E-News-May-June-2015 Wow! Spring is here already! The fields and trails are nearly dry, the snow is gone and it’s time to get out and enjoy your horses. SAHA has loads of activities planned for this year so come on out and enjoy! SAHA will be promoting events and club activities with a Bi-monthly Events Update. Please let us know of your event for promotion! strathcona_allbreed@hotmail.com Recent Activities and Meetings March Club Meeting Thursday, March 5, 2015 Dessert and Awards Night Mmm! Those desserts were just scrumptious! Thank you everyone for bringing such an amazing selection of desserts. And the winner of our best dessert trophy was Maggie Portas with her delicious recipe for mixed fruit Pavlova. Check out the recipe at http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/ina-garten/mixedberry-pavlova-recipe.html#lightbox-recipe-video .Then we presented awards to all the riders in our Versatility/Milestone and TRIP programs. The complete results will be posted on the web-site but some highlights were: Versatility/Milestone: Competitive Hi Point and Hi Point Arabian & Part Arabian – it was a tie! RNX Dreamworx and Jeanne DesRochers and CEP April Dreams and Hedi Klassen. Pleasure Division-Hi Point Arabian was CEP Miller Light and Hedi Klassen and Hi-Point was Donnie West Glo and Judy Spence. Trail Riding Incentive Program (T.R.I.P.)- 9 riders achieved or exceeded their 2014 goals, Jeannie DesRochers received her 1500 mile award (Diamond), Tracey Stock and Eldon Bezaire received their Bronze awards (100 miles). The overnight prize was won by Ken Komm. Congratulations to all our Club members and their horses who put in so much time and effort for this program. And a huge SAHA thank you to Linda Vongrad and Pat Friday for all their hard work and efforts to make these programs such a huge success! Linda Vongrad was presented with a SAHA Lifetime membership for her outstanding volunteerism. Way to go Linda! 1 Sleigh Ride and Winter Fun Day Sunday, March 15, 2015 Unfortunately we had to cancel our Wagon ride and winter fun day due to an illness in the Dimmock family. We will try to re-schedule if we can! April Club Meeting Thursday, April 9, 2015 Carolyn Schmidt gave a very informative presentation on the American Competitive Trail Horse Association. The ACTH offers rides that provide a natural setting for your horse and are a lot of fun! There are 6 divisions which mean you can participate at a non competitive level with or without obstacles or compete at levels that require increasing degrees of skill. Meeting, door prize and snacks were sponsored by Courier Equine Park, Bob and Hedi Klassen, For more information on ACTH contact Carolyn@actha.ca or www.actha.ca. The next ride in our area will be on June 27 at the Blackfoot. 30th Anniversary-WOW! What a Party! Saturday, April 11 at DOW Centre in Ft. Saskatchewan 119 members, past members, family and friends enjoyed an amazing evening of celebration. The Party was a great opportunity to get re-acquainted with old friends and make new friends, to share our horse stories, to enjoy a fabulous meal by Apulia Catering, to dance to music supplied by Escuba’s Entertainment, to see pictures of past and present activities, to look at SAHA memorabilia, to enjoy fabulous western centerpieces and to win some great door prizes. We even had 12 of our past presidents attending and 11 children who danced up a storm and enjoyed the crafts. Many thanks to our Board of Directors: Wendy Zelt, Karen St. Amand, Carol Spriggs, Maggie Portas, Karen Zelt, Emma Dybka, Betty Bezaire and Celina McElroy for all their hard work in selling tickets, making door prizes and centerpieces, decorating, manning the ticket table, setting up kids crafts, handling the door prize draw and putting together the memorabilia and photo show. We’re a great team! Also a huge thanks to our Door prize donors: Wendy Zelt, Betty Bezaire, Carol Spriggs, Karen Zelt, SAHA and Atco Gas. And to everyone who made a Centre piece including: Ken, Wendy, Karen, Celina, Maggie, Hannah and Grace Dybka, and Vivian and friend. They were amazing! And the contest winners were Hannah and Grace Dybka! And a BIG, BIG SAHA thank you to all our past presidents and all our members for your hard-work and dedication and the thousands of hours of volunteer time that you have give our Club over the past 30 years. Without your help, SAHA would not have been the great success it has been. THANKS!!! 2 Wow! What a Party!!!! 