THE TOWER April 26, 2015 Fourth Sunday Of Easter SACRED HEART PARISH Hearts Contemplating Christ Hearts Alive in Worship My only desire is to unite myself to God (St. Paul of the Cross) THE SARTO FUND FREE JOB SEARCH ASSISTANCE Baptism By Appointment Remember the Sacred Heart Sarto Fund established by Msgr. Reynold Hillenbrand? The Fund enables our parish to assist members in need without causing them undue embarrassment. Many have been so grateful that they have later reimbursed the fund, although to do so is not required. As you know our parish supports many worthy outreaches; but this one is reserved for our own. (our We celebrate Baptisms on Sundays following the 10:30 Mass. Our Baptism Guidelines and Baptism Information Forms are available on our website For further information, please contact Trish O’Toole in our Parish Office at 847-446-0856. Currently the Sarto Fund is somewhat depleted; we appreciate any financial support you can provide. CAREER RESOURCES Of the many resources available for persons seeking employment, here are just a few that we thought might be of interest: Holy Cross in Deerfield and St Gregory Episcopal have a joint ministry called Career Renewal, which meets at Holy Cross every other month. Its website is: home.html Career Transitions Center, of which Old St Pat's is one of about 20 interdenominational sponsors, is a full time career counseling/skills assessment, etc. operations. Some of its services are free, but some require payment. Holy Name, Old St Pat's, OLPH, St Josaphat, Loyola U, DePaul U, and Kenilworth Union Church are among the sponsors. The center’s website is: http:// Time: Sunday, May 17, 10:15AM until Noon Location: Holy Cross Church Community Room 724 Elder Lane Deerfield, IL 60015 Organization: Career Renewal Ministry We are a group of 20 volunteer advisors who provide FREE one on one assistance to help individuals navigate the job search maze. Established in 1986, Career Renewal has assisted more than 1000 people by walking with them through every step in the job search process. Contact: Mickey Casner or Sharon Dieter ANNUAL CATHOLIC APPEAL Our faith is lived in schools and parishes, soup kitchens and counseling centers, on street corners and in churches, where people of all backgrounds in every neighborhood of the Archdiocese of Chicago are served. Your gift to the Annual Appeal helps to sustain Catholic schools, religious education, ministerial formation, and initiatives for life, peace and justice. Through its support of Catholic Relief Services, the Appeal serves people worldwide, without regard for religious affiliation, whose lives are devastated by natural disasters, illnesses, wars and famines. We feature private coaching by industry professionals and a wide variety of education and training programs. Our services are individualized, resultsfocused, and affordable. Please make a pledge to the 2015 Annual Catholic Appeal, if you haven’t already. Visit or call 847-295-5626 and ask us about coming in for a tour. 2015 Goal: Pledged to Date: Amount Paid to Date: Balance Due: $72,703 $59,634 $37,609 $22,025 Baptism Preparation 4th Sunday of the month 9:15 - 10:15 am in the Parish Office Conference Room. Sacrament of Matrimony Contact a priest or deacon 6 months prior to the anticipated date of marriage. Sacrament of Anointing Please call one of the priests at 847-446-0856. Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday 9:00-9:30 am HEART TO HEART pastor to parish and witness to the Good News of Jesus Christ as young people in a new setting, a new phase of life. Principal and DRE Searches I’m told that the Nite Lites event was organized very differently this year. This being my first year, I personally have nothing to compare this event with. I can tell you this, though, it was wonderful! This past week we conducted two more initial interviews for the principal position and this coming week two more candidates will be interviewed. Due to the bulletin deadlines, I write this beforehand. All four of these candidates look very promising. The initial interviews for the DRE position are also continuing. Clearly, there was a great deal of behind -the-scenes work for months on end in order to prepare for Saturday night’s gala at the Skokie Country Club. The silent and live auctions that took place obviously required lots of advance work. I’ve been talking with other pastors who are also looking for either a new principal or a new DRE and, believe me when I say that Sacred Heart parish is way ahead of the game. Some parishes haven’t even started interviewing yet. Preliminary reports indicate that Nite Lites was a great success in support of the school. I’ll wait for the bookkeeping to be completed on the event, but the initial word on it says that we certainly hit our goal. More information later. I know people here would like these positions filled as quickly as possible and are anxious to know who will be succeeding Sisters Kathleen and Luanne. I would put myself in this category too. But we’re right on schedule. More than that, we are very organized and have the right parishioners involved in the interviewing process. We will come to a decision soon and, in both cases, the successors who fill these staff positions will be a good fit for Sacred Heart parish. Nite Lites Thanks to all who made this event a successful fundraiser for Sacred Heart School. And by the way, it wasn’t just a fundraiser. It was a fun-raiser, too! Sending Forth This weekend at the 4:30 Sunday Mass we send forth the eighth graders who have been a part of the religious education program. It’s a way to mark their special transition from the “cocoon” of elementary religious education into the wider world of high school and youth involvement in the practice of our faith. In other words, we don’t send them forth as if they are graduating from the faith, but to more intensely practice it Keep the prayers coming, for prayer helps as much as all the organizing and interviewing. Pray that we continue the great legacy of our school and our religious education program and that the “big shoes” that need to be filled with be well and truly filled! Did You Know? This is what the Church says about these two positions. With regard to a DRE: “The single most critical factor in an effective parish catechetical program is the leadership of a professionally trained parish catechetical leader.” With regard to a principal: “Under the direction of the pastor . . . the principal of the Catholic school plays a crucial role in achieving the catechetical objectives of the parish. The Catholic school is a center for evangelization; thus, its catechetical program is essential to its distinctly Catholic identity and character.” [National Directory for Catechesis, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, 2005, numbers 53.5 and 53.9.] CONGRATULATIONS AND BLESSINGS TO OUR SACRED HEART RELIGIOUS EDUCATION GRADUATING CLASS OF 2015 Elise Albertson Ryan Hering John Perkins William Bechtel Payton Hielscher Emma Pigott Madison Bianco Theodore Hines Roan Pluta Pierce Brachmann Lindsey Hollis Gavin Randle Amelia Chiang Chloe Huh Matias Hernandez Rasch Ryan Coe Samantha Johnson Alexandra Riedinger Josephine Crumley Aidan Jones Matthew Schlom Grace Donnelly Gretchen Jones Benjamin Schuer Meghan Dwyer Sean Katauskas Charlie Schuham Benjamin Erhardt Maximilian Kiener Nathaniel Seaman Brendan Fisher Alyssa LeVeille Jaime Sierens Charles Forbes Caroline Lommer Robert Soudan Kaitlin Forman Margaret Lynch Faith Stineman Maddie Geiger