May 10, 2015 - Saint Joseph Church

May 10, 2015
Rev. George F. O’Neill, Pastor
Msgr. Edward Scull, Retired - Weekend Liturgist
Deacon Peter J. Kuhn
Deacon William J. Shaughnessy
Rita Golaszewski, Parish Secretary
Andrea Woronick,
Director of Faith Formation and Ministry
EDJE & Cross Over 2 Jesus Administrator
Roseann D’Aureli
David Kendall, Music Director
Tory Gozzi, Choir Director
Phone: 203.775.1035
Fax: 203.775.1684
Web Site:
163 Whisconier Road,
Brookfield, CT 06804
GPS Address: 1 Obtuse Hill Road
Brookfield, CT 06804
Office Hours:
9:00 AM – 4:30 PM, Monday-Thursday
9:00 AM – 1:00 PM, Friday
Mass Schedule:
Saturday Vigil – 5:00 PM
Sunday-7:30, 9:00 & 11:00 AM, 5:00 PM
Monday-Friday – 6:45 and 8:45 AM
Saturday morning – 8:00 AM
Saturday at 4:00 PM
Cancelled this week for Mother’s Day
Mr. Scott Bannon, Principal
Phone: 203.775.2774
Fax: 203.775.5810
Web Site:
We invite you to stay at the end of Sunday Mass –
following the closing hymn – and join in praying three
“Hail Marys” for Peace: in our World, in our Families
and in our Hearts..
Baptism – The Sacr ament of Baptism is celebr ated on
Sundays at 12:30 p.m. A Pre-Baptism class is required for
both parents prior to the Baptism of their first child.
Register with the Parish Office: 203.775.1035.
Marriage – Weddings gener ally ar e celebr ated on
Friday evening or Saturday afternoon and must be
scheduled at least six months in advance. Please do not
make final arrangements for your reception prior to
contacting the Parish Office.
R.C.I.A. – Inter ested in Catholic Faith? Call the Par ish
Parishioners entering local hospitals are urged to advise
the Admissions Department that they are Roman
Catholic and that they wish to be visited by the Catholic
Chaplain. This is especially important if admission is
through the Emergency Room. In addition, you may
contact the Parish Office directly in order to arrange a
visit from a member of St. Joseph’s clergy.
AND COMFORT: Bill Schappert, Carmine Mango, Pat Walsh,
Helen Fiddner, John Mainhart, Patricia, Sr. Sophia, Pete V., Bob
Murphy, Charles and Faye Thibodeau, and Matthew.
Cooney, Michael Ayala Lopez, Michael Moreira, Ryan Quintard
and John Suszynski.
Kidz Eye View
In this school year’s final installment of “Kidz Eye View,” the
SJS 7th and 8th Graders reflect on Jesus’ command to “Love
one another as I love you.”
Sarah Bohling (8) - The message is that we should love ever yone completely and unconditionally the way God loves us. Love
is universal. Love is God and God loves us all. No matter what
race or religion we are, we are all children of God and He loves all
of us equally.
Molly Coyle (7) - In or der to love, you need God. God is love
and always remember, we should love Him above anyone, for He
is the reason we are here.
Isabella Font (7) - Show other s what it means to love by a love
that is so strong you would do anything.
Michael Iannucci (7) - Dear God, Help me love everyone, including you, and help me understand why.
Victoria McFarlin (8) - The main command J esus left us is to
love one another. And if that’s all we do we are surely to be accepted in God’s Kingdom.
Catherine Hanley (7) - Without God you could not love because He is love.
Spencer Brown (8) - The theme of the fir st r eading and the
gospel is to take everything you’ve learned as a Christian and use
it in your everyday life.
Joseph Moore (8) - If you love one another , you love God.
Holly Fleming (8) - I will pr ay for cour age.
Amy Perna (8) - Dear Jesus, Help me to use your grace and
strength to love others to the point I would lay down my life for
them. Amen.
