Fourth Sunday Of Easter Liturgy Schedule 8:30 Morning Prayer, Rosary, Monday through Friday Monday, April 27 Easter Weekday 8:00 Rocco Deliberato Tuesday, April 28 Easter Weekday 8:00 Dorothy Milavec 9:00 School Mass Wednesday, April 29 Saint Catherine of Siena, Virgin and Doctor of the Church 8:00 Henry & Irene Hadam Thursday, April 30 Easter Weekday 8:00 Frank Gasper First Friday, May 1 Easter Weekday 8:00 Sean Kukoleck First Saturday, May 2 Saint Athanasius, Bishop and Doctor of the Church 3:15 Confessions 4:00 Raymond Krzywicki Sunday, May 3 Fifth Sunday of Easter 8:00 Courtney & Michael Rutledge 10:00 Charles Triska 12:00 People of the Parish 1:00 Baptism … the following members of our Parish community: Alfred Schwet, Shirley Amato, John Halasz, Robyn Buckley, Eileen O’Brien, Stephen Rapsik, Diana Stronge, Maureen Soeder, Joan Kaczmarczyk, Nancy Bialkowski, Larry Pentek, Sarah Burket and Mark Pennington, The names will remain in the bulletin for two weeks. Please call the Parish office for more information. If you have a special intention you would like remembered in prayer, please call Helen Lucas at (216) 662-7993. April 26, 2015 Question Of The Week Who replaced Judas as an Apostle? Answer to Last Week’s Question Which of the Apostles according to tradition died in India? Answer: St. Thomas Did you Know? The original Sisters who taught at St. Monica School were from Marymount? One Liner “Kindness is a language the deaf can hear and the blind can see” Looking for something to do that engages your faith? Visit for a calendar of upcoming events for Catholics in their 20’s and 30’s. Listing includes social nights, networking events, prayer groups, service opportunities, and more! Coalition with Young Adults (CYA) is a growing Catholic network serving men and women in their 20’s and 30’s. Visit for a listing of area young adult ministries, relevant blogs, inspirational quotes, an online calendar of events, and more! Theology on Tap. Did you know that Theology on Tap gathers 60-100 young adults each month? T-O-T night include thought provoking speakers, lively discussions and friendly socializing. Check out the upcoming T-O-T schedule at Gift Certificate Sales Our monthly sale of Gift Cards in Church will be next weekend, May 3rd and 4th after all the Masses in the Altar Server’s Sacristy. Thank you for your support. 2015 First Step Programs: Continuing education regarding marriage Our sincere sympathy and prayers are extended to the family and friends of Nancy Licata, Linda Oresko, and Raymond Wagner who were buried this past week. May they and all our dearly departed, rest in peace. Wedding Banns II Austin Kemski & Samira Mina Congratulations to our newly baptized Catholics: Kiylee Rose Kochis and Michaela Marie Sweeney and their parents. and divorce in the Catholic Church Attempting to pick up the pieces of one’s life after the tragedy of divorce is complex and demanding. The Tribunal of the Diocese of Cleveland is continuing to offer its very successful First Step Program in order to help individuals deal with these questions. This program is offered to help everyone, especially those who have experienced divorce, learn more about Catholic teaching in these areas. Representatives from the Ministry to the Divorced Office of the Department for Marriage and Family Ministry will also be present to explain their ministry to those who are divorced. Everyone is welcome. The schedule for the general meeting in 2015 is: Tuesday, May 12th at St. Gabriel Parish, Concord at 7:00pm Tuesday, September 15th at Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish, Cuyahoga Falls, at 7:00pm Tuesday, October 13th, at St. Ambrose Parish, Brunswick, at 7:00pm We encourage everyone to … Come to heal… Come to learn… Come open to the spirit. The Diocese of Cleveland no longer requires any fees for this process. Fourth Sunday Of Easter April 26, 2015 Countdown to Did Jesus REALLY Descend Into Hell? Since the main truths of our Catholic faith are defined in the Creed, (both the Apostles and the Nicene), I always expect the above question when people renew their baptismal promises or pronounce them for the first time. However, it was not until this Lent that I was finally called upon to explain where Jesus was between his death and his resurrection. Let me share with you the gist of what I said. Fully human and, as the Scriptures state, “like us in all but sin”, Jesus’ lifeless body was laid in the tomb, but his soul (our immortal life