THE MESSENGER ~ A Communication Ministry of Salem United Church of Christ ~ April 2015 Volume 61, Issue 4 We are God’s children called to seek, share, teach, and continue to experience the Word of God. Townspeople are talking amongst themselves, “Did you ever kill a giant?” Mickey opens the shutters of his tailor’s shop and shouts, “I killed seven of them with just one blow!” Of course, Mickey is referring to flies but the townspeople misunderstand and run to tell the king of the mighty giant killer.1 This cartoon has stuck with me ever since I saw it as a young child. It reminded me of how language can easily be misinterpreted or taken out of context. Another example is the movie, Unforgiven. This movie deals with how complicated truths are distorted into simplistic myths. Another word for these distortions is exaggeration. A more familiar form of exaggeration is to ask a fisherman how big was the fish that got away. However, we must understand that exaggeration is not always a bad thing. Exaggeration can be used to get a point across or draw attention to the subject being discussed. For instance, in Matthew 19:24 we hear Jesus saying: “Again I say to you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God." One could argue that Jesus is saying all things are possible with God. However, what if that was not Jesus’ intention? Maybe He said exactly what He wanted to say and used exaggeration to get His point across about how the love of money would prevent someone from entering the kingdom of God. Look at Luke 11:11-12: “Is there anyone among you who, if your child asks for a fish, will give a snake instead of a fish? Or if the child asks for an egg, will give a scorpion?” Again, Jesus uses exaggeration to talk about God’s willingness to give us what we need. Let’s be clear about exaggeration and note the difference between an exaggeration and a lie. Exaggeration has at least a kernel of truth to it; a lie does not. Some may claim that is a distinction without a difference. In the examples of Jesus’ use of exaggerations, ask yourself: “Did Jesus lie?” Of course not! However, Jesus, who was a master of language, used parables, allegories, and exaggerations to tell people about the great love God has for His people and for the kingdom of God. Blessings, Pastor Jerry _________________________________________________________________ 1 The Brave Little Tailor – Mickey Mouse in Living Color, 1938 ******************************************************************************************************************* PASSION WEEK & EASTER SUNDAY SCHEDULE: SCHEDULE: *Sunday, March 29: 8:45 a.m. 10:00 a.m. Palm/Confirmation Sunday Salem Seekers (Sunday School) Worship *Thursday, April 2: 7:00 p.m. Maundy Thursday Maundy Thursday Worship with Altar Communion *Friday, April 3: 7:00 p.m. Good Friday Good Friday Worship *Saturday, April 4: 10:00 a.m. Easter Egg Hunt Easter Egg Hunt with Donuts, Muffins, & Fruit to Follow *Sunday, April 5: 6:30 a.m. 7:00 – 7:45 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 9:00 – 9:45 a.m. Easter Sunday Sunrise Service Easter Breakfast Worship with Pew Communion Easter Breakfast No Salem Seekers (Sunday School) Worship with Altar Communion 10:00 a.m. “Eating Right” Right” (Suggested Readings: Isaiah 55 & John 4:1-38) Our cat is spoiled. He frequently refuses the food I put in his bowl; knowing with his persistence, he will be given another option. Should we as Christians be choosy? God's Word invites us to be content with what we have. This contentment should apply to the worldly things God knows we need. In that regard, we should not be choosy. In the Exodus story, God was displeased with Israel’s attitude towards manna (bread from heaven). Yet, there is an area where it is right for us to be extremely demanding regarding our choice. That which we take into our souls should be highly scrutinized and should only be allowed in if it brings us closer to Jesus. If we wait at a stop sign and the traffic seems endless, we can choose to be impatient. Impatience does not bring us closer to Jesus. We could use this time instead to lift up a prayer, to focus on something in which to praise God, or simply trust that Jesus is getting us through. Much can easily be deemed junk food for our souls: selfishness, bitterness, unforgiveness, envy, arrogance, and much more. Spiritual junk food obscures our vision of God, distances us from Christ, and perpetuates hatred towards ourselves and others. If we are careless, we can let one little aggravation be the destructive catalyst of our day! If we choose to take into our souls only that which brings us closer to Jesus, surely we will grow closer to Christ each day. In the wonder of God, we always do have a soul healthy choice. I challenge each of us to examine closely what we take in each day. Jesus reminds us the most precious food is to do the will of His Father in heaven. Pastor John ******************************************************************************************************************* Monday Morning Reflections With Pastor Jerry Come join us at Maedge’s on Monday mornings at 10:00 a.m. to