PRESORTED STANDARD U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 11 ORLAND PARK CA R L S A N D B U R G H I G H S C H O O L 13300 S. LaGrange Road Orland Park, IL 60462 (708) 671-3100 C A R L S A N D B U R G H I G H S C H O O L N E W S L E T T E R • M AY 2 0 1 5 WHAT’S AHEAD AT SANDBURG MAY 2015 Senior Scholarship Night Monday, May 4th - 7:00 pm Graduation Tuesday, May 19th - 7:00 pm IMPORTANT DATES Wednesday, May 6th - Spring Band Concert - 7:00 pm Friday, May 8th - Relay for Life - 6:00 pm Tuesday - Friday, May 12th-15th - Senior Exams Tuesday, May 12th - Spring Choir Concert - 7:00 pm Thursday, May 14th - Spring Orchestra Concert - 7:00 pm Saturday, May 16th - Party 2015 - 7:00 pm Wednesday - Friday, May 27th-29th - Final Exams Event Calendar Link GUIDANCE Free College Planning Resource - Financial Fit Link Guidance Link DEADLINES College Financial Aid - (FAFSA) Class of 2015 begins January 1st, 2015. Awards made until funds are depleted or June 30th. FAFSA Link SANDBURG LINKS Athletics Guidance Sandburg Website *Live links found at Sandburg Facebook Sandburg Twitter Event Calendar Link TOP 1% The individuals pictured on our cover this month represent the highest level of academic achievement in our school and are recognized as the top 1% of the Class of 2015. Pictured: Natalie Zielinski, Robert Maxfield, Ian Kranz, Christina Shehata, Anna Girlich, Carma Azhar, Drashti Upadhyay, John Calzaretta A CONSOLIDATED HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT 230 SCHOOL THOUGHT MEANING ACTION CARL SANDBURG HIGH SCHOOL 2014-2015 School Calendar Dates to Remember May 25 Memorial Day - No School 27, 28, 29 Final Exams* 29 Last Day of School* *Changed due to inclement weather days used. Subject to change if additional inclement weather days are needed. MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL ATHLETIC BOOSTERS MUSIC BOOSTERS Greetings Eagle Families and Friends, Our spring athletes are well into the season. Come on out to a game, meet or match and cheer on our Eagles! Music students are always busy in May with concerts and celebrations to wrap up the school year. This year the spring musical, “Titanic,” took place from April 29-May 2, later than usual. Congratulations to the cast, crew, pit musicians, and directors – both student and faculty – for putting on a terrific show! And around the stretch they come… Yes, the month of May brings us close to the finish line. May ushers in many events and activities that celebrate our accomplishments this year and, for our seniors, the culmination of four years of hard work and achievement. While we focus on a smooth and productive end to the school year, I take this opportunity to highlight some of the incredible ways we will spend the month of May here at Sandburg. The cast, crew, and production staff of Titanic performed brilliantly in late April and early May and should be rightfully proud of an incredible show. Everything from the amazing ocean liner set design to the compelling portrayal of historical characters by our students brought this poignant story to life for sold-out audiences who love and value musical theater. Our Music Department is preparing for events including Spring Band, Choir, and Orchestra concerts. If sports are your pleasure, we still have regular and playoff athletic contests from which to choose. We also have our various end-of-the year Award Celebrations including Senior Scholarship Night, Athletic Banquet and Awards, and Co-Curricular Banquet and Awards. Our Art Show opened on Thursday, April 30th. At each of these events, we appreciate the opportunity to honor students for their richly deserved achievements. Our Parent-Faculty-Student Association (PFSA) recognized our staff with a lovely luncheon on Monday, April 27th. I especially want to thank Susan McCurdy and Terry Dyrda for their service to the PFSA this year. They have done a wonderful job of facilitating the work of the parents in support of some of our school programs and their service and leadership on PFSA will be missed. Advanced Placement Exams begin Monday, May 4th and continue through May 15th. Traditionally, our students have done exceedingly well and we expect no less this year. To illustrate, Sandburg was named as one of America’s most challenging high schools by the Washington Post. According to the recognition criteria, which includes AP testing data, Sandburg lands in the top 8 percent of schools in Illinois. We wish our students well in this year’s efforts to earn eligibility for college credit through the College Board exams. CONSOLIDATED HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT 230 Rick Nogal, President Patrick O'Sullivan, Vice President Kathy Quilty, Secretary Susan Dalton Melissa Gracias Kate Murphy-Peterson Tony Serratore Denis Ryan (to be seated May 5, 2015) Dr. James M. Gay, Superintendent Deborah D. Baker, Principal Sandburg Pride is published by the Consolidated High School District 230 School Board. "An equal opportunity employer" Almost simultaneously during the second week of AP exams, our seniors will launch into their final semester exam schedule. These tests are part of the evaluation process and do affect each senior’s final grade and transcript. The old adage that “it’s not over till the fat lady sings” holds true - even for our seniors. We all hope members of the Class of 2015 continue to do their academic best right up until the end, which for seniors is May 15th. Details for Graduation 2015 are included in a mailing that all senior families should have received in early April. Please reference that resource for questions related to senior check-out, senior exam schedule, graduation parking, and a host of other information. The packet is also posted to our website. Our Graduation ceremony certainly honors our seniors, but it is a terrific event in honor of our parents who have sacrificed and been a steady influence in the life of their son or daughter. Every student at Sandburg completes their journey at this school because of the care and support parents provide on a daily basis. To the parents of our graduating seniors, I say thank you for your evident commitment and love in the raising of your child. Because of the snow and cold days, Underclassmen Exams begin on Wednesday, May 27th and end on Friday, May 29th. As I indicated in the above paragraph, these examinations contribute to the final grade of each student – the grade that is entered onto a student’s transcript. Our students, hopefully, will take advantage of period 2 intervention time and evening study sessions held by various teachers to best prepare for these culminating exams. Memorial Day toward the end of May is our country’s annual remembrance of those American service men and women who have died in service to our country. It is a wonderful opportunity to recall the many opportunities and blessings we have inherited because of those who lost their lives in defense of our freedoms. May we always be grateful for their sacrifice and honor their memory. Best wishes and Go Eagles! Printed on Recycled Paper 30% Total Recycled Fiber (708) 671-3100 | Deborah D. Baker Principal All TEAMS are doing extremely well as they head into the state playoffs! The following are some of the accomplishments made this year by the Athletic Booster Club. ● $20,000 Scholarships Awarded to Student Athletes at Senior Scholarship Night ● $80,000 + Donation to CSHS Athletic Department for Athletic Programs ● $10,000 Patches and Chevrons Purchased for Student Athletes The last Booster Club meeting of the year is scheduled for Wednesday, May 13, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. in E113-E115. Please join us! The 2015-2016 Athletic Booster Board will be: President, Mike Probasco, 1st Vice President, Kathy Smith, 2nd Vice President Jim Parthemore Treasurer, TBA, and Secretary, Michelle Gleisner. I would like to thank all the Sport Reps and Board Members for all their support this past year. Your hard work made this another great year in school history. The donations this club continues to make to CSHS are incredible! I especially want to thank Gary Wojtczak, outgoing Treasurer, for his past six years of service to the