April 12, 2015 Edition - Saint Jude the Apostle Catholic Community

Saint Jude the Apostle Catholic Church
32032 W. Lindero Canyon
Westlake Village, Ca. 91361
April 12, 2015
Pastoral Staff
Fr. Jim Stehly
Fr. Peter Foran
Pastor Emeritus
Fr. Walt Housey, C.M.
Fr. Marc Reeves, S.J.
Deacon Richard Dornan
Deacon Joseph Manion
Deacon Bill Smith
Pastoral Office Hours
Gift Shop
Monday-Thursday 9 - 5 pm
Friday 9 - 4 pm
Sunday 7:30 - Noon
Telephone (818) 889-1279
Fax (818) 889-3405
Saturday Vigil 5 pm
Sunday 8 am, 10 am, Noon, 5 pm
Weekdays Monday - Friday 12:05 pm
Saturday Evening 3:45 - 4:30 pm
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April 12, 2015
Parish Business Manager
Parish Administrative Assistant
Event Coordinator/Bulletin Editor
Faith Formation Director
Mass Intentions and
Saints & Special Observances
Barbara Farmer x 223
Megan Weddle x 210
Marilyn Grebbien
818 - 889-3551
Cindy Kozal page 5
12:05 p.m.
April 13 St. Martin 1
Ann Blanchard
Michael Flynn
Liz Montagna
12:05 p.m.
April 14
Jean Paul Dumais
Richard X Johnson
Confirmation/Youth Ministry Coordinator - Scott Boczek page 5
Director of Liturgy
Vincent Adams
818 - 889-2373
Asst. Music Director
Michael Hemenway 818 - 889-1279
Directors of Outreach
John & Jackie Treuting
SJ School Principal
Michele Schulte
818 - 889-9483
Plant Manager
Carlos Hernandez
Bereavement Ministry—Embracing our Sick & Dying: Pastoral Center 818
- 889-1279 Jean Marie Cull, Margaret Harder, Grace Johnson
Breakfast for Homeless: Marilou O’Halloran
805 - 551-9727
Christian Service: Pastoral Office
818 - 889-1279
Detention Ministry: Nancy Fox
818 - 889-6265
Eucharistic Ministry to the Sick: Fr. Jim Stehly
818 - 889-1279
Eucharistic Ministry: Ty Hutchison
818 - 402-8402
Faith Firsthand Ministry: Gary Romanowski
818 - 991-4357
Filipino Ministry: Terisita Zaratan
805 - 496-8026
Homefront Ministry: Claire & Patrick Young
805 - 553-0421
Knights of Columbus:
Grand Knight: Gr ant DeSmet
805 - 582-1740
Roundtable Rep: Ron Bodigheimer
805 - 379-0903
Lector Ministry: Jerry Weisbecker
818 - 991-8409
Marriage Encounter: Tim & Pat Crosby
818 - 889-5928
Ministry to Women in Prison: Nancy Fox
818 - 889-6265
Our Lady’s Rosary Makers:
Fatima Espirito-Santo
818 - 597-4840
Prayer Ministries Coordinator: Ben Levine
818 - 437-0560
Respect Life: Mar y Linn
818 - 889-7849
Sacristans: Diane Cigich, Kathleen Paul,
Vicki Baltazar, Fred D’Astoli
Social Justice & Peace: Tom Cull
805 - 497-6473
Just Education and Just Action
Stephen Ministry: Mariann Harmon
805 - 495-1732
Pat Crosby
818 - 889-5928
Jean-Marie Cull
805 - 497-6473
Sarah Boughton
310 - 422-3462
St. Jude Senior Group: Sharon Thomas
818 - 314-4158
Bible Studies
Wednesday AM: Sunday to Sunday: Julie Feely
Wednesday PM: Sunday to Sunday: Trish Dadrowski
Thursday AM: Judy Sullivan
Thursday PM: Tim & Mariann Harmon
818 - 889-2449
805 - 495-1623
805 - 495-1732
John & Jackie Treuting
Jane & Pat McDade
Adopt-A-Family Christmas: John & Jackie Treuting
Adopt-A-Family Easter: Jane & Pat McDade
Back-to-School Project: Nellie & Mark Paris
Baby Day: Kevin Kozal
Bikes 4 Kids: Art Estrada
Clothes Closet: Patti McLain
Coats for the Cause: Rosemarie & Carl Lindner
Eye-to-Eye: Megan Weddle
First Communion Clothes: Madeline Giberson
Frank’s Homeless Project: Lee & Rob Mar tz
Holidays for Homeless: Steve & Pam Yantzer
Kids Helping Kids: Rose Faucher
Recycling for Homeless: Art Estrada
Julie Feely
Sandwich Ministry: Courtney Scott-Miller
Service Day: Ir ma Haldane
WEDNESDAY April 15 Income Tax Day
12:05 p.m.
