ST. RITA CHURCH LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY MONDAY, June 29 12:00 noon Jude D. Thomas TUESDAY, June 30 8:00 a.m. at St. Luke THURSDAY, July 2 8:00 a.m. at St. Luke FRIDAY, July 3 8:00 a.m. The Smith & Hamel Families SATURDAY, July 4 5:00 p.m. Bob Miles SUNDAY, July 5 9:00 a.m. Earl Schneider 11:00 a.m. Janice Spann 1:00 p.m. Spanish Mass 6:00 p.m. People of St. Rita Parish. READINGS FOR NEXT SUNDAY I Wisdom 1:13-15; 2:23-24 II 2 Corinthians 8:7, 9, 13-15 III Mark 5:21-43 The 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time (June 28, 2015) “Just as you are rich in every respect, in faith and discourse, in knowledge, in total concern, and in our love for you, you must abound in your work of charity.” 2 Corinthians 8, 7 Paul reminds the people of Corinth of their many blessings and calls them to give charitably to others. We too are blessed in many ways. Are we as charitable? Vocation View: The world needs the healing touch of Jesus. Who will reach out in Jesus’ name? Consider becoming a priest, deacon, brother, or sister. (Mark 5:21-43) Anyone wishing to bring up the gifts during Mass can sign up on the form in the back of Church. Before each Mass, the usher will check the form before asking someone to bring up the gifts. SUMMER HOURS The St. Rita Parish Office has begun summer hours and will continue through August 7. During this time the Parish Office will be closed on Fridays. HEALING SERVICE A Healing service with the opportunity for the Sacrament of Reconciliation will be held on Wednesday, July 8, at 7 p.m., at St. Barnabas Church, 3042 Hikes Lane. Fr. John Johnson is presiding. For information, call Paul Furmanek at 502-6083529. The Circle of Life NEEDS High School youth for our upcoming Mission Trip through "YouthWorks" here in Louisville! The trip is NOT overnight and is in town. Cost is $80/per person (CHEAP!) and we have 15 spots to fill as soon as possible! The week is July 26-31, from 7am-11pm each day (to be picked up and dropped off). Please call John Sohl @ 502428-6757 or Debbie Minton @ 502-645-3559 to sign up and get the paperwork with more information. God bless you all! JUNE 28, 2015 TUESDAY THURSDAY Gospel of Mark 6:30 p.m./Casper Center. Quilting Group 9 a.m.- ? Praise Prayer Group 7 p.m./K of C Trailer. FRIDAY Eucharistic Adoration 8:30 to 11:45 a.m. SATURDAY Confessions 4-4:30 p.m. INDEPENDENCE DAY The Parish Office is closed from 12:30 to 1:15 for lunch. The Sacrament of Baptism will be celebrated July 19, 2015, at 4:00 p.m. There will be only one class, which will be on Wednesday, July 15, 2015, at St. Rita Church, in the Sacristy, at 7 p.m. On the day of Baptism, Sunday, July 19, we ask that you arrive 15 minutes before Baptisms so Father/Deacon can go over the procedure with the families. For more information call the Parish Office, 969-4579, during regular business hours. Please remember in your Prayers all who are sick, shut-ins, those in nursing homes, hospitalized, or recently discharged and recuperating: Becky Loftin, Norman Maze, Emma O’Bryan, Marcella Kaufman, Ralph Gravatte, Pattee Luckett, Richard Massa, Doris McDougall, Janna Barton, Mary Schneider, Debbie Lardner, Chris Cornelius, Tom Tromly, Jack Bell, Mary Downs, Ruth Straub, Louis Miles, Alberta Robinson, Tom Rausch, Rich Vessels, Zora Harper, Peggy Moore, Vince Gottbrath, Sandy Ackerman, Eddie Blanford, Barb D’Haene, Judy Higdon, Rita Hack-Curtsinger, Eugene Schneider, Phyllis Harrison, Frank Schneider, Jean Bach, Don Pendleton, Wendell Sipes, William Harold Durbin, Lu & Donald Malone, Debbie Vaughn. The Spirituality Library is focusing on topics for each month. June will focus on Prayer. You may check out any book (s) in the Library, come early for Mass, browse the book shelves and see the variety of good reference books that the Library has available. Answer to last week’s question: (b) The four Gospel writers tell the story of Jesus. What is your Catholic IQ question of the week: The Jewish Passover commemorates _____. (Exodus 12) (a) God creating the world (b) God giving Moses the Ten Commandments (c) God leading the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt (d) Jesus’ birth THIRTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME The Gospel of Mark is the shortest gospel of the four gospels, however, it is most likely the first written and his narrative is taut and compelling. Our Summer Series will be The Gospel of Mark, given by Fr. Joe Rankin on Tuesdays, June 16 and 23, and then July 7, 14, 21, and 28. We will meet in the St. Rita Casper Center at 6:30 p.m. There will be Catechist credit for this series. Please bring your Bible and a friend. BABY BOTTLE REMINDER: DID YOU FORGET TO RETURN YOUR BABY BOTTLE?!! Don’t worry…it’s not too late. Just bring your bottle