CHURCH OF ST. CHARLES 644 CLAWSON STREET, OAKWOOD HEIGHTS, STATEN ISLAND, NY 10306 APRIL 19, 2015 THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER Pastoral Staff Mass Schedule Pastor Rev. Msgr. Thomas J. Bergin Parochial Vicar Rev. Ronald Perez Rev. John Rufus In Residence Bishop John O’Hara Weekend Associates Rev. Msgr. Joseph C. Ansaldi Rev. Msgr. Edmund J. Whalen Permanent Deacons Pastoral Associate Sr. Jeanine Conlon, O.P. School Principal Mr. J. C. Kiernan Religious Education Coordinator Mrs. Marlene Petrides Director of Music Mr. Henry Niemann Contact Information Rectory 644 Clawson Street 718-987-2670 Fax: 718-987-7950 Email Address Website: Religious Education 200 Penn Avenue School 200 Penn Avenue 718-987-0200 Fax: 718-987-8158 Tuition Office 718-987-5780 718-979-6800 Parish Office Hours Sunday Monday - Friday Weekend Masses Saturday Evening 4:00, 5:15 & 7:00 PM Sunday 8:15, 9:30 & 10:45 AM 12:00, 1:15 & 5:30 PM Weekday Masses Monday - Friday 8:30 & 11:30 AM Saturday 8:30 AM Holy Days Masses Eve of the Holy Day—7:00 PM 6:45, 8:30, 11:30 AM and 7:30 PM Parish Registration Deacon Stephen Tobon Deacon Lawrence Droge Saturday Sacramental Life 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM 10:30 AM - 6:30 PM New parishioners should register at the rectory. Please inform us if you move. Confessions Saturday: 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM and after evening Masses and after Mass on the Eve of a Holy Day. Baptisms Second Sunday of the month at 2:30 PM Instruction for parents of the children to be baptized to be arranged at the rectory. SPONSOR CERTIFICATES REQUIRED for Godparents and also a copy of the child’s birth certificate. Marriages To arrange a marriage at St. Charles, consult with a priest or deacon at least six months prior to the proposed date and before social arrangements. Attendance at Pre-Cana and Natural Family Planning Classes is required. Anointing & Communion of the Sick Regular administration of the Sacraments should be arranged for shut-ins by calling the rectory. Emergency sick calls anytime. Religious Education Program Instruction for all grade levels beginning with first grade. For information call the Religious Education Office. 2 LITURGY CORNER MONDAY – APRIL 13 8:30 - Mario, Domenico & Francesca DiGiacomo - Mem. 11:30 - Gerry Ingino - Ann. TUESDAY - APRIL 14 8:30 - The Deceased Members of the Shellong Family - Mem. 11:30 - Philip Sparacino - Mem. WEDNESDAY - APRIL 15 8:30 - Christine DeRenzo & Vincent Tarangelo - Mem. 11:30 - Richard Cross - Ann. Palm Sunday 2015 $15,974.04 2014 $17,066.74 Holy Thursday $ 2,399.00 $2,026.20 Good Friday $ 1,749.00 $28,787.00 April 5, 2015 $7,364.00 $2,237.15 Easter Sunday $27,328.74 April 6, 2014 $15,616.82 THURSDAY - APRIL 16 8:30 - Emil Starita - Mem. 11:30 - Cosimo Pellegrini - Mem. FRIDAY - APRIL 17 8:30 - Gerry Ingino - Mem. SATURDAY - APRIL 18 8:30 - The Deceased Members of the Tomo & Frangello Families- Mem. 4:00 - Catherine Griesi & the Laietta & Risucci Families - Mem. 5:15 - Thomas Guido - Mem. 7:00 - William & Ann Slattery - Mem. SUNDAY - APRIL 19 8:15 - Adele Coco - Mem. 9:30 - Parishioners of St. Charles 10:45 - Thomas Guido - Mem. 12:00 - Maude Starr - Mem. 1:15 - The Fasano Family - Mem. 5:30 - Frances Grillo - Mem. 4:00 5:15 7:00 8:15 9:30 APRIL 18/APRIL 19 Mass Schedule Fr. Perez 10:45 Msgr. Bergin Fr. Rufus 12:00 Msgr. Whalen Fr. Perez 1:15 Msgr. Whalen Msgr. Ansaldi 5:30 Fr. Rufus Msgr. Ansaldi Flowers, Wine & Hosts and Oils The Wine & Hosts for the week of April 12-18 are being offered in loving memory of Paul Filangeri requested by his wife, Annette Filangeri. The Oils & Candles for the week of April 12-18 are being offered in loving memory of Filomema Bottigliere requested by her daughter, Annette Filangeri. The Flowers for the week of April 12-18 are in loving memory of Davide Bruschi requested by Mr. & Mrs. Luigi Bruschi Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Monday - Friday at 12:00-5:00 PM in the Chapel First Mondays, First Fridays at 7:30 PM in the Church Rosary and Novenas The Rosary is recited each weekday at 8:10 and 11:10 AM and on Saturday at 8:10. The Miraculous Medal novena prayers are said after the 8:30 & 11:30 AM Masses on Mon3 days. PARISH Religious Education Registration Registration for 2015-16 for Grade 1 and new families only will take place in the school auditorium on the following