19th April, 2015 THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER - Year B - Worship Schedule Masses this Weekend: Vigil Mass: Saturday 6pm Sunday: 9am Sunday: 6pm Weekday Mass: St Anthony’s Parish 54 Agincourt Road. (PO Box 3670) Marsfield, 2122 Phone: 9888 5222 Fax: 9878 2741 Email: office@saintanthonys.org.au Website: saintanthonys.org.au Parish Office Hours: Mon-Fri.9.30am—1pm Parish Staff & Contacts Pastor: Joseva Tuimavule N cm Monday: 9am (Liturgy of the Word) Email: joseva@saintanthonys.org.au Tuesday: 9am Pastoral Associate: Madeleine Pizzuti Wednesday: 9am Email: madeleine@saintanthonys.org.au Thursday: 9am Parish Secretary: Rose Goh Friday: 9am Email: rose@saintanthonys.org.au Reconciliation Saturday 5.30pm Anytime by appointment The Word of God… Parish Secretary: Rita Salameh Email: rita@saintanthonys.org.au School Principal: Julianne Rook Email: info@stamarsfield.catholic.edu.au 1st Reading: Apostles 3:3-15,17-19 Responsorial Psalm: 4:2,4,7,9 Lord, let your face shine on us. 2nd Reading: J ohn 2:1-5 Gospel: Luke 24:35-48 Anzac Day PARISH DIARY: Sunday, 19 April— 26 April, 2015 Sat 25 April You are asked to keep in your prayers all parishioners, friends & relatives who are suffering through illness, especially P R A Y E R M I N I S T R Y Merle Ranasinghe, Pam Taig, Peng Tee Yeow, Eddie Yap, Poh Lian Yap, Konrad Wrzesinski, Magdalena Wrzesinska, Bishop Geoffrey Robinson, Kidir Sitthampalam, Patricia Whiteford, Phyllis Tay, Baby Harper Stapleton, Fr David Catterall, Denise Ghali, =============== Due to privacy laws, if you would like the name of a family member or friend to be printed in the Good Oil, please contact the Parish Office. Also, please keep in your prayers those who have died, recently - Jean Ethel Jaymon Erna Breen Anna Barbara Salvatore Nerello Ian Todd FIRST HOLY COMMUNION Enrolments for the Sacrament of First Holy Communion are now being taken. An Enrolment package may be obtained from St Anthony’s website, or alternatively may be picked up from the Parish office. Children must have completed their First Reconciliation in order to participate in the program. An information evening for parents will be held in the School Hall on Tuesday 21st April commencing at 7.30 pm. For more information please contact Madeleine at the Parish office. Thank you to all our youth who attended our first Youth Mass last weekend. We had many volunteers who helped to make this Mass very joyous and successful. We look forward to seeing you all again every second Sunday of the month at the 6pm Mass. WYD 2016 LAUNCH + YOUNG ADULT WELCOME TO ARCHBISHOP ANTHONY – 21 APRIL All young adults are invited to Sydney’s launch of World Youth Day 2016. This will also be the first time that our new Archbishop will be present at an official Archdiocesan event for young adults so it is a great opportunity to meet and welcome him. It will be a huge night of celebration with Polish food, Polish dancing, information stalls, a catechesis from the Archbishop and even a spot of fine Polish vodka! Come and hear about the exciting pilgrimages that Sydney will be taking in 2016 to the City of Mercy. The evening will be held at St Mary’s Cathedral College Hall on Tuesday 21 April from 7.30pm. The Archbishop will also be presiding at City Silence (the weekly young adult holy hour) in the Cathedral from 6.30pm. For more information see the event at www.facebook.com/ catholicyouthservices or email wyd@catholicyouthservices.org. #getexcited #bemerciful ANZAC DAY 2015 This weekend there will be a form on the front seats of the Church on which to print the names of any deceased war veterans (including current conflicts). We will pray for those listed on the form at the Masses on the weekend of 25th/26th April. There will also be a special Anzac Day Morning Tea after the 9.00 am Mass on Sunday 26th April. Parishioners are asked to bring along any ‘Australian’ goodies for the morning tea, i.e. Anzac biscuits, vegemite sandwiches, etc. Saturday 2nd May, 10am to 4pm A day workshop on “’ENGAGING IN OUR DEMOCRACY’’ What does a democracy ask of its citizens and its leaders? A time for sharing diverse experiences of ways of contributing to a better Australia. At The Grail Centre, 22 McHatton Street, North Sydney. Registration: Online: http://www.trybooking.com/HHPC Email: grailsydney@ozemail.com.au Tel: 9955 3053 Contribution: $20/$10 or what you can afford. Please bring lunch. Tea & coffee provided Aquinas Academy 2015 Courses The Academy will be holding courses on spirituality and the Gospels including retreats throughout 2015 