COUGAR TRACKS 2015 Spring A Publication of the Sahuaro High COUGAR FOUNDATION Incorporated November 22, 1992 The President’s Tracks By Peter DeMars, President Cougar Foundation Board Peter DeMars, President Penn Hightower, Vice-President Fran Johnson, Secretary-Treasurer Marti Jones Cougar Tracks Editor Members-At-Large Harry Johnson, Co-Founder Chuck Adams Pattie Amado Jan Boyd Tina Wainwright Connors Bobby Estrella Debbie Choquette Glasser Jerry Halfmann Fred Knapp Jack Lehmkuhl Sandy Novak Scott Rumel Chuck Stopani David Stopani Peter V. DeMars Sahuaro High School Class of 1970 Another year behind us and as this board’s newly elected president I first wish to thank all those who serve this foundation in either a leadership position or as a supporting member to the Foundation’s goals and service. It is only through the combined efforts of both communities that we can continue to effectively recognize and serve the students, faculty, alumni, school and community. Without diminishing the efforts of many, few have dedicated as much of themselves to this end as Harry and Fran Johnson. Both Harry and Fran served Sahuaro High School in a number of important capacities beginning with the school’s opening in 1968. Harry co-founded this foundation in 1992 in support of the school; both have been inducted into the Cougar Hall of Fame and both continue to serve to this day on its board. Harry’s health has recently limited his attendance at board meetings and necessarily focused some of Fran’s unlimited energy as she and her family work to restore Harry’s strength. Please join me in wishing Harry a full recovery and Fran a little rest. Looking to the year in front of us, the foundation remains strong. Our fundraising, scholarship, recognition programs and funding of various projects and facility needs, which are intended to make life a little easier on both the faculty and staff, continue to grow. The board recently identified two areas for near term focus: increase Foundation membership and streamline our management and information systems. Strategies for meeting and measuring improvements in these areas will be developed and implemented. The board also identified a long-term goal: increase community visibility. One strategy for advancing this objective may be to leverage our voice in local, district and state initiatives that support the Foundation’s goals and conversely, articulate our position on issues that may adversely affect our students and faculty. As recently reported in the Arizona Daily Star, it’s discouraging to think it may take the combined effort of over 200 state school superintendents to get the attention of Arizona’s leaders on educational issues. But it’s encouraging if we can imagine our voice having added effect and even more encouraging that we might lead and inspire others to act. The Foundation has shown great success in providing and sustaining programs that support our agenda; perhaps it is time to look to goals that won’t be reached as quickly but strategically are important to our mission. Over the next several months the board will be discussing, debating and formulating a balanced long-term approach to this goal and this publication will inform you of our progress. If you have concerns that you believe this board or the Sahuaro High Cougar Foundation could or should address, articulate or resolve, please either contact the Foundation via our web-site or contact me directly by email. I look forward to hearing your input. Also, if you know of an alumnus, faculty member or other school associate that is not yet aware of the Foundation or who wishes to become a member of the Foundation, please encourage them to learn of us via our web page. Go Cougars! Page 2 COUGAR TRACKS Spring 2015 The Founder’s Corner By David Ashcraft Article 1 of the Cougar Foundation Bylaws delineates the purposes of the Foundation as it was organized and has continued to function: David Ashcraft, Bill Ismay and Harry Johnson David and Harry are the Co-Founders of the Cougar Foundation & Cougar Hall of Fame The Hall of Fame Breakfast is both a fundraising event and, more importantly, a way to highlight the achievements of the Sahuaro family. Sahuaro Foundation Board with 2013 HOF recipients and families. • to perpetuate the history, traditions, and spirit of Sahuaro High School • to support the activities, students, and staff of Sahuaro High School • to provide services to the alumni • to develop a system of awards and honors to recognize the achievements of