Sean Hunter
Sr. Judith Kenhart
April 16 Yom Ha-Shoa
(Holocaust Remembrance Day)
Harry Swartz
Constancio Alvarez
12:05 p.m.
April 17
Stehly Family
Mary Kay Hollinger
5:00 p.m.
April 18
Guillero Saavedra
David Beck
8:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
12: 00 p.m.
5:00 p.m.
April 19 Third Sunday of Easter
Mario Capretta
Jim Stehly Sr.
Angela Karunaratne
Austin Ryhkus
12:05 p.m.
Welcome to all who have come to St. Jude Catholic
Community. We hope that our Father’s house will
be a place of solace and grace for you.
If you are not registered, or have a new address and
phone number, please fill our the form and place it in
the collection basket or mail to Pastoral Office.
City and Zip:
Want to Register
Change of Address
Want Envelopes
Moving Out of Parish
Pastoral Office: 818-889-1279, ext. 210
Page 3
April 12, 2015
Day by Day through THE JOY OF THE GOSPEL, by Pope Francis
The Second Sunday of Easter
Sunday, April 12th pars 268 - 274 God cr eated each per son in his own image, and
every person is a reflection of his glory. So, Pope Francis tells us, (w)henever we
encounter another person in love, we learn something new about God." (par. 272) Our
present Holy Father also quotes his predecessor (Pope Benedict XVI) to good effect here: "Closing our
eyes to our neighbor also blinds us to God." When was the last time I remember learning something about
God from someone that I live with or work with? Can I be more attentive to this possibility today?
Monday, April 13th pars. 275 - 280 Pope Fr ancis is ur ging me to have an " inter ior cer tainty that
God is able to act IN EVERY SITUATION, even amid apparent setbacks." (par. 279) Is there a situation
that I'm aware of right now that, consciously or unconsciously, I don't think God can or will enter into and
transform? I need to ask God right now to step in and change both that situation...and my attitude.
Tuesday, April 14th pars. 281 - 283 " We can say that God's hear t is touched by our inter cession, yet
in reality He is always there first." (par. 283) Our prayer to God for others doesn't change God's heart or
mind or force God's hand. Our prayer to God for others frees God to work through us and in others and
allows Him to use us as his hands and his heart and his voice in his world. Who does God want me to
bring to Him in prayer right now?
Wednesday, April 15th pars. 284 - 288 Is Mar y far away and far above me on a celestial pedestal?
Or do I experience her as a tenderly loving mother near at hand? I need to ask her right now to help me
love her Son and my big Brother, Jesus. How can I love Him more, and make Him more loved, in my
little corner of the world?
