5TH SUNDAY OF LENT • MARCH 22ND, 2015 Saint Catherine of Siena C A T H O L I C C H U R C H 3 6 3 6 N O R T H R I D G E R O A D • W I C H I TA , K A N S A S 6 7 2 0 5 s a i n t c a t h e r i n e w i c h i t a . c o m Vol. 07 • No. 17 Welcome to Saint Catherine of Siena Parish If you wish to join our Parish family, please stop by the parish office during the week to fill out a white registration card and stewardship volunteer form. If you have any questions, please call Clista in the office at 425-0595. Welcome! Monday Stations of the Cross EASTER MEMORIAL FLOWERS If you would like to remember your deceased loved ones this year by purchasing Easter flowers to decorate St. Catherine’s Church, please use the pink envelope inside your packet to make a donation. On the outside of the envelope, please PRINT the name you’d like remembered. You could also use a plain envelope, just make sure to PRINT your name on the top corner of the envelope. You may mail it or bring it to the office, or place it in the Sunday collection basket. Please have all names to the office by Wednesday, March 25th. STATIONS OF THE CROSS AND BENEDICTION FOR ST. CATHERINE OF SIENA SCHOOL CHILDREN PARTICIPATE IN A LENTEN DEVOTION — FRIDAY FRIDAY MASS, STATIONS OF THE CROSS AND BENEDICTION @ 6:30PM, FOLLOWED BY A LIGHT MEAL Mondays, Mar. 23 and Mar. 30, in the Church, 2:30 pm. The Stations of the Cross is for the students and for any parishioners who would like to attend. The 4th and 5th grade students help their kindergarten book buddies follow along in their Stations book. Stations of the Cross and Benediction will be held on Fridays of Lent at 6:30 pm, following the 6 pm Mass. The service is followed by a light meal in the gym. Join us for this beautiful devotion, then stay around for a Lenten meal and time to visit with your fellow parishioners. Early Bulletin Deadlines coming before Easter: March 29th bulletin is due Monday, 3-23 by 10am April 5th (Easter bulletin) due Thurs., 3-26 by noon —— SAVE THE DATE —— St. Catherine of Siena ANNUAL PARISH ADULT APPRECIATION DINNER May 2, 2015 QUARTERMANIA – QUARTERMANIA Sunday, April 12th Time for St. Catherine of Siena’s 2nd Annual Quartermania! Please join us in the church gym. Doors open at 12:00 noon with sloppy joes, chips, dessert and drinks. Bidding starts at 1 pm. If you would like to participate as a vendor, donate an item or help out in any way, please call Katina King katinaking@hotmail.com or 213-4927. HOLY WEEK CONFESSION SCHEDULE Palm Sunday, Mar. 29 …………. 5-6 pm and 7-8 pm Monday, Mar. 30 ………………. 5-6 pm and 7-8 pm Tuesday, Mar. 31 ………………. 5-6 pm and 7-8 pm Wednesday, Apr. 1 …………….. 5-6 pm and 7-8 pm EUCHARISTIC ADORATION During this Lenten Season, please prayerfully consider giving an hour to our Lord each week in Eucharistic Adoration! NO confessions on Holy Saturday, April 4th If you are interested in adoration, please call Mary Jane Wooten at 729-6777. EASTER WEEK MASS SCHEDULE HOLY TRIDUUM AND EASTER SUNDAY Holy Thursday Mass ...........................................8:00 pm Good Friday Stations of the Cross ................. 3:00 pm Good Friday Service ........................................... 8:00 pm Holy Saturday Easter Vigil Mass ................... 8:00 pm Easter Sunday ....................................................... 7:30 am 9:00 am 11:00 am Siena Knights SIENA KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS The March Knight of the Month: Kenneth McCoy The March Family of the Month: 2 Walt and Margaret Shook family Parish Information PARISH OFFICE Hours ............................................... Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Phone ......................................................................................316-425-0595 Fax...........................................................................................316-425-0685 PARISH STAFF Pastor Rev. Daniel J. Spexarth...................................................... 