Sawyer Martini Lillian Tiemeyer Sara Gilchrist Matthew Moag Jack Townsend Declan Graver Lilly Mosele Isabella Vancil Frances Hackett Ben Murlick Isabel von Kapff Grace Hackett Marcos Nordenstahl Christopher Walsh Timmy Hackett Liam O'Connor Fallon Warshauer Julia Hamill Margot Paschen Jackson West Brendan Hering Brianna Perez John Zipoli Hearts Nurtured by Faith If God can work through me, he can work through anyone (St. Francis of Asssi) SPARKED HEARTS RELIGIOUS EDUCATION NEWS SCHOOL NEWS SUMMER SERVICE TRIP will be to McAllen, TX July 26– Aug. 1, where we will work with Habitat for Humanity and Sacred Heart Humanitarian Respite Center. See the website for more information. Please contact Carol if you are interested in going on the trip, and adults I need you, too! Registration is now taking place for the new school year. Please register online before June 15 and pay in full to receive a discount in tuition. See the parish website and follow the leads to the religious education registration. Sacred Heart School will be enjoying Teacher Appreciation Week! All our teachers and staff will be treated to special lunches and treats all week long. Thank you to our wonderful Sacred Heart Community for taking such good care of us! This evening is the Rite of Sending Forth for our 62 8th graders. The 4:30 Mass has a special rite and blessing and concludes the year with an Ice Cream Social for everybody after Mass. On Friday, May 1st our 7th and 8th graders will be hosting a Jr. High dance at 7:00pm in our school gym. NCYC Interested in attending the National Catholic Youth Conference this November? This is an incredible opportunity to learn, pray, celebrate, and have fun with 23,000 Catholic teens from around the country. Contact Carol if you are interested! JUNIOR HIGH NIGHT is every second and fourth Tuesday of the month. All seventh and eighth graders welcome, AND NOW 6th grade as well! Welcome 6th graders! Stop by after Masses this Sunday to buy a shirt for your dog designed by our students! Shirts are in multiple sizes and sold for $15. Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @SparkedHearts and find us on Facebook! Contact Carol anytime 847446-0856 x. 132 or There is one more class for P/K -grade 7 next Sunday. May 3. Classes end with a May Crowning in the gym lead by the 5th grade class. Presentation of awards follows. Finally, catechists are needed for many grades. Please call the R.E. Office 847-446-6535 to talk further about volunteering for this wonderful ministry. Classes are held on Sundays 9:00-10:15 AM. Blessings and Peace! Our Grand Receipts and Box Tops contest is in full swing! Please bring them in to the school or gathering space at church. Thank you for helping us here at Sacred Heart School! Grandparents/Special Friends Day will be coming up soon, on Friday, May 8th. Please join us for a fun filled day at church for May Crowning and then back to school with the grandchildren! Also, coming up next week is our Kindergarten Mother’s Day Tea on Thursday, May 7th! Hearts Making a Difference The nation doesn’t simply need what we have. It needs what we are. (St. Teresia Benedicta , Edith Stein) Many thanks to all who cooked and served at A Just Harvest on April 19th. With your help, 131 meals were served, and, additionally, 52 people were given produce and baked goods from the food pantry. Eighth grade Religious Education students prepared 6 casseroles with the help of their catechists, led by Kristin Lolli who took on this service project. Other casseroles were prepared by Jerry Sunko, Beth Benson, and Annie Carmichael. Sunset Foods' and Once Upon a Bagel's generous donations added to the meal. Our servers were Cathy Lehman, Lisa and Adele Centner, and Bruce, Terry, and Maureen Carmichael. ELIZABETH