3 Tour of Lord Strathcona’s Horse Mounted Troop Equine Facility Saturday, April 18 23 Members and Friends joined us for a tour of the Strathcona Mounted Troop’s Facility just north of the Namao base. We were greeted warmly by the troop commander and given a brief history of the Troop. Then we proceeded to the indoor arena to watch the troop practice their manoeuvres for the musical ride. Many of the young men had only been riding since January and the moves in the ride we viewed had only been practiced for a few days and were we ever impressed! The men and horses even completed windmills without any errors! At the end of the ride, Wendy presented the troop with our donation of $1,000 to help with their costs and we met the horses and riders. Then we were given a tour of the stables and the tack room where the saddles are stored and where repairs and refurbishing of tack occur. And finally we were given a great barbeque of hamburgers and hot dogs and a chance to purchase some memorabilia. A fabulous tour and many, many thanks to Pat Friday for arranging the tour for us. Lord Strathcona’s Mounted Troop Tour 4 Upcoming Meetings, Events and Workshops Horse Play Day Saturday, May 2, 1-4 PM at Zelt’s, 52222 Rg. Rd. 215 We will be setting up an obstacle course in our arena so that you can practice with your horse and then take you out on the trail to see what you have learned. Our members will share their expertise with you and help you manoeuvre the obstacles. Let us know if you have any obstacles you can bring. Refreshments will be provided and we will have a wiener roast after the event. RSVP to Karen Z. at kzelt@xplornet.com Parking and attendance is limited. May Club Meeting Thursday, May 7, 7:00PM at Ardrossan Memorial Hall Guest Speaker: Dr. Jodi Santarossa DVM Topic: Equine Acupuncture. Learn more about how acupuncture is used as a treatment for horses: when is it an appropriate treatment, how can it benefit your horse, what training is required for practitioners and what benefits does it have for equines. Jodi is an expert on alternative therapies for horses so come out and learn from her! Mothers Day Weekend Horse Show Saturday, May 9, 9AM sharp at Fultonvale Arena / Strathcona Olympiette Centre, 52029 Rg.Rd. 224 An All-Breed schooling show with Western and English classes for all horses and all ages. Volunteers needed: if you have some First aid or CPR training or could be an extra in case of illness please call Wendy at 780-922-3222 or kawlzelt@gmail.com. We’re on the Count Down now, we already have 16 pre-entries and 3 of our County Council members are coming to watch the show. We could still use a few more Sponsorships at $25 per class so let Wendy know if you are interested. See you at the Show!!! Horse Showcase- For the Love of the Horse Kids Clinics Sunday, May 24 NEWS FLASH – The response to the “For the Love of the Horse” Kids Clinics has been amazing with over 40 kids pre-registered to date!! With more kids comes the need for more volunteers to assist with the clinics – if you enjoy working with kids and horses and are available on Sunday, May 24th please contact Karen Zelt at kzelt@xplornet.com or call (780) 922-8373. See Attached Poster 5 Dog Jog and BBQ Thursday, June 4, 6:30PM at Waskahegan Staging area, Blackfoot Grazing Reserve. Campfire and wiener roast will be followed by a walk with your dogs on Lost Lake Trail. The event is potluck. Please RSVP to Carol at cspriggs@telusplanet.net or call 780-464-026 with what you would like to bring (salads, desserts, cold drinks, etc.) The Club will provide wieners, buns, condiments, hot chocolate and coffee. Please bring a lawn chair. Hope to see you all there! Happy Trails! How to Drive a Truck and Trailer Clinic Friday, June 5, 6:30PM at Fultonvale Outdoor Arena Have you ever wanted to be able to drive your horse and trailer but been scared to try. Or got your trailer stuck and been unable to back up or turn around. This is the clinic for you. George Portas will help you to learn how to drive your trailer safely, how to turn, drive through pylons, back up and park, etc., all in the safety of a parking lot and without your horse passenger as a distraction. COST: $5 per person, must pre-register by contacting Karen Z. at kzelt@xplornet.com Trail Ride Sunday, June 14, 10:00AM Our first official SAHA trail ride, meet at 10:00, leave at 10:30AM from Waskahegan, ride to Running Dog for a wiener roast lunch and return by 3:00PM. Please RSVP to Ken Z. kawlzelt@gmail.com or 780-922-3222 so we know how much food to bring. Happy Trails!! Laverne Schmidt Clinic at Open Arena Friday, June 26 at 6:30PM Learn more about the American Competitive Trail Horse Association with Carolyn and Laverne Schmidt at our Open Arena at Fultonvale on Friday, June 26th from 6:30 – 8:30 pm. This is a great opportunity to experience first hand what ACTHA is all about as you challenge your horse and yourself to a variety of obstacles all under the watchful eye of Carolyn and Laverne. Cost is $15 per rider for SAHA members and $25 for non-members. 