Sunday, April 19, 2015 - The Salvation Army Burlington Community

As a family of Believers, we celebrate together….
Apr 20
CSM Dan Thompson
Norah Newbury
Apr 26
Everett & Joan Westfall
Upcoming CCM Visits & Dates:
2:00 pm
Billings Court
D&J Jerrett
April 22
10:00 am
D&J Jerrett
April 26th
2:30 pm
D&J Jerrett
The Salvation Army
Are you following TSA on Twitter?
Some recent posts:
**We want to add meaning to people’s lives, make them feel
special and preserve their dignity. #GivingHopeToday
**When living in #poverty, you’re forced to make daily sacrifices to get by. You may have to skip meals or work multiple
**Volunteers sow seeds of #hope.
**Without our volunteers, we would be unable to feed the hungry, provide shelter to the #homeless and give hope to the
Burlington Community Church Goal: $19,720
“My house shall be called a ‘house of prayer’ for all people” (Isaiah 56:7)
Sunday, April 19, 2015
Ministers: Everyone
Assisted by: Captains Ron & Judi Wickens, Corps Officers/Pastors
Dan Thompson, Corps Sergeant Major &
Major Marjory Earl (R.), Senior Support Worker
Church Office (Corinne)
(Hours Tu-F, 9:30am-3:00pm)
Corinne, Administrative Assistant
Captain Ron Wickens
Captain Judi Wickens
Major Marjory Earl (R.)
(Seniors Support Worker)
905-637-7389 (Fax)
2090 Prospect Street, Burlington, Ontario. L7R 1Y9
Good morning and welcome!
We are so glad you are here! Welcome! As you worship with us, please
join in our singing, Bible readings, prayers, clap your hands, and feel God’s
Presence in this place! If you are worshipping with us for the first time, be
sure to visit our information table in the foyer and fill in a Visitor Form.
Ask a greeter if you have any questions. We are so glad you are here!
Prayer List
Current Prayer Concerns:
Fill out a form at the information centre in the
foyer or notify us by phone or email.
Chris Jerrett & Family
Durwood & Judy Jerrett
Our young people
John Swinton & Family
Ball Hockey Ministry
Summer Camp Grant Proposal
Shirley Molloy
Daisy Casperson
Ron & Verna Robinson
Fred Heath, Laura & Peter, Zach & Haleigh Marusich & Family
Ongoing Prayer Concerns:
Marilyn Poffley
Marion Ridsdale
Commissioners Dudley and Evangeline Coles
Majors Arthur and Joyce Creighton
Lt. Colonel Joan Canning
Peter & Betty Zelinsky
Sharyl Marriott-Lowry
Ruth Jupp
Helen Reid
Major Len Monk
Please continue to pray for our Pastors, Corps Council Members, General
André Cox, TC Commissioner Susan McMillan, Political leaders, Emergency
Service personnel and those serving in the military.
For leading us in worship today!
We pray the Lord pours into
you in abundance and as we are
blessed, we are encouraged to
share it with others.
April Greeters: Rebecca Marshall & Daisy Casperson
WEEK 16 (commencing 20 April)
John 8 – Jesus rescues the adulteress and makes more claims about his divinity
What do you think they were going to accuse Jesus of (v 6)? If he agreed with their
interpretation of the Law, were they hoping his compassion would override it?
What do you think Jesus might have been writing in the sand (vv 6-8)? Some may say
that proving Jesus’ divinity is a big part of John’s Gospel (vv 58, 59). Can these verses
help with proclaiming the gospel today? John 9 – Jesus heals a man born blind and
talks about spiritual blindness How might verse 3 guide someone who fears that their
illness or physical condition is a judgement from God? The Pharisees interrogate the
man born blind and end up feeling lectured by him (vv 13-34)! What can this teach us?
The man born blind believes in Jesus. What is the first thing the man then does (see
also Luke 4:8)? John 10 – Those who oppose Jesus do so on the grounds of his claims
to be God Who could ‘the gatekeeper’ be referring to? In verses 30-33 Jesus calls himself the Son of God, and refers to God the Father. The two are one, both are God and
the Jews understood perfectly well that this was his teaching. How helpful are these
verses to those who struggle with belief in the Trinity? John 11 – Jesus raises Lazarus
from the dead. The plot to kill Jesus intensifies What does verse 35, the shortest verse
in the Bible, tell you about Jesus? Why was he crying? Compare verses 45 and 53. Jesus becomes a polarising figure. To what extent is this still true today? John 12 – The
triumphal entry and Jesus predicts his death Why is the information about the disciples’ ignorance in verse 13 useful? How does it add credibility to the Gospel account?
Can you imagine what it must have been like to hear the voice of God (vv 28-30)?
Children’s challenge – A story about sheep John 10:1-21
Listening to God is a really important thing for Christians to do every day. How might
you go about doing this? You might be really good at focusing on God even when
there are lots of things going on around you that might distract you. Or you might like
to stop and listen in a quiet place or even listen to music to help you focus and listen
to God. It is important to find what works for us and try some different things. Take
time this week to try some different ways of listening to God.
