6TH SUNDAY OF EASTER • MAY 10TH, 2015 Saint Catherine of Siena C A T H O L I C C H U R C H 3 6 3 6 N O R T H R I D G E R O A D • W I C H I TA , K A N S A S 6 7 2 0 5 s a i n t c a t h e r i n e w i c h i t a . c o m Vol. 07 • No. 24 Welcome to Saint Catherine of Siena Parish If you wish to join our Parish family, please stop by the parish office during the week to fill out a white registration card and stewardship volunteer form. If you have any questions, please call Clista in the office at 425-0595. Welcome! Parish Information PARISH OFFICE Hours ............................................... Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Phone ......................................................................................316-425-0595 Fax...........................................................................................316-425-0685 PARISH STAFF Pastor Rev. Daniel J. Spexarth...................................................... 316-425-0595 E-mail ......................................fatherdan@saintcatherinewichita.com Medical Emergency Phone..............................................316-617-9310 Senior Priest in Residence Msgr. John Gilsenan............................................................316-425-0595 E-mail...................................................................... jpg0519@juno.com Secretary Clista Pfannenstiel ............................................................... 316-425-0595 Email ............................................... clista@saintcatherinewichita.com Building and Technology Tim Schmidt…………………………………………316-425-0595 Email…………………...….tschmidt@saintcatherinewichita.com PSR Director Jill Rump................................................................................316-249-2116 Email .................................................. psr@saintcatherinewichita.com Music Director Sara High............................................ shigh@saintcatherinewichita.com Bulletin (deadline to submit Monday @ noon) Linda Wallace ................................ bulletin@saintcatherinewichita.com SCHOOL OFFICE Phone ......................................................................................316-719-2917 Fax...........................................................................................316-719-2930 SCHOOL STAFF Principal Betty Hunt………………………bhunt@saintcatherinewichita.com School Secretary Val Frahm………………..…….vfrahm@saintcatherinewichita.com PRAYER REQUESTS Email ........................................ prayerchain@saintcatherinewichita.com REGULAR MASS TIMES Weekends ........................................................... Saturday (vigil) 6:00 pm Sunday 7:30, 9:00 & 11:00 am Weekdays .............................................Monday & Wednesday 6:00 pm Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday 7:30 am School Masses (public welcome) Tuesday and Thursday at 8:15 am (when school is in session) CONFESSIONS Weekends ......................................... Saturday afternoons from 4-5pm. Weekdays ................................. 30 minutes before each weekday Mass “What Gifts Do I Share?” This I command you: Love one another! Jesus' words in the Gospel demand our attention. I chose you. I appointed you to go and bear fruit. Love one another. In today's world of fractured religious denominations, it becomes easy to think that we choose a church to belong to, a creed to follow. Jesus, however, declares that he chose us and he commands us to love one another and produce fruit. St John's letter reinforces this message by letting us know that God loved us before we loved him. Our Christian discipleship is a journey of love, living the commandments given by our Savior. May we feel the love of God as it flows through us to our neighbors. 