“ Good News” Monthly newsletter June 2015 50th Anniversary Celebration Worship Pastor Mike McCoy Preaches on June 7 by Pastor Kevin Murphy Calendar 3-13 Sheffield trip for staff 7 50th worship with Mike McCoy 7 Graduate Sunday 7 Summer SPARK begins 14 50th worship with Points of Light 21-27 High School mission trip 28 Summer Evening Celebration As part of our five-month long 50th Anniversary Celebration, we are spending a few mornings featuring our strategic partnerships. There is hardly a relationship we value more than our relationship with other Valley congregations – also known as Church Without Shoes. Pastor Mike McCoy has been the head of the Church Without Shoes from the beginning (formalized in 2006). “Thankful for One Church in Many Congregations” will be the theme of Pastor Mike’s message based on 1 Corinthians 12:12-26. Church Without Shoes cooperates in many ministries and agencies that serve the Ygnacio Valley. They provide weekly and monthly prayer times for pastors, and quarterly prayer and worship times for everyone. There is an annual Senior Pastors’ Retreat each fall, and we have an annual Pastor Swap Sunday on the first Sunday in Lent. For the past eleven years, we have shared Maundy Thursday Worship together. Worship Schedule Sundays 8:15, 9:30 & 11:00 a.m. Office Hours Monday through Thursday 9:00 a.m.- 4:00 p.m. Friday 9:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Pastor Mike (and his Worship Leader, Dave Foster) are great friends of Saint Matthew. We are thankful that he will be sharing God’s Word with us and be giving our first “Strategic Partner” sermon. (continued on page 3) Page 2 Senior Team Leader New Worship Times Begin in July by Pastor Kevin Murphy Following months of prayerful discernment and conversations, we have decided to go from three worship services on Sunday morning to two. Worship attendance is down about 15% the past four years, and our Worship Center is less than one-fourth full at both 8:15 and 11:00 a.m. The greatest difficulty in determining worship times is the impact it has on: 1) Children Ministry; 2) Middle School Ministry; and 3) adult small groups. This means that both worship services need to be positioned as close to mid-morning as possible. An 8:30 a.m. worship would be too early for Children Ministry, and 10:00 or 10:30 a.m. would be too late. So we have decided to have our two worship times going forward be at 9:00 and 10:30 a.m. on Sunday mornings, beginning on July 5. We know that 3/5 of the congregation will prefer the earlier time. We are asking everyone who is able to attend later in the morning to do so, at least for the coming season. Larger congregations are always tempted to do “more.” Saint Matthew is in a season in its life-cycle where we need to make sure we do things “better.” We have always been willing to put a great deal of time, energy and resources into our Sunday morning worship. This will still be true. Some of the benefits we are expecting include: Time between services for people to see and fellowship with each other. Currently our early and later attendees never see each other on Sunday morning. A greater potential to recruit people into Worship and Music Ministries with a shorter morning schedule (our band, choirs and special musicians have endured mornings that lasted from 7:00 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. for years!). The energy and spirit that is felt in the mid-morning worship service can be spread over two worship services. Those teens and adults who serve in SPARK and IGNITE ministries will be more encouraged to participate in worship with an earlier late service. A few unanswered questions remain: It is our intention to begin a mid-week worship service (16 weeks September through December and 18 weeks January through April) which would take place at 7:00 – 8:15 p.m. on Wednesday nights and be preceded with a dinner (which could be shared with SPARK and IGNITE mid-week). This worship would include contemporary worship, unique teaching series, and the Sacrament of Holy Communion. This would serve everyone who is gone for the weekend or has Sunday morning conflicts. Our plan currently is for our SPARK and IGNITE students to begin their time in worship (at 9:00 a.m.) and be excused during the song prior to the sermon. This would eliminate all the work the ministries put into openings and allow our kids to be in worship with us for a portion of worship each week. Our hope is to include more children and teens in music, drama and serving in the opening portions of our Sunday morning worship. Page 3 Worship ministry Worship Survey Results by Pastor Kevin Murphy A worship survey was sent to