source) departed his body to descend into a realm the Jews called ‘Sheol’ -- a grave or dirt pit to which all the dead go, both the righteous and the unrighteous – and an abode the Greeks termed ‘Hades’ – which means about the same thing. Neither was ever described as a fiery pit but both are very clear that Sheol and Hades are places of darkness wherein the vision of God is absent. When Jesus, like all humans, experienced death, his soul descended into this place of darkness not as a punishment for any failings but to enable him, as Savior, to free the just who had gone before him to finally enjoy the vision of God. As Jesus had preached the message of the Kingdom to all classes of people in his lifetime, Jesus, by descending into this place of darkness, now preached his gospel even to the dead. Because salvation could not be accomplished until Jesus died on the cross, the souls of all the just and holy people who had gone before him, (even his foster father, Saint Joseph) had to remain in this place of darkness until they could be led out by their Savior and Redeemer. They were saved – but still needed the risen Jesus to use his key to open the gates of heaven for them. His death on the cross accomplished just that. I can only imagine what a magnificent procession it must have been! Happy Eastertide Journey! Sister Helene Mother's Day Tea For women who have lost a child to miscarriage or neonatal loss. Cornerstone of Hope will host a complimentary, special tea and brunch on Saturday, May 2nd 2015 at 10AM for mothers who have lost a child to miscarriage or neonatal loss. We will be creating memorial keepsake ornaments for each baby. [Ornaments will include two personalized sides with name, dates and photo/sonogram of your baby]. To register for yourself and one female guest, please visit RSVP’s must be received by Friday April 24th: Cornerstone of Hope • 5905 Brecksville Rd. • Independence, Ohio • 216.524.4673 • GARFIELD HTS. WARD 7 BLOCK WATCH Garfield Hts. Ward 7 Block Watch will meet Thursday, April 30th at 7:00 PM in the St. Augustine room of St. Benedict School. Non-perishable food items for the St. Vincent DePaul food pantry would be appreciated. For more information, call Nikki Majka 216-310-6574. All are welcome. 12 weeks!!! CAREGIVER PEER SUPPORT GROUP Come take care of YOU … as we welcome SPRING! Caring for a loved one is often a ‘balancing act’ that can be a bit overwhelming for the caregiver … often caring for a family member plus an aging parent. This peer support CAREGIVER group will meet THIS month on the 3rd and 5th Wednesday: April 29th is last meeting of the month from 11:30am-12:30pm in the St. Francis Room in the lower level of St. Monica Parish Office. Come join us for some very special SPRING activities! Post-Easter Pentecost Family Bereavement Gathering & Memorial Celebration Join us for ‘A Time to Heal’ on May 2nd from 1:30-3:30pm in the Augustine Room: school lower level. A special afternoon of sharing and caring has been planned … with a special takehome keepsake for all attending. Bring the family and celebrate your ‘loved one’. Registration is required so please call the Parish Office or return the attached form by April 25th. [Please NOTE date change] YES, I will attend ‘a Time to Heal’ Family Bereavement Social & Memorial Celebration. Family Name: ____________________________________________ # Attending: ______ Address: _______________________________________________ City: ___________________________________Zip: ____________ Phone: _________________________________ WHAT: Post-Easter Family Bereavement Gathering & Memorial Celebration WHEN: 1:30 PM Saturday, May 2nd 2015 WHERE: Augustine / Monica Rooms [school lower level] Please return to Christene Stirling at the Parish Office [or place in the Collection Basket] by April 25th 2015 Fourth Sunday Of Easter April 26, 2015 Parish Activities OFFERTORY COLLECTION April 18 / April 19 Regular Sunday Envelopes St. Monica Fund Kids Envelopes $ 7,882.00 $ 652.00 $ 20.50 To help build an endowment fund, please consider remembering St. Monica Church in your Will. Chick-fil-A Fundraiser Join us on Tuesday, April 28th at the Chick-fil-A of Macedonia (corner of Rt. 8 & Rt. 82). Bring an invitation (available at the Parish Office or School Office) and present it to the cashier when you order and the St. Benedict Catholic PTU will receive 15% of your drive thru order, or in-store purchase. Accepted for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner. There