have a cup of coffee, discuss the sermon, read scripture together, and talk about whatever is on your mind. (Please Note: There will be no Monday Morning Reflections on April 6.) ******************************************************************************************************************* EXHALE – YOUTH NEWS “I watch the ripples change their size but never leave the stream.” ~ David Bowie “Changes” Change happens. Change happens all of the time, whether we are talking about the weather or change within our personal lives. There is very little we can do about it. However, we can choose if we take the change in stride or not. I have found faith is something that changes all of the time. In fact, if our faith isn’t being questioned, doubted, pushed to its limits, and evolving, then I am not sure we are pushing our faith enough. Jesus never said, “Follow me because it will be comfortable.” Many of us, myself included, become stubborn in the evolution of everything. We get to a point where many aspects of our lives are easy. We become content where we are. We stop pushing ourselves and tell ourselves “if it’s not broke, don’t fix it” or “I(we)’ve always done it that way and it has worked, why change?” The struggle comes in putting ourselves in new situations and giving ourselves the chance to experience and grow in ways that we never thought we would. Sometimes, this is a small change, such as volunteering for something we never thought about or stepping into a position someone has held for a long time. As a church, we can challenge each other, grow with one another, and put ourselves in a position to change. Whether they are changes for the better, changes for the worse, or changes to help us grow and evolve, changes help us to become the best version of ourselves. This happens when we embrace change and challenge one another. The next time you have the opportunity to change, take it. You do not have to run full sprint into it. Crawl if you must, but consistently move forward and avoid becoming stale in every aspect of your life. Love Wins, Nick Atkins-Harris Email: / Cell: 812-589-1918 / Facebook: ExhaleSalemUCC Important Dates for Exhale: April 4: April 5: April 12: April 19: April 26: Exhale Hide Easter Eggs @ 9:15 a.m. No Exhale (Easter Sunday) Exhale @ 4:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. Exhale @ 4:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. Exhale @ 4:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. Church Council Meeting Summary March 12, 2015 The following members were present: Pastor Jerry Amiri, Dagmar Annable, Gary Boda, Scott Demkey, Bobby Frank, Shirley Gall, Ron Mindrup, Dawn Reagan, Ronna Renken, Steve Stille, Tim Stille, and Christopher Uhe. The meeting was called to order by President Bobby Frank. Pastor Jerry read a selection from The Song of the Bird (“The Lost Sheep”)—a meditation on one of God’s great gifts: free will. The Secretary’s Report and Treasurer’s Report were approved. Committee Reports were presented with the following highlights: Mission/Stewardship: Salem may have as many as 10 members participating in the Ecuador Mission Trip. Property: The water fountain in the Educational Building has been removed. The committee will look into a replacement. Pastor’s Report: The Church Council reviewed the church cancellation policy & procedures and looked into ways to better communicate church activities and worship cancellations. Meeting closed by reciting the Lord’s Prayer. The next Church Council meeting will be on April 9 at 7:00 p.m. Note: The approved minutes of all Church Council meetings are available in the church office. ******************************************************************************************************************* Salem’s Procedures For Church Cancellations Due to extreme weather, church was recently cancelled, which has raised the issue on how to give the congregation sufficient notice regarding church cancellations. The Salem staff, the Evangelism/Worship Committee, and the Church Council have collaborated and agreed on the following procedures regarding church cancellations: 1. During the week, if Highland School District cancels school, all activities at Salem Church also will be cancelled. 2. Decision to cancel the Sunday worship service will be made by 6:00 a.m. by the Senior Pastor. 3. Salem Church has registered with Fox2News, KMOV, and KSDK to be able to post church cancellations. 4. Announcements of church cancellations will be aired on the radio station WSMI. 5. The Salem phone message will be updated, enabling calls to the church phone number to be able to check on church cancellations. 