three groups in May: 1) those who attend 8:15 worship; 2) those with children in the Sunday morning SPARK and IGNITE program; and 3) those currently involved in leading Sunday morning ministries. We received 150 responses to these surveys. The easiest decision to make is always the one which says, “Leave things as they are.” Most people are at Saint Matthew because they like things as they are presently structured. The majority of the responses essentially said, “We are fine with whatever changes you decide to make, we trust your leadership” and “going to two services makes sense given the attendance at 8:15 and 11:00 a.m.” Those who prefer and participate in the 8:15 a.m. worship service are the most impacted. Many of them clearly said they wanted it left alone or changed to no later than 8:30 a.m. Many people said, “thanks for asking us what we think.” Although these types of surveys are not a vote, we understand that people appreciate an opportunity to express their preferences. It is our prayer that the decision to go as close to mid-morning as possible with our two worship services will serve the vast majority of the Saint Matthew family, and that everyone values this community of faith enough to make accommodations for the changes in worship times. (50th Anniversary Worship, continued from page 1) Graduate Sunday — June 7 We feature those who are graduating from high school, university and graduate programs on the first Sunday of June. We recognize that these graduations are significant milestones in the lives of these students as well as our community of faith. The Saint Matthew Foundation will present this year’s scholarships that morning as well. Points of Light in Worship — June 14 Our second strategic partnership Sunday is June 14, when our friends from Points of Light in Oakland join us for worship. We have been supporting this unique and Spirit-filled ministry which works at street-level in Oakland with young people and their families for the past seven years. They will share the message, telling us stories of transformation and challenge from what God is doing in helping them to reach the city of Oakland for God. It will be a morning of joy and celebration you will not want to miss! Page 4 Connecting Ministries Church-Wide Barbeque July 5 at 11:30 a.m. Pastor Sara Wolbrecht is our guest preacher, and Jason Bendickson will be assisting July 5 in worship. Our morning worship times are at 9:00 & 10:30 a.m. Following the second service, we invite everyone to a church-wide barbeque, complete with a bouncy house and other activities for the kids. Please come as our guest! We are also looking for volunteers to help with the fun. Please contact Kim Machek at kimm@saintmatthew.org. Church-Wide Photo Directory Make Up Days Historical 50th Anniversary Edition Friday, July 10 from 4:00-9:00 p.m. Saturday, July 11 from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. If you were unable to have your photos taken in May, please contact Kim Machek for a make-up appointment. If you would like to be in this special directory and your schedule still does not fit, please contact Kim to make other arrangements (kimm@saintmatthew.org or 932-1955, ext. 115). Summer Small Groups Watch for new Small Groups brochure in the coming weeks. If you have any suggestions for small groups for the summer, please contact Kim Machek at kimm@saintmatthew.org. Sunday Evening Celebrations June 28 July 26 August 30 Join us at 6:00 p.m. for dinner, followed by contemporary worship, faith stories and communion from 7:00-8:15 p.m. Girls Night Out: Bunco games, fellowship, food July 10 at 6:30 p.m. Join us at the home of Maria Sneen (Concord) for a fun game of Bunco. No need to know how to play. Watch for sign-ups. Page 5 Children Ministry Camp MATT Registration Begins June 15 Camp MATT Camp MATT is a high energy day camp offered for one week in the Summer (July 27-31). Open to all preschool through 8th graders, it offers music, drama, snack, lunch, group games, team building, Bible stories, service projects and specialty classes like drums, guitar, science, cooking, dance, art, sports and more! Registration will begin June 15 and closes on July 6 or before if classes fill. Register on our website beginning June 15—on the front page, click on the green box labeled “Register Online”. Summer SPARK Sunday Summer SPARK will begin on Sunday, June 7 at 9:30-10:40 am. in the classrooms. It is open to all preschool through 5th graders. Summer SPARK Sunday includes small group relationship building, age-appropriate Bible stories, group games, service projects, monthly birthday celebrations, worship and fun! If you are not registered