Saturday 5:00 pm
Sunday 9:00 am and 10:30 am
At St. Gabriel School Gym
197 Invermere Drive
St Gabriel the Archangel
Catholic Parish
316 Windermere Dr.
Chestermere, AB T1X 0B9
Tel: (403) 455-0196
Fax :(403) 455-0335
Twitter @ SGAChestermere
Facebook: St Gabriel the Archangel
Parish- Chestermere
8:30am – 4:30pm
Wednesday 8:30am – 4:30pm
8:30am – 4:30pm
A P R I L 4 & 5, 2 0 1 5
WEEKDAY MASS (subject to change)
7:00pm -St. Gabriel School Library
Wednesday 8:00am -St. Gabriel School Library
Thursday 8:15am -Our Lady of Wisdom School
134 Rainbow Falls Drive
9:00am -Rectory Chapel
316 Windermere Drive
Saturday 3:00pm - St. Gabriel School Library
or by appointment
John 20:1-18
“John saw the empty tomb and believed”
John, along with Peter, was the first apostle to reach the tomb of Jesus on Easter Sunday
morning. Like Mary Magdalene and the other disciples, John was not ready to see an empty
tomb. What did John see in the tomb that led him to believe in the resurrection of Jesus? It
was certainly not a dead body. The dead body of Jesus would have disproven the
resurrection and made his death a tragic conclusion to a glorious career as a great teacher
and miracle worker. When John saw the empty tomb he must have recalled Jesus' prophecy
that he would rise again after three days. Through the gift of faith John realized that no tomb on earth could
contain the Lord and giver of life. John saw and believed (John 20:8).
The reality of the resurrection is the central fact of the Christian faith. Through the gift of the Holy Spirit, the
Lord gives us "eyes of faith" to know him and the power of his resurrection. The greatest joy we can have is to
encounter the living Christ and to know him personally as our Lord and Savior. -- Author Don Schwager © 2015 Servants of the Word
Secretary / Bookkeeper
Parish Council - Chair
Finance Council - Chair
Altar Servers
Baptism Preparation
Catholic Women's League
Children's Liturgy
Choir - Saturday
Choir - Sunday
Eucharistic Ministers
Knights of Columbus
Mothers’ Group
Prayer Ministry
Fr. John Nemanic
Rena Maurer
Perry Keller
Greg Doucette
Tricia Doucette
Rena Maurer
Corinne Watson
Fiona Seguin
Owen & Karen Wourms
Kathie Zakresky
Betty Ficaccio
Annette Desrochers
Daren Farnel
Deanna Hoeschen
Colleen Dreifke
Anita Catellier
Projector Coordinator
Tom Rossiter
Rhonda Schroh
John Murray
Maggie Piechotta
Kym Vergara
Sacramental Prep (First Communion,
Reconciliation & Confirmation)
Volunteer Screening
Youth Group
Parish Donations
APRIL 11 & 12, 2015
Apr 11 ,
Apr 12 ,
Apr 12 ,
Apr 7:
Betty, Milly
Apr 14:
Apr 21:
Thank you for your
Mar 28-29, 2015
Building Fund:
Together in Act:
Holy Childhood:
Elizabeth House:
Life & Family:
Project Rachel:
# of Pre-Auth
S T. G A B R I E L P A R I S H N E W S
9 – Knights of Columbus Meeting
15 – CWL Meeting
19 – Youth Group Gathering
25 – Baptism Preparation
26 – Angels on High - Committee Meeting
May 9 – First Communion – 2nd Class
May 9 – Knights Surf ‘n Turf
May 14 – March for Life
Jun 6 – Angels on High Fundraising Dinner
Aug 8 – Angels on High Mountain Climb
Fr John’s Easter Greeting and Welcome to All
Happy Easter and welcome to everyone attending our parish during this Holy season. This is my opportunity to
welcome those who are visiting the parish this Easter and let you know that our doors are always open to those
from both near and far, and although we don’t have a proper church building, the Lord says “For where two or
three have gathered together in My name, I am there in their midst."(Matthew 18:20) I would like to personally
invite those new to Chestermere or to the Catholic Church to join our parish and to renew this Easter experience
every weekend at the celebration of the Eucharist.
For our regular parishioners, thank you for your continued support and endless enthusiasm, which will allow us to
one day have a church of our own where our faith can be practiced and our service to others in our community can
be more easily provided.
