Administrative component Program component Capital component $1,355,620 $8,948,448 $1,791,694 $1,325,913 $9,121,589 $1,752,077 $1,325,913 $9,121,589 $1,670,077 * Pursuant to Section 2023 of the Education Law, should the proposed budget be defeated, certain equipment in the capital and program components would be reduced. **Separate propositions that are not included in the Total Budgeted Amount: P roperty Tax Repor t C a r d 2014-15 2015-16 Budget Budget $12,095,761 $12,199,579 $4,929,869 $4,929,869 $0 $0 $0 $0 Total Budgeted Amount, not including Separate Propositions A. Proposed Tax Levy to Support the Total Budgeted Amount B. Tax Levy to Support Library Debt, if Applicable C. Tax Levy for Non-Excludable Propositions, if Applicable D. Total Tax Cap Reserve Amount Used to Reduce Current Year Levy, if Applicable E. Total Proposed School Year Tax Levy (A + B + C – D) F. Permissible Exclusions to the School Tax Levy Limit G. School Tax Levy Limit, Excluding Levy for Permissible Exclusions H. Total Proposed Tax Levy for School Purposes, Excluding Permissible Exclusions and Levy for Library Debt, Plus Prior Year Tax Cap Reserve (E – B – F + D) I. Difference (G – H); (negative value requires 60% voter approval) Public School Enrollment Consumer Price Index Adjusted Restricted Fund Balance Assigned Appropriated Fund Balance Adjusted Unrestricted Fund Balance Adjusted Unrestricted Fund Balance as a Percent of the Total Budget $0 $4,929,869 $59,338 $4,870,531 $0 $4,929,869 $0 $4,953,589 $4,870,531 $0 495 1.46% $4,929,869 $23,720 525 1.62% 2014-15 Actual $2,435,710 $475,000 $455,385 3.76% 2015-16 Estimated $2,435,710 $475,000 $487,983 4% Percent Change 0.858% 0% *Please note that this Property Tax Report Card presentation is in accordance with NYS Education Law sections 1608, 1716(7) and 2601-a(3). budget newsletter | m ay 2 0 1 5 Wilson Padgett, the son of Anthony and Lisa Padgett 6.06% 10.25% Main Lobby $23,720 The Salem Central School District is pleased to announce the valedictorian and salutatorian for the Class of 2015. 8 a.m. – 8 p.m. $0 Top Students Announced Tuesday, May 19, 2015 $4,929,869 2 01 5/2 016 Budget Vote $4,870,531 Budget Public Hearing Thursday, May 7, 2015 7 p.m. High School Library $4,929,869 $0 $0 $0 $4,929,869 $0 $4,953,589 The Salem budget newsletter was produced by the Salem Central School District in cooperation with WSWHE BOCES Communication Services. $4,929,869 $0 $0 $0 $4,929,869 $59,338 $4,870,531 Dr. David Glover Superintendent of Schools A. Proposed Tax Levy to Support the Total Budgeted Amount B. Levy to Support Library Debt, if Applicable C. Levy for Non-Excludable Propositions, if Applicable** D. Total Tax Cap Reserve Amount Used to Reduce Current Year Levy E. Total Proposed School Year Tax Levy (A + B + C – D) F. Permissible Exclusions to the School Tax Levy Limit G. School Tax Levy Limit, Excluding Levy for Permissible Exclusions H. Total Proposed Tax Levy for School Purposes, Excluding Permissible Exclusions and Levy for Library Debt, Plus Prior Year Tax Cap Reserve (E – B – F + D) I. Difference: (G – H); (Negative Value Requires 60% Voter Approval See Note Below Regarding Separate Propositions)** ECRWSS Boxholder or current resident Total Budgeted Amount, Not Including Separate Propositions Increase for the 2015-16 School Year Percentage Increase in Proposed Budget Change in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) Salem central school district Salem Central School District P.O. Box 517 Salem, N.Y. 12865 Overall Budget Proposal Budget Adopted Budget Proposed Contingency for 2014-15 for 2015-16 Budget 2015-16 School Year School Year School Year* $12,095,761 $12,199,579 $12,117,579 $103,818 $21,818 0.858% 0.180% 1.62% Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Salem, NY 12865 No.19 Sc hool District Budge t N ot ic e of Salem, is the valedictorian of the Class of 2015. Wilson distinguished himself as a top scholar who challenged himself academically while pursuing many extracurricular activities. Wilson participated in NYSSMA and many high school plays. He is a member of the National Honor Society, Mock Trial Team, Drama Club, Film Club, Band, Chorus, Jazz Band, and the Math Team. He also played Varsity Soccer and Baseball. He was captain of the soccer team and earned honorable mention in the Adirondack Soccer League. Wilson received the CASDA Scholars’ Recognition Award, the Bausch and Lomb Honorary Science Award, the Rensselaer Medalist Award, and the Student Sage Award. He also won the Best Witness Award for Mock Trial, and his team won the Warren/Washington County competition. Wilson will attend SUNY Binghamton in the fall. This year’s salutatorian is Robert Skelly, son of Michael and Mary Skelly of Salem. Robert is a top scholar who is actively involved in school and community service. He is a member of the National Honor Society, Drama Club, Film Club, and Mock Trial Team. He participates in Varsity Soccer, Varsity Baseball, and the Weightlifting Club. He also contributes to the Mind’s Eye Literary Magazine. Robert’s volunteer experiences include assisting the Borador Animal Hospital, participating in several Revolutionary War reenactments, delivering Thanksgiving meals, helping the Books in Hands program, and staffing Salem Community Courthouse events. Robert received The Frederick Douglass and Susan B. Anthony Award and the Student Sage Award. He plans to use his Academic Excellence Scholarship at SUNY Adirondack in the fall, where he will begin studying veterinary science before transferring to