6 1 1 E i g h t h Av e n u e , B r o o k l y n , N Y 1 1 2 1 5 · 7 1 8 . 7 6 8 . 4 0 5 5 · w w w. s a i n t s a v i o u r c h u r c h . o r g SCHEDU LE OF MASSES Sunday 8:30 AM, 10:00 AM Family Mass, 11:30 AM Choir Mass, and 5:00 PM Jazz Mass Monday–Friday 6:45 and 9:00 AM No 6:45 AM Weekday Mass on holidays and during Summer Saturday 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM (for Sunday) Holy Days 6:45 AM, 9:00 AM, 12:05 and 7:00 PM SACRAMENTS Baptisms We celebrate the Sacrament of Baptism at 1:00 PM on the first Sunday of each month. Parents may also choose to have their child baptized at any one of our Sunday celebrations of Eucharist. Arrangements must be made in advance with a member of the Pastoral Staff. Please note that there are no baptisms during Advent and Lent. Marriages Arrangement should be made at least six months in advance and participation in the Diocesan Pre-Cana Program is required. Please call the Rectory to schedule an appointment with a priest or deacon who will discuss the necessary details. Sacrament of the Sick In the event of serious illness, please call the Rectory and request the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick. Communion for the Homebound Eucharistic Ministers are available to bring Holy Communion to those unable to join us for Eucharist. Please call the Rectory to make arrangements or to learn more about the Pastoral Care Program. ST. SAVIOUR STAFF Pastor Rev. Frank W. Spacek, D.Min Pastor Emeritus Rev. Daniel S. Murphy Parochial Vicar & CUNY Chaplain Rev. Kevin P. Cavalluzzi, D.Min Deacons Bill Williamsen & Bill Cullen In Residence Rev. Robert J. Frueh Parish Secretary Emily San Pietro Coordinator of Religious Education Sue Walsh Coordinator of Youth & Family Ministry Geri Anne O’ Beirne Director of Music Iouri Grichetchkine Trustees Lorraine Foley & Ed Dorney RECTORY OFFICE HOUR S Monday–Thursday 9:00 AM–8:00 PM Friday 9:00 AM–3:00 PM To speak with a priest, please call for an appointment. For sick calls, phone anytime. ST. SAVIOUR HIG H SCHOOL Principal Sr. Valeria Belanger, SSND TEL 718.768.4406 · WEB www.stsaviour.org ST. SAVIOUR CATHO LIC ACADEMY Principal Maura Lorenzen TEL 718.768.8000 FAX 718.768.0373 WEB www.saintsaviourcatholicacademy.org Confessions First Saturday of the month in the church from 4:00-4:30 PM. By appointment for all other times. EMAIL stsaviourchurch@aol.com · FACEBOOK www.facebook.com/stsaviour · FAX 718.768.4872 April 19 ,2015 A FEW WORDS FROM FATHER KEVIN When I was the chaplain to Polytechnic University, one December a freshmen member of the Cardinal Newman Club who was from California expressed how he was eager to return home for Christmas. Upon his return to the college in January, he said that when he arrived home, he walked through the door, hugged and kissed his mother and said: “I’m hungry. Do you have anything to eat? ” He later explained that his mother was a wonderful cook, and how pleased she was to prepare a meal for him again and how happy he was to be with her for the Winter Recess. In many instances, the greatest expressions of love can be found in the simplest of phrases. If these phrases were written down on paper, they might not have any great emotional significance. However, when spoken by people who love each other, the words can reveal the profound love that exists in the relationship. The college student’s simple phrase: “I’m hungry. Do you have anything to eat?”, expressed to his mother how, although he had been away for a time, he still loved coming home to the people who mean so much to him. Today’s Gospel is a post-resurrection experience for the disciples. Thus, in order to appreciate the passage, it must be viewed in light of the other post-resurrection experiences that appear in the Gospels. For the disciples, these experiences are marked by a sense of fear, guilt and uncertainty. The disciples are anxious about Jesus’ reaction to their lack of courage and faith during his trial, crucifixion and the days that followed these events. And yet, Jesus calms their fears and relives their anxieties with words that he probably spoke to them many times during his ministry: “Do you have anything to eat?” With these words, the disciples came to the realization that he was the same Jesus who loved and cared about them. That he was the same Jesus who had remained with them during the good times and the bad, and who was now willing to fulfill his promise to be with them always. Perhaps we can imagine that