316-425-0595 E-mail ......................................fatherdan@saintcatherinewichita.com Medical Emergency Phone..............................................316-617-9310 Senior Priest in Residence Msgr. John Gilsenan............................................................316-425-0595 E-mail...................................................................... jpg0519@juno.com Secretary Clista Pfannenstiel ............................................................... 316-425-0595 Email ............................................... clista@saintcatherinewichita.com Building and Technology Tim Schmidt…………………………………………316-425-0595 Email…………………...….tschmidt@saintcatherinewichita.com PSR Director Jill Rump................................................................................316-249-2116 Email .................................................. psr@saintcatherinewichita.com Music Director Sara High............................................ shigh@saintcatherinewichita.com Bulletin (deadline to submit Monday @ noon) Linda Wallace ................................ bulletin@saintcatherinewichita.com OUR NEXT STEP FORWARD APPEAL STATUS TOTAL PLEDGED TO DATE: $8,914,672.69 TOTAL GIVEN TO DATE: $4,658,691.26 TOTAL GIVEN THIS MONTH: $283,969.68 STEWARDSHIP Weekly Offering ………...…………………………$49,414.47 Disciples...Growing in Faith Together Expecting a new baby? You are invited to receive a special pre-natal blessing from Father Dan. A white rose dedicated to you will be placed by the statue of Mary as a symbol that the entire parish is praying for you and your baby. The blessings are given at 6:30 pm on the first Monday of every month. Following the blessing there is a Baptismal Preparation Class to help you prepare for the most important day in your child’s life. Please call the Parish Office to register. Parish School of Religion PSR Contact: Jill Rump 316-249-2116 E-mail: psr@saintcatherinewichita.com Classes: Wednesday Evenings 6:30-7:30 pm The Parish School of Religion is available to all children, kindergarten through eighth grade during the school year. Rite of Christian Initiation RCIA Contact: Shawn Gerleman 617-6579 RCIC Contact: Jessica Schinstock 200-3179 If you or someone you know is interested in becoming Catholic, or is curious about the Church, please call Shawn at 617-6579. SCHOOL OFFICE Phone ......................................................................................316-719-2917 Fax...........................................................................................316-719-2930 SCHOOL STAFF Principal Betty Hunt………………………bhunt@saintcatherinewichita.com School Secretary Val Frahm………………..…….vfrahm@saintcatherinewichita.com PRAYER REQUESTS Email ........................................ prayerchain@saintcatherinewichita.com REGULAR MASS TIMES Weekends ........................................................... Saturday (vigil) 6:00 pm Sunday 7:30, 9:00 & 11:00 am Weekdays .............................................Monday & Wednesday 6:00 pm Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday 7:30 am School Masses (public welcome) Tuesday and Thursday at 8:15 am (when school is in session) CONFESSIONS Weekends ......................................... Saturday afternoons from 4-5pm. Weekdays ................................. 