Read, Reflect, and Be Renewed by the Word of God The Most Holy

Read, Reflect, and Be Renewed
by the Word of God
Going to movies these days can be an immersion
in blood. It might be surprising to listen to the three
readings that all have to do not just with shedding
blood, but sprinkling it on people as Moses did out in
the desert and presenting Jesus as the great high
priest who goes into the sanctuary bearing his own
blood, which will “cleanse our consciences from
dead works” (Hebrews 9:14) so we can worship the
living God.
And then there is the more familiar reading of
Mark’s account of the Last Supper, when Jesus tells his
disciples to drink his blood. Perhaps we have gotten
used to hearing these words since they are spoken at
every Mass. But if you stop and think about it, they are
rather shocking.
In the biblical world, blood is sacred, blood is life.
From the beginning, animals were offered in sacrifice.
But with the offering of the body and blood of Christ,
a new relationship has been entered into with our
God. Through Jesus’ gift of his body and blood,
salvation was won for us and is present to us when we
gather in his name to praise the Father.
Living God’s Word
Lord Jesus, in Baptism we were washed in the
blood of the Lamb; at every Communion, we eat your
Body and drink your Blood. Through the power of the
Holy Spirit, we continue to live with your life, sharing in
your divinity as you have shared in our humanity. For
this we give you praise and thanks.
The word “thanksgiving” most often calls to our
mind the holiday in November. But as early as the
middle of the second century, Justin Martyr referred to
the blessed bread and wine of the Lord’s Supper as
“food we call ‘thanksgiving’ ” (in Greek eucharistia).
The Thanksgiving we celebrate in the autumn is at
times marked by a sort of proud societal
self-congratulation and the consumption of food until
we sink into an inert stupor. The “thanksgiving” that we
call our Eucharist is just the opposite: we are led to it
by an acknowledgment of our own failings; we
remember our humble place in the scheme of things by
giving praise to God alone.
While the food of Christ’s body and blood fills our
spiritual hungers, it also creates in us a greater hunger.
We are not sent to our spiritual sofas to let the Lord’s
Supper settle; we are sent to be living signs of that
thanksgiving for the world by looking out for the poor
and powerless, feeding the hungry, caring for the sick,
speaking out against the self-righteous. In short, the
hunger created by our doing in remembrance of Christ
must lead us to living in remembrance of him.
The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ
June 7, 2015
Mass Intentions
Corpus Christi Sunday
8:00 AM
Jack Hale / Skippy Peterson
10:30 AM
Living & Deceased of St. Joseph
8:00 AM
Chip Slattery / Marcella Albee
8:00 AM
Mary Slattery / Marcella Albee
8:00 AM
Special Intention / Fortunati
8:00 AM
Darlene Hasselback / Ernie Hasselback
Friday – Most Sacred Heart of Jesus
8:00 AM
Barbara Kuntz / Family
Saturday – Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary
5:00 PM
Special Intention / Fortunati
8:00 AM
Richard Sutton / Skippy Peterson
10:30 AM
Living & Deceased of St. Joseph Parish
Please contact the secretary for Mass intentions for a
deceased loved one or for a special intention.
Office Hours: 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM
8 AM = 63 10:30 AM = 70 Total = 197
Offertory gift for May 31 = $1,700.15
Maintenance = $25.00
SVdP Solicitations ~ $222.00 ~ Many thanks!
5 PM = 64
Kindly pray for our parish family and all
those who are journeying in a special
way with Our Lord, Jesus Christ.
Stanley Armit, Larry Bovat, Paul Bruechner, Patricia
Caudill, Pat Clemens, Keith Connealy, Patricia Cote,
Joyce Drury, Ed Dubin, Ed & Eleanor Feeney, Harry
Fletcher, Jo Flynn, Ed & Marlene Fuller, Ted Geraets,
Antonieta Geronilla, Susan Henderson, Rita Hernandez,
Dot Holman, Kendra Hough, Jaivi Howell, Alida Jarrett,
Margie Kings, Joe Lacoy, Cece LaManna, Marian Lami
& her mother, Germaine LaPlante, Mary Link, Bill & AnneMarie Mann, Monk Manning, Fr. Howard Moussier OSB,
Anna Marie Murphy, Peg Malone, Bob & Margaret Nail,
Maureen Newhouse, Mary Ann Palmer, Vera Patterson,
Marsha Porter, Sr. M. D. Richardson, Babe Rohan, Ruth
Sas, Jack Slevin, Chad Smith, Jason Soulon & family,
Megan Toohey, Art Trienen, Rick Van Norden, Arloa
Whitehurst, Bootsie Williams, Lucas Williams
~ Prayer Requests ~
Terry Danson – (251-961-2165) or
If you are ill or know someone who is ill,
due to have surgery, or in the hospital and would
like a visit from the pastor, please call the rectory.