Jesus comes to our home to pay a visit. Of course we could be filled with great joy, but at the same time we would be preoccupied about what to say and do. However, imagine if Jesus walked over to our refrigerator, opened the door, and said to us: “Do you have anything to eat?” Then we would realize that he was the same Jesus that we had come to so many times in prayer, but were never preoccupied about what to say. The same Jesus that has walked with us as our brother, during the joys and sorrows of our lives. And the same Jesus who always cared enough to listen to us when no one else would. Today’s Gospel concludes with the disciples going forth to undertake their mission with a renewed confidence in Jesus’ abiding presence. May we likewise go forth with confidence to share the message of salvation with others, strengthened by Word and Sacrament. For the same Jesus who shared his life with his disciples over two thousand years ago, is the same Jesus who still invites us to his table each Sunday and asks: “Would you like something to eat?” God Bless You and Have a Great Week! Father Kevin Stewardship April 12 Offertory $6,270.00 Goal $10,000 Deficit $3,730 Attendance 742 Facebook Like St. Saviour on Facebook! www.facebook. com/stsaviour Candle Memorials APRIL 19-25 SANCTUARY LAMP: Donald O’Donnell OUR LADY’S ALTAR: ST. JOSEPH’S ALTAR: ST. SAVIOUR ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH Cub Pack 412/Boy Scout Troop 14 Our next meeting will be on Wednesday, 4/22 at 6:15 PM in the Parish Hall. All are welcome . MASS INTENTIONS AVAILABLE We still have a large number of Mass Intentions available for both weekday AND weekend celebrations of Eucharist. Please consider having a Mass celebrated for a loved one or family member—either living or deceased. We are ALL in need of prayers, and there is no greater prayer than the celebration of Eucharist. Each Mass Intention is only $15.00. If you are interested in having a Mass celebrated in memory of a deceased loved one, or in honor of someone who is living, please call Emily at the Rectory and she will be more than happy to assist you. EASTER GIFT TO THE PARISH We would like to take this opportunity to thank ALL the members of our parish family who gave so generously in this year’s “EASTER GIFT TO MY PARISH” collection. This money will certainly assist us in the upkeep of our beautiful church and surrounding buildings—as well as to continue to provide YOU, our faithful parishioners, with quality services and activities as we together continue to build up God’s Kingdom right here in our little section of Park Slope, Brooklyn. 2015 ANNUAL CATHOLIC APPEAL 2015 Annual Catholic Appeal Forms are available at each of the front doors to the church. They are also available at the Rectory during Office Hours. For those of you who have already made a pledge— we thank you! For those of you who still have not made a pledge—there is plenty of time to do so! Remember, you will not only be helping in the work of our Diocese, but you will also be helping YOUR parish as well. ALL monies received over our parish goal of $60,588.00 will be returned to us here at Saint Saviour to assist us in preserving the mission of Saint Saviour Parish as well as assisting us in doing much needed repairs around our parish plant. “Give me an army saying the rosary and I will conquer the world” - Blessed Pope Pius IX April 19, 2015 ST. SAVIOUR ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH BROOKLYN, NY FATHER FRANK’S INSTALLATION AS OUR NEW PASTOR On Sunday Morning, May 17th, our parish will be welcoming Bishop Raymond Chappetto, who will be coming to Saint Saviour to officially install Father Frank as the 11th Pastor of St. Saviour Parish during our 10:00 a.m. Family Mass. We do hope as many members of our parish family as possible will come out and join us in prayer as we “officially” welcome our new pastor. RISEN CHRIST FLYERS Additional Risen Christ Flyers are available both at the doors to the church and in the Rectory. It’s nice to see some doors and windows around our neighborhood with these Risen Christ Flyers on them. Remember, we leave them up until the conclusion of our celebration of Easter, which occurs on the Solemnity of Pentecost (Sunday, May 24th). PARK EXPLORERS OPEN HOUSE Saturday, May 2, in the Parish Hall from 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 pm. Open for ages 3-14. Call new director Charlie Pigott at 718-788-3620 or e-mail parkexplorers@gmail.com CAREGIVER