6. Salem will offer members the option of signing up for a phone tree in the event of Salem church cancellations. Please contact the church office if you would like to have your name placed on this phone tree. 7. Salem Wire will be sent by the Office Coordinator. If the Office Coordinator is unavailable, then the Salem Wire will be sent by either the Senior Pastor or Youth Director. Our hope is that with these new procedures in place, every member of the congregation will have sufficient notification of church cancellations. ******************************************************************************************************************* Salem UCC Scholarship Deadline: Friday, Friday, May 1, 2015 2015 Salem UCC scholarship applications may be picked up in the church office or on the table outside the church office. ******************************************************************************************************************* The Illinois South Conference & DuBois Center present: 50 Years of Faith & Fun on May 3, 2015, at the Gateway Grizzlies Stadium Here’s the pitch! Join the family and friends of the Illinois South Conference & DuBois Center For a day of celebration filled with fun!!! There will be the following: Homerun Derby Kickball Tournament Bag Toss Horseshoes Gaga Pit Washers Bocce Ball 9-Square in the Air Bounce House Tricycle Races Historical Revue Music Concession Food Available T-Shirts Duck Pond Advance cost is $5.00 per person or $10.00 per family (Ticket price includes games, not food & drinks.) Go to to register online or go to the church office to purchase your advance tickets. Salem UCC Treasurer's Report (Month Ending 02/28/2015) GENERAL FUND BEGINNING BALANCE Offering – Loose Offering – Envelopes Facility Use Donations Miscellaneous Receipts Interest Income – General Fund Benevolence Received Total General Fund Income Salaries Employee Benefits Maintenance/Property Services Utilities Supplies – General Professional Expense Miscellaneous Worship Christian Education Benevolence Paid Total General Fund Expenses GENERAL FUND ENDING BALANCE MEMORIAL FUND BEGINNING BALANCE Memorials Received Memorial Fund Expense: Worship – Music & Visual Postage MEMORIAL FUND ENDING BALANCE Current Activity 19,744.49 6,838.00 10,272.00 0.00 37.50 2.90 413.00 17,563.40 YTD Activity 12,521.25 13,119.00 19,215.00 50.00 1,156.03 4.88 4,784.00 38,328.91 9,576.18 2,032.31 1,581.86 1,997.29 812.63 228.30 20.00 31.99 187.31 3,524.00 19,991.87 17,316.02 18,480.26 2,466.09 2,812.66 3,992.33 1,521.63 316.30 20.00 91.99 308.88 3,524.00 33,534.14 17,316.02 $ $ 73,860.94 100.00 73,860.94 100.00 $ 791.62 147.00 73,022.32 $ 791.62 147.00 73,022.32 BUILDING FUND BEGINNING BALANCE Building Fund Offering BUILDING FUND ENDING BALANCE $ 8,880.65 285.00 9,165.65 $ 8,580.65 585.00 9,165.65 SABBATICAL FUND BALANCE $ 11,896.12 $ 11,896.12 (No Activity) ENDOWMENT FUND BEGINNING BALANCE Endowment Fund Disbursements: Interest Distribution – General Fund Interest Distribution – Benevolence ENDOWMENT FUND ENDING BALANCE INVESTMENT FUND BEGINNING BALANCE Change in Market Value INVESTMENT FUND ENDING BALANCE MISSION MATCHING FUND BEGINNING BALANCE Change in Market Value Mission Fund Disbursements: Mission Match Paid MISSION MATCHING FUND ENDING BALANCE RESERVE FUND BEGINNING BALANCE Interest Income – Reserve Fund RESERVE FUND ENDING BALANCE OTHER RESTRICTED FUND BEGINNING BALANCE Other Restricted Expense: Grant Expense – 2014 Literacy Grant OTHER RESTRICTED FUND ENDING BALANCE 59,509.77 61,748.28 $ 59,509.77 $ 1,118.53 1,119.98 59,509.77 $ 183,430.74 8,188.73 191,619.47 $ 189,646.93 1,972.54 191,619.47 122,287.99 5,073.79 $ 127,361.78 $ 15,117.13 13.46 15,130.59 127,751.87 3,133.91 $ 3,524.00 127,361.78 $ 15,102.56 28.03 15,130.59 2,523.76 $ 253.27 2,270.49 2,623.93 $ 353.44 2,270.49 ******************************************************************************************************************* Ecuador Mission Trip: It’s Not Too Late!!! We are planning a Region 5 mission trip to Tosagua, which is on the coast of Ecuador, June 20-29, 2015. The build site is located about 60 miles from the Pacific Ocean, southeast of Manta. We will be building a masonry and block home in the Manabi province in Ecuador. No experience is required, just a valid passport. There is still time to sign up to go to Ecuador! The $100.00 deposit is due by April 15. If you have any questions regarding the mission trip, please contact Laura Muench or Pastor Jerry. Did You Know? The colors of green, purple, white, and red used for the altar, pulpit, and lectern were questions for February and March. Do you know the remaining color and when it is used? The color black symbolizes mourning and is used on Ash Wednesday, Good Friday, Totenfest Sunday, and during funerals held at Salem. Salem Seekers “Rebekah” April 5 April 12 Gathering Room God’s Oasis (Puppets) Gathering Room (Media) No Sunday School Faith Island (Games) Scribe’s Den (Science) Happy Easter!!! Gathering Room April 19 April 25 May 3 Opening Opening Opening Opening 8:45 – 9:05 a.m. 8:45 – 9:05 a.m. 8:45 – 9:05 a.m. 8:45 – 9:05 a.m. Pre-K & K 1st & 2nd 3rd & 4th 5th & 6th 1st & 2nd Pre-K & K 5th & 6th 3rd & 4th 3rd & 4th 5th & 6th Pre-K & K 1st & 2nd 5th & 6th 3rd & 4th 1st & 2nd Pre-K & K Closing Closing Closing Closing 9:40 – 9:50 a.m. 9:40 – 9:50 a.m. 9:40 – 9:50 a.m. 9:40 – 9:50 a.m. All children will start in the Gathering Room at 8:45 a.m. After the opening gathering, the children will be led to their specific workshop by their shepherds. Please pick up your child in the Gathering Room at 9:50 