St. Thomas the Apostle April 12, 2015

St. Thomas the Apostle
715 Harris Road * Sheffield Lake * Ohio * 44054-1409
April 12, 2015
Second Sunday of Easter
MASSES: Saturday Vigil: 4:00 PM
Sunday: 9:00 and 11:00 AM
Monday through Saturday: 9:00 AM
CONFESSIONS: Saturday: 3:00 to 3:45 PM
or by appointment.
BAPTISM: Sundays: 12:30 PM
Parent Pre-Baptismal Class Required.
MARRIAGE: Contact the Office at least six months
before the tentative date is set.
Father Stephen L. Shields……………….……… Pastor
Mrs. Heather Centifanti………………..Office Manager
Mr. Michael Chutes………………………….Custodian
Parish Office…………………………… 440-949-7744
Office Fax……………………………… 440-949-8611
Office Address……....521 Harris Road, Sheffield Lake
Email ……………………
Parish Website:………………
PSR/Kim & David Gray………………..440-714-4007
CYO/Jim O’Connor…………………….440-949-2631
Grismer Hall/Gym……………………...440-949-8491
St. Anthony…
1305 East Erie Ave. Lorain 44052
(440) 288-0106
St. Teresa……
1878 Abbe Road Sheffield Village 44054
(440) 934-4227
+Fr. Raymond J. Grismer
+Fr. Urban A. Reichlin
+Fr. Claude J. Gaebelein
+Fr. John J. McCaffrey
St. Thomas the Apostle Church is handicap accessible
HOME COMMUNION: Anyone desiring Communion at
home should notify the Parish Office.
FUNERALS: Arrangements with the Parish Office must be
made before publication.
MEMBERSHIP: New members are welcome. Call the Office
when you arrive. If you are moving, or turn 18 years of age
contact us to keep files updated.
SICK CALLS: Communion for shut-ins and hospital visitation
notify the Parish Office
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday-9:00 AM-4:00 PM
Friday-9:00 AM-3:00 PM
Any information/insert included in the bulletin must be in the
Parish Office by Wednesday at 4:00 PM
Community guided by the Holy Spirit. Inspired by our liturgy
and communal prayer, we reflect Jesus as servants, teachers
and leaders building the kingdom of God.
Immaculate Conception
December 8, 2015
December 25, 2015
Mary, Holy Mother of God
January 1, 2016
Address……………..1404 E. 9th St., Cleveland, Ohio 44114
St. Thomas the Apostle
Page 2
March 29, 2015
Weekly Intention: Rejoice in God’s Mercy
9:00 AM
11:00 AM
April 12, 2015
Second Sunday of Easter
Divine Mercy Sunday
Living & deceased of the Holy Name
St. Thomas Parishioners
Second Collection: Loose Change
April 13, 2015
St. Martin I
9:00 AM
Lillian Conley
April 14, 2015
9:00 AM
Donna Akin
Wednesday April 15, 2015
Income Tax Day
9:00 AM
Breeds/Russian Family
Thursday April 16, 2015
Holocaust Remembrance Day
9:00 AM
Margaret Coury-Pfister
April 17, 2015
9:00 AM Special Intentions
Saturday April 18, 2015
9:00 AM All Souls
4:00 PM
Emma Kirsch
April 19, 2015
Third Sunday of Easter
9:00 AM
Living & deceased of the Ladies Guild
11:00 AM Andrew Schroeder
Second Collection: Loose Change
Lectionary Year: “B”
Pre-Baptismal Classes-2015
April 16
Holy Spirit-7:30 PM
May 19
St Joseph-7:30 PM
June 21
St. Thomas-12:30 PM
All new and expecting parents are required to attend class
before scheduling a baptism at their church of Worship.
St. Thomas Prayer Network is waiting to pray for you.
Call Deb (440)-865-9387 or Penny (440)-949-7548 and
our prayer group will storm heaven.
Donald Wallace & Bernadette Lockard
Readings for the Week:
Jn 3:1-8
Jn 3:7b-15
Wednesday Jn 3:16-21
Thursday Jn 3:31-36
Friday Jn 6:1-15
Saturday Jn 6:16-21
Sunday Lk 24:35-48
Weekly Collections
$3,535.00 Holy Thursday $345.00
Weekly Goal
$5,000.00 Good Friday $252.00
Thank you for your generous and continued support.
Remember St. Thomas Church in your Will
St. Thomas News
Holy Name dues are past due. Please bring up to date.
Blood Pressure/Sugar Screening will be held Sunday,
April 19th in the Church Library from 9:30-Noon.
Home Mission collection is April 25-26. This appeal
strengthens our Catholic Communities in USA.
Treasures From Our Tradition
When we imagine the disciples cowering behind locked
doors on the first Easter, it is a matter of the greatest
urgency that the doors get opened. They are not locked in
as if in prison; rather, they have chosen to marinate in
fear. Both the lock and the key stand on their side of the
door, in their control. Christ breaks through this
significant barrier with a message of “Peace.” The risen
Lord’s word propels them through the door and along the
path leading to the consoling image of the community
living in harmony in the first reading today. What do we
pray for in our tradition? More than anything else, we
pray for peace. Every Mass is an earnest prayer for peace
with God, with self, with neighbor, and for peace in the
world. Yet, curiously, the peace Christ offers is deeper
than the mere absence of conflict. Our tradition treasures
the memories of saints who were remarkably open to
Christ’s gift of peace even in the maelstroms of history.
