Parish of All Saints Wellington with St. Catherine’s EYton Young people in to begin WELCOME! 31st May 2015 Trinity Sunday TODAY 10.30am Morning Worship Theme: ‘Trinity’ Readings: Isaiah 6: 1 - 8; pg. 656/1027 John 3: 1 - 17; pg. 1006/1580 Leader: Nick James Speaker: Revd. Margaret Smallman Service followed by Coffee in the Parish Centre 6.30pm Evening Worship Theme: Watch Out 1. ‘A new kind of priest’ Reading: Hebrews 7: 1 - 28; pg. 1139/1787 Leader: Canon Roger Griffiths Speaker: Revd. David Ash St. Catherine’s Church Eyton 10.00am Holy Communion Leader: Revd. David Ash Readings: Isaiah 6: 1 - 8: OT pg. 604 John 3: 1 - 17 NT pg. 89 NEW TO ALL SAINTS? Young people join us at the peace if you are new... if you would like to get to know us... if you would like to know more about All Saints....please speak to those on duty on the Welcome Desk or one of the clergy on the door. NEXT WEEK 7th June - 1st Sunday After Trinity 10.30am Church Family Communion Theme: ‘Setting the Captives Free Why God Cares about Debt Readings: Isaiah 61: 1 - 3; pg. 710/1115 Luke 12: 35 - 48; pg. 987/1551 Leader: Revd. John Grice Speaker: Revd. Richard Kirby Service followed by Coffee in Church 6.30pm Evening Worship Theme: Watch Out 2. ‘A new covenant’ Reading: Hebrews 8: 1 - 13; pg. 1140/1788 Leader: Heather Grivell Speaker: Revd. David Ash St. Catherine’s Church Eyton 10.00am Morning Prayer Leader: Ged Ackerley Readings: 1 Samuel 8: 1 - 20: OT pg. 244 2 Corinthians 4:13 - 5:1 NT pg. 170 Week ahead: 31st May—6th June Office Opening Hours: Mon to Thurs 9.00am-3.30pm Telephone: 01952 248554 or email STAFF TEAM David: (402866) John: (07815 817095) Susie: (07539 115243) Steph: (07538 054880) For Ministry Team contacts & preaching themes pick up a copy of the All Saints Insight card Prayers Every Day, Monday to Friday: Morning Prayers 8.30 to 9.00am in the Prayer Room All Saints Prayer Room open 9am-4pm Ecumenical prayers Wed 9.00-9.30am in Prayer Room Monday 1st 10.00am-12.00 noon Singing for Fun in the Parish Centre. 12.00noon-2.00pm Open Church. 7.00pm Bell ringing practice. 7.30pm PCC Meeting, in the Parish Centre lounge. Tuesday 2nd 10.00am-11.30am Saint’s Men meeting in the Parish Centre Lounge. (see opposite) 12.00noon-2.00pm Open Church. 7.00-9.00pm Guides in the Parish Centre. 7.30pm Causeway meeting in the Parish Centre Lounge. Wednesday 3rd 10.00am-12.00noon Toddlers in the Parish Centre. 10.30am Wednesday Fellowship, Parish Centre Lounge. 12.30pm Midweek Holy Communion Theme: Visit of the Mary to Elizabeth. Reading: Luke 1: 39 - 56, pg. 969/1523 Revd. Margaret Smallman 7.00pm All Saints Mystery Walk. (see opposite) 7.45pm Music Group Practice at All Saints. Thursday 4th 10.00am-12.00noon Toddlers in the Parish Centre. 12.00noon-2.00pm Open Church. 2.00-5.00pm All Saints Advice Link in the Parish Centre. 7.30-8.30pm Ballroom in the Parish Centre. Friday 5th 12.00noon-2.00pm Open Church. 1.45-2.20pm Toddler Praise in Church 7.00pm-9.00pm Pathfinder Chat & Chill in Parish Centre Oasis Film Afternoon ‘Ladies in Lavender’ 2pm Tuesday 9th June in the Parish Centre Lounge Offers of cakes please to Margaret Smallman Tel: 253643 CAP Debt Centre Manager Applications are invited from Church members for the part time salaried post of Telford CAP Debt Centre Manager. Please see advertisement at the back of church and/or contact Richard Kirby (01952 411358) or by email for further details. SAINT'S MEN New Meeting at the Parish Centre Lounge Every Tuesday from 10am to 11:30am A group for retired men to get together for a drink, a chat, sharing ideas, hobbies, interests, volunteering and activities. Please speak to: Paul Rouse 07914 345307 Paul Thompson 07583 965076 EVENING MYSTERY WALK - Wednesday 3rd June The next All Saints walk, led by Pam Hill is a mystery walk of 2 - 3 miles, ending at a pub. We will meet at the church layby at 7.00pm. One Bright Week Only 2 Sundays before the start of One Bright Week. This is a fantastic opportunity to step out in faith and do something locally for the Lord. There will be a commissioning on the evening of 12th June, support of the Midsummer Fayre on the Saturday, then Open Door work with schools, community fun activities and practical endeavours to improve various parts of Telford (litter picking, gardening etc.) See the current newsletter at the back of Church for details or speak with me about it. David. Wellington Midsummer Fayre Saturday 13th June We are once again hosting this community event which is a wonderful opportunity for us to connect the life of the church with the Town, and is a means by which All Saints can contribute to and bless the regeneration of Wellington. There will be attractive stalls and events taking place inside church and in the churchyard making this a great family day out. To make this happen we need volunteers to help set up on Friday afternoon, and early Saturday morning as well as to return the church to “normal” for Sunday worship at the close of the Fayre (3.00 pm.) if you can help please speak to Richard Kirby (411358). We also need help for the plant stall (Speak to Linda Kirby). Pam Spellen’s home group is organising the refreshments but they will need plenty of additional help and lots of cakes which in past experience have been most popular with the public. If you can help and/or make cakes please speak with Pam, Karen Sturmey or Liz Lawson today. We are praying that the event will fulfil its aims and the weather will be good. Daily Prayer Calendar - Please help yourself to a copy of the new Prayer Calendar which can be found at the back of church and use it as often as you can to help focus our prayers together MORNING PRAYER—WEEK 1 MONTH 2 Week beginning 31st May 2015 All Saints Prayer Network. To request prayer text 07817 284 041, or phone 01952251566 or email: Items for prayer this week: Day Psalms Old Testament New Testament Monday Psalm 85 1 Samuel 2.1-10 Mark 3.31-end Tuesday Psalm 5 2 Chronicles 28 Romans 4.13-end Wednesday Psalm 119.1-32 2 Chronicles 29.1-19 Romans 5.1-11 Thursday Psalm 15 2 Chronicles 29.20-end Romans 5.12-end Friday Psalm 19 2 Chronicles 30 Romans 6.1-14 Visit of Mary to Elizabeth Free for the asking, circular kitchen table and chairs. Contact Nick and Dawn James on 01952 257988 if you are interested. ROTAS Next Coffee in Church 7th June - Pam & Sean Spellen’s team. Brass Cleaning: 25th May — 7th June - Karen Taggart Church Cleaning: 25th May — 7th June - Ann Higgins Flowers: 7th June - Ros Jones
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