Board. Gary has done an outstanding job through his dedication, commitment, and countless hours of work for our school and community!! Gary has always put the kids first in any decision he has made. Carl Sandburg High School, the Booster Club and most important, the kids are losing a great leader as Gary retires from his position. Gary was a fellow member of our club and more important a great friend! Good luck Gary in your future. A full slate of spring concerts is scheduled in the Performing Arts Center. The Spring Band Concert is May 6. The Spring Choral Concert is May 12, featuring senior soloists Colleen Bruton, Alex Kickert, Kevin Lipuma, and Haley Reks. On May 14 the Orchestra will hold its Spring Concert with senior soloists Patrick Bieszke on violin and Conal McNamara on horn. Colleen Williams also deserves recognition for her brilliant viola solo at the March concert. Many thanks to Maestro David Danzmayr, Music Director of the Illinois Philharmonic Orchestra, for generously donating time April 28 to prepare Sandburg’s full Symphonic Orchestra. The concert season wraps up on May 22 with A Cappella Night in the PAC foyer. Along with Chamber Singers, Eloquence, and Accidentals, Michelle Kulovitz will perform as senior soloist. Summer camp scholarship forms are due in early May for current freshmen, sophomores, and juniors. Scholarships will be presented at the Music Department Banquet on May 17. Look for more information to come about the banquet, which will be held at Palos Country Club. At dinner, the music directors will recognize student accomplishments, and then the floor is open for dancing! Auditions for next year’s Marching Eagles were held in April, and students begin rehearsing May 11 for the Orland Days Parade on May 31. Please join us for the last Music Boosters meeting of the year on May 20, the day after graduation. Thanks to all who supported our spring flower sale! We hope to make this a tradition. PFSA We invite you to our last PFSA meeting of the year to be held on Tuesday, May 5, 2015. You will not want to miss the opportunity to hear the “State of Sandburg” from our PRINCIPAL, MRS. DEBORAH BAKER, at 6:30 pm, followed by our regular meeting at 7:00 pm in the Community Room. In addition to elections, we will be allocating additional funds toward 'wish list' items that benefit the entire Sandburg community. Thanks to all of our parents of Seniors who have dedicated many hours to assuring the success of PFSA for the past 4 (or more) years. This is one of the most important meetings of the year, please join us and share your input. SENIOR SCHOLARSHIPS: Congratulations to our 10 seniors who each received a $1,000 scholarship. BOARD and COMMITTEE POSITIONS are open for the 2015-2016 school year. Being involved is a great way to be connected with your child and the Sandburg community. Your leadership will make a difference; find a position for you to share your talents. For a list and brief description of all positions, check out the website at Please do not hesitate to contact Susan McCurdy at with any questions. Elections will be held on Tuesday, May 5, 2015. SPIRIT WEAR: Thanks for your support of our spirit wear sales this year. We are excited to start the process of preparing our designs and items that will be offered for the 2015-16 school year. Suggestions are welcome or if you are interested in being a part of that committee, please email Kim and Laurie at: PFSA MEMBERSHIP: Please remember to submit your $10 membership for 2015-16 at the time you complete your on-line registration during the summer. VOLUNTEERS: Thanks to all the volunteers who provided their time and/or side dishes and desserts for the Staff Appreciation Luncheon on April 27th for our dedicated staff members of Sandburg. A special thank you to Colleen Panega for coordinating this event. Also, we appreciate the volunteers that assisted in selling Prom tickets. “Follow” us - @SandburgPFSA, “Like” us, and check out our website at for all of Sandburg’s PFSA information as well as what is happening in the Sandburg community. CARL SANDBURG HIGH SCHOOL (708) 671-3100 | Eagle Fight Song Challenge Relay For Life The Relay For Life of District 230 will take place on Friday, May 8th through Saturday, May 9th at Carl Sandburg High School. This year will be the 18th anniversary of the District 230 Relay For Life. To date, our event has raised over 3.35 million dollars in the fight against cancer, making it the largest high school Relay For Life event in the United States! Sandburg’s Co-Curricular Student Advisory wanted to do something about the fact that many of our students do not know the school fight song. To promote school spirit, the group coordinated this fun challenge. Student leaders approached students during lunch and filmed students who were willing to try to sing the song. If the student participant knew the whole song, they were given a t-shirt. Thank You Relay For Life is the signature event of the American Cancer Society. All donations go to support their mission of helping people to stay well, get well, find cures and fight back. This is accomplished through prevention/early detection programs, direct patient services, research and advocacy work. Students still looking to take part in this year’s event can do so by registering online at: Bank Day will be on Saturday, May 2nd from 10 am -2 pm in Sandburg's PAC Foyer. District 230 community and staff members who have been affected by cancer are invited to the Survivor Dinner on May 8th at 6:30 pm in Sandburg's Grill. The District 230 School Board and Sandburg High School thank the TARGET – TAKE CHARGE OF EDUCATION PROGRAM for its support that will enhance student recognition assemblies, displays and events through a donation to support these initiatives. More information is available at Interact Club Developing An Edible Garden The Carl Sandburg Interact Club applied for and won a School Garden Grant from the Whole Kids Foundation to develop an edible garden on campus. The Sandburg Interact club works with the Orland Park Rotary to develop leaders and participate in service projects throughout the community. On Saturday May 2nd, 2015 from 9-1, the Sandburg Interact Club, members of the Orland Park Rotary, and English Department On Friday, April 17th, Sandburg High School had the honor and privilege of welcoming George Bilgere to the PAC. In addition to being the recipient of a myriad of prestigious awards and grants, including winning the Pushcart Prize--which is like the Oscar for poetry-- he is regularly featured on Garrison Keillor’s The Writer’s Almanac and Prairie Home Companion. He is a distinguished professor at John Carroll University near Cleveland, OH, and he is the host of his own weekly radio show, Wordplay. He began his visit by awarding five students with certificates for their entries in the annual spring poetry contest run by Expressions, Sandburg’s Literary Magazine. Five students entered poems that stood out among more than 75 entries. Finalists included, Moira Kelly and Brandi Biesboer, with top prizes going to Megan Horras (third), Ciara Nichols (runner up), and Allison Smith (first prize). Following the contests results, Bilgere shared anecdotes and poems with students before taking some questions from the audience. He gave a second reading the following hour followed by a 2 hour writing workshop for a select group of 30 students. The Orland Park Prairie covered the event, which involved nearly 800 students by day’s end. The seemingly effortless style, humor, and unpretentious sophistication of George Bilgere’s poetry makes it easy for students to enjoy, due in part, to his use of plain English. However, upon closer look, there is no shortage of nuance and complexity. In his poems, Bilgere possesses the ability to seamlessly weave in and out of humor and sarcasm, emotion and struggle. Bilgere’s in-person reading only further contributed to vibrancy of his poetry. Students enjoyed the experience and were most pleasantly surprised to find that poetry could be funny and sarcastic as well as beautiful and poignant. Overall, the Visiting Writer Series this year has created and developed a tradition here at