Treasures from our Tradition
When we imagine the disciples cowering behind locked doors on the first Easter, it is a matter of the
greatest urgency that the doors get opened. They are not locked in as if in prison; rather, they have chosen
to marinate in fear. Both the lock and the key stand on their side of the door, in their control. Christ breaks
through this significant barrier with a message of "Peace." The risen Lord's word propels them through the
door and along the path leading to the consoling image of the community living in harmony in the first
reading today. What do we pray for in our tradition? More than anything else, we pray for peace. Every
Mass is an earnest prayer for peace with God, with self, with neighbor, and for peace in the world. Yet,
curiously, the peace Christ offers is deeper than the mere absence of conflict. Our tradition treasures the
memories of saints who were remarkably open to Christ's gift of peace even in the maelstroms of history.
St. Edith Stein and St. Maximillian Kolbe, martyrs of the Holocaust, are but two examples. At the eye of a
fearful storm, they stand as witnesses to the power of Christ's rising in our lives.
--Rev. James Field, Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co.
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April 12, 2015
Coffee & Donuts
On the Patio Sunday Mornings
after the 8am & 10 am Masses
Thank you for volunteering to serve as hosts:
April 12 Mary Huning & Raquel Estrada
April 19 Choir Bake Sale
April 26 Marriage Encounter Pat & Tim Crosby
TRAINING SESSION offered by the
Archdiocese on SB 128 Physician
Assisted Suicide April 18th
The California Catholic Conference, along with a broad
coalition of physicians, nurses, disability rights, and health
care advocates is opposing SB 128, a bill in the California
Senate that would legalize physician assisted suicide in
California. Pope Francis reminds us, “The biblical
commandment to honor our parents reminds us in a broader
sense of our duty to honor all elderly people.” Take action
now to protect the elderly and those with disabilities. Join
us in visiting our CA Senators to urge a NO vote on SB
128. Training for legislative visits will take place at Sacred
Heart Parish located at 10800 Henderson Rd. Ventura
93004 on Saturday April 18th in Biederman Hall, Senior
Center, at 10:00 AM to 12:00 Noon. No Fee for the
training. Come to hear Archdiocesan Trainers speak about
the Physician Assisted Suicide bill SB 128.
A ention
Vincent Adams and Michael
A special thank you to our Choir
and Musicians for all the
wonderf l and upliſting music in
celebration of the season.
Divine Mercy Sunday
April 12, 2015
Prayer Hour
St. Jude Church
1 pm to 3 pm
April is Child Abuse Prevention Month
Brochures are available at all the doors of the
As we celebrate April as National Child Abuse
Prevention Month, may we, as the people of God,
continue to grow in our commitment to protecting
our children and young people from all forms of
child abuse, we pray to the Lord.
Of One Heart and Mind
Reading about the faith of the early Christian believers can be a
real inspiration to those of us who have been Christians for a
long time, as well as for those who are newly baptized. Can you
imagine people of this world being “of one heart and mind” as
was the first community of believers? Today’s First Letter of
John seems to hold the key to how this can be accomplished.
Keeping God’s commandments and loving all of God’s children
seems to be the start of being “of one heart and mind.” We live in
a world that stresses differences—differences among religions,
among races, between genders, and among economic classes.
Today we are summoned to focus on what we all share in
common on this fragile planet of ours.
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Christ is Here
Christ departed from our sight that we might return to our heart,
and there find him. For he departed, and behold, he is here.
—St. Augustine
A Cheerful Giver
A cheerful giver does not count the cost of what he gives. His
heart is set on pleasing and cheering the one to whom the gift is
St. Julian
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April 12, 2015
Faith Formation
Director: Cindy Kozal
818-889-0612 cindy@saintjudetheapostle.org
Confirmation/Youth Ministry Coordinator: Scott Boczek 818-889-2541 Scott@saintjudetheapostle.org
Family Faith website: www.saintjudetheapostle.wix.com/familyfaith
St. Jude
Youth Ministry Corner
Bringing our teens closer to God and each other.
First Communion Masses
Please pray for our children who will be receiving The Confirmation program at Saint Jude celebrates the Holy Spirit
working in the hearts of our teens. Confirmation preparation is a time
First Communion at the following Masses:
of discernment for our teens to explore, challenge, grow and eventually
Sunday, May 3 at Noon and 2 p.m.
take ownership of the Catholic Faith. It is a process that involves our
Sunday, May 17 at 2 p.m.
teens, families, and the entire parish community.