days: Tuesday, April 14 9:30 - 10:45 AM All families must be registered in the parish before registering your child/children for classes. Registration fee: $220.00 (one child) $300.00 (2 or more children) Items required for registration: 1. Copy of each child’s baptismal certificate 2. Parish envelope number 3. Fee (cash, money order or check made out to St. Charles) 4. Transfer letter from previous program for each transferring student NO CHILD WILL BE REGISTERED WITHOUT ALL OF THE ABOVE For more information please call 718-979-6800 Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 9:00-2:30. Baby Shower St. Vincent de Paul Society will hold their annual baby shower on May 2 and May 3. New items of clothing for new born babies would be appreciated. It is not necessary to gift wrap the items. A wishing well will be in the vestibule of the church for you to place your gifts in. These gifts will be distributed to various agencies by the members of the society. As always, the recipients of these gifts very much appreciate your generosity. NEWS The Chaplet to the Divine Mercy Begin with: Our Father… Hail Mary… I believe in God… On the large five beads: Eternal Father, I offer You the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Your dearly beloved son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, in atonement for your sins and those of the whole world. On the ten small beads: For the sake of His sorrowful Passion, have mercy on us and on the whole world. Conclude with (3 times ): Holy God, Holy Mighty One, Holy Immortal One, have mercy on us and on the whole world. Prayer to obtain graces through the intercession of Saint Faustina O Jesus, who filled Saint Faustina with profound veneration for Your boundless Mercy deign, if it be Your holy will, to grant me, through her intercession, the grace for which I fervently pray… My sins render me unworthy of Your Mercy, but be mindful of Sister Faustins’s spirit of sacrifice and self-denial, and reward her virtue by granting the petition which, with childlike trust, I present to You through her intercession. Our Father..,.Hail Mary…, Glory…, Saint Faustina, pray for us. 4 PARISH EVENTS Calendar of Events April 13 - April 19, 2015 Monday—April 13 Confirmation Practice - 7:00 PM - Church Tuesday—April 14 CCD Registration - 9:30 - 10:45 AM School St. Anthony Novena; following the 11:30 Mass Food Pantry - 11:30 - 1:30 PM - Rectory Bingo at 7:30; doors open at 6:00; early bird 7:15 Wednesday—April 15 AARP Defensive Driving 9:30-3:30 PM - Rectory Confirmation Practice - 7:00 PM - Church Women’s Workshop - 7:30 PM - Rectory Thursday—April 16 Caregivers Meeting - 9:30 AM - Rectory Adult Faith Formation - After the 11:30 AM Mass Rectory Leisure Group - 2-4 PM - School Book Club - 4:00 PM - Rectory Choir Practice - 7:30 PM - Church Bereavement 7:30 PM Rectory Friday—April 17 Confirmation - 9:30 AM & 12:30 PM - Church Devine Mercy Devotion - 3:00 PM - Chapel Saturday -April 18 Communion Retreat - 10-12 & 1-3 - School Sunday—April 19 Teen Club - 7-9 PM - Auditorium 25th and 50th Wedding Anniversaries Couples celebrating their 50th Wedding Anniversary anytime during 2015 are invited to attend the annual golden Wedding Jubilee Mass with Cardinal Dolan at the Cathedral of St. Patrick, Saturday, June 20th or Sunday, June 21st at 2:00 pm. Pre-registration is required. Please call the rectory to register. The closing date to register for the Mass at the Cathedral is Tuesday, May 19th. The 25th and 50th Wedding Anniversary celebration will take place here at St. Charles on Sunday, May 17th at the 9:30 Mass with a reception to follow in the auditorium. Please call the rectory to register. Book Club The next meeting of the St. Charles Book Club will be held on Thursday, April 16 at 4:00 in the Rectory. The exciting and mysterious novel, “The Husband’s Secret “ by Liane Moriarty is this month’s subject of discussion. This novel about choices, trust, love, and of course secrets, will surely provide us with thought provoking moral decisions! New members are invited to participate. To date our parish has received $127,840 in pledges/gifts toward the 2015 Archdiocesan Stewardship Appeal, from 493 families. For this Appeal to be truly successful, we must have the support of all of our families. It is not too late to make your gift. Thank you for your generosity! WE PRAY...WE CELEBRATE...WE REMEMBER