30 minutes before each weekday Mass Men’s Club Golf Tournament “What Gifts Do I Share?” I will draw everyone to myself! Throughout Lent we've been hearing how Jesus explained the reason for his coming, to save us from the slavery of sin. The more we accept and understand the mystery of our Lord's unfailing love for us, the more we want to get closer to him. It is, as the prophet Jeremiah said, written on our hearts. We understand what Jesus was trying to tell his disciples because we know about his passion, death and resurrection. But we sometimes forget the message of the Gospel delivered by Christ. The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. God is with us and we only have to approach the Son to know the Father. May the love we experience empower us to turn our hearts over to God! 3 Email Jared Reichenberger @ jreich53@hotmail.com to sign up/info. Liturgical Minister Week Day Schedule Monday, March 23rd, at 7:30 AM Lector Gloria Rader Altar Servers Bergen Loveless Eucharistic Minister Dale Wiggins Monday, March 23rd, at 6:00 PM Lector Susan Baggett Altar Servers Claire Light Eucharistic Minister Linda Wallace Tuesday, March 24th, at 7:30 AM Lector Connie Thomas Altar Servers Lexi Steven 8:15am Servers: Maryanne Hartwell Eucharistic Minister Michelle Becker Wednesday, March 25th, at 6:00 PM Lector Cheryl Rohling Altar Servers Ian Burroughs Eucharistic Minister Kelly Dandurand Thursday, March 26th, at 7:30 AM Lector Barb Berry Altar Servers Katrina Nguyen 8:15am Servers: Sydney Olson Eucharistic Minister Mary Jane Wooten Friday, March 27th, at 7:30 AM Lector Diane Oberthaler Altar Servers Quinn Marlow Eucharistic Minister Ellie Kissling March 28-29, 2015 Andrew Sauer Sarah Wallace Keira Ronsick Gabe Hartwell Janell Fuhrman Nicole Powell Emma Stallbaumer Allene Sherbon Friday, March 27th, at 6:00 PM Lector Altar Servers Margie Solorio Regan Miller Solana Tejeda Eucharistic Minister Volunteer Needed MASS INTENTIONS - WEEK OF MAR 23-29, 2015 7:30 am 6:00 pm 7:30 am Tuesday 8:15 am Wednesday 6:00 pm 7:30 am Thursday 8:15 am 7:30 am Friday 6:00 pm Saturday 6:00 pm 7:30 am 9:00 am Sunday 11:00am Monday Liturgical Minister Weekend Schedule † Richard Silhan † Russ McAfee † Vera Schirf † John Graham † Virginia Cox † Bill McKee † Verna Blanchat † Pat Donovan † Cheryl Rohling Intention of Bob and Kayleen Benoit Intention of Denise Cox For the People † Richard Jacobs ATTENTION LITURGICAL WEEKEND MINISTERS! Please sign in at the back of church when you are assigned or substituting for weekend Mass. Thank you. Eucharistic Ministers 6:00p MH Karen Stein MC Peter Quach CH T J Foley JC Becky Dugan JH Kelley McVey 7:30a MH George Saghbene MC Betty McKenzie CH Dan McKenzie JC Bill Boschert JH Matt Rohr 9:00a MH Jacob Wallace MC Linda Wallace CH Diane Oberthaler JC Renee Pack JH Adam Pfannenstiel 11:00a MH Mary Jane Wooten MC Lisa Williams CH Jeanne Rosov JC Tim Lauer JH Tom Monk Lectors 6:00p Gary Sauber 7:30a Andy Bulloch 9:00a Ann Carlin 11:00a Marvin Rozner Jr Offertory Gifts 6:00p Michael Ronsick family 9:00a Aron/Melody Conley family 11:00a Jason/Kari Mitchell family Hospitality 7:30a Marilyn Fasbender David/Amy Smith family 9:00a Kevin Christopherson family John/Jennifer Kephart family 11:00a John/Christy Keating family Brett/Marilyn Sprowls Preschool 9:00a Tina Powell Jill Rump Lisa Ewertz 6:00p Altar Servers As Assigned 7:30a As Assigned 9:00a As Assigned 11:00a As Assigned Cantor / Musician 6:00p Kelly Benoit Chris Dean 9:00a Sara High Linda Schmidt 11:00a Choir Kim Stecklein Ushers 6:00p Rick Finney Dennis Laird Mike Ronsick Charlie Thimmesch 7:30a Justin Yaeger Matt Yaeger Kyle Masterson Ron Goertz 9:00a Mark Jordan Tyler Jordan Darren Pracht Steve Camp 11:00a AS ASSIGNED Nursery 9:00a April Benoit Faith/Avril Maughan Christin Elson MASS READINGS - WEEK OF MAR 23-29, 2015 Monday Daniel 13:1-9, 15-17, 19-30, 33-62/John 8:1-11 Tuesday Numbers 21:4-9/John 8:21-30 Wednesday Isaiah 7:10-14; 8:10/Hebrews 10:4-10/Luke 1:26-38 Thursday Genesis 17:3-9/John 8:51-59 Friday Jeremiah 20:10-13/John 10:31-42 Saturday Ezekiel 37:21-28/John 11:45-56 Sunday Mark 11:1-10 or John 12:12-16/Isaiah 50:4-7/ Philippians 2:6-11/Mark 14:1--15:47 or 15:1-39 4 St. Patrick’s Day Celebration Thank you to the Men’s Club for hosting the St. Patrick’s Day Celebration last