Sandburg that co-founders Guelcher and Maguire hope to continue. WYSE Celebrates A Great Season Worldwide Youth in Science & Engineering (WYSE) had a successful season. The students took 1st place at Regionals taking home 13 medals. We advanced to Sectionals and had 5 winners that then went on to the State competition at U of I April 13th. Josh Reeder (CS-Junior) took 2nd place in Engineering Graphics which qualifies him for a $1000 scholarship from U of I if he chooses to pursue engineering there. We had a very competitive team this year with medals in Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Physics, Engineering Graphics and Math. some representatives from Whole foods will participate in a Blitz Build. The rain date will be Saturday May 9th, 2015 from 9-1. We will be building the planter boxes, and planting the garden in the South Courtyard. The Interact club will be in charge of taking care of the garden all summer and harvesting the crops. We will be donating the fruits and vegetables to the Orland Township food pantry. CARL SANDBURG HIGH SCHOOL Semester Exams Semester Exams for graduating seniors will take place on May 12,14 & 15 May. All other exams will begin on Wednesday, May 27th and continue through Friday, May 29th. All students are expected to be present for all examinations. Any exceptions must be requested – in writing– to Mr. Smith, Associate Principal, immediately in order to accommodate the necessary special arrangements. Please note that there is a $50.00 charge per exam taken outside of the regularly scheduled exam periods. District 230 to Check Residency Annually In the district’s ongoing efforts to be fiscally responsible, all District 230 students need to show proof of residency within the district boundaries on an annual basis, similar to when students first enrolled at Carl Sandburg High School. This procedure has been put into place to protect the financial interest of taxpayers in District 230 by assuring that the students who receive an education in our schools are legally entitled to do so. The final day to complete this process will be held on Saturday, May 2, 2015 from 8:00 am12:00 noon in the Guidance Office. Please park in the West lot and enter through the W8 door (After Hours Entrance). A list of all required documents can be found on the Sandburg website ( under “School News”. (708) 671-3100 | Prom Senior Eagles donned their best gowns, tuxes, and masks for the school’s annual prom on Friday, April 24th. The students enjoyed their magical evening at the Field Museum in Chicago, where the theme was “Masquerade.” They were delighted to take pictures in the photo booths and explore all that the museum had to offer. Everyone savored a delicious meal provided by Blue Plate Catering before dancing the night away next to Sue. Dimitri Bakutis and Jen Panozzo were crowned as the 2015 Prom King and Queen. The students made many memories that will last a lifetime! Culinary Arts 3 Prepares Brunch For SWSC Principals On Thursday, April 16th, Sandburg hosted the Southwest Suburban Conference Principal’s Meeting. The Culinary Arts 3 Baking class prepared a delicious brunch for the meeting. The students spent the entire week adjusting recipes, prepping ingredients and preparing food to get ready for the catering event. The spring inspired menu included: Spinach and caramelized onion strata, orange pecan biscuits, lemon poppy seed muffins, fruit salad, sautéed tomato and chives, bacon wrapped dates, sweet pea crostini, and baked ham with apricot glaze followed by lemon squares and double chocolate cake for dessert. Students introduced themselves and described their recipes to the group of principals before serving. Their hard work paid off; students received many compliments about their food! What an awesome way for students to gain real world culinary experience. Pictured L to R: Jason Mershon, Sahar Abdulla, Ashley Kallberg, Catherine Frostman, Jason Enguita, Hannah Stamm, Mariah Solid Orchestra News On Tuesday, April 28, 2015, Maestro David Danzmayr, Music Director of the Illinois Philharmonic Orchestra (IPO), rehearsed and conducted the full Carl Sandburg Symphonic Orchestra (including winds, brass and percussion), in the orchestra rehearsal during 4th and 5th periods. CSHS Orchestra Director Linda Nussbaum plays Principal Second Violin with the IPO and first approached Maestro Danzmayr about coming to Sandburg in early September. “David Danzmayr has transformed the string sound of the IPO and I knew that our students would be inspired and excited by his charisma and incredible talents. Given how busy his schedule is with engagements all over the world, I knew I had to plant the idea early in the season.” Originally from Austria, Maestro Danzmayr is one of the most exciting and talented young orchestra conductors in the music world today. In addition to his duties as the IPO Music Director, Maestro Danzmayr has recently been offered the Music Directorship of The Zagreb (Croatia) Philharmonic Orchestra, and he is currently a finalist for the music director position with the San Diego Symphony. He is also in great demand as a guest conductor to symphonic orchestras worldwide. During his visit, Danzmayr worked on one piece, “Mars” from The Planets by Gustav Holst, which the orchestra will perform on its Spring concert on Thursday, May 14th. The orchestra responded to the Maestro’s directions, and especially enjoyed his exhortations to “go for it” and to always play with passion. His energy, humor and deep musicality made for an exciting session and complete engagement from the 70+ students. Following the musical part of the session, Danzmayr, together with IPO Executive Director Eska Koester, took questions from the audience of young musicians. He spoke about his musical career, the ups and downs of life as a conductor and revealed some of his favorite works to both conduct and listen to. He encouraged students to pursue their passions and work consistently hard to achieve their goals. Students can experience Maestro Danzmayr and the Illinois Philharmonic Orchestra at the season finale concert on Saturday, May 30th at Lincoln Way North High School. IPO tickets are always $5 for students, with valid ID. CARL SANDBURG HIGH SCHOOL (708) 671-3100 | College Signing Breakfast FINAL EXAM SCHEDULE Semester 2 - 2015 School Year DAY 1 On April 29, 2015 the Athletic Department hosted the Class of 2015 College Signing Breakfast. The breakfast was an opportunity for the seniors, their family members, and coaches to celebrate their hard work and their decision to continue their athletic careers at the collegiate level. Members of the media were invited to take pictures and interview student athletes. There were 34 seniors that attended the breakfast. Eagle Athletes are continuing their careers at a variety of schools including NCAA Division I, II, III schools as well as NAIA institutions. We wish the class of 2015 the best of luck with their collegiate athletic careers. We are so proud of our EAGLES! WEDNESDAY, May 27 Period 1 8:00 am – 9:40 am Period 1 Final Exam (100 min.) Passing 9:40 am – 9:50 am Period 8 9:50 am – 11:30 am Period 8 Final Exam (100 min.) Buses leave campus from regular locations at 11:40 am • Full Bus Run Passing 11:30 am – 11:40 am Period 0 11:40 am – 1:20 pm Period 0 Final Exam (100 min.) Activity buses leave at 1:30 pm DAY 2 THURSDAY, May 28 Period 4 8:00 am – 9:40 am Passing 9:40 am – 9:50 am Period 4 Final Exam (100 min.) Period 5 9:50 am – 11:30 am Period 5 Final Exam (100 min.) Activity buses leave at 11:40 am • Sandburg needs Activity Bus+ Passing 11:30 am – 11:40 am Period 6 11:40 am – 1:20 pm Period 6 Final Exam (100 min.) Buses leave campus from regular locations at 1:30 pm • Full Bus Run DAY 3 Ken Michalowski Carthage College . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baseball Rachel Distor Governors State Univeristy . . . . . . . . Basketball Matt Benz-Weeden Michigan Technological University . . . Cross Country Gregory Burzinski Xavier University . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cross Country/Track Renee Letz Western Michigan University . . . . . . . Cross Country/Track Elaina Nicholson Univ. of IL at Urbana-Champaign . . . . Dance Suzanne Targosz Western Michigan University . . . . . . . Dance Jason Enguita Undecided (Aurora University) . . . . . . Football Graham Hevel Univ. of Wisconsin-Whitewater . . . . . . Football Lavelle Johnson St. Ambrose University . . . . . . . . . . . . Football Richard Klein Carthage College . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Football Jonathan Milazzo Univ. of IL at Urbana-Champaign . . . . Football Wasim Mohammed Undecided (Benedictine University) . . . . . . . . . . . Football James Robley Undecided (Elmhurst College or Millikin Univ.). . . Football Adam Valiga Illinois State University . . . . . . . . . . . . Football Alexandria Kappel Benedictine University . . . . . . . . . . . . Golf Patricia Meza St. Mary’s College . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Golf Francesca Saban Bradley University . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Golf Reily Scanlon St. Ambrose College. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Golf Samantha Jacobs Rose-Hulman Inst. of Technology. . . . Soccer Kevin Mahoney Carthage College . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Soccer Maddeline Poole Moraine Valley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Softball Katherine Krzus Georgia Institute of Technology . . . . . Softball Kristen Zarate Indiana Purdue Univ.-Fort Wayne . . . Softball Anna Girlich University of Chicago . . . . . . . . . . . . . Swimming & Diving Mary Mangila Univ. of Indianapolis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Swimming & Diving Jason Manning Eastern Illinois University . . . . . . . . . . Swimming & Diving William Sullivan Augustana College . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Swimming & Diving Julia Borschel Univ. of North Carolina-Asheville . . . . Volleyball Ryan Galvan Loras College . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Volleyball Samantha Knight Southern Illinois Univ.-Edwardsville . . Volleyball Kyle Van Stedum Benedictine Univeristy . . . . . . . . . . . . Volleyball Thomas Vorva Fontbonne University . . . . . . . . . . . . . Volleyball Sarah Dolitsky Virginia Military Institute . . . . . . . . . . . Water Polo FRIDAY, May 29 Period 3 8:00 am – 9:40 am Period 3 Final Exam (100 min.) Passing 9:40 am – 9:50 am Period 7 9:50 am – 11:30 am 11:30 am – 11:40 am Make-Up Time 11:40 am – 1:20 pm (Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test): The PSAT will be administered to sophomores and juniors on a national test date of Wednesday, October 14, 2015. Test registration and fee information will be available in the fall. This is a practice test used to assist students in preparing for the SAT. Results include an estimated SAT score. A student who does well on this exam and who meets other academic criteria may qualify for the National Merit Scholarship Program. National Merit Scholars are the nation’s top 1% of all test takers and are eligible for certain scholarships. Information about the PSAT/NMSQT can be found at ( Important Information: **PSAT testing accommodations for any student with a documented disability must be applied for prior to the beginning of the school year. If you are interested in taking this exam, and your student has an IEP or Section 504 Plan with testing accommodations, please contact Ms. Meredith Sheriff, Director of Guidance, at 708/361-3120 or for more information. Period 7 Final Exam (100 min.) Buses leave campus from regular locations at 11:40 am • Full Bus Run Passing PSAT/NMSQT Testing Make-Up Time (100 min.) Activity buses leave at 1:30 pm 2015-2016 Schedules Available In August Make-Up Time: On Day 3 teachers are available from 11:40 am to 1:20 pm to allow students to make up final exams and/or make up missing work. Student class schedules for 2015-2016 will be available at Schedule Pick-Up in August. Teachers will announce to their students where they will be located during Make-Up Time. Course changes can be made during the first five days of the semester. Level change requests can be discussed with teachers and department chairs any time during the first or third quarters. Practices & Clubs start @ 2:00 pm ‘Late Bus’ transportation will NOT be available on Final Exam days. Requests for teacher preferences are not a valid reason for a schedule change. Web Offers Career & College Tips The Sandburg Guidance Department offers a variety of web-based resources to assist students with finding career and college information. Students often feel great stress when adults ask them, “What do you want to be?” In the everchanging job market with over 100,000 careers to choose from, making this decision is a challenge. This summer is a good time for your student to explore his or her options. ● Career Cruising includes career matching tools, detailed occupation profiles, and a national database of colleges, universities, career and technical schools ( This site can be accessed from home via the internet or from the Sandburg school network. Students needing help using this program should see their counselor. CARL SANDBURG HIGH SCHOOL (708) 671-3100 | News From The Nurse’s Office All Junior Students Beginning with the 2015-2016 school year, all students entering 12th grade in the State of Illinois are required to have proof of having received one dose of Meningococcal conjugate vaccine on or after their 16th birthday or two doses of the vaccine at least 8 weeks apart. The following action is needed from you at this time. Verification of one of the following: ● A dose of Meningococcal vaccine was given on or after your child’s 16th birthday (only one dose is needed). Proof of having received the Meningococcal vaccine is required and should be submitted to the School Nurse as soon as the vaccine is given. We ask that completed forms be turned in by Friday, May 22, 2015. Completed forms can be dropped off in the Nurse’s Office, mailed or scanned to the Nurse’s email at or faxed to the Nurse at 708-361-0255. It is important to note that your child will not be able to receive a schedule or participate in athletics in the new school year until proof of having this vaccine is received in the Nurse’s Office. OR ● Your child received two doses of the meningitis vaccine at least 8 weeks apart prior to the 16th birthday (a third dose is not needed). Sandburg Special Olympics In January of 2014, Sandburg teacher, Bailey Foster, started Sandburg’s first Special Olympics program and made bowling our first Sport. Student teacher, Katie Evoy in the Functional Program, was a volunteer coach. Currently a teacher at Sandburg in the Functional Program, Ms. Evoy and Mrs. Foster have been able to grow our program to include bocce ball as our second sport. This past April the team competed at its first qualifier for bocce ball. As an exciting turn of events, two of our athletes qualified for the State competition being held this Father’s Day weekend. Freshman, Brendan Kost, and Junior, Bethany Hopman, will represent Sandburg and District 230, with other athletes from Stagg and Andrew competing. Sophomore, Arianna Soto, previously qualified for swimming through Orland Park Special Recreation. Sophomore, Matt Schehr, also qualified through Orland Park Special Recreation in swimming and power lifting. Coach Foster and Coach Evoy are so proud of these athletes, and we are very thankful for the support we’ve received from the parents and our Sandburg family. We look forward to next year as we will continue to grow our program and give our athletes more opportunities to compete. If you have any questions or would like to help with this incredible program, please do not hesitate to contact Ms. Evoy at Top Row: Kevin Withgott, Dan Strybel, Dallas Artis Middle: Brendan Kost, Matt Schehr, Sara Evans, Shatha Khilfeh, Brandon Goeringer Bottom Row: Amera Radwan, Arianna Soto, Bethany Hopman, Dakota Morgan Over 120 Sandburg students combined their efforts and talents in the moving musical Titanic. This ensemble show tells many stories of love and angst among the actual passengers on their journey to America. Congratulations to everyone involved in this wonderful production! CARL SANDBURG HIGH SCHOOL (708) 671-3100 | News From The Nurse’s Office All Junior Students Beginning with the 2015-2016 school year, all students entering 12th grade in the State of Illinois are required to have proof of having received one dose of Meningococcal conjugate vaccine on or after their 16th birthday or two doses of the vaccine at least 8 weeks apart. The following action is needed from you at this time. Verification of one of the following: ● A dose of Meningococcal vaccine was given on or after your child’s 16th birthday (only one dose is needed). Proof of having received the Meningococcal vaccine is required and should be submitted to the School Nurse as soon as the vaccine is given. We ask that completed forms be turned in by Friday, May 22, 2015. Completed forms can be dropped off in the Nurse’s Office, mailed or scanned to the Nurse’s email at or faxed to the Nurse at 708-361-0255. It is important to note that your child will not be able to receive a schedule or participate in athletics in the new school year until proof of having this vaccine is received in the Nurse’s Office. OR ● Your child received two doses of the meningitis vaccine at least 8 weeks apart prior to the 16th birthday (a third dose is not needed). Sandburg Special Olympics In January of 2014, Sandburg teacher, Bailey Foster, started Sandburg’s first Special Olympics program and made bowling our first Sport. Student teacher, Katie Evoy in the Functional Program, was a volunteer coach. Currently a teacher at Sandburg in the Functional Program, Ms. Evoy and Mrs. Foster have been able to grow our program to include bocce ball as our second sport. This past April the team competed at its first qualifier for bocce ball. As an exciting turn of events, two of our athletes qualified for the State competition being held this Father’s Day weekend. Freshman, Brendan Kost, and Junior, Bethany Hopman, will represent Sandburg and District 230, with other athletes from Stagg and Andrew competing. Sophomore, Arianna Soto, previously qualified for swimming through Orland Park Special Recreation. Sophomore, Matt Schehr, also qualified through Orland Park Special Recreation in swimming and power lifting. Coach Foster and Coach Evoy are so proud of these athletes, and we are very thankful for the support we’ve received from the parents and our Sandburg family. We look forward to next year as we will continue to grow our program and give our athletes more opportunities to compete. If you have any questions or would like to help with this incredible program, please do not hesitate to contact Ms. Evoy at Top Row: Kevin Withgott, Dan Strybel, Dallas Artis Middle: Brendan Kost, Matt Schehr, Sara Evans, Shatha Khilfeh, Brandon Goeringer Bottom Row: Amera Radwan, Arianna Soto, Bethany Hopman, Dakota Morgan Over 120 Sandburg students combined their efforts and talents in the moving musical Titanic. This ensemble show tells many stories of love and angst among the actual passengers on their journey to America. Congratulations to everyone involved in this wonderful production! CARL SANDBURG HIGH SCHOOL (708) 671-3100 | College Signing Breakfast FINAL EXAM SCHEDULE Semester 2 - 2015 School Year DAY 1 On April 29, 2015 the Athletic Department hosted the Class of 2015 College Signing Breakfast. The breakfast was an opportunity for the seniors, their family members, and coaches to celebrate their hard work and their decision to continue their athletic careers at the collegiate level. Members of the media were invited to take pictures and interview student athletes. There were 34 seniors that attended the breakfast. Eagle Athletes are continuing their careers at a variety of schools including NCAA Division I, II, III schools as well as NAIA institutions. We wish the class of 2015 the best of luck with their collegiate athletic careers. We are so proud of our EAGLES! WEDNESDAY, May 27 Period 1 8:00 am – 9:40 am Period 1 Final Exam (100 min.) Passing 9:40 am – 9:50 am Period 8 9:50 am – 11:30 am Period 8 Final Exam (100 min.) Buses leave campus from regular locations at 11:40 am • Full Bus Run Passing 11:30 am – 11:40 am Period 0 11:40 am – 1:20 pm Period 0 Final Exam (100 min.) Activity buses leave at 1:30 pm DAY 2 THURSDAY, May 28 Period 4 8:00 am – 9:40 am Passing 9:40 am – 9:50 am Period 4 Final Exam (100 min.) Period 5 9:50 am – 11:30 am Period 5 Final Exam (100 min.) Activity buses leave at 11:40 am • Sandburg needs Activity Bus+ Passing 11:30 am – 11:40 am Period 6 11:40 am – 1:20 pm Period 6 Final Exam (100 min.) Buses leave campus from regular locations at 1:30 pm • Full Bus Run DAY 3 Ken Michalowski Carthage College . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baseball Rachel Distor Governors State Univeristy . . . . . . . . Basketball Matt Benz-Weeden Michigan Technological University . . . Cross Country Gregory Burzinski Xavier University . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cross Country/Track Renee Letz Western Michigan University . . . . . . . Cross Country/Track Elaina Nicholson Univ. of IL at Urbana-Champaign . . . . Dance Suzanne Targosz Western Michigan University . . . . . . . Dance Jason Enguita Undecided (Aurora University) . . . . . . Football Graham Hevel Univ. of Wisconsin-Whitewater . . . . . . Football Lavelle Johnson St. Ambrose University . . . . . . . . . . . . Football Richard Klein Carthage College . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Football Jonathan Milazzo Univ. of IL at Urbana-Champaign . . . . Football Wasim Mohammed Undecided (Benedictine University) . . . . . . . . . . . Football James Robley Undecided (Elmhurst College or Millikin Univ.). . . Football Adam Valiga Illinois State University . . . . . . . . . . . . Football Alexandria Kappel Benedictine University . . . . . . . . . . . . Golf Patricia Meza St. Mary’s College . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Golf Francesca Saban Bradley University . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Golf Reily Scanlon St. Ambrose College. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Golf Samantha Jacobs Rose-Hulman Inst. of Technology. . . . Soccer Kevin Mahoney Carthage College . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Soccer Maddeline Poole Moraine Valley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Softball Katherine Krzus Georgia Institute of Technology . . . . . Softball Kristen Zarate Indiana Purdue Univ.-Fort Wayne . . . Softball Anna Girlich University of Chicago . . . . . . . . . . . . . Swimming & Diving Mary Mangila Univ. of Indianapolis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Swimming & Diving Jason Manning Eastern Illinois University . . . . . . . . . . Swimming & Diving William Sullivan Augustana College . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Swimming & Diving Julia Borschel Univ. of North Carolina-Asheville . . . . Volleyball Ryan Galvan Loras College . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Volleyball Samantha Knight Southern Illinois Univ.