8 rider minimum. Deadline for payment is Friday, June 19. For more information contact Karen Zelt at kzelt@xplornet.com. Trail Riding Incentive Program (T.R.I.P) Now is the time to join this special program. For only $10 you can become a TRIP member and be eligible for some great prizes and incentive awards. Designed for SAHA members who just want to get on their horses and “go down the road”, members set mileage goals, ride with other members and record where and how far they rode. At the end of the year, records are tallied and rewards are given. Contact Ken Zelt at 780-922-3222 or kawlzelt@gmail.com for more information. Entry forms are available on the web-site. 6 Versatility/Milestone Program Do you want to try different activities with your horse? Something new and exciting, outside the box or a little competitive? Then join this great program today for only $15 per horse and rider. You and your horse have to attend a variety of organized events like trail rides, shows, parades, clinics, etc and try to get 5 divisions. Points are given and prizes awarded at the end of the year. Contact Celina McElroy at celina.mcelroy@gmail.com for more information. Entry forms are available on the web-site. Trail Rides An active group of trail riders enjoyed many rides in the Ministik Natural area and the Blackfoot last summer and fall. With the weather so nice, we hope to get out on the trails this week. Ken Z. will notify Club members if a ride is happening and please let him know when you are going out and you want some company at kawlzelt@gmail.com or 780-922-3222 Open Arenas Monthly Open Arenas at Fultonvale will be held again on the last Friday night of the month. Dates are Fridays evenings May 29, June 26, July 24, Aug 21 and Sept 25 (tentative due to Wheale Ranch) and we might include some short clinics on these dates. If you’re interested, let Karen know at kzelt@xplornet.com. More information to follow. Other Clinics, Activities and Events Courier Park: courier@wildroseinternet.ca June 5,6,7 Jim Anderson Horsemanship Clinic June 13,14 ATRA Trail Clinic July 25,26,27,28 – Steve Rother Horsemanship Clinic September 4,5,6 – Boot Camp with Bob and Katelyn September 11,12,13 – Jim Anderson Horsemanship Clinic ACTHA Event: www.actha.ca June 27-Blackfoot 7 WHEALE RANCH WEEKEND Fri-Sun-September 25-27, 2015 Join us for a weekend adventure at the beautiful Wheale Ranch. This is your chance to do some overnight camping with your horse, close to home without the challenges of the mountains. What you can expect? lovely trails in the river valley, canyon ride, fields and bush rides will be led by a ranch family member 20 pens are available for the horses Campsites available for riders-no power 2 arenas-indoor and outdoor Cowboy challenge (obstacle) course set up No horseshoes needed Riders under 18 must wear a helmet and be accompanied by an adult Outdoor BBQ-nightly campfire & singalong Outdoor toilets Cowboy church (optional) on Sunday morning-no riding, horses can spend quiet time in pen Maximum number of riders: 15 Deadline is July 1st for reserving your spot Non-members accepted after June 1st at full price COST: $10/night campsite, $10/horse/night SUBSIDY: SAHA will pay 50% of your cost DEPOSIT REQUIRED: for your cost by July 1st (Postdated cheques for July 1st accepted). Pay at May meeting or June Dog Jog or mail to: SAHA, Box 3168, Sherwood Park, T8H 2T2 CONTACT: Celina at celina.mcelroy@gmail.com 8 Strathcona All-Breed Horse Association Schedule of Events ~ 2015The success of your club and the events offered depend on the assistance of YOU, the volunteers. If everyone gives just 3-4 hours a year, your club will continue to thrive! Please review the following opportunities and contact Wendy at 780-922-3222 or kawlzelt@gmail.com to volunteer. *no General Club meetings in June, July, August or December DATE (subject to change) Saturday May 2 1-4PM Thursday, May 7 7:00PM Saturday th May 9 9:00AM Sharp Sunday, May 24 10 AM-4PM Friday, May 29th 6:00PM Thursday, June 