a.m. ******************************************************************************************************************* Faithful Attendance Winter Quarter (December 2014 – February 2015) (Total of 30 Students & Teachers*) Toddler Danielle Gorenz Tenley Henkhaus Emily Uhe* 1st & 2nd Teyton Henkhaus Tammy Burton* Denise Grandame* Pre-K & K Paige Basler* Dawn Reinhardt* 3rd & 4th Blake Ernst 5th & 6th Sydney Basler Tessa Renken Connie Duncan* Richelle Ernst* 7th Justin Bonnell* Melanie Bonnell* Anna Brase Ian Grandame 8th Taylor Ernst Irving Gray* Jim Reagan* Youth & Young Adults Donal Reagan Laura Muench* Adults Anita Cain Shirley Collmann Ken Gehrig Pastor John Mindrup* Dawn Reagan Ron Schmidt Rhonda Schmidt Jeff Warnke ******************************************************************************************************************* Save Save The Date: Vacation Bible School June 7 – 11, 2015 2015 @ 6:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. ******************************************************************************************************************* ~ Kids For Christ (KFC) ~ Kids For Christ and Exhale went roller skating at the YMCA of Edwardsville Meyer Center on Sunday, March 8, from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. We had 21 KFC children, 14 Exhale from Salem UCC, 14 Exhale from Staunton, and 11 adults who really enjoyed roller skating that afternoon. ******************************************************************************************************************* Save the Date for the Easter Egg Hunt!!! Mark your calendar for the 7th Annual Easter Egg Hunt!!! The 7th Annual Easter Egg Hunt will be at Salem UCC rain or shine on Saturday, April 4, 2015, at 10:00 a.m. All youth from newborns to those in the 5th grade are invited to come hunt for eggs! The youth will search for eggs in age appropriate groups. We will have donuts, muffins, and fruit afterwards. Please bring an item for the food pantry to be entered into a drawing for a chance to win a special prize! Hope to see you there! ******************************************************************************************************************* Your Help Is Needed to Fill the Easter Eggs!!! We need your help with filling the Easter eggs. Plastic Easter eggs will be available soon on the table in the Educational Building. Please pick some up and fill them up with Easter goodies and return them by Friday, April 3. Suggested items to fill the eggs are individual wrapped candy, mini bottles of bubbles, stickers, coins, and any other Easter goodies. We appreciate your support!!! ******************************************************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************************************************* ~ 2015 2015 Confirmation ~ Confirmation will be on Palm Sunday, March 29, 2015, at 10:00 a.m. This year’s Confirmands are: Taylor Ernst, Lexi Gibbons, Tori Lynn, Wyatt Reckman, Austin Reinhardt, Catlyn Thomas, & Cameron Verson They will take their first communion at the Maundy Thursday Worship Service on April 2, 2015, at 7:00 p.m. ******************************************************************************************************************* Easter Breakfast Please join us for breakfast on Easter Sunday, April 5, 2015. Serving will begin in the Parish Hall following the 6:30 a.m. Sunrise worship and will continue until 7:45 a.m. The breakfast will open again at 9:00 a.m. and will continue until 9:45 a.m. The menu will include breakfast casseroles, breakfast pastries, fresh fruit, juice, milk, and coffee. Please sign up outside the church office or in the passageway if you plan to bring a breakfast casserole or pastry dish to share. ******************************************************************************************************************* Easter Special Offering Uni-Pres Kindercottage kicked off a Capital Campaign to allow them to own their building, begin critical building upgrades in the form of new kitchen appliances and storage, new playground equipment, a modern security system, and a covered entryway, and provide a fund that would allow them to deal with the sporadic support from the debt-ridden State of Illinois and ensure that they can always continue to serve children in need. Please consider a donation to this effort at Easter by using the special envelope in your boxed set or one of your own with a designation to Kindercottage. ******************************************************************************************************************* ~ MISSION FEST SUNDAY ~ On Sunday, May 3, in observance of Mission Fest, Chris Cox from Hoyleton will share information and give us an update about the ministry of Hoyleton. Hoyleton Ministries seeks to enable all people, young and old alike, to realize the wholeness of life that God intends. This will be accomplished with the compassion of Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit reaching out to meet the physical, emotional, intellectual, spiritual, and social needs of those with whom we journey. A potluck luncheon will immediately follow worship. Please bring a side dish and/or