alumni, students, and staff. These tenets clearly define the mission of the Foundation, and they have long served as the driving force behind its existence. Many of the school’s traditions, including the colors, mascot and student governance, as well as the template for many of the school’s future activities were established by the initial steering committee that was convened by Harry Johnson in 1967 at Palo Verde High School. After a full day of work at Pueblo, Mr. Johnson traveled across town to meet with a group of future Cougars, even as the land was being cleared, the footings dug, and the walls erected on Camino Seco. Simultaneously, the committee was engaged in its own building project. The Cougar Foundation has singularly strived to ensure that these traditions, and the spirit of Sahuaro, would continue in perpetuity. Last year, as reported in the Cougar Tracks, the Foundation, along with our generous alumni and friends of the school, contributed in excess of $18,000 in scholarships, grants and equipment in support of Sahuaro High School. I would challenge each member to consider establishing a scholarship, or making a regular gift to help the Foundation continue this part of its mission. Alumni connections and reunion activities are central to the Foundation’s purpose. In just five short years, the inaugural Class of 1970 will celebrate its 50-year reunion. At its 40th, the class established an ongoing website for members to share personal and family information and to continue connecting with one another. Several interim reunion activities have also occurred. The Foundation’s published alumni directories have been a valuable resource in an attempt to keep the Sahuaro family connected. Each fall, outstanding members of the Sahuaro community are recognized by induction into the Cougar Foundation Hall of Fame. In addition, outstanding students are honored with cash scholarships that are presented each spring by the Foundation. The ongoing generosity of Foundation members, as well as annual fundraising activities, are vital to the success of these endeavors. (Please mark your Calendars for the 2015 Dick Arnold Memorial Sahuaro Cougar Foundation Golf Tournament that will take place at the newly renovated Forty-Niner Country Club on Saturday, April 18th. More information is available by contacting the Foundation at: In closing, I am reminded of the African proverb: It takes a village to raise a child. Our teachers, administrators and staff do a remarkable job each and every day. I challenge each and every one of the members of Sahuaro’s extended family to become actively involved in this noble pursuit. Page 3 COUGAR TRACKS Spring 2014 2015 Dick Arnold Memorial Golf Tournament at 49er’s Country Club . . . Where Cougars Go To Play! The 2015 Sahuaro Cougar Foundation Golf Tournament will again be held at the updated and continually improving FortyNiner Country Club. The fairways, tee boxes, greens, and water hazards have all been updated and refurbished along with the 49er Club House. FortyNiner Country Club is ready for you to play. Are you? This year’s Golf Tournament is being held on Saturday, April 18, 2015. Of course, there are prizes as well as opportunities to play with your friends and buds, but the real benefit is providing the much needed funding to students and faculty as well as funding two post high school scholarships for Sahuaro’s seniors, grants for students and faculty, and facility updates — all for the betterment of our community. The Sahuaro Cougar Foundation Board and your friends look forward to seeing you at the beautiful FortyNiner Country Club where you will enjoy the course’s beauty along with making and renewing friendships. Forty-Niner Country Club 12000 E. Tanque Verde Road Come Join Us for GOLF and LUNCH Or Just LUNCH!!! Dick Arnold Memorial Sahuaro Cougar Foundation 2015 Golf Tournament; Honorary Golf Chairman, Cindy Rarick 2015 SHS GOLF TOURNAMENT 49er’s COUNTRY CLUB … Where Cougars Play! This year’s Dick Arnold Memorial Sahuaro Cougar Foundation Golf Tournament will be held at the 49’ers Country Club on Saturday, April 18, 2015. Former LPGA player and Sahuaro alum, Cindy Rarick, will serve once again as the Honorary Tournament Chairman. includes a silent auction. The raffle and course play prizes will be awarded during the closing ceremonies as well. Also, the Golf Tournament Committee is searching for a headline sponsor for the tournament. If you are interested, please call Tina Connors at 520-9827715. Lunch immediately follows