Jessica Garcia (8) - The message is simply to love one another .
We need to treat each other with love because we are all brothers
and sisters in God.
The Catholic Faith Explained
Coming up on Wednesday, May 13: Episode 5 - “Who is
Jesus?” The pr ogr am will be shown each week beginning at
1:00 PM in the lower level meeting room of the rectory. A brief
discussion period follows each episode. Segments are selfcontained so it is not necessary to have seen earlier episodes.
Sponsored by the 55-Plus Club. No reservation required.
SUNDAY, MAY 10, 2015
You’ve got a friend
A high-school junior recently pointed out that
the word “friend” has lost its meaning. “Isn’t
there a difference between having a real
friend and thousands of Facebook ‘friends’?”
Indeed there is, and the difference is trust. A
true friend is someone who knows your heart
because you have opened it to him or her.
This takes trust. It’s risky to let yourself be
known deeply. But this is just what Jesus does in these hours
before His Passion: “I have called you friends, because I have told
you everything I have heard from my Father.” How do you
respond to Jesus calling you His friend? What do you expect of a
friend? What do you think Jesus expects of you, His friend?
TODAY’S READINGS: Acts 10:25-26, 34-35, 44-48; 1 John 4:710; John 15:9-17 (56). “This is my commandment: Love one
another as I love you.”
Be a good host
From His birth in a stable to His travels as an adult, Jesus gave
others the opportunity to take care of Him by offering their shelter,
sustenance, and company. It was while relaxing and dining as a
guest that He imparted so many of His greatest teachings.
Christians are called to welcome and serve others as Christ was
welcomed and served. Consider opening your home, your wallet,
your heart to strangers on a regular basis. You never know what
spiritual gifts are in store.
TODAY’S READINGS: Acts 16:11-15; John 15:26-16:4a (291). “If
you consider me a believer in the Lord, come and stay at my
Growing up fast
What were you doing when you were 14? Hanging out with your
friends, catching a movie, studying for an eighth-grade exam?
Things were quite a bit tougher for Pancras, a Roman youth of 14
who had converted to Christianity along with his family around
the year 300. During the persecution of Christians by Diocletian,
Pancras refused to perform a sacrifice to the Roman gods.
Impressed with the boy’s determination to resist, Diocletian
promised him riches, but Pancras chose martyrdom instead.
Whether or not you would have had the courage at 14—or now—
to make the same choice, you can honor Pancras today for the
choice he made—on behalf of us all.
TODAY’S READINGS: Acts 16:22-34; John 16:5-11 (292). “The
crowd in Philippi joined in the attack on Paul and Silas ...”
OMG! Awesome!
Catholic Christians are a conundrum. Our creed is a litany of
OMG!s (Oh my God!) literally and figuratively. We believe in one
God who is three persons. We believe God became fully human
while remaining fully divine. We believe in the resurrection of the
dead. Even with these mysteries of our faith, we can come to know
our God personally. Theologian Karl Rahner wrote frequently of
the experience of God as an intermingling of incomprehensibility
Continued next page ...
Continued from preceding page …
and intimacy: “Thanks be to your mercy, you Infinite God, that I
don’t just know about you with concepts and words, but have
experienced you, lived you, suffered you.” Amen!
TODAY’S READINGS: Acts 17:15, 22—18:1; John 16:12-15 (293).
“It is God who gives to everyone life and breath and everything.”
Body and soul rise to the occasion
We’ve all seen artwork commemorating the Ascension—typically
Jesus hovering in a cloud above His disciples, taking His leave of
this earth with a blessing and promise to return one day. We
usually focus on the fact that Jesus “left” earth. But the deeper
significance of this event is that Jesus’ humanity is taken to heaven
with Him. He enters into His glory fully embodied. What this tells
us is that our own bodies, with all the aches and pains and
vulnerability to illness and death, are also sacred space. God
redeems all of us—soul and body. Give thanks with every breath,
in every cell in your body!