-Edwardsville . . Volleyball Kyle Van Stedum Benedictine Univeristy . . . . . . . . . . . . Volleyball Thomas Vorva Fontbonne University . . . . . . . . . . . . . Volleyball Sarah Dolitsky Virginia Military Institute . . . . . . . . . . . Water Polo FRIDAY, May 29 Period 3 8:00 am – 9:40 am Period 3 Final Exam (100 min.) Passing 9:40 am – 9:50 am Period 7 9:50 am – 11:30 am 11:30 am – 11:40 am Make-Up Time 11:40 am – 1:20 pm (Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test): The PSAT will be administered to sophomores and juniors on a national test date of Wednesday, October 14, 2015. Test registration and fee information will be available in the fall. This is a practice test used to assist students in preparing for the SAT. Results include an estimated SAT score. A student who does well on this exam and who meets other academic criteria may qualify for the National Merit Scholarship Program. National Merit Scholars are the nation’s top 1% of all test takers and are eligible for certain scholarships. Information about the PSAT/NMSQT can be found at ( Important Information: **PSAT testing accommodations for any student with a documented disability must be applied for prior to the beginning of the school year. If you are interested in taking this exam, and your student has an IEP or Section 504 Plan with testing accommodations, please contact Ms. Meredith Sheriff, Director of Guidance, at 708/361-3120 or for more information. Period 7 Final Exam (100 min.) Buses leave campus from regular locations at 11:40 am • Full Bus Run Passing PSAT/NMSQT Testing Make-Up Time (100 min.) Activity buses leave at 1:30 pm 2015-2016 Schedules Available In August Make-Up Time: On Day 3 teachers are available from 11:40 am to 1:20 pm to allow students to make up final exams and/or make up missing work. Student class schedules for 2015-2016 will be available at Schedule Pick-Up in August. Teachers will announce to their students where they will be located during Make-Up Time. Course changes can be made during the first five days of the semester. Level change requests can be discussed with teachers and department chairs any time during the first or third quarters. Practices & Clubs start @ 2:00 pm ‘Late Bus’ transportation will NOT be available on Final Exam days. Requests for teacher preferences are not a valid reason for a schedule change. Web Offers Career & College Tips The Sandburg Guidance Department offers a variety of web-based resources to assist students with finding career and college information. Students often feel great stress when adults ask them, “What do you want to be?” In the everchanging job market with over 100,000 careers to choose from, making this decision is a challenge. This summer is a good time for your student to explore his or her options. ● Career Cruising includes career matching tools, detailed occupation profiles, and a national database of colleges, universities, career and technical schools ( This site can be accessed from home via the internet or from the Sandburg school network. Students needing help using this program should see their counselor. CARL SANDBURG HIGH SCHOOL Semester Exams Semester Exams for graduating seniors will take place on May 12,14 & 15 May. All other exams will begin on Wednesday, May 27th and continue through Friday, May 29th. All students are expected to be present for all examinations. Any exceptions must be requested – in writing– to Mr. Smith, Associate Principal, immediately in order to accommodate the necessary special arrangements. Please note that there is a $50.00 charge per exam taken outside of the regularly scheduled exam periods. District 230 to Check Residency Annually In the district’s ongoing efforts to be fiscally responsible, all District 230 students need to show proof of residency within the district boundaries on an annual basis, similar to when students first enrolled at Carl Sandburg High School. This procedure has been put into place to protect the financial interest of taxpayers in District 230 by assuring that the students who receive an education in our schools are legally entitled to do so. The final day to complete this process will be held on Saturday, May 2, 2015 from 8:00 am12:00 noon in the Guidance Office. Please park in the West lot and enter through the W8 door (After Hours Entrance). A list of all required documents can be found on the Sandburg website ( under “School News”. (708) 671-3100 | Prom Senior Eagles donned their best gowns, tuxes, and masks for the school’s annual prom on Friday, April 24th. The students enjoyed their magical evening at the Field Museum in Chicago, where the theme was “Masquerade.” They were delighted to take pictures in the photo booths and explore all that the museum had to offer. Everyone savored a delicious meal provided by Blue Plate Catering before dancing the night away next to Sue. Dimitri Bakutis and Jen Panozzo were crowned as the 2015 Prom King and Queen. The students made many memories that will last a lifetime! Culinary Arts 3 Prepares Brunch For SWSC Principals On Thursday, April 16th, Sandburg hosted the Southwest Suburban Conference Principal’s Meeting. The Culinary Arts 3 Baking class prepared a delicious brunch for the meeting. The students spent the entire week adjusting recipes, prepping ingredients and preparing food to get ready for the catering event. The spring inspired menu included: Spinach and caramelized onion strata, orange pecan biscuits, lemon poppy seed muffins, fruit salad, sautéed tomato and chives, bacon wrapped dates, sweet pea crostini, and baked ham with apricot glaze followed by lemon squares and double chocolate cake for dessert. Students introduced themselves and described their recipes to the group of principals before serving. Their hard work paid off; students received many compliments about their food! What an awesome way for students to gain real world culinary experience. Pictured L to R: Jason Mershon, Sahar Abdulla, Ashley Kallberg, Catherine Frostman, Jason Enguita, Hannah Stamm, Mariah Solid Orchestra News On Tuesday, April 28, 2015, Maestro David Danzmayr, Music Director of the Illinois Philharmonic Orchestra (IPO), rehearsed and conducted the full Carl Sandburg Symphonic Orchestra (including winds, brass and percussion), in the orchestra rehearsal during 4th and 5th periods. CSHS Orchestra Director Linda Nussbaum plays Principal Second Violin with the IPO and first approached Maestro Danzmayr about coming to Sandburg in early September. “David Danzmayr has transformed the string sound of the IPO and I knew that our students would be inspired and excited by his charisma and incredible talents. Given how busy his schedule is with engagements all over the world, I knew I had to plant the idea early in the season.” Originally from Austria, Maestro Danzmayr is one of the most exciting and talented young orchestra conductors in the music world today. In addition to his duties as the IPO Music Director, Maestro Danzmayr has recently been offered the Music Directorship of The Zagreb (Croatia) Philharmonic Orchestra, and he is currently a finalist for the music director position with the San Diego Symphony. He is also in great demand as a guest conductor to symphonic orchestras worldwide. During his visit, Danzmayr worked on one piece, “Mars” from The Planets by Gustav Holst, which the orchestra will perform on its Spring concert on Thursday, May 14th. The orchestra responded to the Maestro’s directions, and especially enjoyed his exhortations to “go for it” and to always play with passion. His energy, humor and deep musicality made for an exciting session and complete engagement from the 70+ students. Following the musical part of the session, Danzmayr, together with IPO Executive Director Eska Koester, took questions from the audience of young musicians. He spoke about his musical career, the ups and downs of life as a conductor and revealed some of his favorite works to both conduct and listen to. He encouraged students to pursue their passions and work consistently hard to achieve their goals. Students can experience Maestro Danzmayr and the Illinois Philharmonic Orchestra at the season finale concert on Saturday, May 30th at Lincoln Way North High School. IPO tickets are always $5 for students, with valid ID. CARL SANDBURG HIGH SCHOOL (708) 671-3100 | Eagle Fight Song Challenge Relay For Life The Relay For Life of District 230 will take place on Friday, May 8th through Saturday, May 9th at Carl Sandburg High School. This year will be the 18th anniversary of the District 230 Relay For Life. To date, our event has raised over 3.35 million dollars in the fight against cancer, making it the largest high school Relay For Life event in the United States! Sandburg’s Co-Curricular Student Advisory wanted to do something about the fact that many of our students do not know the school fight song. To promote school spirit, the group coordinated this fun challenge. Student leaders approached students during lunch and filmed students who were willing to try to sing the song. If the student participant knew the whole song, they were given a t-shirt. Thank You Relay For Life is the signature event of the American Cancer Society. All donations go to support their mission of helping people to stay well, get well, find cures and fight back. This is accomplished through prevention/early detection programs, direct