MINISTRY ROSARY OUTREACH OPPORTUNITIES The Elizabeth Ministry will say the Rosary in the Chapel upstairs in the Parish offices once a month at 9am on the following Thursday mornings: Tuesdays and Thursdays during the School Year Tutor Elementary students at St. Columbanus School. Leave SH at 9am, return by 1:30pm. May 14 June 4 The Rosary lasts 20-30 minutes and is a lovely way to connect with other women/moms in the parish. MINISTERS OF CARE TRAINING We are in need of Ministers of Care to bring Communion to the sick, homebound and hospitalized of our parish. A training session will be offered this summer and fall at St. Benedict Nursing and Rehabilitation Center Hollbrook Hall 6930 West Touhy Avenue Niles, Illinois. Sacred Heart provides the meal and serves at A Just Harvest on the third Sunday of each month. New volunteers are always appreciated. Contact Patty Sanfilippo by emailing This course is designed with the person in mind who is new to parish ministry. Each session will focus on a particular aspect of the Ministry of Care; however, the unifying thread woven through all is a commitment to helping you develop the skills and confidence needed to be a source of comfort to those who are sick. Sessions will run two hours and will include a talk given by an experienced facilitator accompanied by group discussion and/or an exercise to help you practice a particular skill. If you have any questions regarding the Ministers of Care Ministry, please contact Mike McNulty or Judy Pyke at 847-446-0856. Wednesdays St. Columbanus Food Pantry: Packing of Food at 7am at St. Columbanus Rectory Garage; Distribution of Food at 10am. Thursdays Shadow a Minister of Care at LakeCook Nursing Home or Glen Oaks Nursing Home. Contact the Parish Office for more information. Third Sunday of Every Month A Just Harvest Community Kitchen: prepare casserole and/or serve dinner. Arrive by 4:30pm, home before 7:00pm. Contact Patty Sanfilippo for more information. RESPECT LIFE MINISTRY Join our Respect Life Ministry in our weekly prayer for life: For a change in laws, policies, and attitudes that discriminate against and marginalize the marginalized and forgotten of our society. We pray to the Lord! Hearts Connected for Community Love is the beauty of the Soul (St. Augustine) SPONSORED BY JUNIOR HIGH YOUTH MINISTRY STEWARDSHIP GIVING April 19, 2015 YTD Actual Sunday and Christmas Collection: $895,700 YTD Budgeted Sunday and Christmas Collection: $969,289 Shortfall: ($ 73,589) Actual Easter Collection $ 61,834 Budgeted Easter Collection $ 62,000 Shortfall ($ 166) Hearts Connected for Community Love is the beauty of the Soul (St. Augustine) THIS WEEK AT SACRED HEART Monday, April 27 SHS Enrichment 3:15PM/PCR Kitchen RCIA Workshop 7:00PM/PCR Tuesday, April 28 Finance Council & Parish Pastoral Council Meetings 7:00AM/POCR SH Playgroup 8:20AM/PCR Prayer Group 9:00AM/POFR SHS Girls Club 3:15PM/PCR & Kitchen Wednesday, April 29 Scripture Study 11:00AM/POFR SH Enrichment 3:15PM/PCR Kitchen Friday, May 1 7th & 8th Grade Dance 7:00PM/Gym Sunday, May 3 Last Religious Ed Class SAVE THE DATE Golden Wedding Anniversary Mass Sr. Kathleen’s & Sr. Luanne’s Farewell Mass & Reception Sunday, June 7th 10:30 AM. The Golden Wedding Anniversary Mass will be held on Sunday, August 30, 2015 at 2:45 PM at Holy Name Cathedral, 735 North State Street, Chicago, Illinois. Couples married in 1965 interested in attending this celebration should contact their parish to register. For further information, call the Marriage and Family Ministries Office at 312.534.8351 or visit the website: The following Winnetka businesses are supporting our initiative as well, and have agreed to donate a portion of their proceeds for the week of May 10th to Sacred Heart for the Wounded