Sunday to Sunday
Preparing for Mass by reading the upcoming
Scriptures will help you understand and participate
more fully in the Mass. Take a break mid-week and
join us as we look ahead to the upcoming Sunday
Tuesday morning; 9:30 a.m., contact J ulie Feely
Wednesday evening 6:30 – 7:30 p.m., contact
Trish Dabrowski trish.dabrowski@gmail.com
The next meeting of the Parish Library Book group
will be April 23rd at 7 p.m. in the libr ary. The book
for April is “The Sparrow” written by Mary Doria
Russell. Please join us for discussion of this award
winning Sci-Fi novel.
Calendar of Events
Sunday, April 12th, Year 1 Confirmation: Church vs. World,
Church Hall 6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
What role does our church play in the real world? How does being
Catholic affect the things we do and how we live our lives? Tonight we
begin a discussion on the showdown between the church and the world.
Who will win? The choice is ours.
Sunday, April 19th, YEAR 2 Confirmation Mass Rehearsal,
St. Jude Church, 6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
attend this mandatory Confirmation Mass rehearsal. If a sponsor cannot
be present for the rehearsal a parent must stand their place. The rehearsal
will review what will happen at the Mass and answer any questions that
teens and sponsors have.
Saturday, April 25th, Year 2 Confirmation Mass, St. Jude
Church, 11:00 a.m.
For the past two years these teens have prayed and reflected on their
decision to be confirmed in the faith. Today, our year 2 teens will receive
the Sacrament of Confirmation.
Help Nourish Their Faith
Sunday, April 26th, YOUTH NIGHT: “Confirmation
Showcase,” Church Hall, 6:30 pm – 8:00 p.m.
Back in September we kicked-off the year with the “Big Sha-Bang.” To
close out the year the core team has planned a special “Confirmation
Showcase” that will bring together the good times and memories of the past
year and look forward to plans for the summer! This will be a night not to
be missed as we turn the church hall into our own concert hall.
Volunteers are Desperately Needed!
during 10 a.m. Mass
Contact Amy Simons asimons@ucpla.org
Saturday, May 30th, Six Flags Magic Mountain Trip,
8:30 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Saint Jude Youth Ministry heads to Magic Mountain! Registration will be
required for this event and will be posted to the website as the date nears.
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April 12, 2015
Liturgical Life— Prayer Life
Liturgical Life
Saturday Evening 3:45—4:30 p.m.
St. Jude Novena
Wednesday Evening
7:30 p.m.
Baptism: Infant Baptisms are celebrated
on the 2nd & 4th Sundays of the month at
1:30 p.m. following catechesis for the
parents and arrangements with the Parish
Center. Contact: Mary and Joe Schohl:
or 818-874-3537.
Christian Initiation of Children, Youth
& Adults: For those inquiring about
Initiation and Communion with the
Catholic Christian Church, please contact
the Parish Center.
Celebration of Christian Marriage:
Please contact the Parish Center for an
appointment with a priest at least six (6)
months prior to any wedding.
Holy Communion to the Sick: Please call
the Parish Center to request a visit from a
Eucharistic Minister to the Sick.
Anointing of the Sick: In the event of
serious illness or a medical emergency,
please contact the Parish Center
immediately for a priest so that the
Sacraments may be celebrated.
Liturgy of Hours 11:50 a.m.-prior to the
12:05 p.m. Mass
Meditation Prayer Group meets ever y
Tuesday night from 7:30—8:30 p.m. in the
church. Contact Ben Levine at 818-4370560 or email Ben@saintjudetheapostle.org
Our Lady of Guadalupe “Healing
Love” Rosary Group
7:00 p.m. Thursday in the Chapel. Janelle
Beck 805-497-1877
First Friday Devotions to the Sacred
Heart of Jesus: 10 a.m. Vinda at 818-9918683
Tuesday Prayer Group 7:50—9 a.m., in
the parish library. Lisa Maxey at 818 7061954 or email Maxey7@sbcglobal.net.
