March 29, 2015 - Saint John Paul II

Saint John Paul II Parish
Parroquia San Juan Pablo II
Palm Sunday
March 29, 2015
Saint John Paul II Parish: March 29, 2015
Saint John Paul II Parish Mission Statement:
Saint John Paul II Parish’s mission is to nourish the growth of individuals in their love of God and one
another through the sacraments, public worship, personal prayer, Catholic education and the sharing
of Time, Talent and Treasure.
Welcome to Saint John Paul II Parish
Welcome to all new families! Please register by calling or stopping by the parish office, or by downloading the
registration form online. If your address changes or you move from the parish, please inform the parish office.
Saint John Paul II Parish Office
406 W. Central Boulevard, Kewanee, IL
Phone 309.852.4549—Fax 309.853.4106
Office Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8 am-4 pm
Pastor………...……………..Fr. Johndamaseni (Fr. John) Zilimu
Deacons…………………………………………Mar'n VanMeltebeck
…………………………………...……………………………...Dc. Ted Mock
Finance Secretary……….………………………….Marjorie Dooley
Administrave Assistant…………………………….Brenda Kuffel
Maintenance ……………………………………………….Nate Nichols
Spanish Ministry Coordinator……………………..Maria Torres
Adult Choir Director …………………………………..Susan Welgat
Organist…………………………………………………Abbie Hamilton
Folk Group Director …...Mike Berry .………..309-856-7506
Youth Ministry Coordinator………………….Brea Cinnamon
Director of Religious Educaon, CCD……Samantha Harker
…309-540-9800 or…………………
Director of RCIA, Cemetery, Tribunal Notary Auditor:
……………………………………………. Deacon Mar'n VanMeltebeck
Visitation Catholic School
Where a Rich Heritage of Quality Catholic
Education Awaits Your Child
101 S. Lexington Avenue, Kewanee, IL
(309) 856-7451, Office hours: Mon.-Fri. 7:30 am –3:00 pm
School Principal—Sheila Cromien
Principal …………………………………………………………….Sheila Cromien
Secretary………………………………………………..Susan Welgat
Finance ………….………………………………………...Dan DeSmit
Schedule of Masses
Wednesday - Thursday:
Saturday Vigil:
5:30 pm
8:00 am
8:30 am
4:30 pm
7:30 am
9:30 am
Spanish Mass
1:00 pm
All Masses are celebrated at Visitation Church, 410 W Central Blvd.
Devotions & Sacramentals
Rosary: Wednesday, 6:30 pm Visitation Church
Eucharistic Adoration: Thursday, from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm.
Sign up sheet in front of the pulpit.
Baptism: All baptisms will take place at Visitation Church
the 1st & 3rd Sunday after 9:30 Mass. Please call the parish
office to schedule a time. A free-will donation should be
given to the clergy performing the baptism. Additionally,
non-members will be charged a $50 Stole Fee. Baptism classes will be last Sunday of the month after 9:30 Mass.
Marriage: Contact the Pastor at least 6 to 12 months in
advance to schedule a wedding and begin marriage preparations.
Reconciliation: Saturday, from 3:30—4:10 pm and 9:00
am—9:15 am Sunday, Visitation Church or by appointment.
Visitation & Anointing of the Sick: Any person homebound, hospitalized, in the nursing home or advanced in
years may notify the Parish Office to receive the Sacraments:
Eucharist, Confession/Reconciliation, and Anointing. Parishioners from the Pastoral Care Ministry would be glad to
We also offer First Friday Communion Calls to the
Homebound. Please call the Parish Office if you or someone
you know would like to be visited monthly.
Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA): Persons wishing to learn more about the Catholic faith or join our Catholic community should call Dc. Marty Director of RCIA.
Quinceañera: The family must be registered and active
parishioners for at least six months and living within the
boundaries of the Peoria Diocese. The family must provide
copies of baptismal and 1st Communion certificates. If the
15 year old girl is already confirmed, we also need a copy of
the Confirmation certificate. All certificates must come from
parishes supported by the Roman Catholic Rite. Reserve the
date: A date may be reserved on the parish calendar 6
months in advance with a deposit of $187.50 with an additional
Quinceañeras are scheduled on Saturdays at noon or 1pm at
Visitation Church.
