Welcome to St. Dominic Church 493 North Second Street, Breese, Illinois 62230 Phone: 618-526-7746 Fax: E-mail: saintdominic@papadocs.com Bulletin info: carolatstdominic@gmail.com Website: www.saintdominicbreese.org 618-526-7755 Pastor: Fr. Patrick N. Peter ELEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME June 14, 2015 Deacon: Linus Klostermann First Reading: Ezekiel 17:22-24 Second Reading: 2 Corinthians 5:6-10 Gospel: Mark 4:26-34 Sunday Masses: Saturday Vigil 5:30pm Sunday 8am and 11am Weekday Masses: 8am: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday Websites: St. Dominic Church Diocese of Belleville Knights of Columbus Mater Dei High School All Saints Academy Holy Day Masses: 8am, 12:10pm, & 7pm Confessions: 4:30pm on Saturday or by appointment Baptism & Marriage: For arrangement please contact the Parish office Bulletin Deadline: Wednesday at noon Office Hours: Mon. – Fri. 9am-3pm Office Staff: Judie Kuper Office manager Carol Niemeyer Office secretary All Saints Academy Dr. Robin Booth - Principal Pat Huene - Secretary 295 N. Clinton St. 526-4323 Mater Dei High School Dennis Litteken - Principal 900 N. Mater Dei Dr. 526-7216 ww.saintdominicbreese.org www.diobelle.org www.breeseknights.org www.materdeiknights.org www.asasaints.com Parish Organizations, Committees and Ministries Parish Council Janice Albers Bill Hummert Cyndi Riley—Vice P Cindy Klein Rita Litteken Marty Johnson– Pres. Janice Niemeyer-Sec. Kathleen Heinzmann Christopher Stark Trustees Dennis Ratermann Dawn Tebbe Adult Servers Mary Ellen Detmer Adoration Allison Cowgill Altar Sodality Kathleen Venhaus Building & Maintenance Marty Johnson Community Committee Janice Albers Rita Litteken Eucharistic Ministers Dorothy Voss First Fridays/Homebound Ministry-Fr. Pat Lectors Rod Kloeckner Liturgy Committee Cyndi Riley Cindy Klein Men’s Sodality Ken Schonhoff Picnic Executives Leo Lammers Mike Klein Mike Klostermann Prayer Ministry Marie Timmermann Lorine Schmidt Choirs, Cantors, Musicians Leah Loddeke Rosary Leaders open Church Decorating Lynn Hollenkamp RCIA Mark Wright Sacristans Ruth Langhauser Gail Linn Josie Timmermann Servers Fr. Pat Spiritual Formation Rita Litteken Stephen Ministry Marg Beckmann Sue Darr Aggie Dumstorff Helen Essenpreis Marilyn Gnaedinger Margaret Jakel Michael & Cindy Klein Deacon Linus Klostermann Marita Loddeke Stewardship Committee Marty Johnson Kathleen Heinzmann Ushers Dave Moss Welcoming Committee Dot Bauman Youth Faith Formation Darlene Menietti Youth Ministry Diane Klostermann Mass Intentions Saturday, June 13 5:30pm: Robert (Bob) Usselmann Baptism: Gabriel Joseph Hitpas Sunday, June 14 8:00am: Parish Family 11:00am: Shane & Norval Kreke Monday, June 15 8:00am: Norbert Wieter Alfred Ripperda Adoration: 1:00-7:00pm Tuesday, June 16 8:00am: L&D members of Donald Kruep Family 10:00am: (NH) For strength to be accepting of God’s will Wednesday, June 17 8:00am: Martha Timmermann Herman B. Grapperhaus After Mass: St. Jude Devotions Thursday, June 18 NO MASS Friday, June 19 8:00am: Henry Peek Roger Huelsmann We would like to welcome Fr. Ed Schaefer who will be here with us this Saturday evening at our 5:30pm Mass.. Events This Week Monday, June 15: YFF meeting at St. Augustine Cafeteria Tuesday, June 16: Finance Council Meeting Thursday, June 18: Set up stands for the Picnic Grounds 6:00pm-All are welcome to help. Friday, June 19: Set up stands for picnic (if still needed) Saturday, June 20: PICNIC - Mass is at 4:30pm Dinner 3:30pm-7:30pm Bingo starts at 6:30pm Music 4:00 & 8:00pm Don’t forget the arm bands for the kids $15.00 each, in advance, $20 that evening. Buy arm bands at the parish office during office hours Sunday, June 21: Clean up Parish grounds from picnic 6:30am Happy Fathers Day! Church picnic is Sat., June 20th Only one week away! Invite your family and friends! Saturday night Mass will be at 4:30pm. Each household is asked to bring 2 pies, cakes or easy-to-serve desserts to be used for the chicken dinner and the cake raffle. Bring them anytime between noon and 6pm on the day