May 17, 2015 - Saint Nicholas Parish

Confessions: Saturday 5:00 PM
First Friday prior to 8 AM Mass
or by appointment
Monday at 10:00 AM
Community Center (814) 948-4017
Church Hall (814) 948-9956
Hall Coordinator (814) 948-5831
Rosary: Sunday at 7:00 PM
May 17, 2015
17th Sunday
of Easter
This Week’s Mass Intentions
18 Monday
Easter Weekday 583-867
8:00 AM L/D of Gerald & Anna Marie Krumenacker
19 Tuesday
Easter Weekday 586-877
8:00 AM
†Clarence Karlheim
20 Wednesday
8:00 AM
Easter Weekday 588-886
†Marge Farabaugh
9:30 AM
21 Thursday
8:00 AM
22 Friday
8:00 AM
23 Saturday
8:00 AM
School Mass (Merle Parish)
Easter Weekday 591-897
L/D Art & Vera Sherry Family
Easter Weekday 594-906
†Nancy Krumenacker & Son
Easter Weekday 597-916
Communion Service
6:00 PM
24 Sunday
6:00 AM
L/D of Gerald & Helen Sherry Family
†Agnes Good
8:00 AM
H/W of the Sodality of the BVM
10:30 AM
L/D of the Parish
Saint Nicholas
Roman Catholic Church
1169 Alverda Rd. Nicktown, PA 15762
Phone: (814) 948-9614
Fax: (814) 948-5232
Rev. Michael Gabler, O.S.B. Pastor
Parish Office Hours:
Mon.& Fri. 8:30 AM to 10 AM
Tues. & Wed. 8:30 AM to 2 PM
Website: www.saintnicholaspar ish.or g
E-mail: info@saintnicholaspar ish.or g
Blood Drive
St. Nicholas Church Hall
203 St. Henry Street
Nicktown, Pa 15762
Wednesday, May 20th
1:00 PM to 7:00 PM
Be a Bud!
Last Week
1 Collection
Online giving
Holy Name Improvement
$ 4,877.00
$ 295.00
$ 790.00
Please pray for the sick of our parish, our families
and friends, especially Howard Cramer, Ed Lieb,
Ron Lieb, Patricia Nemitz, Pat Leslie, Jean Dumm,
Heidi Westrick, Paul Saxon, Dawson Davis, Mary
Schilling, Colleen Pizur, Sally Farabaugh, Lou
Bodek, Pauline Smith and those in nursing homes
and their caregivers; the return of inactive members
of our parish to the practice of their faith; the respect of all
human life and the end of abortions.
We pray for the safety of our troops, their safe return and for
their families at home. We pray for a deep and profound
respect for life, and for the courage and willingness to stand up
for life.
All men (graduated 8th grade or older), who are
interested in joining the Holy Name Society, are
asked to attend the 8:00 am mass on June 14.
Inductions will be done after mass. For any
question call Ron at 948-4336.
Northern Cambria Catholic School is seeking
applicants for the following position open July 1, 2015
The successful applicant will be available before and during school hours and have a general
knowledge of cleaning, plumbing, electrical and carpentry work. The applicants must obtain the
following clearances: Act 152, 34, 114, 168, and 24 as well as complete the Protection Program with the
Diocese of Altoona Johnstown. Please contact Northern Cambria Catholic School for an employment
application packet 948-8900 or 3278 Blue Goose Road, Nicktown, PA 15762. Deadline for applications is
Noodle Making
Our next date will be Tuesday, May 26th beginning at 8:30 AM. Our young people will still be in
school so we will need many "helping hands" to assist us with this big project. We will make noodles
on Tuesday, June 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30. If you have some spare time, please come and join us. A light
lunch will be available for the workers. Donations of eggs and flour can be taken to the hall Mondays
after 3 PM. Thank you to all the volunteers who have helped with noodle making thus far.
Our Memorial Day program will begin as usual with Mass at 8:00 AM and the parade at 9:00 AM. However,
this year due to time constraints affecting several marching groups, the Memorial Service will
begin when those directly participating groups arrive at the cemetery. Members of the
community interested in being present for the service, should come to the cemetery at that
time. An announcement will be made over the PA system. Other parade units upon reaching
the school will be directed down St. Joseph’s street. Your cooperation and support will be
greatly appreciated.