weekend! There was great food and great fellowship! School and Youth News EASTER SUNDAY CHILDREN’S CHOIR A children's choir is now forming to sing for the 11 am Mass on Easter Sunday morning. All youth in grades 2-8 are invited to participate. Rehearsals will be from 6:30-7:15 pm in the Church: Tuesday, March 24, Thursday, March 26, and Tuesday, March 31 Students must attend at least one of the rehearsals to participate. Please contact Sara High with any questions! CATHOLIC KIDZ CAMP 2015 SAVE THE DATES - JUNE 15 - 19 Reflection Train To Be CHAMPIONS FOR CHRIST! Catholic Kidz Camp 2015 is features an Olympic, sportsthemed camp for kids ages 4-5th grade. "Cathletes" will train to live a life of faith with teachings from God's word on the Commandments, the Beatitudes, and the Fruits of the Holy Spirit. Camp times: 8am-12:15pm. Registration will begin in April and space will be limited. If you already know that you want to volunteer, please contact Danielle Holtzman at danielleholtzman@cox.net. "Whoever serves me must follow me, and where I am, Totus Tuus Information there also will my servant be." In today's Gospel, Jesus speaks about death. He gives the analogy of the grain of TOTUS TUUS is back at St. Catherine's wheat that must fall to the ground and die in order to this July! Mark your calendars produce much fruit. Later, he speaks about how he will and save the date for be "lifted up from the earth," making reference to his TOTUS TUUS! crucifixion. He says that the fruit of this will be that he will WHAT - A summer Catholic youth program "draw everyone" to himself. dedicated to sharing the Gospel and promoting Jesus is telling us that death yields a greater good, that it the Catholic faith through evangelization, catechesis, Christian produces fruit. So, when he witness, and Eucharistic worship presented by college age insists that we must follow young adults and seminarians. him, we can take courage. WHO - DAY program for those entering 1st through 6th Yes, following Jesus means grade in the 2015-16 school year. accompanying him all the way EVENING program for those entering 7th through to the cross. It means that we 12th grade in the 2015-16 school year. too are called to carry our own WHEN - MONDAY- FRIDAY, July 13-July 17, from cross and die to ourselves: "Whoever loves his life loses it, 9am to 3pm for 1st through 6th grades. and whoever hates his life in this world will preserve it for SUNDAY-THURSDAY, July 12-July 16, from eternal life." But this death leads to a greater kind of life. 7:30-9:40pm for 7th through 12th grades. When we stay connected to Jesus through thick and thin, we Watch the bulletin for more details and sign up dates! receive eternal life in the end! Jesus says, "The Father will honor whoever serves me." TOTUS TUUS AT ST. CATHERINE’S NEEDS HELP The season of Lent is designed not only to help us reflect a A volunteer is needed immediately to start working with bit more deeply on the sufferings and death of Christ, but the current Totus Tuus coordinator on the 2015 program also to prepare us for the glory that follows. The joy of Easter and become the coordinator for the 2016 program. and the triumph of the Resurrection are all the more powerful Interested? Call Ken and Jona Rohling: 721-9293. precisely because they emerge out of the darkest, most THE LORD'S DINER GARDEN - FOR SERVICE HOURS "hopeless" of situations. When we cling to Jesus even through The garden is located at the South Diner, 2825 S. Hillside, west end these kinds of circumstances in our own lives -- whether they of the buildings. Needed are volunteers, individuals or groups, to be sickness, unemployment, conflict, or disappointment -- we help with Spring cleanup, prep and planting over the next few are those servants that Jesus spoke of, the ones who go where weeks on: Sat., March 28, 9am-1pm; Sat., April 11, 9am-1pm; Sat., Jesus goes, even when the going gets tough. But let us April 18, 9am-1pm. Volunteers will also be needed to help maintain remember, as we march through Lent, that this journey the garden on a weekly basis. Contact Carissa or Sheryl at 266-4966 will bear much fruit. 