29
Sun., May 31
Sun., May 31
Memorial Day, Office Closed
7:00 pm Parish Council Meeting
10:00 am Faith Sharing
6:00 pm Faith Sharing
6:00 pm Youth Group
Sunday Socials
1:00 pm Baptism Class
Please remember the sick, including
George Peters, Frances Hoyt, Patricia Bratcher, Lisa
Peterson, Emma Hall, Patty Farrell, Lindy Lynch, Patti
Eveland, Sharon LeRay, Karen Tatro, James Lauricella,
William Edzards, Marie Maynard, Martha Dobrochowski,
David Emaish, Kenneth Swierad, Robert Condon, Beulah
Racicot, Kathy Keenan, and this week we remember the
residents of Fillmore Pond.
Come Join Us ~
Please Help!
A big “thank you” to all those who baked items for our
last Social! We’re still in need of bakers for our Socials
next Sunday, May 31, after the 7:30 am and 9:30 am
Masses. Could you please bake or buy muffins or a coffee
cake or a bread (like banana)? Please call Dotti DePollo at
442-8001 so we will know who can help this month.
Thank you for your generosity!
Hope Cookis McCarthy
Born to Eternal Life
Contacting a Priest
Due to privacy laws, hospitals and nursing homes can
no longer notify us of their Catholic patients. Should
you have a family member admitted who would like a
priest to administer one of the Sacraments, please call
the Parish Office at 442-3141.
“The Eucharist, in the Mass and outside of the Mass, is
the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, and is therefore
deserving of the worship that is given to the living God,
and to him alone.”
– Pope John Paul II
Adoration Fridays in the chapel
from 9:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m.
Sign-up sheets for one hour shifts are in the chapel.
This weekend’s Second Collection is for the victims of
the earthquakes in Nepal
Next weekend’s second collection will be for
Catholic Communication
MAY 24, 2015
Breakfast to Benefit Veterans
The Knights of Columbus Bennington Council 307 is
having a Breakfast Fundraiser for Wounded Warriors on
Sunday, June 21st from 8:00 am - 11:00 am at the Parish
Center. The cost is $6.00 for Adults and $3.00 for
children under 12.
Catholic Summer Camp ~ TOTUS TUUS
Registration is Now Open
Space is Limited
1st – 8th graders ~ July 20 – 24
(9:00 am – 3:00 pm)
High School Nights ~ July 19 – 23
(7:30 – 9:30 pm)
Don’t Miss Out –
Get your tickets
for the 50/50 Raffle!
$50 per student; $75 per family
Join us for a week of faith and fun at the Diocesan
summer program. This is the fourth year the program
will be held at Sacred Heart Saint Francis de Sales.
Totus Tuus (Latin for “Totally Yours”) is a high-energy
dose of faith building led by Seminarians and college
age women. This year the program will focus on the
Virtues, Beatitudes and the Sorrowful Mysteries.
at www.vermontcatholic.org or picked up at the parish
For more information, please contact:
Mary Drew @ 442- 5382
Tammy Buckley @ 447-8844
The current quarterly raffle runs from April through June,
with the winning ticket drawn the beginning of July. Cost
of the tickets is 6 for $5.00 or 1 for $1.00. They are
available at the Parish Office Monday through Friday.
New Mass videographers are needed. It’s easy to learn,
record 1 Mass (of your choice) per month. Please call
Alicia Romac at 802-379-7647 for more information.
Picture Pickup
Anyone who submitted their own picture for the Parish
Photo Directory can now pick them up at the Parish
Office during normal business hours.
Eucharistic Minister Help Needed
For Homebound and Nursing Homes
We are looking for a few Eucharistic Ministers who
would like to help with bringing Communion to some
of our homebound parishioners and, occasionally,
covering nursing homes. For more information, please
call Father Bob Wiseman at the parish office.
Thanks to Our Sponsors!
Thank you to the businesses that sponsor our bulletin
and make its weekly publication possible.
Lectio Divina
The Lectio-Divina meets each Thursday at 10:00 am and
again at 6:00 pm. In conjunction with our Lectio Divina
session we will be viewing Fr. Robert Barron’s DVD
series “Seven Deadly Sins, Seven Lively Virtues.” Fr.