I am deeply grateful for the work of many people who enable this community to praise God and to strengthen one
another to follow Jesus. In particular, I would like to thank the parish’s secretary Rena Maurer, Roger Lamontagna
(caretaker for St Gabriel School), all of our parish ministries, Mass coordinators, altar servers, lectors, Eucharistic
ministers, the parish and finance committee and staff and administration at St Gabriel School, Rhonda Schroh and
the sacramental preparation team, music members, children’s liturgy team, collection counters, members of the
Knights of Columbus and Catholic Women's League and anyone whom I have missed for the ways that they build
up our parish. Thank you.
May the glory of Easter enable you to rejoice in the Lord always!
Received into the Catholic Church
After much prayer and study Sina Alizada and Dawn Rushton received Baptism, Confirmation and First Communion
at the Easter Vigil, while Andrea Klesken received the Holy Spirit in Confirmation and Francesca Peori, (daughter of
Donald Peori and Dawn Rushton) and Arianna Schatz (daughter of Daniel and Kristen Schatz) celebrated their
Baptisms this Easter weekend. Congratulations and welcome to all!
For those interested in becoming Catholics, the parish runs a program called The Rite of Christian Initiation of
Adults (RCIA). This program welcomes and educates new members into the Catholic faith, while also renewing the
entire Christian community. Meetings will be once a week beginning in September. Anyone interested in inquiring
into the Catholic faith should phone or email the parish office.
Weekday Mass Cancellation
Weekday Mass will be cancelled from Tuesday, April 7 through Thursday, April 16. There will be Mass on
Friday, April 17 at 9AM in the Rectory chapel.
Masses on Saturday, April 11 and Sunday, April 12 will be celebrated at their regular times.
CWL’s Almsgiving -- “Easter with Dignity”
Thank you to all those who participated in the Catholic Women’s League Lenten collection of Gift Card donations for
the Christmas with Dignity Program organized by the City of Chestermere. So far the CWL has collected 56 gift
cards worth $1400. If you have not dropped off your card, please place it in one of the baskets available in the
foyer after Mass, or drop it off at the parish office by April 8th. Christmas With Dignity is an emergency fund that is
available year round for families in Chestermere. If you wish more information, please contact the city’s
Community Resource Coordinator at 403-207-7079.
Angels on High Fundraiser 2015
Thank you to the 32 people who have registered to climb Castle Mountain as a part of our 3rd annual fundraising
adventure called Angels on High. On Saturday, August 8th these climbers will ascend Castle Mountain, which is
approximately half-way between Banff and Lake Louise, in Banff National Park. This will be an impressive hike
extending 28km, with a 1400m elevation gain and will take the climbers approximately 12 hours to complete.
Our Angels on High 2015 journey will begin with a Fundraising Dinner, Dance and Silent Auction on
Saturday, June 6, 2015 at the Chestermere Recreation Centre. Former NHLer Charlie Simmer will be the
evening’s emcee. The keynote address will be delivered by Rev. Fred Monk, the founder of Mission Mexico, which
has raised over $3 million to help serve the poorest of the poor in southern Mexico. Tickets for this event are
$60/person if purchased by Easter Sunday, or afterwards $70 each. We have already sold 122 of the 280 tickets
available, so make sure to get your ticket soon!
Raffle Tickets: This year we have 2 different raffle tickets to choose from:
Raffle #1 – “Recreation Raffle” - $20/ticket gives you 3 chances to win:
First Prize: “Mexico Trip” - a 2 week stay at a condo in Puerto Vallarta, plus a $500 travel voucher;
Second Prize: “Wine Lovers” - 50 bottles of premium wine (retail at min. $25/bottle); and
Third Prize: “Beer Mountain” – 15 cases (24pks) of a variety of beer.
Raffle #2 – “Full Body Robotic Massage Chair” by
Bodo Wellness Technology worth $5000 - $40/ticket
Silent Auction Prize Donations: We need more prize items for the silent auction. Did you know that you can
donate your customer loyalty programs like Air Miles, Aeroplan, Petro Points, Optimum Points, HBC reward points
for silent auction items? Please ask your family, employers, friends or acquaintances to donate prizes for the
silent auction or become an Angels on High Sponsor. Please contact the office for letters & information.
Wine & Beer Donations: Please consider donating a bottle of wine or case of beer to become a part of our raffle
prizes. NEC’s Liquor Store has partnered with Angels on High to give a 20% discount to those purchasing wine for
this raffle. Please drop by their store or contact the parish office for more details.