of the picnic to the marked “dessert delivery area” on the North-East corner of the Parish Center where workers will accept them when you drive up. (No cream pies please). Saturday, June 20 4:30pm: Parish Family (NOTICE TIME CHANGE) Please sell your raffle tickets. You may turn in your sold raffle tickets to the parish office by Friday afternoon, otherwise bring along to the picnic Saturday evening. Sunday, June 21 8:00am: Kuhn Family Eugene A. Niemeyer Look for your postcard in the mail that will tell you where you are scheduled to work. If you are unable to work your shift, notify your chairman listed on your postcard and tell them who will be working in your place. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO FIND A REPLACEMENT IF YOU ARE UNABLE TO WORK YOUR SHIFT! 11:00am: Joyce Zurliene Sandy Usselmann Jerry Ratermann & L&D members of Henry & Catherine Ratermann Family Last Weekend’s Stewardship: Sunday envelopes: $8,682.00 Online Giving $1901.00 Loose: $58.00 Children’s Envelopes: $3.00 Adopted Parish: $248.00 Needy: $132.00 Tuition Assistance: $39.00 Building: $558.00 Miscellaneous Blue: $15.00 1st Friday $33.00 House of Manna $100.00 Wrist bands for the inflatable rides are available in advance at the parish office for $15 until Friday, June 19th during office hours, 9am-3pm. They are $20 on the day of the picnic. Basket Raffle & I DOOD IT. We appreciate all the donations we’ve received so far! Please keep them coming so we can have as many wonderful baskets and prizes as last year! Please mark which stand your donation goes to and leave in the Rectory breezeway. Monetary donations also welcomed! Setting Up Stands: The Bldg. and Maintenance committee will pull out lumber on Wed. evening. Your help is needed to set up stands on Thurs., June 18th at 6pm (and Fri., June 19 if needed). Please donate as much time and energy as you can. Remember, the more help we have, the quicker the job gets done! Please bring your cordless drills. Clean-up: We need you for clean-up and tear down on Sunday! Bring your cordless drills, leaf blowers, rakes, trash bags, etc. to help with the parish grounds clean-up. 41st Weekly Cash Raffle Winner: Betty Brueggemann Congratulations to Allen & Britney (Davis) Pollmann who was married here last weekend. We welcome into our faith family, Mila Lane Pritchard who was baptized here last weekend. Mila is the daughter of Cory and Amberlee (Bedard) Pritchard. Congratulations! Thank you to everyone who generously donated a quilt for our bingo! If you still have one to turn in, please contact Barb Lammers at 526-7640 or drop it off at the rectory. We are continuing to accept registrations for Vacation Bible School in the Parish office. Please call or stop by to fill out a registration form for your child during office hours. VBS dates are June 22nd-26th from 9am-noon for children entering K - 4th grade. Contact Leah Loddeke at lloddeke@gmail.com with questions or to volunteer. Please help save postage and pick up your envelopes on the table in back of Church for All Saints Academy’s Parishioners Annual Fund Campaign. Albers 125 Quasquicentennial Celebration Kickoff, Saturday, June 13, 2015, 10am-Midnight. Live Foosball, Scavenger Hunt, Vendor Fair, T-Ball, Baseball and Livewire DJ. Breese American Post 252 Baseball Annual Fathers Day All You Can Eat Breakfast June 21, 2015 from 7:30am until 12:30pm at the Breese American Legion Hall. Adults $8.00 and Kids $4.00. Please call 570-9657 to make reservations in advance for a large group over 7. Carry outs available call 526- 4265. St. Anthony’s Bunko & Dessert Party Monday, June 15, 2015 starting at 1:00pm at St. Anthony Parish Center in Beckemeyer. $5 per person includes drink and dessert. 