currently for SPARK Sunday, please register online. Homeless Sleep-Over Experience Impactful Yet Fun! Early in May on a Friday night, 40 kids and teens gathered for a night of fun and deep, impactful awareness building activities. Sleeping outside on the cold concrete, kids got a taste of what our homeless brothers and sisters endure each and every day. During the event, we went on a scavenger hunt through the neighborhood collecting several boxes of canned food items. All of the food collected was then donated to Trinity Center. Of course we had some fun too—sock wars, Huma Hungry Hippo and lots of whipped cream too. Mark Your Calendars June 7 Summer SPARK Sunday begins June 15-July 6 Camp MATT Registration (online) Need to Contact Us? Angie Kavert Children Ministry Team Leader (925) 932-1955 x121 angiek@saintmatthew,org Ethan Purkey Children Ministry Associate (925) 932-1955 x 120 ethanp@saintmatthew.org Online registration at www.saintmatthew.org (click on the green “Register Online” box on the front page). Page 6 Teen Ministries Summer IGNITE & FORGE IGNITE (middle school) & FORGE (high school) are combining for some fun during the summer months. Expect wet and messy games (bring a towel and a change of clothes). We invite incoming 5th Graders to join the fun. IGNITE/FORGE summer gatherings will meet every other Thursday from 7:00-9:00 p.m. on the following dates: June 18, July 2, July 16, July 30 and August 13. Kick it with FORGE & IGNITE Come join us on Sundays, July 12 and August 16 for a game of football or soccer. Bring your own lunch. No cleats, please. When — July 12 & Aug. 16 from 12:00-3:00 p.m. Where — meet at Foothill Middle School IGNITE Weekly Gatherings IGNITE Wednesday and IGNITE Sunday We are off for the summer months; enjoy your break and good luck with the end of the school year. Our weekly gatherings for the 2015-16 school year will start up again right after Labor Day. Parentlink: Stay connected weekly by signing up for weekly emails. Sign on to our website, www.saintmatthew.org and in the left-hand column, fill in your email in the box and then follow the instructions. For more information about our teen ministry contact Alex Hardt, Teen Ministry Leader, 932-1955 x116 email alexh@saintmatthew.org or Yolanda Sanregret, Teen Ministry Associate, 932-1955x101 email yolandas@saintmatthew.org Page 7 Teen Ministries Summer FORGE Summer High School Get ready to have a blast with your high school friends from FORGE. During the summer we are going to meet for a pool party, games, food, and a whole bunch of laughs. Watch for more information about times and locations. Incoming freshman are welcome to join in the excitement and fun! When: June 25, July 9 and July 23 No FORGE on June 4, June 11, and August 6 Summer Challenge Are you ready to Go further…deeper...? This summer we are holding a competition between the HS Guys, HS Girls, MS Guys, and MS Girls that will encourage students and their families to go deeper with God, with each other, and make a difference in our community. Look for more details to come…the winning team will get a prize! Camp MATT July 27-31 Camp MATT is an incredible day camp experience open to all kids ages pre-school through 8th grade. High School student volunteers are needed to help with set up and to lead activities. This experience is as much fun for the High School students as it proves to be each year for the campers. Get involved, come help us out. Contact Angie for more information at angiek@saintmatthew.org. Hume Lake Camp August 2-8 All registration materials and final payments should have been turned in by now. If your student is interested in going, call Alex to get on the waiting list. Small Groups FORGE small groups are off for the summer months. Hurray for the summer and congratulations to our graduates! Page 8 50th Anniversary Saint Matthew Lutheran Church Historical Timeline What a blessing we have had so far in learning some of the history of Saint Matthew through the eyes of the previous senior pastors and former Council President! For those who would like to know more, here is a timeline put together for our 40th Anniversary, along with updates on the last 10 years. August 1, 1964 November 15, 1964 April 18, 1965 May 23, 1965 August 1, 1965 October 30, 1966 May 28, 1967 May 2, 1971 April 6, 1974 July 14, 1974 1977 April 4, 1982 January 16, 1983 October 1985 January 1, 1987 February 8, 1987 January 24, 1988 August 15, 1988 January 28, 1990 October 21, 1990 December 2, 1990 December 14, 1991 February 23, 1992 January 16, 1994 December 11, 1994 Pastor Ken and Priscilla Stenman were sent to Walnut Creek by the Board of American Missions of the Lutheran