4 6:30PM Friday, June 5 6:30-9:00PM Sunday, June 14 10:00 AM Friday, June 26th 6:30PM ACTIVITY COORDINATOR(s) LOCATION Clinic: Horse Play-Day: Bring your horse and your portable obstacles and practice in the arena. Ride the Zelt’s trails to test your horse. Refreshments & Wiener Roast General Club Meeting Topic: Equine Acupuncture Speaker: Dr. Jodie Santarossa th 30 Annual Mothers Day Weekend Open Horse Show Karen Z. 922-8373 kzelt@xplornet.com Zelt’s Farm 52222 Rg. Rd. 215 Betty B. Ardrossan Memorial Hall Wendy Z. kawlzelt@gmail.com Volunteers needed! Fultonvale Arena For the Love of the Horse Free family event with Kids clinics, Stick Horses, Carriage rides and Obstacle course. Call Karen to volunteer Monthly Open Arenabring your horse and ride with a group of members. Dog Jog and BBQ: Walk at 6:30PM followed by BBQ Karen Zelt 780-922-8373 kzelt@xplornet.com Volunteers Needed Fultonvale Arena / Strathcona Olympiette Centre 52029 Rg. Rd. 224 Karen Z. . 922-8373 kzelt@xplornet.com Fultonvale Olympiette Centre Arena RSVP Carol 464-0265 cspriggs@telusplanet.net How to Drive a Truck and Horse Trailer. Learn all about safety, turning, backing, pylons, etc. Trail ride-bring your horse and enjoy a Wiener Roast at Running Dog Karen Z. . 922-8373 kzelt@xplornet.com Blackfoot Grazing Reserve:Waskahegan Staging Area. Fultonvale Arena Lavern Schmidt Clinicpractise on an ACTH approved obstacle course, learn all about Karen Z. . 922-8373 kzelt@xplornet.com Ken Z. 922-3222 kawlzelt@gmail.com Blackfoot Waskahegan Staging area Wye Rd to Range Rd 210 (north) Fultonvale Olympiette Centre 9 DATE (subject to change) Friday, th July 24 6:00PM August TBD Friday, August 22 6:00PM Sunday, August 23 9:00 AM Thursday, Sept 3 7:00PM Saturday September 19 Sunday, September 20 Friday, Sept 26 6:00PM Fri-Sun Sept 25-27 Thursday, October 1 7:00PM Thursday, November 7 7:00PM Saturday, November 28 6:00PM ACTIVITY COORDINATOR(s) LOCATION Monthly Open Arenabring your horse and ride with a group of members. We might try polocross or another activity Let’s Go to the Racesmaybe we’ll go Saturday afternoon and have a barn tour Monthly Open Arenabring your horse and ride with a group of members. Youth Horse Showwelcome all juniors to our second annual show just for you! General Club MeetingPizza Night Topic: Western Dressage Speaker: Jen Losey (tentative) Clinic: Western Dressage. Karen Z. . 922-8373 kzelt@xplornet.com Fultonvale Olympiette Centre Arena RSVP Carol 464-0265 cspriggs@telusplanet.net Northlands Race Track Karen Z. . 922-8373 kzelt@xplornet.com Fultonvale Olympiette Centre Karen Z., Emma D. 922-8373 kzelt@xplornet.com Fultonvale Olympiette Centre Outdoor Arena Wendy Ardrossan Memorial Hall Volunteer Party!! Thank you 2014 Volunteers! Monthly Open ArenaTentative-due to Wheale Ranch. bring your horse and ride with a group of members. Trail riding Weekend at Wheale Ranch. Camping, trail rides, obstacles, fellowship General Club Meeting Topic: TBD Board members TBD Karen and volunteers Fultonvale Olympiette Centre Celina at celina.mcelroy@gmail.com Wheale Ranch. General Meeting Elections & Charity Fundraiser and planning session SAHA Christmas Party Yummy food, amazing people and fun and games Board members Ardrossan Memorial Hall Carol- need 3-4 volunteers & Santa RSVP Carol 464-0265 cspriggs@telusplanet.net TBD Wendy TBD Ardrossan Memorial Hall 10 2015 SAHA Memberships are now due!! Forms are available on the web-site and e-mail. Please mail them in or bring them to the March meeting. Don’t forget to sign the waiver on the back! Contact SAHA: Box 3168, Sherwood Park, AB T8H 2T2 strathcona_allbreed@hotmail.com www.saha.ab.ca www.facebook.com/strathconaallbreedhorseassociation Wendy 780-922-3222 Monthly meetings- Ardrossan Memorial Hall, 60 First Avenue, Ardrossan: First Thursday except December, June, July, August Our Slogan: “Take Pride when you ride- SAHA 2015” 11 “FREE” KIDS MINI CLINICS Sunday, May 24th Fultonvale Outdoor Arena - Sherwood Park MINI CLINICS INCLUDE: Grooming, Safety around Horses, First Ride and Heavy Horses Sessions start at 9:45 am and at 12:45 pm PRE-REGISTRATION REQUIRED Special Lunchtime Presentations including: Percheron Hitch, Saddleseat World Cup and Trail Challenge Other activities on site include: Stick Horse Making, Breed Alley and Concession For more information: horseshowcase@hotmail.com or call (780) 922-8373. Proudly sponsored by: Strathcona All-breed Horse Association www.saha.ab.ca
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