Find a quiet spot, read today’s Bible passage again, then sit or lie quietly and listen to
God. Maybe take a notebook and jot down some words or pictures that come to mind
as you focus on God. You could even listen to some music or make some music of your
own while you think about God. Stop what you are doing – perhaps at home or at
school or when you are playing with your friends – and focus
You can also do the
on God for a few minutes. You might like to write or draw
Bible Challenge on
some of the things that came to mind during this time as you
your mobile device,
listen to God. Inside the outline of the person, write or draw enabling you to be part
all the things that God has given you that you might be able
of Boundless - The
to share or give to help make a difference for others. Pray
Whole World Reading
throughout the week about how you might be able to use
wherever you are.
these gifts, talents, attitudes and so on.
“Music for Missions”
Order of Service
Sunday, April 19, 2015
Musical Prelude
Major Sophie
Call to Worship
Major Sophie
Psalm 100
Chorus “I Will Enter His Gates…”
Major Sophie
Praise Him in Song
Partners In Mission Moment
SASB 436 (B565) “Lord Jesus I Long”
Major Sophie
Kids Korner
Woodburn Family
Band Selection
B/M Grant
The band as well as Beverley on piano extend to you, the opportunity to sponsor
your favourite hymns or songs in exchange
for a donation to Partners in Mission (a
minimum donation of $15.00 is suggested).
Selections will be played during the
Prelude time on Sunday mornings. If you
are interested, please speak to
B/M Grant Newbury to learn more.
Scripture Reading - Jeremiah 18:1-6
SASB 416 (P192) “Give me a Holy Life”
Major Ivy
“Welcome to the Potter’s House”
Major Sophie Gilbert
Reflection: SASB 487 (B832) “Have Thine Own Way”
SASB 462 (B448) “There’s a path….”
Major Sophie
SASB 952 “Give to Jesus Glory” (P354)
Can you help?
Do you live
in the Hamilton area? Looking for
a way to serve? Sharyl is in need
of transport to church on Sundays. Main
intersection is Barton & Gage. Please
contact her at (905) 464-2704 if you can
help, in any way. Thank you!
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Weekly Programs - April 20-26, 2015
Today Captains Ron & Judi, CSM Dan, Ken & Major Marjory
are at the Divisional Leadership Development Weekend in
Next Sunday - April 26, 2015; Men’s Fellowship Sunday with
special guest, Steve Hahn of Promise Keepers.
Corps Council Mtg.
April 28 to June 2, 2015, Tuesdays, Ball Hockey! ($30 for 6
weeks & includes t-shirt as well as a burger, chips & water registration forms available in the office or on our website!)
May 22, 2015 Senior Youth Group Spaghetti Dinner
Fundraiser and at 6:30 p.m., our Annual Meeting.
Everyone is welcome!
May 10, 2015 Mother’s Day.
May 30, 2015 Car wash (Fundraiser for Music Camp).
June 13 & 14, 2015 Heritage Brass concert weekend.
June 19, 2015 “Boundless Praise” musical concert at Canada
Christian College at 7:00 p.m.
June 20, 2015 Ordination & Commissioning at Canada Christian College at 7:00 p.m.
June 21, 2015 Father’s Day.
It’s time to freshen
things up outside after a long winter! Please mark Saturday,
May 2nd, 2015 on your calendar from 8:30 a.m. to 12 noon.
We will do some raking and trimming and a few odd jobs to
make our property look spick and span again! Look at the sign
up sheet in the foyer and see how you can help.
Property Comm. Mtg.
Music Comm. Mtg.
May 2, 2015: 8:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m., Spring Clean-Up at
the church - coffee supplied!
May 3, 2015 the Jr. Band joins the Sr. Band in the
morning worship service. Afterwards, join the Ryan family
as they provide a luncheon in celebration of Lt. Col. Pat
Ryan’s 80th birthday! Everyone is welcome!
Prayer Meeting
Worship Service
Sunday School
Gospel Gathering &
Fellowship (4th Sunday)
Ladies Fellowsihp
(Home League)
Seniors Weekly Drop In
Tai Chi
9:45 am - Library
11:00 am - Sanctuary
Approx. 11:25 am - Fellowship Hall
April 26, 2015 - 6:00 pm
Leader - Beverley
7:00 pm - Boardroom
April 27, 2015
7:00 pm - Boardroom
June 15, 2015
7:00 pm - Boardroom
August 24, 2015
7:30 pm - Library
All ladies are welcome to join us!
Special Guest: Lt. Ccol. Pat Ryan
Facilitator: Major Marjory
10:00 a.m. Library
12:30 p.m. Sanctuary
1:45 p.m. Fellowship Hall
May 6, 2015
Senior's Monthly Luncheon 12 noon, cost $7 per person
Leader - Major Marjory
Bible Study - "Turning your
7:00 - 8:30 pm - Library (April 22nd)
heart toward God"
Facilitator - CSM Dan
6:30 pm - Sanctuary
YP (Jr.) Band
Leader - Deb
7:00 pm - Fellowship Hall
Exercise Group
Leader - Shelley
7:45 pm - Sanctuary
Sr. Band
Leader B/M Grant
Jr. Youth Groups
May 1, 2015
JK & SK Group
6:30 - 8:00 pm
Grades 1-8 Group
Leader - Aimee
Sr. Youth Groups
Weekly, 7:00 - 10:00 pm
Grades 9 - 12
Leaders - Gary and Rebecca
Scrapbooking Club
7 - 10:00 pm
Leader - Shelley
Scrapbooking Club
May 2, 2015 - Library (Bring lunch!)
ALL DAY 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Leader - Shelley