Men’s choir practice is Wednesday, June 10 at 6:30 PM to sing at the 8 AM mass on Sunday,
June 14.
Youth choir rehearsal is Wednesday, June 17 from 6:00 to 7:00 PM to sing at the 8 AM mass
Sunday, June 21.
New members are always welcome.
Join us at choir in serving the Lord—considering all He does for us, it’s just a little giving
back to Him.
Carmelite Community of the Word Golf Tournament
The Carmelite Community of the Word sisters will hold our 11th Annual Golf Tournament on Monday, June 8
at Scotch Valley Country Club. This event has proven to be a fun day for all, and includes Registration and
Lunch at 11 a.m., a Shotgun start at Noon. This year will feature a Live Auction and Dinner at 5 p.m..
Take advantage of our Early “Birdie” Special! If you register before May 24, the cost is $125 per golfer;
$450 per foursome. After May 24, the cost is $150 per golfer; $600 per foursome. Final deadline for
Registration is June 1. For those who may want to attend the dinner only, the cost is $25.
To register, or for more information, contact Sr. Jane Miller at 814-886-4098 or email at
Basilica of St. Michael MAY DAYS- May 23r d and 24th at Our Lady of Lor etto Hall. Enjoy Live
Entertainment, Silent Auction, Baskets! Baskets! Baskets!, 50/50 Tickets, Door Prizes and Great
Food! Please check our website for a schedule of events. All are welcome and we
hope to see you there!
There will be a healing Mass on Monday, June 1 , at 7 PM, a the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament.
Fr. Bill Kiel, from the Diocese of Greensburg, will be the main celebrant. All are welcome, especially those
in need of physical, emotional, or spiritual healing, and those who support and care for them as well. Music
for the Mass will led by Cathedral Charismatic Prayer Group Music Ministry. The Mass is being presented
by the Cathedral Charismatic Prayer Group. For more information, please call 941-3832.
The Sisters of Saint Ann are inviting you to join our annual “Ladies Retreat’” at Mount St. Ann
Ebensburg, PA, on August 7-9. The Church this year, on October 15, will celebrate the 500th anniversary of
St. Teresa of Avila’s birthday. St. Teresa was a Spanish Carmelite, reformer, founder or the Discalced
Carmelites, mystic and Doctor of the Church. To enlighten the treasure of her writing and spiritual life for our
benefits, the very Rev. Jude Peters, Provincial Superior of the Carmelites Friars from Hubertus, Wisconsin,
will be the Retreat spiritual director.
For more information, write to Sisters of Saint Ann PO Box 328, Ebensburg, PA 15931 or call 472-9354. The
retreat is open to commuters.
Barr Township
Rod & Gun Club
Kid’s Fish Day 15 and under
8:30 AM to 11:30 AM—May 24th
Blacklick Creek - Info 948-5693
Rain date June 7th
6:00 PM
8:00 AM
Thank you to everyone for supporting our
annual carnation sale.
Because of your
generosity we have sent $700 to Birthright. We
appreciate your support for the unborn.
St. Nicholas Respect Life Committee
10:30 AM
Our goal this year is
Darla Kochinsky Donations as of April 27th $20,310.00
Minister Brenda Pawlowski Scott Farabaugh
Archie Morris
Goal amount remaining $ 9,788.00
Barb Dumm
Sally Farabaugh
Sue Morris
Carol Greggi
Gene Farabaugh
Katie Morris
THANK YOU to all of those who
Justin Greggi
Lisa Sedlemyer
Renee Bernard
have returned their pledge cards. If
Denise Harvey
Theresa Lieb
Jenn Dumm
you would like to make a pledge and
Josh Nealen
Martin Krumenacker Tommy Bernard did not receive an envelope there are
Joel Ludwig
Marie Krumenacker Joseph Bernard extra envelopes on the table in the
Kody Krug
David Farabaugh
Steven Morris
back of the church.
Emily Strollo
Nathan Farabaugh
Timothy Morris
Jon Strollo