a dessert to share for the potluck luncheon. Meat will be provided by the Men’s Fellowship. ******************************************************************************************************************* From The Men’s Fellowship & Women’s Guild Next Meeting of the Men’s Fellowship & Women’s Guild: Thursday, April 16, 2015, at 7:00 p.m. Pastor John Mindrup will have the devotion. Family Night: Family Night was on Saturday, March 21. Everyone enjoyed a wonderful meal catered by Sundae Best and fun, musical entertainment provided by Chris Talley Trio. Thank you to all who came!!! April Golden Agers Are: Bob Mindrup on April 13 & Elinor Stille on April 19 ******************************************************************************************************************* Looking For All Graduates… If you are or know someone who is graduating from high school, college, trade school, or graduate school this year, please contact the church office at 488-3215 or by Sunday, May 3. The church office also would like a picture of graduate and a short paragraph on graduate consisting of full name (including middle), name of parents, name of school graduating from, date of graduation (at least month and year), if from college the degree graduating with, and future plans such as further education or career. If you have any questions, please contact Jenn Henschen in the church office. Thank you. ******************************************************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************************************************* From The Madison County Health Department Department Salem UCC has been notified by the Madison County Health Department by phone that an individual who attended Salem UCC on Sunday, February 15, 2015, for a baptism has been identified as a confirmed case of pertussis (whooping cough). The Madison County Health Department also sent Salem a notification letter. This letter is posted on the bulletin board in the passageway or you may contact the church office if you’d like a copy of the letter. ******************************************************************************************************************* Thank You Notes Received By: Emmaus Homes for $170.00 donation received given by Salem UCC Global Ministries Child Sponsorship for $417.00 donation received given by Salem UCC Hitz Memorial Home for $417.00 donation received given by Salem UCC Hoyleton Ministries for $417.00 and $559.99 donation received given by Salem UCC Uni-Press Kindercottage for $417.00 donation received given by Salem UCC ******************************************************************************************************************* Thank you to Rick Allen and Laverne Korsmeyer for all the snow removal from the church parking lots. ~ Property Committee ******************************************************************************************************************* A Letter From Rev. Dr. Sheldon Culver, Conference Minister February 23, 2015 Sisters and Brothers in Christ: I write this morning to announce my decision to retire from conference ministry this year. I will celebrate my 67th birthday in July, and will complete eight years of service as Conference Minister with the Illinois South Conference in early September. I have thoroughly enjoyed these years with you, and look forward to many opportunities to express my gratitude for our time together, both individually, and in congregational and conference gatherings, as we journey through the months ahead. The Executive Committee of the Conference Council has discussed this decision with me, and we have agreed to celebrate our time together and say "Farewell" during the Annual Meeting at the end of October. The Executive Committee is beginning to work with consultants, and along with the Conference Council, will be developing the plan for this season of transition. We are blessed to have strong and faithful leaders in this Conference, and further blessed with a terrific, hard-working staff. You can trust that they will lead and serve the Conference most effectively during the years ahead. I will be working closely with them. I will continue to provide you with the full services of this office, working with congregations in transition, with churches seeking training and resources, with pastors who look for consultation, and with the committees and teams of the Conference that I have staffed over the past eight years. As part of my ministry with Illinois South Conference, I am assigned to serve on boards and committees of the wider church. I will continue to serve in these settings until my terms are fulfilled or my ministry with Illinois South is accomplished. As always, I hold you in my prayers. You are the best, and it is hard to imagine stepping away from this amazing ministry, but the time to move toward retirement has arrived. As our Conference celebrates 50 years of ministry in the communities of Southern Illinois, I look forward to recalling and sharing the stories of God at work in our midst. I am confident that the Spirit which calls us to be the hands and feet of Christ will nurture