2 OUR NEXT STEP FORWARD APPEAL STATUS TOTAL PLEDGED TO DATE: $8,914,672.69 TOTAL GIVEN TO DATE: $4,774,339.66 TOTAL GIVEN THIS MONTH: $18,508.68 STEWARDSHIP Weekly Offering ……………….…………………. $57,340.49 Disciples...Growing in Faith Together Expecting a new baby? You are invited to receive a special pre-natal blessing from Father Dan. A white rose dedicated to you will be placed by the statue of Mary as a symbol that the entire parish is praying for you and your baby. The blessings are given at 6:30 pm on the first Monday of every month. Following the blessing there is a Baptismal Preparation Class to help you prepare for the most important day in your child’s life. Please call the Parish Office to register. Parish School of Religion PSR Contact: Jill Rump 316-249-2116 E-mail: psr@saintcatherinewichita.com Class: Wednesday evenings 6:30-7:30pm The Parish School of Religion is available to all children, kindergarten through eighth grade during the school year. Rite of Christian Initiation RCIA Contact: Shawn Gerleman 617-6579 RCIC Contact: Jessica Schinstock 200-3179 If you or someone you know is interested in becoming Catholic, or is curious about the Church, please call Shawn at 617-6579. Confirmation at St. Catherine of Siena is this Tuesday, May 12th at 6:30 pm SISTERS OF SIENA MONTHLY MEETING Monday, May 11th at 7pm It’s a Salad Supper!! Bring your favorite salad to share! We will have Tara Murphy tell us about the life saving technique of CPR, as well as other summer wellness tips. Annual Diaper Drive As a tribute of love and devotion for our deceased mothers and grandmothers, the Respect Life Ministry will hold a diaper drive for infants to one year old. Diapers may be dropped off at St. Catherine of Siena Church after Masses this weekend. Your donations will be distributed to pro-life organizations. A display will be located in the lobby. If you have questions, please contact Gloria at 721-9822. To benefit our Seminarians Saturday, May 16th The St. Catherine of Siena K of C invites you to come enjoy the Rib Cook-off and support a great cause. Ribs, burgers, hot dogs, and sides provided. Free will donations for our seminarians are welcomed. The event is: Saturday, May 16th, after the 6 pm Mass in the church parking lot and playground. There will be a sign up sheet after Mass if you are interested in attending. Pre-registration for the event is not required to attend. To enter a team or for information on sponsorship opportunities email: scknightsbbq@gmail.com VIRTUS TRAINING AT ST CATHERINE CHURCH June 2nd at 6:30 pm in the Carpet Room You must have VIRTUS forms on file in the school/parish office and with the Diocese before being allowed to have any involvement with the children. There is another VIRTUS training at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton on Tuesday, May 12, 6:30pm – 9:30pm, at 645 N. 119 Str. ST CATHERINE OF SIENA ROSARY MAKERS The next Rosary Group Meeting is Wednesday, May 13 at 7 pm in the Church lobby. TRAINING FOR CURRENT AND NEW LECTORS FOR ST CATHERINE OF SIENA PARISH Training has been scheduled for Lector training on Sunday, May 17th at 2:00 and/or Thursday, May 28th at 7:00 pm. If you have signed up for this ministry on your Stewardship form, please come in on either day to be trained. For more info., call Clista in the office. 