Come Camping with the climbers: There will be group camping available the weekend of August 7-9, 2015,
which can be reserved on a first-come first-served basis. Please pick up a registration & information in the foyer
after Mass or contact the parish office.
Pledge our Climbers: Please show these 32 brave and dedicated people how much you support their efforts to
help us build our church!
Angels on High 2015 – Sponsors to Date
We would like to thank the companies who have donated to our Angels on High campaign as sponsors: Truman
Development Inc, CIR Realty – Corinne Watson, Desjardins Financial Security, MaXfield Inc.,
Chestermere Knights of Columbus, Mountain View Memorial Gardens & Funeral Home, Fit on the Lake,
McInnis & Holloway Funeral Homes, The Chestermere Anchor City News, and B & R Signs.
Church Building Update
The promised 5 acres that will be used for the new Church building has not yet been finalized. In anticipation of
that great day, the St Gabriel Building Committee meets to look at diocesan, liturgical, design and fundraising
requirements for the future building. The parish is grateful for the generosity of all parishioners’ donations, large
and small, as we save up for our own church building. The building fund now stands at $426,235.
Baptism Preparation
The next classes for baptism preparation are set for Saturday, April 25
Request forms are available from the Welcome Table at Mass or by (under heading “Sacraments – Baptism”). Baptism
to the parish office prior to attending the class and your attendance confirmed
and Sunday, May 24. Baptism
visiting the parish website at:
Request forms must be submitted
through the office.
Angels on High Committee Meeting
We will need some more volunteers to help in various roles for the Angels on High Dinner. If you are interested,
please plan to attend our organizing meeting on Sunday, April 26 at 11:30AM, following the 10:30AM Mass,
in the St Gabriel School Library.
Knights of Columbus - Surf ‘n Turf
The Knights of Columbus will host the 6th annual Surf-n-Turf Lobster and Steak Dinner on Saturday, May 9
at the Chestermere Recreation Centre. Tickets are $75/person. Cocktails at 5:30PM; Dinner at 6:30PM. Prizes,
raffles, silent auction, 50/50 draw and dance will follow. Tickets can be purchased after all the weekend Masses
or by calling Patrick Watson at 403-923-0099.
Alberta March for Life 2015
The annual Alberta March for Life, a peaceful public rally to support the sanctity of human life from conception
to natural death, will take place on Thursday, May 14, 2015 in Edmonton. The day begins at 10:30 AM with
Mass at St. Joseph’s Basilica (10044-113 St., Edmonton, AB) joining all the Alberta Bishops. The March itself will
begin at 1PM in front of the Alberta Legislature (10820-98 Ave., Edmonton, AB) and will conclude at 3:30PM.
Anyone interested in attending and would like to carpool, please contact Fr. John at
or (403) 455-0196. For more information please visit
Together in Action 2015
Lent begins the diocesan annual fundraising campaign Together in Action (TIA). Parishes raise $2 million to
support more than 35 local, national and international agencies to fund charitable projects and programs that
improve the lives of the most vulnerable in society. The 2015 parish goal is $7,000 and should we have a
surplus, this year it will go towards the Building Fund for our new church. If you have not given to Together in
Action before, please consider a gift this year and see if your company will match your contribution. To date
we have raised: $2,852.00. If you would like more information about TIA’s recipients please visit the
Diocesan website at:
Children’s Collection
From January 1 – June 30, 2015 the children’s collection will go towards the Holy Childhood Association. The
Holy Childhood Association was founded in France in 1843 by Bishop Charles de Forbin Jansen. The French
children took up this great work and from then on the work of missionary children has spread across the world.
Under its banner “children helping children”, monies raised are directed towards self-help programs involving
the building of schools, the provision of health and nutrition programs, medications, school fees, and teaching
and learning resources. For more information please go to: To date, you have helped the parish collect: $784.16.
Catholic Women’s League
The next CWL meeting will be held on Wednesday, April 15, 2015 at 7:00PM in the St. Gabriel School Library.
All ladies, regardless of denomination, are welcome to attend and share in this "sisterhood of faith, fun and
Children’s Liturgy - Leaders & Assistants
Children’s Liturgy of the Word is available during both the Sunday 9am and 10:30am Masses. It provides
children aged 4-10 an opportunity to experience the Sunday scripture readings in an age appropriate way. If
anyone is interested in helping at either session, please contact Fiona at or
(403) 686-2375. Prepared lessons are provided for the leaders.