Rosary Cenacle Wednesdays at 10 a.m.
Vinda 818-991-8683
Eleanor Carey
S. Daryl Parker
Lucille Zimmerman
Funerals: At the death of a loved one,
Prayer Opportunities
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in
Our Lady’s Chapel , the first Wednesday
of the month, we pray for Vocations.
12:30 —7:30 p.m. Please sign up for an
hour with the Lord by calling Beatrice
Restifo 805-230-2919
Circulo de Oracion Carmen Koros 805494-9008, Mirtha Vespe 818-706-8248
Daily Rosary Prayer Group before
12:05 p.m. Noon Mass, at 11:15 a.m. Call
Vinda (818) 991-8683
Fatima Rosary Group leaders are Wayne
and Shu-Hwei Zimmerman 805-373-1099.
Every Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. in April,
Richard and Fe Flint will host. Please call
818-584-5993 for directions.
Private Louie Alfaro, US Army
Major Nicholas Amenta, USAF
LCpl Andrew Brown, USMC-MARSOC
LCp1 Kenneth A. Cloutier, USMC
Major John F. D’Astoli, USMC
2nd Lt.Brendan Djernes, USAF
A1C Kiani Ebuen, USAF
Major Scott DiGioia, USAF
Lt. Andrew Esseff, US Army
Seaman Shane Esseff, US Navy
Captain Paul G. Giberson, US Navy
PFC Kevin Hansen, US Army
Private Justin Huser, US Army
Lt. John R. Kimmel, US Navy
Lt. Colonel Brian McAvoy, USMC
Major Patrick McBride, USAF
Sergeant Graham Mullins, US Army
Captain Justin Nikodem, USAF
Senior Airman Ryan Paris, USAF
Spc. Simon Pompa, US Army
Private Christopher Withlow, US Army
Please pray for our ill.
Richard Agulia
Mel Amoroso
Richard Arenas
Linda Arista
Laura Atkinson
Karl Avery
Larry Baratte
Margaret JimenezBarrera
Manuel Barrera
Maria Elena Barth
Mary Bator
Nicole Cheney Bays
Christian Braden
Dewayne Brady
Sheila Wildermuth
Lois Brown
Caryn Burnett
Margaret Buting
Joanie Cahill
Patricia Carr
Edythe Chiaro
Annjane Clough
Keith Clough
Dana Clyman
Valerie Corrigan
Deacon Pat Coulter
John Cranham
Kaden Joseph Curts
Michael De Blasis
Lorita DeFir
Michael DiCecco
Elizabeth DeSantis
Bill Donovan
June Dube
John Ernst
Christina Espinal
Antino Espinoza
Tyler & Sherri Farland
Coco Fazzino
Frank Fontana
Jim Fox
Rachel Gen
Al Gomez
Richard Gonzales
Michall Gordon
Daniel, Jonathan,
& Teresa Guerra
Allison Gushman
Emily Hackaney
Linda Harley
Richard Hawley
Cornelia Heather
Ina Herkata
Debbie Hinojosa
Martha Huggins
Christy Hughe
Preshia Humecke
Laverne Jensen
Margaret Jimenez
Rudy Jimenez
Patty Jones
JoAnn Kemner
James Kostrab
Lois Kurt
Fred La Porte
Jesus T. Lauron
Kim Liebe
Joanna Lima
Rosemarie Lindner
Yolanda Lopez
Mario Lorenzetti
Mary Jo Malmo
Colleen Markham
Jo Maturo
Dorothy McGalliard
Jane McGovern
Michael McIlmoyle
Alec McKay
John McGibbon
Dee Morrow
Ranjini Morton
Justine Ordona
Anyssia Ozuna
Rosia Rocio Palacios
Jim Parell
Cecelia Patchett
Infant Elizabeth Petit
Dr. John &
Catherine Phelan
Carolyn Provenzano
Dave Rabin
Roy Raskin
Menica Reimer
Ben Reppos
Sylvia Rodriguez
Gloria Romasanta
Carmen Romo
Bob Ross
Rose Salvatore
Maria & Marissa
Katie Semer
Linda Sieperman
Juan Silva
Michael Simoson
Carol Sivie
Gwen Strickley
Laura (Bauducco)
Mark Surby
George L. Thomas
Thomas Thorton
Delores Tibbett
Eugene Alexander
Vartan Vatarian
Virginia Walworth
Christine Wilson
Tom Whittington