to church next Sunday, or drop it by the parish office sometime this week. And Thank you! Your life-changing, life-saving donations will make it possible for Little Way Pregnancy Resource Center to save more lives of innocent babies from abortion and protect more mothers from a lifetime of regret. May God Bless you! Breast Cancer Screening – MAMMOGRAMS for women 40 years and over (no cost to program eligible women without insurance) at St. Rita Catholic Church, Friday, July 31, 8:30 – 3:30 p.m. Call Yolanda at 962-7799, ext. 161 or 533-0315 to schedule an appointment (Please leave a message and Yolanda will return your call on Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday). If you have insurance, Medicare, or Medicaid, U of L Hospital will bill that agency. THE RECORD will publish the second Bridal Issue of 2015 on July 30. If you are planning your wedding between July 30, and January 28, 2016 and would like your announcement in THE RECORD, please go to for the extended form. If you were married before July 30, 2015, but did not submit an announcement in time for the January 2015 Bridal Issue, you may submit a marriage announcement for July 2015 using the same form. For additional information or questions contact Rachell Rauh at 471-2125 or e-mail: The deadline is Thursday, July 2, 2015 at 12 noon - no exceptions! COMMUNION MINISTERS FOR JULY: 5 p.m. Bob Albers, Martha Thomas, Bernie & Ken Besser 9 a.m. Roxanne Oyler, Gene Niemann, Loretta & Stephen Schmidt 11 a.m. Katie, Donna & Bill Comstock, Connie Kubac, Michelle Stevens, Theresa & Steve Weber GREETERS FOR JULY: 5 p.m. Mary Watson, Tony & Sue Millay 9 a.m. James & Helen Hoagland 11 a.m. Brian & Cameron Weigel LECTORS: July 4/5 p.m. J.L. & Martha Thomas July 5/9 a.m. Sue Mitchell & Charlotte Ford 11 a.m. Tom Hagan & Christy Weikert Exciting News from St. Joseph’s Children’s Home You are invited to attend our “Home-warming” celebration of new Residential Cottages for Kentucky’s most abused children on Thursday, July 9, at 10AM. Coffee & cake will be served. Tours will be provided. RSVP by July 1 to Sally Walko at or 893-0241. Sponsor of the Week – This bulletin is furnished to the Parish without charge. The advertisements that appear completely defray all publishing costs. Please patronize these sponsors as a thank you for their kind generosity. This week’s Sponsor is: “FRANCISCAN HEALTH CARE CENTER” From the desk of Roger Costello, Business Manager: THE PICNIC CORNER – We continue to seek folks to work in the various booths, please let us know as soon as possible your schedule to help. We have added two extra volunteer coordinators to serve as contact persons. Ideally, this will provide us with better coverage and ample help in the booths and other picnic areas. For now continue to contact Barbara Weber, 396-5139 or Don’t forget about the Book Booth. If you have any books, cd’s DVD’s, or gently used games for the booth (no VHS tapes please) feel free to drop them off in the narthex of church. Don’t forget an important item to put on your things to do list during picnic week is your cake baking. Cakes are a big and important part of any picnic. Thank you! The final details are being worked out for the dinner. If you wish to work in the dining room the contact person’s information will be in next week’s bulletin. Raffle Tickets are now available at the doors of church! Early ticket sales are vital for a successful picnic! This year’s picnic will be August 13 (Ride night), August 14 & 15. BOOSTERS NEWS Boys and Girls – Basketball Camp – July 6 – 10. Grades 2,3,4 -- 6 – 7 p.m. Grades 5,6,7,8 -- 7-8:30 p.m. Parents drop off and come back at pick up. For more information call Carolyn Patton, 964-8368. Sign-ups for Volley Ball (grades 1 through 8) and Football (Grades 3 – 8), July 20 – 21, 6 p.m. Angela Merici Center for Spirituality Program Offerings – Ursuline Campus Special “Come and See” Program, Living the Way of Jesus The Angela Merici Center for Spirituality invites all to a free “come and see” program to learn about its upcoming offering, Living the Way of Jesus. The 60-minute seminars will introduce a comprehensive look at the six key spiritual practices that are fundamental to living the way of Jesus. The sessions will be offered on July 16 from 10-11 AM and 7-8 PM. To register, call (502) 896-3945 or visit Taizé Prayer The Angela Merici Center for Spirituality will offer an opportunity to participate in Taizé Prayer on July 13, beginning at 7 PM in the Motherhouse Chapel on the Ursuline Campus, 3115 Lexington Road. Karen Kuenzig and Ginny Schaeffer will facilitate the evening of chants, songs, silence and Scripture. Cost: Free-will offering. For information, call (502) 896-3945 or email
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