TODAY’S READINGS: Acts 1:1-11; Ephesians 4:1-13 or
Ephesians 1:17-23; Mark 15-20 (58). “Go into the whole world
and proclaim the gospel to every creature.”
Holiness starts with humility
Humility comes from knowing we’re dust: literally humus, the
soil. So Isidore the farmer and his wife Maria de la Cabeza, both
saints, were planted in holy ground from the start. From humble
beginnings, miracles spring up like grass! Today Muslims
celebrate Laylat al-Miraj, the event through which their prophet
rose into his destiny. Mohammed had a vision in which he meets
Adam, John, and Jesus; Joseph, Aaron, Moses, and Abraham.
Through these holy encounters, he discovers the necessity to bow
and pray before God five times daily. Practice the humility of
bowing: before the tabernacle, at the cross, in the presence of all
that’s holy.
TODAY’S READINGS: Acts 18:9-18; John 16:20-23 (295). “Amen,
amen, I say to you, whatever you ask the Father in my name He
will give you.”
Faith practiced is faith perfected
It can be hard to face the fact that life isn’t perfect. What you hope
for isn’t always so and the road to change can be a long one. The
journey of life isn’t meant to be perfect, however, it’s meant to
perfect us—to make holy what is by working toward wholeness.
Jesus longs for you to be whole. Catholic teaching defines prayer
as the raising of one’s mind and heart to God or the requesting of
good things from God. Note the qualifier—”of good things.” But
what is good? Think of it this way: What do you need today so that
you can be more whole? What will allow you to be a joyful
witness to the gospel? Start there!
TODAY’S READINGS: Acts 18:23-28; John 16:23b-28 (296).
“Whatever you ask the Father in my name He will give you.”
©2015 by TrueQuest Communications
Birthright’s Baby-Bottle Fundraiser
Birthright has served pregnant women in Greater Danbury
since 1972. Thousands of mothers and babies have been helped!
Life is a precious gift that should be nurtured and protected.
Our volunteers help pregnant women in crises find workable solutions so that they can give birth to their babies and face the future
with dignity and hope.
Birthright is hosting its annual baby-bottle fundraiser this
weekend. Proceeds will help them continue to offer their vital
services during the coming year.
Baby bottles are being distributed this weekend at all Masses.
Please fill the bottle with check, cash or coin and return it to St.
Joseph church in two weeks on the weekend of May 23 and 24.
Thank you and God bless you.
Summer Clothing Needed
For Waypoint’s Midnight Run
Waypoint - St. J oe’s teen gr oup - will be making their third
Midnight Run to New Yor k City on May 30 to distr ibute clothing and sandwiches to the street people and others in desperate
need. Please support our teens who will make real the love of
Christ for the poor and marginalized of our society.
We are looking for donations of gently used summer-weight
clothing in good condition. (No bathing suits, please!) Clothing
should be placed in a plastic bag and deposited in the tan clothing
drop shed in the lower parking lot behind the school. Receipts are
available at the shed.
Thank you for your support.
Women’s Day of Reflection:
“The Rosary of Our Lives”
With Amy Ekeh
Join us at the Women’s Day of Refection, “The Rosary
of our Lives” with Amy Ekeh on Saturday, May 30, at Saint
Margaret Shrine, 2523 Park Avenue, Bridgeport.
Begin the day with morning Mass at 8:15 AM, breakfast, then talks, discussions, meditations, and lunch. The
day will conclude at 2:30 p.m. The cost is $25/person; bring
a rosary or one will be provided if you do not have one.
RSVP by Friday, May 22 to Gina Donnarummo at 203416-1446 or To register,
mail check, made payable to: “Office of Faith Formation,”
Attn: Gina, 238 Jewett Avenue, Bridgeport, CT 06606.