us into still more amazing mission opportunities. There is still much work to be done, still much love to be shared, still many lives that will be transformed. God is still speaking to, in, and through us. Blessings, Sheldon W. Culver, Conference Minister ******************************************************************************************************************* ~ 2015 2015 Easter Flowers ~ Hyacinth in honor of Tori Lynn & Austin Reinhardt by Steve, Kris, & Jordan Lynn. Hyacinth in honor of Grandpa Dale & Grandma Gail by Kylie & Koy Ketcham. Hyacinth in memory of Ted Henkhaus by Kerry, Jessie, Kylie, & Koy Ketcham. Tulip in honor of Austin Reinhardt by Grandma & Grandpa Yates. Hyacinth in honor of Victoria Lynn by Grandma & Grandpa Yates. Tulip in memory of Henry & Louise Schuette by Don & Donna Yates. Hyacinth in honor of Wyatt Reckman by Bill & Carol Reckman. Tulip in memory of loved ones by Bill & Carol Reckman. Tulip in honor of Ryan & Val Driscoll by Mike & Doris Driscoll. Easter Lily in honor of Velma Henkhaus by Mike & Doris Driscoll. Hyacinth in memory of loved ones by Mike & Doris Driscoll. Easter Lily in memory of Ted Henkhaus by his family. Tulip in honor of Karen Landolt by the Thornton Family. Tulip in honor of the Thornton Family by Mike & Doris Driscoll. Tulip in memory of Jim Collmann by Shirley Collmann & family. Tulip in memory of Ted Henkhaus by Teyton & Tenley Henkhaus. Hyacinth in memory of loved ones by the Larry Kaufman Family. Tulip in memory of Judy Ohren by Haley, Sydney, and Barbara. Tulip in memory of Delmar Blom by Wilma Blom & family. Tulip in memory of loved ones by Wayne & Alice Stille. Tulip in honor of Hailey Quade by Grandma & Grandpa Heidbrink. Hyacinth in honor of James Quade by Grandma & Grandpa Heidbrink. Tulip in honor of Sheldon Quade by Grandma & Grandpa Heidbrink. Easter Lily in memory of loved ones by Ken & Ginger Gehrig. Hyacinth in memory of loved ones by Vernon & Judy Blom. Hyacinth in memory of Dexter Riechmann by Dave & Jerri Riechmann. Tulip in memory of Joyce Riechmann by the Dave Riechmann Family. Easter Lily in memory of Denny Harris by his family. Easter Lily in memory of Dennis & Charlene Harris by their family. Tulip in memory of loved ones by Edith Kaufman. Tulip in memory of Denny Harris by Barbara Meguire. Tulip in memory of Perry Knackstedt by Lewis & Lorene Knackstedt. Tulip in memory of Hannah & Nicole Knackstedt by Lewis & Lorene Knackstedt. Hyacinth in memory of Elda Schmidt by Ron & Rhonda Schmidt & family. Hyacinth in memory of Karen Geschwend by Ron & Rhonda Schmidt. Hyacinth in memory of Don Beshears & loved ones by the Beshears Family. Hyacinth in memory of Kate Hoke by Joe, Sarah, & Caroline Kate Bolyard. Tulip in memory of Ila Harrison by Joe, Sarah, & Caroline Kate Bolyard. Hyacinth in memory of loved ones by Donna Merkle & family. Tulip in memory of Don Merkle by his grandchildren Danielle, Bianca, & Darren. Hyacinth in memory of Rosemary Schreier by the Reagan Family. Tulip in memory of loved ones by Roger & Janelle Reilson. Easter Lily in honor of Elmer & Joan Frank by Brett, Wanda, Tyson, & Wade. Hyacinth in honor of Donna Bruhn by Brett, Wanda, Tyson, & Wade. Tulip in memory of Norman Bruhn by Brett, Wanda, Tyson, & Wade. Tulip in memory of loved ones by Vernon Otto. Tulip in memory of Danny Lee Reinhardt by Dan, Mary, Russell, & Amanda Reinhardt. Easter Lily in honor of our grandchildren Reese, Will, Lauren, & Elyza by Ron & Gale Bolen. Hyacinth in honor of our grandchildren Reese, Will, Lauren, & Elyza by Ron & Gale Bolen. Easter Lily in memory of loved ones by Greg, Paige, Haley, & Sydney Basler. Hyacinth in honor of Logan Schlechte by Grandpa & Grandma Schlechte. Hyacinth in honor of our grandchildren Gracyn, Liam, & Logan by Grandpa & Grandma Schlechte. Hyacinth in memory of our dear Danny by Marilyn & Laverne Korsmeyer. Easter Lily in memory of our dear Uncle Danny by Jayne, Steve, Dean, Sherri, Addison, Amanda, Melanie, & Justin. Hyacinth in memory of Sonny Cain, Howard & Bonnie Cain, and Fern & Vern Johnson by Anita K. Johnson Cain. Hyacinth in honor of Melanie & Jim Tillerson, Angel, Jordan, Michaela, and Amaya by Anita K. Cain/Grandma A.K. Tulip in honor of Nathan, Timothy, Joseph, Lukas, Elizabeth, Elijah, & Eva by Rev. Jerry & Carol Amiri. Tulip in memory of Harold, Evelyn, & Nancy Krueger and Frieda Amiri by Rev. Jerry & Carol Amiri. Hyacinth in memory of Edwin & Lydia Reckmann and Wm. & Clara Koenig by Lorman Reckmann & family. Hyacinth in memory of Karol Reckmann, Kevin Reckmann, and Danny Reckmann by Lorman Reckmann & family. Tulip in memory of Grandpa Uhe & Grandpa Gueldener by Leon, Patty, Emily, Christopher, & Aaron Uhe. Tulip in honor of Grandma Uhe & Grandma Gueldener by Leon, Patty, Emily, Christopher, & Aaron Uhe. Hyacinth in honor of Katie Milford by Emily Uhe. Easter Lily in memory of M. Elaine Suhre by Kenneth Suhre. Easter Lily in memory of George & Edna Suhre by Kenneth Suhre. Tulip in memory of James & Mary Tice by Kenneth Surhre. Tulip in memory of Marvin Stille, Earl Hall, & Mary Lou Hall by Elinor Stille & family. Worship Worship Ministry