Albany Hills State School Keong Road Albany Creek Qld 4035 PO Box 378 Albany Creek Qld 4035 Phonei 07 3264 0777 Fax: 07 3264 0700 Email : Website : bahil lss. eq. Class: Name: 21 April2015 Dear ParenUCarer On Saturday, 9 May our concert band, string ensemble, junior choir and senior choir will be performing at the Albany Creek Uniting Church fete. All of our performances will be between 12:00 and 1 :00p.m. All groups need to be there 15 minutes prior to their performance. Strings students should arrive at 11:30 for tuning purposes. Children in the choir need to wear the formal school uniform with black shoes and navy socks. Children in string ensemble and concert band will wear full band uniform with black socks and black shoes. DATE: SaturdaY 9 MaY 2015 PLACE: Albany Creek Uniting Church fete, 652 Albany Creek Road, AlbanY Creek TIME: 12:00 12.15 12.30 12.45 Junior choir Senior string ensemble Senior choir Senior concert band Children in concert band and senior choir may stay in band uniform. lf you wish for your child to pafticipate in the activity, please complete this consent form and return to Mrs Ormiston in the box in the Music Room by Thursday 30 Apri!. Please note that students must be accompanied by a parent. For further information about the activity, please contact Mrs Ormiston on 3264 0777. Yours sincerely %&l Mr R Mason Principal Albany Hills State School Great state. Great opportunity. F,a Mrs Di Ormiston Music Teacher Albany Hills State School Queensland Government ALBANY CREEK UNITING CHURCH FETE ptease retum to Mrs Ormiston in the music room box no laterthan Thursday 30 April2Ol5. Class: Child's Name: ! give my permission for my child to perform at the Albany Creek Uniting Church fete on Siturday,'9 May 2015. My child will be performing in the following music groups: D Junior choir D Concert band ParenUcuard ian Signatu re: 1 tr Senior choir Senior string ensemble Date:
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