The Collect Post Communion Prayer St Helena`s Anglican Church

e-­‐mail: Postal: PO Box 42409, 6534 Larnaca, Cyprus Upper Room: Flat 201, St Helena’s Court (adjacent to the Church) web: Chaplain: Ven. Dr John Holdsworth 99 658 147 If you wish to include anything in the bulleBn, please contact Deb Graham by noon Wednesday on 99173079 or email to Diary of the week:
St Helena’s Anglican Church
Please note the ac,vi,es (*) take place in the Upper Room
Holy Communion: Ven Dr John Holdsworth followed by the Annual Council MeeBng Sunday 22 March 9.30 am Monday 23 March 10am – 1pm Charity Shop open Tuesday 24 March 10.30am Council Mee,ng * Wednesday 25 March 10.30am-­‐ 12.30 2pm Thursday 26 March 10am-­‐1pm Friday 27 March 10am – 1pm Saturday 28 March Sunday 29 March 9.30 am Charity Shop closed Open Church and Book Sale ‘Soul Spark’ course, part 5 CraP Group – card making in church. Please ring Helen for details (99278599) Charity Shop open Holy Communion: Ven Dr John Holdsworth, preacher: Geoff Graham Today’s Scripture: Jeremiah 31: 31-34 Hebrews 5: 5-10
John 12: 20-33
Next Week’s Scripture: Isaiah 50: 4-9a Philippians 2: 5-11
Mark 14:1 – 15:47 or 15: 1-39 [40-47]
Post Communion Prayer
God of hope,
in this eucharist we have tasted
the promise of your heavenly banquet
and the richness of eternal life.
May we who bear witness to the death of your Son,
also proclaim the glory of his resurrection,
for he is Lord for ever and ever. Amen
22nd March, 2015
Welcome to St Helena’s in the name of Christ.
If you are a baptised Christian of any tradition,
you are invited to receive Communion with us this morning.
A warm welcome to our visitors and newcomers today.
Please stay for refreshments in the courtyard after the
The Collect
Most merciful God,
who by the death and resurrection of your
Son Jesus Christ delivered and saved the world:
Grant that by faith in him who suffered on the cross,
we may triumph in the power of his victory;
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
Please turn off mobile phones before the service commences.
Please note that we have a hearing loop and adjust your hearing aid accordingly.
Looking Forward –
Today we have our annual Church Meeting. Please do stay
for the meeting after coffee, which will include reports on all
aspects of the church’s work over the past year. Those
whose names are on the Electoral Roll will be eligible to
vote. Please make sure your name is entered. There are no
elections as such this year. The nominations are equal to
the vacancies and so those nominated will be returned
Also today, the Pastoral letter for Passiontide and Easter is
available. Please do take one for yourselves and one for
anyone you think might be interested in coming to church at
Easter. The next two Wednesdays are both public holidays
in Cyprus, but we shall be continuing with our normal
programme – so there will be a book sale on Wednesday
and the following Wednesday there will be Luncheon Club.
Last week we had a Council Meeting, and the results of that
will be part of our Meeting today. Of particular interest is our
fundraising event programme. Coming up we have a
sponsored walk on April 11th. This year there will just be
one sponsored event, so hopefully we can get a good
response from potential sponsors. The walk will take place
in the Oroklini area, but following a different route from
previous years; and there will be an opportunity for lunch
afterwards, but at a different venue for a change. Next
week we have our Palm Sunday procession with palms.
The more the better. Let’s make this Easter a really
memorable one in church.
John Holdsworth Chaplain/Parish Priest
Prayer Corner
This week we pray especially for:
Alannah, Berie Norton, Paul Leggett, Peggy
Steeden, Joan Andrews, Fran Bremner, Alan
Roper, Ann Pickard, Zoe Kolokotroni, Andreas,
Natalie, Miranda and Rachel, Vassiliki Goro,
Jackie, David Hamblin, James Phelps, Andi and
Elizabeth, Pat, Darren Maunders, Ken Taylor,
Carollynne Ellis, Diane Conway, Valerie, Annie,
Susan and Glenn, Helen, Dave Bennett, Margaret
Hutchinson, Maureen Spelman, Stacey and family,
Stephen Cooke, Robin MacKay.
We pray also for St Christopher’s in Bahrain and
St Paul’s in Nicosia, thanking God for the worship
offered in them.
Liz would welcome contributions towards flowers
for Easter.
Council Members
Chaplain: Ven Dr John Holdsworth 24651327 / 99658147
Associate Priest and Pastoral Care Facilitator: Fr Sean Semple 99393726 email:
Licensed Reader and Ordinand: Geoff Graham 99178068
Wardens: Elsie Shearsby 24427532 / 99956975 and Rowena Parkin
Rob Taylor 96275734
CC Secretary and Synod Rep: Deborah Graham 99173079
Fundraising: Sue Holdsworth 24651327 and Wendy Papasolomontos 24433540
Synod Rep:
Sue Mantovani 24652678/99594678
Vulnerable People Protection Officer: Jean West 24425224/99950866,
Council Member and Chairman of the Fabric Committee: Jim West 99249813
Council Member: John Morgan 99914830