7th Annual Parish Dinner 2015 It was a great Parish Appreciation Dinner this year. Great food, great fellowship and a great speech! Thanks to all who came to share this evening with us! EUCHARISTIC ADORATION During this Easter Season, please prayerfully consider giving an hour to our Lord each week in Eucharistic Adoration! There is an immediate need for an Adorer on Tuesdays from 5-6 am If you are interested in adoration, please call Mary Jane Wooten at 729-6777. SIENA KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS MEMBERS MEETING BABY BOTTLE “CHANGE FOR LIFE” FUNDRAISER When: Mother’s Day through Father’s Day How: 1. Take a bottle 2. Fill them with spare change 3. Return bottle full or empty on Father’s Day Why: Your spare change really can CHANGE a life! Sponsored by: Pregnancy Crisis Center of Wichita, Inc. Questions? Alana Tims: 945-9400 The all members meeting is Thursday, May 14th, upstairs in the School Multipurpose Room at 7:30pm. SIENA KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS The May Knight of the Month: Matt Cortez The May Family of the Month: 3 Hank and Joye Hanniburg family Liturgical Minister Week Day Schedule Monday, May 11th, at 7:30 AM Lector Gloria Rader Altar Servers Avril Maughan Eucharistic Minister Tim Schmidt Monday, May 11th, at 6:00 PM Lector Gary Sauber Altar Servers Lexie Ridder Eucharistic Minister Doug Jacobs Tuesday, May 12th, at 7:30 AM Lector Gloria Rader Altar Servers Jaxson Eck 8:15am Servers: Lexi Steven Eucharistic Minister Tim Lauer Wednesday, May 13th, at 6:00 PM Lector Donna Westhoff Altar Servers Adeline Keith Eucharistic Minister Cheryl Robertson Thursday, May 14th, at 7:30 AM Lector Nancy Jenkins Altar Servers Logan Klaus 8:15am Servers: Anna Wineland Eucharistic Minister Joann Temaat May 16-17, 2015 Chloe Webb Olivia Rizza Izzy Thomas Keira Ronsick Josh Sprowls Lakin Zamorano Braden Beasley Friday, May 15th, at 7:30 AM Lectors Altar Servers Nancy Jenkins Matthew Neice Eliza Neice Eucharistic Minister Ves Temaat MASS INTENTIONS - WEEK OF MAY 11-17, 2015 7:30 am 6:00 pm 7:30 am Tuesday 8:15 am Wednesday 6:00 pm 7:30 am Thursday 8:15 am 7:30 am Friday Saturday 6:00 pm Monday Easter Sunday 7:30 am 9:00 am 11:00am Liturgical Minister Weekend Schedule † Betty Lyeria † Chuck Hadsell † Jeanette Johnson † Lucille Blick † Virginia Cox † Father Vic Bieberle Intention of Adland Family † Rose Weber † Pamela Poe † Gilbert and Lillian Herrman For the People † Jerry Hommertzheim Our Parish website has a NEW LOOK!! www.saintcatherinewichita.com Check it out! ATTENTION LITURGICAL WEEKEND MINISTERS! Please sign in at the back of church when you are assigned or substituting for weekend Mass. Thank you. Eucharistic Ministers 6:00p MH Mary Hale MC Jan Morgan CH Jim Morgan JC Nancy Jenkins JH Linda Mallory 7:30a MH Ves Temaat MC Joann Temaat CH Bruce Meyer JC Lou Perrier JH Lynette Hofer 9:00a MH Dana Fugate MC Dan Allis CH Keith Carlin JC Eric Charters JH Darren Pracht 11:00a MH Veronica Johnston MC Greg Biggs CH Amy Dible JC Tony Hain JH Linda Hain Lectors 6:00p Josh Doeden 7:30a Jan Carroll 9:00a Matt Habiger 11:00a Melissa Beasley Offertory Gifts 6:00p Jerry and Janet Simpson 9:00a Craig/Teresa Dingman family 11:00a Manny/Emily Montenegro Hospitality 7:30a Suzanne/Ernie Neville family Cheryl/Kent Mitchell 9:00a Zac & Meghan Clark Eric/Christy Thomas family 11:00a Traci/Mike Bell Jason/Nicole Fenoglio family Preschool 9:00a No Preschool for the Summer! Altar Servers 6:00p David Zarycki Jaden Thimmesch Rachael Unruh 7:30a Hunter Harris Quade Harris Grant Neville 9:00a Jacob Pfannenstiel Jackson Oxler Audrey Oxler 11:00a Lexie Ridder Kadee Martinez Janell Fuhrman Cantor / Musician 6:00p Matt Ho Patti Monckton 9:00a Katie Archibald Kim Stecklein 11:00a Choir Kim Stecklein Ushers 6:00p Don Henderson Brad Mallory Dale Seiwert Walt Shook 7:30a Mike Hurley