~ Welcome to Our New Pastor! ~
This Week’s Schedule
2:00 PM
Benedictine Oblate Holy Hour
for vocations – Church
Followed by fellowship – IM Hall
8:30 AM Rosary Cenacle – IM Hall
9:00 AM Adult Faith Formation Bible Study
10;30 AM Choir Practice - church
~ Our Congratulations to ~
Robert and Jennifer Edwards on the Baptism of
their daughter, Grace Trinity, at our 10:30 AM
Mass last Sunday.
We welcome Fr. Saleth Mariadoss of the
Missionary Order of “Heralds of Good News”
as we bid fond farewell to Fr. Joseph. Help us
welcome Fr. Mariadoss in IM Hall on June 14
after the 10:30 AM Mass with a “Pot Luck”
luncheon. Please bring your favorite dish to
share. Coffee and tea will be provided.
Please check the bulletin board for the letter
from Faustin N. Weber, principal of our future
new St. Michael Catholic High School.
Our sympathy to Elaine Scott and Anna Marie Murphy,
and also their families, on the passing of their brother,
Brother Joseph Weiss, O.S.B., whose Requiem Mass was at
St. Bernard Abbey, Cullman, AL, on June 1, with interment
at the Abbey Cemetery. May his soul rest in peace.
A Memorial Mass will be offered at St. Margaret of
Scotland Parish, Foley, AL, on June 10 at 5:30 PM followed
by dinner and a celebration of Brother Joe’s life at St.
Margaret’s Parish Hall for family and friends.
month to provide nonperishable food items for CSS pantry.
Bring items to IM Hall and put in container in the classroom.
*ATT E NT IO N * The Altar Society is collecting materials for a
“Crazy Quilt” Fundraiser Raffle. For more information, call Sr.
Thérèse at 251-979-6515.
Altar Society Fundraiser ~ Our June Bakeless Bake Sale is
in progress. Your support, which helps us with sanctuary
needs, parish projects and also our other ministries, is very
much appreciated.
“CATHOLICS RETURNING HOME” ~ Most of us know of
someone in our circle of family and friends who has left the
Church. Here at St. Joseph, we have a special program to
help non-practicing Catholics return to the Church. For more
information, call our church office at 251-962-2049 or email Inquiries are confidential.
It has been said that the Church breathes
with two lungs, East and West. Some of our
family treasures are in the East, and it is
interesting to consider how liturgical families
developed around differing customs. Centuries
before Christ, after the young girl was given to
her husband by her father, the spouses were
crowned. Christians retained that custom,
keeping the wedding in the home, and sometimes
inviting a visiting priest or bishop to put the
crowns on their heads. By the fourth century, the
crowns were seen not as royal crowns, but as the
crowns of victory worn by martyrs. The crowns
have nothing to do with being “king and queen for
a day,” but rather speak of the sacrifice of love
poured out fully. There are no vows exchanged at
all, but the crowning is followed by a joyful dance
by the priest and couple around the Gospel book.
Unlike Roman law, which saw the wedding rites
as optional, Eastern practice did not recognize a
marriage that had not been blessed.
The Old Country Philosopher Sez - Bob Nail
You only have one life and it’s short indeed
Next to Eternity, if God’s word you will heed.
BALDWIN COUNTY BASH – July 10–12 for all 9th–12th Graders
will be held at St. Lawrence Catholic Church, 370 S. Section
St., Fairhope, AL. Registration forms are available in the
office and must be returned no later than June 10. Check
on or contact Todd
Sylvester at 251-648-5616 for more information.
if God’s
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Take your bulletin with you and let our
advertisers know you appreciate them.
12786 Illinois Street, Elberta, AL 36530
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First Friday Memorial Mass Association
Our Loved Ones – Bob & Margaret Nail
Living & Deceased Kaiser, Klein & Murphy Families
Living & Deceased Scott & Weiss Families
Living & Deceased Bush, Alvarez & McAleer Families
Living & Deceased Mullek & McCandless Families
Living & Deceased Patton & Norton Families
Living & Deceased Shields & Self Families
Living & Deceased Kottsick & Krueger Families
James E. Link
Bob House
Joseph LaManna
Anita Warriner
The Holy Souls
in Purgatory
Living & Deceased Allard & Palmer Families
Living & Deceased Chubb & Burns Families
Living & Deceased Fehn Family
Living & Deceased Lacoy & Clancy Families
Living & Deceased Kearns & Paterson Families
Living & Deceased Altar Society
For the Baptized Who Do Not Practice Their Faith