starting from February through to October. More information can be obtained from www.aquinas-academy.com To register please ring 02 9247 4651 or by email secretary@aquinas-academy.com We welcome into our Parish Community through the Sacrament of Baptism this weekend: Jordan Goubar (son of Richard & Lisa) Timothy Wilkinson (Son of Stewart & Catherine) Vocational Discernment Day with the Dominicans In this Year of Consecrated Life, the Dominican Community at St. James'. Glebe will be holding a discernment day for young men (18-35) on Saturday April 25th. The day will include talks on vocational discernment in general, on the religious life, as well as personal testimonies from a Dominican priest and brother. Cost is free and includes morning/afternoon tea and lunch. For more information or to register, please visit 'Dominican Friars Australasia' on Facebook or email vocations@op.org.au You are invited to a morning of quiet reflection at the Grail Centre Tuesday 21st April from 10am to 12pm At 22 McHatton St, North Sydney. We will be reflecting on the meaning of obedience in the context of Benedictine Spirituality. There will be time for silent meditation and the opportunity to share thoughts in a group. We ask for a small donation to cover costs. For more information or to register your interest, please contact the Grail Centre (9955 3053) or ruthcrowe@ozemail.com.au, or Tricia Gemmell (pgemmell@tpg.com.au). Next Sunday is the Fourth Sunday of Easter. In 1963 Pope Paul VI designated this day as World Day of Prayer for Vocations also known as Good Shepherd Sunday. On this annual worldwide event, the Church invites you to ask for God’s blessings that we may be strengthened in our Christian vocation and to pray especially for those God is calling to the Priesthood and Religious Life. Praying the Prologue of the Rule of St Benedict Mount St Benedict Centre 449d Pennant Hils Road, Pennant Hills (Entrance via Hull Road) Date: June Time: Facilitator: Cost: Bookings: Contact: Day 1 Wednesday 20 May OR Saturday 23 May Day 2: Wednesday 3 June OR Saturday 6 10.00am - 3.30pm Christine Manning $20 per day Morning tea provided. BYO lunch. Day 1: by Friday 15 May Day 2: by Friday 29 May 9484 6208 or mtstbenedict@bigpond.com POSITION VACANT: The Archdiocese of Sydney is inviting applications for the position of Casual Outdoor Educational Facilitator, Benedict XVI Retreat Centre, Grose Vale. Enquiries to Anthony Spata, REACH Human Resources, on 0402 210 055. For more information visit www.catholicjobsonline.com.au. Applications close Friday, 17 April 2015. DEVELOPING YOUR OWN SPIRITUALITY UNIT TWO Michael Whelan PhD & Marie Biddle MA, MTh WHEN? 5 Wednesday mornings, 10am-12noon, April 29–May 13 & May 27-June 3* If you are doing the Group Work, the Groups begin at 9am WHERE? Level 5, 141 Har r ington Street, Sydney COST? Without Group wor k: $155/person (incl weekly booklets) With Group Work: $265/person (incl weekly booklets + reader) For reservations and more information: T 02 9247 4651 E secretary@aquinas-academy.com; I www.aquinas-academy.com The Mount Carmel Retreat Centre Six day directed retreat A silent retreat with a spiritual director to accompany you. When: April 27 – May 3 Presenter: Team of Directors Cost: $660 (concessions apply) Where: 247 St Andrews Road, Varroville, NSW, 2566 Contact: 02 8795 3400, email: retreats@carmelite.com www.carmeliteretreats.com.au THE CATHOLIC WEEKLY— 19th April, 2015 The other centenary! Pope points finger over Armenian genocide Celebrating the consecrated life Mercy ‘makes God perfect, omnipotent’ – pope Priest for a day! A boy’s wish come true Daniel Mannix: Irish exile and Australian prince Two dads aren’t better than one: US survey Top girls among CEOs sleeping rough to aid homeless Children are ‘God’s blessing – never a mistake’, says pope Available at the front entrance to the Church. Please put your $2.00 in the Poor Box. CAPTAINS, PLEASE ENSURE TO REMIND YOUR TEAM COUNTERS ROSTER FOR APRIL– MAY: 12/4-Team 1; 19/4-Team 2; 26/4-Team 3; 3/5-Team 4; Please take home a copy of the Good Oil. However, if you prefer not to, please return it to the trays found at each entrance to the Church. COMMUNION UNDER BOTH KINDS Please consider the following: 1. If you have a cold or flu symptoms (or any other communicable disease, cold sores, etc.) you MUST NOT receive communion from the Chalice. 2. In accordance with the General Instruction, we DO NOT DIP the Host in the Chalice. DON’T FORGET TO TURN OFF YOUR MOBILE PHONE. THANK YOU
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