Artie Herrman Jim Graves Tom Wapp 9:00a Brent Wooten Luke Dolechek Rob Sill Joey Zogleman 11:00a Mike Voigt Max Koster Daniel Canada Nathan Lager Nursery 9:00a Teresa Dingman Courtney Carron Cara Burroughs MASS READINGS - WEEK OF MAY 11-17, 2015 Monday Acts 16:11-15/John 15:26--16:4a Tuesday Acts 16:22-34/John 16:5-11 Wednesday Acts 17:15, 22--18:1/John 16:12-15 Thursday Ascension: Acts 1:1-11/Ephesians 4:1-13 or 4:1-7, 11-13 or Ephesians 1:17-23/Mark 16:15-20 Friday Acts 18:9-18/John 16:20-23 Saturday Acts 18:23-28/John 16:23b-28 4 Sunday Acts 1:15-17, 20a, 20c-26/John 4:11-16/John 17:11b-19 Totus Tuus Have you signed up yet? This summer Catholic youth program is dedicated to sharing the Gospel and promoting the Catholic faith. The goal of Totus Tuus is to help young people grow in the understanding of and to strengthen their faith in Jesus Christ. This is accomplished by placing special emphasis on the necessity of prayer, Eucharistic devotion, and Marian devotion, plus instruction and formation of the Catholic faith. Begins Sunday, July 12-17 The session for Jr High and High School students are separate from the Elementary students session Details and registration forms for this wonderful program are at the table in the church entry, and on the updated parish website: www.saintcatherinewichita.com BOOK SWAP IS THIS WEEK!! May 13 and 14 in the School Library Plan to attend our St. Catherine School Book Swap. Perfect for stocking up on summer reading material for elementary age kids, (from pre-k through 6th grade), at incredible prices, $1.00 -$2.00 per book. Book Swap hours are May 13-14, from 3:00 pm-5:30 pm. Come and get a "new-to-you" book! See you at the Swap! The PTO had a profitable week! They received a Spangle’s Night check for $312.95 and a Box Tops check for $1,001.40. Thank you to all who participated in these programs!! St. Catherine of Siena Feast Day Come and learn the “Banana Song”!!! Reflection "It was not you who chose me, but I who chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit that will remain." We sometimes tend to believe the opposite. It's not unusual for us to think, "I have chosen to be a Christian," and then to imagine that the process really started with us, that it was our initiative, our decision to believe, our act of faith that got the ball rolling in our spiritual life. Of course our decision is important, but Jesus reminds us today that he is actually the one who took the first step. He chose us. He called and invited us to be among his followers and friends. As the second reading tells us, "God sent his only Son into the world so that we might have life through him." That happened first. The next step is ours, to accept this life that is offered to us through our act of faith. The other part of this equation is that, as Jesus tells us, we have been chosen for a mission. This isn't all just about our personal faith and our relationship with him. He calls us to know and love him, when we respond, we are "appointed" to be fruitful in the world. We are supposed to live our faith in such a way that something valuable, beautiful, and useful comes from it. Jesus sends us to make the world a better place, not in a vague, feel-good, fluffy way but in a real, concrete way. He equips us to bear fruit that will remain. This isn't superficial or flighty. The work we do in the world-whether it be alleviating the suffering of the sick and poor, evangelizing those who do not know about the gift of salvation, raising our children to be faithful Christians, or carrying out our career with integrity and generosity -- all of this is meant to be the effect of our response