2015-16 Sports Physicals at HSHS St. Joseph Hospital Specialty Clinic. Dr. Klostermann will perform physicals on June 24th and July 8th. Dr. C. Rivera will perform physicals on July 22nd and August 5th. Call 526-5628 to schedule an appointment. Physicals are $30.00 Memory Clinic and Senior Renewal at HSHS St. Joseph Hospital are collecting new and used iPods, Chargers, iTunes gift cards and assistance to purchase headphones. Players donated will be loaded with a personalized playlist and distributed. Dementia patients who listen to personalized playlist are happier, more social, cooperative and attentive and less agitated. Donations may be left a the hospital switchboard. St. Anthony’s Church Picnic, Beckemeyer, Il., Saturday, June 27th. Chicken & Mostaccioli Dinner from 4:007:00pm, quilt bingo, kids stands, inflatable balloons and Mass at 5:30pm. SAVE THE DATE: St. Dominic & St. Augustine will be hosting a parish mission September 19 to September 24. Please make plans to attend an experience you will not forget. Parish Directory. If you have not signed up for the photo directory, and would still like to have your picture taken, please call the parish office during office hours. 526-7746. Don’t be a victim of Fraud or Scams! Join the villas of St. James for a complimentary brunch and hear about senior safety. Tuesday, June 23rd starting at 10:00am. RSVP by Monday, June 22 to 618-526-0100. Wanted: All Saints Academy needs your help. Patrol person to help students cross Old 50 on morning each week from 7:00am7:45am when school is in session. If interested please call 5264323 or send your name to: All Saints Academy, 295 North Clinton Breese, Il 62230 Attn: Pat Brian Schulte Benefit Saturday, July 11, 2015 from 7:00pm10:00pm at Hondo’s in Bartelso. Brian was diagnosed with ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease). Live music & DJ. & Silent Auction. The committee is still seeking auction items. If you would like to donate, please call Dana Timmermann at 6042263. Also, donations may be dropped off at Breese City Hall or K&J Chevrolet in Carlyle. Cash donations are being accepted at any Germantown Bank in the name of Brian’s Battle. St. Pancratius Church Fayetteville, Il Parish Picnic, Saturday, June 27, 2015 . Fried chicken dinner and Quilt & Cash Bingo Holy Rosary Church Fairmont City, Il Parish Picnic, Friday & Saturday June 12th & 13th. Parade June 12th at 6:00pm. B-B-Q & Mexican Food. Open Auditions for JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR. Clinton County Showcase outdoor production will be held at Breese Northside Park stage on August 6th to the 9th. If you like to have a fun summer putting on an amazing show, contact Rob. 618-882-3305. DASH Exchange Student Program is seeking a volunteer host family for a 16 year old international student from Vietnam who says his interest includes competitive swimming and computer technology. He will attend Mater Dei High School for the 2015/16 school year. Hosts provide room, board and a measure of guidance for the student during the exchange stay. He says he is a Christian and is willing to attend Services with his host family. If you are interested in providing a culturally enriching experience for your family, our international guest, and the students at Mater Dei High School, please contact the local Breese representative at: Levi 618-792-4585 or toll free 1 (844) 528-1145. St. Vincent DePaul NEEDS YOUR HELP. WARMER WEATHER BRINGS ADDITIONAL NEEDS AT THE SOCIETY OF ST. VINCENT DE PAUL. During the warmer spring/summer weather, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul-Belleville Council is IN NEED OF: BOTTLED WATER, GATORADE (or similar drinks). In addition, their inventory of clothing is running low. They would be grateful for donations of clean, gently used: clothing for babies, children, men and women. Please NO winter clothing now. ( They do not have a place to store winter clothes). They are in need of silverware, glasses, hot pads and kitchen towels. The silverware & glasses DO NOT need to match. Please place in bag and mark it for St. Vincent De Paul and place it in the breezeway. Thank you. YOUTH MINISTRY NEWS Help available: Do you need a little help with leaf removal, or other yard work? Youth ministry has volunteers to assist the elderly, ill or widowed. Contact Diane at 526-4395. Softball game on 6/17/15 at Mater Dei 6:30pm