APRIL 26, 2015
Our Gifts to God
And His Church
2015 blessing of the bikes
WEEKEND OF MAY 2 - 3, 2015
Sunday Offertory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $12,403.01
* Includes average weekly electronic contributions of $3,200
The Catholic Academy of Bridgeport is located on four campuses in the city of Bridgeport. Nearly 1,000 elementary school
children benefit from the academic excellence, discipline and
Catholic values that are imparted at the culturally, spiritually, and
economically diverse environment. Students in Catholic Academy
outscore the public schools in Bridgeport in reading and mathematics with all on or above grade level. Annual tuition is approximately $4,000 and 65% of families cannot pay the total tuition.
The Board of Catholic Academy is required to raise over $1.5 million in aid annually which serves some of the lowest income families in the city and state of Connecticut.
Education is the gift of a lifetime. Gifts restricted to the Annual Catholic Appeal enable inner city youth to become faith-filled,
industrious, responsible and well educated adults. Our society and
the Church need these young people who will continue to foster
the faith.
Please prayerfully consider making your gift today. Pledge
envelopes are available at the church entrances, or pledge online
via the Diocesan Web site,
***Save the Date***
2015 Saint Joseph School Annual
Golf Outing
Candlewood Valley Country Club
Thursday June 11, 2015
All skill levels are welcome!
Registration and payment of $175 fee per golfer will be
available through the SJS website at
We are also seeking donations and sponsorships for the
golf outing.
Contact outing chairman Pat Conlon at for registration and sponsorship information. See you on the links!
The 2015 Blessing of the Bikes will be held next
Sunday, May 17, at 1:15 PM at St Joseph
Church in Brookfield. (GPS Address: 1 Obtuse Hill
Road, Brookfield, CT 06804)
We will have the Blessing and a short ride
around southern Litchfield County and return for
some light refreshments at St Joseph Church.
If you plan on attending, please let us know so
that we can plan accordingly for food and
drinks. Email (If you know
for sure that you will not be able to attend, please
let us know that too.)
Looking forward to seeing you on the 17th!
Save the date!
July 13 thru July 17, 2015
At Prince of Peace Lutheran Church
All school-aged children (entering grades Kindergarten
through 6th grade) are invited to be part of the excitement as
Brookfield’s only Ecumenical Vacation Bible School gears up for
another year! Each year, representatives from Prince of Peace
Lutheran Church, St. Joseph’s Catholic Church and the Congregational Church of Brookfield wor k together to pr esent
God’s word to local children. The theme this year is Gospel
Light’s SonSpark Labs!
Come experience the adventure! Registration forms are available at the St. Joe’s Parish office, or email to have a form emailed to you. Cost is $25 per
child with a maximum $75 per family. Classroom experiences are
for those children entering grades Kindergarten through 6th grade,
and a CIT program (including service hours) for those entering
grades 7 and 8. Assistant teaching opportunities are available for
those in high school and we are always looking for adult volunteers in other areas.
Contact: Leanne Fuccillo at “Like” us on Facebook at Brookfield Ecumenical Vacation Bible School .