to the call that 5 Jesus gave us. Ice cream, spirit shirts, Spanish dancers, crafts and silly pictures! A special celebration for a special feast day! Around the Diocese 3RD GRADE LIVING MUSEUM May 19th from 1:30-3pm in the Parish Gym Come and watch Mr. Gardiner’s class, as they have worked hard to research a historical person, create a poster, and present to you, the audience, a speech on the person’s life. All are welcome to attend! THE 26TH ANNUAL HOLY FAMILY CAMP This camp is a week long faith experience for 185 persons with disabilities and volunteers held on June 7-12. In preparation, we are asking your parish to participate by donating items needed. Now through May 20, we are asking that your parish collect the following items: cases of pop including Dr. Pepper, Sprite, Coca-Cola and Pepsi (or generic). There is a large box for these items in the lobby. Call Christina at 269-3900 for info. Thank you! MAY DAY On May 1st, school children presented to Mary a bouquet of May Day flowers. A crown of roses was placed on Mary’s head, and the church was filled with songs of love for our Blessed Outside in the Prayer Virgin Garden, Mary was Mother. PRESCHOOL OPENINGS AT ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI The classes with openings for the 2015-16 School Year are: 3 YR - Mon./Wed. (7:50 to 11:00 am); 3 YR – Tues./Thurs. (7:50 to 11:00 am); 4 YR – Mon./Wed./Fri. (12:15 to 3:15 pm) Applications on website: stfranciswichita.com or the School Office. Questions, call Office 722-5171 or pmayhill@stfranciswichita.com GIRLS BASKETBALL YOUTH CAMP AT BISHOP CARROLL Improve your basketball skills with station work, games and contests! Instructed by Golden Eagles Coach Taylor Dugan July 13th- 16th — Grades 3rd-8th — $50 per camper For more information, visit bcchs.org and click the forms tab and Summer Camps 2015 to find the Girls Basketball Youth Camp, email Coach Dugan at dugantaylor@bcchs.org or call at 316-371-6553. presented a variety of potted flowers. LAST DAY OF SCHOOL May 21st is the last day of school (half day - pick up at 11am) in our new school building! It has been a GREAT year! We will end the year with a Field Day celebration. Thanks for all your many prayers and for all your support! Please sign up! Take a turn in leading a rosary before Mass starts during the month of May for Bishop Kemme’s intention: “That all people who face harm and danger because of their religious beliefs and practices be preserved and protected.” Call Clista or visit the website. Thank you! Sunday Bulletin Deadline: Monday at Noon!! HELTEN VETERINARY CLINIC Orth Roofing RON HELTEN, DVM Wichita ReRoofing Specialists New clients welcome 10% discount on 1st visit 942-1002 6630 W. Central heltenveterinaryclinic.com Brett Orth 316-721-9961 In Business Since 1987 Parishioner O.W. Garvey Building 200 West Douglas, Suite 350 • Wichita, KS 67202 Carl Maughan, Parishioner PARISHIONERS OF ST ANTHONY PADUA, GARDEN PLAIN, KS OF (316) 264-2023 Independent Assisted Living 316-550-6343 1400 S. 183d St. W. Goddard, KS 67052 www.DoveEstatesKansas.com CPM Wichita Liebl’s Lawn Service (316) 945-4774 The Grass is Always Greener! Commercial/Residential Janitorial Cleaning 316-208-1303 • kenliebl@cox.net OWNERS: Member of St. Catherine’s Greg & Tracy Valcoure/Bill & Clara Welch • • • • Have IRA questions? Let’s talk. Leann E Smith, AAMS® www.HampelOil.com Financial Advisor 3727 S. West St. • Wichita, KS 67217 • (800) 530-5848 1999 N Amidon Suite 208 Marina Point Wichita, KS 67203 316-831-9818 Maple Suites West 316.308-6670 visionhomes@pixius.net www.edwardjones.com Tony Brand •Shawn Ketzner Ann Allaire Member SIPC FOR AD INFO CALL JAME BRADLEY Fuel Lubricants Chemicals Diesel Exhaust Fluid AT Vision Custom Homes Member - WABA 1-800-950-9952 • Commercial office space for lease. 