Parish of All Saints Wellington with St. Catherine’s EYton Young people join us at the peace WELCOME! 3rd May 2015 5th Sunday of Easter TODAY 10.30am All Saints Celebration Readings: Isaiah 58: 6 - 12; pg. 707/1110 Matthew 24: 31 - 46; pg. 939/1477 Leader: Revd. John Grice—Curate Speaker: Ross Hayes of Tearfund Service followed by Coffee in Church 6.30pm Evening Worship Theme: Looking at Jesus 4. ‘He’s not just another Joshua’ Reading: Hebrews 4: 1 - 13; pg. 1138/1784 Leader: Revd. John Grice—Curate Speaker: Canon Roger Griffiths St. Catherine’s Church Eyton 10.00am Morning Prayer John & Peggy Taylor — Licensed Readers Readings: Acts 8: 26 - 40: NT pg. 120 John 15: 1 - 8; NT pg. 104 NEW TO ALL SAINTS? Young people in to begin if you are new... if you would like to get to know us... if you would like to know more about All Saints....please speak to those on duty on the Welcome Desk or one of the clergy on the door. NEXT WEEK 10th May - 6th Sunday of Easter Morning Worship Theme: ‘Forgiveness’ Readings: Luke 6: 27 - 38; pg. 976/1535 2 Corinthians 2: 5 - 11; pg. 1095/1719 Leader: Revd. Margaret Smallman—Non Stipendiary Minister Speaker: Martin Johnson Service followed by Coffee in the Parish Centre 4.00pm Explore Together & Thanksgivings Theme: ‘Friends’ Leader: Susie Underwood 6.30pm Holy Communion Theme: Looking at Jesus 5. ‘He’s achieved more than Aaron’ Reading: Hebrews 4:14 - 5:14; pg. 1138/1784 Leader: Revd. David Ash—Associate Vicar Speaker: Revd. Tim Carter, Priorslee Pioneer Ministries St. Catherine’s Church Eyton 10.00am Morning Prayer Leader: Revd. John Grice—Curate Readings: Acts 10: 44 - 48: NT pg. 123 John 15: 9 - 17; NT pg. 104 Week ahead: 3rd May—9th May Office Opening Hours: Tues to Thurs 9.00am-3.30pm Telephone: 01952 248554 or email Note-David is working in the Parish. STAFF TEAM Mark: On extended study leave. David: (402866) John: (07815 817095) Susie: (07539 115243) Stephanie: (07538 054880) For Ministry Team contacts & preaching themes pick up a copy of the All Saints Insight card Prayers Every Day, Tuesday to Friday: Morning Prayers 8.30 to 9.00am in the Prayer Room All Saints Prayer Room open 9am-4pm Ecumenical prayers Wed 9.00-9.30am in Prayer Room Bank Holiday Monday 4th Tuesday 5th 12.00noon-2.00pm Open Church. 7.00-9.00pm Guides in the Parish Centre. 7.30pm Causeway meeting in the Parish Centre Lounge. Wednesday 6th 10.00am-12.00noon Toddlers in the Parish Centre. 10.30am Wednesday Fellowship Meeting in PC Lounge. 12.30pm Midweek Holy Communion Theme: Easter 5 Reading: Acts 8: 26 - 40, pg. 1040/1633 Revd. Margaret Smallman 7.45pm Music Group Practice at All Saints. Thursday 7th 07.00am-10.00pm Election Polling in the PC Hall. 12.00noon-2.00pm Open Church. 2.00-5.00pm All Saints Advice Link in the Parish Centre. Friday 8th 12.00noon-1.00pm Open Church. 7.00pm-9.00pm Pathfinder Chat & Chill in Parish Centre Saturday 9th 10.00am—15.30pm Revive Day in the Parish Centre. Next Sunday 10th May 2015 We Need Your Help This Summer! Every summer we run activity church for all 3 –14’s together. This is a chance for our teams who serve all year to have a rest. If you could help us to run activity church during the morning services in the school holidays please let Susie know. Tel: 07539 115243, E-mail REVIVE Saturday 9th May, 10.00am Don't miss the Women's day at All Saints. Inspiring Speaker Revd. Merry Evans, Worship, workshops, all food included. Entrance with tickets only £3 see Carol Whitehead 0r ring 402943 to book workshops. Silk painting, wooden bunting making, needle felting, Rework a master piece in paper collage. Pamper sessions, Nails