THE GET WELL LIST Corrine Alaimo Isabel Alfaro Joan Boragi Rose Bove Jeannette Burrell Thomas Coppola Kay Carbonaro James Carney Grace Castelao Nancy D’Amico Carmela Decunza Maria DeMarco James D’Esposito Randi Dietrich Joseph Elia Dolores Ferrara Madison Fiorello Dorothy Fleming Anne Flynn Vera Fox Bruce Freeman Emily Harris Cheryl Houss Andrew Korbul Elizabeth Linton Eileen Magno Louise Mallon Jeanine Mangi Katherine Markowski Harry Mugge Anthony Locicero Jr. Marie Petrocelli Rev. George Realmuto Donna Regan Rose Russo Vincent Santore Joanne Schneck Jerry Scotti Susan Sexton Arthur Somerville Walter Stojanowski Herb Van Houten Sarah Weiss The Catholic School Region of Staten Island Inaugural Gala Join us in honoring His Eminence, Timothy M. Cardinal Dolan, Archbishop of New York with guest speaker, Most. Rev. Bishop John J. O’Hara Thursday, April 16, 2015 at Nicotra’s Ballroom, Hilton Garden Inn For tickets and information: or contact Diana Gatto @ Digital Prayer Tools We Remember May the good Lord bless all the faithful departed. May their souls rest in peace. John Sambataro, Jr. Olympia Rose Medile We Invite You to Become a Parishioner Please fill out the form below and drop it in the collection basket next weekend. A census card will be mailed to you for your completion then return it to the rectory. NAME ________________________________ ADDRESS _____________________________ EMAIL ADDRESS/TELEPHONE NUMBER ______________________________________ St. Joseph by the Sea High School Spring Musical Proudly presents Beauty and the Beast in the Gaffney Auditorium. Show Dates are Friday, April 17 @ 7:30, Saturday, April 18 @7:30 and Sunday, April 19 @ 3:00. Also, Thursday, April 23 @ 7:30, Friday, April 24 @7:30 and Saturday, April 25 @7:30. Tickets Prices are $15.00 adults and $10 for children. St. Mary’s Cleaning Service Offers home or office cleaning services performed by trustworthy, qualified, members of the “Ladies of St. Mary” . Call 718-442-3411 for more information. 6 Also offering adult home care. CHILDREN’S PAGE 7 Advertisement Page 8 Advertisement Page 9 School reopens April 13. State test exams are scheduled as follows: ELA State Exams will take place April 14 - 16. Math will take place April 22 - 24. Confirmation/Communion News Confirmation Practice for 7-1 and CCD Classes 7A and 7B is April 13 at 7 PM and for 72 and CCD Classes 7C and 7D practice is April 15 at 7 PM. Confirmation will be held on Friday, April 17; Class 7-1 is at 9:30 and Class 7-2 is at 12:30. Communion Retreat will be held on April 18; Class 2-1 is from 10 - 2 and Class 2-2 is from 1 - 3. Touring Tuesday Dates Considering a Catholic Elementary School for your child? Are you interested in learning more about the great things that go on at St. Charles School each day? Register to visit St. Charles School on Touring Tuesday, please call 718-667-5350 Ext. 1007. Tours are from 9am to 11am April 28, 2015, 2015 June 2, 2015 If you cannot make one of these times, please call 718-987-0200 to schedule a private tour! Bingo is held every Tuesday evening in the school auditorium at 7:30 PM. Early Bird is at 7:15. Doors open at 6:00 PM. On Sunday, May 3 we invite all expectant parents and their families to join us at the 9:30 Mass for a special blessing. If you plan to join us, we ask that you please call the rectory and leave your name and phone number with our parish secretary. Simple Ways to Pass a Moral Code on to Your Children at Home How can parents pass down the wisdom we have received and now want to give to our own children? Moral lessons must first be taught at home, such as providing opportunities for children to serve others, and teaching them to protect the innocent. Sue DiSisto, Education for Parenting Program Coordinator of the Archdiocese of NY, will be the presenter. Supervised play for the children will be available. Please register at 646-794-3191 or Tell us your name, telephone number, the number of children who will accompany you. Feel free to invite others. Friday, April 17, from 10:30 - noon, Church of St. Clare’s, 110 Nelson Avenue in the Murphy Center (chapel basement), the white building in the parking lot. 10 11 Church Name: St. Charles Church Bulletin No. 511977 Bulletin for the Week of April 12, 2015 (511977.4.12.15) Number of Pages: 11 (includes 2 advertisement pages and one cover sheet)
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