648-1503 8925 W. Maple Office Suites of Health and Healing Therapeutic Massage !"#$%&'()*+,#-%&'./)*+0'12) 260-9399 healthandhealingmassage.net What every BODY needs WWW.4LPi.COM ree for f " Call &! % !"#$ -7466 07 2 6 31 02"34%)*+,5'67%-+8293"%5%+2"+'9(+8293"%5%+:2"/ ;#3%9)%+'9-+<9)="'93% visit our website www.eandjconcrete.com C B/W 02-0838 ST. CATHERINE OF SIENA, WICHITA 04-30-2015 10:19:29 Minihan & Sons, Inc. Reuben G. Loyd General Contractors Commercial, Residential REALTOR® Experience the Excellence REALTY EXECUTIVES CENTER Cell: (316) 806-1241 316-755-1622 www.reubenloyd.com rloyd3@cox.net Member of St. Catherine’s St. Catherine of Siena Parishioner Parishioner 7817 W. 37th No Wichita, KS 67205 Roofing-Windows-Siding A Reliable General Contractor Seniors Discount! Body, Frame & Paint Light Mechanical Cars for Sale 729-8963 (316)-361-2787 Deb & Steve Camp, Owners garywilbertroofing.com garywilbertroofing@cox.net camp_s@sbcglobal.net Members St. Catherine’s BRAND PLUMBING, INC. 316-942-2306 Residential • Commercial New Construction • Repair www.brandplumbinginc.com Lic# 1440 1894 2370 Jean-Marc Diaz-Rivera, New and Pre-Owned Sales Nearing Retirement? c. 316-640-8872 | w. 316-685-4848 | jdiaz@davis-moore.com Contact me BEFORE making any irrevocable retirement decisions. Let me help you maximize your retirement income. Hablo Español Mention this ad at purchase and Davis-Moore will make a donation to St. Catherine! Armstrong Plumbing 1890 Harry Street • 942-9535 Angie Tejeda, MBA, RFC© Specializing in Hot Water Heaters starting at $695 & Garbage Disposals starting at $159 Financial Planner Call Now For Your FREE Pre-Retirement Review License # 1427 801 WEST DOUGLAS 316.721-5191 WICHITA www.angietejeda.com 316-265-9629 Specializing in Women’s Retirement Needs All securities through Money Concepts Corp. Member FINRA/SIPC. Primary Care Associates Commercial or Residential REMODELING • SIDING • WINDOWS BellsAbbeyFlooring.com RODNEY LAGALY Parishioner A Friendly Neighborhood Environment for Your Medical Needs 316-684-2851 • www.cpa-wichita.com 7111 East 21st Street, Wichita, KS 67206 Call 316.685.1700 Curtis Weninger www.AllSeasonsConstruction.com Parish Member of St. Catherine of Siena 316-722-8380 www.kofc.org PremierPumpKS.com Build a bundle. Save a bundle. Jim Morgan State Farm Agent 13303 W. Maple, Ste. 103 Wichita, KS 67235 (316) 721-5769 jim@insurewichita.net 1203025 Bundle auto, home and life for big State Farm® discounts. So let me show you how State Farm can help protect all the things that matter most - for a lot less than you think. GET TO A BETTER STATE.® CALL ME TODAY. State Farm, Bloomington, IL 2300 N. Tyler Rd. Wichita, KS 67205 ReflectionRidgeRetirement.com FOR AD INFO CALL JAMES BRADLEY AT 1-800-950-9952 • WWW.4LPi.COM B 4C 02-0838 ST. CATHERINE OF SIENA, WICHITA 04-30-2015 10:19:29 “Paula is great and we will definitely refer her to other people we know.” 2013 WAAR Master’s Circle Cell (316) 706-6566 pclouse@weigand.com HOME BUYERS & SELLERS Kerry & Todd Hatzenbuehler Maximum Outdoor Equipment & Service Kevin Cline OD Amy Goertz OD 316-832-0088 12111 W. Maple, Ste. 125 943-0201 • 1002 So. West St. www.wichitavisioncare.com Ann Klein Realtor® Cell: 316.990.5566 Office: 316.722.6182 Fax: 316.722.3457 2872 N. Ridge Road, Suite 112 Wichita, KS 67205 8918 W. 21st • 351-5713 12111 W. Maple • 440-2838 Same Owner as Holy Trinity aklein@weigand.com SCOTT & JULIE STREMEL for HUSTLER TURF EQUIPMENT SEAS PARISHIONERS www.stremelandassociates.com 2872 N. Ridge Rd. • Wichita 21st & Tyler • 722-1190 5701 N Chuzy Dr. • Wichita 316-267-9111 Bus: 722-6182 Cell: 518-9083 www.cheris-bakery.com Your Authorized Dealer KansasGolfandTurf.com Mattoast Painting and Studio Holy Trinity Catholic Books & Gifts, Inc. 8651 W. Central, Wichita, KS 67212 (316) 722-9493 • Fax (316) 722-8055 Hours: M.