vs. Trenton/New Baden, permissions slips are required. This is open to a High School students including graduating 8th graders and seniors. Contact Diane at 526-4395 with any questions. Any High School youth who can help with picnic clean up on 6/20/15 at 10:30pm, please contact Diane at 516 -4395 and meet on the north side of the Junior High building at 10:30pm. Any High School youth who want to help with Relay for Life, contact Allyssa 979-2245 or Olivia 882-8561. Glow in the Dark in the Park—Any High School youth including graduating seniors join us for a evening of glow in the dark ultimate Frisbee and Volleyball on 6/28/15 from 8-10pm at north side park near the volleyball court. Holiday World is 6/23/15—The Bus for Holiday World leaves promptly at 7:00am from Mater Dei parking lot for those who have signed up to attend. ————————————————————————————- YFF Registration 2015-2016 Registration forms are due July 1st. After July 1st you will be charged a late fee. We need to know by July 1st to order books/material for the upcoming classes. Completed forms and payment can be returned to the parish office. Payment is due with registration. There are payment options and financial assistance available. Parents of first graders and all new students can call the Parish office, 5267746, during office hours for a registration form. RESPECT LIFE CORNER Fortnight For Freedom 2015 - Fortnight 2015 will take place from June 21 to July 4. The theme of this year’s Fortnight will focus on the “freedom to bear witness” to the truth of the Gospel. Learn, Act, Connect, Pray: “Keeping the spirit of the Gospel means that Catholic institutions are to bear witness in love to the full truth about the human person providing social, charitable, and educational services in a manner that fully reflects the God-given dignity of the human person.” (Archbishop William E. Lori) Go to the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ website www.usccb.org to learn more. Pray for all people who remain faithful in the face of persecution for their beliefs. Are your records current? Have you moved, married, divorced, had a baby? Have you changed your phone number or email address? Please help keep our record accurate. Call the office at 526-7746. Thank you! CEMETERY REMINDER: Our policy is to remove Memorial Day decorations by June 15, unless the flowers are placed in a permanent vase that will not interfere with mowing and trimming. Retrouvaille Marriage Retreats: Help for troubled marriages—For confidential information about the next Retrouvaille Weekend, call toll free 1-800-470-2230 or visit the website: www.HelpOurMarriage.com. God has a plan for your child’s life. Talk with your child about what plan that might be. Point out the gifts and abilities you see in your child, and discuss how he/she might use them to serve God. Sunday 11 am Sunday 8 am Saturday 5:30 Ministers of the Mass for June 20/21 USHERS Clarence Voss Steve Guttersohn Sam Krebs Charlie Kruse Dave Lawhead Rich Kruep SERVERS Gretta Stark Jillian Usselmann Abigail Wright Sally Albers Ellen Antonacci EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS Jerry Lampe Dave Moss Norb Ottensmeier Alfred Ratermann Jason Roeckenhaus Dennis Trame Kaitlyn Brown Austin Brown Jaci Krebs Audrey Lampe Jordyn Muscarello Dot Bauman, Jim Darr Kate Rivera-Kunz Julie Engelmann Alice Schwierjohn Mary Niemann Tom Detmer Connie Robben LECTOR: Joan Meredith Jacob Eilers Kenton Roeckenhaus Marty Johnson Alan Grapperhaus Jared Niemeyer Alex Rivera Pete Jansen Nick Hummert Kyler Johnson Blake Kloeckner Alden Moss A.J. Mueth Greg & Kim Petermeyer Jan Deiters Allan & Carla Litteken Caroline Jansen Pat Voss Cheryl Kampwerth LECTOR: Cindy Grapperhaus ORGANIST/CANTOR Beth/Steve K. Amy Krebs Doug & Cindy Kuhl Denis Foppe, Pat Huene Norb Klostermann Laura Voss Janice Albers LECTOR: Tim Moylan ORGANIST/CANTOR Madeline/Amy K. GIFT BEARERS Parish Family ORGANIST/CANTOR Beth/Rita N. GIFT BEAERS Kuhn Family GIFT BEARERS Zurliene Family
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