Knights of Columbus
The Knights of Columbus meets on the 2nd Thursday of the month with the next meeting scheduled for
Thursday, April 9 at 7:00PM in the St Gabriel School library. New members are always welcome and
registered members are encouraged to attend.
Mothers’ Group
If you are looking for a place to connect with other Catholic moms, our Mother’s Group meets weekly on
Wednesday mornings from 10:30AM - 12:00PM in the rectory basement (316 Windermere Drive). Mothers’
Group focuses on spiritual enrichment and friendship. Free child care is provided. For more information please
contact Colleen at (403) 510-9463 or
Mother’s Group – Children’s Caregivers
Our Mother’s Group is in need of some more loving Caregivers to look after the children during their weekly
meetings. Commitment is only once or twice a month for 1.5 hrs. If you would be willing to share your time,
love and talents – please contact the office or Colleen Dreifke at (403) 510-9463 or
Music Ministry Volunteers Needed
All of the weekend choirs are looking for leaders, instrumentalists and singers to assist them in their important
work of leading our community in our worship of God. If you are willing to share your musical talent, please
either visit the choirs before or after the respective weekend Mass or contact Fr John. And if you aren’t able to
share your talents, please pray that more people will respond to God’s grace and share their musical gifts and
Ushers Needed
We are in need of some Ushers, specifically for the 5:00PM Mass on Saturdays, however more ushers are needed
for all of our regular weekend Masses. If you are interested in volunteering for this ministry, please contact
Rena or Maggie at the Parish Office, or our Usher Coordinator, John Murray, at the email address noted on the
front of this bulletin. If you are unable to help with this ministry, please pray that others will answer the call.
Youth Group – the “J-Walkers”
The J-Walkers Youth Group generally gathers after the Sunday 10:30AM Mass (unless otherwise noted), with the
upcoming sessions listed below. Youth Group combines our love of God with fellowship, music and other fun
activities. If you are in Grade 8-12 and wish to join our youth group, please email:
or speak to one of our Youth Group leaders.
The upcoming sessions will be held at 11:30am in the St Gabriel School gymnasium, unless otherwise noted:
Sundays, April 19 – meet at school and go Bowling
Sunday, April 26 – meet at school and join the AOH Climbers on a short Practice Climb
Sunday, May 24 – regular gathering at the school
Sunday, May 31 - Calaway Park Year End Party, departing after the 9 am Mass.
Weekly Bulletin Available On-Line
For those who are interested, you may now subscribe to receive our weekly bulletin automatically online,
through MailChimp. Go to our website and where indicated, enter your email address. Thank you for helping us
save paper.
My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ:
Jesus’ death on the cross bears the signature of the coming kingdom: as the
“suffering servant” he takes the place which we on account of our sins should
occupy, and takes us up into his attitude of radical obedience, unprotesting selfsurrender and total trust in the love of the Father.
Therefore, nothing can again “separate us from the love of God” (Rom 8:39), which was promised to us
in his Resurrection and which allows us to have a sure hope of the ultimate and definitive coming of
the kingdom. The murder of his beloved Son was not able to destroy God's love for us, and now
nothing can revoke his fidelity to his promise.
This mission of Jesus, to prepare and open up the world for the coming kingdom of God, must be
continued in the Church: in fact, the Church as a whole is charged with continuing the mission of Jesus
by following in his footsteps.
Therefore, we are to pass on the reconciliation which has been accomplished in him, and the
irrevocable alliance of God with us founded on the death and Resurrection of Jesus.
Happy Easter! Free the world from the self-satisfaction and narrowness of sin, and prepare it for, to
open it up to, and unite it into the kingdom of God.
✠ F. B. Henry
Bishop of Calgary.
Catholic Organization for Life and Family
It’s difficult to grasp some of the challenging moral issues we Catholics are faced with daily. How do we do
the good and avoid the evil as we live out our call to love God and neighbour?
The Catholic Organization for Life and Family (COLF) provides many resources on life and family issues. It was cofounded in 1994 by the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops and the Supreme Council of the Knights
of Columbus. COLF’s mission is to build a culture of life and a civilization of love by promoting respect for human
life and dignity and the essential role of the family. Each month the bulletin will include an insert on various life
and family issues. March’s is entitled “Stem Cells: Astonishing promises … but at what cost?”. It’s available
as a free electronic download at For more information or to read other brochures on-line, go to:
The Sacrament of the Sick
The Church provides a way to strengthen those who suffer from grave illness or infirmity: the Sacrament of Sick.
If you or someone you know is homebound, preparing for surgery, suffers from serious illness or old age, or in
danger of death, please contact the parish office.