Schedule Date Apr. 2 (7pm) Acolytes _________ Greeter(s) Shirley Collmann Apr.3 (7pm) _________ Apr. 5 (8am) Apr. 5 (10am) Shayden Hogg Syler Hogg Riley Mansholt Bradey McKinley Apr. 12 (10am) Taylor Ernst Tori Lynn Apr. 19 Wyatt Reckman (10am) Cameron Verson Apr. 26 (10am) Lexi Gibbons Catlyn Thomas Liturgist ______ Recorder Patti Reckmann Ushers Gale Bolen / Richelle Braundmeier Cindy Henschen / Susi Miller Kathy Porter Shirley Collmann ______ Patti Gale Bolen / Richelle Braundmeier Reckmann Cindy Henschen / Susi Miller Kathy Porter Jim Annable Lewis Joe Larry & Lorna McGee Bolyard Alice Stille / Jeff Warnke Knackstedt Joe Bill & Carol Reckman Jeff Warnke Marilyn Korsmeyer Bolyard Laura Renken / Tessa Renken Dave & Ronna Renken Ken Gehrig Laverne Ron Scott Demkey / Brett Henschen Korsmeyer Mindrup Jessie Ketcham / Krista Mansholt Lisa Uhe Ron Paige Basler / Judy Blom Alice Stille Laura Muench Mindrup Justin Bonnell / Laura Muench Laverne Korsmeyer Patti Elinor Stille Kathy Amy Henschen / Gena Hodapp Porter Reckmann / Susi Miller Larry McGee Chad & Tara Schuster Nursery Schedule April 5 April 12 April 19 April 26 Amanda Brase Jennifer Hunsche Sarah Bolyard Tiffany Gillison Heather Luitjohan Laura Renken Richelle Ernst Jill Verson Worship Schedule Date Scripture Readings Sermon Title Pastor April 2 – 7 p.m. Exodus 12:1-14 John 13:1-17, 31b-35 IHS – In His Service Rev. Jerry Amiri Tenebrae Service Rev. Jerry Amiri Entertaining Angels Rev. Jerry Amiri Everybody Gets a Jesus Rev. Jerry Amiri Everybody Gets a Jesus Rev. Jerry Amiri Fullness of Joy Pastor John Mindrup Ghostbusters Rev. Jerry Amiri Love with Action and Truth Rev. Jerry Amiri Maundy Thursday Worship with Communion April 3 – 7 p.m. Good Friday Worship April 5 – 6:30 a.m. Easter Sunrise Worship April 5 – 8 a.m. Easter Worship with Communion April 5 – 10 a.m. Easter Worship with Communion April 12 – 10 a.m. Worship April 19 – 10 a.m. Worship April 26 – 10 a.m. Praise Worship John 20:1-8 Acts 10:34-43 Mark 16:1-8 Acts 10:34-43 Mark 16:1-8 1 John 1:1-2:2 John 20:19-31 1 John 3:1-7 Luke 24:36b-48 1 John 3:16-24 John 10:11-18 Communion Schedule Schedule for Hitz Home April 5 – 10 a.m. Ron & Rhonda Schmidt If you are sad or struggling inside, do not suffer alone. Ask for help. We have a team of Stephen Ministers who are ready to listen, care, encourage, pray, and help you through a tough time. (It is confidential too!) Find out more about Stephen Ministry by talking with one of our Stephen Leaders listed below. Our Stephen Ministers are there to care! Rev. Jerry Amiri: (O) 618-488-3215 / (C) 636-328-3332 Pastor John Mindrup: (C) 618-409-3941/ Betty Imboden: (C) 618-973-0572 Prayer List April Anniversaries Cancer Concerns: Wayne Gentry / Richard Bunte / Sam Merkel Health Concerns: Quintin Byrne (Cousin of Lisa Reinhardt) Vickie Conrad / Diana Donohoo Katie Ferch (Daughter of Pastor Jerry & Carol Amiri) / Jack Frandsen Morgan Hackethal / Carolyn Hackethal Thomas Kinnett / Marie Mindrup Vernon Mindrup / Fred Monk (Son-in-Law of Bob Mindrup) Melvin Roberts / Carol Ruehrup Alhambra Care Center: Velma Henkhaus Eden Village: Hilbert & Verna Klenke Lawrence & Hilda Ramach 04/01/2005 04/07/2007 04/08/1973 04/09/1994 04/12/2003 04/15/1972 04/16/1977 04/22/1983 04/22/1994 04/24/1949 04/24/1965 04/27/2012 Jeff & Alicia McGee Adam & Megan Mollet Mike & Mary Stumpf Jeff & Julia Hobbs Dan & Casey Cornejo Ron & Janet Hunsche Ron & Rhonda Schmidt Doug & Nancy Heidbrink Mitch & Sharyn Gieseking Hilbert & Verna Klenke Tom & Marjorie Glassmaker Craig & Courtney Wright The Baptism of Logan Stanley Schlechte Logan Stanley Schlechte was baptized at Salem UCC on March 22, 2015, by Rev. Jerry Amiri. Logan was born on January 14, 2015, to Zach & Erika Schlechte. Logan is the younger brother of Liam Schlechte. His grandparents are Jed & Brenda Schlechte and Stanley & Jean Rovey. His greatgrandparents are Betty Lucas, Wilma Sander, Helen Beshears, and Harry & Donna Schlechte. His godparents are Mollie Bergmann and Seth Schlechte. Faith Countryside Homes/Apartments: Dorothy Knabel Highland Home: Anita Suhre Hitz Memorial Home: Orlean Hosto / Electa Leitch / Herb Schmidt Legacy Place: Al & Betty Volz A Birth in Our Church Family… Family… Our Servicemen & Servicewomen: Lt. Col. Derek Bright / Thomas Eyman Airman Dustin Garner / Jason Schlechte Kenny Randle / Jared Thiems / Kyle Thornton Morgan Elizabeth Hackethal was born on Thursday, March 19, 2015, at 12:56 p.m. to Michael & Carolyn Hackethal. Morgan weighed 7 pounds & 7 ounces, and she was 19 inches long. Morgan’s proud older siblings are Catlyn Thomas and Jordan Briggs. Our Sympathies to the Family of: Msgt. Earl Harry Schuerman (Husband of Virginia Schuerman) Who died on February 19, 2015. Salem Welcomes Welcomes New Members!!! Joan Frank & Judy Zimmerman joined Salem UCC on Sunday, March 22, 2015. April Birthdays April 1 Donal Reagan April 2 Donna Miller Chad Schuster April 3 Steve Stille Larry Bloemker Tyler Reinhardt April 4 Justin Stumpf April 5 Ginny Gehrig Rick Porter Sr. Michael Dauderman April 6 Alexander Dugan April 7 Sarah Randle April 8 Andy Miller April 9 Brian Suhre Heath