AF SAME Brief 2015 Scherer

Joint Base Langley – Eus2s 633d Contrac2ng Squadron SSgt Jus2n Scherer SAME 2015 Overview • 
SABER PAVING Pain/ng Roofing MACC A&E Mechanical/ Electrical A&E Architectural/ Civil JBLE Opera2onal Construc2on Flight • 
633 CONS (Opera/onal) Supports JBLE Langley Ft Eus/s Separated by 17 miles Primary customers CES Langley & CED Ft Eus/s No MILCON (Greater than $1M) SABER IDIQ Simplified Acquisi/on of Base Engineer Requirements (SABER) An/cipated Award Date: Jan 2016 Scope of Work: Broad range of maintenance, repair, minor and new construc/on work on real property at Joint Base Langley Eus/s. Current Contract Info: Single award IDIQ, Ceiling $95M, 8a set aside, Tradeoff Source Selec/on. Paving IDIQ Contract Status: Re-­‐Compete Started Scope of Work: Excava/on, surface prepara/on, placing base course, asphal/c concrete and overlays, sealing of pavement, repair of exis/ng concrete sidewalks, curb and gucer, airfield pavement slabs and spalls, repair of airfield box drains, removal of paint from airfield and base pavements, pain/ng of stripes on airfield and base pavements. Current Contract Info: Single award IDIQ, Ceiling $35M, SB set aside, IFB Source Selec/on. Pain2ng Contract Status: Re-­‐Compete in 2016 Scope of Work: Provide all labor, equipment, tools, materials, transporta/on, management, supervision, and other services necessary to perform Base wide Paint IDIQ. Current Contract Info: Single award IDIQ, Ceiling $4.5M, 8a set aside, IFB Source Selec/on. Roofing IDIQ •  Contract Status: Re-­‐Compete in 2018 •  Scope of Work: Roof repairs, either in part or en/rely (by total replacement). The types of building roofs that may be addressed by this contract, but not limited to, encompass slate roofs, clay /le roofs, asphalt shingles, cedar shakes, pre-­‐finished metal standing seam roofs, copper, standing seam roofs, corrugated metal roofs, coal tar pitch built-­‐up roofing, and asphalt built-­‐up roofing. •  Current Contract Info: Single award IDIQ, Ceiling $10M, Small Business set aside, IFB Source Selec/on. •  Note: Roofing projects over $150K will u/lize Air Force Civil Engineering Commodity Council (CECC) –  Point of Contact: A&E Architectural/ Civil A&E Mechanical/ Electrical Contract Status: Re-­‐Compete in 2018 Scope of Work: A&E services to support facility and infrastructure projects, surveys, and studies. Provide Title 1-­‐A, Title 1-­‐B, and other A-­‐E Services for maintenance, renova/on, repair, altera/on, and/or construc/on projects. Current Contract Info: Four Single Award IDIQ, SB Set-­‐Aside, Ceiling $3.75M, A&E Source Selec/on. Mul2ple Award Construc2on Contract (MACC) •  Contract Status: Re-­‐Compete in 2016 •  Scope of Work: Work to be performed will be in the general construc/on category to include maintenance, repair, altera/on, mechanical, electrical, hea/ng/air condi/oning, demoli/on, pain/ng, paving, earthwork, and waterfront work. Work may involve design/build projects as well as new construc/on of buildings. •  Current Contract Info: Mul/ple award IDIQ, Ceiling $250M, SB Set-­‐Aside, LPTA Source Selec/on. Ques2ons