Also, the Calgary hospitals have priests available to administer the Sacraments of the Sick and the Eucharist, as
well as for pastoral visits. Please inform the nursing staff that you want to receive spiritual care.
Marriages at St. Gabriel’s Parish
Though the parish has no proper church building, parishioners can still get married and have Fr John celebrate the
wedding at any church the engaged couple chooses. To prepare for the wedding, please contact the parish office
at least 6 months before the intended date.
Roman Catholic Diocese of Calgary
Announcements from the Catholic Pastoral Centre for April 5th 2015.
The Resurrection of the Lord
Office of Vocations
This day is for men between the ages of 17 and 35 years. It includes talks by Bishop Henry and priests of the diocese. Location:
Sacred Heart Church, 1307 – 14th St. S.W., Calgary, (Housey Hall). Date: Saturday, April 18, 2015, Time: 9:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.
(Lunch provided). For further information and to register contact: Office of Vocations at 403-245-2753 or E-mail:
Health Care Apostolate
The Spring 2015 Diocesan Palliative Care Education Program Part 1 and Part 2 will take place at the FCJ Christian Life
Centre, 219 – 19 Ave. SW, on April 24 & 25, and May 1 & 2, 2015. The Program is on the two Friday evenings and all day
both Saturdays. Registration fee: $85. For more information or to register, please call 403-218-5507 or Email:
The Spring 2015 Diocesan Pastoral Care Training Program will begin on Tuesday May 5, 2015 and run for 7 consecutive
Tuesday evenings from 6:30pm - 9:30pm until June 16, 2015. The program will be held at the FCJ Christian Life Centre, 219 19 Ave. SW. This course will introduce you to the basic visiting skills required for Pastoral Care Ministry in the health care
facilities or parish. Registration fee: $85. For more information and to register, call: 403-218-5501 or Email:
Social Justice Ministry
2015 Development & Peace Regional Meeting & Retreat: Will be held on April 24 & 25, 2015 at St. Mary’s
Parish in Red Deer, Alberta. Registration deadline is April 19th, 2015. Please contact Sara Farid at to
register or for more information. ALL ARE WELCOME!
Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs
Journeying with Christ in Prayer: A 5 day Silent Directed Ignatian Retreat; April 19-24, 2015. King’s Fold Retreat & Renewal
Centre (Range Road 40, Cochrane, AB) is pleased to offer a personally directed retreat that focuses on the life of Christ in Scripture
following the tradition of St. Ignatius of Loyola in the Spiritual Exercises. Facilitated by: Charles Pottie-Pâté, sj and Heather
Cowie; Contacts: Fr. Charles Pottie- Pâté at 403-228-417 Ext. 232 or 403-932-3174:
RSVP by April 30th to Caroline Silveira, or 403-218-5523.
Life & Family Resource Centre (LFRC)
Effective Co-Parenting: When divorce comes unexpectedly to your doorstep, how can you give your children the best chance to
heal? How do you allow them the chance to be kids, answer their tough questions and ultimately help them move on to a future
defined by hope and security? The Effective Co-Parenting: Putting Children First program gives information about the needs of
parents, children and families. The LFRC is offering this program on 5 consecutive Wednesday evenings from April 15 – May 13.
To register and for information please call 403-218-5505.
Mark your calendar for “A Song for Rachel”, a fun-filled, family fundraising concert and silent auction to support Project Rachel.
Everyone is invited to attend this event at 7:30 pm, Friday May 8 at St. Paul’s Parish, 1305 Main St, Airdrie. Tickets on sale at
$10/person or $25/family. Contact the LFRC at 403-218-5505 for tickets or to donate silent auction items.
Calgary Pro-Life Association has its 35th Annual Hike for Life on Saturday, May 9, 8:30 am – noon at Prince’s Island Park.
Contact or 403-243-0691.
Project Rachel offers a journey of healing and reconciliation for men and women who are suffering distress from a past abortion
experience. Clients will be referred to professional counselors who are specially trained to deal with the trauma associated with this
experience. For more information call Project Rachel at 403-218-5506 or toll free at 1-877-597-3223. You can also e-mail
“For Better & For Ever…” Marriage Preparation accepts all couples preparing for marriage. Upcoming Dates: March
23/April 10-11, April 20/May8-9. For more upcoming dates, other information and/or registration contact 403-218-5504 or email
You can advertise here. Call the
Parish office at
or email: for
pricing or any additional