Follwell April 10 Ron Mindrup Jessica Mills Derek Ahlmeyer April 11 Erin Brown April 12 Linda Korsmeyer Jim Annable Barry Quade Caroline Bolyard April 19 Elinor Stille Colby Hosto April 13 Bob Mindrup James Burton April 20 Steve Lynn Logan Duffin April 14 Keith Greear Kieran Mettler Bethany Reckmann Riley Mansholt April 21 LaDonna Karpan Casey Cornejo Destiny Odle April 17 Maxine Wernle Eugene Froman April 18 Joe Reinhardt Richard Harper April 22 Kevin Brink Sarah Doubet April 23 Jenna Boxell April 24 June Lienemann Matt Collmann April 25 Joseph Whitworth Lacey Buzick April 26 Collin Reckman Joseph Sanders April 27 Jean Wirz April 28 David Poggemoeller April 29 Peter Babic Jeremy Schmidt Bianca Valsecchi April Calendar Wednesday Apr. 1 Thursday Friday Saturday Apr. 2 Apr. 3 Apr. 4 Sunday Apr. 5 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:30pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 9:15am 10:00am 6:30am 7:00-7:45am 8:00am 9:00-9:45am 10:00am Monday Apr. 6 Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Sunday Apr. 7 Apr. 8 Apr. 9 Apr. 12 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Apr. 13 Apr. 14 Apr. 15 Thursday Sunday Apr. 16 Apr. 19 Monday Wednesday Apr. 20 Apr. 22 Sunday Apr. 26 Monday Wednesday Apr. 27 Apr. 29 7:00pm 7:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 8:45am 10:00am 4:00-5:30pm 10:00am 1:00pm 9:00am 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:30pm 7:00pm 8:45am 10:00am 4:00-5:30pm 10:00am 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:30pm 8:45am 10:00am 4:00-5:30pm 10:00am 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:30pm Salem Chimes Salem Ringers Salem Chancel Choir Maundy Thursday Worship with Altar Communion Good Friday Worship Exhale Youth Hide Easter Eggs Easter Egg Hunt with Donuts, Muffins, & Fruit Sunrise Worship Easter Breakfast Easter Worship with Pew Communion No Salem Seekers Easter Breakfast Easter Worship with Altar Communion Food Collection for Local Food Pantries No Exhale No Monday Morning Reflections at Maedge’s BOCE Meeting Property Committee Meeting Evangelism/Worship Committee Meeting No Bells or Choirs Church Council Meeting Salem Seekers Worship Exhale Monday Morning Reflections at Maedge’s Senior Citizens May Messenger Articles Due Salem Chimes Salem Ringers Salem Chancel Choir Guild & Brotherhood Meeting Salem Seekers Worship Historical Committee Meeting after Worship Exhale Monday Morning Reflections at Maedge’s Salem Chimes Salem Ringers Salem Chancel Choir Salem Seekers Praise Worship Exhale Monday Morning Reflections at Maedge’s Salem Chimes Salem Ringers Salem Chancel Choir The Pastor/Parish/Personnel Relations Committee The Pastor/Parish/Personnel Relations Committee (PPPRC) is always ready to hear ideas and suggestions. 2015 PPPRC members are: Dennis Conrad, Krista Mansholt, Kathy Porter, Ken Suhre, Linda Uhe, and Lisa Uhe. The Salem Wire There is a lot that happens from Sunday to Sunday—deaths, births, weddings, etc. Wouldn’t it be nice to know these things sooner than later? The Salem Wire is an email message delivery system where you would receive notice of events and happenings in the church. To sign up for the Salem Wire, please email the church office at The Salem E-Messenger Would you rather receive The Messenger by email? The Salem E-Messenger is a delivery system where you would receive The Messenger and all committee meeting minutes by email instead of regular mail. To sign up for the Salem EMessenger, please email the church office at 2015 SALEM CHURCH COUNCIL: President Bobby Frank Vice-President Gary Boda Secretary Donita Prott Treasurer Scott Demkey Financial Secretary Dawn Reagan Dagmar Annable Shirley Gall Ron Mindrup Ronna Renken Steve Stille Tim Stille Christopher Uhe Pastor Jerry’s Office Hours: Tuesday – Thursday: 8:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. (Available for Walk-Ins and Appointments) Youth Director’s Office Hours: Tuesday – Thursday: 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Office Coordinator’s Office Hours: Tuesday – Thursday: 9:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Friday: 9:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. Salem United Church of Christ 1117 West North Street Alhambra, Illinois 62001 Phone: 618-488-3215 Fax: 618-488-3212 NON-PROFIT ORG. BULK RATE U.S. POSTAGE PAID ALHAMBRA, IL PERMIT NO. 2 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Rev. Jerry Amiri, Senior Pastor Pastor John Mindrup, Assistant Pastor Rev. Arnold A. Bizer, Pastor Emeritus Nick Atkins-Harris, Youth Director Jennifer Henschen, Office Coordinator Dawn Reinhardt, Music Director Patti Reckmann, Custodian THE MESSENGER ~ A Communication Ministry of Salem United Church of Christ ~ Church’s Email: Pastor’s Email: Web Address: Would You Like Home Communion or a Visit From Pastor Jerry? If you would like or know of someone who would like home communion or a visit from Pastor Jerry in your home for conversation and prayer, please contact him to schedule a time. Church – 618-488-3215 / Cell – 636-328-3332 Email – _ _ _ _
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