Warrior Project! Londo Mondo, Blowout Bar, O’Neil’s, Trifecta & Little Ricky’s Restaurants. SCHEDULE Mass Intentions Monday, April 27 7:00am Parishioners of St. Columbanus 8:30am Barry Hagan Tuesday, April 28 7:00am Intentions of the Prayer Group 8:30am Rafael Villacorta Wednesday, April 29 7:00am Fr. Dan Tranel 8:30am David DiPaolo Thursday, April 30 7:00am Residents of Glen Oaks & The Grove Nursing Homes 8:30am Elizabeth Fay Friday, May 1 7:00am Brian Barnett 8:30am Michael A. McNulty & Angela Cosgrove Saturday, May 2 8:30am Intentions of Patrick McNulty 5:00pm Joseph Williams Jr. Sunday, May 3 7:30am Genevieve Conway 9:00am Intentions of Sue Johnson 10:30am Cathy Berleman 4:30pm Parishioners of Sacred Heart MINISTERS OF CARE April 30 Lake Cook/Barbara Baisley Glen Oaks /Frieda Baker, Cathy Nowacki LITURGICAL MINISTERS—May 2-3 5:00pm Saturday May 2 Presider Fr. Lanza/Deacon Gerald Keenan Greeter(s) Virginia Laura, Patty Sanfilippo Servers John Hession, Margo Hession, Rory Hession Lector(s) Claudia Mann Eucharistic Ministers Dan Kubasiak, Deb Kubasiak, Claudia Mann, Patty Sanfilippo, Lamarr Tyler Cantor/Choir Saturday Choir 7:30am Sunday May 3 Presider Fr. Lanza Greeter(s) Edna Smith Servers TBA Lector(s) Pete Wais Eucharistic Ministers Bernadette Broccolo, Nancy Wais, Pete Wais Cantor/Choir Laura Fox 9:00am Presider Fr. Lanza/Deacon Keenan Greeter(s) David James Servers Jack Craddock, Owen Gardner, Ian Graves Lector(s) Josephine Olson Eucharistic Ministers Arlen Craddock, Ryan Gardner, Robert Maganuco, Josephine Olson Cantor/Choir Renee Gott Haring 10:30am Presider Fr. Nyache/Deacon McNulty Greeter(s) Erin Allgaier, Patty Sanfilippo Servers Aidan Adler, Patrick Adler, Charlotte O’Bryan Lector(s) Steve Knaus Eucharistic Ministers Tim Cawley, Steve Knaus, Kay Madden, Mike Pompizzi, Patty Sanfilippo Cantor/Choir Sacred Heart Choir 4:30pm Presider Fr. Lanza Greeter(s) Marion Powers Servers Scott Grodecki, Claire Kelly, Ryan Kelly Lector(s) Brian Norton Eucharistic Ministers James Collins, Lynn Finneke, Marion Powers Cantor/Choir Children’s Choir Altar Servers Daily Mass 8:30am May 4 Ryan Craddock, Maureen Hines May 5 Emily Yager May 6 Rory McGuire, Izzie Schario May 7 TBA May 8 Bailey Byrnes, Maureen Hines May 9 Maggie Graves SACRED HEART PARISH CONTACT INFORMATION Pastoral Staff Rev. Steven M. Lanza, Pastor— Associate Pastor—Rev. Collins Kisaka Nyache— Pastor Emeritus—Rev. Robert E. Ferrigan—847-647-6557, Rev. Robert J. Heidenreich Pastoral Associate—Judy Pyke— Permanent Deacons—Michael J. McNulty——Gerry Keenan— 773-251-6626 Director of Music—Todd Gresick— Children’s Choir—Kathy Janega Keenan— Business Manager/Administrative Assistant to the Pastor—Michelle Wasielewski— Sacristan Coordinator—June Hocter— Youth Minister—Carol Nowatzke— Principal—Sr. Kathleen Donnelly , O.P.— 1095 Gage Street—847-446-0005— Religious Education Director—Sr. Luanne Wilhelm, SLW— 1095 Gage Street—847-446-6535— Support Staff Administrative Assistant & Bulletin Editor—Trish O’Toole— Accounting/Census/Contributions/Tuition—Cindy Atsaves— Bookkeeping—Suzie Danstrom— Parish Office 847-446-0856/Fax 847-501-5311/ Hours: Monday & Tuesday 8:30am—8:00pm, Wednesday—Friday 8:30am-4:30pm School Office : 847-446-0005 Religious Education Office: 847-446-6535 Visit our website Find us on Facebook & Follow us on Twitter: @SHWinnetka CHURCH NAME AND NUMBER — Sacred Heart Church #862 ADDRESS — 1077 Tower Road Winnetka, Illinois 60093 PHONE — 847-446-0856 CONTACT PERSON — Trish O’Toole x 101 SOFTWARE — Microsoft Publisher 2007 Adobe Acrobat 8.0 Windows XP Professional PRINTER — HP Laserjet 1022 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT = 12 SUNDAY DATE OF BULLETIN April 26, 2015 THANK YOU!
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