Holy Family Area Catholic Community The Mission of our Holy Family Area Catholic Community is to Embrace, Nurture and Reflect the gift of God’s love. Church of St. Andrew Church of St. Clara Church of St. Joseph Granite Falls, MN 56241 Clara City, MN 56222 Montevideo, MN 56265 SUMMER WEEKEND MASS SCHEDULE STARTING MAY 9/10, 2015 Saturday 5:30 pm-St. Joseph, Montevideo 7:00 pm-St. Joseph, Montevideo (Spanish) Sunday 8:30 am-St. Clara, Clara City 10:30 am-St. Andrew, Granite Falls Area Office– Phone: 320-269-5954 512 Black Oak Ave. Montevideo, MN 56265 E-mail: holyfamilyareaoffice@saintsjac.org Area Website: www.saintsjac.org MASS INTENTIONS 7th Sunday of Easter - The Ascension of the Lord Sat. May 16 5:30pm + Rich Newhouse - SJ Mass in Spanish 7:00pm + Fr. Leonard Jenniges - SJ Sun. May 17 8:30am +Amy Thein & Mary Kay Martineau - SC 10:30am + Steve Ladner - SA Tues. May 19 5:30pm + Phil & Cele Menelli - SA Wed. May 20 9:30am + Jan & Tom Gunter - CC Care Center Thurs. May 21 12:00pm + Fr. Leonard Jenniges - SJ Fri. May 22 12:00pm + Fr. John Wagener - SA PENTECOST Sunday Sat. May 23 5:30pm Mass in Spanish 7:00pm Sun. May 24 8:30am 10:30am + Mike Chiarelli - SJ + Thomas Rutkowski - SJ + Arnold Henkel - SC People of the Holy Family Area - SA The Ascension of the Lord Sacrament of Reconciliation: Anytime by appointment St. Andrew-Tues. 5:10pm, Fri. 11:45am St. Joseph-Thurs.11:30a m, Sat. 4:45pm St. Clara-Sun. 8:00am Eucharistic Adoration: Every First Thursday from 8am-noon St. Joseph in Montevideo and every First Friday from 6am-noon at St. Andrew in Granite Falls except in the event of a funeral. Sacrament of Baptism: Please call Area office at least a few months before the child is born to register for class. Sacrament of Marriage: Reminder: All Catholics need to meet with a priest/deacon at least 6 months before getting married, even if the wedding is going to be in a non-Catholic church. Please contact the Area Office at least one year before your wedding date. Anointing of the Sick: When someone needs to be Anointed because they will be undergoing surgery, are seriously ill, or because they are dying, please notify a priest right away. Twice a year we have an Anointing Mass for those whose health is seriously impaired. RCIA: Anyone interested in joining the Catholic Church please call Deacon Bob at 320-444-1351 Registration/Moving: To register in a parish, or if moving, change of phone number, please call Area Office at 320-269-5954 Catholic Charities - Offering personal, marriage, family and pregnancy counseling 866-670-5163 Pastoral Care - If any parishioner, family member, or friend is in need of a pastoral care visit and Holy Communion, please call the Area Office. Because of today’s privacy laws we are made aware only when the individual, family or friends contact us. We are also not always aware of parishioners who are homebound and would desire a pastoral visit. MAY 17, 2015 YEAR B 7TH SUNDAY OF EASTER - ASCENSION OF THE LORD Welcome to Holy Family Area Catholic Community IN OUR PARISHES AREA CALENDAR THIS WEEK Mass times with Intentions are found front page May 17 May 19 May 20 May 21 May 22 May 23 May 24 May 25 8:00am Confessions - St. Clara Graduate Recognition at Mass 6:00pm SJ Youth Group @ Ann/Dave Vollers 9:00am Scripture Study - St. Clara 5:10pm Confessions - St. Andrew 6:00pm KC Meeting - St. Joseph 7:00pm Admin Council Meeting - St. Andrew 5:30pm Catechist Appreciation @ Winter Park - St. Andrew 9:15am STAFF Meeting - St. Joseph 11:30am Confessions - St. Joseph 6:30pm CCW Meeting - St. Andrew 11:45am Confessions - St. Andrew 4:45pm Confessions - St. Joseph 8:00am Confessions - St. Clara Memorial Day - Holy Family Offices are Closed / www.saintsjac.org AT ST. ANDREW. . . The St. Andrew CCW has a used electric range available for free. If you are interested please call the Area Office at 320-564-2335. You must be able to haul it away by June 1, 2015. AT ST. CLARA. . . Our VBS theme is Set Sail with the Holy Trinity and is open to all children ages 4 through 6th grade. Join us for five fun filled days of exciting lessons, cool crafts, fun games, upbeat music, hands on activities, and Irish snacks. Registration forms will be sent out soon and forms will also be available in the back of church. We are also in need of volunteers to help decorate, make meals, and act as group leaders. If interested please contact Jennifer Rud or Lindsey Donner 507-828-6270. VBS will be May 30-June 4 at St. Clara. Eucharistic Adoration for Vocations With the great response that we had for Eucharistic Last Scripture Study until next fall, Tuesday, May 19 at SC Adoration during Lent as well as the Adult Education "Oremus", we would like to continue this. We will now be offerThere will be a Memorial Day service at the St. ing Eucharistic Adoration one Sunday a month from 2:00-6:00pm beginning in June at all three of our Holy Family Area parishes. Clara Cemetery, Monday, May 25th at 9:00am, Date in June to be announced in the bulletin. to honor and remember our deceased loved ones. OUR SYMPATHY To the family of Rosa Garcia - Rosa passed away Thurs- AT ST. JOSEPH. . . day, May 7. Her Mass of Christian Burial was held WednesKC Meeting rescheduled - the KC meeting previously day May 13 at St. Joseph Catholic Church. To Maria & Heraldo Lopez on the death of Maria’s brother schedule for May 12 has been re-scheduled for Tuesday, Eduardo Lopez Santacruz who passed away May 10th. May 19 at 6pm. May Rosa and Eduardo’s souls and the souls of all the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace. CHIPPEWA COUNTY CROP/HUNGER WALK WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17, 2015. More details to come. PRAYER REQUESTS We pray for all who have died, have cancer or a terminal illness, are facing surgery, difficult life situations, or have asked us to pray for them. Also remember those suffering from war, political unrest and natural disasters. Bible Readings for this Week (May 17-23) From St. Clara: Diane Coulter, Bob Donner, Tom Thein, Betty Strommer The Ascension of the Lord Sun. Acts 1:15-17, 20a, 20c-26 1 John 4:11-16 Mon. Acts 19:1-8 Tues. Acts 20:17-27 Wed. Acts 20_28-38 Thurs. Acts 22:30; 23:6-11 Fri. Acts 25:13b-21 Sat. Acts 28:16-20, 30-31 From St. Joseph: Helen Miller, Dave Swenson, Marge Donahue, Mary Jane Hilt, Mary Beltz, Marge Hering, Karen Vaske, Shirley Gregoire Pentecost Sunday Sun. Acts 2:1-11 1 Corinthians 12:3b-7, 12-13 From St. Andrew: Betty Buesing, Jack Masters, Marian Lutterman, Ed Rekowski John 17:11b-19 John 16:29-33 John 17:1-11a John 17:11b-19 John 17:20-26 John 21:15-19 John 21:20-25 Galatians 5:16-25 Welcome to Holy Family Area Catholic Community / www.saintsjac.org Make stewardship a way of life Stewardship of Treasure Contributions for the Week of May