-F. 10-6, Sat. 10-5 Matthew J Habiger Misha A. Anderson, Owner Family Practice Optometry 316-285-0760 Wichita, Kansas Surgical Comanagement Contact Lenses mattoast101@hotmail.com BRANDON HAY/PARISH MEMBER 640-8533 Bhay@haylawncare.com www.haylawncare.com LAWN FERTILIZATION & WEED CONTROL LAWN & LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE SPRINKLER SYSTEM START UPS, WINTERIZATIONS AND SERVICE, SNOW REMOVAL 316-665-7120 Current Member of St. Catherine of Siena PenFed Realty • 3531 N. Ridge Road, Wichita, KS 67205 lindaseiwert@penfedrealty.com • www.LindaSeiwert.com Cell 316 648-9306 • 316 721-9271 316-686-8200 Serving Wichita Since 1968 3607 North Ridge Road Wichita, KS 67205 tel 316 721 2701 fax 316 721 8612 www.grenevisiongroup.com Linda Seiwert, REALTOR® • Siding • Roofing • Guttering • Windows For All Your Electrical Needs! OD A member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates, L.L.C. OPEN SUNDAYS COCHRAN MORTUARY & CREMATORY MARCH-JUNE & SEPTEMBER-DECEMBER “Landscaping with a Plan” 1411 N. Broadway • Wichita, Kansas 67214 CONTACT ME FOR A FREE SAMPLE Anti-age • Sun Damage • Acne • Sensitivity www.rpack.myrandf.com | Renee Pack | 316-518-8385 316-262-4422 • www.cochranmortuary.com 11200 W. Kellogg • 722-7516 www.bradynursery.com Wichita’s Catholic Owned Funeral Home 119th & Central Wichita, KS Complete Auto Repair Since 1962 Byron J. Nordhus, D.D.S. www.nordhusdentistry.com 721-6730 COLBY REYNOLDS The Real Estate Professionals REALTOR® ST. CATHERINE OF SIENA PARISHIONER Bill Mull Agencies ECK & ECK MACHINE CO., INC. 4606 West Harry 316-942-5924 Paul and Bettie Eck DeGraffenreid Allstate Insurance Company 10011 W 21st St No #107 Wichita, KS 67205 Phone 316.773.9864 Cell 316.259.3550 Email billmull@allstate.com St. Catherine of Siena Parishioners 10300 W. Central Wichita, KS 67212 24-Hour Customer Service Office: 316-722-1400 Cell: 316-558-2292 kansashomebuyer@gmail.com www.underhillreynolds.com Chiropractic, PA Dr. Aaron DeGraffenreid 9095 W. Central 721-4546 Just west of Tyler on Central MIDLAND INSURANCE GROUP INC. GREG ANDERSON 2330 S. Mead P.O. Box 17361 264-1524 Cell 393-6390 Wichita, Kansas 67213 CHRIS A POST GARY L. SOMMERHAUSER PAUL ISEMAN CHRIS A POST AGENCY 2121 N TYLER RD, STE 111 WICHITA, KS 67212-4916 Business • Home • Auto • Life 2969 W. 13th • Wichita, KS (316) 943-1166 Automotive Repair & Towing SEAS Parishioner www.degraffchiro.com Office: 316-729-9890 Email: cpost@amfam.com 412 W. Main St. Valley Center, KS 67147 Ph: (316) 755-0309 M: (316) 765-4401 Brendan McGettigan President www.averyautomotiverepair.com Hours: Mon-Fri 7am-6pm, Sat 7am-Noon Oxler Family Dentistry Jude A. Oxler, D.D.S. • George P. Oxler, D.D.S. St. Catherine of Siena Parishioners 900 N. Tyler Road, Suite 2 • Wichita, KS 67212 The Feuerborn Team 722-2596 316-633-7837 • 888-220-0988 • platinumwichita.com Sprinkler Installation & Service • Irrigation Design • Backflow Testing Winterization • Startups, Sod & Seeding Free Estimate • Residential & Commercial Kirk Richards, Parish Member kirkapex@yahoo.com • www.apexlawnirrigation.com Office: 316.721.7844 • Fax: 316.721.7863 FOR AD INFO CALL JAMES BRADLEY AT 1-800-950-9952 • WWW.4LPi.COM A 4C 02-0838 ST. CATHERINE OF SIENA, WICHITA 04-30-2015 10:19:29
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