Saint John Paul II Parish: March 29, 2015
This Week @ Saint John Paul II
Schedule & Intentions
Monday, March 30
No Mass
Tuesday, March 31
Tuesday of Holy Week
No Mass
Wednesday, April 1
Wed. of Holy Week
8:00 am Visitation Church
Isabella & Lawrence Standaert
By Joanne Utley
Thursday, April 2
Holy Thursday
7:00 pm Visitation Church
Larkin & Golby Families
By Mr. & Mrs. Jim Golby
Noon Mass Saint Luke MC
Joanne Baker
By Malamphy Sisters
Friday, April 3
Good Friday
3:00 pm Visitation Church
Saturday, April 4
Easter Vigil
8:15 pm Visitation Church
Catherine ‘Kay’ Brooks
By Vicky Lappin
Sunday, April 5
Easter Sunday
8:00 am Visitation Church
Wanda O’Connor
By Nadine Palmgren
10:00 am Visitation Church
Charlotte Kursock
By Family
1:00 pm Visitation Church
Spanish Mass
Stewardship of Treasure
March 22 & 23, 2015
Sunday Envelopes
Loose contributions
Church Building/Grounds
VCS Building /Grounds
Debt Reduction
Catholic Relief Services
Aid to Eastern Europe
VCS Roof Fund
St. Vincent dePaul
Easter Flowers
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
No Mass
Wednesday, April 1, 2015
6:30 pm: Rosary
7:00 pm: ADA Meeting @ Parish Center
Holy Thursday, April 2, 2015
No Adoration
Noon: Mass @ Saint Luke Medical Center
7:00 pm: Mass @ Visitation Church
8:00—10:00 pm: Benediction
Friday, April 3, 2015
Early out for VCS
3:00 pm: Service @ Visitation Church
Saturday, Easter Vigil; April 4, 2015
8:15 pm: Easter Vigil Mass @ Visitation Church
Monday, April 6, 2015
Parish Office Closed
Prayer Request
Tom Ahlgren
Cari Bridgewater
Lonna Verkland
Frank Bartok
Leo Cromien
Benjamin Brown
Grady Calderon
Jean Carlat
Dick Clark
Sid Douglas
Gary Hine
Rick Girkin
Jessica Rist
Irene Bridgewater
Eugene Carlson
Mary Jackson
Terrie Keefner
Rusty Lams
Olga Larson
Veronica Lepianka
Annie Eastman
Jerry Swearingen
Dennis Sullivan
Dee & Milt Seyller
Donna Tucker
Margot Macaley
Ray VanWassenhove
Milly Mock
Fran Verschage
Terry Rist
Dwaine Wager
Patrick Paxton
Bernie Zumber
Rosemary Paxton Delores Seckman
Sue Saigh
Charlie Sauer
Marie Sherbeyn
Paul Donovan
Sue Lincy
Xavier Conlin
Joann Clementz
Don Nyert
Shirley Pilarski
Frank Mower
Readings for the Week
Total: $
Good Friday Collection
Our parish will support Chris'ans in the Holy Land through a Good
Friday collec'on. Please support our brothers and sisters in the
Holy Land by giving to this special collec'on. The pon'fical collec'on allows for care of Chris'anity’s holiest sites and for God’s people living in the Holy Land.
Good Friday Service is Friday, April 3rd, at 3:00 pm.
Readings for the week of March 29, 2015
Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord
Mk 11:1-10 or Jn 12:12-16; Is 50:4-7; Ps 22;
Phil 2:6-11; Mk 14:1—15:47 or 15:1-39
Is 42:1-7; Ps 27; Jn 12:1-11
Is 49:1-6; Ps 71; Jn 13:21-33, 36-38
Wednesday Is 50:4-9a; Ps 69; Mt 26:14-25
Chrism Mass: Is 61:1-3a, 6a, 8b-9; Ps 89;
Rv 1:5-8; Lk 4:16-21
Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper: Ex 12:1-8,
11-14; Ps 116; 1 Cor 11:23-26; Jn 13:1-15
Friday of the Passion of the Lord
Is 52:13—53:12; Ps 31; Heb 4:14-16, 5:7-9;
Jn 18:1—19:42
Holy Saturday
Easter Vigil: Gn 1:1—2:2 or 1:1, 26H 31a; Ps 104
or 33; Gn 22:1H 18 or 22:1H 2, 9a, 10H 13, 15H 18;
Ps 16; Ex 14:15—15:1; Ex 15; Is 54:5H 14; Ps 30;
Is 55:1H 11; Is 12; Bar 3:9H 15, 32—4:4; Ps 19;
Ez 36:16-17a, 18H 28; Ps 42 or Is 12 or Ps 51;
Rom 6:3H 11; Ps 118; Mk 16:1-7
Easter Sunday of the Resurrecon of the Lord
Acts 10:34a, 37-43; Ps 118; Col 3:1-4 or
1 Cor 5:6b-8; Jn 20:1-9 or Mk 16:1-7
Saint John Paul II Parish: March 29, 2015
Saint John Paul II Religious Ed
Next Class:
No Classes Easter Sunday
April 12, 2015
10:30 am
Thursday, April 9th, 2015
1:00 pm—2:00 pm
Saint John Paul II Parish Center Lower Level
For more information visit
Group or call the
parish office or Delores at 525-4447.
RCIA Classes at Saint John Paul II
Mother Teresa Card Party
Attending Mass
Holy Thursday
7:00 pm Visitation Church
Catholic Book Club
Catholic Book Club is a ministry of the parish which thrives to
learn more about our faith through books on the lives of saints,
inspira'onal readings discussions and hearing about 'mes and
places related to the faith.
We welcome any women of the parish who enjoy a good book to
join us. We meet once a month from Sept. through May. If interested call the parish center or Delores at 525-4447 for more informa'on.