tournament play in the club ramada adjacent to the club house and Tee Sponsor - $125 Signage Representatives allowed on Tee 2 Additional Lunches Cindy Rarick Honorary Tournament Chairman Saturday April 18, 2015 49ers Country Club Registration: 6:30 a.m. Platinum Sponsor - $400 1 Tee Sponsor Golf Foursome 2 Additional Lunches Special Recognition Green Sponsor - $75 Signage Name: Phone: Company/Address: Start Time: 7:30 a.m. I would like to donate a raffle prize _______ I would like to join the Cougar Foundation for $25 _____ Contact Information Foursome Registration - Singles Encouraged Peter De Mars Foundation President 520-979-4016 Tina Connors Tournament Committee 520-982-7715 Fran Johnson Secretary-Treasurer (520) 247-0336 Please make checks payable to: Sahuaro Cougar Foundation Mail checks and registration to: Sahuaro Cougar Foundation P.O. Box 18181 Tucson, AZ 85731 1. Name, Company, phone or e-mail 2. Name, Company, phone or e-mail 3. Name, Company, phone or e-mail 4. Name, Company, phone or e-mail A) Golf & Lunch: Golf & Lunch $80 Foundation Dues $25 Lunch Only $15 __________ __________ _________ A: Total ___________ B) Sponsorship: Platinum Sponsor $400 _________ Tee Sponsor $125 _________ Green Sponsor $75 _________ B: Total _________ Total columns A & B (Amount Enclosed) $ _____________________ Please make your check payable to: Sahuaro Cougar Foundation We proudly accept: Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover (Please circle one) Name on Card: ___________________________________ Card #_____________________ Exp. Date _________ Card CSC#_______ Please Mail to: Sahuaro Cougar Foundation - PO Box 18181 - Tucson, AZ 85731 Page 5 COUGAR TRACKS Spring 2015 The Editor’s Pick: Heroes and Heroines & Other Notes of Interest By Marti Jones, Editor In Memoriam: Joan Richardson, Sahuaro’s fourth principal, passed away on November 4, 2014 following a brief hospital stay. She was preceded in death by her husband, Ron, who had been an assistant principal at Tucson High. The Sahuaro Cougar Foundation Dedicated to continuing Sahuaro High School’s tradition of excellence through building, strengthening & preserving the Sahuaro Community. Joan came to Sahuaro in February of 1986 after serving as assistant principal at Cholla High School. Prior to Cholla Joan had worked at Rincon and Tucson High Schools as well as in Tucson’s Sunnyside District. Her brilliant mind allowed her to bring many innovative ideas to Sahuaro including the once famous “Tardy Room” where almost every Sahuaro student was allowed to “visit” should they linger too long in the hallways between classes. Joan was also a master at scheduling but did invite input from the faculty when developing a master schedule. Joan, along with Larry McKee, was able to assemble a strong administrative team. They soon brought along Jack Lehmkuhl and Judy Hokett into the team that together was able to develop programs that were later used throughout the District. Although Joan was not an extremely social person she believed it important that the faculty should be a close knit group. To help reach this goal she organized faculty parties at her home as well as supporting holiday get-togethers at other faculty members’ homes. Joan was progressive in her thinking, being one of few women to regularly attend Rotary, a primarily men’s civic group. She was also very interested in politics and later became very involved in the Republican Women’s Group. Her family was extremely important to her and she found comfort in having her sister, Beth, also an educator, live nearby. She was also very proud of her children, Lisa and Ron, as well as grandchildren Brendan, Conner and Jonathan. Joan cared deeply about education and even though she was “promoted” to director of human resources for the last few years before she retired, she often said Sahuaro was best place she ever worked. She felt Cougar Country was truly a family which is a tribute to the entire dedicated faculty she was able to retain. Tucson has surely lost an able and innovative educator. Contributed by Jan Boyd Joan Richardson The Sahuaro Student Council (right) attended the Annual State Conference in Phoenix for all the High Schools throughout Arizona and won the Outstanding Council of Distinction, the highest honor in Arizona for any student council. Way to go, SHS Student Council! Girls Basketball Team Also, Coach Steve Botkin’s SHS girls’ basketball team, pictured left, traveled to Yuma to compete in the Arizona State Tournament and won in overtime with