At the eye of a fearful storm, they stand as witnesses to
the power of Christ’s rising in our lives.
Liturgical Schedule
Saturday, April 18-4:00 PM
C-J Mack L-D Riley
EM-L Wenzel, P Arnal, R Zaborski
C– M Wenzel, S Lynch
S-H Hendrix, J Diemer
Sunday, April 19-9:00 AM
C-MB Riley L-J Houlihan
EM-K Yatson, K Janosik, D Arena
C-H Centifanti, E Torosik
SSunday, April 19-11:00 AM
C-L Prokay L-J Ritter
EM-L Prokay, J Kelly, D Gray
C-S Brunkow, D Judy
S-K & M DuRell, T Weppler
Looking for new Servers, Lectors, Commentators or Eucharist Ministers, call the Parish Office at 949-7744.
April 12, 2015
Thank you…
…to our Music Ministry
Family Perspectives
...our decorating Angels, and those who donated to the
Easter Memorials. Melissa, JoMarie, Kenney & Kevin for the kids Easter Egg Hunt.
GOD’S WORD TODAY: Easter changes everything. Listen carefully to today’s Gospel passage, and notice the
fact that this account includes Jesus breathing on his disciples. The Greek word for breathing used in this passage
also appears at the very beginning of the Bible. There, in
Genesis, the Lord God breathes upon Adam, giving him
life. In the Gospel passage, through this act of breathing
on the disciples, the risen Jesus gives them new life. What
does new life in the resurrected Christ look like? We need
only look at the first reading to discover what a community of believers acts like when its members are living lives
in the risen Christ. As we prepare to listen to the scriptures, let us pray that the breath of God will fill us with
new life and help us live like the early Christian communities, when there was no needy person among them.
Life has changed not ended for Leonard R.
Oray, Mark A. Selent, and Raymond F.
Stein. May perpetual light shine upon them
as they rest in God’s peace. We pray for
their family and friends.
Scheduled Parish Events
Sunday, April 12
Monday, April 13
Girl Scouts
Room #2
Tuesday, April 14
Music Club
Wednesday, April 15
5:30-6:30 PM
7-8:30 PM
Thursday, April 16
Friday, April 17
Saturday, April 18
Music Lessons
Sunday, April 19
BP/sugar Screening
3rd Grade Rm. 9:00AM-12:00 PM
Church Library
Page 3
NOTICE– Only scheduled events have legal use of these facilities. To schedule an event call the Parish Office (440)949-7744.
No parish property is to leave the premises. This includes the
school kitchen. We do not give permission or the opportunity to
borrow or lend property. St. Thomas Grismer Gym & Kitchen is
available for rent. Call for any questions, information/ price list.
Hall rental includes the kitchen. No gambling except for a parish
event. Hired security if alcohol is served. Requirements of the
state of Ohio and/or the Catholic Diocese of Cleveland.
Disagreements are normal in family life. That is why forgiveness also needs to be routine in our families. The problem is that many families are good at disagreeing but not
skilled at reconciling. Like the disciples in the gospel we
hide behind locked doors out of fear that we may lose face
or be seen as wrong or weak. As long as we allow our fear
to rule our actions, we will never experience the peace that
Jesus promises in today’s gospel. Take that first step in
offering an apology or forgiveness.
Events Around Town
Life in the Spirit Seminar St. Peter Parish presents a
Life in the Spirit Seminar on five Tuesdays, from April
21 to May 19 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. The seminar will include praise and worship, teachings, discussion and fellowship. St. Peter Parish on 35777 Center Ridge Rd.,
North Ridgeville. Call Fr. Bob Franco at 440-327-2201.
Boxes from Home The Altar & Rosary Society of St.
Vincent de Paul Church sends "Boxes from Home" to deployed soldiers. To send one to your family member or
friend call Dorothy at 984-2192 with the soldier's name,
rank, branch of service and the oversees mailing address.
Sorrowful Mother Shrine, Bellevue, Ohio - 165th Anniversary. Consider making a pilgrimage this year to the
Sorrowful Mother Shrine to celebrate its 165th Anniversary and the 200th Anniversary of the founding of the
Missionaries of the Precious Blood. The shrine offers daily Mass, outdoor stations of the cross and much more on
its 120 acres of woodlands. For more information visit or call 419-483-3435.
Retrouvaille Weekend-April 17-19th. The Retrouvaille
program can help put your troubled marriage back on
track. For information, or to register, call Diane or Al (in
complete confidence) at 800-470-2230.
Pope Francis has announced the Year of
Consecrated Life. Visit the website below
for details on activities, prayers and programs associated with this blessed year.
3 Parish Cluster Events
St. Thomas: Music Club invites all singers and musicians
to join us on Tuesdays, for practice, from 7-8:30 PM in the
Church. For information contact Roger (440)346-3022.
St. Teresa: Eucharistic Adoration & Stations of the Cross
on Wednesdays: Adoration will be from 7 – 7:30 PM and
Stations at 7:30 PM.
St. Anthony: Get well Fr. Richard who underwent double
by-pass surgery. He is recovering well.