Elaine Woodburn
Pam Yantzer
Annie Yerkey
Jim Zimmerman
John Zitzelberger
Page 7
April 12, 2015
Do You suffer from: anger,
anxiety, fear, hopelessness, hurts
you can't deal with, bad habits, co-
Together In Mission
Parish Goal:
Amount Pledged:$ 74,157.00
Amount Paid:
$ 55,200.00
dependency, or are hung up with
If you haven’t yet fulfilled your
commitment, please do so.
Thank you for supporting
Together In Mission.
other problems in your life? St.
Rose of Lima's Freedom In Our
If you had your picture taken for the
directory, you get a free copy.
Visit Barbara Farmer in the pastoral
office for your copy or email
Pick Up Times
Monday to Friday 9am - 4pm
(closed for lunch 12:30-1:30)
Sunday 8 am-12 pm
Lives is a Faith-based, Beatitudes
Difference Over/(Under)
Goal vs. Amount Paid:
program to help you realize how to
let God's healing power into your
life. We meet the 2nd & 4th
Friday's of each month in Room 11
of St. Rose of Lima School in Simi
Valley. Dinner at 6:30 p.m. is
optional. The meeting begins at
The Dolores Mission
provides showers for
nearly 100 homeless
men daily. Gently
used or new towels are needed. Please
bring to the pastoral office. Thank You.
7:00 p.m. with inspiring talks by Dr.
invited to attend. For more
Stephen Ministers provide
emotional and spiritual support and
care to people who are going through
a difficult time, such as divorce,
grief, hospitalization, unemployment,
terminal illness, relocation, chronic
illness, or loneliness. Find out how
you can become a Stephen
Minister by talking with one of our
Leaders: Mariann (805) 495-1732 or
Jean-Marie (805) 497-6473
April 15, 2015
information contact Cherie at
The Getty Museum
There will be no April meeting in
the hall. For our April celebration,
we are going to the Getty!
Join us as we spend a lovely day
together. Travel/entrance fee is $35
per person. No host lunch.
Friends are welcome too.
Learn, Grow, and Serve
By Becoming a Stephen
Do you have gifts for caring,
encouragement, and listening? If so,
please prayerfully consider becoming
a Stephen Minister. We will be
offering another training class of
Stephen Ministers soon.
Bennett Annan. All adults are
To sign up, please call
Sue Clinesmith (818) 879-8534
Why Catholics Aren’t Fundamentalists by Fr. Patrick Mullen
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
6:30-7:00 pm Doors open, refreshments
7:00-8:00 pm Presentation
Padre Serra Parish, Serra Center
Fr. Patrick will explain why Catholics do not interpret the bible in a fundamentalist
manner. The starting point will be both faith-filled and rational, combining an ongoing
trust of the Holy Spirit’s inspiration with genuinely intelligent investigation. The end
result will be a renewed – or perhaps first-time – appreciation for and relationship with
the word of God.
Fr. Patrick Mullen is Professor of Biblical Studies at St. John’s Seminary and
Pastor of Blessed Junipero Serra (Padre Serra) Parish in Camarillo. He speaks regularly
in the United States and internationally about the bible. He received his Doctorate in
Biblical Studies from the Graduate Theological Union at Berkeley in 1999.