Cornell University. Please join us in congratulating Wilson Padgett and Robert Skelly and the graduating class of 2015. budget newsletter | m ay 2 0 1 5 Proposed Budget for the Salem Central School District Expenditure Summary The overall Expenditure Budget was held under one percent for the proposed 2015-16 budget. The main increases to the budget are related to personnel costs (e.g. employee salary, benefits, and retirement). Other cost drivers include additional opportunities for students in Career and Technical Education at one of our BOCES centers. Costs in both the administrative and capital components of the proposed budget have decreased by 2.19% and 2.21% respectively, resulting in a $103,818 increase from the 2014-15 budget. Administrative Board of Education Budgeted 2014-2015 ProposedIncrease/ 2015-2016(Decrease) $26,750 $28,650 $1,900 Central Administration $262,679 $260,470 ($2,209) Finance $243,944 $227,811($16,137) Legal Services Propositions Revenue Summary Budgeted 2014-2015 State Aid Foundation Aid $4,425,838 $4,711,436 $285,598 BOCES Aid $268,877 $256,055 ($12,822) Excess Cost Pub & Private $237,258 $167,123 ($70,135) Textbook, Computer Aids $44,199 $45,819 $1,620 $21,990 $60 Central Services $249,655 $257,209 $7,554 Building Aid $502,475 $502,349 ($126) Instructional, Administration $514,162 $492,573 ($21,589) High Tax Aid $127,523 $127,523 $0 $36,500 $37,211 $711 Transportation Aid $433,722 $450,905 $17,183 $1,355,620 $1,325,913 ($29,709) $6,039,892 $6,261,210 $221,318 Total Administrative Program Teaching Regular School Subtotal $7,120,623 $125,825 Instructional Media $331,917 $353,410 $21,493 Non-Resident Tuition Pupil Services $742,099 $763,877 $21,778 Pupil Transportation $879,634 $883,679 $4,045 $8,948,448 $9,121,589 $173,141 Capital Operations & Maintenance $1,133,774 $1,135,007 $1,233 Bus Purchase $112,000 $70,000 ($42,000) Debt Services $545,920 $547,070 $1,150 $1,791,694 $1,752,077 ($39,617) Total Capital Total Expenses Proposition #2 Board Candidate two (2) Seats Elect two (2) members to the Board of Education to three-year terms beginning July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2018. Seats are currently held by Vice President Lisa Padgett and Elaine Davis. Candidates are: Lisa PadgettElaine Davis Proposition #3 Village of Salem Library Tax Increase Elect to increase by $339, for a total of $20,523 annually, the appropriation to the Village of Salem toward the operating budget of the Bancroft Public Library, and to add to the levy necessary tax thereof beginning with the 2015-16 school year. Proposition #4 establish a capital reserve Local Revenue $6,994,798 Total Program The Board of Education of the Salem Central School District, is hereby authorized to expend the sum set forth in the amount of $12,199,597 during the 2015-16 school year and to levy the necessary tax levy therefore. ProposedIncrease/ 2015-2016(Decrease) $21,930 Instructional Improvement Proposition #1 Proposed School Budget The Revenue Budget reflects an increase in State Aid received. The district received a restoration of 42% of its Gap Elimination Adjustment. This was a significant increase for our school’s revenue. The district will also recognize an increase in our non-resident tuition revenue in the 2015-16 budget. Other factors include an appropriation of $82,000 for the ERS reserve to aid in the Employees’ Retirement System liability. As a result, this budget includes a 0% tax levy increase for 2015-16. $12,095,761$12,199,579$103,818 Property Taxes $4,929,869 $4,929,869 $0 $175,500 $235,000 $59,500 Refund – Prior Year Expenses $25,000 $25,000 $0 Interest & Earnings $25,000 $25,000 $0 Medicaid Reimbursement $45,000 $45,000 $0 Penalty on Taxes $18,500 $18,500 $0 Debt Service $95,000 $95,000 $0 Miscellaneous Subtotal $5,321,869 $5,381,369 $59,500 Appropriated Reserves (ERS) $259,000 $82,000 ($177,000) Fund Balance to Reduce Levy $475,000 $475,000 $0 $6,055,869 $5,938,369 ($117,500) Subtotal Total Revenue Library Information $8,000$8,000$0 $12,095,761$12,199,579$103,818 New York State Education Law (under which libraries operate) provides that propositions requesting changes in the money for local libraries may be placed on the local school ballot. Such money is not in the school budget and has no impact on that budget. Our local library relies on our district to help maintain the level of service now available. budget newsletter | m ay 2 0 1 5 Establish a Capital Reserve Fund which shall be used for future building projects and renovations. The amount in the fund shall not exceed $500,000. The probable term shall be ten years, and the source of its funds shall be from excess fund balance. Projected Tax Rate Projections are based on last year’s tax roll with additional projected assessments from the Town Assessor. Actual 2014-2015 Town Salem Hebron Jackson Greenwich $27.1174 $14.5896 $45.4890 $15.4040 Proposed 2015-2016 Dollar Change $27.1174 $14.5896 $45.4890 $15.4040 Percent Change $0 $0 $0 $o Basic STAR Exemption Impact Estimated Basic STAR* Exemption Savings Based on a Hypothetical Home within the School District with a Full Value of One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000) and a Basic Star exemption of $30,000. *The basic school tax relief (STAR) exemption is authorized by section 425 of the Real Property Tax Law. Budget Proposed for the 2015-16 School Year Basic STAR tax savings w w w. s a l e m c s d . o r g 0% 0% 0% 0% budget newsletter $416 | m ay 2 0 1 5
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