Church in America. First worship service held in Walnut Walnut Acres Worship Acres Elementary School with 160 people Charter Sunday (Easter) Organization Sunday: The congregation was organized with 90 adults and 86 children on the Charter Membership Roll. Twenty five persons were baptized in a special baptismal service at 9:15 a.m. Dr. Carl W. Segerhammar preached at the 10:30 a.m. service. Pastor Stenman accepts call to become Pastor of Saint Matthew Lutheran Church The Blessing of a Church-Site and Groundbreaking The first building was dedicated with Dr. Carl W. Segerhammar preaching Purchase of a portable realty office remodeled to become “Koinonia” The Stenmans were commissioned as missionaries to Stockholm Pastor Don and Lois Wagner began their ministry at Saint Matthew Metanoia (youth group) organized by Steve and Linda Gregoriev Groundbreaking service for the multi-purpose building to later be named “Stenman Center” Dedication of Stenman Center Saturday evening service added Pastor Jack and Ruth Niemi began their ministry at Saint Matthew Pastor Jack Niemi was installed as Senior Pastor Pastor Don Wagner elected Pastor Emeritus Pastor Bill and Joan Griffin began their ministry with the youth of Saint Matthew Saint Matthew Foundation was esFarewell Pastor Jack tablished Duane Woida’s Ordination and Installation Groundbreaking services for the new Worship Center, Fellowship Hall and Music Center First service in new Worship Center Celebration and Dedication of new Worship Center Michael Jeffrey installed Organ Dedication service Page 9 December 1998 December 1998 August 1999 June 19, 1999 1999 2002 July 2002 2003 April 2004 December 2004 November 20, 2005 March, 2006 June, 2006 April 5, 2007 July 22, 2007 July 29, 2007 August 2007 September26, 2007 Oct 7, 2007 December 2007 March 12, 2008 June 2008 July 20, 2008 Dec. 8, 2008 Sept 20, 2009 50th anniversary Pastor R. Kevin Murphy Installed as Senior Pastor Pastor David Ketterling Installed Pastor David Dykes Installed Rowena Henry’s Rite of Consecration and Installation Small Group ministry begins “Mission Partner” concept replaces the idea of “membership” Pastor Raquel Tally Installed Mission Beyond Saint Matthew Task Force formed Columbarium dedicated Jeff Thiemann’s Ordination and Installation 40th Anniversary Celebration with every former senior pastor in attendance Diablo Valley pastors initiate “Pastor Swap” - pastors preach in each other’s congregations Pastor Kevin Murphy visits St. Thomas’ Parish in Sheffield, England Valley churches worship together for the first time on Maundy Thursday Wagner Center Decommissioning Service Sara Wolbrecht Installation Saint Matthew enters into partnership with Hope Lutheran Church in Rossmoor Demolition of original Saint Matthew building Groundbreaking ceremony for new Teen Center, Admin Building, Classroom Building, Gardenside Room and bathrooms Prayer Stone Dedication Ceremony: rocks with loved ones names placed in new foundation forms of all buildings prior to cement being poured Scriptures and prayers written on wall joists and under-flooring of Prayer Stone Dedication new buildings Birthing Center in Tanzania started construction by a team of Saint Matthew builders Ralph Supper Ordination and Installation New buildings used for first time – Classrooms, Gardenside Room, Teen Center Installation of Pastor Jack Niemi to Hope Lutheran in Rossmoor creates move in partnership toward Hope’s independence Oct 11, 2009 Church cancelled for OUTFLOW Sept 26, 2010 Saint Matthew’s 45th Anniversary Celebration Picnic June 21, 2011 Opening of Healing Prayers for church and community Dec. 5-8, 2011 3DM Conference launched: Saint Matthew becomes a training center for the “Sheffield Movement” through its American Expression 3DM Ministries. Sept. 15, 2013 Pastor Andy Smith installed as Executive Pastor April, 2015 Saint Matthew begins six month celebration of 50th anniversary Page 10 Bulletin Board Middle School Search Team Update by Alex Hardt, High School Team Leader The Middle School Search Team has been carefully discerning who the next person will be called to the position of Middle School Team Leader. We have sifted through the applicants and are coming close to our top candidates to recommend to Pastor Andy and Pastor Kevin for the final interview. God is moving through the committee and the spirit is alive! We know that God is drawing us closer to the person he has chosen for the position. We would appreciate your prayers for us as we go through this journey together. The Search Committee consists of Ryan Sigler, Bill Stark, Andy Smith, Diana Corkran, Vanessa Lamoureux, Alex Hardt and Kelly McCarger. Tender Loving Care (TLC) Ministry by Karen Ball How often do we wish for and need a little bit of TLC? Sometimes we need some extra love as we experience the exhaustion, readjustment and joy a new baby brings to a family. Sometimes it’s when we are caring for a family member who is ill or hospitalized. Maybe you are ill or have had surgery and would really appreciate a hot nutritious meal delivered to you and your family. Sometimes we need a bit of help getting to a doctor’s appointment or with some shopping or something else. That’s what the TLC ministry is all about — helping those who could use a bit of help or support. All it takes is a call or email to TLC at TLC@saintmatthew.org or call Rev. Dee at 932-1955 ext 107 or Karen Ball at MKBall285@att.net, 945-7287 and you will be matched with a volunteer who will be able to help you with a meal, a ride or whatever will make a difficult or exhausting time a bit easier. If you are interested in serving in this ministry you can contact either of the above for more information. Honduras Mission Trip This Summer July 11-18 by Mike Sigler We are excited to return to Honduras this year for a mission trip with Children’s Rescue Mission run by Miguel Giron (pictured to the left with his mother). Trip dates are July 11-18 and we have ten people going so far. Each year the trip seems to grow and there are new developments that surprise us. If you would like to join us, please contact Mike Sigler at sig322@astound.net. Page 11 Community News We Extend Christian Sympathy to The family and friends of Bob Pate, born into eternal life on May 8, 2015. The family and friends of Verl Clausen, born into eternal life on May 14, 2015. The family and friends of Miriam Mellen, born into eternal life on May 15, 2015. The family and friends of Frieda Behrman, born into eternal life on May 17, 2015. 50th Anniversary Capital Campaign We have big plans for the $150,000 we’d like to give away and use for our facility. Money will go toward building a Mission Center for Children’s Rescue Mission in Honduras, a van for Young Life in Krasnodar, our kitchen renovation, landscape plan and re-sealing the parking lot. So far we have collected $56,977. Contact Information Church Office: 932-1955 Pastoral Staff: Dr. R. Kevin Murphy, ext. 118 Senior Team Leader Dr. Andy Smith, ext. 114 Executive Team Leader Rev. Dee King, ext. 107 Care Ministry Team Leader Jenna Kim, Intern Pastor Other Staff: Tom Aragon, AV/Sound Associate TJ Burke, ext. 117 Designated Worship Arts Team Leader Kathy Frattini, ext. 112 Operations Team Leader Alex Hardt, ext. 116 High School Team Leader Paula Hayase, ext. 113 Database Associate Angie Kavert, ext. 121 Children Ministry Team Leader Kim Machek, ext. 115 Designated Connecting Team Leader Gail Penny, ext. 106 Communications Associate Shannon Perez, ext. 108 Worship and Teen Associate Ethan Purkey, ext. 120 Children Ministry Associate Yolanda Sanregret, ext. 101 Teen Ministry Associate Marv Schick, ext. 111, Financial Team Leader Karen Waterhouse, ext. 100 Office Assistant, Memorial Coordinator Rev. Bill Barrett, Pastor Emeritus Church Council President: Jerry Hanson Vice President: Becky Ingram Chief Financial Officer: Rob Anderson Secretary: Sherri Cobaugh John Hanken, Michele Lewandowski, Tony Mercado, Cheryl Sigler, Tim Delony, Anne-Leith Matlock, Dave McCargar Saint Matthew Family Campout July 16-19 at the Gold Country Campground Resort Join other Saint Matthew families in the Gold Country. Enjoy the pool, spray park, playground, miniature golf course, volleyball court, basketball court, arcade, horseshoe pit, bocce court and more. Most of the weekend is free time. Group activities include: Friday night family movie night, Saturday campfire sing and potluck and Sunday morning worship. To top it off, you don’t even have to camp if you don’t want to! Lodge rooms are available for $90/night. Tent camping is $40/night, and RV camping is $50/night. Go to www.goldcountrycampground.com for more information on the campground. To reserve your spot, sign up at the Welcome Center or call Tom Aragon at 216-2830. Next GOOD NEWS Deadline: Thursday, June 11, 2015 Focus will be on July events. The Good News is published monthly by Saint Matthew Lutheran Church, 399 Wiget Lane, Walnut Creek, CA 94598, phone: 925-932-1955, FAX: 925-932-7580, web site: www.saintmatthew.org, editor Gail Penny. Items may be submitted for publication by emailing: gailp@saintmatthew.org. Items submitted are subject to editing or exclusion. Saint M atthew Lutheran Church 399 Wiget Lane Walnut Creek CA 94598-3411 (925) 932-1955—Fax (925) 932-7580 www.saintmatthew.org
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