Rice Bowls
Hungering for Seeds of Home We follow Jesus
this week on our Lenten journey as he enters into
Jerusalem, a community he knew well. CRS Rice
Bowl asks us, too, to prayerfully enter into our own communi'es,
to find those who are hungry and thirsty, who need our help. How
does our Lenten journey mo'vate us to serve those we encounter
in our daily lives?
The Diocese of Peoria is made up of 161 parishes and more than
60,000 Catholic families. There are many ministries and apostolates that the Diocese can offer that we as a single parish cannot. Cateche'cal training for schools and CCD teachers, recruitment and training of priests, medical care for re'red priests, ministry to our students on college campuses, evangeliza'on, administra'on of many of the details of parish finances… these are just
a few of the many services we receive from the Diocese of Peoria. Your support, in prayer and through your sacrificial giK, make
it possible to provide these services.
Mother Teresa Card Party – Needs Your
St. John Paul II’s Altar and Rosary is looking for new or gently used items for the
Mother Teresa Card Party. Perhaps you
received a birthday giK or Christmas present that didn’t quite hit the mark for you…. But could be a prize
for someone else! Please leave any dona'ons at the Parish Center, or call Carol Kolata at 853-1009. All items are needed by
April 5th. Thank you for your help.
Mother Teresa Card Party
Please mark your calendars for the annual Mother Teresa Card
Party on Sunday, April 12 at 6:30 PM in the Visita'on Goetzman
School Gym. Cost is only $3 per person. Bring and play the game
of your choice. Homemade desserts, coffee, or a cold drink are all
included in the price of your 'cket. Prizes for the winners of each
table! Lots of door prizes! 50/50 drawing. A fun evening ….. and
you are also doing a good deed in helping the “poorest of the
poor.” All proceeds go to the Mother Teresa Charitable Fund. For
advance reserva'on of tables, call Carol Kolata at 309/853-1009.
Tickets will also be sold at the door.
A & R Meeting
Ladies of the Parish: Please join the Altar & Rosary Society at our Wednesday April 8th meeting. The rosary
will be said at 6:30 PM in the church with the meeting
to follow in the lower level of the Parish Center. Our
guest speaker will be Mary Ebert presenting an update
on her mission work. Come and enjoy coffee, dessert,
and door prizes.
Sign-up aKer Masses on the weekends of:
April 11 &12, 18 & 19, and 25 & 26
April 27,28,30
May 1 & 2
May 8 &9
Sign-up ANYTIME Online using the Parish
Saint John Paul II Parish: March 29, 2015
Our Mission:
“The mission of Visitation Catholic School is to inspire excellence and to develop
future leaders for Christ, through quality education grounded in Catholic
values, principles, and traditions.
www.visita' or like us on Facebook!
Calendar Winners
Mar. 16—Cathy & Amy Pilarski
Mar. 17—Mary McInre
Mar. 18—Zach Rux
Mar. 19—Jeff & Pam Johnson
Mar. 20—Mary Burkhart
St. Louis School, Princeton, seeks principal for 201516. Must have Masters degree plus type 75 certificate
and be a practicing Catholic. Apply on line at www.
Easter Break
There will be no school Monday March 30 through,
Monday, April 6th. Classes will resume at the regular
times on Tuesday, April 7th.
Virtue of the Month Winners
“Virtue of the Month” winners for February were John
Patrick Sloan, David Mock, and Kale Stuckey. Thirtynine other students were also nominated for the virtue
of “Kindness.”
Posters for the months of November, December, and
January have come in and are on display in the school
Cultural Appreciation Week
Thank you to all the wonderful speakers who have
helped to make our first-ever Cultural Appreciation
Week such a great success—Barb and Steve Morrison;
Fr. John and his cousin, Sr. Vestina; Mary Jimenez
and Laura Bretado; Eve Przybyla; Emiel Michelet; —
Irena Adamonis and Jan May. The students and staff
have learned the meaning of the flags; counted in Swahili and Gaelic; sampled traditional foods; compared
money from different countries; heard about the role
of the Catholic Church in other countries, and much,
much more.
Special thanks also to Katie and Bud Johnson of
Wanee Theater for hosting the entire school for a
showing of “The Luck of the Irish” on St. Patrick’s Day.
Hosting Ministries: Building and Grounds and
The Garden of the Blessed Virgin Mary
(Memorial Garden)
What: Spring Clean Up (Outdoor Spring Cleaning)
When: The week of April 20, 2015 Mon. through Fri.
(starting at 3:30 through 7:00 pm)
Where: Meet by the Memorial Garden
You are invited to Saint John Paul II Parish Grounds
Cleanup Week (April 20, 2015),beginning at 3:30 pm
with light refreshments.
Please come, armed with rakes, gloves, leaf blowers.
Many volunteers are needed to pick up branches, rake
leaves, etc. to spruce up our grounds.
It’s a great way to get to know other parishioners and to
prepare our grounds for First Communion and Confirmation.