will be games & Food Prizes from 4:30-7:30pm-only $1 per play. 100% of these proceeds go to the PTU. Kindergarten Screening Kindergarten Screening will take place May 12 and May 19, 2015. Students must turn five years old by September 30, 2015 and be registered at St. Benedict Catholic School to schedule a screening time. Incoming Kindergarten, First and Second Grade students may also qualify for the EdChoice Expansion Scholarship. Please call the school office @ 216.662.9380 for more information. St. Benedict Night at the Lake County Game Come and enjoy the game on Friday, May 29th. Game time is 6:30pm. Tickets are $10. Stick around after the game for post-game fireworks extravaganza. Tickets can be purchased by contacting Scott Gongos by Friday, May 22nd at 216.475.3633 or MONDAY, April 27 3:00 CWVA (c) 4:00 Athletic Practice (g) 8:00 HN Board Mtg (c) TUESDAY, April 28 4:00 Athletic Practice (g) 6:45 Boy Scouts (c) WEDNESDAY, April 29 11:30 Alzheimer’s Support Group (F) 4:00 Athletic Practice (g) 7:00 MHCC (cmr) THURSDAY, April 30 4:00 Athletic Practice (g) 6:00 Ward 7 Block Watch (AR) FRIDAY, May 1 1:00 Spring Concert (g) 8:00 Catholic Club (AR) SATURDAY, May 2 9:30 Athletic Practice (g) 1:30 Post-Easter Family Bereavement (M/AR) SUNDAY, May 3 St. Benedict Catholic School will be hosting Open Houses for our Preschool friends who will be 4 and 5 years old beginning in September of 2015. The Preschool will be full-day at the St. Benedict Early Learning Center (14600 Turney Road). Open Houses are from 12:00-2:00pm and will take place on Sunday, May 17th : Hope to see you there! YOUTH MINISTRY YOUTH412 meets April 26, 6-8pm in the youth room (Saints Peter and Paul school building). Doors open at 5:45pm. Please arrive early, we will start on time! Friends are welcome! RECYCLE YOUR INK CARTRIDGES AT ST. BENEDICT CATHOLIC SCHOOL Don’t throw out those empty ink cartridges! Bring them to the St. Benedict Catholic School’s Main Office where the school can earn discounts on future ink cartridge purchases. Help our school save money and help the environment by keeping these cartridges out of the landfills. Please contact Scott Gongos at 216.475.3633 or for more information. School Spirit Tastes Great! Make dinner a selfless Act by joining us for a fundraiser to support St. Benedict Catholic School. Come into the Vista Way Chipotle on Monday, May 18th from 4:00pm to 8:00pm. Flyers are available at the Parish Office or just tell them you are supporting St. Benedict School and they will donate 50% of the proceeds to our school. Thank you for your support. SUPPORT ST. BENEDICT SCHOOL AT GIANT EAGLE & TARGET Support St. Benedict Catholic School by registering your Giant Eagle Advantage Card with the school ID #5791. Stop by the Customer Service Counter and register your card and help raise money for St. Benedict Catholic School! Fourth Sunday Of Easter Readings for the week of April 26, 2015 Sunday Fourth Sunday of Easter Acts 4:8-12; 1 Ps 118; 1 Jn 3:1-2; Jn 10:11-18 Monday Acts 11:1-18; Ps 42; Jn 10:1-10 Tuesday Saint Peter Chanel, Priest and Martyr; Saint Louis Grignion de Montfort, Priest Acts 11:19-26; Ps 87; Jn 10:22-30 Wednesday Saint Catherine of Siena, Virgin and Doctor of the Church Acts 12:24—13:5a; Ps 67; Jn 12:44-50 Thursday Saint Pius V, Pope Acts 13:13-25; Ps 89; Jn 13:16-20 Friday Saint Joseph the Worker Acts 13:26-33; Ps 2; Jn 14:1-6 Saturday Saint Athanasius, Bishop and Doctor of the Church Acts 13:44-52; Ps 98; Jn 14:7-14 Sunday Fifth Sunday of Easter Acts 9:26-31; Ps 22; 1 Jn 3:18-24; Jn 15:1-8 April 26, 2015 Knights of Columbus Stuffed Cabbage Dinner DATE: Wednesday April 29, 2015 TIME: 4 - 7 PM Location: CLUB 4130 10806 Granger Road, Garfield Heights, Ohio 44125 Dinner consists of: 3 STUFFED CABBAGE, MASHED POTATOES, VEGETABLE, GARDEN SALAD, ROLLS & BUTTER Costs: Adults - $9 ..... Children Under 12 - $7 ALL DINNERS INCLUDE COFFEE TEA, WATER, AND NON‐ CARBONATED BEVERAGES DINNERS BY: MAPLE HEIGHTS CATERING RESERVATIONS REQUIRED: 216-662-2277 mailbox #2 DUE BY SUNDAY APRIL 26 - 8PM The Isabella Guild will also be selling fresh bakery Can Pop available for $0.50 The Drowsy Chaperone Holy Name High School is proud to present their 2015 Spring Musical, The Drowsy Chaperone, with St. Monica’s own Elizabeth Groth. Please consider supporting the Holy Name Students on Friday, May 1st and Saturday May 2nd. For Show times call Holy Name High School at 440.886.0300
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