a buzzer beater last shot by Shelby Mattice to win. They now play Thursday night, February 26, in the quarter-finals of the State Division II girls’ tournament. Go Lady Cougars! SHS Student Council Page 6 COUGAR TRACKS Spring 2015 The Editor’s Pick: (Continued from page 5) A Letter from SHS Principal, Roberto A. Estrella Dear Sahuaro Community: I want to start this letter by thanking everyone who continues to make Sahuaro an exceptional school. I feel compelled to address the recent incident that took place off campus. The incident was serious and disturbing. We continue to take strong measures to address this situation. As troubling as this event was, it is not representative of the values or culture held by our students, faculty, staff, parents, and community. I would like to recognize the efforts of those students who more closely represent what our school is about. Here is a short list: Congratulations to our school’s Student Council. They were recently awarded Outstanding Council of Distinction, the state’s highest award for student body councils. They were recognized largely due to their many community service efforts. This semester, our student leaders continue to build on those efforts. They have been working with Mesquite Valley Growers, Home Depot, TEP, and other organizations to plant 50 trees on our campus. They are also working with Flouresco and the Cougar Foundation to restore the courtyard clock. The Impact Club is sponsoring a 1,000 Acts of Kindness Challenge for Sahuaro. Our goal is to document 1,000 acts of kindness as quickly as possible. We have challenged Palo Verde High School to do the same. If students see an act of kindness, they can ask a teacher for a green slip to fill out and return it to the teacher. The Impact Club will collect these slips to build a kindness chain that will be displayed in the cafeteria. We need everyone’s help to reach this goal! Special recognition goes to our Orchestra. They presented their 2nd annual SOPApilla Night in the Little Theater on Wednesday, January 28th. The Concert Orchestra and Jazz Band performed as large ensembles and the Symphonic Orchestra played in chamber groups (solos, duets, trios, etc). Music from the Classical Era through the Pop Music of today was performed. They played very well! After the performance, they provided refreshments in the choir room. Several members of the Performing Arts at Sahuaro auditioned for the AMEA (Arizona Music Educator Association) Regional Music Festival. Congratulations to the following for being accepted: Band: Geoff Robertson, Katie Robertson, Jon Keating, Daja Burley, Donna Bondoc. Choir: Lylah Field, Jaida Dixon, Casey Mills, Justin Schicker. Orchestra: Carissa Powe, Sanem Reinhard, Liselle Alcorn, Megan Bridges, David Reyes, Rick Botkin, Levi Powe, Matt Bley, Evan Ellingsberg. These are some of the best musicians in the South Central Region of Arizona! In addition, our Fine Arts and Performing Arts have a packed calendar over the next month. Please come out and help support our programs. Upcoming Events: February 16-17: Our school is proud to host the TUSD Middle School Festival during the school day. February 18: The Band, Orchestra and Choir will have a concert in the auditorium at 7:00 pm. It is free! February 19: Sahuaro will host the Thespian Inductions at 6:30 pm in the Little Theater. February 24: Sahuaro Shakespeare Competition at 3:30 pm in the Little Theater. March 4: Sahuaro will host the TUSD Chamber Orchestra Festival at 4:00 pm. March 25: The Children’s Show at 6:00 pm in the Little Theater. Congratulations to our wrestlers Armando Valencia, Adrian Villasenior, Carlos Martinez, JD Luna, and Tino Murrillo for qualifying to compete in the State Tournament in Prescott. JD Luna placed 2 nd at sectionals and Tino Murrillo was the Sectional Champion. Congratulations to the girls soccer team for their state qualifying season. Also, a big thank you to the girls soccer team. They recently helped Kellond Elementary School with their clean up day. Deanna Harris-Quinnan, Kellond’s Principal, wrote in a letter to our school, “Our PTO leaders and Fellowship Bible could not stop talking about their work and character exhibited”. We also wanted to wish the girls and boys basketball teams the best as they head into their sectional and possible state tournaments. Again, this is just a small list, but it is a better representation of what our students do. We have many remarkable students who wake up, come to school, and quietly make our campus exceptional. For