and Indian head massage. OASIS LUNCH Tuesday 12th May 12.15pm in the Parish Centre The speaker is Monica Cately of Open Doors Tickets available from Geoff & Elsie May (Tel: 246870) Saturday 16th May—9.15am Walk at Llanymanech quarry - Meet 09.15am at the Church Layby. - 4 mile steep ascent, boots are essential but rewarded by stunning views. Leader Paul Rouse. Concert by Much Wenlock Male Voice Choir 7.30pm on Saturday 16th May at Oakengates United Reform Church (TF2 6JH) Raising funds for shoebox fillers for Operation Christmas Child. Tickets £5 from Lesley Stone (Tel: 244044) Congratulations to Ian Lawson who was elected as Church Warden at the APM. Congratulations also to Sandra Williams, Jon Powell, David Thompson and Carol Whitehead who were elected to the PCC. Thanks were also expressed at the APM to Ged Ackerley who is retiring from the PCC. Wellington Midsummer Midsummer Fayre Saturday 13th June Hosting this community event is a wonderful opportunity for us to connect the life of the church with the Town, and is a means by which All Saints can contribute to and bless the regeneration of Wellington. There will attractive stalls and events taking place inside church and in the churchyard making this a great family day out. To make this happen we need volunteers to help set up on Friday afternoon, and early Saturday morning as well as to return the church to “normal” worship at the close of the Fayre (3.00 pm.) if you can help please speak to Richard Kirby (411358). Pam Spellen’s home group is organising the refreshments but they will need plenty of additional help. Please pray that the event will fulfil its aims, and the weather will be good. Calling all Gardeners! I shall be running the usual Plant Stall at the Mid-summer Fayre which is to be held on Saturday 13th June. If you are able to think now about potting up some cuttings or seedlings of any kind these will be much appreciated. Also if you are able to help on the stall it would be much appreciated. For more information please speak to Linda Kirby. NEW Daily Prayer Calendar - Please help yourself to a copy of the new Prayer Calendar which can be found at the back of church and use it as often as you can to help focus our prayers together MORNING PRAYER—WEEK 2 MONTH 1 Week beginning 3rd May 2015 All Saints Prayer Network. To request prayer, text 07817 284 041, or phone 01952251566 or email: Items for prayer this week: CALLING ALL YOUNG PEOPLE! We are offering ten grants of up to £100 to young people under 18 who would like to attend a CPAS summer venture. Ventures are holidays packed full of great activities and masses of fun and the opportunity to discover who Jesus is and how to serve him. Full details can be found at Because ventures are organised by the Church Pastoral Aid Society, who are the patrons of All Saints, they are also offering an extra discount of £50 to members of All Saints - so attending a summer venture has never been so affordable! For more details and to apply for your grant please contact Susie Underwood. Day Psalms Old Testament New Testament Monday Psalm 145 Deuteronomy 16.1-20 1 Peter 1.1-12 Tuesday Psalm 19 Deuteronomy 17.8-end 1 Peter 1.13-end Wednesday Psalm 30 Deuteronomy 18.9-end 1 Peter 2.1-10 Thursday Psalm 57 Deuteronomy 19 1 Peter 2.11-end Friday Psalm 138 Deuteronomy 21.22-22.8 1 Peter 3.1-12 ROTAS Next Coffee in the Parish Centre 10th May - Paul Keeler’s team. Brass Cleaning: 27th Apr — 10th May - Elizabeth Roper Church Cleaning: 27th Apr — 3rd May - Dorothy Martin Flowers: 10th May - Elsie May
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