SUPPORT GROUP Catholic Charities will be hosting a FREE Caregiver Support Group for those who take care of loved ones who are sick and/or elderly. The support group includes guest speakers and a wealth of information where attendees can share, learn and support each other. For more information please contact: Ms. Bexabeth at Our Lady of Angels Human Service Center, 226 73rd Street, Brooklyn NY 11209 or phone her at (718) 680-6344. SAINT SAVIOUR CATHOLIC ACADEMY SPRING AUCTION To download our Invitation Reply Form as well as learn more about sponsorship opportunities and donations. Please visit our Home Page www.saintsaviourcatholicacademy.org Tickets are a $100 per person and are sold on a first come, first served basis. All Tickets are WILL CALL. Tickets will not be mailed to you. In addition to the Silent Auction we will also have a 50/50 Raffle and a Balloon Raffle. Below are some Silent Auction highlights: 2 Night Stay at Catskills Vacation Home Sports Tickets (Yankees, Mets, Cyclones, etc.) YMCA Family Membership ...and much more! We look forward to seeing you there! SENIOR CONNECTION Come enjoy lunch and bingo at our next meeting on Wednesday, May 6, at 1:00 p.m. in the Parish Hall. All are welcome. THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER WE LCO M E TO ST. SAVI OU R To those of you who are relatively new to the neighborhood, to those of you who are church shopping, to those of you who came in just because you saw an open door, welcome to St. Saviour. We are a diverse, inclusive, post Vatican II Roman Catholic parish where people of all backgrounds have gathered to pray for over 100 years. For whatever reason you were drawn to St. Saviour, it is our hope and prayer that you will be spiritually nourished here. And please know that you are always welcomed back. HOUSING OPPORTUNITY Progress of Peoples Management Corporation - an affiliate of Catholic Charities Brooklyn & Queens is pleased to announce the opening of the waitlist for the Bishop Boardman Apartments, located at 1615 8th Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11215. The building, which includes handicap accessible units, is for elderly residents and couples where the head of household or spouse is 62 or older. Income restrictions apply and are based on Section 8 guidelines. Interested applicants can obtain an application by writing to: Bishop Boardman Apartments c/o Progress of Peoples Management Corp. 191 Joralemon Street, 8th Floor Brooklyn, NY 11201 or by Visiting Bishop Boardman Apartments (1615 8th Avenue) in person during the hours of 2pm and 4pm Monday thru Friday and leaving your contact info. An application will then be mailed to you. Applications will be available after Monday, May 4, 2015. No applications will be available prior. Completed applications must be postmarked by first class mail to the PO Box listed on the application by the deadline of May 23, 2015. If you or someone you know needs assistance completing the application, three Application Assistance Workshops will be available at parishes in Brooklyn: · Tuesday, May 5th from 11am-2pm at St. Thomas Aquinas-Holy Family Parish Hall/Church Basement (corner of 9th Street and 4th Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11215). · Tuesday, May 5th from 3-7pm at Immaculate Heart of Mary Rectory (2805 Fort Hamilton Parkway Brooklyn, NY 11218) . · Sunday, May 17th from 10am-2pm at Holy Name Rectory (245 Prospect Park West, Brooklyn NY 11215) . It is NOT necessary to attend one of the above workshops in order to submit an application. The workshops are only for individuals and couples who may need extra assistance. Sunday, April 19, Third Sunday of Easter 8:30 a.m. Conrad Giraud 10:00 a.m. 11:30 a.m Patricia Masia/Donald O’Donnell/Delia & John Reilly 5:00 p.m. Monday, April 20, Easter Weekday 6:45 a.m. 9:00 a.m. Kathleen Neville (Living) Tuesday, April 21, Easter Weekday 6:45 a.m. 9:00 a.m. Esta Verdiglione Wednesday, April 22, Easter Weekday 6:45 a.m. 9:00 a.m. Thursday, April 23, Easter Weekday 6:45 a.m. 9:00 a.m. Joseph Mangino Friday, April 24, Easter Weekday 6:45 a.m. 9:00 a.m. Saturday, April 25, Saint Mark, Evangelist 9:00 a.m. Carmine Fischetti (Anniversary) 5:00 p.m. Deceased Members of the Manco Family Sunday, April 26, Third Sunday of Easter 8:30 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 11:30 a.m. Catherine Foley (Anniversary)/Bill O’Donnell/Jerry & Mary Reilly 5:00 p.m.
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