APRIL 26, 2015
Monday, May 11
6:45 a.m. - Intentions of our Par ishioner s
8:45 a.m. - Roger Messier, req. by Bill & Ginger Schappert
Tuesday, May 12
6:45 a.m. - Souls in Pur gator y, r eq. by Vilma Illescas
8:45 a.m. - Evelyn Gill, req. by the Leggett family
Wednesday, May 13
6:45 a.m. - Laur a Russo, r eq. by Ralph & Gisele Santoliquido
8:45 a.m. - Simon Aragi, req. by Joe Howells
Thursday, May 14-Ascension Thursday, Holy Day of Obligation
6:45 a.m. - Deceased member s of the Magner family, r eq. by
Joann Magner
8:45 a.m. - David Boyd, r eq. by his family
7:00 p.m. - J oanne Lynch, r eq. by Pat & Ed Hopkins
Friday, May 15
6:445 a.m. - Deceased member s of the Giuffr eda family, r eq. by
the Monti family
8:45 a.m. - J ames O’Connor , r eq. by J ulie Lewis & Amy
Saturday, May 15
8:00 a.m. - Patr ick Russell, r eq. by Dor othy & Steve Degar ay
5:00 p.m. - Richar d Hess, r eq. by Bob & Reyna Koeppen
Sunday, May 17 - 7th Sunday of Easter
7:30 a.m. - Gir olana and Cr escenzo D’Onofr io, r eq. by
Filomena Capanna
9:00 a.m. - Deceased member s of the Palazzolo family, r eq. by
Marie Emanuele
11:00 a.m. - Maur een Leggett, r eq. by the Leggett family
5:00 p.m. - Intentions of Colette Stur m, r eq. by the Claxton
Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord
Thursday, May 14 - Holy Day of Obligation
Masses at 6:45 & 8:45 AM and 7:00 PM
Parish Office Closed
Banns of Marriage
Mallory Martino and Michael Ditter
Week of May 10-17, 2015
Sunday - Coffee & Donuts after 9 AM Mass - Parish Center
Sunday - Holy Hour for the Unborn - Cancelled this week
Mon., Tue., Wed. & Fri. – Rosary for Life – 8:20 a.m. – Church
Wednesday - K of C Meeting - 7:00 p.m. - Parish Center
Friday - Confirmation - 7:00 p.m. - Church & School
Saturday - Men of St. J oseph - 6:45 a.m. - Parish Center
Sunday - Blessing of the Bikes - 1:15 p.m. - Parking lot
The Commencement Speech
The often extreme efforts to maintain separation of
church and state don’t sit well in some parts of the
Nonetheless, the principal at a Midwest high
school strongly cautioned the senior class valedictorian
against including any religious references in his
commencement speech.
At the graduation ceremony, the young man
approached the podium and began: “My fellow
As if on cue, the entire senior class roared “AHHH
“God bless you,” the valedictorian replied...and
returned to his seat.
Altar Servers – Mr. Patrick Jennings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .203.740.7133
Dir. of Music – Mr. David Kendall. . . . . . . . . . . . .203.775.1035, ext. 177
Eucharistic Ministers/Lectors – Mike & Joanna Charecky . 203.775.6612
Faith Formation and Sacraments
Religious Education (Grades 1-8), RCIA and other Sacramental
Preparation – Mrs. Andrea Woronick . . . . . .203.775.1035, ext. 105
Scheduling Baptisms – Mrs. Rita Golaszewski. . . 203.775.1035, ext. 101
Marriage Scheduling/Prep – Deacon Peter Kuhn. .203.775.1035, ext. 104
Prayer & Devotion
Men’s Retreat – Mr. Jeff Roeder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203.740.9428
– Mr. Andy Pacuk ( . . . . 917.514.5974
Women’s Retreat – Mrs. Barb Roeder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .203.740.9428
Men of St. Joseph – Mr. Carl Monti . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203.740.9544
Centering Prayer – Mrs. Michele Curnan
Parish Councils and Administration
Parish Council – Mr. Andy Pacuk, Chairman. . . . . . . . . . . .917.514.5974
Finance Council – Mr. Frank Cavalea, Chairman. . . . . . . . .203.482.5563
SJS Home & School Association
Theresa Mitchell, Vice President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 860.799.7571
Other Ministries & Organizations
8th Station Bereavement Ministry
Mrs. Mary Shaughnessy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .203-775-9138
Mrs. Pat Tharrington. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .203-775-4836
55-Plus Club (Seniors) – Mrs. Helen Fiddner . . . . . . . . . . . 203.775.9613
Knights of Columbus – Mr. Patrick Jennings.. . . . . . . . . . . .203.740.7133
Mary-Martha Ministry – Mrs. Pat Font. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203.775.2335
MOMS (Ministry of Mothers Sharing) – Mrs. Barb Roeder203.740.9428
Outreach to Sick/Shut-In – Sr. Mary Ann Socha, CMGT. . 203.794.1486