patient services, research and advocacy work. Students still looking to take part in this year’s event can do so by registering online at: Bank Day will be on Saturday, May 2nd from 10 am -2 pm in Sandburg's PAC Foyer. District 230 community and staff members who have been affected by cancer are invited to the Survivor Dinner on May 8th at 6:30 pm in Sandburg's Grill. The District 230 School Board and Sandburg High School thank the TARGET – TAKE CHARGE OF EDUCATION PROGRAM for its support that will enhance student recognition assemblies, displays and events through a donation to support these initiatives. More information is available at Interact Club Developing An Edible Garden The Carl Sandburg Interact Club applied for and won a School Garden Grant from the Whole Kids Foundation to develop an edible garden on campus. The Sandburg Interact club works with the Orland Park Rotary to develop leaders and participate in service projects throughout the community. On Saturday May 2nd, 2015 from 9-1, the Sandburg Interact Club, members of the Orland Park Rotary, and English Department On Friday, April 17th, Sandburg High School had the honor and privilege of welcoming George Bilgere to the PAC. In addition to being the recipient of a myriad of prestigious awards and grants, including winning the Pushcart Prize--which is like the Oscar for poetry-- he is regularly featured on Garrison Keillor’s The Writer’s Almanac and Prairie Home Companion. He is a distinguished professor at John Carroll University near Cleveland, OH, and he is the host of his own weekly radio show, Wordplay. He began his visit by awarding five students with certificates for their entries in the annual spring poetry contest run by Expressions, Sandburg’s Literary Magazine. Five students entered poems that stood out among more than 75 entries. Finalists included, Moira Kelly and Brandi Biesboer, with top prizes going to Megan Horras (third), Ciara Nichols (runner up), and Allison Smith (first prize). Following the contests results, Bilgere shared anecdotes and poems with students before taking some questions from the audience. He gave a second reading the following hour followed by a 2 hour writing workshop for a select group of 30 students. The Orland Park Prairie covered the event, which involved nearly 800 students by day’s end. The seemingly effortless style, humor, and unpretentious sophistication of George Bilgere’s poetry makes it easy for students to enjoy, due in part, to his use of plain English. However, upon closer look, there is no shortage of nuance and complexity. In his poems, Bilgere possesses the ability to seamlessly weave in and out of humor and sarcasm, emotion and struggle. Bilgere’s in-person reading only further contributed to vibrancy of his poetry. Students enjoyed the experience and were most pleasantly surprised to find that poetry could be funny and sarcastic as well as beautiful and poignant. Overall, the Visiting Writer Series this year has created and developed a tradition here at Sandburg that co-founders Guelcher and Maguire hope to continue. WYSE Celebrates A Great Season Worldwide Youth in Science & Engineering (WYSE) had a successful season. The students took 1st place at Regionals taking home 13 medals. We advanced to Sectionals and had 5 winners that then went on to the State competition at U of I April 13th. Josh Reeder (CS-Junior) took 2nd place in Engineering Graphics which qualifies him for a $1000 scholarship from U of I if he chooses to pursue engineering there. We had a very competitive team this year with medals in Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Physics, Engineering Graphics and Math. some representatives from Whole foods will participate in a Blitz Build. The rain date will be Saturday May 9th, 2015 from 9-1. We will be building the planter boxes, and planting the garden in the South Courtyard. The Interact club will be in charge of taking care of the garden all summer and harvesting the crops. We will be donating the fruits and vegetables to the Orland Township food pantry. CARL SANDBURG HIGH SCHOOL 2014-2015 School Calendar Dates to Remember May 25 Memorial Day - No School 27, 28, 29 Final Exams* 29 Last Day of School* *Changed due to inclement weather days used. Subject to change if additional inclement weather days are needed. MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL ATHLETIC BOOSTERS MUSIC BOOSTERS Greetings Eagle Families and Friends, Our spring athletes are well into the season. Come on out to a game, meet or match and cheer on our Eagles! Music students are always busy in May with concerts and celebrations to wrap up the school year. This year the spring musical, “Titanic,” took place from April 29-May 2, later than usual. Congratulations to the cast, crew, pit musicians, and directors – both student and faculty – for putting on a terrific show! And around the stretch they come… Yes, the month of May brings us close to the finish line. May ushers in many events and activities that celebrate our accomplishments this year and, for our seniors, the culmination of four years of hard work and achievement. While we focus on a smooth and productive end to the school year, I take this opportunity to highlight some of the incredible ways we will spend the month of May here at Sandburg. The cast, crew, and production staff of Titanic performed brilliantly in late April and early May and should be rightfully proud of an incredible show. Everything from the amazing ocean liner set design to the compelling portrayal of historical characters by our students brought this poignant story to life for sold-out audiences who love and value musical theater. Our Music Department is preparing for events including Spring Band, Choir, and Orchestra concerts. If sports are your pleasure, we still have regular and playoff athletic contests from which to choose. We also have our various end-of-the year Award Celebrations including Senior Scholarship Night, Athletic Banquet and Awards, and Co-Curricular Banquet and Awards. Our Art Show opened on Thursday, April 30th. At each of these events, we appreciate the opportunity to honor students for their richly deserved achievements. Our Parent-Faculty-Student Association (PFSA) recognized our staff with a lovely luncheon on Monday, April 27th. I especially want to thank Susan McCurdy and Terry Dyrda for their service to the PFSA this year. They have done a wonderful job of facilitating the work of the parents in support of some of our school programs and their service and leadership on PFSA will be missed. Advanced Placement Exams begin Monday, May 4th and continue through May 15th. Traditionally, our students have done exceedingly well and we expect no less this year. To illustrate, Sandburg was named as one of America’s most challenging high schools by the Washington Post. According to the recognition criteria, which includes AP testing data, Sandburg lands in the top 8 percent of schools in Illinois. We wish our students well in this year’s efforts to earn eligibility for college credit through the College Board exams. CONSOLIDATED HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT 230 Rick Nogal, President Patrick O'Sullivan, Vice President Kathy Quilty, Secretary Susan Dalton Melissa Gracias Kate Murphy-Peterson Tony Serratore Denis Ryan (to be seated May 5, 2015) Dr. James M. Gay, Superintendent Deborah D. Baker, Principal Sandburg Pride is published by the Consolidated High School District 230 School Board. "An equal opportunity employer" Almost simultaneously during the second week of AP exams, our seniors will launch into their final semester exam schedule. These tests are part of the evaluation process and do affect each senior’s final grade and transcript. The old adage that “it’s not over till the fat lady sings” holds true - even for our seniors. We all hope members of the Class of 2015 continue to do their academic best right up until the end, which for seniors is May 15th. Details for Graduation 2015 are included in a mailing that all senior families should have received in early April. Please reference that resource for questions related to senior check-out, senior exam