No charge. RSVP to anne@padreserra.org
Page 8
Men’s Retreat Apr 24-26
All men of St. Jude are invited and
encouraged to attend our annual Men's
Retreat at Serra Retreat Center in
Malibu. The retreat starts Friday evening,
April 24 with dinner and ends with lunch
on Sunday. Led by two popular
presenters, Franciscan friar Fr. Michael
Doherty and Sr. Carol Quinlivan, CSJ, the
subject of the retreat is "Finding Meaning
in Everyday Life". Spend a weekend in
Malibu with plenty of time to do the
things that God is calling you to do for
yourself--relax and spend time with Him.
All of this at a reasonable price!
Rooms are limited so sign up early. For
more information, contact Chris Tolcher
at 818-421-4893.
New Meeting Format Begins
May 11
We will now be meeting on the
second Monday of the month in the parish
hall. The format for every meeting will be
fellowship/socializing followed by a
discussion and planning of club events
that are of interest and value to the men
and families of St. Jude. The Men's Club
aims to be the central gathering point of
the men of our parish in order to provide
opportunities for community building and
for being of service to our church, our
school, and the local community. Our
meeting will include an open forum for
input from the men of St. Jude into the
events that Men's Club will take on in the
coming months. If you haven't yet
attended a club meeting, you are welcome
to join us. If you came before and have
stopped coming, it's time to give the Men's
Club a second look and have some input
into what Men's Club is all about.
April 12, 2015
Your spouse is GOD'S GIFT to you.
What you make of your marriage is your
THANKS to God. Find out how to make a
GOOD marriage BETTER and a BETTER
marriage GREAT.
Discover what a lifechanging
WEEKEND can do for your marital relationship.
July 10-12 at Santa Teresita in Duarte
Encounter Weekends at St. Jude
June 27 & 28
November 14 & 15
Marriage Encounter Movement of California (MEMC)
Winston & Dinah Perez (818)527-MEMC
Boy Scouts: Lloyd Brenner (818) 991-0682
Cub Scouts: James Campanile (818) 889-6957 jjjcscouts@earthlink.net
Girl Scouts: Jilla Rodarte (818) 707-6323
Religious Awards: Lori Manfredonia (818) 706-2251
How our Kids Worked with Special Donors
to bring a little Relief and a few Smiles to
Others Not So Fortunate
Beautiful Buckets
Prophet Service Agency, in Thousand Oaks, provides
low-income housing for kids too old for foster care, yet too young for most
anything else. Our Kids wanted to help their Kids set up housekeeping and, so,
filled twenty 5-gallon buckets with cleaning supplies (which we provided from
Special Donors) to help their Kids with the housework at their new quarters. As a sign of
solidarity, the lids of the buckets were decorated with uplifting messages by other local Kids on
Community Service.
Colanders in Case of Emergency . . .
Our Kids also packed 12 kitchen kits (colanders or strainers) filled with
measuring cups and spoons, cooking utensils, dish towels, spatulas, etc., (which
had also been provided by Special Donors) for delivery to Interface for families
needing emergency shelter.
Little Boxes of Love to Seniors at Easter . . .
Our Kids further decorated boxes (containing small gifts and food gift cards
from Special Donors) for delivery on Easter to seniors aided by Moorpark
Catholic Charities.
St. Jude’s Brooklyn Brady, Rose Faucher, and their
Friends at La Reina
(You’ve brought Matthew 25, 34-37, alive in your own time and place!)*
*Come, you who are blessed by my Father. Inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the
foundation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave
me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and you clothed me, ill and you cared for
me, in prison and you visited me.” --Matthew 25:34-37
Page 9
April 12, 2015
The Music Ministry continues to support the
American Cancer Society in the fight against
cancer. Next weekend, April 19th, after all
Masses we will be selling delicious homebaked goods in order to raise money for
participation in the American Cancer Society
"Relay For Life" events.