Children Adult Loose Plate Automatic Total Weekly Budget Difference Year-to-Date Collection Year-to-Date Budget YTD Difference St. Andrew 5.20 1,380.00 148.00 1,533.20 1,696.20 (163.00) St. Clara 1,805.00 33.10 200.00 2,038.10 2,315.40 (277.30) 76,348.05 88,978.48 76,582.27 (234.22) 104,540.87 (15,562.39) Above all, let your love for one another be intense, because 10, 2015 love covers a multitude of sins. Be hospitable to one another without complainSt. Joseph ing. As each one has received a gift, use it to serve 0.25 one another as good stewards of God’s varied grace. 1,245.00 1 Peter 4:8-10 185.00 5.00 1,435.25 Catholic Communication Campaign: Today, we will take up the Collection for the 2,878.40 Catholic Communication Campaign (CCC). This collec(1,443.15) tion communicates the Gospel through Catholic social media activities and enriches our faith through podcasts, television, radio, and print media. Please be generous in this week’s collection and support this im127,163.78 portant work. Remember, half of your donation stays in our diocese to support local communication needs. The 129,959.73 CCC is how we share our experience of faith, worship and witness. (2,795.95) LITURGICAL MINISTERS St. Joseph - May 23, 2015 - 5:30pm Lector: Joe Keller Ben Pieh Eucharist: Deacon Bob Janet Bosch Tami Tanhoff Pam Loken Julene DeZeeuw Servers: Aden Wold William Bosch Ushers: Robert Jacobson Doug & Carrie Strei Gift Bearers: Anne Wagener & family Holy Family Area Pastoral Council St. Andrew St. Clara Tom Kramer Doug Homan Charlie Paslawski Jim Koewler St. Clara - May 24, 2015 - 8:30am Lector: Doug Homan Eucharist: Deacon Bob Cheri Levitz Carmel Thein Servers: Alexandra Rud Hailey Berghuis Accompanist: Margie DeGrote Song Leader: Peg Condon Ushers: LaVern Gunter Tom Gunter Sacristan: Jovita Harguth St. Joseph Linda Busch Jeff Higgins Administrative Councils - *Parish Trustees St. Andrew St. Clara St. Joseph Brett Almich Troy Groothuis Linda Busch Tom Kramer Nate Kimpling Marv Dehne Julie Nordaune Bill Luschen *Wayne Karels Charlie Paslawski Jennifer Rud Karen Kling *Jose Pullan Vic Sparks Alicia Roelike *Todd Trudel Nate Speiser *Bill Pauling *Bob Brix Paul DeZeeuw *Brenda Bristle Holy Family Area Faith Formation Committee St. Andrew St. Clara St. Joseph Kelli Lein John Donner Cathy Jakobs Beth Pullan Melissa Sparks Alicia Roelike St. Andrew - May 24, 2015 - 10:30am Lector: Evelyn Hansen Eucharist: Deacon Bob Bob Geier Nancy Aus Servers: Chandler Rillo Ben Rillo Greeters: Dee Anderson Jane Hagert Ushers: Tom Sand John Kosack Sacristan: Anne Motzko Area Pastoral Staff Fr. Paul Timmerman 320-269-8623 fatherpaultimmerman@gmail.com Deacon Bob Reitsma 320-444-1351 deaconbob@saintsjac.org Area Office Personnel Area Secretary - Peg Speiser 320-269-5954 holyfamilyareaoffice@saintsjac.org St. Andrew 320-564-2335 St. Clara 320-847-2256 St. Joseph 320-269-5954 Area Business Manager Nancy Miller –320-269-5954 - areabusinessmanager@saintsjac.org Faith Formation & Youth -Area Coordinator- Christina Wangen SA- Christina Wangen-507-920-0122 - stafaithformation@saintsjac.org (FF/Youth Coordinator) SJ- Ann Voller - 320-226-5205 - vollers_1@msn.com FF Coordinator/Youth Coordinator) Parish Center 269-5954 SC- Lindsey Donner- 507-828-6270 - lindsey.donner@gmail.com (Elementary) SC- Jennifer Rud- jrud@saintsjac.org (Jr./Sr. High)
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