Barron will speak on those great spiritual blocks that
inhibit our flourishing in relationship to God and to one
another. He contrasts these against the Seven Lively
Virtues that offer healing to our sin-sick souls and set us
on the right path to salvation. Please join us this week
We Need Your Help!
When using your offering envelopes, please indicate
the amount enclosed on the front of the envelope. This
simple step will be very helpful in making sure your
contribution is recorded accurately. Thank you!
Also, automatic debit from your checking or savings
account is a great way to be sure to support your church
every month. Call Jo-Anne at 442-3141 or stop at the
Parish Office…signing up is simple!
HIS Pantry
“Seeing Christ in the hungry”
Phone Number: 442-1720
HIS Pantry at SHSF (Facebook link)
Wednesdays 1:00 – 4:00 pm
Fridays 10:00 am –noon
We are no longer taking clothing of any kind.
Pregnancy Center Baby Bottle Drive
Baby bottles will be available starting Mother's Day and
ending Father's Day. Fill them with your spare change to
donate to the Care Net here in Bennington. When filled
return them to the baskets where the empty ones can be
picked up at the church entrances or directly to Care Net.
Donations go to helping women in crisis pregnancy
situations, providing baby necessities, and parenting
classes. For questions or concerns contact Liz Weber at
(802) 430-1938 or liz.r.weber@gmail.com.
Here are some ways you can help:
Special Needs: empty, clean small plastic laundry jugs
and personal hygiene items. **Special Note: We have
plenty of bags. Please refrain from dropping them off
for right now.
Groceries: Any non-perishable item Please note: we can’t
accept any food item where the expiration date has passed.
Gift Cards: Price Chopper, Hannaford or Aldi’s.
Cash/Check for use at the VT Food Bank or local groceries.
Recycle your Empty Bottles & Cans at Bennington
Beverage Outlet at 125 Northside Drive. Tell them you
want to donate the refund to the food pantry at SHSF.
To date, this program has raised over $3,424.00!
Volunteers are always welcome!
Please call or email us.
We have a definite need for volunteers when we are
open on Wednesdays from May through September
- Bennington Area
Bennington Area Habitat for Humanity’s Home Repair
Program is now accepting applications from low-income
Bennington County homeowners who need help
completing basic minor repairs, such as painting, cleanup,
minor plumbing or carpentry, landscaping or
improvements for handicapped accessibility to make their
homes safer, healthier, and more accessible. FMI go to
bennhabitat@yahoo.com or call 802-367-1000.
PAVE’s 2nd Annual Zumbathon, Saturday, June 13,
2015 from 1 to 3 pm at the Second Congregational
Church, 14 Hillside Street, Bennington. Entry only
$15.00 Donation or with pledge donations on Official
Sign-up Sheet. Pledge sheets available at the PAVE
Office, 701 Main Street, Bennington. Phone: 802-44022370 or pave@pavebennington.com.
If you are new to the area or looking for a spiritual
home, you can register at Sacred Heart St. Francis de
Sales parish by stopping in the Parish Office to fill out a
brief census card. Or call the Parish Office and we’ll be
happy to mail you a form.
Welcome to the family of God and
Sacred Heart St. Francis de Sales Catholic Church!
Community Remembrance & Cupcake Crusade
Join the Crusade: Bakers and Fun Makers Wanted
The Cancer Center Community Crusaders will host
their 2nd Annual Cupcake Crusade and Community
Remembrance 2 – 6 p.m. on Saturday, June 6 at
Southwestern Vermont Medical Center in Bennington.
This fun family-friendly event features a cupcake
baking contest, live entertainment, children’s activities,
a chicken barbecue, raffles, vendors and more. For
information on how to participate, call Beth Dillard at
802-440-4239 or e-mail beth.dillard@svhealthcare.org.
Try This…
Before Mass, pray: “God, show me one way during
Mass that I can become a better version of myself.”
1.) Search for one way. 2.) Write it down. 3.) Live it
during the week.
Sacred Heart St Francis de Sales
Bennington, VT
Leslie Stehle
Note to Press: This document printed at: 5/19/15 11:24 AM