If you would like to contribute some baked
goods for the sale, please call Ling Wu at
(818) 292-3543 or email sjrelay@yahoo.com.
All proceeds go to the American Cancer
First Communion Clothes for those in need.
Here is what is needed, this year:
(For children served by Moorpark Catholic Charities, St. John
Medical Outreach ser ving La Colonia ar ea of Oxnar d (Our
Lady of Guadalupe and Mary Star of the Sea), and by
Westminster Free Clinic in Thousand Oaks):
Dresses and veils for girls;
Suits, shirts, ties and belts for boys;
Shoe gift certificates for girls and boys;
(Prayer cards, First Communion prayer books, and
rosaries will also be provided as needed.)
Please call Madeleine Giberson for details at
(805) 495-4067.
Clothes & Shoes for First Communion
A Loaves & Fishes Ministry
by Mrs. Michele Schulte, Principal
St. Jude the Apostle Elementary
April is a short school month…we
left on April 2nd for the start of our
Easter break and celebrated Holy
Thursday with a prayer service that
included “the washing of the feet”.
Always a touching way for the staff and administration to model the service of Jesus for them.
Upcoming School Activies:
Thursday, April 16th @ 6:30 pm: Family Science Night The entir e family is welcome. Ther e
will be a wide variety of different activities for all
to participate in. Desserts and refreshments will be
“For Your Eyes Only Casino Royale” Saturday, April 25th @ Los Robles Green Golf
This is the school’s largest fundraiser of the year
and we have always appreciated the support of the
parish. Invitations for the Auction are available in
the school and parish office. Cost to attend this
event is $100/person (includes $200 in gaming
chips) or $1250 for a table of 10 (includes $2500
in gaming chips). Still lots of opportunities for
sponsorships. Three great raffles available, see
page 12.
St. Jude the Apostle Elementary School:
We are now accepting is applications for the
2015-2016 School Year.
The school is expanding our outreach and marketing program. If you have little ones with you in
church, please see our new St. Jude School coloring book and complimentary crayons in baskets at
the back of the church.
School tours are available throughout the school
week and can be scheduled by calling or emailing
me at:
mschulte@stjudeschool.org or 818-889-9483.
Page 10
April 12, 2015
Bap sm, First Communion and
Confirma on Gi s
In Stock Now!
Open Monday—Thursday 9-5 pm
Friday 9-4 pm
APR 15 50+ Group Bus Trip to The Getty
APR 18 Loaves and Fishes Food Collection, Area 2
St. Jude the Apostle School Announces
The 2015 Annual Benefit Auction
Saturday, April 25, 2015 at 5pm
The Sunset Ballroom
Los Robles Greens Golf Course
Cocktails, Dinner, Dancing, Entertainment, Casino
Buy your Super Raffle Tickets for a chance to
win one of three raffles:
The Electric Fiat (24 month prepaid lease) from
Shaver Automotive. Value is $3000. Winner can
choose car or $3000
A year of Choice Lunch for a St. Jude student-value
A year of St. Jude tuition - valued at $5500
One ticket $75 Two tickets $100 Three Tickets $125
For tickets and information, contact Stephanie Davis
Stephanie@stephanieanndavis.com or Lisa Ridino
APR 20 Sandwich preparation, Parish Hall 10 am
APR 23 Parish Library Book Group 7 pm
APR 24-26 Men’s Retreat
3 First Communion Mass
MAY 6 Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
MAY 9 Breakfast for Homeless, Ventura
MAY 10 Baby Bottle Hand Out for “Baby Day”
MAY 16 Loaves and Fishes Food Collection, Area 3
MAY 17 First Communion Mass
MAY 18 Sandwich Preparation, Parish Hall 10 am
MAY 20 50+ Group: Cinco de Mayo in the Hall!
JUNE 3 Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
JUNE 13 Breakfast for Homeless, Ventura
JUNE 17 50+ Group: Senior Care Presentation
JUNE 21 Baby Day