5 to volunteer. Some tools and gloves are available. MEN’S CLUB MEETING — ALL MEN OF THE PARISH SISTERS OF SIENA PRESENTS: Monday, March 23, 7:30 pm Bring someone new with you! Come join the fun and fellowship! Around the Diocese KCFL, THE KANSAS COALITION FOR LIFE A Parish Mission for us this Spring — April 27, 28, 29 The Way of the Bride: The Mystical Marriage of St. Catherine A Parish Mission… into the Interior Life Coming for the Mission is world renowned Catholic Speaker and Author: Rose Sweet. Her speaking engagements have her traveling all over the globe from small retreats and missions to large conferences. She is a keynote speaker at the World Meeting of Families with Pope Francis in Philadelphia, PA in September. She also leads pilgrimages to Italy each year. Rose is the author of ten books that talk about a variety of valid topics for today’s world. She is a frequent guest speaker on Catholic radio and television. Fr. Dan and the SOS leaders have worked hard to customize this mission to our parish congregation (18 and older). With Fr. Dan’s guidance, Rose has developed a unique experience for all of us: centered on the Mystical Marriage of St. Catherine of Siena to Jesus and how that correlates to the Way of the Bride (the “Church”). More information to come. Please contact Megan if you have any questions: meganlubbers11@yahoo.com The KCFL is in need of more people to take part in prayer at the gate of the South Wind Abortion Facility in Wichita. Shifts are normally one or two hours weekly, but once-per-month, or even once-per-year shifts are also welcome. Also needed are married couples who are willing to adopt a child through the “OPEN ADOPTION” process, wherein the mother and father remain part of the life of the child, as the child grows up. More info: 522-8866. RED CROSS SUMMER INTERNSHIP OPPORTUNITY Develop your skills in Event Planning and Event Management. Help save lives during a critical season of low blood donations. The American Red Cross has an 8 week opportunity for any high school or college age youth between the ages of 16-24 years old. Please contact Jessica Schinstock, American Red Cross Account Manager, at Jessica.Schinstock@redcross.org or 641-3971 if LENTEN FISH FRY MARCH 27 The Colwich Knights of Columbus Council 9510 is hosting a Lenten Fish Fry Fri., Mar. 27. Dinner will be held at Sacred Heart parish hall in Colwich, from 4-7pm. Fried catfish, baked cod, mac & cheese, potato soup, fries, and more. Intercessions for Life: For those who grieve the loss of a child through miscarriage or any other reason: may they rest in the assurance of the Father’s love for their little one; We pray to the Lord: Sunday Bulletin Deadline: Monday at Noon!! Orth Roofing Wichita ReRoofing Specialists In Business Since 1987 Brett Orth 316-721-9961 Parishioner O.W. Garvey Building 200 West Douglas, Suite 350 • Wichita, KS 67202 Carl Maughan, Parishioner (316) 264-2023 HELTEN VETERINARY CLINIC PARISHIONERS OF ST ANTHONY OF PADUA, GARDEN PLAIN, KS Contact James Bradley to place an ad today! JBradley@4LPi.com or (800) 950-9952 x2655 CPM Wichita Margaret Anne Detmer, D.D.S. 8404 W. 13th St. Ste 200 N.W. Centre, Wichita, KS 67212 RON HELTEN, DVM New clients welcome Telephone (316) 721-8100 100 10% discount on 1st visit Fax (316) 721-8707 942-1002 6630 W. Central Family Dentistry heltenveterinaryclinic.com Liebl’s Lawn Service (316) 945-4774 The Grass is Always Greener! Commercial/Residential Janitorial Cleaning 316-208-1303 • kenliebl@cox.net OWNERS: Member of St. Catherine’s Greg & Tracy Valcoure/Bill & Clara Welch • • • • Have IRA questions? Let’s talk. Leann E Smith, AAMS® www.HampelOil.com Financial Advisor 3727 S. West St. • Wichita, KS 67217 • (800) 530-5848 1999 N Amidon Suite 208 Marina Point Wichita, KS 67203 316-831-9818 Maple Suites West 316.308-6670 visionhomes@pixius.net www.edwardjones.com Tony Brand •Shawn Ketzner Ann Allaire Member SIPC FOR AD INFO CALL JAME BRADLEY Fuel Lubricants Chemicals Diesel Exhaust Fluid AT Vision Custom Homes Member - WABA 1-800-950-9952 • Commercial office space for lease. 