more District information regarding Sahuaro, access the TUSD website , choose From the Superintendent at the bottom of page and then click on Team Member Update, February 19, 2015. Page 7 COUGAR TRACKS Spring 2015 COUGAR TRACKS A Publication of the Sahuaro High School Cougar Foundation Marti Jones, Editor Sahuaro High School Cougar Foundation P.O. Box 18181 Tucson, AZ 85731 FAX: Cougar Foundation C/o Sandy Novak 520-731-7105 E-MAIL: info@ More Foundation and Sahuaro News at: http://www.graduateconnectio (Search: Sahuaro High School) Foundation Website See us at: www.sahuarocougar Hall of Fame Nominations Accepted Year Round Nominations for the Cougar Hall of Fame may be made at any time by accessing the Foundation website at . However, the deadline for consideration for this year’s inductees is May 1. If you know someone whom you believe deserves to be honored by his or her peers, please let us know. See you at the 2015 Hall of Fame Breakfast! The Cougar Foundation Offers Continuing Education Scholarships for Faculty and Staff . . . The Cougar Foundation Faculty/Staff Scholarship for Continuing Education is an annual scholarship that provides $500 for one male and one female Sahuaro High School faculty or staff member. Among the stated purposes of the Sahuaro Cougar Foundation is to support activities, students, and staff of Sahuaro High School. These scholarships help meet this goal. The Faculty/Staff Scholarship will provide much needed financial assistance to employees who wish to continue their education. The continuing education must be taken at a two- or four-year institution of higher learning or in an approved educational program that will enhance classroom performance or student contact. To be considered, prospective candidates must have served at Sahuaro High School for at least two consecutive prior years. GRADUATING SENIORS: The foundation also offers two $1200 scholarships each year for graduating seniors (one female, one male) in the spring of the school year as well as mini-scholarships to students throughout the year for activities and enrichment programs. Grants are also offered to faculty for classroom projects or other stated needs. The SHS Senior Scholarship applications are due April 15. For more information and to download applications and information go to the Cougar Foundation Website: MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL The mission and purpose for the Foundation are: To perpetuate the history, traditions, and spirit of Sahuaro High School. To support the activities of its students and staff. To provide services to the Alumni. To invoke a system of honors and awards that recognizes the achievements of the students, staff and alumni. Membership is open to anyone who has an interest in supporting the Foundation and its work. Name_____________________________________________________________________________Class of___________________ Last First Maiden (if applicable) Address____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Street City State Zip Phone: Home________________________Work__________________________Cell_____________________________________ Email:______________________________________________________________________________________________________ DUES: Individual $25; Family $40 per year: Note: Member year is now January 1 – December 31. Donations are gratefully accepted. Donations and membership dues are tax deductible. Enclosed is my gift for: [ ] $1000 [ ] $500 [ ] $250 [ ] $100 [ ] Other Gifts of $1,000 or more will receive a lifetime foundation membership and their name on the donor plaque in the Cougar Hall of Fame. Gifts of $500 & $250 will have their name on the donor plaque in the Cougar Hall of Fame. Make checks payable to “Sahuaro High Cougar Foundation”. Dues: ____________________________Donation: ________________________ Total Enclosed: ____________________ Please make your check payable to: Sahuaro Cougar Foundation We proudly accept: Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover (Please circle one) Name on Card: ___________________________________ Card #_____________________ Exp. Date _________ Card CSC#__ __ __ Please Mail to: Sahuaro Cougar Foundation - PO Box 18181 - Tucson, AZ 85731 Mail to: Sahuaro High Cougar Foundation, PO Box 18181, Tucson, AZ 85731 Email: info@sahuarocougarfoundation Website: SAHUARO HIGH COUGAR FOUNDATION P O BOX 18181 TUCSON AZ 85731 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED
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