schedule, graduation parking, and a host of other information. The packet is also posted to our website. Our Graduation ceremony certainly honors our seniors, but it is a terrific event in honor of our parents who have sacrificed and been a steady influence in the life of their son or daughter. Every student at Sandburg completes their journey at this school because of the care and support parents provide on a daily basis. To the parents of our graduating seniors, I say thank you for your evident commitment and love in the raising of your child. Because of the snow and cold days, Underclassmen Exams begin on Wednesday, May 27th and end on Friday, May 29th. As I indicated in the above paragraph, these examinations contribute to the final grade of each student – the grade that is entered onto a student’s transcript. Our students, hopefully, will take advantage of period 2 intervention time and evening study sessions held by various teachers to best prepare for these culminating exams. Memorial Day toward the end of May is our country’s annual remembrance of those American service men and women who have died in service to our country. It is a wonderful opportunity to recall the many opportunities and blessings we have inherited because of those who lost their lives in defense of our freedoms. May we always be grateful for their sacrifice and honor their memory. Best wishes and Go Eagles! Printed on Recycled Paper 30% Total Recycled Fiber (708) 671-3100 | Deborah D. Baker Principal All TEAMS are doing extremely well as they head into the state playoffs! The following are some of the accomplishments made this year by the Athletic Booster Club. ● $20,000 Scholarships Awarded to Student Athletes at Senior Scholarship Night ● $80,000 + Donation to CSHS Athletic Department for Athletic Programs ● $10,000 Patches and Chevrons Purchased for Student Athletes The last Booster Club meeting of the year is scheduled for Wednesday, May 13, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. in E113-E115. Please join us! The 2015-2016 Athletic Booster Board will be: President, Mike Probasco, 1st Vice President, Kathy Smith, 2nd Vice President Jim Parthemore Treasurer, TBA, and Secretary, Michelle Gleisner. I would like to thank all the Sport Reps and Board Members for all their support this past year. Your hard work made this another great year in school history. The donations this club continues to make to CSHS are incredible! I especially want to thank Gary Wojtczak, outgoing Treasurer, for his past six years of service to the Board. Gary has done an outstanding job through his dedication, commitment, and countless hours of work for our school and community!! Gary has always put the kids first in any decision he has made. Carl Sandburg High School, the Booster Club and most important, the kids are losing a great leader as Gary retires from his position. Gary was a fellow member of our club and more important a great friend! Good luck Gary in your future. A full slate of spring concerts is scheduled in the Performing Arts Center. The Spring Band Concert is May 6. The Spring Choral Concert is May 12, featuring senior soloists Colleen Bruton, Alex Kickert, Kevin Lipuma, and Haley Reks. On May 14 the Orchestra will hold its Spring Concert with senior soloists Patrick Bieszke on violin and Conal McNamara on horn. Colleen Williams also deserves recognition for her brilliant viola solo at the March concert. Many thanks to Maestro David Danzmayr, Music Director of the Illinois Philharmonic Orchestra, for generously donating time April 28 to prepare Sandburg’s full Symphonic Orchestra. The concert season wraps up on May 22 with A Cappella Night in the PAC foyer. Along with Chamber Singers, Eloquence, and Accidentals, Michelle Kulovitz will perform as senior soloist. Summer camp scholarship forms are due in early May for current freshmen, sophomores, and juniors. Scholarships will be presented at the Music Department Banquet on May 17. Look for more information to come about the banquet, which will be held at Palos Country Club. At dinner, the music directors will recognize student accomplishments, and then the floor is open for dancing! Auditions for next year’s Marching Eagles were held in April, and students begin rehearsing May 11 for the Orland Days Parade on May 31. Please join us for the last Music Boosters meeting of the year on May 20, the day after graduation. Thanks to all who supported our spring flower sale! We hope to make this a tradition. PFSA We invite you to our last PFSA meeting of the year to be held on Tuesday, May 5, 2015. You will not want to miss the opportunity to hear the “State of Sandburg” from our PRINCIPAL, MRS. DEBORAH BAKER, at 6:30 pm, followed by our regular meeting at 7:00 pm in the Community Room. In addition to elections, we will be allocating additional funds toward 'wish list' items that benefit the entire Sandburg community. Thanks to all of our parents of Seniors who have dedicated many hours to assuring the success of PFSA for the past 4 (or more) years. This is one of the most important meetings of the year, please join us and share your input. SENIOR SCHOLARSHIPS: Congratulations to our 10 seniors who each received a $1,000 scholarship. BOARD and COMMITTEE POSITIONS are open for the 2015-2016 school year. Being involved is a great way to be connected with your child and the Sandburg community. Your leadership will make a difference; find a position for you to share your talents. For a list and brief description of all positions, check out the website at Please do not hesitate to contact Susan McCurdy at with any questions. Elections will be held on Tuesday, May 5, 2015. SPIRIT WEAR: Thanks for your support of our spirit wear sales this year. We are excited to start the process of preparing our designs and items that will be offered for the 2015-16 school year. Suggestions are welcome or if you are interested in being a part of that committee, please email Kim and Laurie at: PFSA MEMBERSHIP: Please remember to submit your $10 membership for 2015-16 at the time you complete your on-line registration during the summer. VOLUNTEERS: Thanks to all the volunteers who provided their time and/or side dishes and desserts for the Staff Appreciation Luncheon on April 27th for our dedicated staff members of Sandburg. A special thank you to Colleen Panega for coordinating this event. Also, we appreciate the volunteers that assisted in selling Prom tickets. “Follow” us - @SandburgPFSA, “Like” us, and check out our website at for all of Sandburg’s PFSA information as well as what is happening in the Sandburg community. PRESORTED STANDARD U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 11 ORLAND PARK CA R L S A N D B U R G H I G H S C H O O L 13300 S. LaGrange Road Orland Park, IL 60462 (708) 671-3100 C A R L S A N D B U R G H I G H S C H O O L N E W S L E T T E R • M AY 2 0 1 5 What’S ahead at Sandburg may 2015 Senior Scholarship night Monday, May 4th - 7:00 pm Graduation Tuesday, May 19th - 7:00 pm imPOrTAnT dATES Wednesday, May 6th - Spring Band Concert - 7:00 pm Friday, May 8th - Relay for Life - 6:00 pm Tuesday - Friday, May 12th-15th - Senior Exams Tuesday, May 12th - Spring Choir Concert - 7:00 pm Thursday, May 14th - Spring Orchestra Concert - 7:00 pm Saturday, May 16th - Party 2015 - 7:00 pm Wednesday - Friday, May 27th-29th - Final Exams Event Calendar Link GuidAnCE Free College Planning resource - Financial Fit Link Guidance Link dEAdLinES College Financial Aid - (FAFSA) Class of 2015 begins January 1st, 2015. Awards made until funds are depleted or June 30th. FAFSA Link SAndburG LinkS Athletics Guidance Sandburg Website *Live links found at Sandburg Facebook Sandburg Twitter Event Calendar Link TOP 1% The individuals pictured on our cover this month represent the highest level of academic achievement in our school and are recognized as the top 1% of the Class of 2015. Pictured: Natalie Zielinski, Robert Maxfield, Ian Kranz, Christina Shehata, Anna Girlich, Carma Azhar, Drashti Upadhyay, John Calzaretta A CONSOLIDATED HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT 230 SCHOOL THOuGHT MEANING ACTION
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