648-1503 8925 W. Maple Office Suites of Health and Healing Therapeutic Massage !"#$%&'()*+,#-%&'./)*+0'12) 260-9399 healthandhealingmassage.net What every BODY needs WWW.4LPi.COM ree for f " Call &! % !"#$ -7466 07 2 6 31 02"34%)*+,5'67%-+8293"%5%+2"+'9(+8293"%5%+:2"/ ;#3%9)%+'9-+<9)="'93% visit our website www.eandjconcrete.com C B/W 02-0838 ST. CATHERINE OF SIENA, WICHITA 03-13-2015 14:52:30 Minihan & Sons, Inc. Reuben G. Loyd General Contractors Commercial, Residential REALTOR® Experience the Excellence REALTY EXECUTIVES CENTER Cell: (316) 806-1241 316-755-1622 www.reubenloyd.com rloyd3@cox.net Member of St. Catherine’s St. Catherine of Siena Parishioner Parishioner 7817 W. 37th No Wichita, KS 67205 Roofing-Windows-Siding A Reliable General Contractor Seniors Discount! Body, Frame & Paint Light Mechanical Cars for Sale 729-8963 (316)-361-2787 Deb & Steve Camp, Owners garywilbertroofing.com garywilbertroofing@cox.net camp_s@sbcglobal.net Members St. Catherine’s BRAND PLUMBING, INC. 316-942-2306 Residential • Commercial New Construction • Repair www.brandplumbinginc.com Lic# 1440 1894 2370 Jean-Marc Diaz-Rivera, New and Pre-Owned Sales Nearing Retirement? c. 316-640-8872 | w. 316-685-4848 | jdiaz@davis-moore.com Contact me BEFORE making any irrevocable retirement decisions. Let me help you maximize your retirement income. Hablo Español Mention this ad at purchase and Davis-Moore will make a donation to St. Catherine! Armstrong Plumbing 1890 Harry Street • 942-9535 Angie Tejeda, MBA, RFC© Specializing in Hot Water Heaters starting at $695 & Garbage Disposals starting at $159 Financial Planner Call Now For Your FREE Pre-Retirement Review License # 1427 801 WEST DOUGLAS 316.721-5191 WICHITA www.angietejeda.com 316-265-9629 Specializing in Women’s Retirement Needs All securities through Money Concepts Corp. Member FINRA/SIPC. Primary Care Associates Commercial or Residential REMODELING • SIDING • WINDOWS BellsAbbeyFlooring.com RODNEY LAGALY Parishioner A Friendly Neighborhood Environment for Your Medical Needs 316-684-2851 • www.cpa-wichita.com 7111 East 21st Street, Wichita, KS 67206 Call 316.685.1700 Curtis Weninger www.AllSeasonsConstruction.com Parish Member of St. Catherine of Siena 316-722-8380 PremierPumpKS.com Build a bundle. Save a bundle. Jim Morgan State Farm Agent 13303 W. Maple, Ste. 103 Wichita, KS 67235 (316) 721-5769 jim@insurewichita.net 1203025 Bundle auto, home and life for big State Farm® discounts. So let me show you how State Farm can help protect all the things that matter most - for a lot less than you think. GET TO A BETTER STATE.® CALL ME TODAY. State Farm, Bloomington, IL 2300 N. Tyler Rd. Wichita, KS 67205 ReflectionRidgeRetirement.com FOR AD INFO CALL JAMES BRADLEY AT 1-800-950-9952 • WWW.4LPi.COM B 4C 02-0838 ST. CATHERINE OF SIENA, WICHITA 03-13-2015 14:52:30 “Paula is great and we will definitely refer her to other people we know.” 2013 WAAR Master’s Circle Cell (316) 706-6566 pclouse@weigand.com HOME BUYERS & SELLERS Kerry & Todd Hatzenbuehler Maximum Outdoor Equipment & Service Kevin Cline OD Amy Goertz OD 316-832-0088 12111 W. Maple, Ste. 125 943-0201 • 1002 So. West St. www.wichitavisioncare.com Ann Klein Realtor® Cell: 316.990.5566 Office: 316.722.6182 Fax: 316.722.3457 2872 N. Ridge Road, Suite 112 Wichita, KS 67205 8918 W. 21st • 351-5713 12111 W. Maple • 440-2838 Same Owner as Holy Trinity aklein@weigand.com Your Authorized Dealer Amy Ekerberg DVM, CCRT Mark Ekerberg DVM, CVA, CCRT for HUSTLER TURF EQUIPMENT 5701 N Chuzy Dr. • Wichita info@northridgevet.com 316.260.2229 www.cheris-bakery.com www.CustomWise-TurfTree.com 316-267-9111 3233 N. Ridge Rd. Wichita, KS 67205 21st & Tyler • 722-1190 316-943-2903 KansasGolfandTurf.com St. Catherine’s Parishioner SCOTT & JULIE STREMEL Holy Trinity SEAS PARISHIONERS www.stremelandassociates.com 2872 N. Ridge Rd. • Wichita Catholic Books & Gifts, Inc. 8651 W. Central, Wichita, KS 67212 (316) 722-9493 • Fax (316) 722-8055 Hours: M.-F. 10-6, Sat. 10-5 Misha A. Anderson, OD BRANDON HAY/PARISH MEMBER 640-8533 Bhay@haylawncare.com www.haylawncare.com LAWN FERTILIZATION & WEED CONTROL LAWN & LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE SPRINKLER SYSTEM START UPS, WINTERIZATIONS AND SERVICE, SNOW REMOVAL 316-665-7120 Linda Seiwert, REALTOR® • Siding • Roofing • Guttering • Windows For All Your Electrical Needs! Current Member of St. Catherine of Siena PenFed Realty • 3531 N. Ridge Road, Wichita, KS 67205 lindaseiwert@penfedrealty.com • www.LindaSeiwert.com Cell 316 648-9306 • 316 721-9271 316-686-8200 Serving Wichita Since 1968 3607 North Ridge Road Wichita, KS 67205 tel 316 721 2701 fax 316 721 8612 www.grenevisiongroup.com Family Practice Optometry Surgical Comanagement Contact Lenses Bus: 722-6182 Cell: 518-9083 A member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates, L.L.C. OPEN SUNDAYS COCHRAN MORTUARY & CREMATORY MARCH-JUNE & SEPTEMBER-DECEMBER “Landscaping with a Plan” 1411 N. Broadway • Wichita, Kansas 67214 CONTACT ME FOR A FREE SAMPLE Anti-age • Sun Damage • Acne • Sensitivity www.rpack.myrandf.com | Renee Pack | 316-518-8385 316-262-4422 • www.cochranmortuary.com 11200 W. Kellogg • 722-7516 www.bradynursery.com Wichita’s Catholic Owned Funeral Home 119th & Central Wichita, KS Complete Auto Repair Since 1962 Byron J. Nordhus, D.D.S. www.nordhusdentistry.com 721-6730 COLBY REYNOLDS The Real Estate Professionals REALTOR® ST. CATHERINE OF SIENA PARISHIONER Bill Mull Agencies ECK & ECK MACHINE CO., INC. 4606 West Harry 316-942-5924 Paul and Bettie Eck DeGraffenreid Allstate Insurance Company 10011 W 21st St No #107 Wichita, KS 67205 Phone 316.773.9864 Cell 316.259.3550 Email billmull@allstate.com St. Catherine of Siena Parishioners 10300 W. Central Wichita, KS 67212 24-Hour Customer Service Office: 316-722-1400 Cell: 316-558-2292 kansashomebuyer@gmail.com www.underhillreynolds.com Chiropractic, PA Dr. Aaron DeGraffenreid 9095 W. Central 721-4546 Just west of Tyler on Central MIDLAND INSURANCE GROUP INC. GREG ANDERSON 2330 S. Mead P.O. Box 17361 264-1524 Cell 393-6390 Wichita, Kansas 67213 CHRIS A POST GARY L. SOMMERHAUSER PAUL ISEMAN CHRIS A POST AGENCY 2121 N TYLER RD, STE 111 WICHITA, KS 67212-4916 Business • Home • Auto • Life 2969 W. 13th • Wichita, KS (316) 943-1166 Automotive Repair & Towing SEAS Parishioner www.degraffchiro.com Office: 316-729-9890 Email: cpost@amfam.com 412 W. Main St. Valley Center, KS 67147 Ph: (316) 755-0309 M: (316) 765-4401 Brendan McGettigan President www.averyautomotiverepair.com Hours: Mon-Fri 7am-6pm, Sat 7am-Noon Oxler Family Dentistry Jude A. Oxler, D.D.S. • George P. Oxler, D.D.S. St. Catherine of Siena Parishioners 900 N. Tyler Road, Suite 2 • Wichita, KS 67212 The Feuerborn Team 722-2596 316-633-7837 • 888-220-0988 • platinumwichita.com Sprinkler Installation & Service • Irrigation Design • Backflow Testing Winterization • Startups, Sod & Seeding Free Estimate • Residential & Commercial Kirk Richards, Parish Member kirkapex@yahoo.com • www.apexlawnirrigation.com Office: 316.721.7844 • Fax: 316.721.7863 FOR AD INFO CALL JAMES BRADLEY AT 1-800-950-9952 • WWW.4LPi.COM A 4C 02-0838 ST. CATHERINE OF SIENA, WICHITA 03-13-2015 14:52:30
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